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Award Mu TV Timati with his wife. The most sexual outfits of the Awards of the MUZ TV: Loboda from Baora, glucuza in the fishing network, the bride of Timati with a bare breasts. Nastya Dorofeeva "Time and Glass"

On June 8, the MUZ-TV Award was awarded to the 2018 Award, all Russian colebritis was present. Timati visited the event in the company of the girlfriend Anastasia Ryatova and Mom. Simon Yunusov tried not to attract attention, and young people enjoyed each other's company.

Rachetova and Timati on Muz-TV 2018 Award

The format of the event welcomes Irony to guests than the actively used the leading ceremony. Only in relation to the residue joke for the second year in a row more remind of frank rudeness. Ksenia Sobchak, one of the leaders, took a short interview with Timati Mom. Ksenia stated that the musician came to the award not one, and demonstratively turned away from the residue.

Turning to Simone, Sobchak noticed: "I am my mother myself, and I will imagine that my son, the baby will grow, and will go to different awards with it! Nightmare!" By "this" was meant Anastasia Ryttov.

Photo: Instagram @ Volkonskaya.reshetova

A little later, the model wrote a post in instagram, in which he noticed that "he does not drag every trash to himself in the soul."

"This is one of my most useful life skills - not to hone offense. I do not focus on the bad. "

Subscribers suggested that Sweltov speaks of behavior leading on the award. Comments under the post were a few dozen. Some stated that Sobchak frankly envies the beauty and success of the model: "Nastya, she eats envy! You are young, and has achieved so much. "

Timati is published with Anastasia Rachetova

According to others, Ksenia behaved not too culturally, but for some reason Timati, the beloved of the residue, did not stand on defending their girlfriend.

"I would at the place of Tima, I took my microphone from her and also joked about her husband."

In 2017, the leading award of Lera Kudryavtsev also released tough jokes to a friend of the famous RPER. She noticed that near Timati Anastasia looks "not very," and asked for the next time to come to the ceremony with Alena Shishkova, his daughter Alice's daughter. Then everyone also did not perceive seriously this statement and laughed together.

On MUZ-TV 2017 Awards

It should be noted that even the personal microblog of Simons Yunusovoy is filled with bewilderment and requests to "protect the residue": "Why does she suffer such an attitude? What was all hidden on her? And all the main thing is silent! "

As a secular event of the stars of show business, they strive to stand out from the total mass in order for them to notice the paparazzi and colleagues on the workshop. And this desire is easy to understand, because if there is no interest to the star, then they will quickly forget about it. Music Award "MUZ-TV" 2017, which took place a couple of days ago in Moscow, became an excellent reason to remind himself, at least by means of a dress. This year, on the red carpet of the event, the stars of the domestic show business differed, as they could.

Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova continues to rapid public. This time, half-nailed muscular dancers were made to the Red Track of the Olympic Girl. The Queen itself was sitting in the marine sink, and I depicted or a mermaid, or Aphrodite, whether Khalisi from the "Game of Thrones". Tight jumpsuit and transparent grid, decorated with brilliant parts in spicy places and a white wig - even devotees did not immediately recognize their idols. But we will remember this exit for a long time.

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionov became one of the brightest guests of the event. The singer Glucose appeared on a red carpet in a translucent A la Country dress, which favorably emphasized the perfect star figure. Natalia supplemented the image with stylish styling and makeup with an emphasis on the lips.

Ksenia Sobchak

During the event, Ksenia Sobchak managed to change five outfits, but discuss everything - the first dress that the star chose for the opening ceremony of the award. The top of the dress turned out to be a little ksenia - from a close satin lifted chest, and even the lush feathers on the skirt did not save the situation.

Anastasia Ryetov

The Award "The Best Artist" received Timati, but all the attention was taken by his companion - Anastasia Rtyttov. And the point here is not at all in the hairstyle and makeup, although they were perfect, but in a strict black Thrake, which girl put on a naked body. Better look at yourself.

Christmas tree

But the image of the singer of the trees did not like us at all. First, a shapeless black balachon (dress is or jumpsuit, we did not understand) I added an extra ten kilograms. Secondly, the Christmas tree decided to change its proprietary high beams and came to a premium with loose hair laid on one side. And with the makeup of the singer, too, "overlooked": too "thick" black eyeliner in combination with brown lipstick - it turned out so-so.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Just a day before the event, Lera Kudryavtseva suffered an attack caused by the pinching of the sedellastic nerve, but despite the terrible pain, the star looked great. An elegant red dress girl supplemented with complex styling (without extension of hair clearly did not cost), bright smoke-ice and corporate red lipstick.

Rita Dakota

Rita Dakota is confident, pregnancy is not a reason to refuse sexual outfits and stylish makeup. The singer looked simply amazing!

Polina Gagarin

Only two months ago, Polina Gagarin became a mother, but in the figure of the singer, the pregnancy did not affect. The mentor of the show "Voice" came to the "MUZ-TV" award in a complex dress of a wine tint, which perfectly emphasized the porcelain skin and corporate platinum blond stars.

Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhnev is one of the few domestic celebrities, never "not mistaken" with a way. And this time the girl was also incredibly good: a laconic black dress with high cuts on the sides favorably emphasized a slim figure and infinitely long legs of the star. Well, a new stylish haircut of faith fans will discuss for a long time!

Elena Banya

The chief auditor of the country of Elena Bat looked stylish and strictly. The fitted dress with an open spin perfectly emphasizes a slim figure of a girl. With a hairstyle, Elena decided not to bother - made a careless high bundle (by the way, one of the main trends of this summer) and was as follows.

Group "Factory"

The girls from the factory group appeared on the red carpet of the ceremony in the same white trousers, red gloves, and with red roses in her hair. What these images mean, we did not understand, but the beauty-manufacturer looked very impressive.

On June 9, the 15th annual MUZ-TV 2017 Award took place in Moscow. On the red, that is, the green path was celebrities in their chic outfits. Someone very successfully chose the outfit for the ceremony, and someone's exit became a real failure. We collected for you the brightest images of the stars from the MUZ-TV 2017 Award

Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhnev changed the image

Vera Brezhnev appeared on the "Red Walkway" in a completely new image. The laconic black dress at first glance was very chasing, but it was worth the singer to turn to photographers into the profile, as everyone saw provocative high cuts on the sides! And the new hairstyle added sexuality. What to say? Vera, as always, at the height!

Polina Gagarin

Polina Gagarin demonstrated a beautiful figure

Polina Gagarin, despite the fact that she recently became a second time, demonstrated the perfect figure. An elegant dress in the floor with a complex drapering of wine-colored as it is impossible to emphasized all the advantages of her figure.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak looks just gorgeous

Ani Lorak, as always, looked gorgeous. An excellent black dress in the floor, slightly reorganized with gentle embroidery, as it should not be better emphasized the thin mill singers. Laconic hairstyle and bright makeup - the image of Carolina is just perfect.


At the Nyusha ceremony appeared in a very gentle image

On the "Red Walkway" Nyusha came out in a magnificent white dress with open shoulders. The outfit perfectly sat on the singer. And the gentle makeup and the lack of accessories as it is impossible to emphasize the image of Nyushi. In truth, she even was a little bit like the bride.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak during the ceremony changed six outfits

Only six months ago, Ksenia first became a mom, but, nevertheless, she looks great! For the TV presenter ceremony chose a gentle-blue dress with feathers on Podol. The image turned out a little complicated, but he did not spoil her. By the way, during the ceremony of Ksenia changed as much as six dresses!

Yana Rudkovskaya

The image of Yana Rudkovskaya was one of the best

The image of Yana Rudkovskaya this year was one of the best. Magnificent black dress, Right makeup and hairstyle - a famous producer knows how to emphasize his advantages.

Svetlana Loboda

Svetlana Loboda struck viewers with a modest brush suit

For the ceremony, Svetlana Loboda chose a classic trouser suit of a gentle cream shade. Lace top emphasized outstanding Svetlana forms. A little unexpectedly, but, you need to admit, very much to the face of the singer.

Kristina Orbakayte

Kristina Orbakayte chose a very tender dress

Christina reached the "red carpet" in a translucent slightly luminous dress decorated with ruffles. But, you need to recognize, with all its sexuality, the image of the singer was quite restrained and gentle. And the laconic hairstyle and makeup only emphasized Christina femininity. Great choice!

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova chose a very bold dress

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova chose a short dress for the ceremony, which was very similar to the challenge. The singer supplemented the outfit black boots on the lacing until the middle of the hip. In general, the image turned out to be very successful.

Alena Shishkova

Snow-white suit is very walking by Alena Shishkova

Alena Shishkova for the ceremony chose a snow-white trouser costume. Jacket with a deep neckline, though he was on a naked body, still looked not very vulgar. In general, a decent way out.

Natasha Koroleva

Natasha Koroleva on this older than an unsuccessful dress

But Natasha Queen this time missed the outfit. Black and white dress with sleeves and frills, though combined the most fashionable trends of this summer, but spoiled the figure of the singer. Horizontal lines will finish Natasha and make it below. In a word, failure.

Anfisa Chekhov

Anfisa Czech outfit looked old-fashioned

Famous TV presenter This year also could not choose a suitable outfit. Blue dress with a frank neckline added anfisa a couple of years. We hope the next time the broadcaster will be more carefully selected.

Anastasia Ryetov

The image of Anastasia Racely was very vulgar

Anastasia Deutsova for the ceremony chose a black jumpsuit with a breathtaking neckline. I take into account that there was no lingerie on the girl, and the neckline was almost to the navel, the image turned out to be very vulgar. And white shield shields only emphasized the absence of taste. Full failure.

Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov, as always, the audience is empty

The king of pop, as always with the audience. And at least a white jacket was quite discreet, pajama pants with a flower print looked somewhat strange. What to say, Philip has always been unpredictable.

Olga Buzova

The image of Olga Buzova shocked the public

The first place among the worst images of the MUZ-TV 2017 Prize belongs to Olga Buzova. On the red carpet, the newly minted singer appeared in the image of Aphrodites: almost naked, covering only the most piquant places of their shape. And the blond hair Olga decorated the crown. Well, this is a bust!