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Eastern horoscope rooster compatibility. Woman cock - male horse. Signs, relations with whom the most adverse way

Horoscope Compatibility Women-Rooster

According to the horoscope compatibility, the female cock is a wonderful speaker, which allows her to attract attention to him in a few minutes and become the center of the noisy party. Not even fully dealt with the topic, it will improvise, include their fantasy. She has many friends with whom the relationship is even better than with her husband.

Woman Rooster - Male Bull

Family relations of the men-bull and female rooster are very stable and harmonious. In this partnership, both spouses can show their hardworking, and reveal better quality. The man-bull, having a sense of self-esteem and dedication, can provide a wide field of activity for the administrator and a conscientious performer of a female Petushk, which in turn causes admiration for the Male bull with its new ideas and talents. Each of them loves to analyze and use favorable opportunities, but together they are able to achieve a lot....>>

Woman Rooster - Male Tiger

Family relations Men-tiger and female rooster can be called unstable. In this union, the dynamic and overly emotional man-tiger is shocking too critical and causing a female rooster. With their hysteries, picky and methodical views on life, love for digging in the trifles, as well as its manneriness and crook, the female cock brings the man-tiger to rage and loud indignation...>>

Woman Rooster - Male Cat (Rabbit)

According to the eastern horoscope, a man-cat (rabbit) and a female rooster is an extremely unfavorable combination. In a difficult union in which opposite characters are connected. Men-cat (rabbit) Like, so that they cared for him, Holly him and cherished, served and created comfort, provided the opportunity to realize his ideas. However, the female cock with her direct and impatient character is not capable of understanding the true motives of the actions and the requirements of other people, does not know how to engage in self-pressing and meditation and will hardly tolerate the bizarre requests and male cat habits (rabbit)...>>

Woman Rooster - Dragon Male

The Family Union of Woman's Rooster and the Dragon Men has every chance of becoming durable and durable. Despite serious disagreements, spouses, in most cases, it is possible to become happy and discover new creative prospects for themselves. The main problem in this pair, becomes unnecessary, and sometimes cynical remarks and claims of a female cock, which are released on the will, like Gina from the bottle, hidden egocentrism of the Dragon Men...>>

Woman Rooster - Male Snake

The family union of the serpent men and female cocks in the eastern horoscope is one of the best. This is a very efficient and successful partnership, because it combines intelligent, calculating and success-oriented signs. The female rooster is able to fulfill the role of an impeccable mistress and the realizer of ideas and plans for his spouse. He, in turn, is the brainstar of each business or creative operation aimed at success....>>

Woman cock - a man-horse

Difficult, often ridiculous union, which, however, is often found in life. The bright and energetic nature of a horses will protest against any attempts to subordinate and administer from a female cock. The disadvantage of both intuition and sensitivity, as well as desires without any compromise to carry out their own line of behavior and achieve their goal, can become causes of conflicts and mutual suppression. This union can very quickly work out and quickly disappear...>>

Woman Cock - Man-Goat (Sheep)

The family alliance of a man-goat (sheep) and female rooster is quite complex and is problematic, since the difference in temperaments and characteristics of partners becomes the cause of conflicts. Soft-hearted, sincerity and attention of a man-goat (sheep) Woman's cock will never be able to understand. It has too analytical intelligence and uncommon administrative abilities. Her energetic and fearless attitude to life will scare a sensitive and subtle man-goat (sheep)...>>

Woman cock - man-monkey

The relations of the monkey men and female roosters are complex. In this union, both partners are ambitious and looking for approval and recognition, but their views on life and achieve success can be very contradictory. The female cock because of his pickly and thrust for administration prefers to all look down and point out the shortcomings, and the monkey man likes to act without any bustle, whose control and clarification of relationships...>>

Woman cock - man-rooster

The family alliance of a man-rooster and female rooster is very complicated. Personal ambitions are faced in this partnership and open rivalry arises. Mutual assholes, whims and proprietary views, as well as reluctance to reckon with the opinion of another create an extensive "bridgehead" for stocking until the spouses "sign up" the peace treaty will not establish mutually acceptable boundaries and will not be considered to be considered with the interests and peculiarities of each other....>>

Woman cock - male dog

The family union is a man-dog and a female rooster very complicated. This is one of the most unfavorable combinations in the whole east horoscope. Here it is possible to quickly cool the spouses to each other, since the disadvantages are easily criticized and mutually not accepted. Usually, in life, these partners are more tolerant, but living together, their negative qualities are enhanced, lead to mutual insults and uncompromising in actions and actions...>>

Woman Rooster - Male Pig (Boar)

Family relationships Men-pig (boar) and female rooster are quite stable. But to achieve harmony, both spouses will need readiness for compromise and mutual concessions. However, a pig man (Kabana) with his tranquility and comprehension will be easier to simply close the eyes on fanfaroneism and unrealistic plans of a female rooster. He will be able to curb her aggressiveness and excessive dynamism...>>

Petukhov compatibility is very doubtful. They are aggressive and straightforward. If the roosters meet, their relationship either develop into love for life, or in hostility. Let us consider in more detail what relationships will be collaborated between two people born in the year of the rooster.

