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How best to get rid of any fears. Development factors are. How to get rid of fear from a child

Today we will talk about phobiawhich sometimes prevent our life, as well as how to get rid of obsessive fear.

Fears are a serious obstacle in achieving success. Often, people who can escape can stop, as they are not enough. Another frequent problem that falls on the way to success is lazy. People do not know and sometimes do not even realize that the reason for their failures is that they work little.

Many people suffer obsessive fears. And this is no doubt - another brake in achieving success. However, if a person has certain fears - this does not mean that he cannot achieve success. Phobia There are different nature and intensity. With some fears, you can easily get along, while others can even affect the quality of life right up to mental disorders. But few know that there is even such an unusual phobia as people are subconsciously afraid to succeed in one or another endeavor, so they prefer to inactivate. Even this is called an impostor syndrome.

In childhood, we are not afraid. But over time, the experience comes, which teaches to be afraid electrical outlet, hot plate and so on. Sometimes with us may adventrate as a child that it is very much fixed in our head in the form of a new fear. Fears are useful (help us survive). But there are also fears that can interfere with his career and life. Too strong fears of pinyato call phobias.

On the english language Fear is indicated by the word FEAR. The word phobia comes from the Greek Phobos and is essentially translated as fear. Consider the most common fears and talk about how to get rid of phobias.

Top 10 most common phobias

1. Eramophobia - From Greek Eremos (deserted) - the fear of desertless places and fear to stay alone. This fear is called monophobia, autophobia, anuptafobia, isolophobia and eremifobia. Approximately every fifth person in Russia is afraid of loneliness to one degree or another, and every third is rather afraid. Each second of the respondents thinks about loneliness.

2. Tanatofobia From the Greek Thanatos (death) - fear of death. This species Phobia can manifest in different ways. For example, in excessive alarm behind loved ones. There is also a fear of corpses and funeral attributes - necrofobi (from Greek. Nekros is dead). There is also an unusual phobia - this is the fear of being buried alive - Tafafobia (Taphe - from Greek. Funeral).

3. Pteromerkhanofobia - This is the fear of flights on the plane. I do not hide, I myself am afraid to fly by plane. Although never flew on it. Statistics says that the flight on the plane is considerably safer than the trip by car. But people are still much stronger than afraid to crash on the plane than to get into the car accident. Studies show that every fifth interfere with very large stress in flights due to fear of aircraft. Terrorists with their terrorist attacks only pour oil into the fire.

4. Many in childhood suffered nOPOBIA (from Greek Nyktos - Night). The fear of the dark and night is a frequent phenomenon even among adults. Also this fear is called scotophobia (Skotos - translates as darkness from Greek). Also occurs the term achlofobia. As a rule, in adulthood, the fear of darkness disappears. But not always. Good way To confront the fear of darkness - to sleep with a night lamp. True, it affects the depth and quality of sleep.

5. Xenophobia - This is the fear of other people's cultures. The word Kseno is translated from Greek as "alien". And xenophobia is the literal sense of the word Fear of strangers. Usually under xenophobia understand the fear of other people's cultures, nationalities and religions. From here ethnophobia, which can walk to racism and discrimination by some external signs Another culture. Xenophobia may occur, for example, to new subcultures (Emo, "Goths", etc.) were popular. In short, xenophobia is not the most pleasant view of fears, which often leads to conflict situations.

6. Claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces. Claustrum is translated as closed from Greek. People, patients with claustrophobia are afraid of closed spaces such as an elevator or storage room. According to different estimates in the world, quite a lot of people suffer from claustrophobia - approximately every twentieth person (6-7%). And although it is believed that this is one of the most frequent phobias, I have not met such people. Perhaps the matter is that in Russia it is not customary to tell about their fears and especially about such as claustrophobia.

9. Akrofoobia - This is the fear of height (ACRO translates from Greek as a vertex). You can experience this fear, for example, on the damn wheel. Also found the term "gypsophobia". According to researchers, acrofobia is a congenital phobia laid down in people at the level of instincts.

10. Sociophobia - Fear of society. There are here different forms Manifestations of phobia. For example, the fear of public speeches (peyrafobia), anthropobia (fear unfamiliar people), Agorafobia is a fear of open spaces.

