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When to plant onion sets: the timing of spring and winter planting. How to plant onion sets in the spring When you need to plant onions

The most common vegetable in the garden, of course, after potatoes, is onion of various varieties and types. From green feathers in early spring to large, succulent bulbs in the rest of the year, it delights us with its vitamin composition. In addition to its inherent nutritional properties, onions are indispensable in folk medicine, especially in the winter season with its period of colds viral infections. It is impossible to replace it with another product that has the same set of useful qualities.

When to plant onion sets in the ground

To obtain a good harvest of onions, it is necessary to scrupulously adhere to the agricultural technology of its cultivation. From the moment of sowing seeds to obtaining a full-fledged vegetable, it usually takes at least two years. In the first year, in the open ground, seed is grown from seeds, which are small onions no more than 3 cm in size.When they are planted the next year on a garden bed, a full-size product is obtained at the output.

Factors affecting the yield of onion sets

  • growing temperature;
  • onion planting site;
  • soil preparation.

Onions are frost-resistant plants. Adults are able to withstand frosts down to minus five degrees, and young seedlings give their first shoots at minus 1 degrees. Therefore, early sowing and late harvesting are not an obstacle to growing onions. The normal agrotechnical temperature range is 12-26 degrees. With an average growing season of three months, any onion variety fits into favorable temperature conditions.

Choosing a landing site, you need to give preference to sunny places, avoiding lowlands and shade. Sandy loam and loamy soils are ideal for good yields. Determining what kind of soil is on the planned site is quite simple. When digging up a bed, pay attention to how the soil sticks away from the tool blade:

Crop rotation is of great importance. It is not worth planting sevok in the same place for more than 3 years. Regularly alternating it with potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, you can create favorable conditions for its growth in the open field. If you plant it next to carrots, it will help. both of them fight the neighbor's pests.

The preparation of the soil for planting onions is carried out in the fall by applying ripe manure and mineral fertilizers to the site, followed by digging up the site with a shovel. Organic supplement options range from chopped up weed debris but no seeds to rotted compost heaps. A variant of the use of natural fertilizer based on peat - humate is possible. Of the mineral, it is preferable to use nitroammofoska, which has a complex of necessary elements for plant nutrition.

Fertilization in the fall in the ground is more preferable than adding directly under the plant during growth. The second option leads to an increase in the green mass, and not the turnip itself. In the spring, only seasonal soil replenishment is performed.

If the soil has increased acidity, then it is necessary to add components to it that reduce its level. These are ash, lime, chalk. But it should be borne in mind that the simultaneous introduction of these elements and organic fertilizers is unacceptable, since the result of their interaction leads to a decrease in the nitrogen content in the soil. If the processing still needs to be carried out, then it must be spaced in time for autumn and spring.

The time when you need to plant onion sets in the ground

There are no categorical requirements for the time when to plant onions. It can be planted both in spring and autumn. If you have to do this for the first time, then you should try both options and evaluate the result after harvesting.

It is possible to plant in spring only as the soil warms up. Having sorted the bulbs by size, preference should be given to smaller ones and planted early. Larger bulbs are planted later, preventing premature planting of the bulbs. If this is the first try growing sets, it is better for beginners to play it safe and choose medium-sized onions. So there will be at least some guarantee of a harvest. Before planting, the seed must be processed according to the following method:

If the seed has a weak root system, then it is advisable to treat it with growth stimulants. This will allow reaching 100% of onion germination..

In the fall, it is advisable to plant the smallest set, which runs the risk of not remaining until spring during storage. Being in a dry room and not having a sufficient supply of mass, it simply dries up and disappears until spring. Two weeks before the arrival of frost, the seedlings are planted in the ground, where it is located before the onset of heat. The storage conditions in the soil do not allow it to lose its nutrients during the winter, and the extended growing season contributes to an increased yield.

Sevka planting technology

Landing in previously prepared soil is carried out in rows with a distance of 25 cm between them. This is quite enough for performing various agrotechnical measures of weeding, loosening. Depending on the size of the bulb, the distance between them is chosen within 8-13 cm. The depth should be 2-3 cm. It is in this position that the roots of the plant will be in the moist soil layer. A shallower planting will lead to an active growth of the green mass to the detriment of the development of the root system. Greater depth will make it difficult for seedlings to germinate and move the ripening period. Non-compliance with the recommended parameters will inevitably affect the results in the fall.