Compatibility in Love

Woman rooster and man rooster emotional and impulsive. Therefore, their relationship will be full of both positive and negative emotions. The nobility, sense of justice and the ability to sympathize with the positive features of both partners. They will always stand on the defense of weak and help the needy. Both love the attention of others, because of which rivalry arises between them. Roosters do not like to give up each other and openly criticize the shortcomings of the partner. In his statements, the rooster is not shy, saying everything that thinks. Often, quarrels and conflicts are accompanied by mutual resentment. In relations, the rooster is delighted with the chosen one, then comes from him into rage.

Both are sufficiently sociable, talented and love the attention of the opposite sex. They are loving and appreciate the beautiful. Although more roosters admire their advantages. They are inherent on boasting and exaggeration of their own significance. But the straightness and torment of nature often repel the surrounding.

Attention on a female rooster man rooster will pay immediately. Interesting and bright woman to him. Together they will be comfortable and fun. Sexual compatibility of Petukhov based on trust Women to their partner. She will never refuse a man in proximity, but will reproach in real or fictional treason. Therefore, the partner needs to pacify the suspicion of his chosen, and then he will be able to get a wonderful mistress.

Difficulties in love relationships will manifest when each partner will notice the shortcomings of the other, not paying attention to their own. Roosters of jealous and can show mad distrust to the chosen one, while themselves may not differ in loyalty.

If the roosters stop re-educate each other and refuse petties, they will be able to become an ideal pair. Woman cock should take into account the temperament of a man of the same sign and submit to his leadership. And a man - take a combat His woman and keep the equilibrium of emotions. He needs a woman who can support him and become a faithful advisor, not criticized and judge. However, a rare female rooster will give up leadership, so conflicts in a pair are inevitable. Relationships will be strained that tip is ultimately both.

Marriage compatibility

People born in the year of the rooster often marry several times. Two roosters in marriage - a rare phenomenon, it is difficult for them to achieve relationships in which both will be well. Union is dried and tense. In conflicts and quarrels, a man and a woman are so hot-tempered that they fall into the rage and cannot stop. Both will not hear each other, proving each of their own. Despite the fact that the roosters love comfort, comfort and order, they are trying to control each other and encounter on the resistance of the chosen.

If a woman and man rooster bind themselves with marriages, they should know the characteristics of each other's character. For a man, the family is important, but he will never give up the desire to realize himself in society. He will work a lot, and next to him need a woman who will admire them, understand and maintain it. In the case when a female rooster calmly refers to her husband's activities, it is quite possible to create a harmonious relationship. Achieve compatibility in marriage a man roostech and a female roostech is possible if both spouses will distribute family responsibilities so that each of them is the leader. The husband will build a career and provide a family, and the wife will occur to the arrangement of the house and the organization of leisure.

It should be borne in mind that the compatibility of the female rooster and the man of the rooster may change Depending on the influence of horoscopes on the sign of the zodiac. In any case, to achieve a good relationship in the family of roosters, it is necessary to be compliant and restrain their emotions.

Combination with signs of other years

In order for marriage with people, born in the year of the rooster, was a prosperous, you need to be sustainable for criticism. The rooster can be a very faithful and loving chosen one. And although this sign is quite complicated, live with roosters is friendly and happily.

Compatibility of the rooster and bull

The best partner for the rooster will be a bull. He will responsibly assume all the responsibilities of the partner. Both will be able to create a beautiful family. The compatibility of the woman (men) of the bull and men (women) of the rooster is based on the honesty of spouses in relation to each other. After all, both are not withdrawing hypocrisy. They will be inspired by each other and will be able to carry love through the years.

Compatibility of the rooster and dragon

it bright passionate union, in which both spouses have no time to miss. Rooster and dragon fit each other in all respects. They have common interests and hobbies. For the rooster, the dragon is ideal.

Compatibility of the rooster and snake

The secretive snake will become more cheerful and less suspicious in alliance with a rooster. She can get in the face of warlike bird reliable defender. Financial stability in the family will also provide a snake. The cock listens to the wise Snake Soviets. There will be a lot of love and passion in the relationship.

Compatibility of the rooster and boar (pig)

Here at first there is a mutual sympathy, which over time flows into answering strong feelingwhich is able to reveal in each of the spouses their best quality. The compatibility of the woman (men) of the rooster and men (women) of boar are built on mutual respect and support each other.

Compatibility of the rooster and dog

Full optimistician Soyuz Dogs and roosters. And although the dog will annoy the manners of the rooster, confidence, directness and enterprise the second sign will subside a peaceful dog.

Rooster compatibility and horses

Doubtful combination Rooster and horses. Despite the fact that their characters are very similar, the relationship between signs is not simple. Everyone will look for admiration in the eyes of the chosen. Problems will arise in the financial sector.

Compatibility of rooster and rat

Sophisticated life will be Rooster with rat. The second mark has a cunning and rarely says what he thinks. The rooster can slander a partner at the moments of aggression. The rat is practical and appreciated stability. The rooster is distinguished by generosity and can pull the last savings.

Compatibility of the rooster and tiger

Despite passionate novel and beautiful love, Build a long-term union with a tiger will not be able to build. Both love to play the first violin and can speak sharply against each other. Both are polygamy, which complicates marriage compatibility. There are good friendly relationships based on mutual support, even after breaking the relationship.

Compatibility of the rooster and monkey

it Cheerful and bright novelwhich is unlikely to grow into marriage. The tricky monkey will not bring the rifle of the rooster. The cock does not tolerate secrets, he needs to feel safe. Serious problems will arise in finances. Both love risk and can easily pull the round sum.

