Repairs Design Furniture

Carrying in the Slavic traditions of building at home. Slavic house. Construction victim. House-universe. Alerts at home. Live tradition at home It is interesting to think about our modern houses.

Bar rack in the interior of the living room

The interiors of modern living rooms today are increasingly complemented by bar racks. They become not only a stylish solution, but also carry a payload. With their help, you can give a living room of individuality, make it more, more convenient and updating the interior with minimal cost. Read about this and many other things in our article.

How to choose and place a bed in a girl's room

With the age of girls, girls change and on how correctly the furniture for the children's room is chosen, their formation as a personality directly depends. In the article, we consider the criteria for choosing furniture in nursery for girls, depending on age and favorite activities.

Kitchen Design with Bar Stand

Some time ago, the design of the kitchen with a bar counter was considered a luxury element. Some people believed that the bar counter in the kitchen is an obscene element. Today, what used to seemed like luxury, it became the elegant and functional part of the kitchen interior. As you already understood, our next article is the design of the kitchen living room with a bar counter.

Design Kitchens with furniture from the store "IKEA"

The choice of kitchen furniture is not the task of simple. The search for a suitable kitchen headset is poured into monotonous movement from one furniture interior to another. We offer to use IKEA services where you can choose kitchen design and suitable furniture without leaving home. For more information about the range of the Swedish brand and read methods in our article.

Cabinet in the interior of the living room

The cabinet in the interior of the living room can play a key role in the formation of the situation. The manufacturers offered by the manufacturers a rich selection of models, styles and forms can put the buyer's deadlock. We decided to deal with all this variety and prepared for you a small review of non-standard solutions that will create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in the living room.

Best Big Kitchen Design Ideas

A large kitchen is one of the important home premises. It is designed not only for cooking, but also for free time and communication. Therefore, the design of a large kitchen should be functional, comfortable and cozy. From our article you will learn the newest trends of the huge kitchen and find some tips from professional designers.

Decor of the old cabinet with their own hands

Do you always need to buy new furniture for changing home furnishings? Maybe you should try to make a unique decor of an old cabinet with your own hands? Moreover, for this there are many ways and technologies that we tell in detail in our article. We will also reveal the secrets of the restoration of the Old Chiffiophiera and how to decorate it.

Design projects living room for apartment and private house

The interior of the living room creates our mood, and before that we choose the design project for her. Of course, repairs in the photo of designer agencies looks stylish and beautiful. At the same time, few people wondered that this beauty was not for living people. So why not make it more comfortable by contacting real professionals?

Sofa in the interior of the living room

The sofa can be called the main subject of any living room. This is a recreation center, a room center and a favorite place for gatherings with friends or family. The correctly chosen sofa can create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, will help tune in to a relaxing way and, of course, will become a stylish accent of the room. If you find the desired color and size of the sofa, then the whole room is transformed. In this article we will talk about what role the sofa is playing in the interior of the living room.

Hallway design in a private house

Each modern person strives to make his home attractive, stylish and cozy. It is good that in the modern world there are all the conditions and opportunities for profitable and practical purchases. Therefore, many people happily use such conditions in order to decorate their home and make it bright and unusual. Each room plays its big role, so do not give up the prospects to take advantage of such excellent conditions. The modern design of the hallway in the house helps to make it practical, convenient for everyone. Therefore, many gladly order design projects, or create it themselves, with their own forces. If you want the design of an entrance hall in the house to be made with the mind and arrangement, it is necessary to use the tips of this article.

The arrangement of the house with their own hands is a creative and very interesting process. Moreover, modern materials and a huge selection of tools will allow you to embody a designer idea to life. Many now ask: why start living home? Creating decor elements for a man who at least once in his life kept the tools in his hands, will not be particular difficulties.

Initially, it is necessary to make a drawing, acquire all the necessary details and collect them according to the instructions. Thus, saving your money, you create a new unique homemade style. The place for making furniture with your own hands is necessary to choose with good lighting. Agree to show your friends a wardrobe that you have done with your own hands - worthy of respect.

