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Lunar calendar for June landing seedlings. Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers. Divine world of plants

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2017

Sowing a gardery calendar for June 2017

Waxing Crescent. June 1, Thursday (2 h 15:43), June 2, Friday. Moon in Virgo (until 03:05 June 3) 2 phase.
What to do. Switch, loose, dip and mulch vegetable crops. You can carry out membering of tomatoes and pinch the cucumber plants in the greenhouse.
What you can not do. Fertilize, plant vegetables on seeds, coched salad.

June 3, from 03:05, Saturday, June 4, Sunday, June 5, Monday. The moon in the scales (until 13:47 June 5) 2 phase.
What to do. Doing soil processing (loosening, composting, weeding, watering). Re-sow dill, salad, kerwell, broccoli cabbage. Sprinkle the seedlings of annual colors into the ground. Severate lawn herbs, form flower beds. Make vaccinations. Fight pests.

June 5, Monday, June 6, Tuesday, June 7, Wednesday. Moon in Scorpio (up to 02:00 on June 8) 2 phase.
What to do. Sow a long-term bow. Collect the crop of lettuce, spinach, cucumbers and cauliflower. Cut the fruit trees. Implement extra-corner subordinate Tomatoes and cucumbers. Severy seeds of twilight or dive their seedlings.
What you can not do. Pour trees, trim dry branches in trees and bushes, plant potatoes and trees, collect harvest, herbs, dig bulbs and rootfields.

June 8 from 02:00, Thursday. Moon in Sagittarius 2 phase.
What to do. Sat all kinds of healing herbs, leafy vegetables, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin. Continue fighting pests.
What you can not do. Plant potatoes and trees, dig up the bulbs of flowers, multiply the plants with roots, trim dry branches in trees and bushes, throw trees for construction (attacks the cored).

Full moon. June 9, Friday (at 16:11). Moon in Sagittarius 3 phase.
What to do. Production of soil on the beds with cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots. Take the seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers.
What you can not do. Hang out, plant, replant, multiply vegetable and fruit-berry cultures.

Waning moon. June 10, Saturday. Moon in Sagittarius (until 14:37 June 10) 3 phase.
What to do. Drop decorative melluccic - white gallery, Kandyk, Muskari, Process, Pushkin, Snowdigdik, and others. Collect seeds with flower plants: such as Viola, forget-me-not, daisy. Spray fruit trees and berry shrubs Preparations from pests, and growth stimulants to treat poorly overwhelming trees, as well as seedlings. Page the tops of raspberry shoots. You can plant the seedlings of apple trees, pears, cherries, plums, Irgi, honeysuckle, roses.
What you can not do. It is possible to harm and plant a salad, to process products from harmful insect trees with damage. Pull trees (attacks the coroede).

June 10, Saturday, June 11, Sunday, June 12, Monday. Moon in Capricorn (until 02:46 June 13) 3 phase.
What to do. It is plentiful to pouring leafy crops, moderately - bulbies and root. Raise the soil on the garden with pepper, feed carrots. Collect leafy and fruit-berry cultures. To do salts and preservation of the harvest.
What you can not do. Transplanting flowers.

June 13, Tuesday, June 14, Wednesday, June 15, Thursday. Moon in Aquarius (until 13:19 June 15) 3 Phase.
What to do. Spray fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests, as well as process growth stimulants and preparations for improving fruits. Collect herbs for drying. Crop, pinch and pausing plants. Hug old trees.
What you can not do. Sow, plant, water and feed vegetable cultures. Make sure. At the edges potato field It is necessary to plant hell, calendula, aromatic herbs - they are fully affected by potatoes.

June 15, Thursday, June 16, Friday, June 17, Saturday (4 hours 14:34). The moon in the fish (until 20:56 June 17) 3-4 phase.
What to do. Pour and fade away plants. Feeding fruit trees and berry shrubs. Saw dickens, radish, radishes, re-Beijing cabbage. Collect and recycle berries and vegetables.
What you can not do. Remove any pigs collect medicinal plants. Chop wood on firewood, crop fruit trees and shrubs. Make sure. To dig bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, etc.

June 17, Saturday, (4 hours 14:34) June 18, Sunday, June 19, Monday. Moon in Aries (until 00:54 June 20) 4 phase.
What to do. Crop the old leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, yellowed leaves on eggplants, cut the weak pepper shoots. Spray cabbage from caterpillars, cucumbers - from custom tick, fruit trees and shrubs from aphids. Make grass, pinch raspberry.
What you can not do. Collect medicinal plants, crop fruit trees and shrubs.