Compatibility of the rooster and goats (sheep)

Completely different people, cock and goat, will not be able to build a long-term union. The goat is very sensitive to each word rooster, which constantly criticizes and analyzes the behavior of the chosen one. The compatibility of a woman (men) of the rooster and men (women) goats (sheep) is complicated and the fact that they have different temperaments and rhythms of life. The goat is striving for silence and calmness, and the rooster loves society.

Compatibility of the rooster and rabbit (cat)

Worst compatibilityAccording to the eastern horoscope, the woman (men) of the rooster and men (women) of the rabbit (cat). It is difficult for them to achieve agreement and better stay away. The rabbit will create in the house all the conditions so that the elect felt comfortable. But the rooster will not be able to become an approximate owner and very soon comes. Conflicts will be loud and lead to an open struggle.

Compatibility of people born in the year of the rooster is questionable. The relationship is full of conflicts and confrontations. Despite the similarity of characters, both see each other's shortcomings and freely find out relations from everyone in sight. It is necessary to send joint energy to the exercise of common goals and noble deeds, and not focus on trifles and trifles. Only in the presence of additional favorable factors can be achieved by a harmonious union.

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Year of the rooster: love, friendship, family

Bright, impressive Petuhi Loving and generous. Quite often, they do not pay attention not only to one object, because, firstly, they appreciate the beautiful, secondly, an enthusiastic attitude towards themselves.

Everyone is enthusiastic by roosters, few people can resist their beautiful appearance, comprehensive development, irresistible charm, assertiveness and perseverance.

Petukhov carries the process of courtship and conquering the subject of his love itself, but if everything goes wrong, he suggested he quickly.

Petuhi May, sometimes, sincerely falling in love, truth, for a while. They show their in love with rapidly, annoyingly, zealously, which is often accompanied by scenes and scandals. If they are given from the "Gate Turn", they are very worried, but more because they lost the face, the image of an irresistible and indispensable lover.

In marriage, people born in the year of the rooster are often unhappy, enter it several times, because the family circle significantly narrows the framework for the disclosure of their numerous abilities.

In family failures, they themselves are to blame, since they did not appreciate the fact that their long-term courtship ended with a hard victory. True Nature of Roosters, love for companies, a racked lifestyle, thirst for changing impressions, take the top over a measured family life.

Women-roosters are happy in marriage, if they are lucky to tie their lives with the subject of their dreams. They adhere to such wisdom: "Better Tit is in hand than a crane in the sky." But in this case, they fully show their fighting qualities on the family front and demand from family members strictly comply with the Family Code, which they themselves have established.

Birth year compatibility

Rooster and mouse. Openly say, nothing good! They have a lot of them in common, but even more contradictions. Although both. And ambitious, but the charm and cunning "mouse" are not combined with the empty external shine and the rally of the "rooster". Their union threatens poverty and disorder, breaking relationships and divorce with parting.

Friendship does not develop due to dubious sympathy for each other, surface relationships. This is not a basis for friendship.

Business relationship? - In no case! Everyone will pull the blanket only on itself, and the total boiler as it was, and remain empty.

Rooster and Vol Very promising, if not exceeding. But knowing each other's weakness, they must neutralize them. In addition, the test "rooster" of his tendency to command a home parade should be left for the registry closer, and everything will be better.

Friendship also promises to be strong, strong, deep and for life.

Business relationships? Better still not start! Works will have a lot, and there will be little to the sense, for the "cock" for the "ox" assistant is very weak, simply - conditional.

Rooster and tiger. In no case! This marriage union will destroy egoism and distorted, because both prefer only to take, and more than more, but to give - smaller. "Tiger" does not tolerate the fondness and the noisiness of the "rooster" and does not even appreciate in it even good, and over time there will be even unfair to him.

Friendship is also not for them - due to the lack of mutual understanding. Business relationships completely disappear. "Tiger" he is not necessary. "Cockerel" will be very quickly from his strength, and this will end.

Rooster and rabbit. Also in any way! Even despite the fact that they seem to complement each other something. "Rabbit" can come to despair from any focus "Cockerel", even just hatched from the egg.

Friendship is dubious, unpromising. A shockful "Cockerel" only tires the "rabbit".

Business relationships will benefit only "rabbit". This "rooster" should know in advance.

Rooster and dragon. Such a union is possible only with real mutual love, mutual understanding and mutual desire to issue a legitimate marriage. Both are ambitious. This is good. The originality of the Dragon can always emphasize and promote the conservative views of Petush. The best option to strengthen this marriage union will serve as the high social position of the Dragon, its consistency, the wealth that the rooster could use.

Friendship between them holds only on the basis of mutual sympathy, although not very deep, and due to the plump wallet of the Dragon.

Business relationships may be, but provided that the dragon will lead them. Big successes can be achieved in the field of social activities, where they act as together and each separately.

Rooster and snake. As in the field of love and marriage, and in marriage and family life, they are well complemented by each other. If the "rooster" appreciates everything only in appearance - external beauty, clothes, then the "snake" proceeds from the internal content of a person. Despite the apparent contradiction, they understand each other well.

Friendship is just great. As good as it gets! Business relationships are very dubious, for risks to sill in chatter.

