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Basil on the windowsill in winter for beginners. Basil - growing a spicy taste plant from A to Ya. Growing and care for green spots of basils in the garden

Basil - landing and care in open soil

Basil (lat. Ocimum) - herbate plant Brought from India, it is referred to as Yasnotkov (lat. Lamiaceae) cultures. Depending on the grade, it is an annual or long-term grassy shrub. The plant is very useful for the human body, it is used as spicy and flavoring additives in dried and fresh form.

Basil: varieties, photos

Basil has more than 70 varieties and hundreds of varieties that differ in the size of the bush and the form of leaves, color and aroma.

Basil scented (lat. Ocimum Basilcum)

Busting grows up to 0.7 m. The plant is abundant covered with foliage, which is used in food, has a delicate pepper fragrance. The stalk is covered with fine fluff. Sorts preferred by gardeners of Russia: Mammoth, Magical Michael, Ararat.

Basil purple or regiment (lat. Ocimum Basilicum Var. Purpureum)

Maximum height Plants 0.5 m. The entire surface of the bright purple basil with overflowing shades has a very soft aroma. The varieties most famous in the territory of the Moscow region: Purple, Moorish, is festy.

Basil lemon (lat. Ocimum Basilicum var. Citriodorum)

The low-speed basil, up to 0.35 m. The leaves have a thin smell of lemon and camphor. Proven varieties: new, lemon, Moscow Bogatyr.

Basil black

Boots are low to 0.3 m. The leaves are painted into a dark rich color, and have a pronounced burning fragrance. Grade: Ruby Cairo, Baku, Omine.

How to choose basil seeds

Growing spice on cottage plot For its own consumption, there is no need for a large number of seeds, but they must be high quality. Not recommended to harvest planting material Alone. Since the culture is thermal-loving, seeds collected in the cold regions will not have a high germination. It is recommended to purchase seeds of Indian production, as India is home to culture and best suits climatic conditions.

Basil - landing and care in open soil

Basil prefers warm conditionsand does not tolerate cold weather. The full period of vegetation of the plant is 160 days, so if you wish to enjoy spicy greens as early as possible - you have to grow seedlings.

Basil: Growing with a seaside

The cultivation of the basil is starting with the middle of April. Seeding can be dried - both in the boxes for seedlings and in heated greenhouses.

The cultivation of basil in the open ground consists of the following procedures:

  • granks need to warm up to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • soak in the growth stimulator 7-8 hours;
  • slightly dry the seeds, and put in the prepared ground, to a depth of 1 cm;
  • cover the film, regularly moisturize, but not overflow.

The approximate period of "Black Earth", before the appearance of seed shoots - ranges from 7 to 10 days. Finished seedling for landing in open soil Must achieve monthly age.

Basil: Growing from seeds in open ground

If a reckless method is used, the seeds are sulking into the soil after May 15, when the night freezes will not be scary. The bed must be covered with a film or agrofrix until plants achieve 2 weeks of age.

Culture loves open and sunny, but protected from cold wind the terrain, and light fertile soil. Sowing Basilica is not recommended twice in a row in one place. The culture is growing well after: potatoes, tomatoes, legumes, cucumbers.

Basil: Growing and Care in Open Ground

Good development Basilica facilitates regular weeding from weeds. It is necessary to aerate the surface of the soil, exploding it, as well as water as drying. Do not forget to feed the plants nitrogen fertilizers 1 time per month. The first feeding should be carried out 2 weeks after the seedlings landing. This is the care of the basil in the open soil.

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • disinfection of the planting material by mangartan;
  • moderate watering;
  • outdoor planting ash 1 time per week;
  • removal of patient plants along with an earthen room.

Terms of collecting Basilica

When assembling greenery, it is worth considering that in different periods Vegetation in it contains a different amount essential oils. It is recommended to conduct the first collection of basils before the start of flowering in July, and the second - in September. The tops of the shoots gently pinch together with the leaves, without damaging and without pulling the entire plant.

We grow a basil on the windowsill

Without special efforts you can grow basil at home. To do this, it will take a container, at least 30 cm deep. Seeds are sulking at the end of March in drawers or pots. Better to choose little grades.

