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Levonorgestrel increases. Levonorgestrel - Description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews. Abundant selection after installing spirals

International name:

Dosage form: Dragee

Pharmachologic effect:


Gravistat 125.

International name:

Dosage form:

Pharmachologic effect:



International name: Estradiol + Levonorgestrel (Estradiol + Levonorgestrel)

Dosage form: Dragee

Pharmachologic effect: Combined estrogen-gestagne drug. This fills the lack of female sex hormones in menopause. Eliminates somatic, mental ...

Indications: Replacement therapy with a lack of female genital hormones after a normal, premature or surgically due to the offensive ...


International name: Levonorgestrel (LEVONORGESTREL)

Dosage form:

Pharmachologic effect:



International name: Ethinyl Estradiol + Levonorgestrel (Ethinylestradiol + LEVONORGESTREL)

Dosage form: Dragee, Tablets, Shell Covered Tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Contraceptive combined estrogen gestagne preparation. When taking inside, the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones is oppressed. Contraceptive ...

Indications: Contraception, functional disorders of the menstrual cycle (including dysmenorrhea without organic cause, dysfunctional metrragia, premenstrual syndrome).


International name: Levonorgestrel (LEVONORGESTREL)

Dosage form: Dragee

Pharmachologic effect: Synthetic gestagen with contraceptive action. Increases the viscosity of the cervical mucus, which prevents the promotion of spermatozoa. Inhibits ...

Indications: Contraception as an additional drug in women using non-flame methods, as well as in the presence of contraindications to the use of estrogen-gestagenic LS.


International name: Ethinyl Estradiol + Levonorgestrel (Ethinylestradiol + LEVONORGESTREL)

Dosage form: Dragee, Tablets, Shell Covered Tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Contraceptive combined estrogen gestagne preparation. When taking inside, the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones is oppressed. Contraceptive ...

Indications: Contraception, functional disorders of the menstrual cycle (including dysmenorrhea without organic cause, dysfunctional metrragia, premenstrual syndrome).


International name: Ethinyl Estradiol + Levonorgestrel (Ethinylestradiol + LEVONORGESTREL)

Dosage form: Dragee, Tablets, Shell Covered Tablets

Pharmachologic effect: Contraceptive combined estrogen gestagne preparation. When taking inside, the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones is oppressed. Contraceptive ...

Indications: Contraception, functional disorders of the menstrual cycle (including dysmenorrhea without organic cause, dysfunctional metrragia, premenstrual syndrome).


International name: Levonorgestrel (LEVONORGESTREL)

Dosage form: Intrauterine therapeutic system

Pharmachologic effect: Contraceptive gestagne agent. The levonorgestrel in the composition of the IMC has a direct local impact on the endometrium causes its temporary ...

Indications: Contraception (long), menorragia, prevention of endometrial hyperplasia against the background of estrogen substitution therapy.

The ability of a woman to conceive and endure the child, the regularity of the cycle is determined by the interaction in its organism of two hormones. These are the so-called "female" and "male" hormones of Estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen provides stability and regularity of the cycle, that is, timely maturation and exit of the egg to the uterine cavity, and progesterone - prepares the uterus to pregnancy.

Even at the beginning of the XX century, doctors noticed the ability of large doses of progesterone to suppress ovulation. A little later, it was synthesized artificially, and in the form of a variety of derivatives called progestins or progestogen. One of them -levonorgestrel, synthetic hormone , analogue of progesterone, derived from testosterone.

How Levonorggestrel affects the body of a woman

Finding into the blood even in microhodoz, this synthetic hormone acts as follows:

  • thickens cervical mucus, thereby narrowing the cervical canal and does not give spermatozoa to get inside the uterine cavity;
  • reduces the patency of the uterine pipes for spermatozoa;
  • reversibly suppresses ovulation - that is, after the cancellation of the receipt of the cycle is restored without consequences after some time.

Levonorggestrel as contraceptive

Thanks to these propertieslevonorgestrel widely used in the production of variouscontraceptive Funds, both separately and in combination with synthetic analogues of estrogen.

To contraceptive preparations that contain exclusivelylevonorgestrel, belong:

  • so-called mini-dying, progestin contraceptivepills . They contain hormone microindoses and are designed for reception within a month;
  • means for emergency contraception ("Tablets in the morning" or tablet "Plan B"). The dose of hormone in them is slightly higher than in mini-drank, thanks to which they can urgently prevent unwanted conception within a few days after unprotected intimate contact. These funds are most effective within 72 hours after sexual intercourse. To ensure contraceptive action, only 1-2 tablets depending on the drug.

In addition, in combination with synthetic analogues of estrogen, the Levonorgestrel is part of a variety of combined oral contraceptives, vaginal rings, intrauterine spirals, implants.

Who are the contraceptive means based on Levonorgestrel?

It should be remembered that hormonal contraceptives can be taken only by appointment of a doctor. In the case of admission of combined hormonal drugs or the use of contraceptive tools based on them, it is necessary to observe all precautions prescribed for such medicines. Including, they cannot be applied during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in the presence of estrogen-dependent diseases and leaning towards thrombosis, they are also undesirable for smoking women over the age of 35 years.