Rooster and horse. In no case! For any "horse", the marriage union is the purpose of life, and love is the most serious and most important thing with which it is impossible to joke. And "rooster" and here is frivolous, superficial, noisy. And if such a union has already been created and exists, then the only salvation can become frequent, albeit not long, separation - in the form of business business trips, trips.

Friendship is best in the form of a joint secular life - with tea drinking, dancing, empty chatter.

Business relationships are very problematic. "Rooster" does not count on the "horse", does not even trust her, and the "horse" disgusts the sleeper of the "rooster".

Rooster and goat. Also in no way! Everyone has their own goals of life, they do not coincide and because they muted a mutual sympathy. If everyone managed to realize the merits of their partner, learned to appreciate and respect each other, maybe they were able to live together. But the "goat", unlike the "rooster", is not able to be content with only love and fresh air. What about work? Friendship will not work because of the many conventions of Petush. In addition, much in the "goat" he simply does not understand.

Rooster and monkey. Also not good! A married couple from them will not work. In the life of the "rooster" will be unhappy, and the "monkey" is unsatisfied.

Friendship is useless, both for one and for the other. There will be no mutual understanding, nor sympathy.

Business relationships are also unpromising. "Monkey" will always deceive the poor "Cockerel" - a gold scallop.

Rooster and rooster. My God, just not it! A hundred times bad! - Joint life is simply impossible. Here, the eternal family scenes are inevitable - they will be ensured completely to the disadvantage and breaking of relations, to divorce and parting. Friendship is also impossible due to constant friction and collisions.

Business relationships will lead very quickly and without clauses to bankruptcy and collapse.

Rooster and dog. Also no! Nothing good this union foreshadows. "Dog" simply does not tolerate the font "Petush", his eternal noise, cry, gam. It will cause dislike and even hatred.

Friendship? Can it be if on the one hand the Women's Wall, and on the other - the abyss. Business relationship? In no gate! This will lead from a real catastrophe.

Rooster and Kaban.. Also nothing good! They are clearly not suitable for each other. In nature, Petuha prevails power and energy, courage and aggressiveness, and Kabana - justice and the desire for sensual pleasures.

Business relationships are also unpromising. Their business will fall apart due to the lack of mutual trust.

Those who were born in the year of the rooster differ in the fact that in most cases there are large families in themselves in which they take the most direct participation. In addition, it was the roosters that are distinguished by the loyalty and devotion of their second half.

The character of people born in the year of the rooster

The nature of the women born in the year of the rooster is distinguished by the fact that they lead a rich and interesting way of life. Sometimes, such a woman seems to be simply not really doing so much affairs as she did. In addition, a woman - a rooster has a wonderful taste and with great love treats himself. It is possible to rely on her taste, because it chooses such things that are characterized by beauty and at the same time very practical. In dreams of a woman - a rooster flies thoughts that she had a happy family. To create such a family, a woman needs to find a partner, but it is quite difficult to do it for her. Inherent in such a woman, ferventness often scares partners. But, if a man still appeared, she will certainly be to manage them, otherwise it cannot be.

As for the character of a man born in the year of the rooster, he possesses a unique gift to care for a woman who he liked. These men simply adore time in the society of the beloved woman and not even think of life without her. A man - a rooster is different and what he knows how to earn and bring money into the family. All purchases and expenses that it makes are intended exclusively for the family. Would spend the day for useless things a man - a rooster does not like and not accept.

The nature of the partners needed by a rooster for life

For people born in the year of the rooster, compatibility with such partners who can show perseverance, and so that the rooster is able to flushing, will bring a strong strong alliance. The fact is that the rooster born in the year, people constantly need feeding from outside, both mental and physical. In all spheres of life for the rooster, the foundality is of great importance.

It is also very important that the partner of the rooster in time and at the right moment can play the right role and properly behave. If it is performed, then as a result, a strong and loving union may have a fairly strong and loving union.

Suitable signs for the rooster

Good relations arise from a rooster and bull. Their union allows you to create a certain harmony in relations between them, which suits them. If the friction between these people arise, then, as a rule, this is due to the smallest detail, but after and quickly everything is permitted.

It is quite well a union between the rooster and the dragon. Both of these signs - lovers look brilliantly, but do it completely differently. The desire of the rooster look brilliant is achieved thanks to his dragon. In addition, the rooster is proud of what was able to draw attention from such a person like a dragon.

Ideal can be considered the union between the rooster and the snake. The spirit and consciousness that these people have during the association, reaches equilibrium and complete harmony and understanding. This couple is capable of impressing many by its appearance, because together they look just great. The snake has the wisdom, which she can award a rooster.

If a man is a rooster, compatibility with a woman of the same sign will lead to the fact that this union will live in peace and harmony. Combines these people with common interests, as well as truthfulness in relation to each other. At that moment, when children will appear in the family in the family, their relationship is strengthened even more.

Signs, relations with whom the most adverse way

The real war can be a relationship between the rooster and rat. The thing is that the rat is repelled by such a partner with his behavior, like a rooster, she is constantly trying to find flaws in it, while not noticing his advantages. In addition, such a couple is constantly arguing among themselves, so they are better not to live together.

It will be quite difficult to the union between the rooster and the tigr. Tiger is not able to understand what a rooster does. However, at the very beginning of their relationship, everything is good enough, but subsequently the Tiger annoges from the actions of the rooster and criticism. Of course, the scandals arise on this basis, as the rooster does not tolerate when it is criticized.

