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What amulets protect. Magic crafts made from dough with salt. Egyptian amulets and their meaning

The action of amulets begins from the time they were charged with human energy. Various rituals help to facilitate this. One of them is pretty easy to make. The selected talisman must be wrapped in a light and dense fabric, and placed in a dark place for exactly 7 days. Every day it must be taken in hand for a few minutes and squeezed in a fist, then wrapped again in cloth. So the talisman will be saturated with energy the right person and will serve as his protection.
But how to choose the desired amulet man?

There are various talismans and amulets for.

Amulets for Aries

Talismans of this kind can be made independently, or you can purchase a ready-made amulet or specifically speak a certain thing.

Scorpio amulets

The talisman is a frog. This amulet suits them by date of birth and zodiac sign. It is believed that the frog is a symbol of mystery, loyalty, and a good road. See a frog on the way - to good news, a fun journey.
Scorpio needs to keep figurines in the form of frogs in his home, this will help increase them, improve the course of affairs.

Amulets for Sagittarius

For there are many different amulets: agate, garnet, sapphire. These stones are in any business. In matters of love, an emerald will become a faithful assistant. Its influence seems to attract representatives of the opposite sex.
The mascot for Sagittarius is beetles, especially scarabs. By purchasing a figurine of a beetle, the representative of this sign seems to call upon the long-awaited success in business.

Amulets for Capricorn

It has long been believed that the turtle is the right talisman for. She not only protects from the evil eye, but also helps to gain peace of mind.
In Japan, it is believed that this animal serves as a symbol of a strong and faithful marriage, helps spouses find peace, comfort and tranquility.

Amulets for Aquarius

The image of an angel is considered to be the protector. Such a talisman is able to sharpen intuition, and also helps to improve memory.
You should always have such an amulet with you. It can be in the form of gold jewelry, or one that is made by yourself.

Amulets for Pisces

A shell will serve as an amulet for. A charmed talisman can not only increase the health and inner strength of the representatives of the sign, but also give them a sense of calmness.
And by putting the hair of a loved one in such a shell and filling it with warm water, you can fill the heart of the chosen one with burning passion.

DIY amulets

Since ancient times, people have believed in magic. Someone believed in help from above, while someone performed rituals and achieved the desired result. Until today, it cannot be said with certainty that magic does not exist in our life. It does not matter in what form it is embodied in life, the main thing is what goal must be achieved by resorting to it.
In ancient times, people often wore amulets. They firmly believed that such magical things would help them gain luck, find true love, improve their financial condition and health. Until today, various handmade amulets remain popular.
Everyone knew how make an amulet with your own hands... It is important to put true faith in it, to hope for success, only then the amulet will work.

Good luck charms

Do DIY amulets for good luck not difficult at all. There is one of the most common ways to make an amulet.

  • Get a small white candle, whichever you like best. Rumor has it that it is best to make an amulet for the growing moon.
    Choose a glass transparent glass, no pattern. At midnight, put a candle in it and light it. While the candle is burning, look at it, transfer your energy to it, whisper your desires. Plus this method is that you do not need to resort to any conspiracies. It is enough just to wish good luck and convey your thoughts to the amulet.
    After burning out, the candle will leave wax. It is necessary to let it freeze. A figurine that will freeze and become an amulet. It can be stored in a locket.
  • There is another option for how to make DIY amulets at home... For this you will need:

- Candle of any color. It is better to choose the one that you like the most. It is desirable that it be large
- White and green thread
- Salt
- Bay leaf

It has long been believed that Bay leaf- this is the talisman that can improve the financial condition of the owner. Often they carried it with them or hid it in secluded places. Today, you can use it to make your own amulet for good luck.

On the growing moon, take a candle in your hands and hold it for several minutes, mentally transmitting your desires to it. Then take a white thread and wrap it around the candle three times. After that, attach a bay leaf to the candle and wrap it with green thread as many times as you see fit.
It is necessary to prepare a glass of salt in advance, to make a hollow in it for a candle. Light a candle and put it in a glass of salt for a few minutes. The salt will keep your energy on the candle and turn it into an amulet.

Such do it yourself good luck amulet made at home should be kept at home in a secret place.

Amulets for love

Amulet for love will become very strong magic amulet and talisman, which will help not only to find true love, but also not to let it "cool down".