Contraindications to the use of monogormonal drugs, such as mini-saws or tablets for emergency contraception, are: increased sensitivity to any component of the drug; age up to 16 years; severe liver failure; pregnancy; Rare hereditary diseases such as lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-lactose malabsorption. With caution, these drugs should be used for diseases of the liver or biliary tract, jaundice (including a history), crown disease, lactation. Among the side effects of drugs containing Levonorggestrel, rarely marked nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain or headache, fatigue.

The levonorgestrel, also referred to as the ethylendiol, is a synthetic gestagen, which has a contraceptive effect, which is to carry out the activity of anti-estrogen and progestogenic type:
  • It contributes to the braking of ovulation processes, due to which prevents unplanned pregnancy - is an emergency contraceptive.
  • Levonorggestrel based drugs also change the consistency of the cervical mucus, making it more thick and viscous, which greatly complicates the processes of penetration of sperm in the uterine cavity.
  • Levonorgestrel has a slower impact on the activity of endometrial growth. Therefore, even in the case of the occurrence of random fertilization of the egg, the pregnancy will not come. This is due to the fact that a fertilized egg is simply not able to attach to the wall of the uterine cavity due to the too thin inner layer of the mucous membranes of the organ.
  • The regular use of levonorgestrel-based drugs provides a slowdown in the production of luteinizing and follicle-sustaming hormones that are responsible for the reproductive functionality of the female organism. As well as a decrease in the activity of the time gland (yellow body) of the endocrine system in a woman, the action of which is to prepare the uterine organ for possible fertilization.

How does the levonorgestrel hormone affect the body of a woman

Finding into the body:
  • levonorgestrel as a form of progesterone has an action on a hypothalamus through a negative feedback mechanism, which causes a decrease in the secretion of luteinizing and follicle-sustaming hormones, which stimulate ovulation. Thus, reducing their selection, the levonorgestrel is used to suppress ovulation.
  • prevents the uterus thickening (endometrial) every month in the process of preparation for the fertilization of the egg. This stops the attachment of an already fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, and thereby prevents pregnancy differently.
  • it prevents the release of eggs from the ovary (ovulation), but this does not necessarily occur in all women who use the Navy.

How does emergency contraception with levonorgestrel on a woman's body

The hormone works mainly by stopping the release of eggs from the ovary, as well as preventing the ovarization of the egg or preventing the attachment (implantation) to the uterus. Each organism will respond to this tablet in different ways, but there are several facts about the effect of levonorgestrel on the body of the woman who need to know:
  1. Delayed ovulation
    After eating a tablet with a levonorgestrel, ovulation is delayed, and a cum that may be present after an unprotected sexual intercourse will not be able to fertilize the egg, thereby preventing pregnancy.
  2. Perhaps Changing Endometrial Lining
    Progestin (a complete analogue of which is the Levonorgestrel) - a synthetic hormone, which acts similarly to the natural, regulating uterine lining.
    And the side effect after his reception lies in the fact that it may somehow affect the endometrium in the process of preventing pregnancy.
  3. Delay of menstruation
    There is no reason for anxiety, if the monthly is late after emergency contraception. Since this hormone delays ovulation, it can lead to changes in the menstrual cycle, and it will begin before or later than usual.
  4. Other changes in the cycle
    A small delay is not the only thing that can happen after taking pills. Sometimes there may be easy selection before the actual menstrual cycle. But do not worry about it. Menstrual oscillations in this case are natural and with time the cycle must normalize again. If you do not have a menstrual cycle within 3 weeks after emergency contraception, do a pregnancy test. The tablet could not work, it is rare, but it happens.
  5. Nausea
    If you are afraid to become pregnant, you need to know that the most common side effects after emergency contraception are nausea, vomiting and irregular bleeding.
    About 20 percent of women experience nausea, and half of them also adds vomiting, which passes within a few hours. IMPORTANT: You should be attentive, and if you needed a tablet during vomiting, you need to consult a doctor, since pregnancy prevention has not happened.
  6. Levonorgestrel does not interrupt pregnancy
    It is important to know: Emergency contraception is not an abortion that interrupts pregnancy by separating the fertilized egg from the uterine lining. The main goal of such contraception is to prevent fertilization.
  7. Does not harm with breastfeeding
    Emergency contraception will not hurt a child. Women who are breastfeeding can take Levonorgestrel. This can lead to a short-term reduction in milk generation, but does not hurt a child.
  8. Interaction with medicine
    This type of hormone is available without a recipe, but this does not mean that it is necessary to take it without referring to the medical specialist. In addition, it may not be as effective if you have taken certain medicines (including barbiturates, hunter and some medicines from HIV / AIDS), so it is better to always talk to a specialist.
  9. Does not have long-term influence on the body
    Levonorgestrel metabolizes relatively quickly and has no long-term health impact, even when he was taken several times. The only thing that will be unpleasant in the long run is the immediate side effects, such as nausea and the likelihood of pregnancy. Tablets with levonorgestrel are not as effective as condoms or contraceptive pills.
    If there are any side effects that are particularly anxious or unusual, always refer to the doctor. But in most cases, such a tablet is a well-adjustable safe option if emergency contraception is needed.

Influence of the Navy with Levonorggestrel on Female Organism

Mirena is an intrauterine spiral with the biggest dose of this hormone. Others compared to it contain it at times less. Therefore, being the most effective contraceptive, it ultimately has its own minuses:

Often, women with a spiral Mirena complain about the absence of menstruation, in some cases they are much easier and shorter compared to the flow and duration before it is established (Mirena has a 52 mg coating. Hormone Levonorgestrel). Premenstrual pain is also much easier.

