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Astrology and stars. What are the male and female zodiac signs

possess stability, slowness, inertia. All signs Air- mobility, the ability to quickly switch from one to another. Signs of Water are plastic, receptive. BUT Fire- this is activity and each sign of the fiery element has its own type of activity. The elements in astrology are a fundamental concept. In occultism, it is believed that the elements are the primary components of the world. In Ptolemy's picture of the world, the Earth is surrounded by the spheres of the four elements.
These are earth, water, air and fire in order of distance from earth.The four elements are the four states of matter.According to the principle of similarity in a person, there are four states of the soul:

Earth - form

In traditional medical astrology, each element (element) has its own name: Fire is called “yellow bile” and is associated with choleric temperament, Earth is called “black bile” and is associated with melancholic temperament, Water is called “phlegm” or “mucus” and is associated with phlegmatic temperament, Air - "blood" and is associated with a sanguine temperament. All together, the elements, or elements, are called "humors", that is, bodily fluids, or juices. The "humor theory" was expounded in the writings of Hippocrates and Galen, and underpinned traditional Western medicine for many centuries.

Four elements projected on four temperaments:

Elemental Trigons

The signs of one element are in harmonious relations with each other and are divided into 4 groups, three signs each. If we connect with straight lines the tops of the zodiac signs related to the same element, we get an equilateral triangle inscribed in the zodiac circle, called trine from the Greek trigonon- triangle.

Division into elements - by trigons:

Fire in astropsychology it is associated with will, action, inspiration. Fire has no hard ties. It is pure activity, preoccupation with one thing, he is absorbed in action. Fire is impulsive. Can do a good job to the end if he feels responsible for others.

Earth is a stable form. A practical mind that seeks a solid foundation to stand firmly on the ground. The bonds are strong and stable. Bringing things to an end. Nonplasticity. Manifestations are concrete, having a clearly defined form.

Air associated with interaction, mental activity. This is a subtle element that tends to penetrate everywhere and everywhere without interacting on an emotional level. This is intellectual saturation with emotional neutrality. Great mobility. Weak ties, short in time. Easy transition from one type of links to another.

Water - these are feelings, it dissolves the substances surrounding it and is colored by them. This is an emotional addiction, a response to environment, great mobility. Works "like the earth" with a strong interest, when it comes to loved ones, to example.

Three Cross Zodjaca or squares of qualities

The signs of the Zodiac are also divided into three crosses of qualities, depending on the type of action inherent in a particular element. If the astrological concept of the elements gives us an idea of ​​the nature of the signs of the Zodiac, then the squares of qualities allow us to understand the manifestation of these characters in action. There are three phases of any action: the beginning (initiative), development (continuation of what has been started) and transformation (change of strategy and tactics, when the action in its development becomes obsolete and becomes unpromising). The zodiacal circle gives us three sets (squares) of qualities, the psychotypes of each of which react in a similar way. At the same time, psychotypes belonging to the same square of qualities are better able to implement one of the three phases of action or manifestation. All signs of the zodiac are divided into these groups:

cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn;

fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius;

mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Men'sand w feminine signs

Another classification of the signs of the Zodiac - into male, Yang - this is an active principle, and female - Yin, perceiving. The masculine combines the elements of Fire and Air, the feminine - Water and Earth.

Male signs - the signs of Fire and Air, have great dynamism and mobility, are less susceptible to external influences and tend to actively influence themselves the world. They are characterized by the ability to quickly respond to a change in the external situation and respond to it with action, and in interaction with other signs, set a general tone and direction.

Women's signs - signs of Water and Earth, more stable I am constant, more slowly change their attitudes and habitual forms of behavior. At the same time, they have greater endurance and internal strength. In interaction, they hear their partner better, and react more subtly to his condition. Compared with male signs, their own is more significant. inner world. Their values ​​are more strongly connected with the sphere of subjective human relations: with family, home.

Used Books:
1. "Lectures on astrology", beginning course. IAA
2. Abstract on astrology "Elements and crosses"
3. O. Hoffman "Traditional Medical Astrology"

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The division of the zodiac signs into male and female is not directly related to the topic of gender. It only describes the energy specifics, life strategy.

Male signs alternate with female signs in the zodiac circle and are opposite each other.