Recently, the individual building is becoming increasingly relevant. This is due to the fact that people try to retire, moving from major cities in small settlements with environmentally friendly air. It is in such a district that a person can feel calm and comfortable, but only to build such a country house, it is necessary to make a lot of effort, as well as to equip it. The harmonious ratio of interior items will give a feeling of comfort and warmth in your home.

Ideas for home improvement

The arrangement of the house in the city somewhat limits creative scope, but nothing, you can independently upgrade any of your rooms, for example, it can be setting mirrors or assembling furniture, or just a room scenery with unusual colors. Balcony equipment with decorative lattice or ropes for drying linen and flower beds makes a more efficient balcony space for household needs, and will also decorate the facade of your home.

Some tips for increasing apartment area:

  • Replacement of direct angles on the curved partitions;
  • Disassemble the inner walls between rooms and make one;
  • Free from partitions and make a studio apartment;
  • Replace the doors to sliding.

There are also other alternatives:

  • Hang translucent or bright curtains;
  • Make some mirror wall;
  • Wall mural either painting. For example, the coastline will be able to visually increase the space;
  • For a spacious apartment will be just time stretched ceilings in the living room and parquet. And to smash the apartment for several sections, specialists recommend applying wooden floors. Also, spacious apartments can be equipped with a working office, and there are many such cases now.

Cost of arrangement of the house

How much is the arrangement of the house? The question that interests many people. The approximate cost of home improvement ranges from $ 100 to several thousand dollars depending on the cost of materials and complexity of work.

Traditions of arrangement of the house

What traditions are manifested in the arrangement of the house? Our ancestors had other views about the arrangement of the house where children grew, took guests, loved and celebrated. Let's try to restore Russian traditions and create space, observing customs to improve your home life. Initially, the choice of space played a very important role. Russian villages were not in vain near the lakes and reservoirs, on the hills near the keys. The zone was well washed with energy streams of air and water.

When building a house, a man asked orientation on the sides of the world. He put the dwelling, where the sun rays were most given warmth and light, where a picturesque view of the land processed was opened. At home they tried to build on the south. In no case can not be built on the spot, where the road was in the past. Because the energy of life did not accumulate in the house, but passed by the old way. The same place was unfavorable if the remains of human bones were discovered there or other unpleasant events took place. It entailed the misfortune to residents of the future at home.

Construction on the site of the bath is also prohibited. Because the bath was considered the place of removal of dirt not only physical, but also energy. It was said that there lives the spirit of the banner. It was a unlit place where there was not a single icon. Therefore, there sometimes something unusual happens there, if you do not observe the rituals of visits.

A favorable place for the construction of the house was the place of cattle rest. In the people, it indicated fertility strength. Animals are more sensitive to energy flux, and the ancients knew about it.

I would like to note that the Orthodox Vera has pagan roots that Christianity has kept. This is confirmed by the traditions of arrangement of the house of the Russian people - it is still a serious and responsible matter.

The Slavic interior was a sample of simplicity and comfort. For example, the Russian oven was the most important symbol in any Russian house. She covered the area of \u200b\u200babout three square meters. All warmly went from the oven, evenly heating the room for a whole day. She allowed for a long time to keep food in a hot condition, dryed underwear, and to sleep on her and cloudy weather. The fact is that the fire, lighting in the furnace, is a symbol of all pagan holidays. And in the future, this revered element moved to the Orthodox church in the form of lit candles.

Each family member had its own space in the house. The place of the hostess - near the furnace, the place of the owner - at the entrance itself. This is the place of defender and guard. Old men were often lying on a warm and comfortable oven. And the children were scattered throughout the house, or sat on the floor, raised at the furnace level. The red corner in the house indicated the Christian altar, the place where everyone who went to Hiswa was obliged to see and cross, welcoming the owners. Only a table and one or two benches that replace the modern bed can be called from the furniture. Such space is characteristic of the peasants, because wealthy people lived quite differently.

