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Council of People's Commissars RSFSR. Commissar of October. What happened to the members of the first government of the Bolsheviks

However, this list is strongly divided into official data in the composition of the first Council. First, he writes the Russian historian Yuri Emelyanov in his work "Trotsky. Myths and Personality, "it includes addresses from various SNA compositions, repeatedly changed. Secondly, according to Emelyanov, the wild mentions a number of drug addicts, in general never existed! For example, by cults, by elections, on refugees, on hygiene ... But really existing addicts of ways to communications, mail and telegraphs in the Wildlist are missing at all!
Next: Wild argues that 20 people included in the first Council, although it is known that there were only 15.
A number of posts are inaccurate. So, chairman of Petrosovta G.E. Zinoviev never occupied the post of the Commissar of the Interior. Pause, whom the wild for some reason calls "Protian", was a commark of post office and telegraphs, not agriculture.
Severally mentioned "members of the SNK" in the government were never included. I.A. Spitsberg was an investigator VIII of the liquidation department of a drug leisure. Who is meant by Lilina-bookist, it is generally incomprehensible: whether the actress M.P. Lilina, whether Z.I. Lailina (Bernstein), who worked as a commodity of national education in the executive committee of Petroset. Cadet A.A. Kaufman participated as an expert in the development of land reform, but did not have anything to the Council of the Council. The name of the People's Commissar of Justice was not at all Steinberg, but Steinberg ...

"I All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldiers Deputies (What ???)


On the establishment of the Council of People's Commissar

Education to manage the country (what ???), In the future, before the convening of the Constituent Assembly, the temporary working and peasant government, which will be referred to as the Council of People's Commissar. The institution by individual branches of public life is entrusted to the Commissions, the composition of which should ensure the implementation of the program to the proclaimed congress, in close unity with the mass organizations of workers, workers, sailors, soldiers, peasants and employees. Government power belongs to the college of the chairmen of these commissions, that is. Council of People's Commissar.

The control of the activities of the people's commissars and the right of displacement them belongs to the All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers, Peasant and Soldier Deputies and its central. Span. Committee.

At the moment, the Council of People's Commissars is compiled from the following persons:

  • Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar - Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin).

Folk Commissioners:

  • according to internal affairs - A. I. Rykov;

  • agriculture - V. P. Milyutin;

  • labor - A. G. Hatsnikov;

  • for the Military and Maritime Affairs, the Committee, as part of: V. A. Avseenko (Antonov), N. V. Kryglenko and P. E. Dybenko;

  • on trade and industry - V. P. Nogin;

  • folk enlightenment - A. V. Lunacharsky;

  • finance - I. I. Skvortsov (Stepanov);

  • according to foreign affairs - L. D. Bronstein (Trotsky);

  • justice - G. I. Oppok (Lomov);

  • according to the affairs of food - I. A. Teodorovich;

  • post and Telegraphs - N. P. Avilov (Glebov);

  • on the affairs of nationalities - I. V. Jugashvili (Stalin);

The post of the People's Commissar for Rail Affairs temporarily remains not substituted. "

The most impressive word: "country", of course, immediately after the title - the deputies are unknown which territory!

Wiki O SNK: "

Immediately before the seizure of power on the day of the revolution, the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks instructed Kamenev and Wintern (Berzin) to enter political contact with the left esera and to begin negotiations on the composition of the future government. During the work of the II congress, the Bolsheviks offered to enter the government to the left eseramen, but they refused. The factions of the right-wing essences and Mensheviks left the II Congress of Soviets at the very beginning of his work - before the formation of the government. The Bolsheviks were forced to form a one-party government.

The Council of People's Commissars was formed in accordance with "", adopted by the II All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers, Soldier and Peasant Deputies on October 27, 1917. Decree began with words:

To form for the country's management, to continue the convening of the Constituent Assembly, the temporary working and peasant government, which will be called the Council of People's Commissar.

The Council of People's Commissars has lost the nature of the temporary management body after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, which legally entrenched the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918. The right to education of SNK received the DVC; The SNK was the general management body of the RSFSR, which has the right to publish decrees, while the Central Executive Committee was entitled to cancel or suspend any decree or SNK decision.

Issues considered by SNK were decided by a simple majority of votes. The meetings were attended by members of the government, the Chairman of the ICTC, the business manager and the secretaries of the SNK, representatives of the departments.

The permanent working body of the SNK of the RSFSR was the management of cases, which prepared questions for meetings of SNK and its standing commissions, carried out receiving delegations. The staff of the business management officers in 1921 consisted of 135 people (according to TGAOR USSR, f. 130, op. 25, d. 2, LL. 19 - 20.).

