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Independent convictions at home. How to define and find out the outcrop: accurate and easy way

Love magic is used quite often. There are certain signs for which it can be noted that a person close to you was kept. There is nothing terrible in this. Almost anyone magic Love You can remove with the opposite ritual. If the mother noticed that they were brought to her son or wife, which was brought to her husband, it can always be fixed. How to shoot a perpetuation with a man?

How is the spell on the psyche?

If you wondered how to take off the perch with a son or a close man, you first need to make sure that it is indeed under the interaction of magic. To understand this, it is important to figure out what a love magic spell and how a person behaves under it.

A love magic spell is an energy impact on a person. At the same time, the magical action is as if the will of the customer is imposed. He seems to be starting to want the same thing that the customer himself wants. But at the same time, the true Will of Man still enters the conflict with imposed desires. From such an intrapersonal conflict, a person seriously looses a psyche. The stronger the imposed desire is in contradiction with the true desires of the victim, the stronger this conflict. I must say that from this and the spell becomes more black.

But, if with the help of a person in a person, the true desires in relation to the customer only intensified, then it is rather a white spell. For example, a man was very shy of his desire to be with a concrete woman, forbidden it. She stored him and his true desire Activated.

Of course, the mother is very unpleasant to see if her son was brought in black. But in this case you can always remove the spell right at home. Suitable similar recipes and for a wife who sees that they brought her own husband.

Signs of a wary man

Here are the signs for which you can determine that a person close to you was kept:

  1. You noticed that your loved one became extremely changed in the mood. He is emotionally routing. He is thrown out of joy in the mountain, and it can be seen that the person himself suffers from this. At the same time, external objective reasons that could not withdraw a person from themselves.
  2. An obvious sign that someone brought her husband or son alone in black is that he hit some of the dependencies. These can be playing machines, alcohol, drugs.
  3. It will be clear for my wife that her husband was kept if he was torn between two houses. Between the house, where she lives and the house of the mistress. He, then comes, then goes, can not decide. It is very extincting emotionally both the person and women who participate in this situation.
  4. A woman when communicating with a man sometimes and intuitively feels that he was stuck. Then it is worth thinking how to remove black beads.

But, in the same home conditions, you can independently remove the spell, even if the strength is black. Consider the most efficient and simple ways Remove the action of Privota

Removing the love spearance of prayers

If it was reproduced into the effect of black ligament, then it can be removed by prayers. This is the easiest, but very effective method. To strengthen the effect of prayers, you can supplement them with whispers in front of the church.

You need to go to the church for 21 one day to remove the love spell. Each time in front of the entrance to the church, before turning out to pronounce this whisper:

"People from you send the Slave of God (the name of the Son, the husband, whom they were kept), I clean you for yourself."

After turn around. Come to the church. All you need to do is put a candle for the health of a wary man. Do not need to think a mistress or ungrateful daughter in this moment. Do not put a negative for a mistress in church limit. Not. Your task to defeat the evil with the help of good, and not harm the customer. You need to pour your loved one. To remove the black lifting, it is simply necessary to represent a loved one in full health during prayer.

Removing the love spell with Voodoo doll

At home, you can spend a ritual for the removal of love spell and such. You will need a photo with an affected lady, Voodoo doll, a red rose with spikes, church candle.

Stay alone with yourself so that none of your home can prevent you. Be sure to be disabled all the electrical appliances that are in the room before holding the ritual. Lighted the room not only from people, but also from domestic animals.

Light church candle. Voodoo doll needs to be done in advance. Just from a piece of plasticine blind man's figure. Put a doll by voodoo, a rose, a photo of a woman who, what do you think, made a black love spell.

First, just close your eyes and edit on your loved one, remember it again. Imagine it before the love magic ritual was convicted. Then take a photo of my mistress, look carefully at him. Consider her image in the smallest details. You need to imagine that she is free from painful feelings to your beloved person.

After that, take a voodoo doll, put a photo on it, put a rose with spikes on top so that they pierce the photo and doll. After close your eyes and say the following text:

"You thought without him you can not, I thought it would not work without it, but you didn't know my strength. He was storming him. You became less, it became more in your life. Turn yourself to yourself. Love take, invert. Dependence we remove you, you are happy and free. I free me, you free it, you will free yourself. "

After that, put the design of the flower, photos and dolls of Voodoo to the corner of the house, where no one can see it. This evening you can no longer talk to anyone. Best, immediately go to bed after the ritual.