The relationship between the rooster and the rabbit also won't call good, moreover, this is their union can even be dangerous. If the rooster is a woman, compatible with such a man, like a rabbit, will lead to the fact that he will try to make an obedient mistress from it, but it is not for long. If, on the contrary, the woman will be a rabbit, and a man rooster, then a woman is killing a man with criticism for his part

The combination of a horse and a rooster will be doomed to failure, because they both love themselves to more themselves and all their concerns are mostly only about them themselves. Relationships that arise between them are similar to competitions, where everyone wants to become a winner. The similarity that is available between these signs leads to the fact that they oppress each other.

Despite the fact that there is a lot of common between the rooster and sheep, yet many glances, especially as for love, they have different. The rooster requires a constant presence from the sheep near and endless love from her side, and this is sometimes hard enough. If this does not happen, the rooster is disappointed, and the sheep, if he is offended, can leave for happiness from the rooster.

Union is not desirable between monkey and rooster. Sometimes it may seem that these two perfectly understand each other, but it only seems to. Difficulties in relationships between these signs will be present constantly, although sometimes they can not recognize it.

Love for criticism of a rooster and dog leads to the fact that scandals and quarrels constantly arise between them. The dog often will throw the most different remarks to the cock, from which the rooster will be offended and nothing is good.

birth year: 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017

The rooster refers to the Yang animal group. This is the tenth sign of the Chinese horoscope. His time is from 17 to 19 hours. The season, which brings good luck - autumn, and the period of the apogee - September. According to the European zodiac corresponds to the sign of the Virgin. Its fixed element is metal. Color that brings happiness and well-being, yellow. Flowers and plants bringing good luck - hawthorn, sunflower, guilty, palm tree and orange tree. The most favorable countries for the habitat of the rooster - England, Austria, Ghana, Haiti, Paraguay.

There is a belief that the roosters spread to the world from the Scandinavian countries and their progenitor was the Gallic rooster. No legends are connected with him, it is just a symbol. During the time of revolution in France, the rooster was a symbol of revolutionaries. This is not in vain, because no one can deny his militancy and perseverance. It is believed that the rooster symbolizes the sun, as its morning singing causes a mighty light on the sky. In India, he personifies solar energy, and in Japan - the revival of the first light. In China, the cock symbolizes five major virtues. This is a real harbinger of good, his kind and gait he lists the good spirits, he reminds his scallop with a noble Chinese cock - this is an image of a patron and a symbol of life. He argues his invalid cry and accelerates the evil spirits of darkness. We know that for all the legends of witches, sorcerers and vampires are capable only to the first cock cry. Rooster personifies youth, light and hope.

In nature, there is a huge number of different roosters, which are amazed by incredible colors, long features. They are always deluvitis and are relaxing, regarding their masters of people as servants for their important person. When there was no clock, the rooster served as a alarm clock, and now in distant villages, where civilization has not penetrated, people stand up in call of the rooster in order to start field work.

In fact, the life of the rooster does not promote great success. As a rule, they are experiencing many takeoffs and drops during the life of both love and work. Poverty will be alternating with wealth.

If the rooster was born in the spring, he would be a smaller bragging. In childhood, youth and maturity, the rooster is often burdened with problems that make it take off and fall. At such periods, they get both happiness and failures. They may be either in a noisy circle of people, or in full insulation. But, as a rule, in the second half of life, their position is stabilized, they acquire a good job and position in society. Then their life becomes calm and they live to a deep and happy old age.

Rooster and character

These are very versatile personalities that are actively involved in all fields of activity. Very bright, elegant, well dressed, because they like when attention is paid to them. In all, there is a big taste. Roosters can prevent themselves and cannot be unnoticed. They begin to put themselves in order even before everyone wakes up. These people are rarely satisfied with themselves. In communication, they are very pleasant. Completely relaxed and. Do not depend on the assessment of others.

Roosters are very educated and know how to support the conversation on any topic. They adore them in any company, they are desirable guests at any party. These are real secular people. Roosters love to put their knowledge on the show, these are their kind of defense. They also love to be theme for salon gossip and rushing into the eyes with their motley clothes. No genius of psychology can understand whether they are such relaxed, or is it just a great acting skill? Just roosters perfectly know all their advantages and disadvantages. In fact, this is just a fragile creation that is afraid of public offenses.

If the roosters are easy to communicate, this does not mean that they are easy to get along with them. They are too selfish and do not like when they reserved them. First of all, they care exclusively about their peace and well-being, finding it quite normal. At the same time, they are completely indifferent to someone else's condition. They do not tolerate even the slightest intervention in their affairs and never interfere in other people's. Roosters are incredulous, they are difficult to spend. Before you believe, they will hold this inquiry. If, by their standards, information is similar to the truth, they will take the necessary actions. Deep in the soul is very conservative both in politics and in the family. These people are convinced that they are always right and infallible.

Despite this, roosters are terribly sensitive and sentimental. They are very valued by others, because roosters can assist in the most critical situations. Very kind and helpful, with pleasure they fulfill other people's instructions. But if you feel that they are exploited and enjoyed by their kindness for mercenary purposes, they will be expelled in Nahala.

Often they are treated for advice - no one better than the rooster in the essence of the problem. These people are able to sink you with fantastic ideas, but this does not mean that they can be implemented. Prefer your problems with you. Roosters are difficult to assist others, and this complicates relationships with others. Roosters do not like to feel addiction even from friends.