How to get rid of phobia

When I first came to work as a teacher in college - I was very afraid to appear in front of the students. Then I studied in graduate school and it was my first experience. Over time, I read more and more lectures and the fear of performances before the audience gradually decreased.

Psychologists say that it is necessary to deal with not with the fear themselves (phobia), but with its intensity. It is necessary to make the phobia to be such an intensity so that it does not interfere with the quality of life or the achievement of success.

By the way, for example, with public speeches, a small fear of the public may even be useful.

Stress in moderate quantities mobilizes your strength to perform a cool, to get together with thoughts and be brighter than others. The signal when it is worth thinking over the phobia is when it does not allow you to achieve your goals. For example, at the institute we had a case when a young man was so afraid to act on the protection of the diploma, which did not go to defense. As far as I know, teaching Staff I went to the meeting and the diploma to him still counted half females. However, if your phobia reaches such threatening scales, which may, for example, disrupt the protection of the diploma, then it is possible to turn to a good psychologist who will help solve the problem.

Testing fears in one form or another is normal. It is not normal when the fear does actions and does not allow to achieve the goals. Or when the fear of slick is irrenine.

Experienced psychologists advise you to play sports that ultimately actually acts on your psyche. Readers advise to calm nerves to be in nature and fresh air. Also out general Soviets Many recommend trying to take their own fear and smaller think about him in a negative key. Need to understand your fear, think if there are any real foundations under it or still your phobia is contrived rather?

If you feel that you do not cope, contact a specialist. Argued to a psychologist in Russia is not accepted, but you should not worry. Sometimes to overcome the phobia helps even communicating on this topic with another person. And you can entrust the most intimate psychologist.

Fear - powerful emotion with negative program. In an instant, a person can lose the joy of life and become a slave of gloomy experiences. Find out how folk healers drove fear and returned the taste for life.

The mechanism of fear is built into a human psychology from nature. In antiquity, this useful instinct allowed people to survive, but then turned into a real punishment. In the villages, folk healers conducted rituals of the deliverance of people from unfortunately fears and prescribed them soothing herbal fees. Some of these recipes are still relevant.

Folk tips are recommended to conduct a course of purifying rituals, since in the opinion of most healers negative emotions are the cause of the evil eye or damage. You need to start a day every day with pouring conspiracy. Type water to the container with a pleasant temperature for you, turn it around three times and read the plot:

"I wash the body, damaging damaging. Holy water, see my fears, troubles, misfortune. Amen".

Then, leave yourself with water and cross the three times without wiping. After that, three times during the day should be taken herbal infusion. Two tablespoons of Melissa pour two glasses of boiling water, insist an hour and take half a cup before meal.

We run bad thoughts

If you are pursued by bad thoughts and does not leave anxiety, perhaps the evil eye is imposed on you. It will help to neutralize well folk advice on the visualization of fear.

Take bread rye balls and start sloping slowly into the ball. At the same time, imagine how all your fears, irritability and despondency are going to it. Then put the ball of bread on the glass tray and leave for 24 hours. During this time, negative energy concentrates in it.

Now take matches and start to fall the bread so that fears burned down. After completion of the procedure, wrap the crumb into a paper with three crosses painted and remove from home.

How to cope with death

Such a kind of anxiety in science is called Tanatophobia, and healers refer to the signs of induced damage to death. Without visible reasons Man begins to constantly reflect on the inevitable death, ignoring the joy of life. Mustonian and nervous exhaustion develops, which can lead to suicidal desires.

Folk Medicine sends people with such problems to medium and psychics to remove damage. But it can be done on your own. A good result will bring the power of healing plants. Herbal collection will give vitality And neutralizes negative energy.

In the mortar, it is killed in a mortar of the dried hawthorn fruits, 3 spoons of Kalina Red, add a pinch of mint and pour a liter of steep boiling water. Insist for an hour and drink infusion during the day.

If you have become a victim of panic attacks and fear, do not give up. Remember, you are able to cope with this problem with the help of proven tools. folk Medicine. Be healthy, calm and do not forget to press buttons and

How to get rid of fear - the question that worries from the time of each person.

