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What is Goy Esi good well done. Goy of Esi is the degradation of language and consciousness. Watch what is "Joy Esi" in other dictionaries

What is Goy Esi? \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d How do you feel when you are starting to talk on the wrong language? Or put the question even more progressive - the language is understandable, with the exception of the appeal addressed to you. Surely it hurts even more than in the first case. As a rule, each people have, to gently say, words-riddles. In this article, we consider one of the most curious words of our time, the value of which is still not clear to everyone. And it is Goy.

In the texts of the Russian epic and fairy tales, there are often expressions with the words of Goy Esi, for example: "Oh, you are Goy Esi, kind well done! What kind of speech turnover was such an earlier in our ancestors? Goy of Esi is an artistic expression that has a welcoming-wisp form. Such an expression may mean something like wishes for health when greetings. Practically identical replacement to this expression in our time was exactly the same greeting-wisp word "Hello!". The expression of Goy Esi comes from the ancient Russian word "Goy", which means: life, health, vitality. By the way, the word "Goy" is a one-known well-known "learn" - refrain, clean and restrict ourselves to food. In the Dalian dictionary, Star.Slav "to learn, live, health." On the hearing "Goita" and "Life" differ, but their relationship is visible through semantics. Here are some examples from historical dictionaries: to go - "give life, arrange, shelter," hurt, burn - "heal", get out - "heal" (about the wound). The relationship of verbov is confirmed by the materials of living Slavic languages: Serbian "Goјiti" - to refill, Bulgarian "Goe" with the same meaning, Polish "Goić" - treat, heal. With the root of Goy, the word is expensive in the modern language (from the exit). What it means is now known to all: the one who rejected the public environment or broke with her; The one who for any qualities or properties is not suitable for anyone, does not correspond to anything (the Efremova dictionary). In the same dictionary, we find the first meaning of this word: "The one who came out of its former social condition" (in ancient Russia - a slap to freedom, a ruined merchant, etc.). The field of the FASMER is given even earlier importance - "the survived from the genus, not useful." And the word "Esi" is nothing more than, outdated "is", "to be" or "be", which is used as a word-ligament in the proposal. If we consider from this side, then "Joy Esi" means exactly the opposite "outcast" value, that is, recognition of belonging to the genus, tribe. Some researchers go further. They believe that Goy is not only life and lifeful strength, but also a life-giving force, or in simplicity - a phallic image that belongs directly to the male family. This is what the historian Boris Rybakov writes in the book "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs": "In the Slavic languages" Goyny "means" abundant "; "GOYTI" - "LIVE" (hence the "outcast" - excluded from life). "Goilo" translates as a phallus, and therefore the expression of the Russian epic "Goy of Esi, a kind milro-decen" means approximately: "Vir in Plenis Rotentia". The whole complex of words with the root of "Goy" is associated with the concepts of vitality, vitality and what is the expression and personification of this force "to understand what the researcher of the ancient Slavs hints, just look at the translation from Latin - literally he looks like" a man is fully capable "(i.e., a full-fledged husband, who, with potency, everything is in order, the man who can -" mighty ") turns out that the expression of the" Joy Esi "is quite applicable to the gods - as recognition of their creative activity of active force (Male in nature). Many are not knowing now, which means this "surcharge" insert it into any texts that need to be attached to the type of Vine Slavic. From here, it is possible and there are strange perverted appeals of the type "Goy of Esi, Krasni Maiden", etc. In the pseudo-fabulous folklore, this expression also penetrated - and children read fairy tales, where "Goy of Esi" even at the swans, in the earth and in the river. But! If we turn to the ancient episodes - we will not find a single appeal of "Joy Esi" to someone's female family!

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that "Goy" has the meanings "His person, a representative of the kind", "Healthy, Live Man", "Be Alive!" Or "Cess!", "You are now and be alive yet!". And in relation to the gods, this is still the Slavs. What do you think?

Goy of Esi.