And these are Russian traditions in the arrangement of the house:

  • The threshold of the house is its basis. It is the opinion that the generic spirits accumulate in its place. That is why at the entrance doors hang or draw a horseshoe or cross - a symbol of housing.
  • In the kitchen, the dried inflorescences of the Sunflower and Corn Cobs were placed - charm for children from diseases and evil eye. "Spit" garlic, bow and pepper - give good health.
  • Embroidered linen towels in various patterns - the symbol of life and the guarantee of the health of residents of the house.
  • Windows is a kind of connection with the environment. The face of life, warmth in Slavic traditions is the eastern and south side.
  • Unnecessary things in the house create chaos and mess not only in the house, but also thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them systematically. And best of all it is to do on the eve of Easter or before Christmas.

In the past times, the Russians observed the traditions for which each thing in the dwelling should have its place, and for many centuries. The ancestors knew that all living on our land wakes up thanks to the Sun, so the doors should go strictly south. In some villages still comply with such a tradition.

The left side of the house was considered the ownership of the otherworldly forces and had a female entity. And the right side was alive and wore the name "Gurnitter". Here was the kingdom of God warmth and light - Dazhbog. The arrangement of the house in Orthodox traditions included the presence of a set of icons and a home altar.

The Slavs since ancient times existed its own system of ideas about the device at home. Unfortunately, she is almost all forgotten and reached this day only in the form of individual accepts and superstitions. We know that it is impossible, for example, to sit on the corner of the table, stretch your neighbor and fork with an acute end, say goodbye through the threshold and so on. True, why there are such prohibitions - do not know. And this is the small particle of the ancient science of spiritual development and the relationship of all phenomena and objects.

At all times, the house was considered a nest, protection against bad weather and evil. No wonder the proverb was born: "houses and walls help." The endless world of the cosmos Our ancestors closer to themselves with the help of images, building their lives in harmony with natural rhythms.

Here are some rules that guided our ancestors during the construction of the house (the house is both in direct and figuratively). The construction of the house began on the growing moon, that is, after the new moon. Simultaneously with the foundation laying in the middle of the future yard, a tree was planted.

From time immemorial, there was a sign: to ensure happiness and wealth, under the corners of the first logs put a shreds of wool, grain or money. Before putting the ceiling, it was tied to the rejected bear-coat bear and a loaf of bread, a pie or a pot of porridge, and a green branch was installed in the front corner - she ensured the health of the family.

A special place in the houses of our ancestors occupied the threshold. He was made high and strong. In the pagan times, he was buried after burning the ancestors. With the adoption of Christianity, this custom gone. But the threshold did not stop the threshold - over time it began to be considered as a habitat of generic spirits. It is still preserved a tradition - not to talk on the threshold, although few people know what this custom is connected with. But it is connected with beliefs in perfumes who can overhear the plans of a person and prevent him. Above the threshold of the entrance door is made to hang or draw a horseshoe - a symbol of happiness or a Christian cross as protection against poor, negative energy.

The hallway should be spacious and bright, because this is the first room in which you meet the guests and in which you enter by returning home. Through the hallway, the energies of the house itself and the outside world occurs.

The windows also associate us with the world around us - they need to focus on the sunny side. East and south symbolize life and warmth. Therefore, it is better that the rooms of the rooms and the bedrooms come to the south and east, and the entrance door, kitchen, bathroom and toilet - west and north.

The central place in any Russian (and in general, in the Slavic) family occupied the oven. Subsequently, its role passed to the kitchen. It so happened that life always boils here: the family is going for dinners, talking with a slayed neighbor, raise children, lead sincere conversations with friends who are behind a mug of beer, who is behind a cup of tea. Here, according to the old beliefs, the guardian spirit lives - the house. Therefore, the kitchen should be beautiful and clean. In the kitchen, like in the most inhabitable place at home, you can spend the characters-charms: decorative keys - a symbol of dowry, wealth, spoons, symbolizing feedst life; Toporists - the sign of the pagan Perun - the patron saint of the crop; Whistles, bubber, brooms, blades - all this protection from different troubles. Well, if children are needed, these are corn cobs and dried sunflowers.

