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What talismans bring good luck to the sign of the Zodiac Taurus. What stones are suitable to the calves ♉ - select a mascot for a woman and a man

Of all the signs of the zodiac, the Taurus looks like the most solid and reliable. Initially, the Taurus was depicted as a bull, imprinted in the ground. The character of a man born under the sign of the Taurus is largely corresponding to this symbol. This is firmly standing on your people who do not have love for the change of furnishings or a sharp change in the direction of activity.

Tales are very calm, but also very stubborn

Nevertheless, the calves are not at all respect and not sloths, they just do not tolerate command over themselves. Peace-loving, calm Taurus, if you force him to act under pressure from the side, just "robbed a horn to the ground" and will stand until the latter.

Golden Taurus trying to benefit from everything, for which it takes

Powerful, horned, but very charming bull is characterized by the greatest tendency to mercantility among all other signs of the zodiac. "Golden Taurus" - this expression perfectly indicates the ability of the shoulders to extract benefits literally from everything for which they are taken.

However, mercantility is not the only bright distinctive feature of the sign. These people are more likely to have the need surrounded by exquisite wonderful things, and in women this feature is stronger. The Taurus will feel uncomfortable in a standard setting, he will certainly take it for her decoration. And, taking into account the mercantility of the sign, the calf will strive for the exquisite decoration to have a practical function.

Tales are very tied to their things

There are the people of this sign of the zodiac and negative qualities. Tales, as a rule, are selfish and stingy, but it does not speak about greed to money. They are more likely distinguished by the tendency to collect expensive good-quality, even unique, items. Such a person can easily take a fairly large amount of money, but it is impossible to persuade it to give or sell any beautiful unique thing. Moreover, the longer there will be a persuasion, the stronger the caller will "lose the horn". Compliments and psychological tricks will not help - the Taurus with the things loved to him do not part.

Stones-Talismans for Taurts taking into account the date of birth

For the calves born in the first decade (April 21 - May 1), the patron was Mercury. Minerals will contribute to their luck:, amazonite, and. Products from these minerals will become good talismans.

Tales, born in the second decade (May 2 - May 11), are influenced by the strong exalted moon. For these people, rhinestone will fit, and. The product, decorated with all these stones or several of them, will strengthen the effect of the moon and makes a soothing factor. Family well-being Women-Taurus will help the ring with a decoration from one or more listed talismans.

Tales, born in the third decade (May 12 - May 20), have their patron Saturn. Saturn is a rather gloomy god of destruction, and these people have periods of depression, they have and unwanted situations in life. But the list of stones capable of protecting from negative, more than impressive:, diamonds, aquamarins ,. Any Handra can dispel the simple contemplation of these beautiful stones!

Individual talisman stones for calves

Emerald - the best stone talisman for women

As a guard, it is best for the Taurus (especially women) such a stone-talisman like emerald. Emerald will abbore marital loyalty, give optimism, hope and calm, will provide fertility. Ring with Emerald will protect from dark forces. If the decoration with emerald does not take off for the night, then the charm will protect and from nightmares.

Sapphire will help in making the right decisions.

Sapphire - stone soul. But this stone with character, an unkind person will not receive a help from him, although the evil sapphire will not bring. A person with negative intentions with sapphire will serve as a simple decoration. A man with decent thoughts and Sapphire affairs will help take faithful solutions and keeps out of the slanders.

Jasper - good defense against someone else's negative

Jasper is capable of partially neutralize negative energy. The stone is simply necessary to the shoulders, sincerely experienced other people's troubles. Jasper also protects the health of its owner and protects it from energy vampires. The larger effect of this stone talisman has on women-Tales.

Agat gives Taurus confidence

A good defender will become for this sign of agate. If you fix the agate copper (metal of calves), then the amulet will give the owner calmness and confidence. When the amulet with agitat is worn for a long time, then the owner increases intuition, develops eloquence, a gift appears to convince others in its opinion.

Avenue - a good choice for entrepreneurs and businessmen

Suitable for businessmen. He helps the owner to endure and implement the most daring dreams and plans. Sometimes embodied with the help of an admonure idea acquired the scale of statehood.