Roosters are always original, sometimes to eccentricity. They are easy to rise and never show impatience. Sometimes they closes in yourself, not wanting to reveal the causes of their experiences. Born under this sign love to dream of their air locks and imagine themselves with a hero. These are real warriors, geniuses and philosophers in indoor slippers. They do not know how to live in stable graphics, but their moral principles are completely uncomplicable.

Sometimes they are drawn to adventures, but at the same time they are very baked about their safety. They cannot be called shorts, because they boldly look in the face of danger. This is the most brave sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Cock and welfare, money

Roosters often surprise those around their attitude towards money. They do not take control at all and used to dispose of themselves. They are not able to save and correct budget. Always their costs significantly exceed income. It is unlikely that there is a rooster that can lead his financial affairs. Therefore, they often fall into financial dependence and suffer disasters. We spend your money with incredible ease, without thinking about the consequences. But sometimes they wake up greed, especially if they are near a rich man. Knowing that you can pay your account, never pay for you from courtesy.

They are not confused by the lack of money in the account. On the contrary, they feel much better when there is no money, as the problem disappears where to spend them. Apparently, the roosters are little interested in financial power, money is needed to satisfy their needs and desires. This makes them clever, flexible and allows them to easily endure any deprivation and need. Roosters are all perceived as it is. These are realists in everything.

Rooster and profession

These people can succeed in any profession, because very confident. -Petuhi smart, clever, they know how to win and endowed with incredible eloquence. They adore comfort and therefore strive for high material welfare, but they cannot engage in routine work. Petukhu needs creative work related to trips and travel. They love professions related to spectacles, because here they can dissolve the tail and turn into a peacock.

Roosters are very disciplined, but sometimes they are drawn to the feats. At such moments they may make an error. Petuhi vain and progress on the service staircase due to the harmonious combination of perseverance, directness and energy. Start only when the goal is achieved.

People born under the sign of the rooster are very appreciated, but not everyone agrees with them. Roosters do not know how to compromise even with the most powerful bosses. The strongest their weapon is charm, it creates just miracles. But this weapon does not always work. Many roosters, professional life is extremely unstable. They often often change the focus of their classes, so they will jump from place to place, forgetting about the future. Only a family can have a proper impact on it. When a rooster is married, he looks at his professional duties differently.

These people are easily opposed to extreme situations and easily find suitable solutions. Of course, an impressionability can play with them a keen joke - then the roosters are simply lost in the details. But in any case, they do not tolerate foreign interventions, they are able to solve all the problems independently. In the work they are always organized, almost pedantic. Never lose enthusiasm and boldly rushing forward.

Possessing a dreamy nature, can be laid. Sometimes they grab a big piece, which is not able to swallow, after which they are very disappointed. Money is not easy to give roosters, but if they overcome their dreaminess, they will definitely achieve success. But there is another side of the medal. If the rooster does not be able to overcome the scattering, it will turn into a philosopher's tramp. In this case, it is impossible not to notice.

Roosters are very suitable for work on Earth and for public posts, where constant contact with people is required. Usually they quickly spend everything that they earn. Take a big financial risk, often leading them to ruin. Rooster does not know how to save.

Of these, beautiful commercial agents, cooks, bartenders, sellers, aesthetics specialists, manicure, hairdressers, cosmetologists, dentists, surgeons, officials, military, firefighters, police, bodyguards, waiters and teachers.

Rooster and love

The rooster is characterized by another phenomenon - it matures very early. Nevertheless, the roosters skillfully organize their future and correctly choose a partner. They know how to take care of themselves, and about people close to them. Their wisdom helps correctly adapt to her beloved. It is not surprising, because they are very sociable and energetic, which helps in everyday communication.

Roosters can bring the atmosphere of love to perfection. If the partner is not, will be able to appreciate their efforts, they quickly turn away from it and will try to find another or devote themselves career. Roosters do not tolerate ignorance and in any situation behave frankly.

Representatives of this sign can be in passion, but at the same time they will never lose their heads. No need to pay attention to a frivolous species - the mind and calcality is hidden behind their appearance. They do not like to retreat, they are familiar to a sense of victory. But if the victory goes easily, they quickly forget about the defeated. Petuhi prefer difficulties, impregnable barricades attract them.

In love, the roosters sometimes suffer and failures because of the indomitable desire to keep his beloved. They may be disappointed, since their dreams sometimes diverge with reality. They can be supplied in infidelity, because the roosters are too loving and accustomed to searching for something new, unknown. But this is a difficult case, because they are very jealous of their independence. So roosters can inadvertently pass by real love, as they will regret until the end of life. They have a similar attitude to friends. Roosters are terribly jealous and do not tolerate rivals. Externally, they may not show it, but inside will be boiled. They never suffer indifference. In no case cannot be suppressed by the all-providing passion. It is better to find an approach on the other side. They are incorrigible talkers - they need to throw a suitable topic and try to listen to them. You can also seduce with delicious cuisine and interesting gossip.

Rooster and his family

No need to pay attention to the appearance of the rooster. Although sometimes it looks like a duty, but the family responsibilities refers with great responsibility. Roosters adore order and endowed with unshakable morality, so they are predesting for conventions and laws. They easily adapt to the family atmosphere even after a stormy bachelor life. If the roosters conclude a marriage, then they do not make it on the calculation.

