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Global problems of the present. Global problems of mankind: an example, solutions Global problems are associated with the transformational activities of man

1.9 Global problems of mankind.

The concept of "global problems", their specifics;

characteristics and manifestations of specific global problems.

Essence, features, causes.

In the second half of the twentieth century. humanity is faced with a group of problems, the solution of which depends on further social progress, the fate of earthly civilization. These problems are called global (from lat. globe- Earth, globe) problems of mankind.

The features of global problems are that, firstly, they are of a planetary nature, secondly, they threaten the death of all mankind, and thirdly, they require the collective efforts of the world community. Currently, humanity is experiencing a crisis that is systemic in nature and manifests itself in the following areas:

The crisis of attitude towards nature is an environmental problem (exhaustibility of natural resources, irreversible changes in the environment). Economic crisis - overcoming the backwardness of developing countries (it is necessary to help reduce the gap in the level of economic development between the developed countries of the West and the developing countries of the "third world"). Political crisis (destructive development of many conflicts, ethnic and racial conflicts as an expression of the uncontrollability of social processes; the task of mankind is to prevent the threat of a world war and fight against international terrorism). The crisis of human survival conditions (depletion of food resources, energy, drinking water, clean air, mineral reserves). The demographic crisis is a population problem (uneven and uncontrolled population growth in developing countries; stabilization of the demographic situation on the planet is required). The threat of thermonuclear war (arms race, pollution caused by nuclear weapons testing, genetic consequences of these tests, uncontrolled development of nuclear technologies, the possibility of thermonuclear terrorism at the interstate level). The problem of health protection, prevention of the spread of AIDS, drug addiction. The crisis of human spirituality (ideological breakdown, loss of moral values, addiction to alcohol and drugs). In the last decade, the revival of cultural and moral values ​​has become increasingly important.

The classification of global problems, carried out on the basis of many years of research, helps to better understand the essence of global problems and outline ways to solve them. All global problems can be divided into three groups.

1) Intersocial problems related to relations between groups of states with similar political, economic and other interests: East-West, rich and poor countries, etc. For a long time, the confrontation between two socio-economic systems, two ideologies was at the center of intersocial and communist. Today, this confrontation is a thing of the past, however, the severity of intersocial problems has not decreased - their nature has changed:

    in place of the threat of a world war as a consequence of the clash of two opposing socio-political systems, many local conflicts have come, the spread of which can lead to a general military catastrophe. According to the International Institute for Peace Research, only in the last 10 years of the twentieth century. there were 120 armed conflicts that affected 80 countries and claimed the lives of almost 6 million people, and about 300 million civilians became refugees. The largest number of hot spots is in the Asia-Pacific region - 20, in Africa - 16, in Europe - 5, in the Middle East - 3, in South America -2. Two thirds of the current conflicts have been going on for more than 5 years, and the rest for more than 20 years; the problem of establishing a fair economic order has become aggravated, since there is a sharp difference between countries in terms of the level of socio-economic development, and, consequently, the level of well-being of the population. On the one hand, a small group of developed countries, on the other hand, a large number of economically backward states in which the quality of life of the population is low. The economy of backward countries is based on the extraction and export of raw materials, which gives rise to a large number of environmental problems. The backward and moderately developed countries make up the vast majority of the world's population: about 5 billion out of the 6 billion of the total population of the planet. Russia is one of the backward countries, and it faces the same problems as the rest. The solution of these problems and the achievement of real success is possible in the case of mobilization of internal reserves and changes in the system of international economic relations.

2) Problems related to the interaction of society and nature , can be divided into several groups.

1. Environmental problems are understood as measures against environmental pollution.

They cover the protection of the water and air basins, the protection of soils, the conservation of flora and fauna, and the conservation of the gene pool. In the approach to solving environmental problems, three main directions can be distinguished. They form the main strategies for environmental protection:

    restrictive strategy as the main means of preventing environmental disasters involves limiting the development of production and corresponding consumption; optimization strategy involves finding the optimal level of interaction between society and nature. This level should not exceed the critical level of pollution and should ensure the possibility of the exchange of substances between society and nature, which does not adversely affect the state of the natural environment; The strategy of closed cycles involves the creation of industries built on a cyclical principle, due to which isolation of production from environmental impact is achieved. Closed cycles are possible with the use of biotechnology, which allows the processing of inorganic production waste into organic substances.

These strategies can be used simultaneously, based on specific life circumstances. Optimization and closed loop strategies depend on the technological sophistication of the manufacturing process. A restrictive strategy is not always possible where the level of production and consumption and, accordingly, the quality of life is low.

2. Resource issues, such as air, water, without which human life is impossible, as well as energy and raw materials. For example, the problem of water resources is considered the most acute in the world. Fresh water makes up a small part of the Earth's water basin - 2.5 - 3%. At the same time, its largest part is concentrated in the ice of the Arctic and Greenland, and a very small share falls on the share of rivers and lakes. Energy resources are represented by fossil fuel reserves, such as oil, coal, gas, oil shale. Raw materials are, first of all, mineral raw materials containing components necessary for industrial production. Today, there are no sufficiently accurate data on how long humanity can consider itself provided with fossil fuels and minerals. However, it is quite obvious that their reserves are exhaustible and non-renewable.