This is a very powerful ritual that will start to act immediately after the flower becomes. The design can be thrown out in about two weeks. This ritual is good because you do not answer the black spell on a black spell. For removal, you use the ritual of liberation from the painful feelings of all who participate in the unhealthy situation. Even if after once you do not remove the actual action, its power will still weaken. It can be spent several times to finally deliver a loved one from the action of the privilege.

Lapel on a tree

Here is another simple, but effective all-tree on the tree. If you want to be a man's husband from a mistress or son from a disadvantaged girl, then choose a tree near my house male. That is, it can be oak, maple, poplar.

Go to this tree in the lunar evening, be sure to select a period when the moon will decrease. You need to hug a tree and say such a text:

"They spoke, swam you, not to move you to the slave of God (the name of the man) as this tree. You can not get rid of the spell on your own, you are as rooted. And let's cute, let's give those chalknitsa woods to this. It and so in the ground, it is so conspired. Take away the tree insemination of the servant of God (the name of the man) on yourself, from us thanks to you, yes watering timely. There are only free love, only by will own. "

After you read this text for some time waiting, hugging a tree. You can even feel like the whole negative tree takes. It will also take the power of the infertility if you asked for this sincerely. You can stand at the tree as much as you need. Then go home. The likelihood is that this night you will dream of a dream that will facilitate your soul. Using sleep, heavy feelings will come out about this situation.

  • A clear sign that the lamp worked, it will also be that previously awesome will allow the complex situation. He will openly announce this entire family.
  • Thus, at home you can independently solve a difficult magical situation. Now you know how to remove black mood.

    If it is desirable as a result of obtaining a weakening of attachment to a person, such a marriage refers to white. Black rituals - when they are held with malice in the heart. When conducting a white ritual, the consciousness of man does not suffer, and affection decreases.

    Couples separated by magic influence do not even save friendly relationship - Magic destroys everything. An important condition - the ritual is carried out alone and can not be dedicated to anyone. Lapel is a violent intervention in human life, after a person gets rid of someone's attachment or forget someone himself, heavier fateful blows can be expected.


    For any appeal to magic, it is required to pay - it has a long-haired memory and, if the first case is ready to take revenge. It will be necessary for the fee for what occurred in the plans marked by heaven. For the magic rituals, a regular fee:

    • worsen health - renew chronic diseases And new ones arise;
    • weakness, apathy, depression;
    • most, unemployment, business loss.

    None of the most skilled magician will not be able to determine what vital sphere will hit the inverse magic wave. A man who commenced by a man from a woman who resorts to the magical rites of the woman from a woman should not immediately start with black rituals.

    Happy families often become envy. There are rivals, ready to take the place of your beloved wife. Only by creating a new relationship with the help of magic, it begins to understand, on the misfortune of another person - it is impossible to build happiness. To avoid breaking family relationships, women are often resorted to the rituals of the obsession from the rival, which enhances the action on which decreasing the moon phase. Magic Rules need to be carried out unquestionably and strictly. If in the description of the magic ritual it is said, some action to perform 40 times, it is necessary to spend strength and time and clearly fulfill the ritual. Otherwise, the expected result will never come. Patience and faith in success should be compulsory satellites.

    When deciding to hold the rite of the obsession, it is necessary to show courage and not be afraid of the tests. The easiest ritual of men's challenge from a woman has negative consequences. Magical laws of severe - part of the negative will get a woman who takes a lapse, even if the ritual is performed with good thoughts.

    It should be remembered - with the help of magical rituals, they are returned only, taken from the family not by their own will. Never get a good result if family relationships Formal, and to another woman a man is experiencing real feelings.

    Many nations apply overtaking rites, the witchcraft books give answers, what is a lapse and what attributes are needed for rituals. Some practices spend on a large distancewithout using the personal objects of the object, apply a lapse from the mistress by different methods.

    The county rite fulfilled without errors begins to act quickly and efficiently. The execution of the rite requires the ability to concentrate and visualize.

    For the ritual, the obsession is important - in what place the ritual, the execution time required by the attributes is carried out.