The table in Slavic customs connects two spaces in the house - residential and working, and on its main side - under the icons - the breadwinner is planted. A samovar was put on the table earlier, covered with a beautiful doll-drone, stitched by the horses of the house, senior woman in the family. By the way, the Slavs doll had a deep meaning - she faced and externally resembled an idol. Bereginina (lush doll) was also placed above the porch, as well as on the windows. In Starina, believed that the doll guards children's sleep. She was dressed up, but the face of the doll never painted. For popular beliefs, the doll with the face acquired the soul and could harm. Many dolls were filled with grain - symbol of well-being and health. The house without toys was considered a rampant and empty.

The most popular "chambers" and house decorations in the Slavic-Russian culture were elegant flax towels. They decorated the image, kitchen and even the bedroom. Towel - a symbol of human life, the line of fate.

But the mirror symbolizes monetary well-being. It should be hung next to the table in the living room or in the kitchen - it will attract wealth to the house.

Recently, it became very fashionable to decorate the bedroom mirrors. However, in no case do not need a mirror near the bed: a mirror hanging near the bed can destroy your life and take away your strength and energy. Do not hang over the bed also shelves, lockers or pictures with negative images or plots. However, if you remember the folk wisdom "even uncharged guns once a hundred years old shoots," then lockers and paintings, even with the most positive images, hang over the bed, too, not worth it: not even an hour - we will break it and fall on your head.

But innocent home flowers in pots are geranium, aloe, tender violets - will be very by the way somewhere closer to the bed. Our ancestors at all attached great importance to plants that were treated, and fed. They were used as charms. For example, fern, lilies, marks, juniper grown at the entrance to protect the house from evil spirits and the evil eye.

In 2012, Russians had a very popular arrangement of the house for feng Shui laws. Wisdom of China It was thoroughly fixed in our minds.

But O. slavs is very rich heritage, with a unique knowledge system about how to make your home and life in it secured, successful and healthy!

Slavic traditions of home improvement

We try improve the house or apartment any methods: who is with the help of believes, and who adheres to rules Feng Shui. The use of the traditions of the Slavic people in their home traditions. Term fenshui (風風) In this article I use, bearing in mind, slavic traditions home improvement. We will remind some subsecable customs that can be used now.

Threshold at home

Start, the basis of the house - His threshold. Since ancient pagan times, he was considered the place of residence of the generic spirits. Hence, apparently, and the tradition went not to talk with the guest on the threshold, so that it is not disturbing the spirits. On the entrance door or right above it hang or draw horseshoe or cross - Symbols and attraction of happiness in it.

Feng Shui Kitchen

For ours
Prababa room with oven It was a place where they spent a lot of time by preparing food for numerous households. Yes, and now life of the whole house Rates around the kitchen.

In the kitchen - necessarily clean and bossary, prepare, are conversations, meet guests. Keeping House, Believers, also lives here.

In this cozy and most popular at all domestic location, it is good to accomplish well:

  • Wooden spoons - symbolize hearty life
  • Decorative keys - Symbol of wealth, abundance
  • Dried up sunflower inflorescences and corn cobs - Children'schairs that protect kids from diseases and malicious eyes
  • Bubakers, whistles, brooms - Protect from different troubles
  • "Spit" garlic, onions and pepper - Give strong health

Arrangement of the living room

Common room, Where in the evenings the whole family is going and where you invite guests, should be the brightest and spacious. Very good when there are in the living room big windows, Curtained light curtains, as well as several lamps.

Because the bigger air and light in the living room, Moreover, life will be in the house. And that your home focus does not leave harmony and grace, the living room should not be empty.


One of
main home faiths in Russia Embroidered linen towels were considered. Symbol of life, the key to health of the inhabitants of the house, the line of fate - that's what they denoted embroidered towers and napkinsAnd they decorated all the rooms in the house.