3. Problems of Outer Space and the World Ocean.

3) Problems directly related to the person , his individual being, with the system "individual - society". They directly concern the individual and depend on the ability of society to provide real opportunities for the development of the individual. This group of problems includes the problems of health care, education, population control, the development of moral, intellectual and other inclinations of a person, ensuring a healthy lifestyle, and normal mental development of the individual.

Speaking about the causes of global problems, scientists single out the main one - spiritual and moral, and it already gives rise to economic, political, etc. Such spiritual and moral basis for the emergence of global problems of our time is the widespread ideology of consumerism. Modern production has created the prerequisites for meeting the needs of the population and, to a certain extent, freed it from complete dependence on certain things. Thus, a person falls into an endless circle, becomes a prisoner of his own desires and obsessions. Global problems are closely interrelated, and they need to be addressed comprehensively.

The main directions of solving global problems.

One of the most popular directions is to instill in people new moral and ethical values. In one of the reports to the Club of Rome, the basic principles of the new ethics were formulated.

The development of the world (planetary) consciousness, thanks to which a person realizes himself as a member of the world community. Formation of a more thrifty attitude to the use of natural resources. The development of such an attitude towards nature, which would be based on harmony with it, and not on its subordination. Raising a sense of belonging to future generations and readiness to give up part of their own benefits in their favor.

At the same time, educating a person on the principles of humanism and new ethics cannot be considered a sufficient condition for solving global problems. Appropriate economic and political efforts are important, in particular:

    clear international forecasting system; concentration of efforts of all countries to solve global problems (cooperation in the creation of the latest environmental technologies, a common world center, a single fund of funds and resources, in the exchange of information); a comprehensive study of the causes leading to the emergence and exacerbation of problems; bringing international cooperation to a new qualitative level; monitoring and control of global processes on the planet. (Obtaining objective information from each country and international studies are necessary for forecasting and decision making.)

USE tests on the topic: "Global problems of mankind."

Part A.

A1. Indicate in the list below the position that can be considered within the framework of the global problem of the gap between developing and developed countries:

1) the growth of third world debt to the West;

2) the destruction of the forests of Africa and the Amazon;

3) reduction of oil and gas reserves in developing countries;

4) the creation of a large number of hazardous industries by developed countries.

A2. Environmental issues include:

1) the danger of proliferation of nuclear weapons;

2) health protection;

3) fight against international terrorism;

4) the disappearance of many species of animals and plants.

A3. Are the following judgments about the global problems of mankind correct?

A. Today there is a threat to the survival of humanity as a biological species.

B. In order to survive, humanity must limit the growth of consumption.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

A4. Are the following judgments about the global problems of our time correct?

A. All global problems are closely interconnected.

B. Economic and political globalization is one of the characteristics of the modern world.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.


1) the preservation of undemocratic regimes in a number of countries;

2) influence on political processes of traditional religions;

3) the gap in the level of development between the "golden billion" (leading countries) and poor countries;

4) a sharp drop in the dollar against other currencies.

A6. The global problems of the modern world include:

1) the preservation of anti-democratic regimes in a number of countries;

2) falling stock prices on stock exchanges;

3) local wars, the preservation of "hot spots" in a number of regions of the world;

4) falling oil prices on the world market.

A7. Are the judgments correct?

A. Global problems are those modern problems that pose a threat to all mankind.

B. Global problems are those modern problems that can be overcome only by the joint efforts of all states and peoples.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

A8. Are the judgments correct?

A. The cause of global problems lies in the unprecedented flourishing of productive forces, as a result of which the technogenic load on the Earth has increased dramatically.

B. The cause of global problems is that a person was not intelligent enough to foresee the harmful results of technical influence in time.

1) Only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

A9. The global problems of our time include:

1) interaction between Russia and the West;

2) development of mineral resources in the countries of the East and Latin America;

3) exploration of the world's oceans and outer space;

4) the fight against infectious diseases.

A10. The global problems of our time include:

2) the problem of providing industry with raw materials;

3) the problem of developing trade relations;

4) the problem of development of the CIS countries.

A11. Global environmental issues include:

1) poverty of some regions of the planet;

2) the threat of nuclear war;

3) reduction in the diversity of biological species;

4) an increase in the proportion of older people in the structure of the population.

A12. The demographic problem as a global problem is characterized by:

1) high population density in Western Europe;

2) high birth rate in the states of the East;

4) low income.

A13. The global problems of the modern world include:

1) the emergence of new interstate associations;

2) completion of the industrial revolution;

3) a significant gap between the levels of development of the regions of the planet;

4) intensive development of science.

Part B.

IN 1. Find manifestations of global problems in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Depletion of the fertile soil layer;

2) depletion of fresh water reserves;

3) decline in production;

4) increase in the debt of developing countries to developed ones;

5) financial system crisis;

6) the problem of war and peace.

