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What is the difference between the Institute from the University. What is the difference between the Institute and University: accreditation level, teaching staff, similarity and difference

We are talking about educational institutions, each of which belongs to the category of higher. The Institute is focused on the preparation of students in a narrow professional area. University - a multidisciplinary university prepares specialists in a large number of curricula. The Academy is focused on the preparation of a wide range of specialists in a certain branch of activity (economics, education, agriculture, military business and others).

Which university is higher in status? Does the status of an educational institution affect the quality of education? Let's talk about this further.

Characteristic features of the university

University is a multidisciplinary university conducting the preparation of bachelors, specialists and masters for a large number of specialties. Its competence also contains retraining and advanced training, scientific work of at least 5 regions corresponding to the activities of the educational institution.

Key traits:

  • A wide range of specialties for which students are being trained.
  • The large structure of teachers corresponding to the criteria and natural educational needs.
  • The possibility of including a number of institutions, their conversion to faculties.

It is the University (and not an academy, as many consider), it is considered to be the most status university in comparison with the rest.

The law does not say anything about the status, only causes graduation criteria. And at the same time, many academies are rapidly transformed into universities.

This fact is determined by not so much a desire to increase its "status" and attract students how much the desire to obtain the widest possible opportunities for the preparation of non-core specialties (on educational programs that go beyond the competence and selected university of the region).

Characteristic features of the academy

The Academy is a university preparing students on a wide range of specialties in one of the branches of social activities. It can also hold retraining and advanced training.

Key traits:

  • Wide range of educational programs.
  • Preparation of students in one industry.
  • The teaching staff is less compared to the university.

The Academy also conducts scientific research, but only in its industry. Therefore, scientific work is not as large-scale as in universities.

The emphasis on one area can apply imprint and the number of students and the volume of scientific work. In the theory of university, focused on providing one of the branches of human activity by high-class specialists by focusing on the preparation programs on this sphere.

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Characteristic features of the institute

The institute is a university conducting training for students in a narrow circle of specialties in one area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activities. This university can be called narrowly specialized, because of which its status seems the lowest.

Key traits:

  • Narrow circle of specialties.
  • Preparation of students in one area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity.
  • The teaching staff is less than in the Academy.

Interestingly, institutions are rarely becoming faculties of universities and academies. Much more often there is a reverse process - the university is separated from the faculties that receive the status of institutions and the ability to self-government. This practice is common not only in Russia, but also in many European countries.

Differences between the Institute, University and Academy

When determining the species, the university compliance is set by approximately 13 criteria. Key of them:

  • Preparation programs.
  • The ratio of graduate students and students-glasses.
  • Degrees of professors, teaching staff.

Accordingly, it is important to observe formality. After innovations initiated by the Ex-Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, the number of universities should have been reduced in Russia. According to the legislators, it should have increased the quality of education in the country and to ensure a clear gradation of higher educational institutions. At the same time, representatives of Rosobrnadzor began to approach the definition of the form of the university more strictly. As a result, many additional criteria were formulated, on the basis of which differences are revealed.

What is the difference between the Institute from the University

At the Institute less specialties. Accordingly, it prepares students in a narrow circle of specialties. Important differences:

  • The number of graduate students per 100 students-glasses is less than 2 people, and at least 4 people at the university.
  • Financing (the amount of funds transferred to the state for 5 years) is 1.5-5 million rubles against 10 million rubles and more.
  • At least 60% of professors have scientific degrees, but institutional indicators can be significantly lower.

Another important difference between the university from the institute is among the past protection of graduate students. If one year after the release it takes at least 1/4 graduates, the university can be classified as a university. Accordingly, the indicators of the institute may be lower than the cherished 25%.

What is the difference between the Academy from the Institute

While the Institute conducts students in the 1st area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity, the Academy is preparing specialists in the 1st area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity. So, there is also the difference among the specialties, as well as in educational opportunities. Key differences:

  • At 100 students' students at the Academy comes from 2 graduate students, at the Institute, the ratio is below.
  • Financing 5-10 million rubles against institutes 1.5-5 million.
  • The Academy has a minimum of 60% of professors with scientific degrees in a teaching staff, and the institute percentage may be significantly lower.