    Before deciding to carry out challenge and not make a lot of mistakes, experts recommend:

    1. Getting started with magical actions, it is necessary to have pure thoughts. You should not get to the grade, wanting to take revenge. Act with angrily in the soul - harvest a man and yourself;
    2. It is necessary to clearly represent - the consequences of the result obtained, not always return everything back seems possible;
    3. You can not destroy someone family, turn your husband from my wife. The happiness of a woman who committed a ritual will be ghostly - the payback will be painful;
    4. Magic rituals will not tolerate the fuss - the necessary items are prepared in advance;
    5. When conducting a ritual, clothes should not contain bright elements, preference is given to black color;
    6. Before holding a rite of 7-10 days, you must adhere to the post, control negative emotions and evil thoughts, not to communicate with people who causing negative;
    7. It is necessary to realize the challenge is not enough - you need to be able to restore relations with a man, otherwise the next rival may appear.

    Candle Lapel

    For the ritual you need to take a candle purple color And a small sheet of paper. It is written on it and cuts into 2 parts, the names should remain on different parts. Then, in turn, the parts are folded with the names and are burned on the flame of the candle separately, the words are pronounced:

    "Gori, my candle, burn, the passion of lovers will burn. You are the dust of them to take them, and I will give my love. "

    Conspiracy is pronounced 13 times. The ashes dispelled in the wind, then the hands are thoroughly clean. A few days later, the lovers begin the first swelling.

    Ritual with the use of ordinary pins

    To carry out this challenge should be prepared:

    • candles of church from wax;
    • common pin;
    • glue for metal.

    A pin is split over the burning church candles. Then it should be glued at the door at the entrance on the wall, the words are pronounced at 3 times:

    "You, the servant of God (the name of the man) called, now you are all my, and the slave of God (the name of the woman from which you need to turn it out) will throw only the indifference to her you will experience"

    The pin remains glued at the door of 20 days, during this time, the beloved man will cool down to the rival and return home.


    Magical rituals using blood have a powerful impact. For such actions, a certain courage is required, you should cook:

    • photo rival;
    • long black thread;
    • sharp and thin needle;
    • own blood.

    In the ceramic dishes squeeze a few drops of their own blood, then put a long thread to put there for 5 minutes. Then the thread, impregnated with blood, is put on the photo of the rival, turn the tube and tied up with the remaining thread. A long needle is pushed by a scroll necessarily in the middle and places in the dishes with blood at the same time three times the words are too different:

    "My man (chosen name) I will not give you. Forget about it forever and never. "

    All items used for the ritual are burned. The needle is buried to the ground away from home, preferably on the shore of the water.

    Water Lapel

    Powerful water energy has the strongest influence on fair sex representatives. During the new moon or full moon after midnight it is necessary to dial in natural source pure water In the glass container at the same time a conspiracy slowly:

    "One, the servant of God (the name of the man) will go left. The second, the servant of God (the name of the woman from which you need to turn around) will turn right. They will break out and will never meet anymore. May it be so!"

    After the driver, which you started, you need to send your partner and rival, the water is recommended to be a secret metallone to drink. The main condition - they should not guide about it.

    River sand

    Another method, with the help of a sand, which should be taken from both banks of the river. At 24 hours on the river bank, the pess of sand from one hand to another, visualizing a man along with a deliberate, pronouncing words:

    Sleeping river sand And magic words are pronounced while there will be no single sand in the hands.

    How to unscrew a man from ourselves

    To carry out such a ritual follows:

    At night, you need to recruit cemetery grounds necessarily in the clay container;

    In the home atmosphere, a container with earth and a glass of red wine is put in the center of the table. It is lit up 5 wax candles from wax. Sharp knife It should be started to stir the wine, saying a plot:

    The wine glass is left in the tank filled with the earth, and the room is leaving. After 2 hours, the conspiracy wine is ready, you can pick it up. Within 3 days, this drink should have a male - the object of the weagle, the action of the weagle is felt almost immediately.

    Uncomplicated marriage

    To carry out the ritual, you will need a photograph of the obsession that needs to be forgotten if not possible on paper to write his name. The photo is torn on very small pieces, and paper is burned. Then mixed with another home garbage and is taken out to the garbagers. Throwing it slowly, pronounce the text:

    "Sray leaves home, and you (name) leave my memory."