June 20 from 00:54, Tuesday, June 21, Wednesday. Moon in Taurus (until 01:45 June 22) 4 phase.
What to do. Seek radish for winter storage. Production hay for autumn refueling of greenhouses, putting into compost and for mulching. Remove root and strambed pigs, as well as strawberry mustache. Put the leek and shave the soil from the bulbs of the onions-repka. Continue the fight against weeds and pests of the garden.
What you can not do. Watering in the hot clock of the day.

June 22 at 01:45, Thursday, June 23, Friday. The moon in the twins (until 01:08 June 24) 4 phase.
What to do. To carry out the packing of tomatoes, the formation of plants of pepper, eggplants and cucumbers. Press the screens from pumpkins, melons, watermelons, as well as the tops of the stalks in Brussels cabbage. To transplant the mustache strawberries, form new beds. To be down removable strawberry Such complex fertilizer and ash. Make in dry mineral fertilizers for flowers.
What you can not do. Water plants.

New moon. June 24 at 01:08, Saturday (at 05:32). Moon in cancer 1 phase.
What to do. Make economic work: remove the garbage, do the repair of the inventory.
What you can not do. Plant, replant, trim, steaming and pinching.

Waxing Crescent. June 25, Sunday. Moon in cancer (until 01:08 June 26) 1 phase
What to do. Engage economic works, repair of garden-garden inventory. It is moderate to pour and rinse the beds.
What you can not do. Plant, replant, trim and pinch plants.

June 26 at 01:08, Monday, June 27, Tuesday. Moon in Lev (until 03:42 June 28) 1 phase.
What to do. Collect and recycle berries and cucumbers, moderate to pour beds with pepper, dip the cabbage. Severe, plant and peek drought-resistant plants. The grass falling on this day will take up to a smooth layer. Suggest the beds, harvest compost.
What you can not do. Apply artificial fertilizers, replant. Make sure. Collect medicinal herbs (will have the greatest strength).

June 28, Wednesday, June 29, Thursday, June 30, Friday. Moon in Virgo (up to 10:03 June 30) 1 phase.
What you can not do. Make planting on seeds, plant a jacket salad, collect fruits, laying a vintage for storage and roll canned food.

June 30, Friday. Moon in scales 1 phase.
What to do. Implement dry fantastic plants, sow spinach for autumn use. Cut and dry spicy herbs. Plant and transplant medicinal herbs and indoor flowers. Spend summer chipping roses. To root strawberry outlets.
What you can not do. Water plants: it can cause root rotting.

Attention! Gardening calendar for June 2017 is designed for temperate climate.

The moon is a source of force that affects gravity, tides and flows, which means that all liquids and juices of plants, as well as their bioenergy. Therefore, any impact on plants in the garden and garden should be performed focusing on the position of the moon.

In order not to harm the gardens and gardeners, as well as amateurs indoor plants Must when planting plants, comply with certain security measures, to know when favorable days for landing, transplants and other works in the garden, and when it is worth refraining from certain works.

The Phases of the Moon in June 2017 affect both the roots of plants and the above-ground part. Planting on a certain lunar day can speed up their shoot, growth, affect the fruits of future plants.

On some days from planting, weeding and loosening roots of plants and colors, it is necessary to refrain, because This can lead to damage to the plants, slowdown in growth, loading, or for example, to disrupt their energy balance. This affects not only directly work with land and, but also other works in the garden and garden.

If you want to collect good harvestYou're obviously necessary that in June 2017 everything was done, according to the lunar sowing calendar.

If you plant a plant, this applies to perennials, trees that are expected to have a long life, seedlings, then it should be done only on the growing moon, preferably before full moon. On the day of the new moon it is not worth doing this.

Plants planted before the full moon will be highly tightened. Just as all cases aimed at development should be started on the growing moon and new life In a new place, plants, especially, perennials should be given on the growing moon.

Favorable landing days in June 2017

Favorable days For sowing and landing: 3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15,16,17,20,21,25 and June 30.

We are reviewing directly from the date of release of this article - June 8, 2017.

What to do. Sat all kinds of healing herbs, leafy vegetables, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin. Continue fighting pests.
What you can not do. Plant potatoes and trees, dig up the bulbs of flowers, multiply the plants with roots, trim dry branches in trees and bushes, throw trees for construction (attacks the cored).
Full moon. June 9, Friday (at 16:11). Moon in Sagittarius 3 phase.

What to do. Production of soil on the beds with cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots. Take the seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers.
What you can not do. Drain, plant, replant, multiply vegetable and fruit-berry cultures.
Waning moon. June 10, Saturday. Moon in Sagittarius (until 14:37 June 10) 3 phase.