It is also important to talk about traditions. The same famous agricultural academies were on the first strips of newspapers in the times of the USSR. But the institutions began to acquire fame much later. But over time, the classification was erased - today the majority of applicants do not even know.

Difference of the Academy from the University

If the university prepares students on a wide range of specialties, then at the academy, their number is limited to training for one field. Other important differences:

  • At 100 full-time students at the university accounts for a minimum of 4 graduate students, at an academy - at least 2.
  • The Academy's financing is 5-10 million rubles, university - at least 10 million rubles.

These criteria are established by law. But it is worth understanding that in addition to the federal law of the Commission, a number of other regulatory acts are guided. That is why universities are so difficult to move from one species to another.

Instead of imprisonment: where to learn better

It would seem that the answer is obvious, because a clear status hierarchy is built: first the university, then the Academy and only then the Institute. In practice, everything looks different. Many differences in indicators, in particular in the professorical and teaching staff and in financing, do not talk about the quality of education. First of all, due to the number of students: in the same institutions, it is almost always lower than in universities. Accordingly, huge amounts of money and dozens of professors with the degrees of the institute are simply not needed.

Students are advised to establish a choice not in the form of a higher educational institution, but on its ranking, the experience of students of this university, based on data on the popularity of graduates among employers and other practical indicators.

Otherwise, you risk bothering the high status of the university and get low-quality education. Remember that the status of your educational institution will not be indicated in your diploma. Only his reputation can be known to the employer - and what kind of university applies to him absolutely anyway.

Accordingly, you cannot draw conclusions about the prospects and quality of education on the basis of one type of alone from the classification. Learn in advance how to choose a university for learning what to pay attention to. This will help you not to be confused in formalities and organizational forms, but to take into account only the criteria for education and employment. Learn ratings, read reviews and choose the most promising place to study from all possible.

What is the difference between the Institute from the University and Academy

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It is the opinion that the prestige of the diploma directly depends on the status of the university. The more qualine the formation and more diploma. What is higher - Academy or University? This question is asked by many when choosing an educational institution. After all, the majority seeks to get into the most prestigious universities of the country.

So, let's decide that between them in common and what key differences can be allocated. Then it is necessary to determine what is higher - the Academy or University will not be difficult.

Higher education in any case

And the Academy, and the University, and the Institute are higher educational institutions (abbreviated universities). And the university, in turn, is a place where higher education is received by the profession of interest. In Russia, universities are two types: public and private. Some of them may have their own representative offices and branches in other localities or even other countries.

In addition, the universities are retracted by specialists with higher education or professional development of employees.

The university may also have technical and humanitarian faculties. So, one university can produce chemists and lawyers, and musicians at the same time. Universities have the right to produce senior and younger specialists, bachelors, masters and graduate students.


According to legend, the word "academy" appeared during the time of Plato. According to scientific definition, the Academy is a higher educational institution, which, like the university, conducts training in the regions of the first higher vocational education and postgraduate. The first school, which was opened by the philosopher, was in an excellent grove dedicated to the Greek God Academy. Plato also decided to call his educational institution with the name of this God - the Academy.

Then how does the Academy differ from the university? In the fact that at the Academy are preparing specialists in one industry of art or science. As a rule, the training branch is clearly reflected in the very name of the educational institution (for example, the Russian Academy of Arts or the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law).

However, regardless of that, private or state, the Academy is, it can still be other areas of training specialists that differ from the industry directly indicated in the title. So, in many Russian academies, legal, and economic, and scientific faculties under the wing of one educational institution can be seen. It happens that at the academies there are universities. For example, Academic University at the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

What the Law says

As you know, there are three forms of higher educational institutions in Russia: University, Institute, Academy. The difference between them is directly spelled out in the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education". Part 9 of Chapter II contains a number of requirements that the educational institution must comply with to obtain the status of the Academy, University or Institute. For this, a special assessment is held regularly. Consequently, any Russian educational institution that has the status of the University, the Institute or Academy today, can change it. So, for example, the St. Petersburg who was the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs until June 1998.

