Repairs Design Furniture

Examples of the compositions of powdered activated general purpose concrete. Dry reaction-powder concrete mixes - new types of binders for creating various types of concrete. Dry reaction-powder concrete mixes -

Chapter 1 Modern Presentations and Basic

Principles of obtaining high-quality powder concrete.

1.1 Foreign and domestic experience in the use of high-quality concrete and fibrobetones.

1.2 Concrete multicomponential, as a factor in providing functional properties.

1.3 Motivation of high-strength and especially high-strength reaction-powder concrete and fibrobetones.

1.4 High reaction activity of dispersed powders - the basis of obtaining high-quality concrete.

Conclusions on chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Source materials, research methods,

Instruments and equipment.

2.1 Features of raw materials.

2.2 research methods, appliances and equipment.

2.2.1 Technology for the preparation of raw materials and evaluation of their reaction activity.

2.2.2 Technology for the manufacture of powder concrete mixtures and meters

Toda of their tests.

2.2.3 Research methods. Instruments and equipment.

Chapter 3 Topology of Dispersed Systems, Dispersed

Reinforced powder concrete and

The mechanism of their hardening.

3.1 The topology of composite binders and the mechanism of their hardening.

3.1.1 Structural and topological analysis of composite binders. 59 p 3.1.2 The mechanism of hydration and hardening of composite binders - as the result of the structural topology of compositions.

3.1.3 The topology of dispersed-reinforced fine-grained concrete.

Conclusions on chapter 3.

Chapter 4 Rheological condition of superplastic-vanis dispersed systems, powder concrete mixtures and a methodology for evaluating it.

4.1 Development of the methodology for estimating the limit stress of shift and fluidity of dispersed systems and fine-grained powder concrete mixtures.

4.2 Experimental definition of the rheological properties of dispersed systems and fine-grained powder mixtures.

Conclusions on chapter 4.

Chapter 5 Evaluation of the reaction activity of rocks and the study of reactive powder mixtures and concrete.

5.1 Reaction activity of rocks in a mixture with cement .- ■.

5.2 Principles of selection of powder dispersed-reinforced concrete, taking into account the requirements for materials.

5.3 Reception of fine-grained powder dispersed-reinforced concrete.

5.4 Preparation of concrete mix.

5.5 The effect of the compositions of powder concrete mixtures on their properties and durability in the axial compression.

5.5.1 The influence of the type of superplasticizers on the spreadability. Between the mixture and the strength of concrete.

5.5.2 Effect of superplastic dosage.

5.5.3 The effect of the dosage of the microcirem.

5.5.4 The effect of the share of basalts and sand for strength.

Conclusions on chapter 5.

Chapter 6 The physico-technical properties of concrete and their

Technical and economic evaluation.

6.1 Kinetic features of the formation of RPB strength and Fibro-RPB.

6.2 Deformative properties Fibro-RPB.

6.3 Combined changes in powder concrete.

6.4 Water absorption of dispersed-reinforced powder concrete.

6.5 Technical and economic assessment and production implementation of the RPB.

Recommended list of dissertations

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The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Thin-grained reaction-powder dispersed-reinforced concrete using rocks"

Relevance of the topic. Every year, the release of high-quality, highly highly high-strength concrete and this progress and this progress became an objective reality, due to significant savings of material and energy resources, increases in the global practice of concrete and reinforced concrete.

With a significant increase in concrete strength on compression, the crack resistance is inevitably reduced and the risk of fragile destruction of structures increases. The dispersed reinforcement of fiber concrete excludes these negative properties, which allows producing classes concrete above 80-100 with a strength of 150-200 MPa, which have a new quality - viscous nature of destruction.