What to do. Drop decorative mellikukovichny - Sleeping, Kandyk, Muskari, Prolesta, Pushkin, Snowjird, and others. Collect seeds with flower plants: such as Viola, forget-me-not, daisy. Spray fruit trees and berry shrubs with pests with pests, and growth stimulants to treat poorly overwhelmed trees, as well as seedlings. Page the tops of raspberry shoots. You can plant the seedlings of apple trees, pears, cherries, plums, Irgi, honeysuckle, roses.
What you can not do. It is possible to harm and plant a salad, to process products from harmful insect trees with damage. Pull trees (attacks the coroede).

June 10, Saturday, June 11, Sunday, June 12, Monday. Moon in Capricorn (until 02:46 June 13) 3 phase.

What to do. It is plentiful to pouring leafy crops, moderately - bulbies and root. Raise the soil on the garden with pepper, feed carrots. Collect leafy and fruit-berry cultures. To do salts and preservation of the harvest.
What you can not do. Transplanting flowers.
June 13, Tuesday, June 14, Wednesday, June 15, Thursday. Moon in Aquarius (until 13:19 June 15) 3 Phase.

What to do. Spray fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests, as well as process growth stimulants and preparations for improving fruits. Collect herbs for drying. Crop, pinch and pausing plants. Hug old trees.
What you can not do. Sow, plant, water and feed vegetable cultures. Make sure. At the edges of the potato field, it is necessary to land the horseradish, calendula, aromatic herbs - they are fully affected by potatoes.
June 15, Thursday, June 16, Friday, June 17, Saturday (4 hours 14:34). The moon in the fish (until 20:56 June 17) 3-4 phase.

What to do. Pour and fade away plants. Feeding fruit trees and berry shrubs. Saw dickens, radish, radishes, re-Beijing cabbage. Collect and recycle berries and vegetables.
What you can not do. Delete any piglery, collect medicinal plants. Chop wood on firewood, crop fruit trees and shrubs. Make sure. To dig bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, etc.

June 17, Saturday, (4 hours 14:34) June 18, Sunday, June 19, Monday. Moon in Aries (until 00:54 June 20) 4 phase.

What to do. Crop the old leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, yellowed leaves on eggplants, cut the weak pepper shoots. Spray cabbage from caterpillars, cucumbers - from a spider tick, fruit trees and shrubs from Tly. Make grass, pinch raspberry.
What you can not do. Collect medicinal plants, crop fruit trees and shrubs.
June 20 from 00:54, Tuesday, June 21, Wednesday. Moon in Taurus (until 01:45 June 22) 4 phase.

What to do. Seek radish for winter storage. Production hay for autumn refueling of greenhouses, putting into compost and for mulching. Remove root and strambed pigs, as well as strawberry mustache. Put the leek and shave the soil from the bulbs of the onions-repka. Continue the fight against weeds and pests of the garden.

What you can not do. Watering in the hot clock of the day.

What to do. To carry out the packing of tomatoes, the formation of plants of pepper, eggplants and cucumbers. Press the screens from pumpkins, melons, watermelons, as well as the tops of the stalks in Brussels cabbage. To transplant the mustache strawberries, form new beds. To feed the repair strawberries with dry complex fertilizer and ash. Make in dry mineral fertilizers for flowers.
What you can not do. Water plants.

What to do. Make economic work: remove the garbage, do the repair of the inventory.
What you can not do. Plant, replant, trim, steaming and pinching.
Waxing Crescent. June 25, Sunday. Moon in cancer (until 01:08 June 26) 1 phase

What to do. To engage in economic work, repair of garden-garden inventory. It is moderate to pour and rinse the beds.
What you can not do. Plant, replant, trim and pinch plants.

What to do. Collect and recycle berries and cucumbers, moderate to pour beds with pepper, dip the cabbage. Severe, plant and peek drought-resistant plants. The grass falling on this day will take up to a smooth layer. Suggest the beds, harvest compost.
What you can not do. Apply artificial fertilizers, replant. Make sure. Collect medicinal herbs (will have the greatest strength).

What you can not do. Make planting on seeds, plant a jacket salad, collect fruits, laying a vintage for storage and roll canned food.

What to do. Implement dry fantastic plants, sow spinach for autumn use. Cut and dry spicy herbs. Plant and transplant medicinal herbs and indoor flowers. Spend summer chipping roses. To root strawberry outlets.
What you can not do. Water plants: it can cause root rotting.

In June, most plants have already entered the time of vegetation. Therefore, the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 does not provide for such an active plant planting, as in other months. However, this does not mean that landing in June on the lunar calendar cease at all. Some seeds are perfect, if they sow them at the beginning of this month. Well, other works in the garden and in the garden for the summer residents abound.