    The witnesses of the ritual should not be, otherwise the lapse will not start acting, and the neighbors will wipe on his back.

    Photo rituals

    Each photo retains the energy shown by a person, it will help to influence magical rituals to actions. Experts advise carefully applies to personal photographs so that they do not become instruments, with the help of which the human consciousness will be influenced. By photography, a person can manipulate differently: to heal, kill, bewitch, fall in love.

    Conduct the rite of turning on the photo is easy. The impact of this ritual occurs immediately on the aura. The man comes frustration in the beauty and spiritual qualities of the rival. Her presence becomes a factor of disgust. Relationships become painful, dislike Love.

    Salt with salt

    The subconscious effect of taste and smell on mutual sympathy of people is known for a long time. Thanks to the witchcraft rite, you can make a lapse from a woman using salt. All contacts with it will be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, after a short time they will make relations unacceptable.

    A lot of salts are spooking into a container with water, water should be salt. With a lit candle, they pronounce the following conspiracy:

    Conspiracy is pronounced 12 times, each time the mission paints a pentagram (five-beam star). Then the photo of the men is left in water tanks, which covers it completely. The photo should be in water until dawn. In the morning it should be pulled out, dry and hide behind the mirror.

    How to spend a strong lapse at home

    For the ritual, you will need:

    • a deck of cards, which is important to buy a new one;
    • the photo;
    • tablecloth, also purchased for rite;
    • black candle.

    On the table, a black candle is lit on the table and a conspiracy is pronounced:

    Then the cards are taken, the deck is shuffled and 9 peaks come out with the words:

    In a photo, a disgraced person, a drop of black wax is attached 9 peak. Put a photo of the rest of the cards, the candle should burn to the end. By the morning, all attributes together with a candle spark are buried under the tree, saying:

    "Rail (name) and (name) forever."

    Black strong marrow

    With a decreasing phase of the moon, it is necessary to buy a chicken leg in the bazaar (an important condition - not to take the surrender). Flowing water is poured into the metallic pelvis. With the light of a lit black candle taken right hand Chicken foot, and water should be left left with words:

    The plot is pronounced 13 times, while having a burning dislike at the woman. The chicken paw is then important to give someone else's dog, and the water used in the ritual is poured under the door of the rival. Not later than 3 days, there is a spill. 13 coins are taken and 0.5 liters of vodka (buy before it). It is left at the crossroads and go home, without looking around and without communicating with anyone.

    Magic rituals are held with the strict execution of all rules, they have an action on a man's aura. For protection against the consequences, amuses are made by amulets or refers to the crossroads Special spock using coins. Magical rituals aimed at humans are in most cases the consequences of a negative nature. Before spending a ritual, it is necessary to think about their actions with full responsibility and the need to appeal to magic. Maybe the reality dictates other ways to solve the problem.

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    Night beauty will help fill the aura of beneficial energy. After all, during this period, the whole earth is filled with universal energy, it means that your patient will easier tolerate the "Aure Operation".

    This rule is generally universally. But this case is special.

    You directly enter the open fight with the will of another mage (applied a spell). Oh neither cool, but you need to be stronger and more confident to win.

    It is also desirable to experience purely human love for your customer. That is, sorry for this person and sincerely wish him happiness.

    It will strengthen your magical abilities.

    There is a very interesting and even useful rite.

    1. Buy an apple tree seedling or, for example, lilac. In principle, the tree can be any.
      • Focus on the ground, because Your further relationship will depend on his vitality. That is, that which is good and is well developing in your area, then take it.
    2. Plant a seedling with a prayer. Contact your heavenly patron. Request help and blessing.
    3. After, for seven days, take the horses of the earth from under your sore, bring home.
    4. Read the plot and fold into the pot.

    "My Savior, the Cross tormented, the crown of the crowned. Earth he is a defender, soul - Lord. Pushing my longing - sadness, let it run around the earth, distance. Full the longing of cute in the arms of another. Take it. There is always him with me. Do not spin under your feet, you are in vain in our lives of pleasure. Let the rainbits do not bother. Cute with her thanks for me. While the vivid tree is mine, not to be together the Lord slaves (names). I will not give my own! Amen!"