Plant care

After the appearance of the first greenery, caring for the onion consists in weeding, watering and loosening the soil regularly. Periodically, it is necessary to water the infusion of mullein, fermented grass or poultry droppings. The concentration of these dressings is important, which should not exceed 1 liter of tincture per 10 liters of water. In case of non-observance of the proportions, there is a possibility of burning the plants with an increased content of fertilizers.

As the greens are lodging, you need to check the condition of the bulbs. If their roots begin to dry out, then you can start harvesting. Having dug up the onion, it must be dried well in the shade under a canopy until the tops and roots are completely dry. Folded in boxes, can be sent for storage.

It is quite possible to get a good harvest of onion sets. One has only to make some effort, spending the minimum amount of time growing an unpretentious vegetable.

Pre-winter is the time of cold nights, dead leaves and the first frost. And it's time to plant onions. When to plant winter onions and how - advice from an agronomist: terms, schemes and sowing rates.

To help the owner and farms, to the summer resident and the farmer: soil preparation, fertilization, mistakes and rules.

Why winter onions and why in autumn?

Onion sets are small bulbs that grow in the first year after sowing seeds. In fact, this is the seed of the first reproduction.

Despite the diameter of about 1 cm, the seedlings have great potential: early shoots, all the qualities of the parent material without losses.

Winter onion sets for planting, or how to grow a turnip from wild oats: the secrets of agronomists.

Planting onion sets in autumn is a guarantee of an early harvest, a powerful feather and a large turnip size. And also - the sevok is free from diseases, practically not damaged by pests.

Productivity of onion sets: 30-45 kg / m2 on irrigated areas, on dry land (without artificial irrigation) up to 20 kg / m2.

Winter onions are planted from sets in the fall for many reasons:

  • collection after lodging of feathers 1.5 earlier in comparison with planted in spring;
  • plantings are not damaged by pests at the height of summer;
  • early bunch of greens for sale and onions with trimmed feathers - in late April-May or early June, bulbs are suitable for picking in late May-June, early July, adjusted for the region;
  • onions from the set do not shoot;
  • productivity at the level of spring sowing.

Important: when planting a small set, an arrow does not form, planting a large one will end with shooting.

On timing: when to plant winter onions

Before persistent frosts, the onion should take root, but do not have time forgive me - the first frost will destroy the seedlings. When to plant winter onions - planting dates differ in different regions. The following factors will be decisive:

Planting dates for winter onions - guidelines:

  1. Planting times are from mid-September to mid-October, depending on the region.
  2. Temperature - up to stable +5 ° C.
  3. Before the onset of stable frost - up to 20-30 days.

So, in the Moscow region, winter onions are planted until November 15, in warm years, risk-loving gardeners - up to 20 numbers. At t below -15 ° C, and even more so in winters with little snow, it is desirable to shelter the plantings.
In the Urals, they are planted 2-3 weeks earlier: in mid-September to early October.

Important! Early planting reduces winter hardiness, late planting promotes shooting.

The deadline for the people is the Pokrova - October 14. Agronomists advise to plant inclusively in the second decade of the month, until October 20, depending on the year.

When to plant winter onions according to the lunar calendar

For those who respect the lunar calendar: the timing of planting winter onions according to the lunar calendar in the fall of 2018 is September 27-28. For those who did not have time, landing 6 or 7, as well as 25 calendar will be successful.

Those who like to be in time at the last moment will have to focus on November 2, 3, 22, 30 - and take risks: these deadlines are deadlines.

Preparation of planting material

The planting material can be soaked in a weak solution of manganese or any fungicide like Fundazole can be used. If the material is healthy during visual inspection, the event may not be carried out when planting at a summer cottage.

Preparing onion sets for planting before winter: calibration is a delicate matter.

In industrial production, the seedlings are heated at 40 ° C (24 hours) to prevent powdery mildew, as well as to prevent inhibition of the growth of rudimentary flower arrows.

Summer residents sort by hand, farms use winnowing sorting machines - SLS-7A, bulkhead tables SPL-6.

Planting material is popularly divided into the following categories:

  • wild oat - less than 1 cm in diameter;
  • sevok - diameter 1-3 cm;
  • sample - more than 3 cm.

Sampling is more often used for forcing a feather, because bow arrows. Smaller fractions are suitable for autumn planting for turnip.