At first glance, solid advantages, but most side effects with levonorgestrel-released Navy include changes in the uterus and vaginal bleeding, which occur about 52% of cases and stopping menstruation in 24% of cases.

Menstruation, an increase in estrogen, ovulation and progesterone growth - all this is necessary for the overall state of the health of women. Estrogen, for example, contributes to the growth of bones, and progesterone is to maintain bone tissue. If these hormones do not reach their optimal levels every month, with time the absence of estrogen and progesterone can lead to osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

When you need to take drugs with Levonorggestrel and why

Medications with levonorgestrel are produced in capsuated and tabletized form, as well as in the form of intrauterine spirals. Each form of the drug is applied for a specific purpose:
  1. Tablets are recommended for emergency contraception, after carrying out unprotected sexual contact with a sexual partner, as well as at a low level of reliability of using the contraceptive method;
  2. The intrauterine spiral is usually used to continuously protect the female organism from unwanted pregnancy for up to 5 years;
  3. During replacement therapy using estrogen for the prevention of the hyperplasia of the endometrial layer in the uterine cavity, it is also recommended to use an intrauterine spiral with a levonorgestrel;
  4. Capsules for subcutaneous administration are prescribed for long-term contraception - from 2 to 5 years.
  5. If a woman has abundant and painful menstruation, accompanied by an increased level of blood loss that reduces the level and quality of life, doctors also recommend the production of intrauterine spiral containing a levonoretrel hormone.

When it is impossible to take drugs with Levonorggestrel and why

Any hormone-containing drug tool requires the maximum level of caution in the appointment, dosage selection and applied. Before using drugs with Levonorggestrel, you should familiarize yourself with the next list of absolute contraindications to their use.

For tabletized form, the following contraindications are characteristic:

  • increased sensitivity of the body to the active component;
  • the presence of thrombus or the predisposition of the body to their appearance, since the reception of the Levonorgestrel contributes to the appearance with all the resulting;
  • an increase in the likelihood of appearance and complication of such pathologies;
  • for diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • the period of pregnancy, since the reception of the synthetic hormone can cause premature genera, miscarriage, etc. no less serious consequences;
  • breastfeeding period, since the active components of the drug with long-term intake penetrate the breast milk;
  • in the postpartum period in the development of endometritis;
  • in pathology of coronary arteries;
  • it is not recommended for girls who have undergone 16 years of age.
The design of the Navy is not recommended to be carried out with the following pathologies:
  • pathology of the organs of a small pelvis with the inflammatory nature of the flow;
  • infectious diseases of the lower genital and urinary tract;
  • conducting a septic abortion, to put the Navy is not recommended during the first 3-4 months, after such interference;
  • development of cervicitis, cervical dysplasia and the emergence of pathological changes in malignant nature in the uterine cavity;
  • breast cancer;
  • uterine hemorrhage not clarified etiology;
  • fibromyoma;
  • increased level of body sensitivity to Levonorgestrel.
The use of any hormone-containing drugs can cause side effects. It is recommended to consider the options for the speedy seizure of the installed spiral, if the following pathologies began to develop after the Navy sets:
  1. severe headaches and migraines;
  2. loss of consciousness;
  3. the emergence of suspicion of the development of ischemia;
  4. pathological disorders in the blood flow system (thick blood), up to the occurrence of stroke or myocardial infarction;
  5. the occurrence of diabetes.

Excess dosage

When taking a tabletized form of a drug with a levonorgestrel and exceeding the dosage prescribed by a doctor, the following side effects may occur:
  • pain in the head;
  • psycho-emotional disorders with an increased level of nervousness;
  • pathological changes in the performance of the digestive system of organs in the form of nausea, increased gas formation or diarrhea;
  • the nature of menstrual discharge may change;
  • allergic rashes on skin cover.
  • in some women, the Navy may cause fainting, the development of bleeding, dizziness.

What drugs contain levonorgestrel

Oral contraceptiveswhich contribute not only to prevent unplanned pregnancy, but also to restore and normalize the leakage of the menstrual cycle, and also reduce the intensity of the manifestation of the premenstrual syndrome symptoms:
  • Gravistat
  • Trocilar
  • Ryguevidon
  • Anteovin.
Intrauterine spirals with levonorgestrelwhich contribute to the time atrophy of the endometrial layer in the uterine cavity and prevent the likelihood of the egg fence for 3-5 years:
  • Levonova,
  • Miraen.
There are also exist capsules for subcutaneous administration - Norplant.
One packing of the Nordplant contains 6 capsules that are sewn into the subcutaneous layer in the field of the blade. The contraceptive effect of the capsule is preserved for 5 years.

Minasyan Margarita

Intrauterine contraception immediately became popular among women, because it gives a high result and it is very convenient to use it. One of these contraceptives is a Peace Spiral, which is effective at, but before use you need to get acquainted with the reviews and consequences. It will also not hurt to learn the peculiarities of the agent and its influence on the body.

Use in the menopausal period

Miraen under Klimakse, or rather at its initial stages, helps a woman prevent unwanted pregnancy and normalize the hormonal balance of the body. At the initial stages of the process of extinction of the ovarian function, the probability of conception is preserved. But it happens very difficult, because the symptoms are very similar to the manifestation of menopause. Yes, and the absence of menstruation can be associated with the approach of menopause.