It is worth paying attention to that one of the requirements for an educational institution applying for the Status of the University is the availability of training programs for seven large groups of various directions (specialties). There is no such criterion for academies and institutions. If learning is being trained in less than seven specialties, the University's status does not get. Consequently, directly from the law implies that the university has the highest status. University is higher than the Academy or Institute.

What choose you

But this does not mean that training at the Academy or Institute will be worse, and the diploma is less prestigious. After all, the main thing in education is the level of knowledge that students receive, and not the form or status of an educational institution.

Decide for yourself, what is better to be part of one hundred thousand students of the most prestigious University of the country, in which only 2-3% of teachers is given to your specialty, or study in a small academy, in which 90% of teachers are specialists in your field? The answer suggests itself.

Therefore, to the question of what is above - the Academy or University, we can safely answer that the difference in the quality of education or prestigiousness of the diploma between them does not exist. Graduates of Russian universities are not worth worrying for the status of their educational institution. Despite the fact that under the law, the highest rank ranks university, no benefits for his graduates are provided. The employer does not care where you have learned - at the Academy, University or Institute. It is important to him the level of your knowledge. And the status ... This is just the status.

Propaganda benefits of higher education led to the fact that 90% of graduates after graduation arrive in universities. The illusion of guaranteed success in life after receiving a diploma forces adolescents hard to gnaw granite science. Each chooses an educational institution in the shower or in capabilities, most often material. At the moment, three types of educational institutions can be distinguished: University, Academy and Institute. It is difficult to understand immediately, what the differences between them, since they all perform one basic function.

What are the features of the university?

The university is the most prestigious educational institution in the hierarchical staircase. The status "University" can earn only the largest institution of higher professional education. Under its roof, the University combines a huge number of various directions and specialties. University education is very highly valued by employers.

Under universities, a large number of faculties can be combined. They are still often called "institutions" (for example, "Institute of Applied Mathematics"). By type of universities, they are divided into federal, regional, national; Public and private.

In Russia, universities of special status are also allocated: and MSU.

On the basis of universities, immediately after receiving a diploma, graduates have the opportunity to deal with research activities without obtaining additional education (magistracy). Also, universities are distinguished by the percentage ratio of faculty: more than 60 percent of teachers must have academic degrees not lower than the candidate of science.

As a rule, the University is a network of buildings within a single geographic object (city), one of which is central (main). For the rest, the faculties are distributed so that students are more convenient to attend classes without changing the premises during the day. The number of students in universities is from several thousand to tens of thousands, depending on the scale of the university (taking into account the training of students of the correspondence form of training).

As an example, you can consider Volga Federal University. In 2012, about 37 thousand students studied in it. To (P) FU has a large number of buildings located geographically mainly in the center of Kazan, also has several branches in other cities of Tatarstan.

What is the Academy?

The Academy is a higher educational institution, which is engaged in the training of specialists mainly in one direction of science. The academies in the number of students are noticeably inferior to universities, as they usually produce up to several thousand specialists per year. This is due, of course, with a narrow orientation of training. Academies can also engage in retraining of specialists, advanced training of specialists. For graduates of academies, it is not necessary to obtain additional education for scientific activities. Within the framework of the Academy, scientific work is underway.

Requirements for faculty - at least 40% of employees must have academic degrees. For example, the Russian Academy of Justice (now the Russian State University of Justice) was preparing specialists a judicial system in the specialty "Jurisprudence". In 2014, the Kazan Branch of the Academy issued about 2 thousand graduates.

As a rule, academies may have branches in other cities, while in view of the small number of students are located in the same building.

What is the Institute?

The Institute is an educational institution of higher professional education, preparing some special specialists. Requirements for faculty minimum faculty. Graduates of institutions have no right to engage in scientific activities without obtaining additional education. On the basis of institutions is not scientific activities. As a rule, institutions are deprived of the possibility of retraining of specialists and increase their qualifications.

In an example, you can bring Kazan Law Institute. He annually prepares specialists in the specialty jurisprudence, while he is aimed at training personnel for the internal affairs bodies. Training of already existing employees of the internal affairs bodies are also conducted.