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of March 23, 1946, the Council of People's Commissars RSFSR was transformed into the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.

Legislative Base of SNK RSFSR

  • management of general affairs of the RSFSR

  • manual with separate branches of management (Art.35, 37)
  • The People's Commissar was entitled to only make decisions on all issues under the jurisdiction of the Commissariat leadership, bringing them to the attention of the Collegium (Article 45).

    With the formation of the USSR in December 1922 and the creation of the Union Government, the Soviet University of the RSFSR became the executive and administrative body of the state authority of the Russian Federation. "

SNK is the highest government body that carried out the executive power in Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1946. This abbreviation is deciphered as the Council of People's Commissars, since this institution consisted of heads of drug addicts. This body existed first in Russia, but after the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922, similar education was formed in other republics. The following year after the end of the war, he was transformed into the Council of Ministers.


SNK is a government that was originally created as a temporary body from representatives of peasants, soldiers and workers. It was assumed that it should have been functioning up to the convening of the Constituent Assembly. It is not known the origin of the name of the term. There are points of view that it was proposed either by Trotsky or Lenin.

Bolsheviks planned its formation before the October coup. They offered to the Left Esera to enter the composition of the new political education, but they refused, as far as the Mensheviks and the right-wing esters, therefore, as a result, a one-party government was convened. However, after the Constituent Assembly was dissolved, it turned out to be constant. SNK is an organ that was formed by the highest legislative institution of the country - the ICCIK.


His conduct included general management of all the affairs of the new state. It could make decrees that, however, could suspend the WTCIK. Solutions in this authority were made very simply - by a majority vote. At the same time, the chairperson of the mentioned legislative institution was present at the meetings, as well as members of the government. SNK is an institution in which a special department of business management was consistent with issues for consideration. His staff was quite impressive - 135 people.


The legally powers of the SNK were recorded by the Soviet Constitution of 1918, where it was said that the body should be engaged in the management of general cases in the state, by some industries.

In addition, the document said that the Council of People's Commissars should issue draft laws and decisions necessary for the proper functioning of public life in the country. The CCIK controlled all the decisions taken and, as mentioned above, could suspend their action. In total, 18 commissionarians were formed, the main ones were devoted to military, foreign and maritime matters. The People's Commissar directly conducted the Office and could only make decisions. After the USSR education, the Council of People's Commissars began to perform not only executive, but also the administrative functions.


SNK RSFSR was formed in very difficult conditions of political change and power struggle. A. Lunacharsky, who occupied the post of the first addict of enlightenment, argued that its composition was random. Big influence on his work was provided by V. Lenin. Many of his members were not experts in the areas they had to behave. In the 1930s, very many members of the government were repressed. According to experts, SNK consisted of representatives of the intelligentsia, while the Bolshevik Party declared that this body should be workers and peasant.

The interests of the proletariat were only two people, which subsequently gave rise to the emergence of the so-called working opposition, which required offices. In addition to the above layers, the institution's workgroup included nobles, minor officials, so-called fine-bourgeois elements.

In general, the national composition of the SNK is still disputes from scientists. Among the most famous politicians, held posts in this body, there are surnames such as Trotsky, which was engaged in foreign affairs, roars (in his jurisdiction there were internal affairs of the young state), as well as Antonov-Ovseenko, who held the post of commark on naval affairs . The first chairman of the SNK is Lenin.


After the formation of the new Soviet state, changes in this authority occurred. From the Russian institution, he turned into the All-Union Government. At the same time, his powers were distributed among the Union authorities. Local republican councils were created on the ground. In 1924, Russian and All-Union bodies formed a single office on affairs. In 1936, this authority was transformed into the Council of Ministers, which performed the same function that SNK.

Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (Sovnarka RSFSR, SNK RSFSR) - Government name from until 1946. The Council consisted of people's commissars who led the people's commissariats (drug addicts, NK). After education, the same body was created at the Union level