In addition, it is impossible to be one hundred percent confident as a result of pregnancy test. The fact is that the level of hCG during the climetheric period is increased, and its indicators correspond to the first weeks after conception. It turns out that the test may be negative, and in fact there is a pregnancy.

Therefore, women decide to use Miren to continue active sexual life without the threat of conception. At the same time, the spiral does not affect the quality of sexual relations. It is installed for a long period of time with minimal control requirements.

It is worth noting that this helix differs from ordinary options, because its composition includes progesterone synthetic origin. Due to this, the hormonal balance is stabilized, which leads to the elimination of unpleasant symptoms of Klimaks.

Features Spiral

The hormonal contraceptive is produced in the form of a T-shaped device with two special mustache. Thanks to this form, the spiral can be secure in the uterus. In addition, there is a loop from the threads with which the system is withdrawn.

The body itself provides a cavity in which the hormonal component is located, represented by Levonorggestrel (52 milligrams). The remedy itself is stored inside a special tube protected by vacuum packaging consisting of plastic and paper. It is necessary to store it at 15-30 degrees no more than three years from the date of manufacture.

How valid

The active ingredient spiral belongs to the Gestagen. Hormone:

  • blocks the growth of endometrial;
  • does not give cancer cells to multiply;
  • normalizes the balance between estrogen and progesterone;
  • does not affect the normal operation of the ovaries;
  • blocks the appearance of pathologies of the small pelvis organs;
  • reduces climax symptoms;
  • protects against unwanted conception;
  • he acts an excellent prevention tool, endometriosis.

After installing the system, the woman's body every day receives a certain dose of Levonorggestrel (20 μg). By the end of the five-year period of use, this indicator decreases to 10 μg per day. It is important to note that almost the entire dose of the hormone is concentrated in endometrial, and in the blood, the hormone content does not exceed microindose.

The active ingredient does not begin to flow into the blood at once. This happens in about an hour, and after 14 days in the blood contains the highest concentration of the levonorgestrel, but this figure depends on the weight of the woman. If a woman weighs no more than 54 kilograms, then this indicator will be 1.5 times more.

According to responds, after installing the system, unstable allocations of a focusing character may be occurring, but only for the first few months. This is due to the restructuring of endometrial, after which the duration and volume of bleeding is significantly reduced. And sometimes they stop at all.

Hormonal Spiral against Menopause Diseases

Symptoms of climacterial syndrome are caused by the destabilization of the hormonal background. But it is not always possible to solve this problem with the reception of hormonal drugs with estrogen. The fact is that many diseases in the female organize provokes the predominance of estrogen over progesterone. Here, the use of estrogen-containing drugs only aggravates the problem, reinforcing the speed and neglence of the disease.

Levonorgestrel, which is contained in the Spiral of Miren, is able to help in the fight against the following issues:

Hyperplasia Endometrial

Estrogen provokes excessive division of tissue cells, which can cause cancer. In addition, hormone jumps can enhance the symptoms of hyperplasia. In this case, the helix reduces the effects of estrogen to the endometrium, but at the same time does not prevent a hormone to positively affect the work of the heart, the vessels, the urinary system, bone tissue, etc.


This disease is a direct consequence of progesterone shortage against the background of the extension of estrogen. Mirena blocks the development of endometriosis, and also contributes to the sinking of the disease. Levonorgestrel has a beneficial effect on mucous membrane, blocking the further spread of foci of endometriosis and the risk of cancer. It can be noted a huge number of positive feedback on the spiral of the Peace with endometriosis in the premenopausis without the consequences of a negative nature of women's health.


Immediately note that with such a disease, you can not use the spiral. Everything will depend on the characteristics of the tumor (location and size). Here the tool significantly reduces the flow of nutrition to the tumor.


Mirena contains an analogue of progesterone, which is able to reduce the activity of bleeding and their volume. But its use is allowed only if bleeding is not associated with oncological diseases.

The change in the hormonal background always leads to a decrease in the protection of the body, so these diseases are as often arise with the climax approximation. Mirena and Premenopause are associated so that the spiral itself significantly reduces the risk of various pathologies due to the support of the microflora of the vagina and the stabilization of the hormonal balance.

Basic indications and contraindications to use

Unfortunately, the tool can use not every woman. To begin with, it is worth noting that the inspection of the entire body is a prerequisite.

In this case, the contraindications are:

  • malignant tumors;
  • oncology breasts;
  • bleeding related to serious diseases;
  • individual intolerance between Gestagennes;
  • veins thrombosis;
  • inflammation of small pelvis organs;
  • infection in the urinary system;
  • endometritis;
  • liver problems (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • heart and kidney disease;
  • recent abortion (three months ago).

Important! Any inflammatory pathology of the small pelvis organs are indications for the removal of the spiral. In addition, intrauterine contraceptives are contraindicated with a high risk of infectious diseases (problems with immunity, lack of a permanent partner).

Despite the minimum effect of the levonorgestrel on the work of the body, it is contraindicated in all cancer. Regarding relatively contraindicated diseases include migraines, arterial hypertension, thrombophlebitis and diabetes mellitus. In these cases, the possibility of using an intrauterine hormonal contraceptive determines the doctor, but only after the comprehensive laboratory diagnostics.

