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Calendar for March. Calendar for March Moon Sowing Calendar in March

ATTENTION! This is an archive page, now relevant:

Lunar gardery calendar 2017 year - garden.
Spring trimming and vaccination.

The table of the lunar calendar shown on this page is a thematic sample from the universal , For works with fruit trees and shrubs (work with garden strawberries - in the themed calendar "Garden")

March - Garden Awakening.

In March, it is not much more pleasant to work in the garden than in February - is not so cold, the sun looks noticeably and smells in the spring. At this time it is important to detain the snow from the roots of trees. For this, there are sawdust on the snow. Starting forming trimming trees and shrubs. Conduct spring vaccinations.

ATTENTION! Our lunar gardery calendar is conducted by Moscow time. (Calendar can be used throughout Russia, given the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Works in the garden in March, care measures for fruit trees and shrubs

from March 01, 2017 00:00 (cf)
On March 02, 2017 10:42 (Thu)

Growing Moon in the Sign of Aries

Checking the state of whitewash fruit trees. Cutting blanks for spring vaccination.

(We still have a blog :, Entry from the lunar calendar)
From March 02, 2017 10:42 (Thu)
on March 04, 2017 13:05 (Sat)

A favorable time to vaccinate fruit trees and shrubs.

from March 04, 2017 13:05 (Sat)
On March 06, 2017 15:54 (PN)
Perhaps it is worth refreshing the whores of the trees. Conducting the vaccinations of fruit trees and shrubs.
From March 06, 2017 15:54 (Mon)
On March 08, 2017 19:45 (cf)

Growing moon in cancer

It is strictly forbidden to carry out trimming trees and shrubs. Making mineral fertilizers in the snow. Possible vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs.
From March 08, 2017 19:45 (cf)
on March 11, 2017 01:07 (Sat)

Growing moon in a lion sign

Adverse time for planting and plants transplantation. The vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs.

March 9 (21.02 Art. Style) - Ivanov Day (Observing)
"Kohl on the snow (fell), then to trample him until April (Spring will delay)"

from March 11, 2017 01:07 (Sat)
On March 11, 2017 17:02 (Sat)

growing moon in the sign of the Virgin
Possible vaccination of fruit trees. Spraying from pests and diseases.
from March 11, 2017 17:02 (Sat)
On March 13, 2017 19:28 (PN)


Acquisition of fertilizers, stimulants, plant protection products from pests and diseases, seeds

March 12, 2017 17:53 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month,: until March 13, 2017 8:28 Moon in the sign of the Virgin, then in the Sign Sign).

March 13 (28.02 Art. Style) - Vasily Warm (drip)
"According to the protinem around the trees they define: steep edges - spring is friendly. If it rains on Vasily - to be wet fly"

From March 13, 2017 19:28 (Mon)
On March 15, 2017 18:10 (Wed)

descending moon in weight sign

At this time it is better to postpone all the work in the garden.

March 14 (01.03 Art. Style) - Evdokia (Avdota) Western
"What is Avdota - Takovo and summer. On Evdokia Rain - to the wet fly"

From March 15, 2017 18:10 (cf)
on March 18, 2017 06:00 (Sat)

decreasing moon in the sign of scorpion

In the spring, the sanitary trimming of trees and shrubs is prohibited in this sign. It is possible to soak cuttings of cultural grapes for subsequent rooting.

March 15 (02.03 Art. Style) - Fedot New
"Fedot is evil - not to be with the grass. (If bad weather, the wind, then the spring will delay)"

from March 18, 2017 06:00 (Sat)
On March 20, 2017 18:31 (PN)

decreasing moon in the sign of Sagittar

Fighting pests of fruit-berry shrubs. Forming trimming trees and shrubs.

March 18 (05.03 Art. Style) - Conmon Garden
"From this day began to cook a garden for future landings. It was believed that it was believed that it was possible to grind seeds to seeds only after Conona Gardery"

From March 20, 2017 18:31 (PN)
On March 23, 2017 05:28 (Thu)

descending moon in the sign of Capricorn

Making fertilizers for fruit trees and berry shrubs. Forming trimming trees and shrubs. Favorable days for soaking cuttings of cultural grapes For subsequent rooting. (The most favorable time from the point of view of the vegetative form of a plant: is a fruitful bush.)

