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11 Moon day in April. Magic numbers

For the adoption of complex and contradictory solutions, you can use different ways: rely on the case, throw a coin, draw up the lists "for" and "against". But even after that you will need a council when you begin to implement the conceived. You can help the lunar calendar for April 2017, which indicates favorable days For a variety of activity: meetings with colleagues and friends, romantic dates, learning or sports. He can become a versatile response to a daily question: "What do I do today?".

Lunar calendar for April 2017

When the lunar calendars are taken into account several variables, the main of which moon day, Phase moon and zodiac sign .. But not even knowing what kind of lunar day today and in what sign the Earth satellite, you can navigate just looking at the sky. Since the advice will tell you the Phase of the Moon:

  • New Moon (April 26 at 15:16) - Do not take active actions on this day. Try to dedicate from everything and focus on our desires and dreams. It is too early for you to build clear plans, but about submitting your goal - it would be very by the way. Try to be guided by your desires, and not the social stereotypes and norms of society.
  • First quarter (April 1 at 09:36) - Prepare a sheet and pencil, you should record your ideas and plans for the future moon month. Try as you can write your way to the intended goal, so you will be easier to advance. Write down the theses, main thoughts or even thoughts about this. You can adjust them, the main thing is that it was that.
  • The second quarter - you can implement your plans to life. Try to choose the most suitable day for your classes. Although in principle during this period you can do anything. Just do not expect an instant result, the time for harvesting has not yet come. Now well lay the foundation good relationships, Work on the perspective.
  • Full moon (April 11 at 09:08) - Stop and translate the Spirit. The previous period you managed to actively work, and now the time to bring a temporary result and analyze actions. Perhaps you made a mistake somewhere, or got down from the right road. Try to consider various options Development of events from this position and adjust your plans.
  • Third quarter - try to act carefully. New beginnings set aside on next month, And applying ideas to already existing projects, since until the next period they may not be so interesting and relevant. It's time for you to complete your plan or bring to the logical end what you started earlier. The main thing is not to rush the events and be on the check.
  • Last quarter (April 22, from 04:52) - a fairly ambiguous period. You will experience fatigue from constant stress and active work earlier. You will be very difficult to make business relationships and conversations with partners, but only if you have not conducted a good pre-work. This is the harvest time, do not be discouraged if something failed. It is better to remove the lesson from this.

The main complexity of the preparation and use of such a calendar is the inconsistency of the day over the solar and lunar cycle. Strictly speaking, in the lunar month 29.5 days. And not all of them are equal to the usual twenty-four hours. This means that some days can be more, some less, and some and not at all come. And only researchers know exactly how to record the right data in the lunar calendar April 2017. And only on the basis of this information is given the characteristic of the day: a favorable day as a whole, for which it will suit, and from what to refuse.

This principle built a variety of calendars for the whole year, including. Possessing sufficient supervisory and knowledge, you can and make up a description of the days and make decisions based on this. But if you do not seek this, use ready-made templates.

Lunar calendar April 2017: Favorable days

As a rule, in the calendar of the lunar cycles, it is indicated when the lunar days begin and end. It is necessary to know in order to make a complete and proper characteristic The day, as well as determine whether it really is favorable and what is suitable for most. It is logical that the sunrise of the moon does not coincide with the sunrise. This means that several lunar days can change during the daylight day. Accordingly, you need to change your behavior tactics, along with the turn of the Earth's satellite.

Most conveniently use the lunar calendar for April 2017 in the table, as it already includes basic data and a short characteristic of each day. You visually see what moon day and when the phase and the zodiac sign are coming in which the moon is. Thanks to the knowledge of which the influence on you on this day, you can plan your day and is more likely to achieve success.

Day of the week Moon day Moon phase Zodiac sign
April 1 5 lunar days (until 09:36)

6 lunar days

First quarter Twins
Characteristic of the day: Today you will be in impact. The universe itself is on your side, so you can safely take for any business. Especially successful will be new acquaintances, important both for work and for personal life. Today you can also suddenly realize that they are moving not in the direction or chose a complex path and is easier, or effective. Listen to intuition, she will not let you down.


6 lunar days (up to 10:20)

7 lunar days

First quarter Twins
Characteristic of the day: Direct your energy in the right direction. You will be full of new ideas, inspired on a feat, no less, but do not be sprayed at a hundred times right away. Do something one, but large-scale and important, large. You will need your entire concentration to keep yourself within, but it is worth it. Also do not allow the negative today: neither in thoughts or words. Everything you say today is necessarily materialized later.