Lunny sowing calendar for 2017 for gardener and gardery from June 1 to 15

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin
  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin

Lunar Calendar Ogorodnika for June 2017 advises on this day to hold a sepure and step-down vegetable crops.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign

You can only deal with the thinning of shoots and processing of the Earth.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign
  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign

For gardener June 5 in the lunar calendar for 2017 - a favorable time for transplantation, watering, making mineral fertilizer, vaccinations.

Suitable time For planting strawberries and rooting of mustache.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Scorpio sign

Suitable time for planting potatoes and rooteplood. Favorable time for watering, making fertilizers, transplants, weeding.

In the garden, according to the lunar calendar of the gardener for 2017, on June 6, it is possible to start watering young landings, berry shrubs, carry out an extractive feeder. Today is a suitable day for cooking brazers, tinctures, etc.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Scorpio sign

Try to complete the previously started, but do not undermine new affairs - the day is considered unfavorable for undertakings. Do not overcome, be careful to your well-being - this day of the lunar cycle is unfavorable for health.

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener for 2017 on June 7 advises to plant bulbous flowers, share the rhizomes of irises, phlox, peonies, etc. Can be made by making organic fertilizers, feeding bedroom bulbous colors, especially if they have a weak root system.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Sagittarius

On this day, on the lunar calendar for June 2017, gloomy can be done feeding, including an extraordinated way. Do not forget about the fight against pests and diseases - spend complex defense Plants, use combination solutions for spraying, use champraids and infusions.

  • Full moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

It is not recommended to engage in planting and transplantation of plants. In the afternoon on June 9, 2017, the lunar sowing calendar permits gardens to sow only the seeds of roots - carrots, turnips, radish, radish.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Sagittarius

Lunar landing calendar June 10 June recommends to sow plants that are rapidly growing and used without storage - for example, a cooked salad, onions on the feather. It is recommended to make a spraying and struggle against pests of plants, thinning shoots, weeding.

In the greenhouse, it is possible to make a sepure and step-down of vegetable crops.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Capricorn sign

Invalizable time for sowing and landing, but you can deal with the fight against pests and disease diseases! Processing of land, feeding and making fertilizers, weeding.

A favorable day for physical activity. Flower on the lunar calendar for 2017 on June 11, it is recommended to feed decorative bedroom flowers, especially if they have a weak flowering or they did not bloom in the last time. Do not forget that during the actual growth of plants especially need fertilizers.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Capricorn sign

Take yourself with a change, thinning, removal of weak and patient plants.

A favorable time for feeding plants in the garden and garden. Do not forget to combat pests of plants, destroy weeds.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

You can start the bookmark computer coupUsing vegetable residues - Plant Bottva, old leaves, etc. It is recommended to conduct feeding and making mineral fertilizers in the garden and in the garden

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

In the garden, you can cut forward seedlings and seedlings in thickened places, loosen the aisle, dip potatoes, spill weeds, fight pests and plant diseases.

Treat trees in the garden, collect and destroy pests, remove the affected branches, pig fruit trees and shrubs. Soot spicy herbs.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Aquarius

In the garden, consistent with the weather, you can start watering young landings, berry shrubs. Treat trees, collect and destroy pests, remove the affected branches.

Lunar landing calendar for 2017 from 16 to 30 June

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of the fish

Continue started in previous days and try not to start a new one - in astrology, the twenty-third lunar day is considered favorable to complete the affairs and unfavorable for any undertakings.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of the fish

According to the lunar calendar of the gardener on June 17, 2017 - the right time to process plants and beds: transplantation, thinning, chipquarters and steaming of vegetables seedlings.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of Aries

A favorable time for work in the garden - engage in the formation of trees and shrubs, remove the root piglery.

Do not forget about the fight against pests and diseases - carry out comprehensive protection of plants, use combination solutions for spraying, use champs and infusions.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign of Aries

The lunar landing calendar for June 2017 is unfavorable on this day, but you can deal with the struggle with pests and diseases of plants, the processing of land, feeding and making fertilizers, weeding.

A favorable day for physical activity. Adopt the decorative bedroom flowers, especially if they have a weak flowering or they did not bloom in the last time. Do not forget that during the actual growth of plants especially need fertilizers.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign Taurus

Be careful to your health - the day is considered dangerous to health. Reduce physical activity, deal with work that does not require great effort.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in the sign Taurus

The lunar calendar of the flower for June 2017 does not recommend to engage in sowing, transplantation, picking. You can cut forward, loosen, remove weak and sick plants.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Gemini sign

Be careful to your health - this day is considered unfavorable for health. Pose Seeds spicy plants and medicinal herbal. The lunar-sowing calendar for June 2017 recommends that the tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower for subsequent cultivation are attached to this. Good time for planting colors - Petunia, velvetsev, zinnia. Spend watering and feeding.