March 22 (09.03 Art. Style) - Soroki (forty fortifications)
"On this day, the larders' bake with" secrets ""

from March 23, 2017 05:28 (Thu)
on March 25, 2017 13:06 (Sat)

descending Moon in Aquarius

Very unfavorable time for landing. On weather conditions, lifting shelters from trees, shrubs. Rejuvenating and forming trimming trees and shrubs.
from March 25, 2017 13:06 (Sat)
On March 27, 2017 06:15 (PN)

decreasing moon in fish sign

It is not recommended to engage in trimming trees and shrubs. It is possible to shrink the cuttings of the cultural grapes. At the same time, gluing in the ground is recommended to be carried out at the end of the new moon period.
From March 27, 2017 06:15 (PN)
On March 29, 2017 07:03 (cf)


It is not recommended to sow nothing, plant, replant, trim.
Acquisition of seeds, fertilizers, stimulants, pest protection tools.

March 28, 2017 05:56 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month, - until March 27, 2017 17:10 Moon in the sign of the fish, then in the sign of the Aries.

from March 29, 2017 07:03 (cf)
On March 29, 2017 18:48 (cf)

Growing Moon in the Sign of Aries

Perhaps vaccinations of fruit trees and shrubs.
from March 29, 2017 18:48 (cf)
to March 31, 2017 19:40 (PT)

Growing Moon in Taurus

Very favorable day for the spring vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs (If you did not start swelling the kidney).
from March 31, 2017 19:40 (PT)
to March 31, 2017 23:59 (PT)

Growing moon in the sign of the twins

Conducting the vaccinations of fruit and decorative cultures.

Table continuation:

Folk Weather Signals:
At the early March - April Protalina (in the sense that if the beginning of March is warm, then spring will delay)
No in March of the water - no in April Grass.

Based on one rather interesting folk signs, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours ... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

It is worth saying that using the Lunar Calendar of Gardener and Gardener for March 2017 is simply necessary, as the weather of the middle band of Russia is not always the same and spring comes to us at different times. Experienced dacities were able to independently adapt to such a climate, thereby receiving an excellent harvest, even with unknown weather conditions. The world calendar also describes the best advice, which will also help grow excellent seedlings, and then get a high level of yield.

The moon affects absolutely all living things, for this reason, all types of plants and various cultures fall under its impact. For example, on the day of the new moon and full moon, the sowing work is generally stopped, because if we land at this time, then get a good rich harvest will not work.

But if the moon is favorably acting on the soil, it is simply necessary to start landing seeds and the transplant of seedlings into the ground. Below we will look at every day for March separately, to know when it is necessary to land at which days it is worth postpone seeding, as well as what numbers are suitable for treating trees and soil.

In the fourth lunar days it is worth a sowing of some types of seeds, it can be beans, the burning varieties of the punch, you can land in the pot of tomato seeds and spinach. In the morning clock it will be favorable to engage in branches on fruit trees and shrubs. It is possible to plant the seeds of early cabbage and salad.

The fifth lunar days are better suitable for planting flower crops, it is possible to plant petunitions, as well as picky dahlia, Chinese carnations and phloxes. It is allowed to hold sowing some kinds of vegetable crops, today you can land in the soil hybrid varieties of tomatoes, as well as early varieties of Bulgarian and eggplant punch.

On the sixth lunar day, it is better to make an outstanding of greenery from root vegetables, it may be onions, garlic, as well as any other rhizomes. It is worth preparing the seeds of tomatoes and cucumbers to landing, this day seeds are soaked, in the same way they produce onion, celery, and in addition, early types of cauliflowers are harvested.

This day should devote to the care of garden plants, you can also hold trees, the seventh lunar days are better suitable for sowing to the soil of Luke, celery, also various varieties of cauliflower, tomatoes and cucumbers.

If necessary, sanitary treatment of bushes is carried out, at this time the treatment of trees from malicious insects will be especially effective. If the seeds for the landing are already prepared, then the very time to send the growing grades of tomatoes, also planted early cauliflower, leeks and hybrid cucumbers.

The ninth lunar days of the gardener can devote to the landing of various types of useful herbs for salads, if necessary, sowing quick-footed varieties of tomato, Bulgarian sweet pepper and hybrid cucumbers varieties. It is allowed to plant seeds of colors that have a mustache and go.