  • One of the most simple methods to make an amulet for love with your own hands like this:

- you need to take a white sheet of any paper and carefully cut out two small circles from it. Then, cut out a circle of about the same size from a thin sheet of copper. On one piece of paper you should write your date of birth, on the second - the date of birth of a loved one. Insert a sheet of copper between the white circles.
Then, in the center, make a small hole with a needle and thread a thick red thread, it should be tied in three knots. Then, on the growing moon, this amulet must be placed in the place where the moonlight will best get. Sprinkle salt on the amulet and attach a mint or lavender leaf to it.

In the morning, the amulet will be ready.

You can carry it with you, or you can keep it in a secluded place.

  • Various stones are also used to attract love. Among them are: turquoise, emerald, ruby. It is believed that turquoise is the most powerful of all stones that invoke love. It should always be carried with you, charging it with your energy.

Amulets from the evil eye

It is not difficult to do and amulet from the evil eye and damage with your own hands. Each person can at any time become the object of envy of the people around him. In order to protect yourself from undesirable consequences, you should make amulets.

  • Some of these have long been known. This and red thread on the wrist, and pin under clothes.
    You can do and do it yourself.

One of these is a bag of salt. To begin with, you should speak salt to the growing moon:

"All troubles and misfortunes, all grief, lies and slander will leave me."

Then pour the salt into a small canvas bag and carry it with you at all times.

  • Protective amulets were also made by the Slavs.

Among them, the most common was rag doll... It's easy to make.

A small rectangle of fabric is taken, tightly tied in the middle with a thread. The top of the fabric is the doll's head, can be filled soft materials, for example, with cotton wool, herbs are sometimes used. Doll cannot be made using needles or scissors.
As a result, such an amulet will not carry any negative emotions.

  • Protect your home from evil people will also help specifically DIY amulet.

To do this, you need to take two needles, bay leaf, salt and pepper. In the upper corner of the door, attach a bay leaf and stick two needles into the opening so that the bay leaf is well fixed. Then take a pinch of salt and sprinkle with bay leaves, saying:

“Leave the bad from my house, do not let the bad into my house. Let the desecrated, the black one become ill, and the clean one, my house brings joy. "

Amulets in Russia have existed for a long time, the most ancient of them have a history of thousands of years. The popularity of amulets was very high - there was a talisman in almost every house. In Russia, they attached great importance to the magical capabilities of various objects - both independently made and natural formations. The Slavs had a unity with nature, almost lost in our time. They knew how to receive strength and energy from nature, communicate with animals and Gods.

The ancients believed that sacred symbols were presented to humanity by higher entities, and each symbol contains divine knowledge about the universe. Moreover, each of the symbols has its own meaning, its own knowledge and its own magical potential.

Russian amulets and talismans and their meaning

The pectoral cross contains powerful protective forces

Amulets and talismans were an integral part of the culture and life of the Slavs. Many of them have survived to this day. For example, pectoral cross- one of the oldest Slavic amulets, although many do not even know about it.

Amulets ancient Russia can be conditionally divided into verbal, objective and symbolic.

Object amulets include various gizmos and objects made on their own, purchased or simply found. Moreover, it is worth noting that hand-made items had greater potential and significance than purchased items.

Verbal amulets and conspiracies are important for the Russian person

Symbolic Russian amulets are images that can display objects the real world, including Gods and animals, or contain a sacred drawing. Prayers and conspiracies are.

Amulets and talismans can be universal, that is, they can protect against any negativity, or they can have one specific property, for example, protect against various diseases.

How to choose a Russian amulet

Before making or buying a talisman, you need to clearly understand what kind of protection or help you would like to receive in life. You may not be able to resolve on your own problem situation, or you have serious health problems or you just vaguely sense some kind of threat from the outside world. The motives can be very different, you need to determine the most important one for you.

Your inner feelings will prompt you in choosing a talisman.

You can choose a suitable amulet for yourself, having familiarized yourself with its meaning and properties. Or, if you have a well-developed intuition, you just feel that this particular amulet is yours, then do not hesitate and buy or make it.

You can choose any material for the amulet. It can be glass, wood, fabric, stone and others. There is only one condition - you should not have a negative feeling in relation to the material itself, and also the material should be in harmony with the character of the person for whom you are going to make the amulet.

Home amulets

All do-it-yourself amulets are always made only from natural materials

In the homes of our ancestors, there was always a talisman, and often not one. The protective objects were very different - pillows with dried herbs, and many others. They were united by one thing - they all had to be made of natural materials. Natural materials themselves are excellent defenders against ailments, problems, and magical attacks.