The Council of People's Commissars (SNK) was formed in accordance with decree on the establishment of the Council of People's Commissars ", adopted by the II All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers, Soldiers and Peasant Deputies on October 27, 1917. Immediately before the seizure of power on the day of the revolution, the Central Committee commissioned and Winter (Berzin) to enter political contact with the left ester and start talking about the composition of the government. During the work of the II Congress of the Soviets, they proposed to enter the government to the left eseramen, but they refused. The factions of the right-wing esices and left the II congress of the Soviets at the very beginning of his work - before the formation of the government. The Bolsheviks were forced to form a one-party government. The name "Council of People's Commissar" was proposed: the power in St. Petersburg was conquered. It is necessary to form the government.
- How to call it? - reasoned out loud. Only not the ministers: it is a vile, the invested name.
- You can commissioners, I proposed, but only now too many commissioners. Maybe the High Commissioners? No, "Supreme" sounds bad. Is it possible "folk"?
- People's Commissars? Well, this is probably suitable. And the government as a whole?
- Council of People's Commissars?
- The Council of People's Commissars, grabbed Lenin, this is excellent: terribly smells of the revolution. According to the 1918 Constitution, he was called the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.
SNK was the highest executive and administrative body of the RSFSR, which have a complete executive and administrative authority, the right to publish decrees that have the power of the law, while combining legislative, administrative and executive functions. SNK lost the nature of the temporary management body after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, which legally entrenched the Constitution of the RSFSR 1918. The issues considered by SNK were solved by a simple majority of votes. The meetings were attended by members of the government, the Chairman of the ICTC, the business manager and the secretaries of the SNK, representatives of the departments. The permanent working body of the SNK of the RSFSR was to manage cases that prepared questions for meetings of SNK and its standing commissions, the delegations took place. The staff of business management officers in 1921 consisted of 135 people. (According to TGAOR USSR, F. 130, OP. 25, d. 2, LL. 19 - 20.) Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of March 23, 1946, SNK was transformed into the Council of Ministers.


According to the Constitution of the RSFSR of July 10, 1918, the activities of the SNK is to: managing the general affairs of the RSFSR, the management of individual branches of management (Article 35, 37) of the publication of legislative acts and the adoption of measures, "necessary for the right and rapid flow of state life." (Article 38) The People's Commissar has the right to solely make decisions on all issues in the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, bringing them to the attention of the Collegium (Article 45). All accepted decisions and decisions of the SNK reports the WTCIK (Article 39), which is entitled to suspend and cancel the decree or decision of the SNK (Article 40). 17 folk commissariats are created (in the constitution, this figure is erroneously specified, since in the list presented in Art. 43, they are numbered 18). Next quotes the list of people's commissariators of SNK RSFSR under the Constitution of the RSFSR of July 10, 1918:

  • On foreign affairs;
  • In military affairs;
  • On maritime cases;
  • On internal affairs;
  • Justice;
  • Labor;
  • Social security;
  • Enlightenment;
  • Mail and telegraphs;
  • On nationalities;
  • On financial affairs;
  • Communication paths;
  • Trade and industry;
  • Food;
  • State control;
  • Supreme Council of the national economy;
  • Health.

With each People's Commissar and under his chairmanship, a board is formed, members of which are approved by SNK (Article 44). With the formation of the USSR in December 1922 and the creation of the Union Government, the Soviet Union of the RSFSR becomes the executive and administrative body of the state authority of the Russian Federation. The organization, composition, competence and procedure for the activities of the SNK were determined by the USSR Constitution of 1924 and the Constitution of the RSFSR 1925. From this point on, the composition of SNK was changed in connection with the transfer of a number of powers to the Union agencies. 11 folk commissariates were established:

  • Internal trading;
  • Labor;
  • Finance;
  • Internal affairs;
  • Justice;
  • Enlightenment;
  • Health care;
  • Agriculture;
  • Social security;
  • High.

The SNK of the RSFSR was now included with the right of a decisive or advisory voice, authorized by the USSR drug addicts under the Government of the RSFSR. SNK RSFSR allocated, in turn, permanent representative in the USSR SCA. (According to SU, 1924, N 70, Art. 691.) From February 22, 1924, the SNK RSFSR and SCA of the USSR have a single business management. (According to Tsagar USSR, f. 130, op. 25, d. 5, l. 8.) With the introduction of the Constitution of the RSFSR of January 21, 1937, SNK RSFSR is reported only by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, during its sessions - the Presidium of the Supreme Council RSFSR. From October 5, 1937, the composition of the SNK of the RSFSR consists of 13 folk commissariates (the data of the CSA RSFSR, f. 259, op. 1, d. 27, l. 204.):

  • Food Industry;
  • Light industry;
  • Forest industry;
  • Agriculture;
  • Grain state farms;
  • Livestock state farms;
  • Finance;
  • Internal trading;
  • Justice;
  • Health care;
  • Enlightenment;
  • Local industry;
  • Utilities;
  • Social security.

Also, the SNK was included by the Chairman of the State District of the RSFSR and the head of the art administration for SNK RSFSR.