  • Waning moon
  • Moon in Gemini sign

Be careful to your health - this day is considered unfavorable for health. Garders on the lunar calendar on June 23, it is recommended to sow seeds of spicy plants and medicinal herbs. You can sow tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower for subsequent cultivation. Good time for planting colors - Petunia, velvetsev, zinnia. Spend watering and feeding.

On this day in the garden and garden do not engage in trimming and thinning.

  • New Moon
  • Moon in Cancer Sign

If you are oriented towards the Moon Sowing Calendar of the Gardener, June 24, you can also sow tomato seeds, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower for subsequent cultivation. Good time for planting colors - Petunia, velvetsev, zinnia. Spend watering and feeding.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Cancer Sign
  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in the lion sign

Take care of thinning, loosening, removal of unnecessary shoots, weak and sick plants. Adjust the room flowers if they did not bloom on time or they have a weak flowering.

June 26th lunar-sowing calendar gardener gardener - good time For sowing seeds of curly plants.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in the lion sign

Suitable time for planting plants and beds - transplantation, thinning, chipquarters and steaming of seedlings of vegetables.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin

On June 29, a lunar-sowing calendar is favorable for planting seedlings of thermal-loving crops, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, patissons.

A favorable time for transplantation, watering, making mineral fertilizers, vaccinations.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in Virgin

A favorable time for watering and liquid feeding. You can remove the harvest of fresh greenery, radish; Do home canning.

  • Waxing Crescent
  • Moon in scale sign

Suitable time to root the mustache strawberries.

The moon affects everything alive on earth, or rather, it is its location in the sky. It is especially important to take into account the position of the Moon in the sky when working in the garden, from which in June it is not to get rid. Lunar calendar for June 2017 with a favorable day for landing will help choose not only sowing time, but also the most good time For other works.

This calendar also contains adverse days for landing in June 2017, which means for the garden, the ability to relax a bit. When in 2017, what folk signsTraditions and beliefs exist on this day.

Calendar for Gardener for June 2017

We offer a detailed lunar sowing calendar for June 2017, which includes everything useful recommendations For a garden based on how the position of the Moon may alone may affect plants.

01.06 - The first mooner quarter is in the sign of the Virgin. Day for landings neutral, you can plant a dill, fennel, conduct a musting and prevention of pests in the garden. The transplantation of plants on this day will contribute to their rapid growth.

02.06 - The moon begins to grow, but does not change his position. The day is also neutral, and therefore, you can use the recommendations of the previous day.

03.06 - 04.06 - The moon continues to grow, but already goes into scales. On this day, you can make landing of cauliflower, peas, tomatoes, corn. You can plant seeds in seedlings, but only if it is a pen, eggplant or beans. These days the vacuum and watering plants are not welcome.

06/05 - 07.06 - The moon does not change the phase, but moves to Scorpio. This is favorable days for landing, especially for planting cucumbers, zucchini, beijing cabbage. But engage in trimming trees and shrubs is better than another day. The period from the fifth on the sixth of June is favorable precisely for planting.

08.06 - The moon has already moved to Sagittarius, a day is suitable for planting plants for seeds, as well as for working to combat pests. It is not recommended to carry out watering, picking, stepsing and trimming.

09.06 is a full moon. Full moon is an extremely unfavorable day for any work on the garden and in the garden, so do not risk.

10.06 - 12.06 - In this period, the decreasing moon is in the Capricorn sign, which means a favorable period for sowing a carrot, a bug, loaf, cucumbers, zucchini, parsley and differ.

13.06. - 14.06 - In this period of finding the heavenly shining in the Aquarius sign, it is recommended to refuse planting plants in favor of such works as weeding, loosening, struggle and prevention of pests.

On June 15 and 16, the moon is moving in the sign of fish, favorable days, both for landing and for transplanting any plants. But these days should refuse sowing lawn grass And digging roots (so horses quickly rotate).

06/17 - 19.06 - Aries, constellation in which the moon stays these days, a very infrequorative sign. Therefore, it is better to refuse from the landing work. This time can be devoted to such hassle as feeding, looser loans, brazing weeds.

On December 22 and 23 - since the twins, in the sign of which heavenly luminaries, a non-fermentation mark, landing, transplant, dive under the ban. If it is assigned a grooling of beds these days, it must be exactly manual. Any work that can hurt the roots of plants and injure them cannot be carried out, the period is unfavorable.

June 24 is a new moon. Strictly prohibited any operations on the garden and manipulation with plants, the day is unfavorable.

25.06.- 27.06 - The moon grows in the sign of the lion. Of the recommendations - weeding, loosening, pest control. For other operations are neutral days. It is impossible to sow, replant, water and feed the plants during this period.