Levels of manifestation

Each astrological parameter of the horoscope has at least three main levels of manifestation. This largely explains why, for example, representatives of the same sign or people born almost at the same time behave and live their lives in such different ways.

These levels depend on the degree of consciousness of a person, the “maturity” of his soul, which, in turn, is determined by how much a person is ready to develop and take responsibility for everything that happens to him ( highest level), just go with the flow (middle) or completely drop your hands and degrade (lower). AT modern society dominated by the middle class.

A person receives rewards and tasks according to his horoscope, but according to the level he lives. An excellent student - a transfer to the next class, an underachiever - additional tasks so that he learns a lesson and pulls himself up to a new level. Often all three levels coexist in a person at the same time, but in relation to different life spheres. For example, the most brilliant artist can be absolutely helpless in everyday life, or an ideal family man can be unbearable at work.

Men's and female signs

Sometimes fateful situations are capable of quite short term move a person from level to level. So. an orphaned child is forced to grow up earlier and independently be responsible for his own fate even before adulthood, that is, to rise a step higher.

It's interesting that weak man both the hardships of life and the sudden big jackpot can easily bring you down to the level of degradation. And even the most severe illness will raise a strong person to a high spiritual level.

Male zodiac signs

Male signs personify energetic actions in the outside world, in society. Therefore, they are also called positive.

If there are more planets in the horoscope of a person in male signs, then he occupies an active life position, is aimed at the approval of the new, the departure from the old. They are the transformers of the world who themselves fill their lives with possibilities. The male principle is not susceptible to external influences, he himself seeks by expansive methods to influence the world around him, to change it for himself. From the point of view of psychology, these are extroverts with a rational type of thinking.

Negative manifestations of the dominance of male signs in the horoscope can be: arrogance, excessive love of freedom, despotism, tactlessness, disregard for other people's feelings, promiscuity in the methods of achieving goals, self-assertion at the expense of others.

Arrogant behavior is a negative character

All male zodiac signs have: independence, individualism, openness, enterprise, ambition, striving for excellence in any area, superficiality, globality, the desire to expand one's personal space.

In the field of health, male signs are characterized by such problems: diseases from an excess of energy in the body. Typical fast developing diseases cuts, gunshot wounds, burns, sharp pain. Symptoms are always pronounced. Ailments lay the causes of future complications. If the problem is not solved, it will become stronger and manifest itself later.

Highest level

Character - altruism, creative dedication, the ability to captivate by example. Heroism, courage, fearlessness, personal sacrifice in the name of the common. Improvement of the world, spiritualization of everything rough and imperfect. Pursuing high ideals.

Events - life is a fight against injustice. Many bright, memorable events that require active human intervention.

Middle level

Character - readiness for return, full calculation. Seething, sometimes unsystematic and meaningless activity, passion, desire to remake the world. It is important for a person to act immediately, the consequences of actions do not interest him.

Events - life requires activity from a person. He spends a lot of energy, in a hurry, but not always productively. A large number of obstacles and inconveniences in life gives rise to nervousness. The problems are quite simple, straightforward, requiring decisive and timely action. Success depends on the individual.

lowest level

Character - capture, violence, cruelty. Selfish desire to get what you want at the expense of others. Imposing your point of view. Destructive force. Events. Life confronts a person with aggression, injustice. Fate rudely makes him understand that he is going the wrong way. In the worst case, a person becomes embittered and blames others for his troubles.

Female zodiac signs

These are the so-called negative, supportive signs. The predominance in the horoscope of planets in female signs inclines a person to passivity, consumption, conservation of energy. He has no control over the events of his life: he is carried by the flow of circumstances. He is possessed by the desire to merge with the crowd, to attach himself to someone stronger.

A defensive life position dominates, a focus on preserving what is already there. Representatives of female signs become active only when ideal conditions are formed. From the point of view of psychology, these are introverts with an irrational type of thinking. Their main features are modesty, diligence, timidity, willingness to obey, prudence, diligence, responsibility, patience, attention to detail, restraint.

Irrational introverts

The inharmonious manifestation of the dominance of female signs is: fears, phobias, suspiciousness, envy, jealousy, deceit, pettiness, resentment, slavish psychology, lack of initiative, lack of one's own opinion, exposure to the influence of crowd psychology, unscrupulousness.