Main indications for use:

  1. Contraception. The main purpose of the Navy is the warning of undesirable conception.
  2. Idiopathic menorriage. The Navy is used as an element of therapy only in the absence of hyperplastic processes in the uterine mucosa, as well as extractive pathologies.
  3. Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia. Used when appointing substitution therapy with estrogens, when estrogens and progestins in the body should be balanced.
  4. Abundant bleeding with an obscure cause. After installing the spiral, or rather after 4 months, the number of secretions should come to normal.

Side effect Spiral Peace

It is worth noting that the side effects are often manifested only in the first few months after the doctor has installed the system. Here you need to pay attention to the strength of their manifestation. If the side effects are minor, the woman can use the tool further, but this question is solved with the attending physician.

Among the side effects are to highlight:

  • migraine;
  • headaches;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic rash;
  • machine pain;
  • unstable emotional state;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

These side effects are most often manifested at the very beginning of the use of the fund. Judging by the reviews, most women who have passed a preliminary examination and installed a spiral from an experienced specialist, do not suffer from side effects. , tides and irritability disappear almost immediately.

Very rarely, the use of the helix can cause:

  • development of the tumor;
  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • the formation of cysts in the ovaries;
  • jaundice.

Abundant selection after installing spirals

A certain amount of women's reviews contain information on bloody discharge after the installation of peaceful. During the premenopause, the spiral may cause gas-based allocations and, but this is normal only in the first four months after the procedure.

Similarly, the female organism adapts to changes and normalization of the hormonal balance. In addition, in the first few months after installing the spiral there is a significant risk of inflammatory processes. Therefore, with any complaints, it is worth consulting a doctor to eliminate other causes of bleeding, even if there are no other painful symptoms.

As for the duration of bleeding, it is within five or seven days. But soon peace should reduce the abundance of discharge, gradually approaching them to normal.

For more information about, go on the link.

Possible unwanted consequences of peaceful

According to reviews and research, the following consequences are very rare, but still have a place to be:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. In the risk group there are women who suffered from protracted infectious diseases and inflammatory processes. In this case, immediate surgical intervention is required. Among the symptoms of complications, dizziness, nausea, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, latency of menstruation, skin pallor and general weakness are possible.
  • Penetration. Rustling means in the walls of the uterus occurs very rarely. This is possible against the background of lactation, the recent birth of a child or a non-standard arrangement of the uterus.
  • VMS falling out. Spiral loss meets quite often. The probability of this undesirable process increases during the period of menstruation, and it can pass unnoticed. Women recommend immediately contact the doctor to remove the means and install the new system.
  • Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases. The high probability of development in the first month after installing the system. A woman needs to appeal to the doctor who will write down the treatment and decide whether to remove the spiral.
  • Amenorrhea. Possible six months after the use of the Navy. Here you must first eliminate pregnancy. Note that after removal of the tool, the cycle becomes normal if the termination of menstruation is not caused by other reasons.
  • . There are only 12% of patients (approximately). It is also worth noting that enlarged follicles independently acquire normal sizes in a few months.

More accurate about the consequences of saying nothing. This is due to the individuality of each case and the impossibility of collecting information about each woman who used Miren. Note that this Navy with the Levonorgestrel is relatively safe, like all means with hormone content. In most cases, the patient successfully tolerate all five years with this system, but provided that the responsible attitude towards their health and the passage of the necessary survey.

Installation, Removal and Features Spiral

It is worth noting that not all doctors have sufficient experience in the installation of the spiral of the Peace. A woman needs to find a specialist who has already worked with this type of Navy and knows the features of this procedure.

The tool is produced in sterile packaging, which cannot be opened at home. Makes this specialist immediately before installation. If the packaging integrity was broken, the installation of the helix is \u200b\u200bnot allowed. It is destroyed as medical waste. The same applies to the removal procedure, because the helm used still contains hormones.

Survey before installing peace

Before buying a spiral of Mirena, it is worth checking their health in advance. First you need to visit the attending doctor who will advise:

  • examine the vagina;
  • visit mammologists;
  • examine the vaginal microflora;
  • make ultrasound genitals.

In addition, it is worth passing analyzes to hormones in order to accurately establish the condition of the hormonal background of the body.

Features of using funds for various purposes

There is a list of prescriptions by the installation date of the Navy:

  • For contraception. The procedure must be carried out in the first week of the cycle. But the replacement of the Navy is made on any day of the menstrual cycle.
  • After childbirth. Here it is necessary to wait for the complete involution of the uterus, but even with this factor of Miren is contraindicated during the first six weeks after the child's birth. In addition, in case of strong pain, the small pelvis organs should be examined to eliminate perforations.
  • To protect the endometrium. Can be used with the UGT. The procedure is carried out in the last days of the cycle. When amenorrhea, the spiral can be installed at any time.

How often to visit the doctor after installing the spiral

In mandatory, the woman should appear at the reception at the gynecologist no later than 3 months after installing the peace. Further, the doctor can be attended once a year, and if there is complaints, it costs to immediately go to the hospital.

If the doctor allowed the installation of a helix with a woman suffering from diabetes, then it is necessary to closely monitor blood glucose levels. The fact is that the Levonorgestrel still negatively affects glucose tolerance. Any indisposition should not be ignored.