On this day, landing is allowed absolutely any species of plants, the tenths day of the moon is a great time to carry out roses, it is also worth doing chrysanthemums and pelargoniums. If the houses already have seedlings of white cabbage, the peppers of sweet Bulgarian and eggplant, it is necessary to pay more attention to the spacons.

The eleventh day of the moon should devote to the stallowing of flower crops such as roses and chrysanthemums, but they will have to postpone the transplant of any garden crops and colors that are beautifully blooming with large bootons. This day is perfect for planting new trees and shrubs, but if you already have adult trees on the site, it is necessary to pruning crowns and shoots from them.

This day is worth spending in the bar, it is worth starting from planting colors, it is now important to plant dahlias, gladiolus and irises that flower plants bloom on time. Do not appoint a landing of fruit and bone trees and shrubs on the twelfth lunar day, it also concerns any species of vegetable crops. It is allowed to carry out the treatment of garden plants from malicious insects, as well as explode soil for the beds.

If the street is warm and sunny, it is allowed to organize roses a bit, is also carried out the ventilation of all thermo-loving and perennial plants on the site. On this day, the fit of flower crops began to start the landing of flower crops, for example, the landing of gladiolus, irises and dahlias begin. It is not worth starting to plant seeds or trees, as they will be bad for a new place, the same applies to the dive. You can put them.

If the weather is warm enough and dry, you can remove the shelter with perennial plants loving heat, you can also remove the strapping from raspberry bushes and cut off unnecessary processes. It is allowed to land a jam salad.

You can prepare a garden for early seedlings, greenhouses are created, you should not begin a transplantation of decorative plants, and it is also better not to transplant vegetable vegetable crops. You can dedicate the sixteenth lunar days to planting fruit trees and berry shrubs, if necessary, it is worth trimming the crown and the branches of adult plants.

If there is a shower today, the roots will begin to appear much faster, the beds are coated with a film to create greenhouses for seedlings. It is better not to appoint serious cases at this time, that is, not to plant trees and bushes, it is recommended to devote their time to the processing of soil and removing pests.

The seventeenth lunar days are suitable for landing root in the ground, it is possible to draw shutdown, so that the cuttings are rapid roots faster. When the earth warms up enough, you can land in an open ground root and tubers, it can be radishes and turnips.

As advises the landing calendar for March 2017, today it is worth devoting his working time to landing and sowing flowers growing for several years in a row, they will quickly develop their root system, and also will give more seeds in the future. If by this time the land is already warm enough, it is worth a landing of tuber plant, as well as radish and repka.

Sowing a nineteenth lunar day is produced only with medicinal plants, in addition it is allowed to carry out the shine of small decorative shrubs. On this day it is worth the landing of turnips or radish, the rest of the cultures should not be planted into these lunar days, it is better not to engage in young seedlings of bushes and trees now, but adult plants are allowed to vaccinate.

On this day it is allowed to produce, radish and repka, it is not formed to plant roots, onions and rhizomes for the extension of greenery. It is not recommended to engage in such days by the seedlings of trees, but to make the vaccination of adult bushes and fruit is quite possible.

Twenty-first lunar day is suitable for planting beneficial plants, it can be anise, hops, as well as herbal herb or aloe. On this day, it is worth planning the gluttony of soil and preparing the beds, you can pour plants and process trees from malicious insects.

You can begin the preparation of greenhouse beds to disembark on them early seedlings, but it is allowed only if all the snow has already descended. It is worthwhile to join the soil, the extracting of the created beds and watering perennial plants.

Twenty-second lunar day should also be devoted to the creation of greenhouse shelters for young seedlings, but today is allowed to continue landing of rooted plants. Street vegetables will also great to germinate on this lunar day, but from planting new colors to the ground it is better to refuse.

It is worth a thorough inspection of raspberry shrubs and currant if there are dry and damaged by pests of the branches, they must be completely removed and burned. Flower seeds at this time are not planted, but the landing of roots and tuber will be as impossible by the way.

It is not worth the landing of new floral crops, especially since today a great day for planting in the soil of repka, beets, potatoes, as well as radishes and other types of rootfields.

It is better not to engage in landing works, but you can take the time to hang the benchmarks and the fertilizer of the soil. In addition, it is allowed to fight pests, remove weeds and cut the old branches of trees.