7 lunar days (until 11:14)

8 lunar days

First quarter Cancer
Characteristic of the day: today will be very busy day. All the long-forgotten problems you will suddenly be felt: Family Dribi, Health Problems, an unexpected return of friends to your life. You will have to find a balance between work affairs and personal, since choosing something one will not work. Try to keep your equilibrium and not leaving yourself, the scandals will definitely not help you today.
8 lunar days (until 12:16)

9 lunar days

Two quarter Cancer
Characteristic of the day: If you have such an opportunity, spend this day alone or silence. You will be irritable and are inflicted since the morning and in the afternoon everything will be wary. Do not quarrel, do not rude and not a scandal with relatives - it will be very difficult for you to pick up, and the words spoke will forever in my heart forever. FROM unfamiliar people In general, it is worth avoiding any meetings, conversations and all the more quarrels. I will harm yourself the enemy.
9 lunar days (until 13:25)

10 lunar days

Two quarter Cancer
Characteristic of the day: But today you will again smile and radiant, though you will only lose myself with yourself the shackles of the day yesterday, but even enough for it to establish your affairs. It is not worth starting to start today and it is generally desirable to spend the day, as usual - routine and without excesses, maybe even in the family circle. You will be good to communicate with the opposite sex, but it is not desirable to tie novels today. There will be nothing worthwhile from this.
10 lunar days (until 14:36)

11 lunar days

Two quarter a lion
Characteristic of the day: the first half of the day is to be held in preparation: to important meetings and conversations, dates and family dinners. Success awaits you when complying with two conditions: you will be really ready (therefore, learning material for the exam will still have to), and your thoughts will be clean. So, if you have conceived a deception or keep not too honest game - send it away to the side, you will definitely fall. But really important things for you are being implemented successfully if you are coming by honor.
11 lunar days (until 15:50)

12 lunar days

Two quarter a lion
Characteristic of the day: Today is the day of spiritual growth and rethinking itself in this world. No matter how strange it sounded, but you should think about your soul, destination and correctness of your choice. If you do against your internal installationsYou are not true. Try to imagine the development of events if you go on anyway. Also review your priorities, perhaps they are erroneous or you knocked down from the course. Today there will be a serious revaluation of values.
12 lunar days (until 17:02)

13 lunar days

Two quarter Virgo
Characteristic of the day: Very active day, spend it in big company - With friends or colleagues. In general, this is a day of social activity, so pleasure or charitable events will be very successful and successful. Do not let yourself relax today, any minute of idle or tannies will lead to the fact that you will quickly lose focus and shift in apathy. Better to schedule for today as much as possible, your fatigue will pay off at the end of the day with a feeling of deep satisfaction from the performed.


13 lunar days (until 18:14)

14 lunar days

Two quarter Virgo
Characteristic of the day: Consider that you have reached a second breath. The main thing beating out of you energy to send to a peaceful direction. Continue actively spending time in noisy companies, and communicate with a variety of people. The more contacts and new acquaintances you will be heading today, the better the energy of the day has to confidence and pleasant conversations. Just do not seek immediately translate all the business beds. Today it is better to show their universal qualities - it will play your reputation on the hand in the future.


14 lunar days (until 19:25)

15 lunar days

Two quarter Libra
Characteristic of the day: Drop the petties and imperidity. Today you can (and even have) to commit the most important step In your plan. The most difficult thing you have conceived is best to implement today, since the most powerful positive energy of the day will be your best assistant. It is important that this was something really important, and not a small task with which you are able to cope on your own. Remember - the universe helps only once.
15 lunar days (until 20:34)

16 lunar days

Full moon at 09:08. Libra
Characteristic of the day: Today you need to be careful with words and promises. You can overestimate your strength and therefore offer more than in the end you can give or do. The energy of the day is rather heavy, so you will be so hard for work. However, in communication will also be felt some tension. But you may have some kind of little idea - remember it. Also analyze the past period, it is possible to make adjustments to your plans.
16 lunar days (21:43)

17 lunar days

Third quarter Libra
Characteristic of the day: although on the lunar tradition this day and it is customary to count the day of rest from the previous period and it is recommended to gain strength to the following accomplishments, you should think about what you do and how to achieve your goal. You need to fully realize all the responsibility for yourself and your actions: it all depends on you, and then you will be filled new energy. If you will look for guilt in your troubles, you will be waiting for emptying, grazing and apathy.
17 Moon Days (until 22:49)

18 Moon day

Third quarter Scorpio
Characteristic of the day: the day as a whole is very positive and favorable, but it is completely inappropriate for work. Plan a week so that nothing important to it falls out, you can not concentrate on important and key momentsRisk even to make mistakes. This is a day of rest and relaxation, spend it with friends or family. If it fails to cancel the work, go in the evening for a walk or in the movies, you need a charge of positive emotions.
18 Moon Days (until 23:53)

19 lunar days

Third quarter Scorpio
Characteristic of the day: in a mystical tradition symbol of the day - mirror. This means that everything you hear today is a reflection of your actions, defects or virtues. Saying words will be true, regardless of whether you were told or bad. Also with actions: if someone made you good - you returned your good, and if some nastyness or meanness happened - it means that you did it with someone in the past. Use this day to analyze your actions and make a lesson from this.
19 lunar days (all day) Third quarter Sagittarius
Characteristic of the day: Today you can try to find a sponsor or patron, enlist the support of the higher guidance. But it is necessary to do it in the first half of the day, when the energy of the day is not so thick and dark. Day heavy and dangerous, as it will be difficult for you to find mutual language With people and not express their opinions about their actions. You will be irritable and even a little aggressive by the end of the day, so it's better to read it even after dinner and limit contacts.