In industrial areas, the calibration is different:

Bulb diameter for small breeding varieties:

  • Class I - 0.7-1.4 cm;
  • Class II - 1.5-2.2 cm;
  • III class - up to 3 cm.

For multi-cavity varieties- respectively 1.5-2.2 cm, 2.3-3 cm, 3.1-3.5 cm.

Important! At an earlier date, a sevok of a smaller fraction is planted. A large fraction of onion sets can be planted at a later date.

Preplant soil preparation

Or vice versa - crop failure. In short, consider the following points:

  • dry area, on which the snow melts first - the culture does not like stagnant water;
  • light soils with neutral pH;
  • in regions with a high level of snow, raised ridges are well suited: there is no risk of flooding, good heating;
  • predecessors - cereals, mustard, alfalfa, peas, beans, cabbage;
  • poor precursors, considering common pests, including nematodes - potatoes, beans, celery, alfalfa;
  • unlike garlic, onion loves fertile soil: its root system is superficial, located 1-2 to 25 cm from the soil surface.

On large areas, after harvesting the predecessors, they carry out disking, cleaning weeds, apply fertilizer for plowing, and cultivate. In summer cottages, fertilizers are applied for digging - at least 2 weeks before planting.

Soil preparation: this is important

For plowing or digging, sodium nitrate is applied, as the main fertilizer, calcium (ammonium) nitrate, phosphorus (100-150 kg / ha), potassium 200-250 kg / for two weeks before planting.

Here is such a wild oat: both onions and a turnip.

Superphosphate, ammonium phosphate are used as phosphorus fertilizers, potassium fertilizers are more often represented by potassium sulfate.

The share of nitrogen fertilizing in the fall should not exceed 20% of the total, the remaining 80% are applied in the spring.

In total, 75% of potash and 25% of phosphorus fertilizers are applied for the main pre-planting treatment.

These are the application rates for industrial plantings, a simple recipe is useful for giving: up to 15 g / m2 of potassium salt, 20-25 g / m2 of superphosphate. On poor soils, ash is applied at the rate of 10-15 g / m2. The introduction of humus, manure is appropriate for the predecessors.

Fertilizing before planting

Before winter planting, 1/3 of nitrogen is applied (up to 60 kg / ha), then in two doses of 60 kg / ha: in spring, at the beginning of the growing season, with a frequency of two weeks.

In the photo, planting winter onions.

For summer residents: the same 15-20 g / m2 of superphosphate, 10-15 g of potassium salt. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of the fourth leaf.

And no organic matter. Maximum - for previous crops or mulching with humus-granule. Why? Nitrogen is not conducive to good wintering. On the contrary, it postpones the rest period. But the main thing is that it gives active growth of the aboveground part to the detriment of the turnip. This means lush greenery on a feather and miniature turnips.

Distance and landing pattern

The general rule of thumb is to plant 1/2 of the diameter works for winter seeding too. The depth of the contact depends on the caliber.

Planting scheme for winter onions and sowing rates: note for the gardener and farmer.

The scheme for planting onions in a summer cottage: between rows up to 40 cm, between rows - on average 15 cm, or from 10 to 25 cm.

Distance in a row 4-10 cm depending on the size. The distance for class I is 3-4 cm, for class II - 5-6 cm.

The smallest specimens are destroyed at a distance of 3-4 cm, with a diameter closer to 10 cm - at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other.

How deep should winter onions be planted? The seeding depth depends on the size and region: in cold areas, the planting is deepened to a depth of 10 cm, in regions with a temperate climate - by 5-7 cm.

Important! The necks of the bulbs are not trimmed before planting to prevent decay.

To a depth of less than 3-4 cm, the seedlings are not buried. Firstly, it will freeze, and secondly, it will stick out in the spring: and this is an irregular shape, lack of food and watering.

Planting scheme and seeding rates in large areas

Sowing rates of onion sevka - 450-460 t / ha for the first order, 750-1000 kg / ha - II. The maximum consumption per hectare is 1500 kg, and depends on the size. When using a sample, the sowing rate is increased to 2000 kg / ha.

For gardeners, the consumption of onion sets per one hundred square meters is interesting. This is 550-800 g / 10 m2 (at a density of 456-650 plants per 10 m2 for seedlings of the 1st class, 800-1200 g / 10 m2 for the second group.