These lunar days are not suitable for sowing or planting new vegetable crops or colors, but it is worthwhile to take their time by creating birdhouses, caring for trees, trimming of old branches and the creation of the crown. In addition, it will successfully be a fight against weed plants and malicious insects.

It is possible to start landing into the open ground of the root of root, today it is better to plant onion species of plants, if the weather is already warm enough and the soil warmed up, then the disembarkation of the grown seedlings of vegetable crops is beginning to land. It is worth caring for all berry bushes, start sowing celery and radish.

It is worthwhile to enter into coniferous plants, it is also recommended to plant onions and garlic growth on a permanent place, you can start planting some seedlings, but provided that the air temperature at night is high enough and the soil warmed up. If possible, start to land in the soil celery, radishes and repka. These lunar days are perfectly suitable for vaccine and circumcise the crown in fruit trees.

It is better not to transplant the plants into the ground, and in general, the seeds will have to refuse, the dive will have a negative in the state of seedlings. It will be good to engage in the preparation of the soil, for this produce soil and fertilizer makes.

Out of the garden, old plants are cleaned, sowing and transplant is prohibited.

They produce ventilation of roses and thermal-loving plants, plant cabbage and salad on the bed.

Salad and cabbage seeds are planted, floral crops are beginning - Floxes, Georgina, Chinese carnations.

You can plant some seeds of colors, from planting vegetable crops it is worth refuse.

In March, the gardeners begin one of the most important procedures - trimming trees and bushes. It is necessary so that the kidneys on the plants is better forming. As indicated in the gardener calendar for March, trimming trees and bushes favorably perform on a decreasing moon in a scorpion sign. In March, it is customary to rewrite fruit trees. In the first half of March, Sadovaad's calendar recommends putting a cherry, apricot, cherry, Alych, plum.

Lunar Calendar Ogorodnik for March 2017

The Lunar Calendar of the Gardener for March 2017 clearly indicates when and what work to carry out the gardener. March - a favorite time to planting seeds into the greenhouses. Tomatov, celery, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, pumpkins for seedlings are carried out on the growing moon. According to the Lunar Calendar of the gardener for March, that in the second decade of the month you can lay potatoes on the narrivation.

According to the lunar calendar of the flower, in March, there are flowers in the greenhouses in the seedlings. In no case do not add humid plants that are sick of the so-called black leg. The lunar flower calendar for March 2017 contains comprehensive information about which days it is better to sow plants.

Lunar landing calendar for March 2017 with moon phases

The gardener and garden calendar for March contains a detailed description of the work that must be carried out at each day of the month.