In the field of health, female signs are characterized by such problems: diseases from a lack of energy in the body. Dull, nagging pain, symptoms are complex, mild. Internal, protracted, chronic diseases with long incubation period. The causes of illnesses lie in the past of a person: unresolved problems, complexes. Hereditary genetic diseases.

Highest level

Character - work on yourself, self-improvement. A mature, wise outlook on life. Loyalty to your principles. Complete self-control.

Events - rich inner life. A person is not interested in the external, social part of being, his mission is the transformation of the inner essence of phenomena, work on himself.

Middle level

Character - of great importance for a person is his inner world. Endurance, patience, perseverance. Dependence on your past. Difficult adaptation. Humble worker.

Events - few external events. Slow life on the beaten track, few surprises. Much is done on impulse. Man has to adjust.

lowest level

Character - passivity, laziness, apathy. Phobias, fear of the future. depression, low self-esteem. Often they become executors of someone else's evil will.

Events - stagnation, life relaxes a person, provokes degradation. Secret mode of existence. isolation from society.

All signs of the Zodiac in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. It denotes the energy feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups and describes their life strategy. Find out which group your Zodiac Sign belongs to and how this characterizes you.

Male Zodiac Signs

The male zodiac signs are: Aries, Gemini, Leo Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiacal group is also called active or positive. Male Signs of the Zodiac are more focused on creation, on the outside world and actions in society. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, large-scale thinking and actions, love of freedom, enterprise.

Very often, the male Signs of the Zodiac suffer from an excess of energy, which is why they need to monitor their health, because on the basis of this they often develop various diseases with pronounced symptoms. The male Signs of the Zodiac are characterized by the desire to change the world, to fake it for themselves, to have an impact on the people around them. These are extroverts practical type thinking.

Female Zodiac Signs

The female zodiac signs in the horoscope are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of Zodiac Signs. They tend to conserve their energy, to consume rather than create. Women's Zodiac Signs very often do not have power over the circumstances of their own lives. More precisely, they do not tend to deal with the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than themselves. Very often they are attracted to the male Zodiac Signs, as they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of Zodiac Signs have a defensive life strategy. They are introverts, for the most part. Susceptibility, performance and lack of initiative makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. They are slowly moving towards their goal.

The manifestation of male and female in the Signs of the Zodiac can be seen in life. Take a close look at your friends: for sure, in your environment there are women with a male Zodiac Sign, in which male character. Find among your friends and men with a female zodiac sign. As a rule, there are a lot of women in them. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.10.2014 09:21

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Which has a rich history and is even currently used as a designation for male and female principles.

From ancient times to the present day

Since ancient times, people have tried to reflect the feminine and masculine essence with the help of special symbols. It should be noted that such images were transmitted distinctive features genders, as well as their unity. The most common masculine and feminine signs include "Yin and Yang", as well as the symbolism of Mars and Venus. Each of them has its own history and designation.

The sign "Woman and Man" is the emblem of two completely opposite principles: this is the Moon, water and earth for the female essence, and the Sun, heat, fire for the male. The masculine principle symbolizes the creative, social and active principle, and female symbol is the personification of a soft, passive force, connected with nature.

Male and female signs

The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared in the days of ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The well-known and recognizable signs were taken from astrology, and they gained popular scientific fame thanks to the botanist Carl Linnaeus. Of course, he used them to indicate the sex of plants. Almost from that moment on, the symbol of a man and a woman began to be used as a sign of the sexes.

The symbols of the male and female principles are absolutely opposite, however, they have similar features. In their essence, they are in some way reminiscent of opposite types, such as life and death, up and down, moon and sun, earth and water, right and left, etc. They can be collected into a single whole and characterize the masculine principle as the south or east, the Sun and the landowner. Also, under this definition, the concepts are suitable: day, house, elder, strong, male. But the female essence will be the complete opposite - west and north, female, younger, weak, Moon, etc.

Mars and Venus

The Venus symbol is displayed as a closed circle with a cross pointing down. Sometimes there is another name - "mirror of Venus". This name was given to the symbol because of the external similarity. This sign represents beauty, femininity, warmth, care and love.