Roosters adore their spouses and surround them by constant care, despite their selfish nature. If the parties begin in the family, they are trying to overmine in every way. They are always against extremes. Roosters are solved for divorce only in the case when consent is absolutely impossible. Roosters have incredible straightforwardness, so you can not transfer hypocrisy around them.

Roosters are excellent parents, although powerful. Roosters do not tolerate lies and tricks: if children begin to join, they are angry with anger. Roosters are too sensitive, their principle often causes protest in children. Roosters do not tend to compromise, often they behave selfishly.

But since they themselves do not notice this, they are calm. The main thing is to give the family everything you need. If someone from loved ones falls into trouble, the rooster will instantly respond and make every effort to help. In relation to children, the rooster is often selfless.

Children born in the year of rats, hare, dogs, in the pet family will feel somewhat armsily, as they like them to pour them. Therefore, these children will consider themselves incomprehensible and feel hate to their parents. Children -OV, wheels and boars calmly obey the demanding parents - roosters. Dragon children, tigers and horses will refuse to obey that the rooster will cause only rage, and the case can reach the deadly fight. Snakes and monkeys are the best children and family of roosters, because friendly, open relationships are always installed between them.

Rooster and sex

These are people who follow a certain order in everything. They wish to have connections for certain rules. It is very difficult for them to surrender passion, which "they will not be able to control. The rooster is fighting practical logic, so, first of all, he tries to settle his life, and then he is already looking for a partner. His sexual life, as a rule, begins very late. Sometimes it happens that he comprehends his biological destination after thirty. It opens for. Himself sex when others already behave intensive sex life. Most roosters are more intelligent than representatives of other signs. The trouble is that they cannot find a partner corresponding to all their requirements.

Roosters have a tendency to rather evaluate people and therefore can miss the appropriate candidacy. They do not need to be considered cold, they are simply people who are accustomed to tightly control. Their secret desires often remain hidden. Their modesty is a natural state, you will never know about their sexual experience.

Roosters believe that it is possible to improve themselves. When they face some sexual problem, they begin to dig not only in their partner, but also in themselves. They can be sincere, patient, but do not always listen to the call of their hearts. There are enough energy on two or three people. In all new connections are extremely careful. They know what their partners want. If the partner does not know what she wants, the rooster will definitely find an option that gives him pleasure. For cocks, sex is more responsible than the physical need. They like those who can keep themselves in their hands and waits for the sex when sex becomes inevitable. Roosters look at courtship, as a preliminary game, through which you need to go through.

First meeting with a rooster

Roosters can show themselves. If someone enjoyed them, they will make all their talents to seduce the victim. They will spin in front of the object of their desires, dismissed the tail, grate it and in the end they will charm. Flirting roosters with great ease, but will never take their feelings for the sake of idle pleasure. Roosters look at these questions philosophical.

Roosters require high attention and always know how to recognize false relations. In all, they want to be peculiar accomplices. Just adore their beloved to follow them on the heels and listened to them, open the mouth. They are very true, and will do everything to save their connection.

If the roosters change, then do it not for the sake of new pleasures, but because of the need to make sure of its own irresistible. And you do not need to arrange the scenes - they will only charge them. With permanent negative reactions of its partner, the rooster can be offended and leaving, although he will remain a sure other, without saving no malice in the shower.

If you need to buy a gift rooster, you need to choose something from clothes or needed in everyday life. They always like what they think about them - for them the attention above all. The rooster is very easy to seduce: you need to immediately sill with its compliments about his mind and appearance. But if there is no longer talking about anything and it has come to break up - it is enough to hint on their abnormal thinking and excessive talkativeness. They will not be left next to such a person.

Famous people born under the sign of the rooster

Duke Edinburgh, Erol Flint, Yoko, Dolly Partens, Peter Ustinov, Richard Wagner, Cardinal Richelieu, Goebbels, Maria Medici, Andre Morua, Jean de Lafontiton, John Kolts, Enrico Caruso, Catherine Great II, Fenimor Cooper, Katherine Hepburn, Vladimir Belyaev, Leonid Vereshchagin, Lev Ginzburg, Andrei Gromyko, Bekzhamin Goodman, James Jones, Marseille Karna, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Martti Larney, Stanislav Lem, Juliet Mazina, Neal Miller, Yuri Nikulin, Balla Rudenko, Andrei Sakharov, Jean Paul Belmondo, Claude Bernard , Yves Montan, Philip August, Johann Strauss, Rabindranat Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi, Queen Victoria, Evgeny Paton.

Rooster and relationships with other signs

Rooster and rooster

These partners live peacefully, although there are also stormy emotions. They are always interested together, and the case never comes to discord or misunderstanding. When they love their partner, they show the mass of emotions, and if they are indifferent to him, they speak openly about it. Roosters do not endure other disadvantages, while not noticing their own. Such a situation can cause only disagreements. But this does not mean that the case will end the war. The family can be durable if children appear.

Rooster and rat.

Rats immediately repels the rooster. The rat sees only the disadvantages of its partner, it does not endure vanity and superficiality. But if the rat looked at the rooster more closely, then there would be positive features in it. In aggressiveness, they can argue with each other, so their relationships can turn into a real war. In addition, both at all do not know how to save. At first, they behave too much, and then finally ruined. In this combination, it is better if a man is born in a rat, and a woman is a rooster. Then her * business will help to maintain the remaining savings.