The analysis of scientific works in the field of dispersed-reinforced concrete and their production in domestic practice shows that the basic orientation does not pursue the use of high-strength matrices in such concrete. The class of dispersed-reinforced concrete on compressive strength remains extremely low and limited to the B30-B50. It does not allow for a good adhesion of fibra with a matrix, fully use steel fiber even with low gap strength. Moreover, in theory are being developed, and in practice concrete products are produced with freely laid fibers with a degree of volume reinforcement 5-9%; Sing them under the action of vibration with non-controlled "greasy" high-pressure cement-sand solutions of the composition: cement-sand -1: 0.4 + 1: 2.0 at a / c \u003d 0.4, which is extremely wasteful and repeats the level of work 1974 . Significant scientific advances in the creation of superplastic DB, microdisperous mixtures with microcillisers, with reactionary-active powders made of high-strength rocks, allowed to bring the water degree to 60% using superplasticizers of oligomeric composition and hyperplasticizers of the polymer composition. These achievements did not become the basis for creating high-strength reinforced concrete, or fine-grained powder concrete from cast self-adventure mixtures. Meanwhile, advanced countries actively develop new generations of reaction-powder concrete, reinforced with dispersed fibers, woven pouring volumetric thin-sacket frames, combinations with a rod or rod with dispersed reinforcement.

All this determines the relevance of creating high-strength fine-grained reaction-powder, dispersed-reinforced concrete brands 1000-1500, characterized by high efficiency not only in the construction of responsible unique buildings and structures, but also for products and general design products.

The dissertation work was carried out in accordance with the programs of the Institute of Building Materials and Constructions of the Munich Technical University (Germany) and the initiative works of the Department of Tbquik Purances and the Scientific and Technical Program of the Ministry of Education of Russia "Scientific Research of Higher School on the Priority Directions of Science and Technology" on the subprogramme "Architecture and Construction" 2000-2004

The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation work is to develop compositions of high-strength fine-grained reaction-powder concrete, including dispersed-reinforced concrete, using grinding rocks.

To achieve his goal, it was necessary to solve the complex of the following tasks:

Reveal theoretical prerequisites and motivation of the creation of multicomponent fine-grained powder concrete concrete with a very dense, high-strength matrix obtained by casting at ultra-low water content, providing the manufacture of concrete with a viscous character during destruction and high tensile strength during bending;

Identify the structural topology of composite binders and dispersed-reinforced fine-grained compositions, to obtain mathematical models of their structure to assess the distances between the rude particles of the filler and between the geometric centers of reinforcing fibers;

Develop a methodology for estimating the rheological properties of water-perverse systems, fine-grained powdered dispersed-reinforced compositions; explore their rheological properties;

Identify the mechanism of hardening mixed binders, study the structural processes;

Establish the necessary fluidity of multicomponent fine-grained powder concrete mixtures, providing filling forms with a low viscosity mixture and ultra-low yield strength;

Optimize the compositions of fine-grained dispersed-reinforced concrete mixtures with fiber d \u003d 0.1 mm and / \u003d 6 mm with minimal content sufficient to increase the tensile content of concrete, cooking technology and establish the effect of recipes on the fluidity, density, air conditioning them, strength and others Physico-technical properties of concrete.

Scientific novelty of work.

1. The possibility of obtaining high-strength fine cement powder concrete concrete, including dispersed-reinforced, made from concrete mixes without rubble with thin fractions of quartz sand, with reactionary rocks of rock and microcirem, with significant rocks and microcarce, with significant increases The effectiveness of superplasticizers to the content of water in a cast self-adventure mixture to 10-11% (appropriate without a semi-dry mixture for pressing) from the mass of dry components.

2. The theoretical foundations of the methods for determining the yield strength of superplasticized liquid dispersion systems were developed and methods for estimating the spreading of powder concrete mixtures with free spreading and a blocked grid fence.

3. The topological structure of composite binders and powder concrete, including dispersed-reinforced, was revealed. Mathematical models of their structure are obtained, determining the distances between rude particles and between the geometric centers of fibers in the body of concrete.

4. Theoretically predicted and experimentally proved a predominantly conductive diffusion-ion mechanism of hardening of composite cement binders, amplifying as an increase in the content of filler or a significant increase in its dispersion compared to the dispersion of cement.

5. The processes of structure formation of fine-grained powder concrete are studied. It is shown that powder concrete from superplastic cast self-adverse concrete mixtures is much more densely, the kinetics of the increase in their strength is more intense, and the regulatory strength is significantly higher than concrete without joint ventures compressable with the same water content under pressure of 40-50 MPa. Criteria for estimating the reaction-chemical activity of powders has been developed.