19 lunar days (until 00:53)

20 lunar days

Third quarter Sagittarius
Characteristic of the day: After a difficult previous day, you will feel the extraordinary ease of both physical and moral. Do not be deceived by this feeling and do not abuse the kindness of others. Your task today is to solve the main problem or a barrier that does not allow you to goal. It is now that you will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat bothers you and how to overcome it. Look at the situation as a whole, not passages and pieces of puzzle, but as if on a complete picture - it will help you make a right decision.


20 lunar days (until 01:48)

21 lunar days

22 lunar days

Third quarter Capricorn
Characteristic of the day: Try to spend today actively, but not starting anything new. It is important to continue your affairs and bring them to a logical completion or to advance. Today you can find a solution to the problem that has not previously seen or get unexpected help in your work. The evening is also not desirable to spend lying on the sofa. Go for a walk, jogging or gym knew - use the energy of the day to the maximum.
22 lunar days (until 03:19)

23 lunar days

Third quarter Capricorn
Characteristic of the day: Do not plan to today important negotiations or meetings, you risk turning it into a dispute or scandal, which for a long time will drop you back on your way to goal. All day you will feel the pressure from the surrounding and bosses. Do not worry, on the contrary, make every effort to possess all the hundred and even two hundred percent. Praise you will not wait, but you will be satisfied with the result of your works.
23 lunar days (until 03:55)

24 lunar days

Last quarter Aquarius
Characteristic of the day: Today, success is waiting for those who dedicated themselves to creativity. Be sure you will be appreciated and your efforts will be popular. Assign the exhibitions and reviews of your work on this day. Also, if you work in any other sphere, some creativity and creation will help you get praise and award for efforts. Dedote the day of the hobby or any handmade, the tide of spiritual strength will raise you mood and task the desired vector on the day of tomorrow.
24 lunar days (until 04:25)

25 lunar days

Last quarter Aquarius
Characteristic of the day: listen to yourself and intuition today. If something is disturbed by something, for example, did you turn off the iron, leaving the house, and did not allow the error in the work - it is better to check. As a rule, your suspicions will not be groundless. You can feel easy physical indisposition, apathy or even catch cold. Do not hurry to take medicine. Give the body yourself to cope with the problem, however, for this you have to relax a little, putting off all things.
25 lunar days (until 04:52)

26 lunar days

Last quarter Fish
Characteristic of the day: You will fuss all day and eventually do nothing worthwhile and important, and very little of the planned. Therefore, in order not to be upset once again, leave for today as few times as possible, try to spend the day in solitude or do business that do not depend on the results of the other. New beginnings today are contraindicated, and solutions of urgent tasks will be unsuccessful at all. Refrain also from a sharp criticism of colleagues and loved ones, you have no quarrel.


26 lunar days (up to 05:17)

27 Moonday

Last quarter Fish
Characteristic of the day: You need to focus on the solution of the solar problems: Look at them from a different angle, try extraordinary ways. It is also important to pay time to yourself and your mental throwers. If you are tormented by doubts about something, having having a final decision, you may receive advice from a third-party observer. Also expect good news from friends or colleagues, you will come to help those from whom you did not expect this at all.


27 lunar days (up to 05:40)

28 lunar days

Last quarter Fish
Characteristic of the day: the energy of the day is bright, but he will be successful only for those who have not previously performed negative actions. You will be easy to communicate with friends and colleagues, you will be pleasantly surprised by the appearance of parters and sponsors, but everything will end well only if you yourself entered the same vein during the lunar period. Do not overvolt, it threatens you with health problems, try to spend this time with benefit, and not to harm.
28 lunar days (until 06:03)

29 Moonday

Last quarter Aries
Characteristic of the day: Today the final day of the lunar cycle, and therefore the day will be full of events and tension. You will be desirable for this day to complete your affairs or at least to bring them to the time where you can interrupt and pause. You will be annoyed, evil and even aggressive in relation to others, as you will be difficult to perceive advice and criticism - you will be engaged in bringing your affairs to normal. The main thing is not to break down on those around your mistakes, remember - everything you have, the result of your work.
29 lunar days (until 16:19)

1 lunar days

New Moon at 15:16. Aries
Characteristic of the day: the day when you need to postpone all things and just think. One cycle has already completed and you need to plan the following. Imagine - visualize, - as you will work on a new project, invite a new acquaintance on a date, or continue to execute your previous plan, but with new adjustments. Now you are exhausted after the ending month and you need to gain strength, relax at least a bit.
1 lunar day (until 06:56)