date Lunny day Recommended work
March 1, 2017 fourth lunar day growing moon in the sign of the Aries Today you can sow tomatoes, spinach, sharp pepper. In addition, the moon in the Aries favors the trimming of the branches of trees and shrubs in the garden.
March 2, 2017 fifth Moon Day, Growing Moon in Taurus Dedote this time to sow Amaranth to seedlings in the greenhouse, Chinese carnations, dahlias, and so on.
March 3, 2017 sixth Moonl Day, Growing Moon in Taurus Sign Lunar calendar advises to engage in forcing for greens.
March 4, 2017 seventh Lunar Day, Growing Moon in the Zodiac Sign - Gemini On this day, the gardener and trees and trees are produced through the lunar calendar of the gardener.
March 5, 2017 eighth lunar day growing moon in twins sign Sanitary trimming of shrubs and trees. In addition, you can start planting cabbage and tomatoes to seedlings and soil fertilizer.
March 6, 2017 ninth Moonday, Growing Moon in the Zodiac Sign - Cancer Make sowing greens for salad, as well as cultures with a mustache. Take around sowing seeds of sweet pepper, cucumbers and tomatoes.
March 7, 2017 tenth lunar day growing moon in cancer Lunar calendar favors landing any plants. Dedote this day with the stalling of roses, Pelargonium, Chrysanthemum. Clean the seedlings of vegetables, including the white cabbage.
March 8, 2017 eleventh lunar day growing moon in lion Dedote this day with stalling and feeding flowers. Decorative plants grown in the garden in these replant and plant undesirable. Instead, dedicate the time to work with garden trees and bushes. Start creating a bed and flower beds, as well as soil fertilizer. In addition, such a day favors mulching and spraying the garden and the garden to combat pests.
March 9, 2017 twelfth lunar day growing moon in a lion sign On this day, you can plan landing and feeding colors. In addition, you can make a garden and a vegetable garden to combat pests and various diseases. The soil fertilizer is better not to produce.
March 10, 2017 thirteenth Lunar Day, Growing Moon in the Zodiac Sign - Lion The lunar sowing calendar advises sunshine on sunny weather. Saw seeds of plants living in the garden (still) undesirable. You can also perform spraying - to combat pests.
March 11, 2017 fourteenth lunar day growing moon in the sign of the Virgin On this day, it is possible to remove the shelter with perennial, loving heat, cultures, freeing raspberries from winter strapping. The lunar sowing calendar offers salad.
March 12, 2017 fifteenth and sixteenth lunar day, moon in the sign of the Virgin, full moon The lunar gardener calendar advises to cover the beds for an early landing. At this time, it is possible to do the beds and flower beds, as well as feeding already planted plants. In addition, such a day is favorable for surface shelter of the soil and cleansing the garden from harmful insects.
March 13, 2017 sixteenth Lunar Day, Descending Moon in Sign - Scales According to the lunar sowing calendar, at this time there is a rapid appearance of the roots. On this day we advise a little relaxed from the garden.
March 14, 2017 seventeenth lunar day, decreasing moon in scales Lunar calendar reads: You can sow root. If the soil warms up to the desired temperature, proceed to landfit root.
March 15, 2017 eighteenth Lunar Day, descending Moon in Scorpio The calendar of the gardener and the gardener suggests that at this time it is favorably engaged in sowing and landing perennial flowers. Their root system will develop very well.
March 16, 2017 nineteenth lunar day decreasing moon in scorpion Lunar calendar advises to plant medicinal plants, as well as stalling ornamental shrubs. This day you can plant a turnip and radish. The lunar gardener calendar recommends not to touch the seedlings of trees, but the vaccination and trimming of adults can already be done.
March 17, 2017 twentieth Moonday, descending Moon in Scorpio On this day, according to the lunar gardeland calendar, it is necessary to carry out a vitaminized greenery (squeeze the bulbs, roots, rhizomes). Day is favorable for landing turnips and radish. Do not touch the seedlings of trees. Instead, engage in vaccination and trimming adult trees.
March 18, 2017 Make seeding of healing plants. The calendar of the gardener and gardener claims that it is better to touch the soil on a decreasing moon.
March 19, 2017 twenty-first lunar day, decreasing moon in Sagittar At this time, the Lunar Calendar of the Gardener advises to cover the Ridge Film for the first landings.
March 20, 2017 At this time, the lunar calendar of the gardener advises to cover the ridge film for the first landing, if the snowball melted. During this period, according to the gardener and garden calendar, you can plunge into the landing of tuber cultures and root crops. Seying seeds of colors can not.
March 21, 2017 twenty-third lunar day, decreasing moon in Capricorn The decreasing moon is favored by working with Malina and the fight against insects. You can transplant seedlings from the greenhouse to the garden.
March 22, 2017 twenty fourth lunar day, decreasing moon in Capricorn On this day, according to the lunar calendar, it is better to cancel the work with flowers.
March 23, 2017 twenty-fifth moon day, decreasing moon in aquare On this day it is undesirable to plant and sow. Instead, the lunar calendar of the gardener and the gardener recommends conducting the revision of its storage. You can also go trimming dry and sick branches in the trees.
March 24, 2017 twenty-fourth lunar day, decreasing moon in aquare The lunar gardener calendar states that landing on this day is unfavorable.
March 25, 2017 twenty-seventh lunar day, decreasing moon in fish From sunlight, according to the lunar calendar, evergreen and coniferous plants should be hidden. Take the falling onion crops on the soil.
March 26, 2017 twenty-eighth lunar day, decreasing moon in fish The gardener and garden calendar advises to sow celery and radish. You can do soil on the garden.
March 27, 2017 twenty-ninth lunar day, decreasing moon in Aries On this day, pay attention to the beds for the upcoming landings. The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener says that this is a wonderful time to fight pests.
March 28, 2017 first, second lunar day, moon in a ram, full moon Take care of the removal of weak and sick plants. At this time, it is better not to loosen the land so as not to harm the roots. You should not engage in sowing and planting any garden or decorative crops.
March 29, 2017 third lunar day, growing moon in Lev Pay this time to prepare the base under the cabbage landing.
March 30, 2017 fourth lunar day, growing moon in Taurus Take on sowing colors.
March 31, 2017 fifth lunar day growing moon in twins At this time, according to the lunar calendar, it is necessary to carry out mulching and loosening of already ready-made rows in the garden.