6. Optimized compositions of fine-grained dispersed-reinforced concrete mixtures with thin steel fiber diameter 0.15 and 6 mm long, the technology of their preparation, the ingrediency of the introduction of components and the duration of mixing; The effect of the composition on the fluidity of the density, air-containing concrete mixtures, strength in compression of concrete is established.

7. Some physico-technical properties of dispersed-reinforced powder concrete and basic patterns of influence on them of various recipe factors have been studied.

The practical significance of the work is to develop new cast fine-grained powder concrete mixtures with fiber for filling forms for products and structures, both without and with a combined rod reinforcement or without fiber for filling forms with ready-made volumetric thin-sacket frames. Using highly cute concrete mixtures, it is possible to produce high-respected bends or compressed reinforced concrete structures with a viscous nature of destruction under the action of limit loads.

It obtained a high-density, high-strength compression matrix with a strength of 120-150 MPa to increase the adhesion with a metal for the purpose of using thin and short high-strength fibra 0.040,15 mm and a length of 6-9 mm, which allows it to reduce its consumption and resistance to the flow of concrete mixes for injection molding Technologies for the manufacture of thin-walled filigree products with high tensile strength when bending.

New types of fine-grained powder dispersed-reinforced concrete expand the nomenclature of high-strength products and structures for various types of construction.

The raw material base of natural fillers is expanded from stone-timing fillers, dry and wet magnetic separation during mining and enrichment of ore and non-metallic minerals.

The economic efficiency of the developed concrete consists in a significant decrease in consideration of consideration by reducing the costs of concrete mixtures for the manufacture of high-strength products and structures.

Implementation of research results. The developed compounds were a production testing in the Penza Zbbi Plant LLC and at the production base of the precast concrete CJSC Energoservis and are used in Munich in the manufacture of balcony supports, plates and other products in housing construction.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and the results of the dissertation work were presented and reported at the International and All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conferences: "Young Science - New Millennium" (Naberezhnye Chelny, 1996), "Issues of Planning and Building Cities" (Penza, 1996, 1997, 1999 d), "Modern Problems of Building Materials" (Penza, 1998), "Modern Construction" (1998), international scientific and technical conferences "Composite building materials. Theory and Practice ", (Penza, 2002,

2003, 2004, 2005), "Resource and Energy Saving as Motivation of Creativity in Architectural Construction Process" (Moscow-Kazan, 2003), "Actual Construction Issues" (Saransk, 2004), "New Energy and resource-saving high-tech technologies in the production of building materials "(Penza, 2005), the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference" Urban planning, reconstruction and engineering support for the sustainable development of the cities of the Volga region "(Tolyatti, 2004), Academic readings of RAASN" Achievements, Problems and Prospective Directions development of the theory and practices of building materials science "(Kazan, 2006).

Publications. According to the results of the research performed, 27 works were published (in magazines on the list of WAK 2 work).

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, 6 chapters, basic conclusions, applications and a list of references from 160 items, is set out on 175 pages of machine-visiting text, contains 64 drawings, 33 tables.

Similar dissertation work in the specialty "Building materials and products", 05.23.05 CIFRA VAK

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  • High-strength dispersed-reinforced concrete 2006, Candidate of Technical Sciences Simakina, Galina Nikolaevna

  • Methodological and technological basis for the production of high-strength concrete concrete with high early strength for non-war and low-shirt technologies 2002, Doctor of Technical Sciences Demianova, Valentina Serafimovna

  • Disperse-reinforced fine-grained concrete on the technogenic sand KMA for bending 2012, Candidate of Technical Sciences Klyuev, Alexander Vasilyevich

  • Self-sealing fine-grained concretes and fibrobetones based on high-filled modified cement binders 2018, Candidate of Technical Sciences Balykov, Artemiy Sergeevich

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Building materials and products", Kalashnikov, Sergey Vladimirovich

1. An analysis of the composition and properties of dispersed-reinforced concrete produced in Russia indicates that they do not fully meet technical and economic requirements due to the low strength of concrete concrete (M 400-600). In such three-four- and rarely five component concrete concrete, not only dispersed high strength reinforcement, but also normal strength.