2 lunar days

First quarter calf
Characteristic of the day: a great day for new affairs and start a large and large-scale project. If you wait for the moment to take the first step - this is just he. It is important not to doubt yourself and believe with your strength. From how strong you will start a business will depend on and its success, and the end. Also, you should not pass doubt and affairs of your loved ones and colleagues, support them support and full assistance, the main thing, not to the detriment of your project, if you do something yourself.
2 lunar days (07:30)

3 lunar days

First quarter calf
Characteristic of the day: in the morning you will seem that you have hurried, accepted the hasty decision and the project began too early, but in the afternoon, confidence will fill you and faith to place the wings again. You may see unusual solution Or a new way to goal - take advantage of this insight, correct your plans. Today you will see the first results of their works. Consider if something goes wrong, you can still fix it. And you do not need extra rapid activities, too much fuss will also be harmful.
3 lunar days (up to 08:11)

4 lunar days

First quarter Twins
Characteristic of the day: the day will be somewhat chaotic and contradictory. You should think about whether you are right away. The first fruits of work will be very noticeable, and you can make changes to plans or even change the goal. But only in the first half of the day, when you still be able to take criticism and opinions around. By evening, your good mood comes to no and it will be quite difficult for you to communicate with others.


4 lunar days (until 09:03)

5 lunar days

First quarter Twins
Characteristic of the day: Today you need to be very careful in affairs: do not lose vigilance, you can deceive, follow things - the risk of theft. Also try not to annoyance and not to take over the aggression on other people, you will feel the weakness of insecurity, and therefore doubts will make you reconsider your intentions and actions several times. But all the negative actions committed today will follow immediate punishment, remember this.

First of all, on this page, the lunar calendar for April 2017 will help you find out which moon days Culmination phenomena associated with Moon this month will occur - new Moon and Full MoonAs well as what dates will become the most favorable, as the zodiacal circle will affect the flow of vitality and at what favorable days and dates should be planned especially important events in their lives, and what is worth avoiding serious decisions.

Phases of the Moon in April 2017 - phase calendar

For the entire lunar month there are several basic transformations of the very closest to the Earth of the Heavenly Body - the Moon. The main of these transformations are responsible for shifting lunar phases - Cycles that are directly related and interact with all alive creatures on the planet.

In this way, phases of the Moon in April 2017 will be built in this way:

April 3 (PN) - the first moonful quarter. The time of beginnings and the opening of new abilities. An excellent period to search for previously not the hidden potentials.

April 19 (Wed) - the last quarter. The lunar period in which it is best to sum up and stop thinking about global accomplishments, tuning on vacation.

New Moon and Full Moon

April 11 (W) - full moon. On this day, all the vital processes are gaining strength. In addition to the strong tide of concentration and energy, there is a strengthening of all both positive and negative phenomena: the pulse, heartbeat, etc. is expected.

April 26 (Wed) - New Moon. Today it is best to produce cleansing procedures for both the body and reason.

Lunar calendar for April 2017 (Table)

Favorable lunar days in April 2017

1st and 2nd April (Sat, Sun) - a growing moon in twins and cancer. Dedote these favorable days to those tasks that require special concentration and energy investment. These two days - the most impulsive period for the whole month - will help to make a high-quality and serious breakthrough in any, even responsible.

12th and 13th April (Wed, Thu) - a decreasing moon in Scorpio (see). Boldly get over the most bold projects and try the forces in those questions that you used to do not seem to the teeth. These days will fill you with decisiveness and confidence in our own forces.

The 18th of April (W) is a decreasing moon in Capricorn. Today it is not worth building global plans and talk less with representatives of state structures. But on this lunar day, it will become excellent idea Get together in a circle of family or friends to relax and have fun.

20th April (Thu) - a decreasing moon in aquare. Do not climb on the rags with your ideas to bosses. Today, a great time to conclude real estate transactions.

26th and 27th of April (Wed, Thu) - a new and growing moon in Taurus respectively. These favorable days are best solved property issues. Do not forget about health - arrange a unloading day or just divert your menu more useful products.

Of course, the influence of the Moon on all we are indisputable. In the growing moon, people often experience a tide, willingness to solve any task and cope with any situation. During the descending Moon, on the contrary, we feel the decline of the forces, the desire to quit all things halfway. In full moon, the effect of a bright snow-white disc is especially large.

In this regard, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar, to find out when it is growing when the decreasing moon, accurate dates of the new moon and Full moon in April 2017. Taking into account the knowledge gained, you can easier to adapt under the phases of the capricious moon.

Moon Cycle in April 2017

  • 1 - 2 April 2017 - the growing phase of the Moon;
  • April 3, 2017 - the first quarter;
  • 4 - 10 April 2017 - continuation of the growing phase of the Moon;
  • April 11, 2017 - full moon;
  • April 12 - 18, 2017 - the transition of the moon to the decreasing phase;
  • April 19, 2017 - Third quarter;
  • April 20 - 25, 2017 - the continuation of the decreasing phase of the Moon;
  • April 26, 2017 - New Moon;
  • April 27 - 30, 2017 - the transition of the moon to the growing.