Write the circled numbers in ascending order.

Part C.

C1. Illustrate with three examples the relationship between the problems associated with the widening gap between developed and third world countries and the problem of preventing a new world war.

Read the text and complete tasks C2 - C5.

“Gaining more and more strength, civilization often showed a clear tendency to impose its ideas with the help of missionary activities or direct violence coming from religious, in particular Christian, traditions ... So civilization steadily spread across the planet, using all possible ways and means for this - migration, colonization, conquest, trade, industrial development, financial control and cultural influence. Little by little, all countries and peoples began to live according to its laws or created them according to the model established by it ...

The development of civilization, however, was accompanied by the flowering of bright hopes and illusions that could not come true ... At the heart of her philosophy and her actions was always elitism. And the Earth, no matter how generous it is, is still not able to accommodate an ever-growing population and satisfy more and more new needs, desires and whims. That is why a new, deeper split has now emerged - between the super-developed and the under-developed countries. But even this rebellion of the world proletariat, which seeks to partake of the wealth of its more prosperous brethren, proceeds within the framework of the same dominant civilization.

It is unlikely that she will be able to withstand this test, especially now, when her own body is torn apart by numerous ailments. NTR, on the other hand, is becoming more and more obstinate, and it is becoming more and more difficult to pacify it. Having endowed us with unprecedented strength and instilled a taste for a level of life that we did not even think about, NTR sometimes does not give us the wisdom to keep all our possibilities and demands under control. And it’s time for our generation to finally understand that now it depends only on us ... the fate of not individual countries and regions, but of all mankind as a whole.”

(A. Peccei)

C2. What global problems of modern society are highlighted by the author of the text? List two or three issues.

C3. What does the author mean by saying: “By endowing us with unprecedented strength and instilling a taste for a level of life that we did not even think about, the scientific and technological revolution does not sometimes give us the wisdom to keep all our possibilities and requests under control”? Make three guesses.

C4. Illustrate with three examples the author's statement: "The development of civilization ... was accompanied by the flowering of bright hopes and illusions that could not be realized."

C5. Is it possible, in your opinion, to overcome the contrast between "rich" and "poor" countries in the near future? Give two arguments to support your position.

Answers to the exam tests on the topic:

"Global problems of mankind".

Part A.

Part B.

IN 1. 1246

Part C.


The following examples may be given:

1) a significant number of local armed conflicts occur in third world countries, some of which have nuclear weapons (for example, the Indo-Pakistani conflict);

2) due to the aggravation of the problem of providing raw materials and energy resources, the most developed countries of the world provoke, and sometimes themselves participate in wars for control over sources of raw materials (for example, the war in the Persian Gulf or the American-Iraqi war);

3) the poverty of certain regions of the planet contributes to the spread of the most radical, militant ideologies in them, the adherents of which are fighting against developed countries (for example, Islamic terrorist organizations).

Three examples are given showing the relationship between two global problems

Two examples are given, examples showing the relationship of two global problems

One example is given, an example showing the relationship of two global problems

Wrong answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


2) demographic;

3) uneven development (the problem of "North and South");

4) consequences of scientific and technological revolution.

Three problems are given

There are two problems

One problem stated or wrong answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Assumptions can be made, for example:

1) Humanity has scientific knowledge and technical means for global transformational activity (and means for the destruction of life on the planet).

2) Formation of a consumer society in which speed and comfort are among the dominant values.

Other assumptions may be made.

Two positions are correct

One position correct

Wrong answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Can be specified, for example:

1) communist utopias;

2) the ideology of the Enlightenment;

3) the illusion of the omnipotence of science and the possibility of its victory over hunger and disease.

Other examples may be given.

Three examples are correct.

There are two correct examples.

One correct example

Wrong answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


Dan Negative answer and arguments are given, interpreting the depth of the gap between the "poor" countries and the developed ones, for example:

1) the situation of uncontrolled births in conditions of limited resources and unfavorable living conditions;

2) a small share of participation in the global division of labor;

3) the growth of military and other spending by developed countries, which prevents the redistribution of funds in favor of "poor" countries.

Other arguments may be given.

Three positions given

Two positions given

One position given

Wrong answer

Maximum score

13 or less - "2"

14 - 18 - "3"

19 - 23 - "4"



Criteria for global problems

Alternative civilization

Philosophical approaches to solving global problems


Since the 70s of the 20th century, a rather influential direction of social thought has developed, which can be called the philosophy of global problems. This philosophical direction, despite the extremely broad consideration of world problems, puts a person, his present and future in the center of attention.

Global or worldwide (universal) problems are the result of the contradictions of social development. Some of them existed before, were relevant at all times, other global problems, such as environmental ones, appear later due to the intense impact of society on the natural environment.

Most of the problems that today we associate with the global problems of our time have accompanied humanity throughout its history. First of all, they should include the problems of ecology, preservation of peace, overcoming poverty, hunger, and illiteracy.

But after the Second World War, thanks to the unprecedented scale of human transformational activity, all these problems turned into global ones, expressing the contradictions of the integral modern world and denoting with unprecedented force the need for cooperation and unity of all the people of the Earth.