Goy of Esi. (Later also distorted "Goyasi") - a greeting formula in the meaning "Be alive!" Or "be healthy!". It is characteristic of oral folk creativity and is observed primarily in the texts of the epic ("Oh, you are Goy Esi, kind well done!").
See M. Yu. Lermontova: "Oh, Goy Esi, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich!" , A. K. Tolstoy: "Goy You, My Flowers, Floweries Steppe!", Sergey Yesenin: "Goy You, Rus, my native ...".


Goya - Ancient Russian word, having values \u200b\u200brelated to life and lively power. Historically the same root - in words live from Old Russian zhiyi. (here is another stage of alternation) with the initial value "feed, eat, recover", "life", "live", "alive." In the dictionary of Daly. go to - old. "Check, live, health." I. I. Szrenevsky goita - "Live", that is goya It can be considered as a form of imperative inclination from this verb. In Ukrainian word zago. means "heal", "heal" (for example, wounds). In addition, the word goya It was witnessed in ancient Russian language and in other contexts, which is interpreted (according to the dictionary I. I. Szrevnevsky) as "peace, calm, Pax, Fides, Amicitia". Yes - Outdated personal shape of the verb ligament "be" in the second person of the only number.

In modern Russian word goya Deethematologized and perceived only as interomotion as part of this formula, becomes a "casual exclamation, an encouraging challenge" (according to Dala dictionary).

With Korean goya associated word persistent in modern language knife (from fromzhidi). It was a social term in ancient Russian language and meant the face, the "surround", "survived", that is, the lost connection with its social environment.

Relying on such a meaning knife, some researchers interpret the formula goy of Esi. As a sign of belonging to the community (genus, tribe, nation, race): "You are our, our blood."

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Watch what is "Joy Esi" in other dictionaries:

    "Goy of Esi!" - Goy of Esi! Formular interomotion (comp. from the exclamation of the goy, oh and the shape of the second facial of the verb to be in the other rus. Russian and older. Yaz.), Used to Rus. folklore in direct speech when contacting or as a call for From characters, with a shade of encouragement ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NARCH, number of synonyms: 1 Be healthy (83) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    goy-Esi. - Goy of EU and, nezism. (nar. poet.) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    FLK. Study. Welcome epic formula "Be Horm!". BMS 1998, 118; Mokienko 1986, 203, 233 235 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    This term has other values, see Goy (values). Goy of ancient Russian word having values \u200b\u200brelated to life and lively power; The most famous in the epic turnover of Goy Esi. The story of the word Goy comes from ... ... Wikipedia

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    1. Goy1, interddet, with the word ESI (see) or without it (the statute. Nar. Poet.). In combination with places. 2 persons serves for exclamation, greetings, follow. Appeals. "Goy, you, my homeland, Goy you, Bor dense!" A.K. Tolstoy. You're Goy Esi, delete good well done ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Goy: Goy (IVR. גוי) The designation is non-Jew (not the Jews in Judaism, it is found in everyday speech in the meaning of the "Inoverets"). Goy (from Indo-European root * Gi "Live" → * GoIo "Life") Ancient Russian root with the meaning of life, lifeful strength, ... ... Wikipedia

    Interddes (Usually with Sl.: Esi and place. 2 l.). Nar. poet. UPOTR. With greeting, handling. * Oh you are Goy Esi, Volga, mother's mother! (Pushkin) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Goya - Yes, good well done. Take the glitter, you will try her goyful paste, and it will sparkle under water, as the affected one. ■ And what did he learn for three years? Only shame on my head. Drinks more than any goy. ■ It was a little bit of a kozak, on which ... ... Large Half Odessa Language Dictionary


  • Treasures of Valkyrie. Book 2. Start of North, Alekseev Sergey Trofimovich. They are so different - the world of goores and the reality in which they rule the wins. Existing as if in parallel, these worlds are constantly intersect, and the interaction of the parties is one of death, others ...

In our heading "Reading Russian Classic ..." We will answer such a question: what is Goy of Esi. which occurs from M.Yu.Lermontova in the song about the merchant Kalashnikov"?

First of all, I want to remind the beginning of this song:

Oh you joy Esi Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich!
We put our song about you,
About your favorite scramble,
Yes about the brave merchant, about Kalashnikov;
We folded it on ancient way,
We put her under the gullardic ringing
And they believed yes they suggested.
Orthodox people did it,
And boyar Matvey Romodanovsky
We have a charm of the foam honey,
And the boyaring of his Belolie
Brought us on a silver dish
Towel new, silk seated.
Treated us for three days, three nights
And everyone listened to - did not heigh.