After all, it is no secret that everyone has their own phobias, and it is quite natural.

But what to do if the fear turns into obscurity and does not give a normal existence?

Before you find an answer to the tormenting problem, it is worth dealing with the reasons for the appearance of a overpoping panic feeling.

Fears: reasons

Among the many reasons for the occurrence of panic attacks can be distinguished by four main:

Attachment to things and people;


Mental childhood injuries;


Personality experiencing deep attachment to near manmay be subject to fear about the loss of the beloved object. Therefore, jealousy is nothing more than fear of loss. In this case, the personality is not able to identify himself with an individual, since it is completely in psychological dependence from another person.

Often, the individual falls under the "power" of material things: money, expensive car, property. The person begins to pursue obsessive phobias That all this he can lose at any time. All people sometimes experience fear about the loss of a loved one or a very expensive thing. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine when the edge of a reasonable fear ends, and the disease begins. If the individual is constantly pursued by obsessive, panic thoughts, then perhaps the assistance of a psychologist. The specialist will help to understand himself, will reveal the main source of phobia and will select individual methods that will help get rid of fear.

Uncertainty, as well as dependence on people and circumstances, is worst enemy man. The absence of faith in itself, the feeling of internal insolvency, inability, to change anything in his life for the better generates the most destructive phobia.

Fear paralyzes, slows down, destroys from the inside. The individual falls into a closed circle from which it seems to be, it is impossible to escape. With this reason, it is necessary and you can fight, but only in the presence of a passionate desire to get rid of fears.

Insecurity has roots from childhood. The child, deprived of the attention of loved ones and love, most often, grows by the fierce, scored and insecure in own power. In adult life of such an individual, panic attacks regularly pursue. It is deprived of the internal energy, which signed his peers, surrounded by care and warmth.

Mental childhood injuries have the same etiology as uncertainty, so it is closely connected with it. A child at which in childhood was regularly shouted, physically punished, grows incorrectly formed personality with many complexes.

Another reason that generates fear in man is not related to childhood experiences, is a disease. Often people suffering chronic diseases, feel alarming for your life. They are beginning to overcome panic attacks about the fact that at any moment they can lose their lives. Such fear can be treated, since in most cases it is unreasonable.

How to get rid of fear: what types of fear can be overcome independently

No one universal means Or a specific answer to the question of how to get rid of fear. Everything is purely individually and depends in many respects from the person himself: it is ready to look in the face of his phobiam and start fighting with them.

Overcoming anxiety is a large-scale, hard work on yourself. If the individual does not find the strength to cope with independently with own fearHe will not help any specialist. Success depends on 99% of its own effort and only 1% of the attending psychologist, who will help to figure out and direct thoughts in the right direction.

Therefore, it is possible to cope with many types of fear. It happens that man does not want to seek medical helpBut configured to get rid of your own phobias. In this, he can help our mini-guide and many videos on this topic, which is replete with the Internet.

How to get rid of fear: what types of fear are treated only by experts

Unfortunately, not always a person manage to cope with panic attacks Alone. First of all, it concerns those phobias that are associated with deep psychological injuries from childhood.

In this case, it may be necessary not only psychological help, but also hypnotherapy. The result will largely depend on the qualifications of a specialist and its total experience in this direction. Only an experienced psychologist It is able to "reach" to the patient and give multifaceted answers to the question of how to get rid of fear.

Another of the most serious types of fear is sociophobia, with which it is often able to cope only with the help of a psychologist. Sociophobes It is not difficult to determine in the crowd. Since childhood, they prefer to hold on a mansion. They do not find them in the courtyard sandboxes playing with the rest of the children. Becoming adults, such people prefer to avoid public places and choose work at home.

Noticing or his child, the first symptoms of sociophobia, should immediately solve the problem, since in the future it will lead to serious consequences: it is impossible to communicate normally with people and fully coexist in society.

How to get rid of fear: step-by-step instructions

1. Visualization. Before starting the fight against an invisible enemy, you need to know him in the face. Honestly answer your questions: What are you most afraid of? "Knowledge - power" is an indisputable paradigm. After you have decided on your main phobias, stay with them alone and imagine the worst thing to happen.