And if it's simpler, then a little more than 1 kg will be needed for 5 m2 of a garden. For a hundred square meters - twice as much - about 2-2.5 kg, or about 400-450 bulbs.

On industrial plantings for sowing with seeders of the type SLN-8A, SLS-12, a wide-row method is used - 45 cm between rows, a belt method - 50 + 20 (55 + 15, 60 + 10), a two-row belt method (60 + 40 + 40).

Planting onion sets before winter: how a turnip grew from wild oat

The planting process in the fall at a summer cottage is a simple matter, and it happens as follows.

Planting onion sets before winter: the field is not a mountain onion.

1. The cut furrows are sprinkled with a thin layer of sand (micro-drainage, fights moisture, does not allow rotting).
2. At a distance of 6-10 cm, the set is immersed in a horizontal position.
3. Cover with garden soil, do not water.

As for dressing, after planting, urea is introduced, a mineral complex without the dominant nitrogen.

On industrial areas, seeders SLN-8A, SLN-8B, SLS-12 are used for planting.

Planting is mulched only when stable frosts occur.

Industrial plantings are covered with agrofibre with a density of 17 g / m2 or 30 g / m2. This increases production costs, but eliminates the risk of losses. It is important not to miscalculate, and not to hide ahead of time - losses are inevitable.

Summer residents can use sprinkle humus mixed with sand on poor soils, straw, spruce branches, litter.

Peat, sawdust, shavings are not used as moisture-consuming materials that contribute to preheating and freezing after thaws, making it difficult to warm up the soil in spring. They also do not use organic matter: bulbous ones are not responsive to nitrogen fertilizers.

Spring onion care and harvesting

Caring for winter onions is different from caring for a spring planting crop.

Winter onion care: everything is simple, and not easy, like the four-row planting method.

  1. In the spring, the mulching layer is completely removed so that it does not interfere with germination, warming up the soil, and does not rot.
  2. To grow turnips, the crops are thinned out - however, when growing on a feather, thinning is necessary.
  3. Loose the aisles. During loosening, cultivation, sprinkling with soil is not permissible: the bulbs will not form well.
  4. Fertilizers. NPK complex, trace elements.
  5. Watering - as needed: the culture does not like waterlogging.

The permissible moisture content of the calculated moisture layer is 0-40 cm - within 70% HB.

In the spring of planting, it is important to thin out.

On industrial plantings, 7-8 irrigations are carried out with a frequency of 8-12 days, which equals 350-400 m3 / ha, at a summer cottage - as needed.

Advice! Watering is stopped before the lodging of the leaves begins.

As an intensive nutrition, spring fertilizing is carried out with microfertilizers - Master, Plantofol, etc. Considering that the preparations are not cheap, each farmer and summer resident decides the question of fertilizing in his own way: who brings ash, who brings micronutrient fertilizers at a lower price. The main thing is to be careful with nitrogen. Nitrogen is added during the second feeding using calcium nitrate.

Advice! Do not water the plantings with manure, do not introduce fermented chicken droppings.

First, it will produce abundant feathers and miniature bulbs. Secondly, it is not safe: these are bacteria, pests and helminths on greenery!

The onion is harvested at the time of softening the false stem, reaching the feather of 20-25 cm, or when lodging, staining the scales in the color inherent in the variety - yellow, yellow-orange. At industrial plantings, harvesting equipment is used - LKG1-4, LPK-1.8, Grimme onion diggers, etc.

With mechanized harvesting technology, the leaf is mowed with a KIR-1.5 B mower, after which it is laid in rolls by means of LKG-1.4 onion harvesters, etc.

After harvesting, the crop is dried in a placer in a well-ventilated place.

About varieties

For autumn planting, a variety and hybrids of a short (average daylight) are chosen, forming the so-called. bulbous thickenings with a day length of 12-14 hours.

When choosing a variety, attention is paid to whether the onion is suitable for winter planting, whether it is zoned for a specific region.

For Central Russia, the varieties Radar, Kip-Well, Ellan, Odintsovets, Shakespeare, Centurion, Strigunovsky, Stuttgarter Riesen, Arzamassky, Bessonovsky, Danilovsky are good.

In general, there are a lot of fruit sets suitable for planting onions in the fall. But - it will be a completely different story. In the meantime, let the feather be green, the turnip - large, and winter - snowy. Have a good harvest!