On June 28 and 29, the Moon is moving from Lion to the Women. You can put a landing for seeds, dive seedlings, to fight pests. These days also best do the preparation of medicinal plants.

June 30 - the last summer day when the moon grows in the scales. Just adventure only vaccination and spraying growing crops. For other types of work, the day is neutral.

In June, there will be only two extremely unfavorable days for planting plants, this is how the full moon and new moon has already been. Neutral days do not mean a refusal of work on the garden, but the most reasonable to use the recommendations of the lunar calendar, what day is best suited for a particular type of agrotechnical work. Good luck in the garden!

From a long time, mankind draws attention to the impact of the night shone, the moon, on all living on our wonderful planet. This applies not only to people and animals, even huge masses of water in the seas and oceans are affected by lunar phases.

It is clear that trees, shrubs, colors and other crops have not passed the same fate. And this fact is confirmed not by one generation of gardeners. Therefore, many successful cultivators seek their gaze to the lunar calendar of crops.

Everyone who wants to get an impressive harvest uses proven techniques, takes into account the advice experienced Gorodnikov and gardeners, and also uses their knowledge and observation. But almost everyone considers the smartest solution in the work on Earth - the use of the calendar. And now, many daches carefully study the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 to achieve the highest rates of yield.

Lunar calendar for June 2017 Gardening and Gardener

date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended work
June 1, 2017 Thu. First quarter Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo - The zodiac sign of the middle fertility (the days of the root) plants planted under this sign are growing well, but give a bad harvest.
  • In the garden- Sums of dill, fennel, breaking shoots, weeding, the fight against pests and diseases, dive of seedlings, mineral feeding of rootfields. Transplanted plants are quickly accepted and go to growth. Watering.
  • Flower garden - Favorable days for sowing and landing annual colors and other ornamental plants.
  • In the garden - reproduction with cuttings, clipping extra branches, the tailing of annual shoots. Landing, transplanting fruit - berry shrubs. Spraying from pests and diseases. Watering.
June 2, 2017 PT. Growing Moon in Virgo
June 3, 2017 Sat. Growing moon in scales
  • Libra
  • In the garden- Sowing cauliflower of medium-bed varieties, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn. Rechazzle seedlings of bush beans, pepper, eggplant. Sowing coriander, mustard, spinach, broccoli, parsley on greens, lettuce, sunflower, medicinal herbs - including seeds. Transplanting white cabbage medium-sized varieties. Mineral feeding.
  • Flower garden - Good time for planting roses, tuber, curly colors and decorative shrubs. Rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden -Own pruning, crown formation, sowing sites. Possible landing of fruit trees and shrubs.
  • Not recommended - Spraying, vaccination.
June 4, 2017 Sun. Growing moon in scales
June 5, 2017 Mon. Growing Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpio - A fertile zodiac sign (sheets of sheets) and the lunar sowing calendar recommends:
  • In the garden- Favorable days for sowing cucumbers, zucchini, patissons, low-spirited tomatoes, re-sowing green. Sowing cauliflower seeds averages for autumn consumption, pea, Luca-Batuna, Kochanny, rhubarb salad, Beijing cabbage. Earth processing, mineral feeding, watering, loosening. Fighting slugs.
  • Flower garden - Sowing annuals, perennial, bulbous colors. Planting roses, plenty and curly colors
  • In the garden - vaccination, feeding min. Fertilizers, haircut lawn, sowing sites. Landing strawberries, raspberries, grapes.
  • Not recommended engage in trimming trees and shrubs.
June 6, 2017 T. Growing Moon in Scorpio
June 7, 2017 cf. Growing Moon in Scorpio
June 8, 2017 Thu. Growing Moon in Sagittar
  • Sagittarius - zodiac sign of the middle fertility (fruit days)
  • In the garden - Recommended planting plants for seeds, onions for repka (Sevka or seedlings), sowing seeds of Luke Batuna. Do not plant a salad (shoot). You can plant sharp pepper seedlings. Seed collection. Fighting diseases and pests.
  • Flower garden - Shining, planting flowers on seeds and plants that give a lot of greens.
  • Not recommended - cut forward shoots, dive, vaccinate, steaming, (wounds will not be lit for a long time). to germinate seeds, water the plants.
  • In the garden - loosening, removal of weeds, strokes, the fight against pests and diseases, the collection of juicy fruits (strawberries), mowing lawn.
June 9, 2017 PT. Full moonMoon in Streltsy On the lunar calendar of gardeners - gardeners work with plants in full moon is not recommended.
June 10, 2016 Sat. Descending moon in Capricorn
  • Capricorn - The sign of the zodiac of the middle fertility (the days of the root) all plants planted under the sign of Capricorn grow slowly, but grow strong, powerful and excellently fruit.
  • In the garden - good days For sowing summer carrots, beets, cucumbers, zucchini, parsley root, onion on the river. Organic root feeding, watering. Fighting pests and diseases. Sular breaks, loosening, weeding.
  • Flower garden - landing perennial flowers, billet and rooting of cuttings.
  • In the garden - Sanitary trimming, clipping extra shoots, trimming highly growing shoots. Greeting with green cuttings.
  • Boot
June 11, 2017 Sun. Descending moon in Capricorn
June 12, 2017 Mon. Descending moon in Capricorn
June 13, 2017 T. Decreasing moon in aquale