2. Based on theoretical ideas about the possibility of achieving maximum water-based effects of superplasticizers in dispersed systems that do not contain coarse-crushed aggregates, the high reaction activity of microsillis and rock powders, jointly enhancing the rheological operation of the joint venture, the creation of a sevencomponent high-strength fine-grade reaction-powder concrete matrix for fine and Relatively short dispersed reinforcement d \u003d 0.15-0.20 μm and / \u003d 6mm, not forming "echoes" in the manufacture of concrete and little reduced PBS fluidity.

3. It is shown that the main criterion for obtaining high-pressure PBS is the high fluidity of a very dense cement mixture from cement, MK, rock powder and water provided by adding the joint venture. In this regard, a methodology for assessing the rheological properties of dispersed systems and PBS has been developed. It has been established that high fluidity of the PBS is provided with a limit shear voltage of 5-10 Pa and with a water content of 10-11% of the mass of dry components.

4. The structural topology of composite binders and dispersed-reinforced concrete and their mathematical models of the structure are given. A ion-diffusion-through-solving mechanism of hardening composite filled binders is established. Methods of calculating average distances between sand particles in PBS, fiber geometric centers in a powder concrete along various formulas and at various parameters //, /, d. The objectivity of the author's formula is shown in contrast to the traditionally used. The optimal distance and thickness of the cementing suspension layer in the PBS should be within 37-44 + 43-55 μm with the flow of sand 950-1000 kg and the fractions of its 0.1-0.5 and 0.14-0.63 mm, respectively.

5. Reyotechnology properties of dispersed-reinforced and unarmed PBS are established according to the developed methods. The optimal breaking of the PBS from the cone with dimensions d \u003d 100; d \u003d 70; H \u003d 60 mm should be 25-30 cm. Detected sprouting coefficients depending on the geometric fibra parameters and a decrease in the breakdown of the PBS when it is blocked by a grid fencing. It is shown that for pouring the PBS in shapes with volume-grid woven frames, the breaking should be at least 28-30 cm.

6. A method is developed for estimating the reaction-chemical activity of rock powders in low-cement mixtures (C: P - 1:10) in samples compressable at extrusion molding pressure. It has been established that with the same activity, estimated by strength in 28 days and in long-term hardening (1-1.5 years), preference when used in RPBS should be given to powders from high-strength breeds: basalt, diabase, docuit, quartz.

7. The processes of structure formation of powder concrete are studied. It has been established that the cast mixtures in the first 10-20 min after the pouring are isolated up to 40-50% of the air involved and require a film that prevents the formation of a dense crust. The mixtures begin to be actively seizing 7-10 hours after fill and gain strength after 1 day 30-40 MPa, through the 2nd day-50-60 MPa.

8. Formulated the main experimental and theoretical principles of the selection of concrete composition with a strength of 130-150 MPa. Quartz sand to ensure high yield strength PBS should be fine-grained fractions

0.14-0.63 or 0.1-0.5 mm with a bulk density of 1400-1500 kg / m3 at a flow rate of 950-1000 kg / m. The thickness of the suspension of cement-stone flour and MK between the grains of sand should be within 43-55 and 37-44 μm, respectively, when the water content and the joint venture, providing the breaking of mixtures of 2530 cm. The dispersion of the PC and stone flour must be approximately the same, the content MK 15-20%, the content of stone flour 40-55% of the mass of cement. When varying the content of these factors, the optimal composition is selected by the necessary breaking of the mixture and maximum compression strength indicators after 2.7 and 28 days.

9. Optimized compositions of fine-grained dispersed-reinforced concrete concrete with strength in compression of 130-150 MPa using steel fibra with reinforcement coefficient // \u003d 1%. Optimal technological parameters were revealed: stirring should be carried out in high-speed mixers of a special design, preferably vacuum; The sequence of loading components and mixing modes, "rest", strictly regulated.

10. The effect of the composition on fluidity, density, air-containing dispersed-reinforced PBS has been studied, for strength when compressing concrete. It was revealed that the spreadability of mixtures, as well as the strength of concrete, depend on a number of prescription and technological factors. When optimizing, mathematical dependence of fluidity, strength from individual, most significant factors are established.