How to grow basil at home:

  • at the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to put drainage;
  • you can use garden soil, or purchase a ground with a mark "for vegetable crops and herbs ";
  • before sowing, seeds are soaked in growth stimulants;
  • soil for sowing should be warm;
  • young landings need to be covered with a film;
  • optimal temperature Air for this culture Plus 25-28 degrees Celsius.

When 4-5 pairs of leaves are formed on a young sprout, it will be possible to discharge the top - it will limit the growth of the plant in height, and will give an incentive to active branch. Homemade basil care is similar: regular watering, loosening and feeding.


Basil, although it is a thermal-loving culture, but without much efforts are grown by gardeners even in the northern regions of Russia. For proper care and compliance with prevention measures, you can easily grow fragrant and very useful greens on its own site, or at home.

Basil - unpretentious culture, which can be grown at home throughout the year. But since this plant has a tropical origin to get a harvest, it is necessary to create certain conditions. Therefore, before proceeding to landing, you should figure out how to grow basil on the windowsill. For this purpose, it is advisable to use low grades: clove, marquis, dwarf, yerevan, lemon or purple.

Unique properties of Basilica

Basil is widely used in medicine and cooking. It has many positive properties. The plant has an anesthetic, antiseptic, bactericidal, coating, antispasmodic and expectorant effect on the body.

Basil - universal home "Leak", relieving many symptoms

Basil is used in the treatment:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • hyperemia (increasing the amount of blood flow to any field of the body);
  • cardiovascular and skin diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • measles;
  • headaches;
  • caries;
  • toothed stone and climb;
  • pathologies arising from radiation damage.

In addition, Basil is well strengthened by immunity.

It is not surprising that many flowers prefer to grow basil in the house. Because the plant contains a large number of Potassium, due to which its use helps to reduce blood pressure.

There is a positive influence of the basilica on the emotional state of a person. The plant helps reduce stress, reduce the feeling of nervousness and anxiety. Vitamin A, C, essential mass and phytonutrients included in its composition, eliminate the body from free radicals and contribute to the extension of youth.

However, basil has negative characteristics. Its overdose can provoke poisoning. When entering the mucous membranes, the plant causes irritation. Its use is contraindicated during pregnancy, during veins thrombosis and violation of blood intake. Thus, despite the wide list of positive properties of this plant, it is categorically not recommended to apply it without consulting the doctor.

In cooking, the basil is used in the preparation of ketchups, sauces, refueling, filling, sandwich oil. It is added to the products in the process of smoking and canning. It improves the taste characteristics of sausages, pate, omelettes, salads.

This plant is well combined with parsley, tarragon, mint, coriander and mayoran. But it should be borne in mind that the basil has a sufficiently rich fragrance, which can kill odors of other spices. Therefore, it is necessary to use it moderately.

How to grow basil from cuttings in an apartment or house?

There are several methods that can be searched by basil at home. Shining is perhaps the fastest of them, because it allows you to get greens in two weeks.

Shining - Simple and Reliable Basil Growing Method

The cuttings are cut from the Basil's bush. When buying a plant, you need to follow so that it is not faded. The presence of roots at the Basilica is not necessary. You will also need a knife or scissors, water (+ 25 ° C) and a glass bank.

Landing is as follows:

For culinary purposes, leaves are used, which are cut when the height of the plant reaches 15 cm. The life expectancy of such a bush is 3-4 months.

Important! Cuttings need to be protected from hitting sun raySince, as a result of the effects of ultraviolet, plants can get burns and die.

Soil requirements and pots

Basilica requires fertile and light soil. In a specialized store you can find ready soil mixture. In this case, carry out preliminary training not necessary. But if soil mixture Prepared at home, it must be poured with a solution of 1 l of water and 1/8 h. Potassium sulfate, urea or superphosphate.

Take care of O. proper composition soil and drainage pot

The base for the basil may consist of the following components:

  • horing, land and peat mixed in equal proportions;
  • one piece of coconut fibers and two parts by humus;
  • compost and land (2: 1);
  • peat and humus (2: 1).