  • Aquarius - Bad zodiac sign (flower days) One of the most fruitless characters is not worth it.
  • In the garden-propolka, breaking shootings. Fighting pests and diseases. Measking tomatoes, forming a weave of cucumbers. Dipping, soil loosening, weeding.
  • Flower garden - Favorable days for breeding work with flowers. You can grow flowers with an unusual coloring.
  • Do not do it Greet seeds, water.
  • In the gardenin-weeding, cutting, spraying from pests and diseases, sanitary trimming, annual segments. Fucking grass lawn, chopped out.
June 14, 2017 Wed Decreasing moon in aquale
June 15, 2017 Thu. Decreasing moon in fish
  • Fish - good, fertile zodiac sign for gardeners and gardeners (leaf days)
  • In the garden - Recommended landing, transplanting of any plants. Sowing Spinach Land-timed, Cress Salad, Salad (not fade), perennial vegetable crops. Favorable days for planting potatoes (not for winter storage), white cabbage (seedling landing). Organic feeding. Watering moderate.
  • Not recommended Sey grass lawn, dig root root (quickly replete). Processing from diseases, pests.
  • In the garden - rooting of the mustache strawberries. Preparation of a plot for planting outlets. Cutting dry branches.
  • Boot Leaves of medicinal plants.
June 16, 2017 PT. Decreasing moon in fish
June 17, 2017 Sat. Last quarter of the moon in a ram
  • Aries - non-fermentation zodiac sign (fruit days)
  • In the garden - Palencing of tomatoes, formation of cucumbers. Swimming of dry soil, wrestling weeds. Landing radish, Luke, Beijing cabbage. Sular breaking, organic feeding of vegetables with overhead fruits, dip.
  • Flower garden - replacement of the soil in flower pots, cut flowers will stand in a bouquet for a long time.
  • Do not do it Chopping shoots, dive seedlings, replant, germinate seeds, water (soil badly absorbs moisture).
  • In the garden - Sanitary trimming, the collection of fruits and seeds of medicinal plants, cutting off.
June 18, 2017 Sun. Decreasing moon in a ram
June 19, 2017 Mon. Decreasing moon in a ram
June 20, 2017 WW. Decreasing moon in the caller
  • calf - A fertile zodiac sign (root days) Moon sowing calendar recommends:
  • In the garden - planting potatoes, sowing carrots for winter stocks. Do not sow on seeds. Rechazzle seedlings of middle-varies of cauliflower, beans of the bush. Organic feeding, picking seedlings. Fighting underground pests. Compost bookmark. Watering.
  • Flower garden - watering, organic feeding.
  • Not recommended - Sowing for seeds, transplant.
  • In the garden - Preparation of a plot for planting strawberries. Trimming trees and shrubs, removal of the extra annual branches, the fight against pests and diseases, mowing the lawn.
  • Boot The roots of medicinal plants.
June 21, 2017 cf. Descending Moon in Taurus.
June 22, 2017 Thu. Decreasing moon in twins
  • Twins - Bad zodiac sign (flower days)
  • In the garden - No landings, transfers, pickups and other operations related to damage to the roots. You can sow seeds with a long period of germination (carrots, celery, parsley, asparagus). Hanging manual.
  • Flower garden - landing ampel, curly colors.
  • Do not do it to germinate seeds, loosen the soil, dip. You can deal with diseases and pests.
  • In the garden - Crawling of the mustache strawberries, sanitary trimming, cutting, pins, capita. In patients with trees and shrubs, you can cut the tops to a healthy kidney. Beveling on this day lawn will grow long.
June 23, 2017 PT. Decreasing moon in twins The lunar calendar of gardeners - Gardeners categorically does not recommend working with plants in these three days
June 24, 2017 Sat. New moonMoon in cancer
June 25, 2017 Sun. Growing moon in cancer
June 26, 2017 Mon. Growing moon in lion
  • a lion - Bad zodiac sign (fruit days) It's time to relax.
  • In the garden - Collection of fruits on seeds, loosening of dry earth, weeding, breaking shoots, fight pests and diseases. Bald of garlic arrows. Measking tomatoes, formation of cucumbers.
  • Flower garden - Collect the seeds of flowers.
  • Do not do it Greet seeds, sow, replant, pinch. Watering and feeding are not effective.
  • In the garden - trimming of strawberries, cutting frills, dry branches. Possible landing of decorative (not fruiting trees and shrubs).
  • Billets - Collect medicinal herbs.
June 27, 2017 W. Growing moon in lion
June 28, 2017 Wed Growing Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo - The sign of the zodiac of the middle fertility (the days of the root) sown under the sign of the virgin plants grow well, but the harvest is not happy.
  • In the garden - Sowing, landing for seeds. You can sow dill, Fennel, Valerian. Fight with pests and diseases, dive seedlings, to break the arrows of garlic.
  • Flower garden - A favorable day for planting annual colors and other decorative trees and shrubs. We divide and transplant perennial flowers
  • In the garden - landing of cuttings, shrubs of shrubs for rooting, sanitary trimming. Rooting the mustache strawberries.
  • Boot The roots of medicinal plants.
June 29, 2017 Thu. Growing Moon in Virgo
June 30, 2017 PT. Growing moon in scales
  • Libra - zodiac sign of the middle fertility (flower days)
  • In the garden - Rechazzle seedlings of white cabbage (late), Kohlrabi, pepper, eggplant. Repeated sowing of dill, spinach, coriander, cress, salad, pea, sheet mustard, sorrel. Swimming, watering limited, mineral feeding.
  • Flower garden - planting roses, tuber and curly colors, rooting cuttings, watering, loosening, feeding.
  • In the garden - planting container trees and shrubs, forming a trimming of young seedlings, sowing siturates, the tailing of annual shoots, rooting the mustache strawberries.
  • Not recommended - Spraying, vaccination.