Stones-Talismans for Women Taurus

Turquoise - Girl Stone

Turquoise, girlish stone, attracts many young girls. Unmarried Girls Sky Blue Turquoise helps to find a future husband. And the pebbles hidden in the clothes will not allow the girl's frivolous actions and protects against lies.

Green Turquoise Bracelet and Necklace

For married women, green turquoise can serve as a green talisman. This stone will help save the house and welfare. Green turquoise is a symbol of health and fertility. If a woman dreams of children, a green turquoise product in her family is needed.

Bracelet "Shambala" from Kakholong

Milk of the sacred cow - so translates the name of the mineral kakholong. This stone, half-chip or pearl agate, will serve as a talisman for pregnant women of this sign. It contributes to the prosperous course of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, as well as the health of the newborn and mother. Kakholong also takes care that the family has enough funds to normal growth and develop a child.

Stones-Talismans for Men Taurus

Black agate pendant

Taurus-man, business man, should pay attention to. This stone is able to reveal the hidden potential and implement it, it will also help concentrate attention and abilities on the executable. Amulet is indispensable for business people.

Amazonite is also very useful to men in business. He will increase self-confidence and in his decisions will remove excessive indecision, will help in achieving stable material wealth.

Sardoniks will help arrange a personal life of a Male Taurus

Sardonix is \u200b\u200bone of the varieties of onyx, brown, or sometimes orange, color. The mascot with Sardonix is \u200b\u200bgood for men-tanks with a unconnected personal life. The unpleasurness for Sardonix is \u200b\u200bcompletely unacceptable, and a lonely person without a suitable couple will stay very long. In addition, Sardonix helps develop the gift of convictions from men.

Zircon usually prefer women, but this stone is still more male. The decoration with the zircon helps to expose intrigue and contributes to the search for truth. The True Male Zircon will help to protect themselves from slander and leadership. The zircon liar will not allow negative intentions and, thus, will also succeed in its owner, not allowing completely to marry in lies.

Stones not suitable to calves

Amber - Worst Stone for Taurus

There is only one stone-talisman, which should be avoided in any kind, this is amber. For some reason, Yantar does not like the representatives of this sign of the zodiac and gives them to trouble in all situations in which only this is possible. And the acquired by the Taurus or presented to him amber will not slow down to show his abilities. The power of amber negativity in relation to the owner does not weaken over time, and troubles on the owner will be poured from all sides until the product with Amber is with its owner.

Heliotrope, pyrite. But these talisman stones, unlike amber, do not harm their owner.

When you choose a product or decoration with a stone designed to serve as a talisman, listen to your intuition. If you picked up a product and felt the desire to leave it and spiritual warmth towards decoration, then this is your stone!

Do you earn enough?

Check if it applies to you:

  • there is enough money from salary to salary;
  • salary enough only for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take all that goes with great difficulty;
  • all progresses for the service get to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid at work too little.

Perhaps you are damaging for money. Remove the lack of money will help this amulet

From the goats of ill-wishers, the body best will protect the elephant or bull guard, which strengthen the situation in society, contributes to the increase in welfare. A charm of the Zodiac Taurus can be a teddy toy, a statuette of a tree or bronze.

Charm or Totem for Taurus

The highest champion (in other words, such that supports a mystical connection with man) The patron saint of this sign is an elephant. It is a symbol of wealth, harmony, stability and equilibrium. It is tied to the habitat and has conservative habits, powerful and has great vitality and huge potential. And although people with this faith is not easy for people, but they are difficult to remove them. After all, they look at everything through the prism of the mind and common sense.

Elephant and Ganesh - Totems Taurus

In ancient times, it was the opinion that the elephant protects against the Caverb of envious and empowers wisdom. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most revered in Hinduism of the gods is Ganesh - God of wisdom and well-being, which looks like a person with an elephant head and one leg.

This charm helps its owner to take a worthy position in society and get rich. In addition, it helps to make the right decisions in difficult situations, guided by no emotions, and tranquility and prudence. Many believe that it is only slightly touching this talisman and all cherished dreams will be brought into reality.