Not all novice summer residents know when to plant onion sets in open ground in order to see an enviable harvest of not only greens, but also heads. This is the name of the bulbs collected in the first year of their germination. They are then used as seeds for the production of onion heads or greens.

When to plant onion sets in open ground?

You can plant onion sets in open ground in spring and autumn on a feather or on a turnip. First, small onions are rooted and they are seated again next year. Before disembarking, the heads must be sorted, selected:

  1. The smallest ones are up to 1 cm, they are rooted early, such bulbs are not able to form an arrow.
  2. Later, the best onion sets are planted with a size of 1-2 cm.
  3. Sevok larger than 2 cm is grown to obtain greens per feather. For the most part, massive bulbs give out an arrow, and a high-quality dense turnip is not formed from them.

Planting dates for onion sets:

  1. The backlog is planned for the middle spring. Onion sets are often sown in late April - early May. The main thing is that the earth at this time was heated 10 cm down. Onions up to 1 cm in size are always planted first, after 1-2 weeks more massive heads are rooted.
  2. It is recommended to plant onion sets in the fall. This should be done 30 days before the cold snaps, so that the soil is still warm. It is important to know when to plant onion sets in the fall in open ground. Having reinsured and sowing it early, it is likely to see green arrows even before frost, and the onion will die from frost. Embedding too late in open ground is also bad. The root system will not have time to develop and the seedling will freeze.

When to buy onion sets for planting?

It is important to understand when it is better to buy onion sets for planting, so as not to keep them in the net for a long time. When the temperature during storage changes randomly, the heads can go into the arrow. The sale of the sevka starts in February, with such a purchase it is important to pay attention that the sevka is not frozen. The peak of onion sales is in March, when you can find the whole range of onions. It is best to buy a set in April - then you will not have to keep it in the house for a long time and with less losses. Keep the heads until immersed in open ground in a ventilated mesh and with heat deviations of no more than 1-2 ° C.

Soil temperature for planting onion sets

It is unfavorable to delay sowing onions, as well as sowing them in not yet warmed-up soil. A suitable temperature regime is a fundamental component of planting sevka, it depends on it whether it will give a strong turnip or frail arrows. It is important that the heat is:

  1. About + 20 ° С when keeping onions with a warm storage option and -2 ° С - 4 ° С - when cold.
  2. About + 40 ° C before planting - for this, the seedlings must be held in the sun or even soaked in heated water.
  3. From + 10 ° С to + 15 ° С there should be a soil temperature for planting onion sets in spring in open ground. If it is slightly higher, in the region of + 20 ° С, the feathers will germinate more likely, but they will not be so juicy and will probably become bitter. With cooler indicators, the harvest may not be seen at all.

When to get onion sets from the refrigerator?

Sometimes gardeners store onion sets in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. It is double wrapped - first in a paper bag made of highly absorbent paper, which is also placed in a perforated film bag. The paper packaging will have to be changed periodically so that the bulbs do not fog up. It is advisable to adapt canvas bags for storage, the main thing is that the container provides the heads with excellent air circulation.

Before using the cold storage option for onions, it must be warmed up for 14 days at a temperature of + 32-36 ° С. When the springtime comes and the time of planting is approaching, 2 weeks before touching the open ground, the seedlings are taken out of the refrigerator and heated at the same temperature. Only then will the raw materials be prepared for sowing on the site.

When to plant onion sets according to the lunar calendar?

When it is better to plant onion sets in open ground this year will tell you. He will help you to correctly plan work in accordance with the position of the celestial month and the signs of the zodiac and see a decent harvest. Planting onion sets in the spring according to the lunar calendar - favorable days:

  • in February 18, 21 - 26;
  • in March 1, 3 - 5, 20 - 21, 24 - 26, 29;
  • in April 1, 18, 21 - 22, 25 - 29;
  • in May 18 - 19, 22 - 28.

The timing of planting onion sets on a turnip

Large turnips grow from small bulbs, and sowing material more than 2 cm in size always shoots arrows - it is used on. The smallest set on a turnip is best planted before winter, because it can dry out during the winter. The best period for disembarkation is from late October to early November (30 days before stable cold weather). You can focus on an external thermometer: when the temperature has dropped to + 5 ° C and does not rise for several days, it is time to plant onions.