11. Some physico-technical properties of dispersed married concrete are studied. It is shown that concrete with strength when compressing 120l

150 MPa have an elastic module (44-47) -10 MPa, the Poisson coefficient -0.31-0.34 (0.17-0.19 - in unarmed). Air shrinkage of dispersed-reinforced concrete 1.3-1.5 times lower than that of unarmed. High frost resistance, low water absorption and air shrinkage indicate the high operational properties of such concrete.

12. Production testing and technical and economic assessment indicate the need to organize production and widespread introduction into the construction of fine-grained reaction-powder dispersed-reinforced concrete.

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The production association "3D-concrete" team specializes in the development and production of bulk structures and elements from decorative fibrobeton - 3D concrete - from generating a project idea to installation and maintenance - turnkey.
Own production of products made of concrete, fibrobetone and glass amples is the production of a full cycle. We have exhaust technology and selected compositions of concrete and fibrobetones with high physico-technical indicators providing the maximum service life. Our products are distinguished not only by the optimal combination of price / quality. Each order is a new unique product, work on which cannot be performed on a template or standard sample. That is why our creative approach to each client is not just words, but the basis of work on the execution of individual orders.

Kalashnikov Vladimir Ivanovich (1941-2017) - the founder of the direction "High-strength reaction-powder concretes of a new generation". Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Higher School, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Advisor to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (Rasn), Academician International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Safety (Maleb), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. In 2003, Cambridge International Bibliographic Center Kalashnikov V.I. entered into the Encyclopedia "Man of the Year", and in 2006, in the Encyclopedia "The Best People of Russia" with awarding a medal and a badge, in 2010, was listed in the bibliographic encyclopedia of successful people in Russia, in 2009 - awarded the "Construction Glory" medal, as well as The Order of the PGU "For merits in the development of building education and science." As part of the author's team under the leadership of Academician Rasn P.G. Komokhova Professor Kalashnikov V.I. Awarded in 2002 a large medal of Rasn. Author of more than 1,000 published scientific and teaching and teaching works, including 56 inventions and patent, 13 regulatory documents in the field of construction, 23 monographs and 58 textbooks. Over the past 15 years of life, scientific interests V.I. Kalashnikov were associated with the formation of high-strength reaction-powder concrete and fibrobetones.

Yana Sanyagaga

The follower of the scientific school Kalashnikova V.I., founder and head of the company, the author and developer of the 3D concrete product.

Yana Sanyagina is a follower of the Scientific School Kalashnikova V.I., founder and head of the company, the author and developer of the product 3D concrete. Experience in the implementation of projects and technologies in the field of concrete and fibrobeton - 14 years.

Realized areas: production of paving slabs using vibration and vibratory technologies, production of thin-walled facing panels from basaltophybrobetone, production of lawn lattices for eco-parking from high-strength self-adhesive concrete, production of toncreatication of thin-walled volumetric elements from decorative fibrobeton (3D concrete), production of feature products From high-strength concrete (blocks and elements of improvement) imitating granite. More than 50 publications in scientific and technical publications, victories in All-Russian and regional scientific competitions, participation in numerous exhibitions, forums, including the Legendary Seliger Forum. In 2009, within the framework of the Seliger forum, he participated in the meeting with Prime Minister Putin V.V. Among Russia's young innovators, in 2011 participated among 200 young scientists in Russia in a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Medvedev D.A. In the hypercube "Skolkovo". The start of entrepreneurship was carried out thanks to the support of the Government of the Penza region. In 2017, the Bortnik Foundation is included in the list of top 10 entrepreneurs created business up to 30 years.

Sergei Viktorovich Ananiev is a follower of Scientific school Kalashnikova V.I., chief engineer of the company, Candidate of Technical Sciences, developer of dry mixtures of high-strength and ultra-high-strength concrete concrete. Experience in the implementation of projects and technologies in the field of concrete and fibrobeton - 20 years.