Elephant, as a charm for the Taurus, will help representatives of this sign clearly see the path to achieve their goals and move along it. It will also help and if the calf will be nervous, angry or too emotional. Although such manifestations for representatives of this sign of the zodiac are rare, but still possible. Just in such emergency situations, the elephant will come to the rescue and help the calves calm down and collect his thoughts.

Rituals with champs for zodiac sign Taurus

In its appearance, the charm can be different, because one to the tanks like soft toys, others - sweaturated bronze figurines. The only option is an elephant that should not be taken as a talisman is a figurine made of ivory.

Many people do not know how to properly keep in touch with their faucet and believe that it is very difficult. But in fact, everything is quite simple. So, if you have a secret desire, the execution of which will make you very much - whisper it on the ear of your talisman.

It is advisable to do this in the new moon and only a tet-ah. After the desire was uttered, the elephant should be left on the place where it happened until the next day. You can use this technique and before responsible events that can make significant changes to your life.

Taurus is a dangerous sign, with him you need to carefully deal with it, as these signs of the earth are achieved by their goals, going through the corpses. They have a complex character, they are incredibly stubborn. According to statistics, most maniacs were born precisely under this zodiac constellation.

The calves adore money, they deliver the true pleasure of making money, and then surround themselves with luxury and comfort that they can bring. His own needs of the Taurus in the first place. Never Taurus will not establish a relationship with anyone, until it is convinced that the partner can help him.

Tales are those people who lead records, they paint plans for their lives for a long time forward, and then strictly adhere to their routine. Love relations are also made in them in a separate column.
All calves are exquisite taste, they love to dress in stylish high-quality clothing. And generally try to secure a decent standard of living.

What kind of stone fits a woman to Caltz?

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Ladies-Teltsi are extremely practical, in this case, the shapes can only be given Cashkinins, who are all in their lives to the smallest detail, and who will not tell you in general, if they are not sure that it is profitable.
Taurus decent mistresses, although the household is not very loved.

They prefer to hire a housekeeper. For their housing, they do not look so well as behind their appearance, although it also depends on the decade of their birth.
We met beautiful ladies of Tales and with a terrible mess in apartments, where all things are lying around, fell into a bunch, or with the smell of dog or cat urine in the apartment.

Undoubtedly, it was clear from this landscape only one thing - my own "I" is there in the first place, judging by the abundance of expensive cosmetics in all open boxes and on all surfaces lying through the passage with endless silk scarfs and the inadequate cup of your favorite drink.

The most suitable stone for female tanks is sapphire. It will help to find his way and self-realize, because for these women self-realization is clearly in the first place. If they managed to find the sphere of application of their talents, then the calves are experiencing incredible pride, because at the same time they still get well.

Sapphire helps the calves to acquire the flexibility of character, which greatly facilitates communication with them.
Ladies of elegant age can try to make friends with a tiger eye. He will give confidence in himself and will support flexible thinking for many years.

Stone Talisman for Men Tales

Male-toes incredibly suitable adanturin. He will give success in any matters, including new, fresh ideas that you want to promote. Mineral feeds your perseverance, saves in all situations associated with risk. Reflects other people's negative programs, which makes him completely invaluable.

The biological energy of the persistent man of Taurus will concentrate and will send a wonderful mineral on the right channel. And no excellent worker, the Taurus will enter a new level in the business, if it enlishes the support of this gem.

For Taurus in the year of the goat

Sapphire this year will help the calves to attract the soul mate and be fascinated by their charm of the opposite sex.

For Taurus per year bull

Nephrite will become a symbol of wealth for Tales throughout the year.

For the Taurus per year of the snake

And turquoise will strengthen the trends towards a good taste and grace.

Taurus precious talisman stones

Excellent suitable for turquoise taurus. Here with her representatives of this sign are really able to get rich and avoid someone else's envy.
The grenade will capture the body of its owners of the Tales and quickly restore them after the disease, and will also increase endurance.
Emerald will bring stability and prosperity to the entire "calf" family, as well as the constancy of feelings.