    The land in the pot should be placed under the bed of wary. If he does not sleep at home, then his photo is right to put on the ground.

    And do not throw out the land until he returns, forgotten about the deliberate.

    And you take care of the tree. It will become yours from misfortunes.

    Little Guy, Men, Husband

    The rite described above is suitable for margins of both sexes. But there are those that only women can make.

    So a marriage with an awesome man remove wine.

    You know that such a ritual is very strong. It is so easy to remove from the aura.

    1. For the rite you need to buy a bottle of red wine in a female day.
    2. Open it.
    3. Pour in a saucepan.
    4. Add a little bit of red and black pepper ("on the tip of the knife"). Just do not rush.
    5. When you become add, you need to read a plot for each ingredient.
    6. Throw back there:
    • salts
    • sahara,
    • paul tea spoons of honey.
    1. Fire make a slow, so as not quickly boiled.
    2. When the first bubble rises, turn off so much.
    3. This wine should be fascinated.

    He himself must have everything up to drink, no one do not give anyone.

    Time value has no. Let everything immediately drink or slowly pour him. Wine will not lose their strength.


    "The blood of Christ is mocking the shackles. Where she flowed, there is no place there and his bride. Lord Slave (the name of the awesome) liberate. All evil his lovedire return. Blood to blood, wine to wine! Amen!"

    Even skeptics ceased to deny that on a person, his informational, emotional field can be influenced, purposefully achieving the desired effect. Suggestion, neurolinguistic coding, Love spell, damage - the information program introduced into the subconscious, can be called as you please.

    The essence remains one - the person becomes manageable, as if he is deprived of will. It can notice traces of influence rendered on a beloved person, any woman, if this person is not indifferent to her.

    It is impossible to panic, it is difficult to break into the mind and feelings, because resistance to common sense laid in the Program.

    Help can offer fortunewriting and witch. Having knowledge, will and the desire to save the beloved, it is quite possible to overcome the deliberate if a woman is confident in his feelings and his.


    Not so much in our time of people possessing truly strong abilitiesto the deputy and witchcraft.

    Often for magic rites A palate is taken or at all amateurs, unable to put protection or see the consequences of the ritual, to recognize damage. That is why the science invested in our grandmothers, the most correctly will be able to protect against any Energy attack.

    The husband or beloved person suddenly became completely strangers, he was stopped interested in children, business at work and at home, joint walks and trips, he dwells in a suspended state and everything around him is not cute.

    It is likely that his overtook age crisiswhen rethinking life valuesAnd will soon return to the circles. But if a woman notices quite definite signs of love spell, it is worth starting the struggle.

    • The man began to behave aggressivelyHe is annoyed by touching and even addressed to him.
    • Abuse of alcohol drinks (Attempting the subconscious to get rid of an alien program introduced into it, aimed at weakening will and submission) began to notice family members and close people.
    • Diseases Suddenly, as if they attacked the family, and they could be insignificant, but following each other, take the last forces.
    • He often mentions the name of a woman who suddenly became an ideal for him, leads to an example of her words and actions, almost without hiding feelings, is not able to perceive any criticism in her address. Neither from anyone, even from friends.
    • Attempts to talk cause irritation And even greater suspension, although before in the family it was not accepted to hide the problems, resentment.

    Check, is there a love spell, it is possible not only from specializing in this magicians, but also at home, on their own.

    • Feeding tea coffee, any other drink, add to it consecrated watertaken in the temple. If a man cannot drink it, declaring that it is too cold, hot, sweets, or the opposite, most likely, there is a negative impact on it.
    • In the church put Candles in health to all family members. If the husband's candle starts to challenge, "shoot", flickering, will get out, it can also talk about someone else's intervention in the information field of a man.
    • Essay from thread Or yarn (the material should be natural - wool, flax, cotton) rope, make a small loop from it and put on the floor, to the place where the first thing lowers her husband in the morning. If a man stuffed, fell, got angry, noticing a "trap", the spell can take place. But if I did not notice or laughed, you should forget about fears.

    A loving woman who lived with a man not one year, can cope with the rival, even endowed magic power Or called for Magic to help. After all, B. the moment of implementation of the program subordination was damaged not only energy defense Men, but also those who have affected, asked about it.