Rooster and Vol

These partners are latheless. OVE allows the rooster to paint feathers, because he knows that the rooster needs communication. Ox himself absolutely does not know how to maintain a secular conversation. The rooster gives the worker to the will to earn bread, and he prefers to sing. Rooster is not the most hardworking animal, but it is very diplomatic and may predict the irritation of the partner. They will always be able to gain harmony. True, in this union it is impossible to do without friction, for example, if the skin invites friends for lunch and will not report it on time. However, these are little things in life. The union is ideal for business: the rooster is led, and the EV is executed.

Rooster and tiger

This is a very difficult union. Sensitive and loyal tiger is not sufficient to understand the actions of the rooster. The tiger often causes the perplexity of the actions of people. But the roostech cannot be judged only by external actions. The rooster produces an irresistible impression that sometimes creates a false representation of his personality. In alliance with a tiger, they first everything goes well-louded tigra flattening the adoration of the rooster. But soon the barracking of the rooster begins to annoy the tiger, and he is taken to criticize him. The rooster does not make comments and suffers from the injustice of the partner. The case takes an undesirable turn, the rooster feels incomprehensible and decides to retire where people are more tolerant. But before you leave, he frankly gives the truth to Tigra. They can save friendly relations, be beautiful lovers or companions, but not long.

Rooster and hare

This is a very strange and dangerous union that can end the fight - be it love, friendship or work. Even patient hare can not withstand the walker rooster. At first, it will be fun to amazeing the volatile deeds of a motley partner, but then it is bored. Patience of the hare is coming to an end, and he begins to be angry. The rooster can bring literally to white cation, then the hare loses control and wants to sharpen a rooster. The cock does not have bad intentions, and therefore it considers the hare just evil. In this case, he will be right. If a man is a hare, he will try to make an obedient hostess from a woman. But this role she will not be able to play to the end. Only he will be behind the threshold, it will definitely fly out the window. If a man is born in the year of the rooster, then the woman is just squinting him with his criticism.

Rooster and dragon

Both are very love to shine and turn, but do it in different ways. The rooster wishes everyone to please, and the dragon is simply created by brilliant. In this union, everything goes quite safely. The rooster tries to show itself in all the brilliance thanks to the dragon. He admires the dragon and is proud to be able to attract his attention, and flattery for the dragon is the most important thing. True, it will not be without crisis. A quarrel may arise from mutual misunderstanding. The rooster makes everything disinterested and very careful about his appearance, and the dragon can annoy it. He loses patience, and the rooster remains only to retire.

Rooster and snake

According to the Chinese horoscope, this Union is considered ideal. They can achieve equilibrium, as the spirit is combined and consciousness. These allies can always agree, because they perfectly feel each other. They appreciate them both elegance inherent on them, look great around and impress the perfect pair. When goes into society, long and scrupulously pick up clothes to be at the height. The rooster loves to rag about his successes and victories, and the snake listens to him with pleasure and commented with humor. Snake very calmly feels next to the rooster, because this is the only person who can understand it. Snake will learn to perceive him as it really is. Oddly enough, she patiently will demolish his championship, for intuitively feeling that they are suitable for each other. Even if there are quarrels, they still be able to find a common language.

Rooster and horse

This union has every chance of failure. Both are trying to self-improve and are accustomed to take care of themselves. For these allies, the opinion of others is very important for these allies, they are picky and offended - especially the rooster. In their relationship there is a competition in which everyone tries to get out the winner. In addition, their similarity does not contribute to the deepening of relations, but, on the contrary, oppress them. The horse will annoy the efforts of the rooster to dissolve their tail outside the house. She will begin to suffer, and they will act each other on the nerves. Silence between them will delay, and, as you know, both need communication. As a result, they will start looking for communication on the side.

Rooster and dog

These people have a lot in common, but they look at love and secular life for love, which sometimes sometimes understand each other. The sheep next to the rooster feels in complete safety, as the cock is used to work for everyone. The egoist rooster will require a constant presence of sheep and its limitless love, and this is difficult for sheep. The rooster will remain disappointed, and the sheep will be offended and go to look for happiness elsewhere. If in this union the woman is a rooster, and a man is a sheep, she tortured him with endless reproach in breaking and irresponsibility. This union can only be preserved with each other's shortcomings. Rooster and dog

These people are similar only in one thing: both love criticism, which is the cause of discord. The rooster criticizes constantly and does not even give up this report. The dog, in turn, does not tolerate. Balary and carelessness of the rooster - she spends a mass of time on his upbringing. But no matter how hard the dog tried, she still will not be able to remake his original partner. Their relationship can turn into a Borodino battle. At the same time both are injured, because they are too sensitive. If they behave more restrained, then their union can exist very, long.

Rooster and Kaban.

Calm and thick boar will not pay attention to the roosters. Kabana can appreciate the kindness and nobility of the rooster, which he does not particularly sich. Kaban can curb the aggressiveness of his motley buddy and soothes him in time. The cock never humiliates the boar and will not exploit it. These people are fine and between them are installed excellent friendly relations based on mutual understanding and spelling. The union is more based on intelligence than in passion and love. With the slightest danger, they always hurry to help each other. In their house there is always an iron order that cannot be destroyed by even outsiders.