Continue to represent until you begin to feel that the chain from your own imaginary phobias. Often visualization - the best way Get rid of fear.

2. Ariffmation. Good method Mental installations can be delivered from fear. Man throughout the day, weeks, months repeats the aruffmations aimed at cleansing from internal alarms. Simple example internal installations There may be such phrases: "I take my fears and learn them to manage"; "I let go of my fear", etc. Our subconscious is able to work wonders. Even if the initial consciousness is opposed to believe by your words, over time the subconscious takes your statements as proper and launches the process of "recovery". It is very important to take it with all seriousness, since Ariffmations are endowed with a huge force. It is also important to make them correctly. Your settings should not contain phrases with a "not" particle. For example, regularly repeating the combination of itself, as "I am not afraid", thereby attract even big panic and anxious to yourself. The fact is that our subconscious is not able to recognize this particle. So your inner voice Hears the opposite: "I'm afraid!". Therefore, incorrectly compiled ariffments instead of positive results, may harm.

3. Action. You can argue for a long time to get rid of fear, and do not move on a step towards it overcoming. Bold people are not those who are not afraid of anything. These are individuals who were able to look at their fear in the face, and could overcome him. Remember, only the action wins fear. Do what is most afraid. People who adequately perceive their fear and managed to rationally coexist with him become the most successful.

How to get rid of fear from a child

Sometimes parents do not want to recognize for themselves that they are the main reason in the development of phobias by the child.

Children who suffered parental heat, hearing eternal reproaches about improper behavior, acquire a bunch of complexes that are reborn into fears.

But often the reason for the appearance of fear of a child can be an excessive guardianship from the side of loved ones. Baby appear on the light, devoid of any kinds of phobias. And only with time adults "impose" their concerns to the child. Instead of allowing your child to explore the world, Parents warn him at every step.

The child grows, and deeply fallen words: "I don't have a climb", "it is not touching", "you can not" rooted in the subconscious of the individual. A person becomes indecisive and incapable of great accomplishments. How to get rid of your own fears, it is difficult for him to understand.

To prevent the child in the upbringing must be present golden mean.

Cook more often and say that you love it. It will not be superfluous in adolescence. Love and care of others, helps children to cope with internal fears better than any words.

Parents who do not want their child to grow deeply assembled, should not put a lot of restrictions and toughly punish off.

Effective way In rid of fears in children, specialists call the method of the game. With the help of games, the child is given the opportunity to survive a frightening situation in the fictional reality. Such an approach helps the baby emotionally cleanse from its phobias.

It is very important that games aimed at overcoming fears contained both real and fictional models with a bias in positive side.

Such games should inspire and encourage the stimulus to action. A joint pastime with a child in the game and exciting, relaxed form of communication will definitely give their positive results.

In addition to love, care and joint pastime, the child very sharply needs approval by adults. That is why you should not forget how often the child praises. This will help him grow a full-fledged person.

Anxiety and fear ... Eternal satellites of man, with diapers and to a coffin board. Surely you still remember how in childhood it was afraid of a dark long room, as the terrible monsters thought there and waiting for the right moment to grab you and eat ... You grew up, and children's soul fears were changed by others - adults , "Serious." What are you afraid now? Perform an audience? Stay alone? Or maybe get sick and die young?

Fear normally!

Fear is a natural sense of a person, it has long helped him survive at least difficult conditions. ambient. This is our bodyguard. And there is nothing wrong with it, if only he does not "guards" us too diligently. If it does not pursue us constantly and does not interfere with living normally.

It is characteristic of a lot of people to fear a lot: darkness, heights, water, dogs, insects, mice, poverty, diseases, open space, closed, etc. But is there always anxiety and fear justified? Fortunately, no. Dangers in life are not so much. Most human concerns have no objective reason. These are imaginary fears. And they are not a place in the life of a sensible person.

The most terrible fear

But how to get rid of fear of death, for example? You are so accustomed to this feeling that it seems not to be afraid to die impossible! Everything is afraid of it! And somehow they live with it ... somehow. Strain. Unsure. Painfully.