Stones Talismans by date of birth for Taurus

If the Taurus was born in the first third of his zodiacal period, then such a mineral as a bloody jasper is suitable for him. This gem is unique in that it is capable of shooting from the host them and accumulated negative energy. Well, where else will you find such a treasure. Naturally, after such cleansing procedures, the owner of the gem and the mood will increase, and the vital tone will improve.

Agat for born at this time will give the opportunity to make true solutions, protects from diseases of the tract and infections of various kinds of various sorts.
If you were born in the second third of your zodiac period, then make friends with coral. This gem helps even kids. He calms the nervous system, removes the tension, removes fears and a bad mood.

The calves born in the last third of their zodiac period were incredibly lucky. They can safely acquire such a miracle as a diamond, not only for beauty. Diamonds will turn a little clad to the geniuses in the geniuses of communicability, will strengthen and emphasize all the best qualities and the merits of their owners will capture and launch chakras.

Charm to protect the calf

Such an amazing mineral as Chalcedony will protect the family focus of calm from third unnecessary. Uses anger and improve the overall mood and atmosphere in the house.

Amulet for Taurus

Great amules will serve Cherdelik. This mineral will retain the warmth of the family hearth and forever begone the quarrel from your home. Along the way, he will protect the owner from enemies and many dangers.
Basically, all stones for calves serve to strengthen their mental processes, although they are gorgeous so on the shoulders.

Basically, calves demonstrate exceptional learning abilities since childhood. Especially they are given exact science.

Good amules are also pink quartz and aquamarine. They will help with thinking and with sociability, and protect against envious eyes.

Animal talisman

Of course, as a talisman, the calves are better to take the same feature in gold. Who, like a small bull, will bring happiness and good luck and great wealth in the house of representatives of this sign of the zodiac.

You can also make yourself a figure of owls made of onyx. Such a talisman will help you to become just a storm of wisdom and master sacred knowledge.

As no other natural substance can accumulate and maintain human energy. Their interaction with man is very strong, such a connection is held by several generations.

That is why donated stones were especially valued as talismans and inherited. Negative charge carry minerals stolen, and purchased become amulets or talismans only after many years.

Characteristic of the sign

The Taurus of Peace-loving, calm, extremely patient and persistent. This super woman always comes to the end for their own purposes. But at the same time knows how to do without sharp statements and gross comments.

Pragmatism is also a distinctive feature of women. Society of such a woman will be nice to everyone. She is always fresh, beautiful and graceful.

Its soft, calm look fascins, and the same voice contributes to the conversation towards it. In addition she is a good listener.

In a word, born under the sign of Taurus - the subject of dreaming of any sensible man.

In her house will reign perfect cleanliness, as these women are outstanding hostesses. No one else is able to maintain such an order in their housing.

Representatives of this sign are not indifferent to children and natureTherefore, an ideal place for their stay would be a country house, where there is an opportunity to go into the garden and be surrounded by natural beauty and ringing voices.

Stones that are suitable by date of birth

Magic properties of stones were known and used many more centuries ago. Then people learned to pick up the stones on the horoscope or date of birth.

It is especially important to carry that stone that you are sympathetic. It is also not recommended to wear women's women's stones, and women are men.

Men's stones have a brighter shine and painted in warm tones, while "female" - more dull in appearance and in them prevail, mainly cold shades.

For such sensual and loving comfort, natural, as calves, not every mineral will suit. These individuals need as responsibly approach to choosing a talisman. Consider which stone to pick up representatives of this sign of the zodiac in decades.

The first decade - from April 21 to May 1

These stones will bring to the bodies of victory, success and protect from evil forces. And without that "lucky" in life, these women will enjoy the support of the strength of their stones and will become truly invincible in any cases and endeavors.

Second - from 2 to 11 May

Always devoid of romanticism, the people of this decade are avid careerists. They are prone to politics, but at the same time indecisive and practical.

These calves are not suitable for this:

  • Jade - symbolizes modesty, mercy, courage, justice. Gifts its owner with these qualities, adds mind, resistance. Protects from failures and misfortunes, contributes to the adoption of wise decisions.
  • Malachite - Excellent remedy for skin diseases. He can fulfill desires. It is the strongest stone, helps to achieve mental balance and money success.