The Slavs attached particular importance to wormwood. Pads and dolls were filled with it, or they simply placed a wormwood broom near the entrance. The dark forces are afraid of wormwood, and people with impure thoughts will feel a certain obstacle and will not enter your house.

Wormwood has long been endowed with mystical properties and is often used in various rituals.

Today the wormwood has not lost its magical power and values. You can add a small bunch of wormwood to your hallway as decorative element and this herb will protect your home from uninvited guests, as well as envy, evil eye or corruption. A small doll with a wormwood inside will reliably protect you on the road.

Another amulet known to every Russian person is. The horseshoe has several protective properties, the manifestation of a specific property depends on how you position the horseshoe. To attract good luck, the horseshoe was placed with the ends up, and to protect the house from dark forces and deceitful people - ends down. The horseshoe was most often placed at the entrance to the house. If the horseshoe is decorated with wormwood twigs, then its strength will increase.

Such amulet as a bell is also quite famous today. Usually it was made by hand and was also placed near the entrance or just on the front door. The bell symbolizes well-being, and its ringing has a beneficial effect on the energy in the house and drives out evil.

Russian amulets for children

Magic items accompanied the Russian people throughout their entire life. And mothers sometimes cooked even before the baby was born. Basically, self-sewn dolls served as such amulets. The doll was placed in the crib, she protected the baby from the evil eye and at the same time warmed him.

The custom of putting a cross on a child originated long before the baptism of Rus.

A newborn baby immediately received another personal amulet - a cross. A cross was worn by a child so that a protective object was always with him. It is interesting to note that c. The Slavs believed that the cross has magical power, no less than that of solar symbols.

It has long been believed that young children are especially susceptible to the influence of dark forces, and, of course, they tried to protect the child as much as possible. One of the defenses was the swaddling dolls. They were made before birth, and from the first days of life, the diapers were continuously next to the child for several months. They were then removed and reused only when the child fell ill. Swaddling dolls protected the baby from any evil.

After seven years, the child received other amulets. Boys were put in their pockets with some small pointed thing, and girls were pinned with a pin on the seamy side of the dress.

Charms for newlyweds

For the ancient Slavs, the family was the most important life value... The bond between spouses, as well as consanguinity, was revered as something unshakable. There were talismans and charms that were presented as a wedding gift, the main meaning of these items was to protect the new marriage from quarrels and trouble.

One of the wedding customs was a gift to the newlyweds - a doll-amulet Lovebirds

The bride's mother usually prepared in advance the traditional talisman gift -. These two dolls had one common hand symbolizing life together in happiness and well-being. Lovebird dolls were handed over to the bride and groom at the very beginning of the wedding ceremony, and then placed in the newlyweds' house as a talisman.

Another wedding gift-amulet was a needle without an ear. Such needles were attached to the bride's hem wedding dress, and the groom - on the belt. It was required to wear needles for forty days, it was believed that it was during this period that the new family was most susceptible to envy and dark attacks.

Amulets and talismans have been widely used at all times. They are popular even now - the main thing is to choose the right one for your energy industry. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself. Having decided to purchase this item, carefully study its magical properties.

Protective symbols-amulets

They came to us from ancient times. Man's desire to know the world, his ideas about the structure of the Universe and God, have been embodied in numerous sacred images. Talismans are used to protect the home and the person, to attract success and prosperity, and are used in shamanic rituals. Such items are found in all faiths and cultures. More often they are worn as a pendant around the neck, hung at the entrance to the house, located in certain places of the dwelling. Cannot be worn with a cross.

Pentagram Power of Light- a sacred sign that has great strength... Will save you from evil spirits and evil. It was used most often in the rituals of sorcerers and magicians, so as not to fall under the influence of otherworldly forces and to close the corridors between the worlds.

Pentagram Power of Light

- symbolizes being born again. Promotes achievement, power and power, protects against black magic, protects against misfortunes.

Astrological Navigational Amulet- has a long history, its appearance dates back to the 18th century BC. Was considered powerful protection sailors sailing. They believed that the amulet helps in finding treasures, enrichment, prevents waste, and wards off troubles from its owner on the way.

Seraphim- looks like a human figure with three pairs of wings. A being close to God gives reliable protection from negativity, will strengthen the strength of the spirit. The owners of this amulet should know the prayers from the evil eye, then the magic will increase several times.

Solomon's Key- recognized as the most powerful sacred sign from evil spirits, creates a solid wall separating from witchcraft messages.

Magic seal, with the inscription "The time that has passed irrevocably", has a strong impact, can change the life attitudes of the individual. Protects from unkind energy aimed at a person.