March - the first month of spring. Touching the first sprouts of the seedlings please, filling the soul with warmth and hope ... continues sowing seeds to seed vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, etc.). Sowing seed seeds for every taste and color (asters, annual dahlias, nastures and velvets, petunias, zinnia).

In the garden at this time it is important to delay the snow from the roots of trees. For this, there are sawdust on the snow. Getting trimming trees and shrubs. In the garden begin to prepare warm ridges to sowing cold-resistant vegetable crops and planting seedlings.

In March 2017, the lunar phases were distributed so that the most favorable days for sowing for seedlings of all flower crops (colors), as well as such vegetable crops like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and cabbage comes to the first decade of the month, and then in the very His end after the new moon.

date and time Moon Garden does
From March 01, 2017 00:00
on March 03, 2017 10:42
Growing Moon in the Sign of Aries A favorable period for sowing seeds of parthenocarpic cucumbers grown on the window. Painting tomatoes, peppers, eggplants (the next sign - the calf is more favored by this). Expanding grain crops to obtain vitamin seedlings. The loosening of the Earth, as well as the breakdown of shoots. Possible landing of annual colors for seedlings. Cutting blanks for spring vaccination.
C March 02, 2017 10:42
on March 04, 2017 13:05
Growing Moon in Taurus Watering plants and making mineral fertilizers. A favorable time for soaking and sowing for seedlings of seeds of determinantal tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, Physalis, cabbage (early color and white-born, broccoli, Peking), spicy aromatic and medicinal crops. Sowing parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on the window. Transplanting in large capacity seedlings of intederminant tomatoes and tall varieties of pepper. It is possible to lad out a potato to germination. Spring garlic and bow-north are placed in a warm premises for warming up. Sowing seed flowers at seedlings, leaf salad on greens. The vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs.
From 04 March 2017 13:05
on March 06, 2017 15:54
Do not water the plants these days. Only "dry irrigation" of indoor plants is possible - loosening of the surface crust of the soil, the destructive capillaries that pull out moisture from the depth. Pricing seedlings are possible. Inspection of Georgy's tubers and clubnelluca gladiolus. A favorable period for landing, dividing and transplanting indoor flowers blooming in spring. The vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs.
C March 06, 2017 15:54
on March 08, 2017 19:45
Growing moon in cancer It is strictly forbidden to carry out trimming of trees and shrubs and a piece of indoor plants. Watering and making mineral fertilizers. A favorable period for sowing dederminant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, Physalis. A favorable time for soaking and planting cabbage seeds (early and middle-timed white and colored, broccoli, Kohlrabi and Beijing) to seedlings, spicy aromatic and medicinal crops, bush beans, parthenokarpic cucumbers for growing on the window. Favorable sowing of the Cress and Luke-Republic on the feather to heated greenhouses; Sowing the seedlings of Cherry Celery, Luke-Soon, onions. The vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs. Sowing seeds of annual colors (asters, velvets, Georgina, annual, Petunia, Zinnia, etc.) to seedlings.
From March 08, 2017 19:45
on March 11, 2017 01:07
Growing moon in a lion sign An unfavorable time on the lunar calendar for sowing seeds and transplants. Shelter greenhouses and greenhouses with a film for quick melting of snow and soil warming. A convenient time for loosening seedlings and work with the ground in a closed soil. Favorable "dry irrigation" of houseplants. The vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs.

March 9 (21.02 Art. Style) - Ivanov Day (Observing) "Kohl on the Snow Owned (fell), then to trample him until April (Spring will delay)"