    This beautiful stone gives its winner a raised tone and improved mood. Framed into silver, it helps (especially women) to stop envy, attract a man and cleanse from negative.

  • Onyx - Soothes the nervous system, has a fascinating effect on the whole organism. Helps to find the meaning of life. Strengthens all good qualities in the character of a person, giving him the fun arrangement of the Spirit.
  • Opal - Great wubble from witchcraft, evil eye and life failures. Very strong mineral itself, miscelves the owners from fire, thieves, unclean and epidemics. Develops the abilities of talented people.
  • Sodalit - Reduces the effect of radiation. Can develop supernatural abilities. Increases the attractiveness among the opposite sex. Cuts from errors.
  • Chalcedony - A real love stone, provoking a very strong potential attention to the girl (sometimes even strong, be careful). This is a "joy", he is able to bring notes of joy and happiness in relations and family.
  • Chrysoprase. Achievements, luck and friendship - his skates. Protects from anger and danger. Attracts to your life good and decent peoplewhich in the future can be your friends.

Born from 12 to 20 May

Pessimistic and uncommunicative in their kind, these women can be optimistic and fun, even tricky.

Talismans and amulets

Speaking of amulets, overalls and talismans, we, most often, mean jewelrywho man puts on himself - pendants, rings, brooches and earrings with stones.

However, it can be some kind of interior thing - Figurine on the desktop, for example, or image - a picture, suspended in a prominent place of the dwelling. For calves, it is recommended objects made of wood or bronze.

Images of the horse and the elephant are considered the best and most effective amules for the calf. The most powerful guard of the Taurus is the carnelian mineral, and the totem can be carved on this stone drawing.

These can be the following images:

  • calf
  • goat
  • verbena
  • human
  • seal

What kind of minerals do not wear a horoscope?

There are such stones that categorically impossible to wear women to women. It is amber, ruby \u200b\u200band pearls. Their energy is dissenisled with the natural energy of this earthly sign, causing only painful disorder and all sorts of failures.

Also, the "bad" stones for Taurts belong to coralSo it carries the energy of water.

With great care, we should wear the following from precious stones:

  • - Also relates to water elements, thereby excessively "cooling" the dust of the Tales.
  • Obsidian - If you wear it for a long time, you can become too careful or even cowardly.
  • Zircon - dangerous for people prone to risk, including for active calves.
  • Red Corundum - It does not give a person to relax, take a break from activity, weaken control over thoughts and feelings. For calves, it may cause psychological overload.

All these minerals have a very powerful energy that resonates with the natural energy of the Tales, which is strong enough.

Tales are under the rule of Venus and always strive for beauty, harmony and love. A practical sign is interested in full of earthly things: money, values \u200b\u200band other pleasures, and to meet these needs, you can call for help minerals that can strengthen natural talents and expand opportunities.

Choose a mineral for the Taurus by the date of birth, simply, if you follow the advice of astrologers, recommending to take into account some characteristics of characters, the influence of planets, the color of minerals, as well as the month of appearance: April or May.

So, the calves born from April 21 to April 30 - are at the great influence of Mercury. They are talented, strive for material supply, are true and demand from their second half of the same, they love to comfort and seek to surround themselves and close to beautiful, but not cheap items. The most successful assistants in achieving his desires will be: carnelian, amethyst, agate, quartz, amazonite.

Born in the second decade of Teltsy from 01.05 to May 10 - These are smart, calculating and intellectual people. They love to be in the center of attention, very attractive, prefer to receive a maximum of pleasure from life, thought out, can be heard to their advice. Often there are difficulties with the opposite sex because of the constant desire for the search for the ideals. Assist in achieving the goals and find a reliable satellite of life can: Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Onyx, Jadeit, turquoise.

Tales, which appeared in May from 11 to 21 - These are the most ambitious of the whole sign. They are stupid on emotions, all decisions are accepted by head, are not affected by feelings, seek material supply and movement up the career staircase, for the implementation of their goals it will be easy to compromise and refuse, if it requires the need. Demanding to members of their family, which is often somewhat arising quarrels and misunderstanding. Compensate and balance sensuality and rationality, to reduce rigor and increase financial well-being can natural minerals: emerald, sapphire, aquamarine, beryl, tops, tourmaline.