Themis sword is a sign that must be handled with care. It symbolizes justice, and if evil is planned, then evil will return to you.

Anchor - considered a marine amulet. Protect its owner while sailing from the elements, misfortunes, and ailments. Purely, incompatible with the energy of a woman, therefore it is strictly forbidden for ladies to wear.


is a symbol representing an eight-pointed star in a circle. Forms a powerful barrier against damage. Our ancestors believed that he was able to defend the entire Rod.

Kabbalistic talisman of Mercury- essential for trips and travels. Protects against accidents, accidents, breakdowns of equipment on the road.

A simple protective amulet from an unkind look. By absorbing the negative directed at a person, it does not allow evil to escape outward, thanks to its closed form.

Atlantean sign- discovered during archaeological site at the beginning of the 19th century in Egypt. Possesses strong radiation, gives protection from evil forces, damage. Able to protect against theft and disasters.

Atlantean sign

-stone- the strongest. Our ancestors believed that a talisman can protect against accidents: you cannot drown with it, die in the mountains, in the claws of the beast. It is sometimes compared to the Philosopher's Stone.

Vseslavets- magical, protecting the home and fields from fire. Promotes good relations between loved ones, saving you from hot quarrels, disagreements.

Radinets- a sign of the energy of the sky, helping babies to form a biofield. , damage. Used on the embroidery of baby's clothes, depicted on a cradle, toys. The origins go back to the ancient culture of the Slavs.

Amulets and talismans charged with love and their meaning

Yin-yang amulet

Yin yang is one of the popular talismans of this interpretation. At the same time, it is quite multifaceted, it is a symbol of unity. Promotes strong family ties, the achievement of goals.

Peach Fruit Crane- another amulet rooted in ancient Chinese culture. Charged for a happy family life... It was worn by female representatives until marriage and the birth of their first child.

- an old Slavic solar sign, personifies the course of the luminary, bestows positive energy. Its action is multifaceted: it protects from the bites of poisonous creatures, creates a barrier from the evil eye, turning the message back. The owners of these talismans are successful in love affairs, have a strong sexual energy.

Wedding- represented by two eights with the value of infinity. This image symbolizes eternal passion. Rounded shapes attract harmony and tranquility in life, avert failure.


Woven lovers- belongs . An amulet that strengthens the bonds of marriage. The image of tangled threads, having no beginning and end, personify the continuity of the conjugal union.

Talisman of Venus- from the category of astrological interpretations, is the patron saint of the fair sex. Promotes the acquisition of love, a happy marriage, protects a woman from envy and negative impact ill-wishers. There is a belief that if you throw an amulet into an enemy's drink, he will become a friend on long times... Given to the chosen one, it will evoke reciprocal feelings, wake up a sleeping heart.

- is considered the most intimate amulet among the peoples of Oceania, charged with passionate relationships and love. Promotes emancipation, passionate confessions, a successful marriage.

Star Half- octogram, the rays of which are colored in blue and yellow... Symbolizes the feminine and masculine principles. The owner of this amulet attracts his soul mate. Provide a strong family.

How to attract happiness and prosperity with talismans and amulets

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune- strong amulet attracting money, helping to make a profit in the most confusing situations. Recommended to be worn by avid gamblers, it will help to stop in time and attract good luck.

TRISKEL- popular, symbolizing the harmony of a person with the outside world. The drawing represents the interweaving of the four elements with infinity. A sign charged with the bait of justice. An amulet that accumulates spiritual strength brings prosperity.
Lucky coin- a talisman that came to us from Korea, capable of bringing great luck and money to the owner. Success is ensured in business, for the flow of magical energy spreads in all directions, luring wealth.

Horseshoe for good luck- everyone knows such an amulet. It is believed that the tradition, with the aim of attracting wealth, arose in the Middle Ages. In that era, only a rich man could be the owner of a good horse. You need to know: horns up - attracts prosperity, ends down - will protect from evil, all the evil thoughts of envious people fall under the dome.

KAN is a symbol that came from the Mayan culture, depicting a buried grain. Is the personification of abundance, prosperity, fertility. The word is translated as yellow, ripe - the name has a magical meaning to attract wealth.

- to find such a plant is good luck, promises the owner great success in all matters: if worn in a wallet, it will attract money, put in shoes will lure true love, the presence in the house will protect from the evil eye. Talismans in the form of a clover twig are made in the form of pendants, rings.

- a well-known symbol that brings prosperity. Came from China, became popular all over the world. A coin in the mouth of the figurine will attract wealth to the house.