Of course, not every problem can be called global and not every problem of social development could become global, therefore it is advisable to single out the main criteria for global problems:

1) Have a planetary, global character, affect the interests of all the peoples of the world.

2) They threaten the degradation and death of all mankind.

3) Need urgent and effective solutions.

4) They require collective efforts of all states, joint actions of peoples.

One of the most important criteria for determining global problems is the geospatial factor. In this case, we are talking about the spatial scale, i.e., the territory where these problems are significant and relevant. In accordance with this criterion, any problem can be called global if it concerns the entire planet, any of its regions as a whole, as opposed to regional or local, typical of any one state or group of states.

In identifying global issues vital for humanity from the totality of the problems of today's world, a qualitative criterion becomes essential. The qualitative side of the definition of global problems is expressed in the following main characteristics:

firstly, these problems affect the vital interests of all mankind and each person individually;

secondly, they act as an objective factor in the further world development, the existence of modern civilization;

thirdly, to solve (overcome) global problems, the efforts of all peoples or, at least, the majority of the population of the planet are required;

fourthly, the unsolvability and unresolved global problems can lead in the future to irreparable consequences of life for all mankind and each individual.

All global problems of social development are characterized by mobility, because none of these problems is in a static state, each of them is constantly changing, acquiring different intensity and, consequently, significance in a particular historical era. As some of the global problems are solved, the latter may lose their relevance on a global scale, moving to another, for example, local level, or disappear altogether.

All global problems are in a complex relationship and interdependence. This means that the solution of one problem involves taking into account the influence of the complex

Global problems are problems that affect the vital interests of the majority of humanity, and can concern any person.

In modern scientific literature, there is another extreme, when today's global problems are entirely reduced to the prevention of wars and the ecological crisis. At the same time, the emphasis in the analysis of these problems is placed on the negative consequences for social development, and not on the possible conditions and ways to solve them.

Further, it is impossible not to see that new problems constantly arise in some part of the world, which relatively quickly become global, universal. Only in recent times has mankind witnessed how ozone depletion, the greenhouse effect, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other problems that few people even knew about a few years ago are turning into global ones. The task of philosophical thought, science is to notice new global problems and develop an appropriate policy for their solution, not lagging behind, but ahead of the development trends of today's world, because, as Thomas Mann said, ideas today are actions tomorrow. For example, it is impossible not to notice the urgency for most countries or even regions of our planet solving such problems as the accumulation of garbage and its destruction, the disposal of spent radioactive products, the aging of the population, uncontrolled birth rates, etc.

Many authoritative international public Organizations, well-known scientists are trying to single out these problems for the current stage of human history. Thus, M. Mesarovic, a prominent figure in the Club of Rome, an international public organization engaged in the analysis of global problems, in one of his reports (Hannover, 1989) named the following 5 most significant problems for the world community to solve the problems of the modern world:

Decline in the growth of the Earth's population;

Reducing the use of non-renewable resources;

Reducing the level of pollution and destruction of the environment;

Reducing inequality;

Eliminate hunger and poverty.

At the same time, his report noted that it is important not only

to state and describe these problems, but to give answers, how to solve them, what means should be used for this. According to M. Mesarovich, the main thing is not whether to reduce population growth, but how to do it; the question is not whether to use fossil fuels in the future, but what and how to replace it.

The problems of the modern world, named by M. Mesarovic, are undoubtedly global, as they are problems that concern every living person, the entire community of people, albeit to a different degree.

Today's global problems:

On the one hand, they demonstrate the closest interconnection of states;

On the other hand, they reveal the deep inconsistency of this unity.

The development of human society has always been controversial. It was constantly accompanied not only by the establishment of a harmonic connection with nature, but also by a destructive effect on it.

His list of problems that threaten the death of all mankind, if they are not immediately resolved, is called by the Nobel laureate, the world-famous ethologist and philosopher Konrad Lorenz. He names 8 generally significant processes-problems.

Enumerating these processes-problems of modern mankind, let us first of all pay attention to the fact that all of them are called by K. Lorenz the "mortal sins" of our civilization. This is very revealing. According to K. Lorenz, it is these sins that, as it were, pull humanity back, do not give it the opportunity to develop confidently and quickly. K. Lorenz carefully comments on each of the problems he named.

Global problems are closely related to each other and have common sources of origin and development, so it is important to classify and systematize them in a certain way, to understand the causes of their occurrence and the conditions under which they can be solved by society.

In modern scientific literature, attempts are being made to comprehensively consider the whole variety of global problems. Since all these problems are of a socio-natural nature, since they simultaneously fix contradictions both between man and society, and contradictions between man and the natural environment, they are usually divided into three main groups.

These are, firstly, intersocial problems, that is, the set of problems that arise in the world human community between different social organisms (continents, regions, groups of countries, individual countries) based on their economic, political or ideological contradictions. Such problems undoubtedly include the problems of the threat of thermonuclear war, military conflicts, political Basil, international terrorism, etc.