The male sign - the symbol of Mars - is the same closed circle, but with an arrow pointing skyward. If you imagine the dial, then the hand should point to two hours - this is a characteristic of the god of war. "Shield and spear of Mars" is another name for the male sign.

The combination of these two signs has several interpretations. First of all, it is worth noting one of the most common interpretations - this is the embodiment of heterosexuality, that is, love between representatives of different sexes. It is worth noting that this symbolism is also used to denote bisexuality, only in this case the signs can be located in different ways (today there is no single designation).

An interesting fact: transsexuals also have their own symbols - the male and female sign overlap each other, forming a circle with a cross and an arrow. The connection between a male and a female sign does not have a clearly defined interpretation. So, this symbol can mean love, friendship, strong affection and passion.

Masculine and feminine in the Yin-Yang symbol

It says: almost everything in the world happens under the influence of the feminine and masculine principles. "Yin" is a female symbol, which is the personification of passivity and humility. The male sign - "Yang", in turn, acts from the standpoint of intensive development and activity. Laws can describe any phenomenon or event in nature, object or action, from the point of view of the male and female principles. The laws of "Yin-Yang" obey all living beings on the planet Earth, as well as heavenly bodies. For example, the signs of the zodiac begin with a male symbol, and then they alternate.

Gender beginning in the modern world

Most representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity fully share the ideas of Chinese philosophy. For example, almost every man likes to demonstrate his superiority, remarkable strength, and even the smallest victory in the form of a repaired stool. Women, in turn, are distinguished by softness and well-developed intuition. However, in the modern world, there are more and more women who have a strong and strong-willed character, that is, they have masculine features. Or, on the contrary, the character of a man is distinguished by excessive softness and even cowardice. These, of course, are individual characteristics that have developed under the influence of psychological traits of character and life circumstances. Nevertheless, the union in which the sign "Woman and Man" is harmoniously combined is considered the most successful and lasting.

Gender symbols

The symbols are masculine and have varied interpretations in different religions and cultures. Moreover, there are some not very common theories that offer a completely different interpretation of all recognizable signs. Nevertheless, circles with an arrow and a cross still remain characteristic and most famous. The sign "Woman and Man" is the simultaneous embodiment of difference and unity, between representatives of the opposite sex and a sign of their immediate essence. Gender symbols are simple signs that hide a very deep meaning of male and female essence.

For some reason, it is women who are considered to be skillful actresses. And men seem to have the stability of their qualities and character. If he says that he is courageous or decisive, then he is. But the truth of life is completely different, and after a while representatives of the strong half begin to show completely different character traits in relationships, removing their original mask.

Editorial "So simple!" will tell you what weaknesses possess men of different zodiac signs. These qualities are worth paying attention to, because even representatives of the strong half of humanity are not made of steel and need understanding and support. Knowing the hidden sides of a man's character, you can build a long relationship with him based on mutual love and respect.

Male zodiac signs


The representative of this sign likes to hide under the mask of a real man. He has a very firm handshake, and often bursts of generosity. He is bold to the point of recklessness and very friendly. But behind all this lies a completely another man.

Aries does not know how to obey at all, but at the same time he is not able to refuse friends in anything. He does not have enough patience for tedious work, he can suddenly take off, disappear for a couple of weeks, and then suddenly appear. But Aries is very careful about their health and regimen.

To build a strong relationship with this person, try to see vulnerability behind his smile and selfishness. little boy who needs care and support.


These smiling men easily inspire a prosperous and comfortable life together. At first glance, the Taurus man is very economic, and even a craftsman with golden hands. And yes, he is very persistent. But it costs him at least for a moment pull back your mask, and the person seemed to have been replaced.

He quickly turns into a stubborn lazy person who is not able to resist pleasures. Taurus is very afraid to look henpecked, so it can be quite tough towards his beloved. Lying on the couch, he will feed you with promises that he will fix the faucet. Taurus avoids smart conversations and loves to eat delicious food.

All this is because Taurus always lacks affection. Therefore, a woman should devote a lot of time to giving her beloved her love and tenderness.