April 1, 2017 (5, 6 lunar day) is a very suitable day for planning, meetings with friends and meetings with colleagues. The procedures for rejuvenation will benefit the body. Haircuts and other experiments with hairstyles better postpone.

April 2, 2017 (6, 7 lunar day) - today you need to carefully follow your actions and words, otherwise accumulated for a long time The negative may pour over others. In clothes it is worth sticking to bright shades and light air fabrics.

April 3, 2017 (7, 8 lunar day) - the lunar calendar indicates a period for universal reconciliation and forgiveness of the offense. Also on April 3, 2017 - a good day for planning and active activities. Perfect time for haircuts and cardinal shifts. However, we wash the chemical curling.

April 4, 2017 (8, 9 lunar day) - the day is great for active pastime on fresh air. A favorable period for starting traveling and long-distance travel. Attention is required to their health: risk of cardiac and vascular diseases, seasonal colds. Heels need to be replaced with a thin sole.

April 5, 2017 (9, 10 lunar day) - the grace period for the start of repair. Domestic affairs on this day are crowned with success. Good time For cosmetic procedures, shopping, haircuts and staining.

April 6, 2017 (10, 11 lunar day) - all the cases started earlier require completion. An unfavorable day for any undertakings. S. securities And important documents are better transferring to another time. Hiking to the hairdresser, masseuse and cosmetologist need to be postponed.

April 7, 2017 (11, 12 lunar day) - a day suitable for a peaceful solution to issues, mutual executions. Everything coming today will return a hundredfold. You can have the attention to others, give gifts and offer free help.

April 8, 2017 (12, 13 lunar day) - a day requires an increased concentration on current tasks. In no case should not deviate from the goals set. Also today it is impossible to plan anything.

April 9, 2017 (13, 14 lunar day) - a good day to work with large-scale projects and various information. It will be favorable to change the place of work, expansion of the horizon, new travels. Wealth and well-being will bring a hike to the hairdresser.

April 10, 2017 (14, 15 lunar day) - mental health can be today the most vulnerable, so it is worth avoiding stress. In clothes are preferable to cozy things.

April 11, 2017 (15, 16 lunar day) - the day has a calm, measured work. Good to do homemade, drawing up lists, planning, distribution of work for the future period, appointment of meetings, etc. The main thing is to achieve harmony with yourself.

April 12, 2017 (16, 17 lunar day) - today it is advisable to rest from the routine work, tune in to a positive, relax in the circle of friends, visit entertainment events. Mood will raise bright colors in wardrobe.

April 13, 2017 (17, 18 lunar day) - a pacification is the key to success. On this day there is dissatisfaction with everyone, including herself. So that the negative does not prevent relationships with loved ones, emotions need to be kept under tight control. For a haircut no lucky day.

April 14, 2017 (18, 19 lunar day) - meetings, important things, as well as marriage today should be transferred to another day. It is better to spend this time in a relaxed atmosphere, preferably in the fresh air. Light tones in clothing will help tune in to ease.

April 15, 2017 (19, 20 lunar day) - today you need to show high vigilance, especially when preparing for travel or business trip. Possible troubles such as complex acclimatization. Haircut at this time will lead to losses.

April 16, 2017 (20 lunar day) - the day has a time spent with relatives and close in a warm family setting. Vital energy Today it is worth aware.

April 17, 2017 (20, 21 lunar day) - This day is especially intended for farewell to harmful habits. Also, on April 17, 2017, it is possible to achieve good results in the field of personal life and in the field of health.

April 18, 2017 (21, 22 lunar day) - a wonderful period for self-development, the beginning of study, acquiring useful skills. All knowledge gained will help in promoting career stairs and will affect personal and public life. Red I. yellow colors In the wardrobe will charge energy.

April 19, 2017 (22, 23 lunar day) - calm today should be maintained in the morning and before the evening. The day is suitable for communicating with family, it is better to spend it for household chores. Public events Attend today is not worth it. It is also necessary to fear any contact with unfamiliar people.

April 20, 2017 (23, 24 lunar day) - a favorable day for the accumulation of resources, health promotion, creating new projects. In improving well-being and mood, yoga, dancing, fitness and strength training will help.

April 21, 2017 (24, 25 lunar day) - today you need to pay more attention to your diet, in order not to subjected the organism a new disease. Hurry with important assignments will not lead anything good. Haircut on this day weaken the hair. Good to arrange a spa session or go shopping.

April 22, 2017 (25, 26 lunar day) - the lunar calendar today foreshadows the waste of forces and time. At work it is better not to overvolt, to avoid stress in every way. On a favorable work, the business suit will be configured, mainly in bright colors.