Secondly, these are the problems of the "society-nature" system, which are formed on the basis of uncontrolled or insufficiently thought-out appropriation of the wealth of nature by society and man. An example of this type of problems are all environmental issues of today's existence and the development of man and society (atmosphere, hydrosphere, space, energy, raw materials, etc.).

Thirdly, these are the problems of the "man-society" system - the contradictions of the very social life of a person at the present stage of the functioning and development of society. This is loneliness, fear, alienation and many other similar conditions that arise in a person's life in almost any society.

Undoubtedly, the process of the formation of world history is due to the ever closer interaction of different peoples and countries with each other, as well as common situations

mi-problems that they all face in realizing their own goals.

Some scholars see the emergence of these general situations-problems of modern world history in scientific and technological progress and its costs. They believe that technological civilization, which was created by people themselves, is to blame for all the disasters of mankind

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Features of integration processes, covering the most diverse spheres of people's lives, most deeply and sharply manifest themselves in the so-called global problems of our time.

Global problems:

The problem of ecology

Save the world

Exploration of space and the oceans

food problem

population problem

The problem of overcoming backwardness

Raw material problem

Features of global problems.

1) Have a planetary, global character, affect the interests of all the peoples of the world.

2) They threaten the degradation and death of all mankind.

3) Need urgent and effective solutions.

4) They require collective efforts of all states, joint actions of peoples.

Most of the problems that today we associate with the global problems of our time have accompanied humanity throughout its history. First of all, they should include the problems of ecology, preservation of peace, overcoming poverty, hunger, and illiteracy.

But after the Second World War, thanks to the unprecedented scale of human transformational activity, all these problems turned into global ones, expressing the contradictions of the integral modern world and denoting with unprecedented force the need for cooperation and unity of all the people of the Earth.

Today's global problems:

On the one hand, they demonstrate the closest interconnection of states;

On the other hand, they reveal the deep inconsistency of this unity.

The development of human society has always been controversial. It was constantly accompanied not only by the establishment of a harmonic connection with nature, but also by a destructive effect on it.

Apparently, the synanthropes (about 400 thousand years ago), who began to use fire, already caused noticeable damage to nature. As a result of the resulting fires, significant areas of vegetation were destroyed.

Scientists believe that the intensive hunting of mammoths by ancient people was one of the most important reasons for the extinction of this species of animals.

The transition from an appropriating to a productive economy that began about 12 thousand years ago, associated primarily with the development of agriculture, also led to very significant negative impacts on the environment.

The technology of agriculture in those days was as follows: a forest was burned in a certain area, then elementary tillage and sowing of plant seeds were carried out. Such a field could produce a crop for only 2-3 years, after which the soil was depleted and it was necessary to move to a new site.

In addition, environmental problems in ancient times were often generated by mining.

So, in the 7th - 4th centuries BC. Intensive development of silver-lead mines in ancient Greece, which required large volumes of strong timber, actually led to the destruction of forests on the Antique Peninsula.

Significant changes in natural landscapes were caused by the construction of cities, which began to be carried out in the Middle East about 5 thousand years ago, and, of course, the development of industry accompanied a significant burden on nature.

But although these human impacts on the environment were becoming increasingly widespread, nevertheless, until the second half of the 20th century, they had a local character.

Mankind, developing along the path of progress, gradually accumulated material and spiritual resources to meet its needs, but it never managed to completely get rid of hunger, poverty and illiteracy. The urgency of these problems was felt by each nation in its own way, and the ways to solve them had never before gone beyond the borders of individual states.

Meanwhile, it is known from history that the steadily growing interactions between peoples, the exchange of industrial and agricultural products, and spiritual values ​​were constantly accompanied by the most acute military clashes. For the period from 3500 BC. there were 14530 wars. And only 292 years people lived without wars.

Killed in wars (million people)

18th century 5.5

About 70 million people lost their lives in the first and second world wars. These were the first world wars in the entire history of mankind, in which the vast majority of the countries of the world participated. It was they who marked the beginning of the transformation of the problem of war and peace into a global one.

And what gave rise to global problems? The answer to this question is, in fact, quite simple. Global problems were the result of:

WITH one side of the huge scale of human activity, radically changing nature, society, people's way of life.

WITH the other side of man's inability to rationally dispose of this mighty power.

In the modern world in
result of natural
causes and active
human has developed
set of problems
security threats
state and
the world community.
Humanity at the end of the 20th century
entered a new era
This time is characterized
rapid growth
information links,
economic integration,
globalization of social
national cultures,
The fall of the spiritual level
people and norms of behavior, and
a number of other signs, but
first of all by the appearance
global threats created
the man himself and his

IN AND. Vernadsky and his doctrine of the noosphere

The inevitability of the offensive
fundamentally new era
human development has been
predicted by V.I. Vernadsky in
his doctrine of the noosphere, created
back in the first half of the 20th century.
IN AND. Vernadsky foresaw
problems arise between
human activities and
the state of its environment.
The development of subsequent events in
life of the Earth since the middle of the twentieth century.
showed that the main points
teachings of V.I. Vernadsky
turned out to be fair.
Watching the development
progress, transforming it
environmental impact
Vernadsky suggested that
local (local)
transformative impacts on
human habitat
will gradually move to
life activity, which
will begin to influence evolutionary
biosphere processes in global
geological scale.