As you can see, Lermontov writes his work, stylizing him under the historical song. It is known that in some works of oral folk art, it is in the eponymies and in historical songs - this inspired is very often found: goy Esi! It represents nothing but an appeal and corresponds to the word hello . For example, we meet such an appeal in spiritual verse "Forty Call with Calico"which is also called even epic. It tells about the kalics of districts, the ancient Russian pilgrims who came to a bow to the prince Vladimir:

Always allappish Vladimer Prince,
Look at the remote good items,
He was bowed to him
Great Prince Vladimer,
They shock him light alms,
And what would you like to save the soul.
Associates Vladim-Prince affectionate:
- Goy you are, Kaliki disturbing! ..

In its sense, these two words - Goy of Esi. - exactly correspond to the modern word Hello, hellowhich we now use as a simple greeting, without investing in it the initial value, namely, the wishes of health.

Exactly the same greetings were in ancient Russian language and expression Goy of which the word Yes - this is a Russian language lost form 2 of the sole number of verb BE in present time. A Word Goya is a frozen shape of another verb - Go, goey, What means "Live, Health ".
By the way to say, words Live and ride Historically, they are related, they have the same root. A modern Russian man here can embarrass what these words sound differently. Before us, an example of historical alternation of consonant sounds G and J. Exactly the same alternation we meet, for example, in words - leg and leg,
city and pole, head and nodule. We note again that the word Goya - this is a frozen form of a suspended approach from the verb Go to . Neither the verb himself nor this form is preserved in the Russian literary language. But it is in other Slavic languages, as well as in many Russian folk dialects. So, for example, I had to record it in the Vologda Council, or rather, in the village of Ferapontov, however, in the meaning several other: Go to - so "clean, bring something in order, to restore order, clean."

And I would also like to say that this ancient greeting is found in many works of Russian literature of the 19th century. And it is used by our ruski writers not only as an appeal, but also as a call. We have already considered an example from Songs about merchant Kalashnikova Lermonatova. Here is an example from the poem A.V. Koltsova (longing by will):

Goy you, power diluted,
From you I demand service!

Another example we find in the work A.K. Tolstoy (Pravda-Mother):

Oh you goy of Esi., True Mother,
You are, however, you're standing!

But an example of a song about St.Razin A.S. Pushkin:

How did you grungle the chapel of the chain:
Oh you goy of Esi., Volga, mother native!
From the stupid years you have reached me.

And finally, we will give for example - from the poem A.S.Homyakova "Russian Song"which is a stylization under a historic song. And it tells about the time of Prince Vladimir Baptist, that is, about the 10th century. Here is the beginning of this song:

Goya Red Land Volodimir!
A lot of villages in you, cities of big,
Many people in you Orthodox!
In the blue of the mountain you get drunk
Blue sea are you smearing,
You are not afraid of Luta Vorth,
And you are afraid of the wrath of God.
Goya Red Land Volodimir!
Served my great-grandfather
Peace reassured
Your cities are izusili,
Luta Vorted pushed off +

This Russian song Homyakova To some extent, it can be said, inspired by the end of 13 (or early 14) of the century ( The word about the duration of the Rusky Earth), which tells about the wealth and the beauty of our Earth:

About light-light and elastic-decorated land rusky,
And then all its wealth are listed:
Lakes numerous and plants are local
Cool mountains, hills are high, pure oaks, marvelous fields,
The animals are different, the birds are countless, the cities of the Great, the villages were wondering
Gardens of monastic, church houses, Princes of Grozny, Boyar Honest, Veelmazby Many +
Here is her ancient Russian text:
About light light and decorated with the earth Rusky!
And many beauty surprised yes:
Lakes are surprised yes,
Rivers and staples are local
Mountains steep, holly high,
Dubravomena pure, polished wondrous, beasts okay
Birds are beyond, cities are great,
Villages wonderful, grapes are powdered,
Houses of church and prince Grozny,
Boyars honest, nobles.
Total yes Using the land is Ruska, about the PRAVNEVER VERA KHRISTIYAN!