    If everything points to a love spell, there is faith in feelings that simply supputed strong intervention, you can try to shoot a love spell without hurting neither a man.


    Prayer always helpsthose who sincerely believes. The church does not recognize witchcraft and everything that is connected with it, so no rites in the temple should be held. If a woman has a confessor, you need to seek help to it.

    Believers did not stick to talk about a spell, but any priest will tell someone from the saints to pray for the preservation of peace in the family. Women put candles and ask for help from the Holy Mother of God, the patroness of the family hearth, his angel is the keeper Holy, whose name was given when baptized.

    At any time, when it becomes not necessary, you need to read "our own", pray for forgiveness, from prayer repentance to start and make it day. And never need to shoot native CrossIt is desirable that the husband wore his constantly.

    By photo

    White threads, candles from the church and a picture of a man, made after the love spell - all this will be needed to remove the effects of the photo. On Monday lunch, you need to stay alone at the table with a snapshot and a lit candle.

    • You need to look carefully in the flame for 5 minutes.
    • Then take in the hands of the photo, tightly and gently wrap its thread, Reading plot: "Black cobweb omitted you, (name), I am a save, I am defense, you will listen only to my heart. White thread freedom will give, white thread enemy offend will not give. Amen"
    • To break the thread, put in the house of the awesome, removing from the eyes.
    • Put a picture in a dark and very cold place (the refrigerator freezer is suitable or a closed box on the balcony, in the barn, if the rite is made in winter).

    Magical impact It should break through for 7 to 10 days. The snapshot then you also need to take place in a secluded place.


    Pour 2-3 salt sinks on a hot pan, reading 7 times:

    "Like salt of Clea and the soul, let it be cleaned, all someone else will revive, in the ohwow cannue, with sins, damages and implies. Pick, salt, all dirt, carrying into the sea - the oceans, so that no one suffers. Amen"

    Hot saltpurple on the dish, put it on a picture of a man, read the conspiracy again. 3 times read late in the evening.

    On the night of the photo put in salt, pour out the same salt and 7 days to read a plot in the morning and in the evening. On the eighth day, to throw salt, so that no one has found, for example, in street toilet Or toilet. And the photo is hidden, but stored.

    On distance

    Take a good land on the field, dial into the bag, mix with salt - 3 big spoons, tie. In 24 hours to unleash Sparging words:

    "How the wind flies freely, from the field on the field, from the sea to the sea, and you will be free, for anyone chain ps dont go. Fly away, sadness - the crash, to the one that sent you, fly away, from where it came from. Amen".

    Retrieving again, go out with a bag into the street, go through 100 steps to the side where the wind blows, read three times "our own", cross 3 times. Home ground put under the bed. In the morning you need to wait, when a beloved will be held (he should not see a woman) and quit the land. After turning out 3 times and leave, without looking around, not healthy and not talking to anyone.

    It is worth remembering that illiterately made peaches and discharges are capable and harming, so it's best to contact those who know how to eliminate the consequences of the attitude.

    If love spells are used to cause mutual feelings and retaliatory love, then conclusions are applied to destroy the existing relationships and the loving relationship between a man and a woman.

    Clear conspiracies are magical rites and rituals that have strong potential. The impact of a properly selected such ritual will help achieve the necessary results in the most short time.

    As a rule, conspiracies on the oscree are used in two cases:

    1. you want to part with a person who negatively affects you, but you cannot do it yourself;
    2. you want to be together with a person who has a second half.

    With the first situation everything is clear and simple. The lapse can be conducted independently: as a result, you will become an absolutely indifferent person, from whom they were crazy.

    With the second situation, everything is more complicated. Revolutionary conspiracies can be used if the man started his mistress or in the case when the pair knowingly doomed to the collapse. The result of such obsolets should be one - you will make a happy and man and a woman.

    Consequences of challenge

    It is believed that the turnorive plot does not bear any negative consequences. In principle, this is true. But only in the case when used for benefit. Let's say you live unfortunately long years Husband with his wife, whose marriage is kept on joint property and shared children.

    None of them would have decided to terminate such a union on their own. In this case, turnoring conspiracies will help to make each of this couple happy, giving a chance to meet a loved one.