Protecting charms from diseases

When ailments and ailments are haunted, you should think about whether there is an evil eye on you. To prevent such troubles, you should acquire reliable amulets. Of course, they are not a panacea, but they can help and protect against illness, strengthen immunity, and add energy.

- the symbol of the luminary, therefore it has a powerful energy, which is enough to cope with the disease - body and spirit. Such an item should be worn by those who are prone to depression. The talisman helps to harden willpower.

Alpha and Omega is a symbol with the monogram of Christ, consisting of the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet. Recommended for people with disabilities. It will help to overcome self-doubt, to achieve success in many areas of activity.

Healer- the name itself contained the healing power. The Slavs believed that he was able to prevent many ailments, help recover and recover faster from an illness. Can be used to protect children.

Sun God Spirit- this talisman came to us from India. Grants health and good luck to its owner. It helps to recharge with the energy of space, which creates a protective shell against diseases, reflects negative witchcraft messages.

- a strong Slavic amulet symbol. Our ancestors believed that it relieves even fatal diseases. So that the talisman does not lose its power, you should sometimes charge your amulet over the flame of a wax candle.

Woman in labor- female sign, gives protection to mother and child, protects from the evil eye. Helps to bear and give birth to healthy offspring. Protects from infertility.

Amulets that endow wisdom - their meaning

Amulet All-Seeing Eye

Magical pentacle Solomon- a charm that contributes to the development of a person's mental capabilities, helps to choose correct decisions improves memory. Scientists need this amulet, it grants clarity of thought.

Predictor- magic item helping to comprehend knowledge. Each person will be endowed with the gift of foresight, will teach to correctly compare the present and the past.

Amulet of five benefits- Chinese talisman, a symbol of 5 human benefits: longevity, peace, health, happiness, virtue. Embodying such a code, he is able to bestow wisdom on every person, reveals the secrets of the Universe. It is forbidden to share the knowledge gained, use it for enrichment.

- a symbol that depicts an eye in a triangle. It is believed that the amulet will reflect the evil directed at you, relieve you of unkind thoughts. A person will easily acquire new knowledge, gain prudence, be free from vanity.

Babylonian tree of wisdom- is present in the cultures of many nations. It gives its owner clarity of consciousness, sharpness of mind, develops the ability to science.

Agni is an ancient Slavic sign of Fire, which gives mental energy, gives the potential to develop creatively, to make wise decisions. It is forbidden to use the symbol for children due to its "hot" properties.

Undoubtedly, amulets contain power, should not be taken as magic wand... Amulets "work" only for people with good thoughts, believers in them.

Sometimes a bad wish can bring various kinds of trouble to a person. Fortunately, there are charms against damage and the evil eye that can protect their wearer from negative energy effects. There are several categories of security talismans, they can be roughly divided into the following groups:

  • Amulets created by specialists (white or black magicians)
  • Church incense, religious paraphernalia
  • Self-made talismans
  • Dummy products with no strength

We will not consider forgeries belonging to the latter category. We mean by "fake products" all kinds of figurines, "lucky coins" and other little things that can be bought in any souvenir shop. Such items cannot be used as amulets. At least until they are charged.

Runic amulets from damage and the evil eye are traditionally made by magicians in compliance with certain rituals. These can be products made of inexpensive materials (wood, stone) or precious metals- gold and silver. Magicians perform special rituals with ready-made talismans to give them the necessary power.

Church incense can be used immediately as talismans against damage and evil eye, they do not need any additional rituals. It must be remembered that any incense is a purely personal thing. It is highly undesirable to transfer it into the wrong hands and even show it to strangers. Usually an amulet is worn on a chain or on a string, it is hidden under clothes.

Self-production of amulets from damage and the evil eye is a complex and responsible process. In this section of the site, we will tell readers in all details how to create talismans with their own hands and how to charge them. Anyone can follow these instructions, you do not have to be a magician or psychic for this.

Proven amulets for the home

On women's sites, you can read that there are many amulets that allow you to attract good luck to the house and protect the home owners from various kinds of troubles. Probably, every person knows such a talisman for the house as a horseshoe, which should be nailed over front door... It is believed that a horseshoe can attract luck and wealth.

Some amulets for the home are aimed at protecting against witchcraft. So, for example, a sorcerer or witch cannot cross the threshold of a dwelling if in doorjamb drive in a knife or a charmed nail. In addition, there are talismans that protect the home from fire and from thieves. Explore the site site, we will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from damage, evil eye and everyday troubles!