It is not too late to do this in early spring - it is rooted very first. The timing of planting onion sets on a turnip in spring depends on the weather. The procedure is carried out when the ground warms up and the risk of recurrent frosts disappears. When focusing on the clues of nature, the time of the groundwork is established by the flowering of crocuses and bird cherry. Dates of planting sevka on a turnip:

  1. In the south - the end of March - the beginning of April.
  2. In the Volga region - from late April to early May.
  3. In the middle lane - in May throughout the month.
  4. In the Urals and Siberia - in late May - early June.

Dear friends, the spring sun in May warms more and more confidently, which means that it's time to plant onions. We hope that you have already prepared the onion sets.

This is the name of a one-year-old onion grown from seeds (nigella) and representing a small onion.

Sevok can be grown independently from seed or purchased at garden centers and shops.

How to choose a set

It is important to choose the right quality planting material. Bulbs should not be shriveled, already sprouted. In this case, the supply of their nutrients has already gone to the feather, and a good turnip will not work.

Also inspect them for damage and rot, this is important because a good onion head will not turn out from such a set, it will be susceptible to disease, it will grow poorly, or it may even rot.

The principle applies here: quality is more important than cheapness. It is better to purchase a good planting material than a discounted one that does not meet these criteria.

Good set, small in size, dense, with a shiny smooth, solid and tight husk.

When to plant onion sets in open ground

The most popular month for planting onions is May. Specific dates depend on your climate zone. In central Russia, onions can be planted throughout May, as long as the spring soil moisture remains, which the onion respects very much.

When planting onions, it is not even the date that is more important, but the weather conditions and soil temperature. There is no need to rush to land if the weather is cold and wet. You need to wait for warm days when the soil warms up to at least 15-20 degrees Celsius.

If you hurry and plant the bow in the cold ground, then it will not lead to anything good. Although the onion tolerates frost and cold well enough, its character deteriorates because of this. He will certainly take revenge on you and, instead of a good turnip and greenery, will grow you flower arrows.

Therefore, it is better to wait for stable warm weather without rain than to be left without a crop. Pay attention not only to the lunar calendar as the ultimate truth, but also to the weather forecast, it will be more accurate.

What to do to prevent the bow from going into the arrow

Even before planting, it is important to know why the sevok goes into the peduncle and how to avoid it.

The reason that the bow is shooting is the wrong storage temperature of the planting material, lack of adaptation before planting, violation of the rules of care.

Let's explain in more detail: onion sets must be stored at above-zero temperatures, because it is the cold that provokes the onion to create arrows. This is a signal to start a self-preservation program and sooner give offspring. Therefore, as soon as you plant such a seed, it will begin to give out flower stalks in order to give seeds faster.

The key to a large and strong onion turnip is storage in a comfortable environment without cold stress.

But what if you bought onion sets in a store, and you have no idea how it was stored? No problem. Purchased onions need to arrange an adaptation period.

To do this, for two weeks after the purchase, we keep the onion near the battery or in another warm place. And then we store before planting only at room temperature and in the dark, so that it does not start to germinate ahead of time.

If there is no time to warm up the battery or the heating has already been turned off, then you can proceed as follows: arrange a warm bath on the bow. Put the onion in a bowl of warm water (40-45) degrees and leave for 8 hours, periodically adding warm water. Then we take out the heads, dry it thoroughly and store it at room temperature until planting.

For planting on turnips, choose medium-sized heads, because large ones are more prone to shooting and are best planted on greenery. Do not plant in cold ground. For the same reason, cold watering should be avoided.

Processing and soaking onions before planting

First of all, when preparing the set for planting, you need to carefully sort it out. Equip yourself with multiple sorting containers.

It is necessary to discard all damaged and small specimens, leaving medium-sized onions for planting on the head. Large bulbs, small and even sprouted ones, are suitable for greens. But we throw away empty, wrinkled, missing ones.

Next, carefully cut off each dry tail at the crown with scissors. This simple operation will help them germinate faster and better. Well, you need to be afraid that an infection will get into the cut, because the sevok will be treated from diseases before planting.

Should onions soak before planting? And what is the best way to do it? Let's figure it out.

To feed the bulb so that it grows large, it is recommended to dilute the complex fertilizer in water (40-45 degrees) and soak the onion there overnight. When the sevok is saturated with usefulness, you can proceed to its protective processing and planting.