It is advisable to place the soil for 60 minutes into the oven preheated to 100 ° C. After that, the earth water fertilizers. When boarding the basil, it will be necessary to drainage, which is laid on the bottom of the pot of a layer of 3 cm:

  • petty pebbles;
  • coarse sand;
  • gravel;
  • crushed stone;
  • ceramzit.

The plant is planted in a pot capacity of 1.5 liters.

Important! With the cultivation of the basil, it is necessary to use drainage, since excessive soil moisture may cause disease development.

External conditions

Basil refers to thermal-loving cultures, so it must be grown at 22-25 ° C. The pots are placed on the south side. Also the plant needs good lighting duration up to 15 hours a day. Provide the necessary conditions It is possible with luminescent or halogen lamps.

Basil loves the sun and warm

But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the features of these devices. Halogen lamps are a source of non-tolcruster, but also heat. In this regard, to apply such lighting elements is recommended in cold period Or in case of cultivation of the basil on the balcony.

Growing a basil of seeds at home: Step-by-step instructions

The development of basil busils grown from seed will take from 8 months to a year. But the advantage of this method is that it is possible to obtain greens from such a plant much longer than when using cuttings.

Cultivation of seed basil - labor-intensive process

For planting seeds need to be prepared:

  • drainage;
  • container in a depth of 15 cm or a pot capacity of 1.5-2 liters;
  • the ground mixture that is prepared in the same way as in the previous version;
  • shovel;
  • polyethylene package or nutritional film.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Work is recommended to start with the preparation of seeds. This stage is not considered mandatory, but it allows you to accelerate the appearance of sprouts. Seeds are soaked in water (25 ° C) for two days. At the same time, every 12 hours, the fluid is replaced.
  2. After that, the planting material is lowered into a solution of manganese potassium. It should be the composition of a weak concentration of light pink, in which the seeds are kept within two hours. After that, they are removed from the water to the napkin and dried.
  3. Further, drainage is poured into the container or pots, and from above - prepared soil. In this case, between the surface of the soil and the edge of the container, it is necessary to leave 3-4 cm. The ground is spilled and watered well.
  4. Then proceed to sowing seeds. They are plugged by 1-2 cm, while maintaining the distance between the plants of 8-10 mm.
  5. Capacities are covered with a film or transparent plastic lid to achieve a greenhouse effect. The pots are installed on a well-lit window sill. Every day, the film is open for 10 minutes to ensure the ventilation of the basil.
  6. After 8-12 days, the first shoots will seem. After that, the film is cleaned, and the temperature in the room is reduced to 16-20 ° C. It is necessary to prevent excessive stretching of plants.
  7. When the sprouts reach a height of 5-7 cm, added to a pot 2-3 cm of soil. This will help strengthen shoots.

After removing the film, the Basilica needs to provide regular and timely care. The room temperature should be maintained within 20-25 ° C. At the stage of germination, the soil moisturizes every two days. Watering should be moderate. Undercalinks during this period, the plant is not required. The nutrient elements made to the ground mixture is enough to ensure the full development of the basilica.

Video: Methods Sowing Basil Seeds

How to transplant an adult plant in a pot on the eve of winter?

Basilization transplant is carried out when cultivated culture in open ground. In this case, in August or September, the plant must be moved to a pot so that it does not suffer in the cold period. The soil composition is prepared in the same way as when the cuttings landed. Volume pot must reach 2 liters.

Basil to transplant to protect against winter frost

The transplant has such features:

  1. First, the pot lay the drain layer. Then fill the soil in which the deepening is made, where water is poured.
  2. When the moisture is absorbed, the bush is gently dug up, remove it together with the earthy room and move to the pot. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the roots to be damaged and not bent.
  3. The plant falls asleep with soil and slightly seal it. If in the process of transplanting some parts of the bush were damaged, they should be cut off.

Current care

You need to start care of the plant immediately after removing the film. Timely fulfillment of all measures will allow you to grow a healthy culture.


Watering the basil depends on temperature conditions. In warm time, the procedure is carried out daily. On hot days, the frequency of watering should be 2 times a day. The bushes are moistened in the morning and at lunchtime, using a wandel with a sprayer for this purpose.

The irrigation rate is determined by the state of the soil - it should be moderately humid (so that the water is not stood in the pallet pot).