The biosphere is historically developing and
went through the next stages of evolution.
I stage. The emergence of the biosphere with its
biotic cycle.
II stage.
The complication of the cyclic
structure of life as a result of the appearance
multicellular organisms.
III stage. The rise of man and
IV stage. The transformation of the biosphere into a sphere
mind - the noosphere.
At stages I and II,
on III and IV, a transition is made from biogenesis,
controlled by natural biological
human consciousness, i.e. noogenesis.

is a new state of the biosphere, in which a reasonable
human activity becomes a determining factor in its development.
The concept of "noosphere" was introduced by E. Leroy and P. Teilhard de Chardin in
1927 After meeting with V.I. Vernadsky, who in 1922-23. read my
lectures at the Sorbonne and expressed the idea of ​​a qualitatively new state
biosphere associated with intelligent human activity.
Vladimir Ivanovich's ideas about this phenomenon served
after some rethinking, the basis for the creation of the French
scientists of the concept of "noosphere".
V.I.Vernadsky himself began to use this term only towards the end of his life,
however, all his scientific activity was aimed at studying this
The concept of "noosphere" is used by V.I. Vernadsky as:
a) the state of the planet
man becomes transformative
geological force;
b) the area of ​​active manifestation of scientific thought and
c) the main factor in the qualitative restructuring of the biosphere.

The noosphere represents
is an area of ​​interaction
man and nature, within
which reasonable human
activity becomes the main
determining factor
This is the highest stage of development.
biosphere associated with indigenous
transformation of both nature and
the person himself, i.e. noosphere
represents an unselected
above the biosphere "thinking layer", and
brand new condition
biosphere, its next
transformation in the course of evolution.
The noosphere as a highly organized state of the biosphere can arise and
exist only when, first, transformative activity
human will be based on a strictly scientific and reasonable understanding of all
ongoing processes and must necessarily be combined with the "interests" of nature and,
secondly, the problem of mastering the methods of development management will be solved
biosphere and the creation of the necessary means for this.

The structure of the noosphere includes:
1. humanity,
2. social systems,
3. science, engineering and technology in
unity with the biosphere.
The doctrine of the noosphere opens up prospects for us
for further improvement and development of science
on the way to achieving a more developed harmonious

Vernadsky assumed and believed that
the transition of mankind to the noosphere
will be conducted prudently, without
damage to people and nature.
“The question of a planned, uniform
activities to master
nature and correct
distribution of wealth associated with
consciousness of the unity and equality of all
people, the unity of the noosphere, became
turn of the day,” he wrote.
The biosphere will inevitably have to
turn into a noosphere, i.e. sphere
domination of the human mind (noo -
mind, Latin). Mind and
people's livelihoods will
"guide" the way forward
evolution of all life on Earth.
In the era of the noosphere, people should
take responsibility for
the results of its activities, for its
security for man, for fate
the entire biosphere.
Thus, the era of the noosphere, according to
Vernadsky, will be characterized
two main features:
1. planetary technology
scope and
2.Submission operation
humanity to its generalized mind.
The rationality of human actions
society is extremely important. After all
application of new powerful technologies,
as well as ill-considered use
familiar technologies can lead to
irreparable error and irreversible
The events of recent years show that
humanity is on the brink
ecological disaster. So
main feature of the new
post-industrial era should be
safety priority
human life.

Security of the whole society
people can be provided
with a new worldview
- a deep understanding of each of us
their role and responsibility in this life,
appropriate lifestyle and
rational safe orientation
people's activities.
Man-made and existing
technosphere - man-made comfortable environment
human habitation - led to a number of
the most serious problems associated with
human safety.
The dangers become real
exhaustion of natural resources serving
the basis of modern technology.
Increasing likelihood of environmental
pollution emergencies
environmental waste
life activity, etc.
One of the biggest problems that
society has already realized - the global
demographic problem.
Accelerating progress has led to growth
population of the world.
There was a conflict between
population growth and
limited resources
planets: fresh drinking water,
soil fertility and
hence security
food resources.
For the possibility of
demographic problem
drew attention to the border
XVIII-XIX centuries English
scientist T. Malthus. According to him
theoretical constructs
the number of people on earth is growing
according to the law of geometric
progressions and production
food - according to the law
arithmetic progression.
population balance
and food, according to him
opinion, famine and war serve.

At present, the question of "demographic
explosion", on the limits of population growth
planet, is at the center of discussions of many
Forecasts indicate that the number
inhabitants of the Earth can double
every 35-40 years.
The UN decided to count the seven billionth
human being on Earth, Danitsu May Camacho, who was born
in the Philippines October 31, 2011
The question arises: “Due to what should stop
increase in the total number of people on Earth? This
will occur due to famine, wars, epidemics or
humanity will find another way out of the created
Or will nature itself decide this issue?