2011 - Protection of the PhD dissertation on the topic: "Composition, topological structure and reetechnological properties of rheological matrices for the production of new generation concrete", 18 years old - work in construction in the direction of technical supervision, 10 years - work on the creation of high-strength bulk floors

Organization of activities and improvement of production technology, development of technical control and product testing methods, organization of the production laboratory, conducting experimental work on the development of new types of products and processes, development, maintenance and storage of technological documentation, writing production regulations. Performing calculations of production capacity and equipment loading, calculation of technological schemes, calculation and adjustment of design and estimate documentation; development and implementation of measures to stabilize technological processes; Organization and adoption of participation in general and target testing of processes and technologies.

Sergey Pivikov

Chief Architect Projects, Head of Design and Modeling Forms, Product Co-Author 3D-Concrete

Sergey Pivikov - chief architect of projects, head of the direction of design and modeling forms, co-author of the product 3D concrete.

Development and implementation of the following projects: Restoration of iconostasis and kyotov for the temple of the Resurrection of Christ in Nikolsk, a project to improve the urban space "Alley of Lovers", stopping pavilion using solar panels in Moscow, Fountain "Cross" for the font of the Nizhnelovsky Kazan-Bogoroditsky Male monastery, eco-playground for Flacon design plant in Moscow. The author of the monument to creativity M.Yu. Lermontov "Book", Penza, the directions of "Eco-furniture" in the production of small architectural forms, project of the city power generator "Eco-mushroom", project to improve the urban space "Good", church decoration in the temples of the city of Arkadak Saratov region, g . South of Ivanovo region, Development of a sketch project of iconostasis for the temple in Kuzminakh Moscow, design and working documentation for souvenir and interior products from concrete.

Alexey Izmailov

Head of the assembly division of the 3D-concrete GK "3D-concrete"

The implementation of technical control over the implementation of construction and installation works directly at facilities: execution of the work schedule, control of the deadlines, the compliance of the volume and quality of the work on the facility, the quality control of the materials used, the coordination of changes arising during the work of project decisions with the customer, Volumes, security at the facility.

Alexander Teplov

Manager of production

Organization of an effective production process, monitoring compliance with production technologies and key indicators; Ensuring the implementation of the product delivery schedule in accordance with the requirements of the customer, optimizing the existing and introduction of new technological processes.

Scientists do not cease to surprise the developments of revolutionary technologies. The mixture with improved properties was obtained not so long ago - in the early 90s of the 20th century. In Russia, its use in the construction of buildings occurs not so often, the main use is the manufacture of bulk floors and decorative products: tabletops, openwork arches and partitions.

Determine the advantages of better quality RPB material will allow the parameters to consider:

  • Structure.
  • Properties.
  • Sphere of use.
  • Economic substantiation of benefits.


Concrete - building materials, molded from a compacted mixture of various composition:

1. The basis is a binder, "bonding" filler substance. The property is secure, in a single integer to combine the components ensures the main requirements of the scope of application. Kinds:

  • Cement.
  • Gypsum.
  • Lime.
  • Polymers.
  • Bitumen.

2. The aggregate is a component that determines the density, weight, strength. Types and grain size:

  • Sand - up to 5 mm.
  • Ceramzit - up to 40.
  • Slag - up to 15.
  • Crushed stone - up to 40.

3. Additives - modifiers that improve properties that change the process of setting the resulting mixture. Views:

  • Plasticizing.
  • Reinforcing.
  • Pictory.
  • Regulatory frost resistance and / or setting speed.

4. Water is a component that reaches the binders (not used in bitumen concrete). The percentage of fluid to the mass of the base determines the plasticity and time of setting, frost resistance and the strength of the product.

The use of various combinations of the foundation, aggregate, additives, their ratios, proportions makes it possible to get concrete with a variety of characteristics.

The difference between the RPB from other types of materials is a small fraction of the aggregate. Reducing the percentage of cement, its replacement of stone flour, microcarcemium made it possible to create mixtures with high fluidity, self-adventure compounds.

Heavy-duty RPB are obtained by mixing water (7-11%) and reactionary active powder. Proportions (%):

  • Portland cement M500 M500 or white - 30 ~ 34.
  • Microcardar or stone flour - 12-17%.
  • Microcarete - 3.2 ~ 6.8.
  • Thin-grained quartz sand (fraction 0.1 ~ 0.63 mm).
  • Superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether - 0.2 ~ 0.5.
  • Strength dial accelerator - 0.2.