    If the goal is revenge, the consequences will affect the negative way both on the pair and on the performer itself or the customer of the rite. In this case, the lapse is carried out to destroy the happy family and will make unhappy both beloved. In this case, the consequences can be the most diverse.

    Health problems may arise in general, diseases of gynecology, problems with conception or permanent feeling of anxiety. These are just some examples. side EffectsWhen the outstand does not pursue noble goals. A strong rite, made with errors or damage, can most adversely affect the artist.

    This ceremony may be used in two situations:

    1. when a man is deeply unhappy with a woman and to care, he lacks decisiveness;
    2. when a magical conspiracy was used to attract men.

    Conspiracy on the oscillate suggests you have a man's hair. It will be enough for several hairs, it is important that they are "fresh." A freshly cut or fresh-free hair stores the entire energy of a man and is the strongest manipulator. It is desirable that the hair is used during the day after separated from a person. Also need one fine church candle. At midnight, the candle is lit and hair is lit.

    At this point, words are read:

    "Pain, all bad weather and bad thoughts on fire I burn,
    The servant of God (name) from the burden to liberate him.
    Smoke will go all the feelings and witchcraft, on the forest and let's release everything on the field! "

    "Water pure and cold, troubles and troubles take, misfortunes are all solvent,
    And the servant of God (the name of the man) from the slaves of God (the name of the rival) is free.
    Free it, and happiness bless.
    It will never otherwise. "

    The ashes of the hair should be pouring this water and leave until the morning. And at dawn, water with ashes is poured under the nearest tree.

    This island is very strong ritual, the first results of which will be noticeable after a few weeks.

    Conspiracy to the brief

    Conspiracy to the brief will help to settle the hostility and problems in the relationship of men and women. This lapse implies the use of several components: coils of black threads, needles (seven pieces) and bodies.

    At night you need to go to the forest or on the wasteland. In urban conditions, it may be a park or square, where there are trees and shrubs. Standing under the tree, you need to stand the ears with impositions from all the needles and put in a pre-dug hole. A coil with threads are placed in the same hole, in which the remains of the needles are stuck. Snack bursts.

    "There is a quarrel so to be.
    And when the ears to the needles will grow up, then the slaves of God (the name of the man and your rival) will come up.
    Yes, there will be only so. "

    Conspiracy of this type will help not just embroil two people, but will be a hindrance for reconciliation. As a rule, acting lasts in a few days, the most extreme case - in two weeks.

    Lapel in the photo

    Quite often, photographs and conspiracies are used in magical rituals - no exception. This is explained by the establishment of energy communication with the object of informative on the means of visualization.

    For challenge, you will need a joint snapshot of your beloved and rival. Only two should be depicted in the photo, the presence of other people or animals is prohibited. Crop or tear off unnecessary snapshot fragments are strictly prohibited.

    Late in the evening at the light of the candles, it is necessary to neatly break the photo card in half. Make so that the man and the woman will come in two different parts of the photo. Part of the photo where the woman is depicted, you need to break into small pieces. Thoughts at this point should be concentrated on maliciousness and dislike for this woman. While the snapshot is revealed, you need to read the words of challenge:

    "I tear you and all ties with the slave of God (name) kill.
    Do not love you each other, do not be together.
    Swear and quarrel will only be, there will be no peaceful life! "

    The remains of the photo need to be placed in a clay bowl and burn with the words:

    "Love your love burns.
    As the ashes will dispel, so we separated.
    Everything will be as I want.
    I share, separating the slaves of God (their names) forever! "

    The ashes need to be thrown into the window. At this Razorka Conspiracy is considered completed. This rite is very strong and acting almost immediately after execution. Unlike other rites on the cold, conspiracies with photography are different big powers and effectiveness.

    If you find a joint photo is not possible, then a blank paper is used with names written on it. However, the performance of the challenge may decrease slightly.

    The effectiveness of obstacles

    Conspiracy on quarrels and breeding are considered very effective method To cause a man of negative thoughts against a woman. They help to settle the disorder and quarrels in the family or finally spoil the relationship. The strong effect is achieved in the case when a man and a woman really are unhappy without your intervention.

    Using turnsor conspiracies, each of them will become free and can seek real happiness and love. However, if you use such magic in relation sturdy family from mutual loveThe results can be opposite. In addition, the negative consequences of the rite in this case is not insured.