The first exoplanets were
discovered in the late 1980s
Now such planets have become
discover thanks to
scientific methods, often
to the limit of their ability.
As of November 23, 2015
authentically confirmed
existence 1995
exoplanets in
1264 planetary systems, from
of which there are more than 495
one planet.
It should be noted that the number of reliable exoplanet candidates
much bigger. So, according to the Kepler project, as of January 2015, there were
4175 more reliable candidates, however, in order to obtain their status
confirmed planets are required to be re-registered using
ground telescopes.


When preparing for answers, use additional
sources of information and knowledge
obtained in the study of other disciplines.
1. List modern global problems
1. What is the biosphere? What are its planetary
2. What is the technosphere? When she appeared and
how does it affect the life of people and living organisms of the Earth?
3. What is the noosphere? Conditions for development
4. Make your own prediction by answering the question:
“If a noosphere forms on Earth, how will the
evolution of all life on earth?

Global problems of our time is a set of socio-natural problems, on the solution of which the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization depend. These problems are characterized by dynamism, they arise as an objective factor in the development of society, and for their solution they require the combined efforts of all mankind. Global problems are interconnected, cover all aspects of people's lives and concern all countries of the world.

List of global issues

    The unresolved problem of reversing aging in humans and poor public awareness of negligible aging.

    the problem of "North-South" - the gap in development between rich and poor countries, poverty, hunger and illiteracy;

    prevention of thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples, prevention by the world community of unauthorized proliferation of nuclear technologies, radioactive contamination of the environment;

    prevention of catastrophic environmental pollution and reduction of biodiversity;

    providing humanity with resources;

    global warming;

    ozone holes;

    the problem of cardiovascular, oncological diseases and AIDS.

    demographic development (population explosion in developing countries and demographic crisis in developed ones).



Global problems are the result of the confrontation between nature and human culture, as well as the inconsistency or incompatibility of multidirectional trends in the course of the development of human culture itself. Natural nature exists on the principle of negative feedback (see biotic regulation of the environment), while human culture - on the principle of positive feedback.

Solution attempts

    Demographic transition - the natural end of the 1960s population explosion

    Nuclear disarmament

    energy saving

    Montreal Protocol (1989) - fight against ozone holes

    Kyoto Protocol (1997) - fight against global warming.

    Scientific prizes for successful radical life extension in mammals (mice) and their rejuvenation.

    Club of Rome (1968)

Global problems of our time

Global problems of the present.

Features of integration processes covering various spheres of life

people most profoundly and acutely manifest themselves in the so-called global

problems of the present.

Global problems:

The problem of ecology

Save the world

Exploration of space and the oceans

food problem

population problem

The problem of overcoming backwardness

Raw material problem

Features of global problems.

1) Have a planetary, global character, affect the interests of all

peoples of the world.

2) They threaten the degradation and death of all mankind.

3) Need urgent and effective solutions.

4) They require collective efforts of all states, joint actions of peoples.

Most of the problems that today we associate with global problems

modernity, have accompanied humanity throughout its history. TO

first of all, they should include the problems of ecology, the preservation of peace,

overcoming poverty, hunger and illiteracy.

But after the Second World War, thanks to the unprecedented scale

transformative human activity, all these problems have turned into

global, expressing the contradictions of the integral modern world and

denoting with unprecedented force the need for cooperation and unity of all

people of the earth.

Today's global problems:

On the one hand, they demonstrate the closest interconnection of states;

On the other hand, they reveal the deep inconsistency of this unity.

The development of human society has always been controversial. It is constantly

was accompanied not only by the establishment of a harmonious connection with nature, but also

destructive effect on her.

Apparently, synanthropes (about 400 thousand

years ago) who began to use fire. As a result of the

Due to fires, significant areas of vegetation were destroyed.

Scientists believe that the intensive hunting of ancient people for mammoths was one of the

the most important reasons for the extinction of this species of animals.

Starting about 12 thousand years ago, the transition from the appropriating nature

management to the producer, associated primarily with the development

agriculture, also led to very significant negative impacts on

the surrounding nature.

The technology of agriculture in those days was as follows: on a certain

the forest was burned on the site, then elementary tillage and sowing were carried out

plant seeds. Such a field could produce a crop for only 2-3 years, after which

the soil was depleted and it was necessary to move to a new site.

In addition, environmental problems in ancient times were often caused by mining


So, in the 7th - 4th centuries BC. intensive development in ancient Greece

silver-lead mines, which required large volumes of strong

forests, led to the actual destruction of forests on the Antique Peninsula.

Significant changes in natural landscapes were caused by the construction of cities,

which began to be carried out in the Middle East about 5 thousand years ago, and

of course, a significant burden on nature was accompanied by the development


But although these human impacts on the environment have become increasingly

scale, however, until the second half of the 20th century, they had a local


Mankind, developing along the path of progress, gradually accumulated

material and spiritual resources to meet their needs, however

he never managed to completely get rid of hunger, poverty and

illiteracy. The acuteness of these problems was felt by each nation in its own way, and

ways to solve them have never before gone beyond the boundaries of individual


Meanwhile, it is known from history that the steadily growing interactions between

peoples, the exchange of products of industrial and agricultural

production, spiritual values ​​were constantly accompanied by the sharpest

military clashes. For the period from 3500 BC. there were 14530 wars.