Spiral removal

The system is removed by careful stretching for specially intended for this thread with sterile forceps. The most comfortable removal occurs during critical days, but it is possible when the woman entered the climax. Sometimes it is impossible to see the thread, then the doctor resorts to the use of a traction hook for safe extraction. In addition, in some cases, the specialist expands the cervical channel.

Important! The system is removed after five years of use in normal patient well-being. With any serious complaints of the Navy, it is necessary to remove from the body immediately.

As for reinstalling a new fund, the procedure can be carried out almost immediately. Here everything will depend on the menstruation. When maintaining menstrual secretions, the installation of the new system is made in the menstruation days to eliminate the risk of oval fertilization.

The doctor must prevent the patient that the installation or removal of an intrauterine hormonal contraceptive can cause certain pain and bleeding. Special caution should be made to women with epilepsy and cervical stenosis. Fainting, bradycardia or convulsive fit are possible here.

After seizures, the system is inspected for integrity to exclude the spiral hormonal cavity. As soon as the doctor confirm the integrity of the means, additional actions are not required.

As evidenced by reviews

Mirena decides several female problems at once. Premenopause brings some discomfort, which is associated not only with unpleasant symptoms, but also the need to select an optimal contraceptive. Most women note the practicality of this fund.

Often patients are interested, whether they will be able to get pregnant after the seizure of the system. So, 80% of women were able to conceive a child (scheduled) in the first year after removal of the Navy. In other cases, diseases were prevented or pregnancy fell a little later.

Of course, with the approach of Klimaks, many women no longer plan to have a child. It is important to carry out the setting of the spiral at the right time.

In fact, reviews are distinguished by contradictory character. The main group of women is not satisfied with the unstable emotional background in the first month of using the Navy. But here you need to take into account the restructuring of the body, which is trying to get used to changes and influence of the hormone.

In addition, women note that the Peace Spiral is much more convenient than orally, which require strict admission mode. If you take the price of the system, then it varies within 9-13 thousand rubles. With the calculation for the five-year period, it is possible to save a good amount in contrast to spending spectacle.

The intramatic hormonal contraceptive of Mirena is a real find during premenopause, when the probability of conception is preserved, and also need to normalize the hormonal balance. In addition, Mirena reaches itself well with the UGT based on estrogen. It remains only to comply with the recommendations and follow the health in order to avoid possible consequences.

The most popular intrauterine hormonal contraceptive is the Peace Spiral (Navy). Intrauterine contraceptives (IUC) are used since the middle of the last century. They quickly fell in love with women because of many positive qualities: the lack of systemic exposure to the female organism, high performance, ease of use.
The spiral does not affect the quality of sexual contact, it is installed for a long period, practically does not require control. But the IMC has a very significant minus: many patients develop a tendency to metrragia, as a result of which they have to abandon this type of contraception.

In the 60s, intrauterine systems containing copper were created. Their contraceptive effect was even higher, but the problem of bleeding from the uterus was not solved. And in the end, in the 70s, the 3rd generation of IMC was developed. These medical systems combine the best qualities of oral contraceptives and IMD.

Description of the intrauterine spiral of peace

Mirena has a T-shaped form that helps securely fix in the uterus. One of the edges is equipped with a loop of the threads intended for the seizure of the system. In the center of the spiral is a hormone of whitish color. He slows in the uterus through a special membrane.

The hormonal component of the spiral is Levonorgestrel (Gestagen). One system contains 52 mg of this substance. Additional component - polydimethylsiloxane elastomer. The Miren Navy is inside the tube. The spiral has an individual vacuum plastic and paper packaging. It is necessary to store it in a dark place at a temperature of 15-30 C. Shelf life from the moment of manufacture - 3 years.

The effect of peaceful on the body

The contraceptive system of Mirena begins to "let go of the Levonorgestrel in the uterus immediately after installation. The hormone goes into the cavity at a speed of 20 μg / day, after 5 years, this figure decreases to 10 μg per day. The spiral has a local action, the levonorgestrel is almost entirely focused on endometrial. And already in the muscular layer of the uterus, the concentration is not more than 1%. In the blood, the hormone is contained in microodos.

After the introduction of the helix, the current component enters the blood in about an hour. There, its highest concentration is achieved in 2 weeks. This indicator can significantly be varied depending on the mass of the body of a woman. With a weight of up to 54 kg, the content in the blood levonorgestrel is about 1.5 times higher. The active substance is completely split in the liver, and evacuated by the intestine and the kidneys.

The principle of the action of peaceful

The contraceptive effect of the drug is independent of a weak local response to the foreign body, and is mainly due to the impact of the levonorestrel. The introduction of a fertilized egg is not made by drowning the activity of the uterine epithelium. At the same time, the natural growth of the endometrium is suspended and the functioning of its glands is reduced.

Also, the Peace Spiral makes it difficult for spermatozoa mobility in the uterus and its pipes. The contraceptive effect of the means increases the high viscosity of the cervical mucus and thickening of the mucous layer of the cervical channel, which complicates the penetration of spermatozoa to the uterine cavity.

After the system sets, the endometrium is noted for several months, manifested by irregular oscillations. But after a non-income time, the proliferation of the mucous meter provokes a significant reduction in the duration and volume of menstrual bleeding, up to their complete termination.