Which was used before the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR 1918.

Since 1918, the formation of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was the prerogative of the WTCIK, and since 1937 - the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. The Soviet Commissioner of the RSFSR was formed from the People's Commissars - managers of the People's Commissariat (People's Commissions) of Soviet Russia - headed by the Chairman of the Sovnarkom of the RSFSR. Such Councils were created in other Soviet republics. [ ]

After the formation of the USSR, in the period between the signing of the USSR formation agreement on December 29, 1922 and the formation of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on July 6, 1923, the Soviet of the RSFSR temporarily performed the functions of the USSR government.

"Immediate creation ... Commissions of the People's Commissar ... (M [Iist] Fly and T [Owar] PI [Iist] RA).

Immediately before the seizure of power on the day of the revolution, the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks instructed Kamenev and Wintern (Berzin) to enter political contact with the left esera and to begin negotiations on the composition of the future government. During the work of the II congress, the Bolsheviks offered to enter the government to the left eseramen, but they refused. The factions of the right-wing essences and Mensheviks left the II Congress of Soviets at the very beginning of his work - before the formation of the government. The Bolsheviks were forced to form a one-party government.

The Council of People's Commissar was formed in accordance with "", adopted on October 27, 1917. Decree began with words:

To form for the country's management, to continue the convening of the Constituent Assembly, the temporary working and peasant government, which will be called the Council of People's Commissar.

The Council of People's Commissars has lost the nature of the temporary management body after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, which legally entrenched the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918. The right to education of SNK received the DVC; The SNK was the general management body of the RSFSR, which has the right to publish decrees, while the Central Executive Committee was entitled to cancel or suspend any decree or SNK decision.

Issues considered by SNK were decided by a simple majority of votes. The meetings were attended by members of the government, the Chairman of the ICTC, the business manager and the secretaries of the SNK, representatives of the departments.

The permanent working body of the SNK of the RSFSR was the management of cases, which prepared questions for meetings of SNK and its standing commissions, carried out receiving delegations. The staff of business management officers in 1921 consisted of 135 people (according to TGAOR USSR).

The Law of the USSR on March 15, 1946 and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of March 23, 1946, the Council of People's Commissars RSFSR was transformed into the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. On March 18, the last decree of the Government of the RSFSR with the name "Council of People's Commissar" was published. On February 25, 1947, appropriate changes were made to the USSR Constitution, and on March 13, 1948 and to the Constitution of the RSFSR.

All accepted decisions and decisions of SNK reported MCC (Article 39), which had the right to suspend and cancel the decision or decision of the SNK (Article 40).

Next quotes the list of people's commissariators of SNK RSFSR in accordance with the Constitution of the RSFSR of July 10, 1918:

With each People's Commissar and under his chairmanship, a board was formed, members of which were approved by SNK (Art. 44).

The People's Commissar was entitled to solely make decisions on all issues under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner led by him, bringing them to the attention of the board (Art. 45).

With the formation of the USSR in December 1922 and the creation of the Union-Union Government, the Soviet University of the RSFSR became the executive and administrative body of the state authority of the Russian Federation. The organization, composition, competence and procedure for the activities of the SNK were determined by the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 and the Constitution of the RSFSR 1925. From that moment on, the composition of SNK was changed due to the transfer of a number of powers to the Union agencies. 11 Republican People's Commissariats were established:

The SNK of the RSFSR was now included with the right of a decisive or advisory voice, authorized by the USSR drug addicts under the Government of the RSFSR. SNK RSFSR allocated, in turn, permanent representative in the USSR SCC (according to SU information [ decrypt], 1924, No. 70, Art. 691.).

Since February 22, 1924, the SNK RSFSR and SCA of the USSR had a single business management (based on Tsagar USSR).

The chairman of the Murnan of the RSFSR and the head of the art administration for SNK RSFSR were also included in the SNK.

The vacant post of the People's Commissar for Rail Affairs later occupied M. T. Elizarov. On November 12, in addition to the decision on the creation of SNK by the Commissar of State Charity, A. M. Kollontai was appointed, the first woman-minister in the world. On November 19, E. E. Essen was appointed People's Commissar.

The historical first composition of the Sovnarkom was formed in the conditions of a rigid struggle for power. In connection with the demarist executive committee of the railway trade union, Vizhel, who did not recognize the October Revolution, and demanded the formation of a "homogeneous socialist government" from representatives of all socialist parties, the post of narcomartor remained unsubstituted. In the future, in January 1918, the Bolsheviks managed to make a split to the railway trade union, forming a parallel VIDHA Wigeror's executive committee, which consisted mainly of Bolsheviks and Left Socialists. By March 1918, Vigel's resistance was finally broken, and the main powers of both Vishel and Vigerore were transferred to the addict of communication paths.