April 23, 2017 (26, 27 lunar day) - the time came close to engage in their physical and mental health. Should be distracted from fuss and pay more attention appearance. This will help restore vitality. The change of hairstyles today is a pledge of not only good mood, but also happiness.

April 24, 2017 (27, 28 lunar day) - Lunar calendar indicates internal strength and energy on this day. Today you can make large purchases and solve global questions. It is important not to retreat from the goal and move only forward. Orange, green and red colors will notice not only you, but also around.

April 25, 2017 (28, 29 lunar day) - a good day to work in the house or in the garden. Becoming something new is better to transfer. Plans to build is also not recommended. Hike to the hairdresser should be canceled.

April 26, 2017 (29, 30, 1 lunar day) - a favorable day to summarize and analyze their work. All the work started is better to complete by this moment. All debts must be given, and unnecessary things are distributed. Your attitude to the surrounding will creep their attitude towards you in the future.

April 27, 2017 (1, 2 lunar day) - great time for creativity and most creative ideas. Legal, commercial and financial issues today are not recommended. Wedding assigned to this day is better to transfer. The day is also not suitable for changing the image.

April 28, 2017 (2, 3 lunar day) - a wonderful moment to start engage in its physical form and health in general. If you start today, then the cheerfulness and charm will not leave you. A good sports suit will help tune in to the desired wave.

April 29, 2017 (3, 4 lunar day) - on this day it is better not to hurry and thoroughly think about their next steps. On April 29, 2017, there are a lot of surprises, so you need to be ready for them.

April 30, 2017 (4, 5 lunar day) - beneficial time to prepare and planning. Great time to change image and search bright image. Good arrange a revision of old things and buy new ones.

April 1, 2017,5-6 lunar day. Growing moon in twins. Today you can sign important legal documents, enter into contracts, make transactions. Any financial and commercial events are favorable. Spend with the best day of the month for shopping. Pay attention to all sorts of signs of fate.

April 2, 2017,6-7 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer. This lunar day is good for reflection, meditation and work with its intuition: Today we can hear inner voice. It is important not to succumb to the ugliece, be in the cheese and positive state of the spirit. Perhaps the people who play a big role in your life will be reminded of themselves.

April 3, 2017,7-8 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer. Her day and great responsibility. Do not start new things - they are most likely torete in unnecessary troubles and take a lot of strength. The energies of the growing moon are called to refuse to participate in the transfer of rumors and gossip. Try to see good in every person and every event.

April 4, 2017,8-9 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer. Today is not suitable for undertakes, trips and travels, to register marriage and concluding business unions. It is better not to start new cases at all not to make important decisions. Only financial transactions associated with cash money are recommended.

April 5, 2017,9-10 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev. Very good and harmonious day. It is impossible to perform actions aimed even on the slightest destruction. Do not take global decisionslet them still "divert." It is not raised to arrange a "day of lazy", since any physical overvoltage is extremely undesirable.

April 6, 2017,10-11 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev. Energetically difficult day. Dedote him to care about your home. Do not start any affairs, make important, responsible decisions. Try to get rid of negative thoughts, do not communicate with unpleasant people. Perhaps today you will be returned with old debts.

April 7, 2017,11-12 Lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Before the full moon, it is best to stay in solitude and to play the rethinking of the events and your reaction to them. You can dream, plan the necessary affairs and future actions, arrange emphasis and priorities, create a program for the entire lunar month.

April 8, 2017,12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Vegetable crops Do not sow. Today it is impossible to be angry and conflict. Be generous, do not deny help - you will surely come back to you. Day is favorable for communication and charity, trips and financial transactions. You can install a diet, start playing sports.

April 9, 2017,13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Vegetable cultures do not sow. Today is the day of urgent affairs: all problems and tasks that get in front of you require an urgent solution - it is necessary to deal with them immediately, without postponing in a long box. This is the time of active work when you can solve twice more tasks and questions than usual.

April 10, 2017,14-15 lunar day. Growing moon in scales. Garden cleaning. Spraying shrubs. Day of studying traditions, contemplation and reflection. To hold it with family, relatives and loved ones. Adversely go on trips and travel. Avoid rapid words and actions. Aggression is contraindicated, as it can be negatively affected by physical condition.

April 11, 2017,15-16 lunar day. Full moon at 9:07.Moon in scales. Garden cleaning. On this day, it is necessary to postpone important issues and cases that require accurate calculations. It is very important to take care of your health carefully, pay special attention to food products: chips and hamburgers, driven by cola, can cause a long ailment.

April 12, 2017,16-17 lunar day. Descending Moon in Scorpio. One of best days For purchases, as well as for planning a family and personal budget. You can deal with self-education. If you spend this day in a good mood, it will stay with you for a long time. Word - silver, and silence - gold, do not forget about it.