Indications for use

The Navy is installed, first of all, to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In addition, the system is used with very strong menstrual bleeding for an unexplained reason. It is preliminarily eliminated by the likelihood of malignant neoplasms of the women's reproductive system. As a gestagne remedy for local action, the intrauterine helix is \u200b\u200bused to prevent endometrial hyperplasia, for example, with a hard-flowing climax or after bilateral ovarisectomy.

Mirena is sometimes used in menorragia therapy if there are no hyperplastic processes in mucous membranes or extragnenital pathologies with severe hypocoagulation (thrombocytopenia, Willebrand disease).

Contraindications for use

The Peace Spiral refers to internal contraceptives, therefore, it cannot be used in inflammatory genital diseases:

  • endometrite after delivery;
  • inflammation in a small pelvis and cervix;
  • septic abortion, made 3 months before the system setting;
  • infection, localizing in the lower part of the genitourinary system.

The development of acute inflammatory pathology of the pelvis organs, practically uncommon therapy, is an indication for the withdrawal of the spiral. Therefore, internal contraceptives are not installed in case of predisposition to infectious diseases (the constant change of sexual partners, a strong decrease in immunity, AIDS, etc.). To protect against unwanted pregnancy, the peace is not suitable for cancer, dysplasia, body fibromomy and cervix, changes in their anatomical structure.

Since the Levonorgestrel splits in the liver, the spiral is not installed in the malignant neoplasation of this organ, as well as with cirrhosis and acute hepatitis.

Although the systemic effect on the body of the levonorgestrel is insignificant, it is still a gestagenic substance against all gestagen-dependent cancer diseases, such as breast cancer and other states. Also, this hormone is contraindicated in stroke, migraine, heavy forms of diabetes, thrombophlebitis, infarction, arterial hypertension. These diseases are relative contraindications. In such a situation, the issue of the use of peace is solved by a doctor after laboratory diagnostics. The helix cannot be installed in suspected pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the drug component.

Side effects

Often manifest

Several side effects of peaceful, which are found almost every tenth woman who has established a spiral. These include:

  • cNS work disorder: hot temper, headache, nervousness, poor mood, reduced sexual attraction;
  • increase in body weight and the appearance of acne;
  • dysfunction of the tract: nausea, pain in the abdomen, vomiting;
  • vulvovaginitis, pain in a small pelvis, separating sections;
  • tension and soreness of the chest;
  • back pain, as with osteochondrosis.

All of the above features are brighter than all in the first months of the use of the drug of Mirena. Then their intensity decreases, and, as a rule, unpleasant symptoms pass in passing.

Rarely manifested side effects

Such side effects are observed in one patient out of a thousand. They are also usually expressed only in the first months after installing the Navy. If the intensity of manifestations does not decrease over time, the necessary diagnosis is assigned. Rare complications are the bloating of the abdomen, frequent mood changes, skin itching, the appearance of edema, hirsutism, eczema, baldness and rash.

Allergic reactions refer to very rarely manifested side effects. When they are developed, it is necessary to exclude another source of urban, rash, etc.

Instructions for use

Installation of the Spiral Mirena

The intrauterine system is packed in a sterile vacuum package, which is opened before installing the helix. An openly opened system needs to be disposed of.

Install the contraceptive of the Mirena can only qualified. The doctor must inspect and designate the necessary examination:

  • gynecological examination and chest inspection;
  • analysis of smear from the cervix;
  • mammography;
  • colposcopy and study of a small pelvis.

It is necessary to make sure that there is no pregnancy, malignant neoplasms and STIs. When the inflammatory diseases are found, their treatment is carried out before making peace. You should also determine the size, location and form of the uterus. The right position of the helix provides contraceptive effect and protects the system from the expression.

Patients of fertile age Navy are introduced in the first days of menstruation. In the absence of contraindications, the system can be installed immediately after an abortion. With a normal reduction in the uterus after delivery, you can use Miren after 6 weeks. You can perform the replacement of the spiral on any day regardless of the cycle. For the prevention of excessive expansion of the endometrium, the intrauterine system should be administered at the end of the menstrual cycle.


After installing the Navy, it is necessary to seem a gynecologist in 9-12 weeks. Then visit the doctor once a year, when the complaints appear more often. While the clinical data proving the predisposition to the development of varicose expansion and vessel thrombosis during the use of spirals are absent. But when signs of these diseases appear, you need to consult with the doctor.

The levonorgestrel action is negatively reflected on glucose tolerance, as a result, patients with diabetes must be systematically monitoring blood glucose levels. In the threat of septic endocarditis in women with valve vices, the introduction and removal of the system must be carried out with the reception of antibacterial agents.