In the evening, watering the plant is undesirable. This rule is due to the fact that a cool temperature is installed in the room at night. As a result, the evaporation of water from the soil slows down and the likelihood of the development of a bush is increasing.


If when landing the basil was used fertile soil, to feed it is not necessary because it is annolete plant with a short vegetation period. For the development of bushes there will be enough substances made in initially into the substrate. If the seeds or cuttings were planted in the usual surgeted garden, Basil is necessary to fertilize once a month.

Fertilizer will help the plant getting nutrient components from ordinary soil

The plant is watered with a nutrient solution, which is prepared from 2 liters of water and 1 cap preparation growth. also in upper layer The substrate is made by fertilizer agrosif (1 h. per pot).


Pruning is performed to stimulate the development of lateral shoots. The procedure is to remove the top of the bush at the level of 6-8 leaves. Conduct it 15-20 days after the appearance of germs. You should also eliminate all the color-point shoots immediately after their appearance. This will strengthen the branching of the Basilica, will contribute to the preservation of the aroma, and will also help increase the length of the life of the plant.

Pruning the basil will help him grow wish

Other features

  1. In autumn I. winter time The pot is recommended to wrap polyethylene film. This will help protect the plant from drafts.
  2. In the period from October to February, the Basilica in the evening it is necessary to create additional backlight. Lamps are set at a distance of 20 cm from bushes.
  3. On cloudy days, the plant needs artificial lighting.
  4. It is possible to grow basil year-round. But that the plant in the period of growth has received sufficient number natural lightingThey advise landing in March.
  5. When the size of the bushes reach 15 cm, you can harvest. At this stage, the formation of the stem is completed, so the loss of the leaves will not affect the development of the basilica.

Important! Basil must be protected from drafts.

Pests and diseases

Among pests is dangerous will be the word. It provokes the emergence of such symptoms:

  • the leaves are deformed, lose their color and fold;
  • the growth of bushes is suspended, and the stalks are twisted.

The treatment is carried out by the preparation of decis (1 g by 5 l) or phytodeterm (4 ml per 20 l). To prevent the attack of the pest, it is necessary to follow the rules of care.

Basil, which is grown at home, is significantly less often at a glance and pests than bushes growing in the open soil. But violation of the rules of care can provoke the occurrence of diseases.

Table: Basil Diseases

Diseases Signs of defeat Methods of struggle Prevention
  1. The amazed stems become thin and acquire brown color.
  2. The tops dry, then the bushes are fading.
With the appearance of the first signs, the spraying of the bushes with the drug Topcin-M, Vitaros, Fundazol or Preview (2 g per 1 liter of water). With a strong damage, the plant must be destroyed.
  1. Moderate watering.
  2. Compliance with the required distance between the bushes.
  1. Root neck I. bottom part The stem of the amazed sprout becomes soft, painted in black and thin.
  2. The bush turns yellow and dies.
Processing of soil by colloid gray (4 g per 1 liter). Spraying the basil with phytosporin solution (4 drops per 200 ml of water).
Gray Gnil
  1. Stems and leaves are covered with light brown spots.
  2. Subsequently, gray fluffy rampes are formed.
The use of the Telfor preparation (5 g per 5 liters of water), alin-b (2 tablets per 1 liter).

Frequent errors of gardeners

Errors in the cultivation of bushes and harvest assembly can cause the occurrence of diseases and death of the plant. Basil is undesirable to moisturize. When watering, water should be avoided.

Some gardeners when collecting the crop lay down stems. This should not be done because the plant dries off. You can collect only leaves.

Another error is to break the basil. So you can damage the stem. Therefore, the leaves should be cut off with scissors.

When cultivating the basilica, it should be taken into account its need for warm and good lighting. It is also necessary to remember that the plant does not tolerate excessive watering and drafts. Compliance with these rules will help grow this on the windowsill tropical culture And get a good harvest.

So, for the cultivation of the Basilica, we will need, actually the seeds (or seedlings), the pots with the soil and some patience, as well as such an inventory, like a small trident (the usual table fork), watering can, pulverizer and scissors. Mineral fertilizers will also need, since the "pot" soil is quickly depleted, which leads to a slowdown and even stop growth.