From March 11, 2017 01:07
on March 11, 2017 17:02
Growing moon in the sign of the Virgin It is better to sow nothing but annual and perennial flower plants. Seaming previously seed colors. Planting dahlias to grow and get cuttings. A favorable time for planting spicy aromatic and medicinal crops, green. Musicians of chrysanthemums in the pots are transferred to the warm room and watered. On weather conditions, they gradually reveal roses from winter shelter. Transplant seedlings of tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, Physalis in large capacity. The vaccination of fruit trees. Teachers of tree trunks, spraying from pests and diseases. Flower transplant.
ATTENTION! It comes a fairly long period without favorable days for sowing on plant seedlings, the purpose of cultivation of which are "tops" - overhead fruits.
From March 11, 2017 17:02
on March 13, 2017 19:28
Full moon It is not recommended to sow nothing, plant, replant, trim. Preparation of soil soils and seedlings containers. There is a breaking of shoots, soil looser in planting tanks. Cleaning from snow of greenhouses and film greenhouses. Acquisition of fertilizers, stimulants, plant protection products from pests and diseases, seeds. Soil preparation for growing seedlings

March 12, 2017 17:53 MSK - Astronomical Full Moon (Middle Midth Month, Zodiac Signs: until March 13, 2017 8:28 Moon in the sign of the Virgin, then in the Sign Sign).
March 13 (28.02 Art. Style) - Vasily Warm (Dweller) "on the Protanes around the trees determine: steep edges - Spring friendly. If on Vasily Rain - to be wet fly

From March 13, 2017 19:28
on March 15, 2017 18:10
Descending moon in weight sign A favorable time for sowing Luke Chernushki and Luca-Sewage to seedlings. Sowing potatoes from seeds. Laying potatoes to germination. Picking of colors seedlings, tomato seedlings and peppers.

March 14 (01.03 Art. Style) - Evdokia (Avdota) Wereven "What Avdota is such and summer. On Evdokia Rain - to the wet fly"

From March 15, 2017 18:10
on March 18, 2017 06:00
Decreasing moon in the sign of scorpion In the spring, the sanitary trimming of trees and shrubs is prohibited in this sign. It is possible to soak cuttings of cultural grapes for subsequent rooting. Watering and extractive feeders organic fertilizers seedlings and room colors. Spraying plants growth stimulants. A favorable time for sowing on the seedlings of Luke-Chernushki and radish in heated greenhouses. Laying potatoes to germination.

March 15 (02.03 Art. Style) - Fedot Window "Fedot Angry - not to be with grass. (If bad weather, wind, then spring will delay)"

From March 18, 2017 06:00
on March 20, 2017 18:31
Decreasing moon in the sign of Sagittar Locking land, breaking shoots. Possible transplantation, picking and feeding seedlings. A favorable time for transplanting Lian. Fighting pests of fruit-berry shrubs. Forming trimming trees and shrubs. In those regions where snow is already coming, cleaning from the residues of the snow of greenhouses and film greenhouses and their shelter by their film. The shelter of the film is a variety of carrots, perennial onions and parsley of the second year, sorrel, rhubarb and other perennial vegetable crops.

March 18 (05.03 Art. Style) - Konon Ogorodnik "From this day began to prepare a garden for future landings. It was believed that the seeds of seeds can be seeded only after Conne of the gardener"

From March 20, 2017 18:31
on March 23, 2017 05:28
Descending moon in the sign of Capricorn A favorable time for sowing Luke Chernushki and Luca-Sewage to seedlings. Sowing potatoes from seeds. Laying potatoes to germination. Sowing root celery to seedlings. Picking of flower and vegetable seedlings in large capacities. Spraying seedlings of growth stimulants. Making fertilizers for fruit trees and berry shrubs. Forming trimming trees and shrubs. Favorable days for soaking cultural grapes for subsequent rooting. (The most favorable time from the point of view of the vegetative form of the plant: grapes is a fruitful bush.)

March 22 (09.03 Art. Style) - Soroki (forty fortifications) "On this day, bake of larks with" secrets "

From March 23, 2017 05:28
on March 25, 2017 13:06
Descending Moon in Aquarius Very unfavorable time for landing and sowing to seedlings. Preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Spade a variety of ashes, shelter by a dark film in order to accelerate the melting of snow, and in the subsequent soil warming on them. Sular breaking, spraying from pests and diseases, making organic fertilizers. On weather conditions, removal of shelters from trees, shrubs and perennial flower crops. Rejuvenating and forming trimming trees and shrubs.
From March 25, 2017 13:06
on March 27, 2017 06:15
Decreasing moon in fish sign It is not recommended to engage in trimming trees and shrubs. Watering and feeding seedlings with organic fertilizers, plants transplantation. Painting early radish is possible into heated greenhouses. A favorable time for picking seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, it is recommended to carry out the shores of cultural grapes at the same time at the end of the new moon.
From March 27, 2017 06:15
on March 29, 2017 07:03
New moon It is not recommended to sow nothing, plant, replant, trim. It is better to refrain from irrigation of indoor plants, seedlings and pastime greenery. Acquisition of seeds, fertilizers, stimulants, pest protection tools. Soil preparation for growing seedlings

March 28, 2017 05:56 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month, the signs of the zodiac - until March 27, 2017 17:10 Moon in the sign of the fish, then in the sign of the Aries.