Lunar calendar for June 2017 Flower

Lunar gardener gardener calendar for 2017: what and when to plant depending on the sign of the zodiac

On the day of the Aries, the landing should be refused, but the weeding and destruction of harmful insects will bring the desired effect.

On the day of the Taurus, you can plant almost everything - a rich harvest is guaranteed. Ideal for planting roots, especially if combined with a decreasing phase of the moon. On the growing better, it is better to plant greens, legumes, asparagus and cabbage. At this moment, the seedlings and trimming of trees are safely passed.

On the day of twins it is impossible to plant strictly. It is allowed to spray plants from pests and diseases, as well as a weeding.

Cancer Day, especially if it complements the growing moon - the most favorable for planting moisture-loving (cucumbers, zucchini, pepper, all types of cabbage, tomatoes) and leafy crops (greenery, salad). It goes well to plant berry shrubs (gooseberry, currant, raspberry), trimming and vaccinations of fruit trees. On the descending moon, you can plant roots (potatoes, carrots, trouser, beet). The crop will be rich, but not suitable for long-term storage and use on seeds.

Lion's day is better to devote to weeding and destroying pests. It is impossible to plant.

The day of the Virgin can be used for care activities (weeding, dip, loosening, trimming, spraying). But the landing will not bring results - the crop will be scarce. Nevertheless, with a growing moon, it is possible to plant strawberries, berry bushes, medicinal plants and perennial flowers. Virgo will protect them from diseases for many years.

On the day of the weights you can dial seedlings. The phase of the growing moon is suitable for planting cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, zucchini, all legumes. You can plant berry shrubs, strawberries, seedlings of fruit trees, perennial flowers. On the descending moon, it is good to plant root root and on Luka. The vintage is medium, stored well, the seeds have a high germination.

On the day of Scorpion can also be done by pickup. On the growing moon, the planting of moisthed cultures, as well as eggplants, is effective, bulgarian pepper and greens. In the phase of the descending moon, the trimming of old trees and landing of rootepodes, garlic, Luca-Sevka, bulbous colors. The crop is abundant, suitable for long-term storage, seed high quality material.

On the day of the Sagittarius, do it with quiet, loosening, destruction of diseases and insects. It is not worth planted.

Capricorn Day is ideal for picking seedlings, planting crops "in the winter", perennial plants, fruit trees and berry bushes. At a decreasing lunar phase, it is recommended to land on a row-repka, root-rods, bulbous colors. It is better to plant bean, greens, cabbage, you can make the vaccinations of trees and their cropping. Vintage medium, high-quality, seeds of high germination.

On the day of the Aquarius it is better to do with quiet and loosening, the destruction of malicious insects and diseases. From landing it is worth refuse.

On the day of fish it is better not to crop trees. Eggplants, pumpkin, horseradish, tomatoes and cucumbers can be planted on a growing moon, carrots, onions, radishes, bulbous flowers - on decreasing. Vintage decent. But long won't be stored. Seeds are bad.