Possible unwanted consequences of peaceful

  1. Ectopic pregnancy - develops extremely rarely and requires emergency surgical intervention. This complication can be suspected if symptoms of pregnancy arise (long-delayed menstruation, dizziness, nausea, etc.) together with strong pains at the bottom of the abdomen and signs of internal bleeding (strong weakness, skin pallor, tachycardia). Above the likelihood of "earn" such a complication after transferred severe inflammatory or infectious pathologies of the pelvis or cases of ectopic pregnancy in an anamnesis.
  2. Penetration (rustling in the wall) and perforation (bodybag) of the uterus usually develop when the helix is \u200b\u200bintroduced. These complications may accompany lactation, recent birth, unnatural location of the uterus.
  3. The expression of the system from the uterus occurs quite often. For its early discovery, patients are recommended after every monthly check in the vagina, finding threads. Simply, as a rule, it is when menstruation of a high probability of VMS falling. This process passes unnoticed for a woman. Accordingly, in the expulsion of the peace, contraceptive action ends. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to inspect the used tampons and gaskets for loss. The manifestation of the spiral fallout in the middle of the cycle can be bleeding and pain. If an incomplete expulsion of the intrauterine hormonal agent occurred, then the doctor must delete it and install a new one.
  4. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvis organs are usually developing in the first month of the application of the Mirena system. The risk of complications increases with a frequent change of sexual partners. The indication to the removal of the spiral in this case is a recurrent or severe pathology and the absence of a result from conductive treatment.
  5. Amenorrhea develops in many women against the background of the use of the Navy. The complication occurs not immediately, but somewhere 6 months after installing the peace. With the termination of menstruation, it is first necessary to exclude pregnancy. After removal of the helix, the menstrual cycle is restored.
  6. Approximately 12% of patients form functional ovarian cysts. Most often, they do not manifest themselves and only occasionally may occur pain during sex and feeling of gravity at the bottom of the abdomen. Increased follicles usually come to normal after 2-3 months on their own.

Removal of the Navy

The spiral must be reeded 5 years after installation. If the patient does not plan to be pregnant, then manipulation is carried out at the beginning of menstruation. Removing the system in the middle of the cycle, the probability of conception appears. If desired, one intramatic contraceptive can immediately change the new one. The day of the cycle does not matter. After the drawing of the product, it is necessary to carefully inspect the system, since it difficult to remove the squeezing of the substance in the uterine cavity. Both the introduction and seizure of the system may be accompanied by bleeding and pain. Sometimes a faint condition or fitness in patients with epilepsy occurs.

Pregnancy and Mirena

The spiral has a strong contraceptive effect, but not 100%. If a pregnancy is still developing, then first of all, it is necessary to exclude its ectopic shape. With normal pregnancy, the helix carefully draws or perform a medical abortion. Not in all cases, it turns out to be extracted the system of peaceful from the uterus, then the likelihood of premature is increasing. It is also necessary to take into account the likely adverse effects of the hormone on the formation of the fetus.

Application with lactation

Levonorgestrel Navy in a slight dosage enters the bloodstream and can stand out with milk when feeding the baby's chest. At the same time, the hormone content is about 0.1%. Doctors approve, with such a concentration, is excluded that such a dose is able to affect the overall condition of the crumbs.

Frequently asked Questions

The price of the peace is satisfied high, and the use of contraceptive can provoke a lot of side effects. Does any positive effect of the drug on the female organism?

Peace is often used to restore the endometrium state after bilateral removal of ovaries or with pathological climax. Also intrauterine spiral:

  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • performs the prevention of cancer and endometrial hyperplasia;
  • reduces the duration and volume of idiopathic bleeding;
  • restores iron exchange in the body;
  • reduces pain in the almagomenona;
  • conducts the prevention of fibromyoma and endometriosis of the uterus;
  • it has a fascinating effect.

Is peaceful used to treat Mioma?

The spiral suspends the growth of myomatous node. But need additional diagnosis and consultation of the gynecologist. It is necessary to take into account the volume and localization of nodes, for example, with submissible formations of moma, changing the form of the uterus, the installation of the system of peaceful is contraindicated.

Used in endometriosis intramatic drug Mirena?

The spiral is used to prevent endometriosis, as it stops the growth of the endometrium. Recently, the results of studies proving the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease were presented. But the system provides only a temporary effect and each case should be considered separately.

After six months after the introduction of Peace, Amenorrhea developed. So should be? In the future, I can get pregnant?

The absence of menstruation is a natural reaction to the influence of the hormone. It gradually develops in each 5 patient. Just in case, spend a pregnancy test. If it is negative, it is not necessary to worry, after removing the menstruation system, it is renewed, and you can plan a pregnancy.

After installing the contraceptive of the Peace, the discharge, pain or uterine bleeding may occur?

Usually, these symptoms are manifested in a low-rise form, immediately after the introduction of peaceful. Strong bleeding and pain often indicate to extract the spiral. The reason may be ectopic pregnancy, incorrect installation of the system or expression. Urgently consult a gynecologist.

Can a spiral of peaceful affect weight?

Weight increase is one of the side effects of the drug. But it is necessary to take into account that it is found in 1 woman out of 10 and, as a rule, this effect is short, after a few months he disappears. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

I was protected from unwanted pregnancy with hormonal tablets, but often forgot them to drink them. How can I change the drug on the spiral of Miren?

Unregular oral administration of hormones cannot be completely protected from pregnancy, so it is better to go to intrauterine protection. Before that, you need to consult with the doctor and pass the necessary assays. Install the system is better for 4-6 days of the menstrual cycle.

When can I get pregnant, after seizure of peace?

According to statistics, 80% of women will be pregnant, if of course they want, in the first year after removing the spirals. Due to hormonal action, even slightly increases the level of fertility (fertility).

Where can I get a Peace Spiral? And what is its price?

VMS is released only by prescription and sold in a pharmacy. Its price is due to the manufacturer, and varies from 9 to 13 thousand rubles.