From March 29, 2017 07:03
on March 29, 2017 18:48
Growing Moon in the Sign of Aries A favorable period for soaking and sowing seeds of parthenocarpic cucumbers for heated greenhouses. Picking of tomatoes, pepper, eggplant in large capacity. Sowing and planting plants with a short vegetation period (Cress Salad), as well as curly plants. The vaccination of fruit trees and shrubs.
From March 29, 2017 18:48
to March 31, 2017 19:40
Growing Moon in Taurus A favorable time for watering plants, making mineral fertilizers. Sowing on seedlings of determinant and super-conductor varieties of tomato; Early varieties of pepper, Physalis. A favorable time for sowing mesh cultures (zucchini, patissons, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc.) to seedlings, as well as picking tomatoes and peppers planted earlier. Treatment of Morozoboin, damage to mice and hares. Spring vaccination of fruit and decorative crops.
From March 31, 2017 19:40
march 31, 2017 23:59
Growing moon in the sign of the twins An unfavorable time for watering plants and seedlings. Locking land, breaking shoots. Depending on weather conditions, a possible time for dividing, landing and transplanting, feeding perennial flowers. Sowing seams, as well as dried flowers and decorative cereals. Planting dahlias in the container capacity. Conducting the vaccinations of fruit and decorative cultures.

To determine the local event of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours ... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Our life is a constant cycle process, which concerns all spheres, including plants. With the arrival of the first heat, gardeners and gardeners are in a hurry to work in work in order to collect the fruits of their efforts and get the desired benefits from it. However, it is not enough to choose good seeds, prepare land and plant culture on time, you also need to competently choose a landing day. The thing is that the moon phases are direct influence on the plant. So, for example, putting the gifts of nature in the full moon, you risk to stay without a crop, and if the result is on a growing moon - the result will justify your expectations.

New Moon and Full Moon

Pay attention to the fact that 2018 the fifth number of the moon will be in the first quarter. It is this time that is ideal in order to start work. It is believed that all plants planted on this day will delight generous harvest. As for the full moon, this month it expects us a twelfth number, fears, experiences and depression will increase. The last quarter of the moon will host the twentieth number, and on March 28 there will be a new moon.

Choosing favorable days

If you do not know when you start work, use our advice. So:

  • 3 number. Great time for planting plants. The moon will be in the Taurus.
  • 4 number. The moon is growing, in twins. Boldly plan any job.
  • 5 number. This is the perfect time for planting plants, not depending on their type. Paying this day to work on a garden, you will undoubtedly collect a rich harvest.
  • 19 number. Good day for land work. Pay attention not only to the gardens, but also indoor plants.

The best day for a culture landing

Selecting the landing day, also need to take into account the type of culture you want to plant. So, for example, the disembarkation of patissons, eggplants and zucchini is best to spend from March 13 to 15, and for trousers and turnips are excellent on 20-23 numbers, 25-26 numbers. Beans, beans and peas to plant in March are not recommended. For planting strawberries and strawberries will suit March 13-15, but for cabbage - 3-10.

Many gardeners are interested in the question when planting potatoes, because everyone wants to gather a generous harvest, which is enough for the whole winter. However, here you need to take into account the climatic conditions of your region. As for favorable days - this is March 20-25. But keep in mind by planting it, you must be sure that it will not freeze, otherwise your efforts will be in vain. Also for the winter we are harvested onions. Planting this culture is best of all 6-9 or 21-26 numbers. For carrots, highlight the day from 20 to 23 numbers. Cucumbers, melon, watermelon and corn in March are not recommended. The landing should be held since April. Also in March, sweet pepper can be put in the greenhouse. However, it is best to do it from 13 to 15 numbers. But for radishes and parsley, choose a date from 20 to 25. Seat tomatoes in special containers from March 13 to 15.

Generous harvest!