So, today we talked about the origin of the ancient Russian greeting goy of Esi. .
Initially, it meant Wish life and health and exactly matches our modern word
* * *
Goya At the same time decent and running (from "ha" - road). Therefore, calling a call to Ilya Muromets is not one sense. Sydded seed 30 years old gave water to the water. What do they shive him? "Joy Esi you are kind well done." In other words, "you are a worthy person (Goy)." And the other meaning "you can walk"

Goy (from Indo-European root * Gi "Live" → * GoIo "Life") - ancient Russian root with the meaning of life, the lifeful force, the most famous as part of the epic formula of Goy Esi.

Goy (IVR. גוי) - Designation of non-Jewish in Judaism.
"Goy" translates from ancient Hebrew as a "people" (MN. Number "Goyim", "Peoples"). In the Bible, this term is never applied towards one person. 620 times this word is used in the Bible in a plural (Goyim) and means many nations (for example, Gen.0: 1). In the singular (Goy), it meets 136 times, while often refers to the Jewish people (Goya Gadol, IVR. גוי גדול - "Great People"; NA.3: 17), etc.). So, out of 10 use of the word "Goy" in Pentateuch 5 belong to the Jewish people.

At a later time, the word "Goy" begins to be used in Hebrew literature as a synonym for "Nohry", that is, "someone else's".

In Erzyansky-Meredovsky, Koi - Law

Esitimically \u003d what

(Sometimes it is used to enhance the degree of quality, we get "True")

Consequently, in the first case, "Koi Yesi" - what are you?

In the case of goyami - Goya Gadol \u003d Great Law

GOI - Finnish
Rosges - out of law

The list of Slavic names fell two names with the root of Goy.
Hamysl is a comprehensive vitality ("Goe" - the power of life and fertility).
Goena is a gentle (cherished) vitality.
I wanted to get to the point.

Goy of Esi.
Material from the free Russian encyclopedia "Tradition".
This term has other values, see Goy (values).

Goy - an ancient Russian word having importance to life and lively power; The most famous in the epic turnover of Goy Esi.

Etymological reasoning

Goy comes from Pyranceo European root * Gi - live. The etymological development of the verb is presented as follows: Indo-European * Gi "Live" → * GoIo "Life" → Slavic Goj → Gojiti "Live". Historically, the same root - in words to live from ancient Russian life (here is another stage of alternation) with the initial meaning "feed, eat, recover", life, live, alive. "Goat" - old. To learn, live, health (Dictionary Dala; the same interpretation in "materials for the dictionary of the Old Russian language" I. I. Szrevnevsky).
The very word "Goy" is witnessed primarily in the text of the epic, in the formula "Oh, you are Goy Esi, kind well done!" (Later also distorted "goyas"). In the present language, the word "goy" in the composition of this formula deethematologized and is perceived as interomotion, becomes a "calusage exclamation, an encouraging challenge" (according to the Dalya dictionary).
Relying on the meaning of the word is expensive (see below), some researchers interpret this formula as a sign of belonging to the community: "You are our, our blood." B. A. Rybakov sees here a guidance on the male potency of the addressee (that is, Goy means, according to him, "a strong man", "Lat. Vir in Plenis Potentia"), based on the dialective meaning of the word Goilo - Penis (literally liver).

In addition, the word Goy is witnessed in ancient Russian language and in other contexts, where it is interpreted (according to the dictionary I. I. Szrevnevsky) as "peace, calm, Pax, Fides, Amicitia".
With the word "Goy", the word "outcast" (from the exit) is connected in the present language. It was a social term in ancient Russian language meant the face, "exhibited", "survived" from his social environment: the depridant inheritance of the prince, bought out the hat.