Stones depending on year of birth

The main features and characteristics of the Taurus has a significant impact and a year of birth. Considering when choosing a mineral, all aspects that form the nature and temperament of this earthly sign can be chosen by the perfect version of amulet or charm, capable of providing a significant impact on fate and strengthen positive qualities, which is so much like a practical sign of the Zodiac Taurus.

According to the horoscope, carefully studied which can be accurately determined which stones are suitable for the calves, taking into account the year when he was born:

  • The rat does not like to sit at home, strive to enjoy the constant movement, which can bring in her life of complexity and problems, but the rat should be ready to overcome the tightness and deprivation arising on its path, and for this it is desirable to use decorations with sapphire. It will help to relax, reach spiritual harmony and understand the meaning of life, what the rat is experiencing a permanent need;
  • Bull, a fan to demonstrate his wealth, it is better to choose a jewelry with emeralds, agate, corals, in a gold frame;
  • Tigers will easily figure out in a difficult situation, firmly will go through life if it is accompanied by the carnelian, several pomegranate bracelets and a stone-sick-related stone - a tiger eye;
  • The cat will feel more comfortable if an amulet, key rings or figurines from turquoise or ruby \u200b\u200bwill be in the interior or with it;
  • Dragon, confident, reliable and fair to protect against the hostility of others, envy and other adversities will be helped by green chrysolit, chalcedony, overflowing opals;
  • Snake, a very sophisticated nature, subject to significant mood shifts, and to restore vitality and add positive emotions to Jasha, Malachite, Hematitis;
  • The horse is active and wounded, and at the same time practical and decisive need to protect against negative impact, health promotion and financial well-being; it is simply necessary to have it with you: Aquamarine, amethyst or grenade;
  • Goat to gain internal confidence, to understand contradictory feelings and aspirations will help Agat, Lunar Stone, Onyx;
  • The taurus of the monkey will tune into monotonous work, correctly distribute time, if it decorates himself with a beautiful opal or multi-colored agats;
  • Rooster having versatile hobbies will be able to concentrate on an important and pamper oneself with topaz and ruby;
  • Born in the year dogs will protect and help improve health, restore creative strength and energy jewelry with opal or moonstone;
  • Pigs must periodically hold in their hands, warming her warm topaz, which she grants peace and will develop intuition. And to succeed in business, increasing the income of the pig should have onyx and periodically a few minutes a day to look at him without taking off look. Only when choosing it is worth paying attention to the color of the mineral is not bright red. For boar, it is better to have more muted shades. Onyx will become an excellent companion bringing not only significant income.

Stones for sign, talismans and charms

Natural perseverance, outstanding intelligence, determination and ingenuity of Tales are given by nature and planets by patrons. But despite the large number of positive characteristics, it is difficult for them to direct their energy in the right direction and minerals can help to achieve higher results. Wearing them will strengthen their strength and add internal and external communicability and attractiveness.

Having constantly with him a reliable amulet Taurus will conquer the desired vertices, will achieve a high position in society, will receive the desired wealth and will fulfill the most intimate desires. And the talisman stones, made in the form of an animal or plant, protecting and protecting the practical nature from the contradictions, will strengthen this impact and will speed up the result to which he strives.

  • A pink quartz is considered to solve these problems with mineral. This Taurus stone gives peace, heals the soul wounds and gives an additional source of internal energy. It will help to establish a harmonious relationship with a partner.
  • The mascot for a woman from coral will strengthen the imagination and the subtlety of perception, add wisdom, will save from the voltage and keeps off the temptation.
  • The chambers of the onyx will strengthen the will and spirit, orient the victory, sharpen the intellect, will help to reveal the hidden motives of the enemy, protected from unnecessary alarms.
  • Turquoise will bring happiness in marriage, it will help to avoid quarrels and the world and mutual understanding will reign in the family. Framed in silver will give some degree of recklessness and protects in the most risky and extreme enterprises.
  • One of the most powerful signs of the talisman signs of the sign is a gem - emerald, framed in gold, it balances passion, will save from painful thoughts, improves the mood, will reveal the creative potential as much as possible, will relieve carefulness, give hope, healthy optimism and faith in the best a life. The green color of the mineral has a beneficial effect if he does not break off for a long time.