Technology for receipt:

  • Components are prepared in accordance with the percentage content.
  • The mixer serves water and plasticizer. The process of mixing begins.
  • Cement, stone flour, microsiness are added.
  • To give color, additive of dyes (iron oxide) is allowed.
  • Stirring 3 minutes.
  • Complemented by sand and (for reinforced concrete).
  • The mixing process is 2-3 minutes. In this time interval, a grapplation accelerator in a percentage ratio of 0.2 of the total mass is introduced.
  • The surface of the shape is wetted with water.
  • Plug the mixture.
  • Sprinkle the surface of the solution distributed in the form.
  • Cover the injection container.

All operations will be required up to 15 minutes.

Properties of reaction-powder concrete

Positive traits:

1. The use of the microcirem and stone flour led to a decrease in the proportion of cement content and expensive superplasticizers in the RPB, which led to the fall in value.

2. The composition of the self-adhesive powder heavy-duty concrete with a high degree of flow is obtained:

  • Not necessarily use of vibrationtol.
  • The facial surface of the products obtained practically does not require mechanical refinement.
  • The possibility of making elements with different texture and surface roughness.

3. Reinforcement of steel, cellulose fiber, the use of openwork and tissue frames increases the brand to M2000, compressive strength - up to 200 MPa.

4. High resistance to carbonate and sulfate corrosion.

5. The use of the powder reaction mixture helps to create heavy-duty (˃40-50 MPa), lightweight structures (density 1400 ~ 1650 kg / m3). The weight loss reduces the burden on the foundation of structures. Strength allows you to perform carrier elements of the system of a smaller thickness building - reduced consumption.


Engineers at the design stage carry out calculations and make up a number of recommendations and requirements for building materials and parameters. Main factors:

  1. The concrete brand is the number after the letter "M" (M100) in the marking, indicates the range of static load on compression (kg / cm2) after which the destruction occurs.
  2. Strength: compression - fixed with the experimental path the pressure of the press on the sample before its deformation, the unit of measurement: MPa. The bend is the pressure of the press on the center of the sample installed on two supports.
  3. The density is the mass of the volume of 1 cubic meter, a unit of measure: kg / m3.
  4. Frost resistance - the number of freezing cycles and the reverse process with the sample destruction of less than 5%.
  5. Shrinkage ratio is a percentage of volume, linear dimensions of the design by readiness.
  6. Water absorption is the ratio of mass or volume absorbed by a sample of water when immersed in a vessel with liquid. It characterizes the open porosity of concrete.

Scope of application

The new technology based on the reaction-powder mixture allows you to create concrete with improved characteristics and a wide area of \u200b\u200buse:

  • 1. Bulk floors with high abrasion resistance with the minimum thickness of the applied layer.
  • 2. Production of border stone with a long service life.
  • 3. Various supplements in the desired proportion are capable of significantly reduced the water absorption process, which makes it possible to apply the material when erecting marine oil platforms.
  • 4. In civil and industrial construction.
  • 5. Erecting bridges and tunnels.
  • 6. For tabletops with high strength, surface of various structures and roughness.
  • 7. Decorative panels.
  • 8. Creating partitions, artistic products from transparent concrete. With the gradual fill in the form laid photosensitive fibers.
  • 9. Production of architectural thin-walled parts with tissue reinforcement.
  • 10. Use for durable adhesive compositions and repair mixtures.
  • 11. Heat insulating solution using a glass.
  • 12. High strength concrete on granite rubble.
  • 13. Bas-reliefs, monuments.
  • 14. Colored concrete.


The high price is misleading developers regarding the feasibility of use. Reducing transportation costs, an increase in the life of structures and bulk floors, other positive properties of the material pay off financial investments. Find and buy RPB is quite difficult. The problem is reduced in demand.

Prices for which can be purchased by RPB in Russia:

Unfortunately, it is difficult to bring examples of civil or industrial facilities, erected in Russia with the use of RPB. The main use of powder concrete obtained in the manufacture of artificial stone, countertops, and as well as bulk floors and repair makers.