Task number 3. What is common between the words Goy, Verve and the world?
The words of Goy, Verve and the world arising in various historical epochs, are combined by the concept of "community". "Goy is ancient designation of the generic patriarchal community. In modern Russian, it has been preserved in the word "rejected community member". The same word we find in the text of the epics: "Oh, you are Goy Esi, kind well done!", That literally means: "You are our, our blood." Verve is also a community, but built not by the generic, but by territorial sign. The root of this word is preserved in a modern rope (with a diminutive suffix -k-). Verlov - Rope Merily the space of the Earth belonging to one community. In ancient Russian language, the world is found in combinations pointing to peaceful relations: "Peace and Silence" (Life of Abraham Smolensky, p.18), which are opposed to "Mountain and Molve". There was another meaning of this word: the world is like "the spatial placement of all people at the same time." The world as "calm" and the world as "Cosmos" from the XII century are known as two different words, and over time they began to distinguish them on the letter: peace is "peace", but the Mir - "community". The relative adjective uniform was attributed to calm and silence: "The Grand Duke Dimitri - a Merry Man" - says in the "Tale of Mamaev Boy" (p. 27). Pretty adjective - type of global and worldly expressed belonging to the famous world in the value of the community, the number of people. So, the meaning of the words of Goy - Verve - the world is built in the historical sequence: "Life of the kind" - "its own border" - "peaceful cohabitation within its limits."

Listening to the song of the notorious Pagan-metal group "Arcona", I perceive the exclamation of "Goy, Rhoda, Goy" duality: and how the appeal "hear me", and how something like "Glory to you, Rhoda!". And I decided that it would be worth it in more detail the origin of the exclamation of Goy.

In our time, the majority knows the word "Goy" only in the bundle of "oh you, Goy Esi, kind well done." If everything is easy with "Esi" ("You're" (analogues in living Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- Polish Jesteś, Serbian Jesi), then "Goy" even in this frequent epic phrase remains a mystery, perceived mainly as interomotion. Dahl it defines as "Calculating exclamation, an encouraging challenge."

Let's try to figure out using the etymology. Etymologists in attempts to interpret this mysterious "Goy" are repelled from the word "ogot". What it means is now known to all: the one who rejected the public environment or broke with her; The one who for any qualities or properties is not suitable for anyone, does not correspond to anything (the Efremova dictionary). In the same dictionary, we find the first meaning of this word: "The one who came out of its former social condition" (in ancient Russia - a slap to freedom, a ruined merchant, etc.). The field of the FASMER is given even earlier importance - "the survived from the genus, not useful."

The word "outcast" comes from the seating verb "ignition" - survive from the genus. The verb itself is formed from the other - "Goita" (the ancient Russian "to live"), ascending to Praslavyansky form * Gojiti, which, in turn, is the morphological causative of the verb * Ziti. Both verbs go back to Indo-European root * Gi- "live."

On the hearing "Goita" and "Life" differ, but their relationship is visible through semantics. Here are some examples from historical dictionaries: to go - "give life, arrange, shelter," hurt, burn - "heal", get out - "heal" (about the wound). The relationship of verbov is confirmed by the materials of living Slavic languages: Serbian "Goјiti" - to refill, Bulgarian "Goe" with the same meaning, Polish "Goić" - treat, heal. This verb has developed from Indo-European to Staroslavyansky so: * Gi- "live" → * GoIO "Life" → Slav. Goj → Gojiti.

Based on this, it can be assumed that "Goy" has the meanings "His person, a representative of the kind", "Healthy, Live Man." And in relation to the gods, this is still a gloriousness and the second intuitive understanding of the line from the song more correct. What do you think?

Etymological survey prepared Cheslava


  • Mullagaliyeva A.G. Notes on the etymology of words with the root of * Gi- (words of the rank and nut in Russian and other Slavic languages) / A.G. Mullagaliyeva // II International Bodaen Reades: Kazan Linguistic School: Traditions and Modernity (Kazan, 11-13 December 2003 .): Proceedings and materials: in 2 tons. / Under total. ed. K.R. Galiullina, G.A. Nikolayeva. - Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan. University, 2003.- T. 2.
  • Fasmer M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language: In 4 T.: Pen. With Nem.-M.: ABC-Terra, 1996.- T.1.
  • Skok, Petar. Etimologijski Rječnik Hrvatskoga Ili Srpskoga Jezika./ Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti I Umjetnosti. - Zagreb, 1971 - Knjiga 1.