Talismans and overalls are optimal to be purchased independently. Do not trust the minerals presented or inherited. They can be used, but only as decoration, and in no case in difficult moments of life. It is believed that if you take a stone from the ancestors as an amulet, it will mean to try on their fate, such an owner puts on other people's mistakes. Docted, too, can not always provide the necessary support, as the hidden thoughts of the donor are unknown and that he has invested in his gift.

Stones for women

The powerful energy of the natural mineral is able to influence the life and fate of the Taurus, the very earthly sign of the zodiac, and charming representatives should be careful in choosing decorations. This, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the decorations like or figures you want, just use the Taurus stones, depending on how much the most prevails most. Stones suitable for the body of women are diverse and different in their strengths and relevant.

  • Ideal for women to women with sapphire, in the form of seryl, bracelet, necklaces and other cute baubles, which so love to decorate feminine and charming nature.
  • Precious Stones for Taurus, such as Stone Pomegranate, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Opal, Onyx, Chermanic, Also better to have in the form of jewelry, they can be worn everyday or dress on the occasion to solve a certain life problem.
  • Semi-precious stones, such as topaz, agate, amethyst, impede early aging, whiten the skin, promise longevity and the vigor of the spirit, protect against disease, charge with optimism, reconcile quarrels, will be removed from damage.
  • Pregnant women, mothers and young girls need to have a charm for the Taurus from turquoise. This protecting stone from the evil eye will give the woman soft, patience, will strengthen the maternal instincts, will help strengthen health and quickly restore forces for daily worries.
  • For the Taurus, the woman is indispensable emerald in a gold frame - this is one of the strongest minerals, it brings new impressions as a symbol of wealth - strengthens the financial situation and gives a feeling of stability and constant that it is necessary to the calf.

Properly selected stones on the sign of the zodiac will protect and become excellent satellites in life. And which stone is suitable for a woman's calf most of all at this stage of life will help congenital intuition and passion for the beautiful.

Stones for men

For the Taurus, the man is not difficult to choose the right stone, it all depends on what qualities require adjustment. For example, strengthen the attractiveness, to succeed in business and promotion through the career ladder will help the golden ring with agatom, the color of which is preferable black.

Of the precious minerals, it is better to stop your choice on Emerald. He will not only protect his owner from financial collapse and adds new opportunities to increase revenues, puts relations with partners, will bring good luck and luck in all endeavors, will strengthen the intuition and add romanticism to a practical guy in family relationships. The man will help strengthen the impact on subordinate and surrounding people, develop the leadership qualities of Talismans from Kakholong and Onyx.

Other gems are suitable: turquoise, aquamarine, bullish eye. They will bring to life a lot of bright impressions, love, heal the greatest illnesses will get rid of excessive emotionality. What a stone comes up to the carts of men more than others should determine he himself. For this, it is enough to look closely and choose the one from which there will be unprecedented power and it is impossible to tear the look.

Video on the topic: Stones sign Taurus

Stones that are contraindicated sign

Despite the diversity of stones capable of becoming a faith and talisman, there are those that acquire and wear extremely undesirable. These include fiery minerals, such as amber. It is able to stimulate aggression and sink often unreasonable conflicts, both in the family and at work. In this stone, disappointment, problems and disagreements are hidden. The degree of harm that it is capable of applying does not weaken even after the expiration of time.

Water Element Minerals: Pearls and corals will bring problems with health, so it is impossible to use them as decorations. It does not matter what they are framed. Their color negatively affects mental equilibrium and provokes aggression.


Many stones are suitable for calves, but to choose the one that will be an addition and will help in a difficult moment, will give forces to new accomplishments, remove stress and relieve from depression, you can hold it in your hands, and it will call him a pleasant warmth. And if the decoration is picked up with love and pleases the eye, the power of the mineral will increase repeatedly.