What is the difference between the university from the Academy and Institute

  1. Scale: University is the largest educational institution compared to the Institute and Academy
  2. Graduates of universities and academies have the right to engage in scientific activities, there are no institutions.
  3. As part of universities and academies, scientific activities are conducted within the framework of institutions - no.
  4. Universities have the highest requirements for faculty.
  5. University Universal, very part University enters into itself a huge number of faculties and specialties. At the academies, usually only one faculty, in institutions - one specialty.
  6. Universities mostly in view of a large number of students include several buildings, institutes and academies are most often located in the same building.
  7. Universities have the most greatest number of students. Academy and institutions are inferior on the scale of graduates.

The status of a higher education institution is determined in accordance with its organizational and legal database and a certificate of state accreditation, giving students the opportunity to master professional educational programs and the right to get a diploma of the state sample. The Institute and Academy have some differences in the list and content of these programs, and also have different tasks in organizing research and methodical activities.


Institute- Higher educational institution, whose educational programs are compiled for training specialists of a particular professional field, as well as for the implementation of postgraduate education, retraining and advanced training of workers employed in the field of professional activities that correspond to the profile of this university.

Academy- Higher educational institution, which implements educational programs of higher and postgraduate vocational education, and is also a leading scientific and methodological center that prepare highly qualified specialists for teaching and scientific activities.


The specialty that is obtained at the institute has a narrow professional orientation. Ground theoretical preparation and study of disciplines related to special, ensures a high qualification level of workers with a institute diploma. However, they do not receive the right to engage in scientific and pedagogical activities, if the training is not continued in a magistracy or graduate school.

This is due to the fact that the Institute as a Higher Educational Institution conducts fundamental or applied scientific research in their field, but does not have the function of the scientific and methodological coordinator for the basic training of senior qualification categories.

The Academy has a sufficient scientific and methodological basis for the implementation of educational programs that provide training with wider than graduates of institutions, specialization. It is applied in the field of scientific and scientific and pedagogical activities, the direction of which is reflected in the name of the Academy.

The higher educational institution acquires the status of the institute, if at least half of his teaching staff has scientific degrees and titles. The faculty of the Academy should be at least 60% of specialists who have degrees of candidates and doctors of science. These requirements are necessarily taken into account when accrediting universities and assigning relevant status to it.

The priority in the work of academies is fundamental scientific research and the creation of techniques that allow optimizing the scientific process. They are used in research practice and other higher educational institutions, including institutions in common with the Academy of Profile.

Conclusions Site

  1. The status of the Academy is assigned to an educational institution, which not only implements educational programs of the highest and postgraduate vocational education, but also is a leading scientific and methodical center.
  2. The Institute is not a coordinator of scientific and methodological activities, although conducting fundamental or applied scientific research.
  3. The Academy presents a broad specialization in a certain field of scientific and educational activities.
  4. At the Institute, specialization is limited by the task of training professionals for a certain, quite narrow, field of professional activity.
  5. The percentage of researchers who have academic degrees and titles in the Academy are higher than at the Institute.

When the entrance of an educational institution is faced with an applicant, capable of satisfying the educational needs of the future student, often arises in doubt about which university is better - an institute or university. And is there a principal difference?

The Institute is a specialized educational institution, in which, as well as at the university, you can go through higher education programs. Most often, institutions are narrow-profile, i.e. We carry out professional training of specialists for a certain industry - economics, jurisprudence, psychology, medicine, construction, culture, management, as well as in the specialties of related industries. This is the main and the main difference of this type of university.

At the Institute, you can go through the undergraduate program or enroll in the magistracy, as well as become a graduate student. In addition, colleges, centers of pre-university training, student centers can function at institutions. Institutions may exist both in themselves and carry out their activities at universities, being its component or unit.

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University concept

In turn, the University is an earlier version of the educational institution: Historically, universities have a longer period of existence as an organization that ensure fundamental education. The first "universal" educational institutions appeared in the 9th century and were only available to the chosen, but today their number has grown multiple times, allowing you to provide vocational training of all applicants applying for university education.

Modern University is an educational organization of higher education, providing training for specialists in various fundamental and applied sciences. The number of faculties at the university can usually represent at least 7, and the specialties themselves can be more than more.