What is damage and evil eye

Corruption is a deliberate energetic effect performed by a black magician using conspiracies and special rituals. To induce damage, photographs, personal belongings or a mummy (blood, nails, hair) of a person they want to curse are used. The main signs of spoilage include the following symptoms:

  • An unexpected illness, a sharp deterioration in well-being
  • Groundless problems in the family, at work
  • A series of troubles of various sizes
  • Human intolerance to religious symbols, icons
  • Mystical phenomena in the house (things disappear, voices are heard, etc.)

Unlike damage, the evil eye is not a targeted effect. The evil eye can be accidental, for example, if someone envies you at a "bad" hour. The victim of the evil eye often begins to lose weight abruptly, she begins to have health problems, and luck turns away. However, the evil eye is not so strong and long-lasting in duration as the damage induced by a black sorcerer.

In any case, amulets from damage and the evil eye are provided to their owner comprehensive protection out of trouble. And the most powerful are considered to be protective talismans, made with your own hands.

All objects around us have their own specific traits... Part of them natural properties, and they owe other features to man. Some properties are such that they are able to influence third-party things. The influence exerted on the surrounding objects can be both beneficial and negative.

A person, too, in contact with certain objects, can experience both a beneficial effect and a negative impact from their impact.

Items that have accumulated positive potential have long been used as magical amulets to protect against negativity and attract desired moments.

The amulet is selected for each person individually

Such things need to be selected for each person individually, taking into account his data: gender, age and psychological characteristics personality. A well-chosen protector can drastically change your life, bringing health, luck and well-being, and warding off negative stressful situations.

Types of magic items

In cultures different nations there are amulets that perform similar functions

Items, with or without symbols applied, have for the most part small size... They are expected to help increase vitality, strengthening the positive qualities of the individual, protection against negative impacts... Although different cultures have their own amulets, the action of such items is very similar. For example, the two most popular amulets - among the Egyptians and among the Slavs - have the same basic property, namely, attracting good luck in a variety of life situations. Another example: rose petals, often used in amulets, are intended by most peoples to attract love.

You can classify magic items according to their purpose:

  • talismans have a positive effect on the life of a person as a whole, relieving their owner from various shocks and balancing the general course of life;
  • magic amulets, as a rule, are used to achieve a goal in some specific area of ​​life - love, material well-being, getting rid of diseases, and so on;
  • magical amulets protect their master from enemy attacks - damage and evil eye, and are able to weaken some negative situations.

How to handle magic items?

Each amulet has its own characteristics of use.

Crafting a magic item is usually easy. But, talismans and amulets require certain knowledge. Below are some of the features to take note of:

  1. Most protective items are personal items. This means that there should only be a personal relationship between you and your helper. You should not give such an item to anyone or even talk about it. A received or presented magic amulet will not benefit the new owner, since it is filled with the energy of a particular person (its former owner). An exception to this rule is inherited amulets. They are even more powerful than self-made ones. But the amulets obtained by inheritance are cleansed and charged with their own energy before use. Some amulets are worn in full view of everyone, for example, as jewelry, while others should be hidden from prying eyes.
  2. Without exception, all protective items require careful and respectful treatment. Find a place for your protector in the house where it is always clean; do not throw it where you have accumulated forgotten and unnecessary souvenirs.
  3. All amulets, charms and talismans can lose their potential over time, so they need periodic recharging. It's good if you hold your magic amulet in your hands for several minutes at least twice a month - it will have time to absorb your energy. You can take the amulet in your hands in times of stress - it will help to overcome such situations. V happy Days holding a magic amulet in your hands, you will transfer your positive energy to it.
  4. If your amulet should solve your personal problem, try to have it with you at all times. If a magical amulet protects your home or protects family well-being, then find a worthy place for him in the house.

These are the simple rules, the observance of which will help you find a reliable ally and defender.

How to make a magic amulet?

If you want to have a protective item, then of course the best option will do it yourself. Highly a good choice- a magic amulet according to your zodiac sign. For you, he will become a talisman general purpose and will contribute to success in all areas of life.

As a basis, you can use small item made of metal or wood, preferably in the form of a square or rectangle. Other materials can be used, provided that they are of natural origin.

Waxing Crescent - best time to create most amulets

Choose the time to create a talisman on the growing moon - its potential will be much greater than that made in other periods.

The symbol of your zodiac sign... The image can be burned, cut, etched, or similar. It is better if the symbol is not just drawn - it should be felt upon contact.