April 13, 2017,17-18 lunar day. Descending Moon in Scorpio. There is a day of change - today any business will easily begin from the beginning, with a clean sheet. Prepare for the fact that all plans can be realized not at all - or not at all, as planned. Please accept the fact that the story is going on here and now, and adjust what is happening in the course of events.

April 14, 2017,18-19 Lunar day. Descending moon in Sagittarius. Today, even the most unloved job try to fulfill with pleasure, and the results do not slow down to affect. Good day for signing important legal documents, contracting contracts. It is important not to violate the agreements achieved earlier.

April 15, 2017,19-20 lunar day. Descending moon in Sagittarius. This one of the critical days of the lunar month. Try to live it in peace and harmony. Improved irritability, conflicts can easily. Do not plan, but even more so begin new things. Do not trust dreams and prophecies. There is a likelihood of food poisoning.

April 16, 2017,20 lunar day. Descending moon in Sagittarius. Today, things are best managed that do not represent personal benefit for you, you should not participate in dubious projects. It is recommended to engage in the strengthening of relations in the family and the team. You can start building, repair, buying real estate.

April 17, 2017,20-21 lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn. Creative, rich day. It is best to spend it with your family - in the walls of your house or cottage. Do not start today important affairs, do not make large purchases. Try to control your emotions and deliver joy around you around you. Cleansing is recommended - physical and spiritual.

April 18, 2017,21-22 lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn. A peaceful, calm day, when the events should not hurry - everything should go to her! One of the best moments For friendly communication and new acquaintances. Great time for spiritual development and self-improvement. It is good to participate in charitable promotions, make gifts.

April 19, 2017,22-23 lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn. Time stabilization and tranquility - important cases and decision making is better to postpone the other day. Favorable period for learning: it is useful to read books to engage in self-education. Visit the beauty salon: rejuvenating procedures will give an excellent effect.

April 20, 2017,23-24 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aquarius. Perfect time to establish business connections: The day is favorable for the signing of documents, the conclusion of financial transactions. You can take other, no less serious steps to improve the level of your life.

April 21, 2017,24-25 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aquarius. Today, with special care, follow the events in your business interests. Do not take presents and consider serious suggestions. Try to pay more time to analyze your actions.

April 22, 2017,25-26 lunar day. Descending moon in fish. It is not recommended to avoid tension and fuss. Active actions most likely will not lead to anything. It is better to relax in the family of family, do household chores. Your well-being reflects the degree of your spiritual well-being or unfavorable.

April 23, 2017,26-27 lunar day. Descending moon in fish. Today it is not recommended to sit behind the steering wheel, as well as go to any trips and travels - a day brings with you increased arousal and irritation. It is useful to be alone, bring thoughts in order. Very well go to the park, take a walk in the fresh air.

April 24, 2017,27-28 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aries. On a decreasing moon, it is pointless to build plans - you still have to adjust them. It is recommended to seriously think about your actions before making any act. Credit registration and large acquisitions are better to transfer the other day.

April 25, 2017,28-29 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aries. Today try to get rid of negative energy. Some emotional instability is possible. One rough word can ignite the conflict or a quarrel - caution should be exercised in statements and actions. If there is such an opportunity, kide alone with you.

April 26, 2017,29, 30, 1 lunar day. Moon in Taurus. New Moon at 05:27. A high probability that you will accept an important solution that will change a lot in your life. As stars prompt, it's time to look at the last lunar month and analyze the situation. Good day for learning, trips and business trips.

April 27, 2017,1-2 lunar day. Growing moon in Taurus. The day of activity and decisive action is favorable for any kind of communication, you can get a job. Make plans for the future, show justice, do not throw words to the wind. Well, if on this day your whole family will match together. It is useful to be in nature, to make hiking.

April 28, 2017,2-3 lunar day. Growing moon in twins. The recommendations of the previous lunar days are approved. A good day to work in the team - any collective events will be successfully held. If you have long planned moving to a new place of residence or transition to new job - Today is the best day of the month to implement the conceived. Possessing the beginning of the treatment and all kinds of wellness procedures.

April 29, 2017,3-4 lunar day. Growing moon in twins. You are waiting for success in any activity aimed at creating. Much can work out as if by itself. Those who have debts, it is advisable to pay today, then subsequently it will not be necessary to resort to loans. Try not to be overworked as you can spend as much time with your family.

April 30, 2017,4-5 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer. Energetically quite contradictory and difficult day. Try to keep yourself in your hands and keep peaceful peace if today you disinterestedly provide someone help, you yourself can count on support in a difficult minute for you. Be careful with shopping: in vain spending possible.