In the educational institution of this type, it is possible to prepare on the list of a wide variety of areas, often in professional activities in no way connected, be it marketing, jurisprudence, linguistics, design, psychology, banking, management, information technology. This is the universality of the educational institution, referred to as "University".

The main points of distinction of the Institute from the University

Despite the fact that any educational institution is obliged to have its own charter, as well as a state license and accreditation confirming the right to conduct educational activities, the Institute and University have differences established at the legislative level. The main criteria in which the types of educational institutions differ are the number of departments and preparation directions, the percentage of graduate students in the ratio to the number of students, the period of the university's existence, the spectrum of education formats, the education of the teacher himself, the relationship of the educational institution to innovation, the amount of the amount allocated to the educational institution Organization for financing scientific research. In total, there are more than a dozen criteria, but the most important of them, which are paramount to the status of the university, are listed above.

At the same time there are general moments. Both institute and university:

Teach students under undergraduate programs, magistracy, graduate school;

Engaged in professional retraining of personnel;

Keep advanced training courses.

Structural educational differences

It is worth noting that the status of the educational institution is determined by law and is confirmed once in the five years on a special attestation commission of Rosobrnadzor. The low-level stage in the hierarchy of educational institutions is occupied by the Institute, while the university is the top of the development of any university. The educational organization of higher education has the right to be called the university if:

On 4 graduate students accounts for no more than a hundred students of students;

At least a quarter of graduate students completed their studies in graduate school by receiving a candidate degree in a period no later than the year from the date of study;

The university has a developed material and technical basis for the implementation of both research and scientific and practical activities at a minimum of 5 professional sectors and scientific areas, and also produces certain spending on financing these studies;

The university actively introduces the latest educational techniques and innovative technologies, improves the educational process and modernizes educational programs;

Educational institution has at least 7 diverse preparation directions.

In turn, the Institute is considered an educational institution that:

Has at least 2 students on postgraduate programs for 100 students receiving higher education at other levels;

Has at least 30 full-time teachers (for universities under 5 years);

Carries out scientific activities within its specialization;

Uses innovative educational techniques within the framework of the established amount.

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Differences in the teaching staff between the university and the Institute

There is another important criterion by which the accessory of the educational institution is determined to one of the above types. This is a teaching staff, or rather its quality and quantity. As for institutions, the number of full-time teachers must be at least 30 - for educational institutions aged 3 to 5 years, and the number of candidates and doctors of sciences in the percentage is at least 55%. Universities Requirements tougher: teachers - owners of degrees' scientists - in the educational institution of this type should be at least 60%, and the number of teachers in the state in comparison with institutions increases at times. This provides more serious training on the disciplines of the specialties taught and the greater depth of scientific research works of students. In addition, thanks to more significant financial support in universities, the involvement of third-party experts on scientific developments and projects is possible.

Thus, the characteristics of the educational institution from the point of view of the teaching staff is as follows:

Institute - provided 55% of teachers with degrees;

University - provided 60% or more teachers who defended his candidate and / or doctoral thesis.

Acceptance of a diploma of the University or Institute

There are two fundamentally excellent opinions on whether the status of an educational institution is influenced in which a specialist is undergoing training, for employment prospects. Some are convinced that there is no difference between the diploma of the Institute and the University's diploma, because the future employer is primarily interested in the availability of work experience at a potential employee. However, these beliefs are more often adhered by applicants and graduates who do not set their goal to achieve special career heights. Indeed, the Institute is the same as the University, gives basic training, training and in other educational institutions guarantees a diploma. At the same time, a number of narrow areas of activity may appreciate the education obtained at a specific institution specializing in the professional training of workers for this sphere. These can be cultural institutions, medical institutes, transport institutions, technical institutions.

At the same time, the university has great opportunities for high-quality training, among which, as mentioned above, and more modern material and technical base, and stronger pedagogical composition, and opportunities to increase the educational level. That is why future students aimed at serious career growth, planning special achievements on a career field, should strive for admission to an educational institution, which has the status of the university. This is a question not only prestige and reputation, but also prospects for deeper preparation and possibility of obtaining more versatile and practically applicable knowledge from experts of the sciences taught.

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