Our ancestors gave great importance the surrounding plant world: Flowers, trees, herbs were both hell, and the breadwinners, and the overalls. For example, so that the entrance to the house was planted juniper, fern and calendula. In the apartment very useful to grow mecaler, a variety of geraniums, gentle violets.

Home construction

Beginning erection of any construction And even more so at home for your own family, pay attention to. For successful work, the result of which will be a strong and lady house, the beginning of this important thing should be coincided with growing moon.

Slavs before laying the foundation in the courtyard put a tree. Well, now the master of the developer, depending on which breed of this symbol of life prefeimal, then "Firewinds" for the future.

  • If planted oak, You can attract strength to your home and good luck.
  • Cedarbring longevity
  • Nut health
  • Pine contributes to recovery and helps with money
  • Cherry and Maple Let's give material supply, devotion and loyalty

Window at home

Windows is a kind of peculiar communication with the surrounding nature. The personification of life, heat, summer in Slavic traditions is east and South. Therefore, our ancestors sought to build their homes so that the windows of the rooms were southeast. And the kitchen, storerooms and other premises, as well as the entrance to the house were with northern or Western side.

Unnecessary things

Not in vain
House at all times was considered a generic nest, defending from evil and bad weather. "Houses and walls are treated" - indisputable truth. Our Slavic progenitor did their lives safe, filled with meaning with the help of images and spiritual ideas.

According to their ideas, each the thing in the house serves for a particular case. Unnecessary, meaningless items in the house create chaos and mess. It is necessary to systematically get rid of them from them, and best, according to custom, do it before Christmas and.


Appeal to folk Slavic traditions Communication with the origins will help us make the "homely universe" of the full bowl, adds to the life of harmony, good luck and good. How much is slavic Feng Shui will succeed depends only on good thoughts, hard work and desires of the owners of the house.

The house for each of us is a place where you want to come. Houses man resting soul and body. There they are waiting for their relatives and beloved people. There he takes food, raising children. And it is not surprising that the ancient Slavs paid a lot of attention to the competent construction of their housing. The man has always been in the way of housekeeping, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth, home comfort. The main data on what buildings lived our ancestors, we receive from written sources, as well as from archaeologists.

As soon as Slavs appeared and began their settlement on immense expanses of Europe and modern Russia, they lived near the rivers. Agree that the source of water near was a big necessity in the farm. Of course, the first dwelling of Slavs was very primitive. A lot of data has been preserved about it. In some sources, it is described that the entire community (has yet existed the community system) lived in the construction, very long, along the reservoir coast.

The dwellings of the Eastern Slavs were built of wood. Other materials at that time, of course, did not exist. But the Slavs used far from all types of trees for construction. After all, some were considered dangerous and bringing troubles and misfortunes. Optimal breeds for buildings were coniferous (spruce, pine). They defended the house from excessive humidity, and were helpful. In no case, our ancestors did not allow Osin to move. She was considered an unclean tree.

Another important condition was how old the tree and where it was shot. First, it was impossible to chop trees from the cemetery. Secondly, it was impossible to take too young or too old wood. Thirdly, it was impossible to use a trunk of a tree having a wood, thighs or an unusual form. Since the cutting of trees in the Slavs was akin to the murder of a man, they necessarily brought victims to nature.

After the tree was cut and delivered to the place of future construction, it had to be processed. To begin with, the bark and cut off the bitch. So the tree was left for a while to leave the woody perfume. The main tool in the construction of the ax. Although the German tribes at that time were already saws, but they spoiled the tree faster, and cracks appeared on it.

There were certain rules for the construction of dwellings. For example, it was impossible to erect in the following places:

  • Where was the bath once.
  • Where the road once passed.
  • Where the remains of the dead were found.
  • Where did the confrontation between the cutting objects occurred with the blows.
  • Where once overthrew the WHO.
  • Where before the house was standing in which Zipper got.