Moon without a course (Hosta Moon) in April 2017

  • April 02 17:43 - 02 April 21:27
  • April 04 23:45 - April 05 1:13
  • April 07 3:16 - April 07 7:20
  • 09 April 11:21 - 09 April 15:34
  • April 11 21:19 - April 12 1:42
  • April 14 7:17 - April 14 13:27
  • April 16 21:26 - 17 April 2:04
  • April 19 12:57 - April 19 13:52
  • April 21 21:23 - 21 April 22:43
  • April 24 0:34 - April 24 3:32
  • April 26 0:53 - 26 April 4:56
  • April 28 4:18 - 28 April 4:39

For a number of agricultural work, new fundamentally important undertakings in life, magical rituals, it is important to know the date of the full moon in April 2017, when the blue moon will contribute to one actions and impede others. Moon calendar indicating accurate dat. Full moon and new moon, aging and decreasing moon will help you correctly plan your affairs for April 2017, taking into account the situation of heavenly shining.

Growing Moon in April 2017

April 1-10 - Growing Moon. In astrology, it is believed that the moon is growing, and the energy and energy and life force All living beings. The moon is the strongest patron of women, and therefore it grows on a growing moon female power And influence, and men's - on the contrary, decreases. All new beginnings in which success is important to you should begin on the growing moon. While the month will grow, they will go to the mountain and your affairs.

  • Start a business
  • Change job
  • Move to a new place of residence
  • Start a new relationship
  • To register marriage
  • Plan a pregnancy
  • To plant plants
  • Start a construction
  • Complete cases
  • Divorce, part
  • Make a loan, mortgage

Full moon in April 2017

April 11, 2017 at 9.07 Moscow time we will be able to observe the full moon in the sky. The full moon is always associated with a change in the psycho-emotional state of a person: the mental illness is sharpened, emotionality increases, aggressiveness increases the number of crimes and suicides. Interesting the fact that special influence full moon Pries on a female organism: ovulation that has passed into full moon will almost certainly lead to a favorable pregnancy. And the established marriage couples these days, unfortunately, are especially prone to treason.

  • Full moon on April 11, 2017 recommended:
  • Conduct concerts, presentations, promotions
  • Engage in creativity in all its manifestations
  • Marriage
  • Pregnancy planning
  • Observe a diet
  • Pass medical examinations
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Stressful situations
  • Harsh change in personal life
  • Changing of the living place
  • Surgical operations

Descending Moon in April 2017

The aging moon does not contribute to active actions, this is the time of rest, calm reflection, meditations. During this period, nothing should be started, but the cases that you bring to a logical completion will be completed quite successfully. If your goal is to consolidate the result for the longest period of time, active actions are allowed. So, if you plan to visit the hairdresser with the goal, so that the new haircut holds as long as possible, do it after April 11. If your goal is that the hair is ambulance overgrown, cut them until April 10, 2017.

  • Beginning in business
  • Conclusion of important contracts
  • Showdown
  • Noisy companies

Moon cycle in April 2017-01-30

In addition to the above recommendations in full moon, on a growing and descending Moon, we should not forget that in April 2017 there are several days of the so-called idle of the moon. The moon without a course carries us, as a rule, failures and prevents the implementation of conceived plans. But on the other hand, the idle of the moon is a phenomenon, fortunately, short-term.

Schedule idle in April 2017:

date Time
02.04.2017 17.42 – 21.28
04-05.04.2017 23.44-1.12
07.04.2017 3.15-7.20
09.04.2017 11.20-15.34
11-12.04.2017 21.17-1.42
14.04.2017 7.12-13.27
16-17.04.2017 21.24-2.06
19.04.2017 12.59-13.59
21.04.2017 21.21-22.44
24.04.2017 0.32-1.32
26.04.2017 0.56-4.56
28.04.2017 4.15-4.40
30.04.2017 0.30-4.46

In such periods when the moon has already left one zodiacal constellation, but has not yet entered the following, it is not recommended to do anything at all. Chinese philosophers prefer to think about eternal, meditate and contemplate the beauty of the surrounding world at this time.

April full moon in esoteric

The period when the full moon in April 2017 helps to carry out all sorts of magical rituals, is called the Moon of the Hare. The main energy of this period of time is fertility. Therefore, pregnancy planning, pregnancy plots, infertility treatment will be as effective as possible.

In addition, the moon hare helps to tie romantic relationshipTherefore, this is the best period in 2017 for love spells and conspiracies for love. But this is not the only way - in the full moon men are especially vulnerable, and their heart is easy to conquer, without resorting to magical rituals.

But the hare is not advised to guess to the moon. Predictions I. prophetic dreams come true, but sometimes quite unpredictable. Listen to your intuition - your own subconsciousness during this period can help you in solving a number of important problems.

In the period of the Moon, the hare is taken to bring sacrifices of awakening nature in the form chicken Yaitz with magical symbols, flowers and other things applied to them. It will help you draw the spirit of nature and achieve the desired results in all endeavors.

Women are especially recommended in the April full moon to dip in the transparent waters of the nearest river (but not lakes) - this simplest ritual will give strength, will restore peace of mind And charging positive energy. But it should be carried out solely with a clear sky, as soon as the moon hides for the clouds, the flow of negative energy will open.