Most popular recipes:

  • Soaking onions in potassium permanganate. We make a strong dark pink solution of potassium permanganate and soak the bulbs in it for 2-3 hours. After that, they will need to be rinsed under running water so that the concentrated potassium permanganate does not damage future young roots. Potassium permanganate prevents fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • Soaking the onions in a saline solution. 1 tbsp. Dissolve 1 liter of salt in one liter of water, immerse the bulbs in it for 2-3 hours. Salt also prevents rotting and disease.
  • Soaking in copper sulphate. 1 tsp of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water, for 10-15 minutes. Copper sulfate disinfects seedlings and protects them from diseases.

Processing onions before planting with salt, potassium permanganate and ash

For a three-liter jar of warm (60 degrees) water we take 2 tbsp. l with a slide of salt + dark pink solution of potassium permanganate + 2 tbsp. l of wood ash. Soak for 2 hours.

Treatment of onions before planting from pests with birch tar

The most nasty onion pest is, of course, the onion fly. Fortunately for us, she cannot stand the smell of birch tar. And if you want to protect your crops, then it would be useful to soak the onion in a solution as well: 1 tbsp. l. tar in a liter of water for 10-15 minutes.

With the same solution, you can additionally spill plantings during the growing season.

Onion planting and care in the open field

As we know, onions cannot be planted in the same place where the onion garden was also located last year. The likelihood of disease in this case greatly increases, and such plantings should be avoided.

Choose a place where tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, legumes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage were previously planted. The earth after them retains its nutritional value, and this is necessary for the onion to grow a good turnip. Onions and carrots have good neighborly relations, they scare off each other's pests, so you can plant them side by side.

He also prefers that the soil is not heavy, loose and nutritious. Places like light, with good drainage, without moisture stagnation.

It is better to prepare the future onion bed in advance in the fall, loosen the soil well and add humus and compost. In the spring, one to two weeks before planting, we loosen the soil and spill it with organic humic fertilizers. Will do.

Planting onions on a turnip (on a head)

We prepare grooves with a depth of about 8-10 cm.The distance between them is at least 15 cm.

We spill them with a disinfection solution. You can use both powder (1 tsp per 10 l of water) and paste (1 tbsp of diluted paste per 10 l of water).

We plant our seedlings in the spilled grooves at a distance of 10 cm from each other. We put him on what is called "on the shoulders", i.e. not only to cover the roots, but much deeper. This is necessary so that the bulb has good contact with the soil and does not dangle, because it will not have roots soon.

Sprinkle wood ash on top as fertilizer and disinfection. And we fill the grooves with earth.

Planting onions on greens (on a feather)

When we do not have a goal to grow a turnip, but we only want greenery, then to save space, we suggest you use bridge planting.

This is when the bulbs are planted one to one very tightly and not very deep. In this case, planting in open ground is not necessary, you can use a container with earth. Or select a small spot in the garden.

Mixed feather and head fit at the same time

When we don't have a lot of space, but you want to grow good onions and eat greens, then this method will come in handy. We make grooves as usual, but we plant the sevok in them in a checkerboard pattern and quite often.

With such a goal that some of these seedlings will grow into a turnip, and some can be pulled as they grow, not greens and consumed fresh.

Otherwise, the steps are the same as in the classic turnip planting (see above).

Onion care

When we have organized a good bed, in a lighted place, with nutritious loose soil, we only have to weed it in time so that the weeds do not interfere with the growth of the crop. Watering is carried out after planting once a week.

Also, onions need frequent loosening of the soil (between rows and between plantings, especially after rain, so that the earth does not turn into a crust) and top dressing.

At the end of May, it is necessary to feed him with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, in mid-June - he already needs potassium fertilizers and ammonium nitrate. For those who prefer to do without chemicals, green fertilizers from weeds and nettles, vermicompost and ash are suitable.

Fertilizing with ammonia is also effective: 2 tbsp. 1 liter of ammonia dissolve in 10 liters of water, watered with such a product should be on wet ground, and not on dry ground. Therefore, we pre-moisten the beds. The ammonia will drive away pests and nourish your plantings with the necessary nitrogen.

We do this feeding with trids with an interval of 10 days. And you will forget about the yellowing of the onion feather, and the onion fly will not stick its nose on your beds.

So dear friends, there is nothing difficult in growing onions, you will definitely succeed.

How to treat onion flies