All these places were considered energetically negative and even dangerous for the life of the future owners of the new home. And where did you follow my house then? In places where the horned cattle is resting. For example, in Ukraine, specially produced cattle and watched where she would tell relax. In addition, the choice of construction site could be determined by ghostas.

Pay attention to the start of construction. In some areas, the most important mission was performed by the fortunelists. They called a specific start date. In Siberia, for example, considered at a good time the beginning of spring, new moon. There was also a belief that the construction process must necessarily get into the trinity.

According to archeology, Slavs have lived in dugouts before the ninth century. That is, it is dwellings that were completely in the ground. And a little later, they began to "get out" to the light, building real ordinary huts. Historians say that the dwellings of Slavs could easily be distinguished from those of other tribes. This also applies to the most buildings, and the interior decoration at home.

And what did the dwelling of Slavs look like? They differed from each other in different time periods. Briefly consider the main varieties.

Dugouts and semi-windows

The first dwellings of the ancient Slavs were dugouts. How did they do it?

  1. Dipped a large pit around one and a half meters deep.
  2. Obtained the walls of the dwelling of the bubble (log).
  3. On the bottom of the pits clay clay to get the floor.
  4. Made roof.
  5. Slissed the dugout from the inside of the existing item.

When their first state was formed by the Eastern Slavs, Kievan Rus, the main variety of housing was hedgehog. In order to build it, they dug a huge square pit. The depth should be around the meter. The walls of the pit were separated by a log cabin (boards), which rumped over the ground for another meter. Thus, a housing was obtained, which was half alone in the ground, and half - above it. The entrance to it was on the south side. Be sure to make the staircase so that it was convenient to descend down.

As for the roof, it was with two slopes (as today in wooden village houses). They also made it from wooden boards that were covered with straw and earth. The log house, "sticking" from under the ground, fell asleep to the land in order to maintain heat into the dwelling and protect it from the "red rooster".

After the construction of the main carcass was taken over the oven. It was built in the corner, which was maximally removed from the entrance. The material for the furnace was clay or stone, depending on their presence. In shape they were most often rectangular or square, with a hole for laying firewood. And when the oven was ready, then put the table and shops along the walls.

Interesting twilights were at the South Slavs. For the first time they appear so-called Seni. This small space allowed to maintain heat in the home. But the change of semi-mammons quickly came completely terrestrial huts (from the tenth-eleventh century).

Why did it happen so quickly? There are a number of important reasons for it:

  • The dimensions of the earthquakes and the twilight were very small, which means there it was closely to live a whole family.
  • In this kind of housing there were no windows. That is, neither sunlight nor air penetrated.
  • In the "house" was often very humid (because under the ground - groundwater). The situation was aggravated when it was rained.


For the first time, the huts appeared in the northern regions.

It is easy to explain the fact that there the earth was either too cold and raw or swampy. In the hut initially did only one large room. Before entering the entrance, Seni was usually built. The problem of windows was solved. But the window was just one and more than very small sizes. The main function was not to hit the light, but the ventilation of the housing. The furnace was built in the same way as in the twilight. If the owner struggled in the exhaust pipe to exit smoke, then it was called white. Otherwise, black. In the skeleton of his heyday reaches the so-called red angle. He was opposite to where the stove stood.

The whole hub was made of logs forming as a crown. It could have a hoop - this is the lower floor, the type of underground and the cellar. The roof was usually covered with straw or clay. Over time, the Slavic hut was improved. If the windows first just drove in a log wall, then later began to make them full, with ram. And necessarily on the facade of the house cut out a variety of ornaments and patterns, which, according to the ancient Slavs, defended their dwelling from evil forces and evil eyes. Also progress was expressed in creating a hill in the hut, that is, the rooms about the essence became two. And in the north generally built full-fledged two horses connected together.

Of course, the appearance of horses has become an important step in housing. They were spacious, warm. In addition, the extensive humidity remained in the exhaust. All these conditions have noticeably improved the quality of life of people, especially if there were small children in the family.