This is a very sociable man. He is considered his own everywhere, and he is a welcome guest in any company. He is very charming, resourceful, witty and original. Surprising a woman for him is not at all difficult. But in fact, Gemini promises much more than it does. He has a spirit of contradiction, and often he does not know what he wants from life. Also, this fidget likes to chase two hares.

To be happy with a Gemini, you need to be a pretty determined woman. You have to help him decide on the goal and monitor its achievement. Also, you have to be very versatile so as not to get bored.

A man born under this sign loves heartfelt conversations. He is very caring and somewhat reminiscent of a nanny. He is oversensitive and romantic. But behind the mask of good and open person hiding very vulnerable man who often digs into his past. He is afraid of becoming a hermit and is very attached to things that give him memories.

Just leave Cancer alone when he goes into his thoughts. Or learn to pretend to be even more of a sufferer so that he switches to taking care of you.

This man knows his worth. He has expensive clothes, a beautiful car, well maintained appearance. And in general, in appearance this is a very inaccessible heartthrob, and in order to earn his favor, you need to look like a million. He loves smart conversations, is generous, and has the manners of an aristocrat.

But in fact, Leo is very afraid of being unnoticed. Often, pride interferes with him in business life, because a man thinks that everything should fall at his feet. If he fails seriously, he will be depressed for a very long time.

You must be a real queen for him. All his friends should admire you and talk about it out loud. And you, in turn, let him know that he is your king and the best of men. Praise is the main thing in communicating with Leo.


At first glance, this is a very smart, constant and faithful man. He controls himself in any situation, is punctual and adheres to the system in everything. But the mask hides quite the opposite image. The Virgo man is very afraid of responsibility. He is a hostage to his logical thinking, and it is difficult for him to change his views or admit that the other person is right. He develops a certain life position and always adheres to it, even when it is necessary to change direction.

You must have the gift of persuasion, otherwise you will have to be a slave to his views on life all your life. A little female cunning - and happy union secured.


Men born under this sign have a very wide and sincere smile. They disarm women with charm and the ability to yield. They love to talk about family values ​​and inspire an image perfect man. But in fact, parents are much more important to them than wife and children. Their mood changes very often, the reason for this can be the most ordinary things. Libras always think that problems will solve themselves.

Take important decisions into your own hands. And forget about messy house clothes. In order for Libra not to stare at other women, you need to be a very bright lady.


Scorpio is a born psychologist. He hides under the mask of a strong and reliable man. He shows firmness before the blows of fate and has a very penetrating look. But in fact, he is merciless to female coquetry and flirting. Scorpio has its own laws and moral principles, so it may not have the most best relationship with the law. He is often tormented by spiritual conflicts.

A woman must remember that Scorpio remembers all insults and joys. You must be very patient and devoted. Scorpios are looking for a homemaker in a woman.


He has a mask of a cheerful and cheerful person. According to him, you might think that in front of you is the most respected person in the district. He likes to talk about his useful acquaintances with people who can solve any problems with a snap of their fingers. His weak side is that it is very difficult for him to decide on a woman. He will go from wife to mistress and back. He also likes to delve into the past.

Do not tie him to home and family and do not forget to declare that you yourself love freedom. Create intrigue from time to time with secret calls or flowers in a vase. Sagittarius will appreciate.


Its masks are reliability and stability. He promises love for life. He knows how to manage his emotions and achieve success. But in fact, it is very difficult for Capricorn to express their true feelings and show affection. Capricorn expects to be admired every minute. He likes to strictly control the family budget.

Capricorns are not interested at all sexy outfits and a new image of a woman every day. You just need to be a good housewife and mother.


He has a dreamy look that will captivate many women. In order to achieve the goal, he is ready to make friends even with enemies. Aquarius does not hide his interest in a woman. But in fact, it is important for him to feel like a free person. He is not at all interested in material goods. He loves everything bright and new, be it a person or an idea.

To create a happy union with Aquarius, you must always tease him. Don't open all your cards. You must be an unpredictable woman.


On the first dates, you will see a man with a huge heart in front of you. He is very romantic and sympathetic. He radiates cheerfulness, and an ocean of boundless dreams is read in his eyes. In fact, the Pisces man is a big dreamer and it is difficult for him to adapt to real world. Behind his humor hides sadness and sorrow. He spends too much energy on serving his ideas, friends and beloved woman.

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