The People's Commissariat of Military and Naval Affairs was formed as a board, as part of Antonov-Ovseenko, Kryglenko, Dybenko. By April 1918, this committee actually ceased to exist.

According to the memoirs of the first addict of Enlightenment of Lunacharsky A. V., the first composition of the Council of Europe was largely case, and the discussion of the list was accompanied by the comments of Lenin: "If we are unsuitable - we will change it." As the first drug addict wrote, Bolshevik Lomom (opposites G. I.), his knowledge in justice included themselves mainly detailed knowledge of the royal prisons with the peculiarities of the regime, "we knew - where they beat how they beat, where and how to put in the Cake But we could not manage the state. "

Many commercial commissaries of the Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Russia were repressed in the 1930s.

State charity (from 26.4.1918 - social security; NKSO 4.11.1919 combined with NK Labor, 26.4.1920 divided):

The National Council of Soviet Council of Soviet Russia is still subject to speculation.

Another method of framing is the invention of a number of never existing addicts. Thus, Andrei Wildlikov in the list of drug addicts mentioned never existing addicts on cults, by elections, on refugees, on hygiene. Volodarsky will be mentioned as a print pepper; In fact, he was indeed a commissar of the press, propaganda and agitation, but not the People's Commissar, a member of the SNK (that is, actually the government), and the Commissioner of the Union of Northern Communes (regional association of the Soviets), an active conductor of the Bolshevik Decree on the press.

And, on the contrary, the list does not have, for example, who really existed the merchant routes of communication and the addict of post office and telegraphs. As a result, Andrei Wildly, even the number of drug addicts does not converge: it mentions the number 20, although in the first part there were 14 people, in 1918 the amount increased to 18.

Some posts are indicated with errors. Thus, the chairman of Petrosovet Zinoviev G. E. Mentioned as drug addict, although he never occupied this position. People's Commissar and Telegraph People's Commissar (here - "Protian") attributed the management of "Agriculture".

A row of persons are arbitrarily attributed to Jewry, for example, the Russian nobleman Lunacharsky A. V., Estonian, in the government, never entering, or Lilina (Bernstein) Z. I., in SNK also not included, but who worked as a public education with a Petrosovet Executive Committee), Kaufman (maybe in mind the Cadet Kaufman A. A., according to some sources, which attracted by the Bolsheviks as an expert in the development of land reform, but never part of the Council).

Also in the list are mentioned by two left esera, whose low-albele does not indicate in any way: the Narcar of Justice Steinberg I. Z. (Mentioned as "I. Steinberg") and the People's People's Commissar and Telegraphs, P. P., Mentioned as "Protian-Agriculture" . Both policies belonged to the post-beater Bolshevik policy extremely negative. Gukovsky I. E. Before the revolution referred to the Mensheviks, "liquidators" and the post of People's Commissar received only under the pressure of Lenin.

In the same way - maybe not without "imitation" by A. R. Gotsu - the Trotsky capable of foreseen insisted that commenting on this "position" of Trotsky, its current hot fan of V. Z. Rogovin seeks, in particular, to convince readers to That Lev Davidovich was deeper by the power, had a firm intention. But these reasoning are designed for completely simple people, for after all Trotsky never refused membership in the Central Committee and Politburo, and a member of the Politburo stood in the hierarchy of power is incommensurable higher than any opposition! And Trotsky, by the way, did not hide his extreme indignation, when he was "freed by a member of the Politburo in 1926" ...

"In the first revolutionary government there should be no Jew, since otherwise the reactionary propaganda will be depicted by the October Revolution" Jewish Revolution "...""After the coup, it remains outside the government and ... agreed to take government posts only at the persistent requirement of the Central Committee"

In 2013, speaking about the Collection of Schneerson at the Moscow Jewish Museum and the Center for Tolerance, President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin noted that "

"If you discard the speculation of false scientists who know how to find a Jewish origin from each revolutionary, it will turn out that in the first composition of the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), the Jews were 8%: from the 16 of its members, the Jew was only a lion Trotsky. In the Government of the RSFSR 1917-1922. Jews were 12% (six people out of 50). If not to speak only about the government, then in the Central Committee of the RSDDP (b) on the eve of October 1917, the Jews were 20% (6 out of 30), and in the first part of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) - 40% (3 of 7).