But let's deal with the fear of death. Why be afraid of what it is impossible to avoid? Each living creature on the planet is too late will die late. A priori. So is it worth overshadowing your existence of useless anxiety? Is it worth turning him into the daytime hell, tortured himself with the insistent desire to live forever? Is it not more pleasant to take with gratitude the opportunity to be on earth for some time? And enjoy every moment?

How to get rid of fear of death? Paradoxically, but the easiest way is to accept it, come down and do not try to get rid of! The more we fight with fear, the more strength and energy we lose. Accept your inevitable fate. Complete. You will die anyway - you want one or not. Fear meaningless. Try it to explain this simple idea to your mind. He will understand.

We declare the war phobiam

With fear, die everything is more or less understandable. This is familiar to everyone. But there are such fears of people about which many people are not suspected. But how to be to you - the one who lives with it? Anyone who is afraid to confess even the closest person ... How to get rid of fears and anxiety before the upcoming journey? Before public speech? What if you are afraid of riding in public transport, because there are so many of all sorts of pathogens? In the end, how to get rid of fear to be eaten by terrible monsters living in a dark long room, which so torments you from childhood?

Take a pen and sheet of paper. To get rid of fears, make up the list of everything you are afraid. Do not shove, write everything. Admit yourself in all their fears. Thoroughly analyze each of them. Why are you afraid of this? Is it worth doing this? Is there an objective reason for a particular concern? So you can separate the real fears from imaginary. Real leave, perhaps they will once save you from trouble. And with imaginary will have to work.

If you overcome some mental fear, remember that you are a person, and you are worthy of joy and happiness. Think about what gives you pleasure - and fear will leave by itself. This or that situation may occur, and may not come. Your fear can be empty and meaningless! Why do you need him? Leave it and be open to any manifestations of life. In any case, this is your experience, and it should be different.

In a state of panic and anxiety will also help deep breathing. Consciousness calm down - and common sense will return and help solve the problem.

How to get rid of fear if he does not give in? Go to the trick! Try to get angry with yourself, on circumstances, for someone - it does not matter. Anger neutralizes fear, and in return will be determined to act and change the position of things.

Through fear to new tops

Remember: when a person overcomes his fears, it grows and develops. His horizons are becoming wider, the borders of the person expand, new opportunities appear, the world acquires new paints. Therefore, do not give in to your fears, we accept them as a gift of fate, as an opportunity to become better.

Look into the eyes of what you are afraid - and become a new person!

The most important obstacle in achieving the goal in life is fear. Learn how to get rid of fear and start living in full life!

What kind of danger is fear in yourself?

Fear we are experiencing in different situationsWhen there is no husband for a long time from work, when the children went to rest, when there is an important meeting, etc.

However, fear not only causes unpleasant sensations and negative emotions, but also contributes to the fact that our experiences are embodied in reality.

Fears and experiences break through the protective shell - aura², and we become subject to negative influences from others.

Below you will find the exercise that our reader Anna shared. It allows you to cope with any fears and ensure your own security.

Before proceeding to practice, a person needs to imagine some place where he will be cozy and calm.

How to get rid of fear? From personal experience ...

"I made a turreka for myself with open door. 10 steps down - this is in order to have to relax. When I descend, I consider the steps, starting with the 1st and to the 10th. In front of me closed door. I open it and immediately see a huge mirror.

Quickly, for a moment, reproduce the negative in the mirror, immediately the mirror explodes into small pieces, and I draw a positive picture in the imagination - what I need. I look at her for a while, I'm leaving, I close the door and climb on the ladder, counting the steps. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ".

Equipment to get rid of fear

So, to get rid of fear, a person needs:

1. Sit, close your eyes, relax.

2. Then it is necessary to mentally go down the steps and see the mirror.

3. The mirror should quickly disroach the negative, and then you need to break this mirror.

4. After that, it should be a favorable situation, and mentally observe her for a while.

5. Then you need to climb the steps, counting them in the opposite direction.

This technique can be performed everywhere. After training, it takes just a few minutes. With a certain skill, if urgently need to get rid of fear, the technique can be carried out in the presence of other people and perform with open eyes.

This powerful method quickly allows you to calm down and tune in to positive events.

Anna Khakimova

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

Read more about how our fears are materialized, you can find out in the article.