Device of the housing of the ancient Slavs

Izba for Slavs was microcked. The corners corresponded to the parties of the world, the roof is the sky, the floor - the earth.

It was important to be so planning the dwelling to protect yourself from evil as much as possible and attract good luck and well-being. As we remember, the doors were located on the south side. After all, the south of Slavs associated with the Sun, warmth, celebration of life. And when windows appeared, they were also facing south or east. The furnace was always built in the northern part. In general, the oven played an important role in the life of Slavs. First, it was a source of heat. Secondly, they were preparing food. Even today, some national restaurants are trying to revive the traditions of cooking in a Russian oven. The fact is that the strish in it is just amazing. Thirdly, the oven was used as a sleeping place.

And, of course, the interior decoration in the house was also decorated with signs and symbols that protect and protective. It concerned the walls, and furniture, and home utensils. If outside the house was decorated from an external threat (robbers, fire, envy of passersby), then from the inside - from possible guests-unfriendly.

"The house leveled - the fate of light,
In a dark house, do not look for good. "
With distant times, when a person lived in unity with nature, the instructions were preserved how to build a house to gain comfort and peace of mind.

For the ancient Slavs, the construction of the house was fulfilled the deepest sense, because at the same time a person was likened to the gods created by the Universe. Great importance was attached to the choice of building materials, the time of starting work and place of construction.
Orientation of the house on the sides of the world
Our ancestors considered it very important to correctly arrange their dwelling regarding the Earth's Poles. Ancient architects worshiped the laws of nature and built, obeying them.
No wonder Russian villages are always located in picturesque places. An ideal for construction was considered a gentle hill on the banks of the river or lake. The natural source of water, considered our ancestors, brings vital energy to the house.
"Become a face north. Look through the right shoulder - this is a view from your porch. Extinguish your right hand - your bed your bed will stand. Look over the left shoulder - an overview opens from the kitchen window. On your left hand, the pantry will be equipped with and behind the cat's wall should live. " In simple lines, the advice of the ancient masters is briefly transmitted.
The Russian peasant put the hut so that the rays of the sun, getting into the windows, were given as much heat and light as possible, and a wide view of the surrounding nature opened from the windows. Free streams of air are washed by energy jets located on the house hill, bringing good and taking negative energy.
Orientation of the house on the sides of the world
Waking up early in the morning, with the first rays of the Sun, a person gets energy and heat, charges for the whole day. According to the ancient building canons, the porch should go to the southeast. But the western wall of the house was "deaf", without doors and windows. According to the ancient beliefs, it is the West Wind that begins an unexpected change in human life and "blows out" the cost. As a rule, from this side there were economic buildings and kept livestock.
According to the advice of the ancient Slavic masters, children's and sleeping rooms in the house better orient to the east or southeast, towards the rising sun. Kitchen - north or northwest. Conveniently, if the courtyard is visible from the kitchen window to, not distracting from home affairs, watch the playing children.
The house itself is better to position in the north-western sector of the yard. It will give the opportunity to beautifully arrange the central entrance with the porch and the veranda, protect yourself from the curious views of the neighbors with a wall without windows.

The rose of the winds at the construction site attached great importance. Large fruit gardens in the courtyards had not only food meaning, but also carried the protection function. "All that stops the wind stops energy." The wind was deified. It is with them that the Vine Slavic beliefs about wealth and well-being or, on the contrary, about poverty, pursuing tenants of the wrong arched house. From the south and eastern side on the windows of the house could not be. But from the north or west - shutters, decorated with intricate carvings, protected not only from the cold, but also from adversity.
It is important a good approach and an entrance to the house. The road should be straight and not hosted - then life in the house will be calm, measured, without unpleasant turns.
In no case cannot be built housing on the site of the old road. The space of a former lively route is permeated with blowing flows and in the house the energy of life will not accumulate, and will go through it through the old way.
Necessarily clean, well-kept courtyard. Clicking the space around him, a man brings chaos to his life.

Compliance with such simple rules, proven in centuries, will give the residents of the new home world and comfort.