And only 292 years people lived without wars.

Killed in wars (million people)

XVII century 3.3

18th century 5.5

About 70 million people lost their lives in the first and second world wars.

These were the first world wars in the history of mankind in which

participated by the vast majority of the world's countries. They marked the beginning

transformation of the problem of war and peace into a global one.

And what gave rise to global problems? The answer to this question is basically

pretty simple. Global problems were the result of:

WITH one side of the vast scale of human activity, radically

changing nature, society, people's way of life.

WITH other side of a person's inability to rationally manage this

mighty force.

Ecological problem.

Economic activity in a number of states today is developed so powerfully that

that it affects the ecological situation not only within a separate

country, but also far beyond its borders.

Typical examples:

The UK "exports" 2/3 of its industrial emissions.

75-90% of acid rain in the Scandinavian countries are of foreign origin.

Acid rain in the UK affects 2/3 of the forests, and in

countries of continental Europe - about half of their areas.

The United States lacks the oxygen that is naturally produced in their


The largest rivers, lakes, seas of Europe and North America are intensively

polluted by industrial waste from enterprises in various countries,

using their water resources.

From 1950 to 1984, the production of mineral fertilizers increased from 13.5 million tons.

tons to 121 million tons per year. Their use gave 1/3 of the increase

agricultural products.

At the same time, the use of chemical

fertilizers, as well as various chemical plant protection products has become one

one of the most important causes of global environmental pollution. Carried

water and air over vast distances, they are included in the geochemical

the circulation of substances throughout the Earth, often causing significant damage to nature,

and even to the person himself.

A rapidly developing process has become very characteristic of our time.

the withdrawal of environmentally harmful enterprises to underdeveloped countries.

The vast and ever-increasing use of natural resources

mineral resources led not only to the depletion of raw materials in individual countries,

but also to a significant depletion of the entire resource base of the planet.

Before our eyes, the era of extensive use of the potential is ending

biosphere. This is confirmed by the following factors:

§ Today, there is very little undeveloped land left for


§ The area of ​​deserts is systematically increasing. From 1975 to 2000

it increases by 20%;

§ Of great concern is the reduction of the planet's forest cover. Since 1950

by 2000, the forest area will decrease by almost 10%, and yet forests are light

the whole earth;

§ Operation of water basins, including the World Ocean,

carried out on such a scale that nature does not have time to reproduce what

what the person takes.

Constant development of industry, transport, agriculture, etc.

requires a sharp increase in energy costs and entails an ever-increasing

load on nature. Currently, as a result of intense human

even climate change is happening.

Compared with the beginning of the last century, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

increased by 30%, with 10% of this increase given the last 30 years. Raise

its concentration leads to the so-called greenhouse effect, as a result

which is global warming.

Scientists believe that such changes are already taking place in our time.

As a result of human activity, warming has occurred within 0.5

degrees. However, if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles

compared with its level in the pre-industrial era, i.e. increase by another 70%

then there will be very drastic changes in the life of the Earth. First of all, for 2-4

degrees, and at the poles the average temperature will increase by 6-8 degrees, which, in

in turn, will cause irreversible processes:

Melting ice

One meter sea level rise

Flooding of many coastal areas

Changes in moisture exchange on the Earth's surface

Reduced rainfall

Wind direction change

It is clear that such changes will pose enormous problems for people,

related to the management of the economy, the reproduction of the necessary conditions for their

Today, as rightly one of the first marks of V.I. Vernadsky,

humanity has gained such power in transforming the surrounding world that it

begins to significantly affect the evolution of the biosphere as a whole.

The economic activity of man in our time already entails

climate change, it affects the chemical composition of water and air

basins of the Earth on the flora and fauna of the planet, on its entire appearance.

The problem of war and peace.

The problem of war and peace has turned into a global one literally before our very eyes, and

primarily as a result of the sharply increased power of weapons.

Today, there are so many accumulated nuclear weapons alone that their explosive

strength is several thousand times greater than the power of ammunition used in all

wars that have been fought before.

Nuclear charges are stored in the arsenals of different countries, the total power

which is several million times greater than the power of a bomb dropped on

Hiroshima. But more than 200 thousand people died from this bomb! 40% area

the city turned into ashes, 92% was mutilated beyond recognition. Fatal

The consequences of the atomic bombing are still felt by thousands of people.

For every person now only in the form of nuclear weapons

accounts for such a quantity of explosives that their trinitrotoluene

the equivalent exceeds 10 tons. If people had so much food,

how many types of weapons and explosives exist on the planet!..

weapons can destroy all life on Earth many dozens of times. But

today even "conventional" means of warfare are quite capable of causing

global damage to both humanity and nature. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that

technology of warfare is evolving towards more and more destruction

civilian population. The ratio between the number of civilian deaths and