Pledge of excellent harvest - right choice varieties.Yes, the basil is unpretentious, but not every variety will grow well at home. Most the optimal choice It is worth considering such varieties like Yerevan, spoamidoid or Baku. Any other varieties are also suitable, which differ in shallow and frequent foliage, for example, marquis or clove fragrance. The fact is that the formation of large leaves used in cooking is required significantly large quantity Microelements, bring that only an experienced gardener can. As experience increases, you can experiment with large-grained varieties, only the care of this, in fact, unpretentious plant It will take much more.

After you decide on the variety, it is necessary to resolve the question of how to plant a basil in a pot at home. Two ways are widely practiced:

  • seeds;
  • saplings.

In the first case, for the extension of the basilica, more time will be required (from one to three weeks), however, the result will be above all silence. In the second case, the first crop can be removed much earlier, however, it is not far that all seedlings will come down. This is due to the fact that the undeveloped stem is quite fragile, which affects its sensitivity to transplant. That is, even with small damage to the root system, stem or early foliage can occur intimidating plants. Therefore, to obtain the first experience, it is still, still, stop your choice on plant planting seeds.

We choose time, prepare the conditions

The optimal time for the landing does not exist, since due cultivation allows you to grow a basil on the window yearly, however, if you first decide to land this greenery at home, then it is worth choosing that period when biological mechanisms are shown, honed by nature itself: this time from the last decade of March and According to the last decade of April. Yes, many will say that it is easier to plant clear at the cottage, but first, not everyone has summer cottages, and secondly, it is necessary to gain experience when it is all easier, that is, during the natural growth and development of the plant .

Seed landing or seedlings are produced either in the flower pots with a capacity of more than 1.5l or long floral boxes, since clear-free demanding and do not come true when fresh landing and small amounts of soil.

About the last, by the way, it is worth saying separately: if you already decided to grow greens at home, then the Cock country beds, as a last resort - from any potato field. You can buy the soil, however, in this case, be prepared to make a large amount of feeding: if you are accumulating the land on your site, then a single application will be required before landing mineral fertilizer, and if the soil is purchased, it will have to spill it twice with a solution of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride (proportion per liter of water: 20/50/15 grams). Between the irrigation, there must be at least 5 days, on the third day the soil must be mixed thoroughly. So it's still more convenient to use soil from beds under greens, because it mineral composition Close to the necessary.

Drawers or pots should be placed on the south side, since the plant is thermal lodge and always stretches to the sun: the optimal temperature for sustainable growth is 22 ... 24 degrees Celsius. Of course, you can plant a basil and on the balcony, however it is necessary to remember that when cooling it is necessary to use underfloor material, respectively, it should always be at hand. Basil, the cultivation of the home of which is associated with low insolation, is demanding of lighting: in winter, when the light day is small, it will have to be lengthened up to 15-17 hours a day. The best thing will be to create a home bed lighting, for which not only fluorescent lines can be used, but also halogen light sources. When using halogen lamps, keep in mind that it is also a powerful source of thermal radiation, which means you risk it to steal your bushes. therefore experienced gardeners Use halogen light only in the coldest days and only if the plant is grown on the balcony.

How to grow home Basil: landing and cultivation

A plant with side intervals ranging from 5 to 7 cm relative to the edges of the capacity (however, if the flower pots are used, then there are no more than three bushes on one pot), the gaps between seeds (or seedlings, depending on what you have chosen) are about 100-140mm, Depending on the selected variety: the larger clear is sitting, the greater the interval should be observed. Seeds are plugged at about 10-15mm, or laid out in the wells, a depth of 5mm, but topped with a soil with a "slide". If the depth is greater, then the plant will arise for a long time, if the layer of land is less, then the likelihood of seeds and their subsequent death is high.

Reinforced irrigation during the period of germination is not required - it is enough to irrigate the earth every two days. It is also not necessary to feed during this period, since trace elements both in the soil and inside the seed are quite enough for normal growth and development of basilica. The first feeding is carried out when the plant will type strength, its height will be approximately 40-50 mm. Before the first feeding should be pulled by the soil, after which it is necessary to perform a similar procedure for about twice a week, since due to cultivation in limited capacity and in conditions of closed space, the roots lacks oxygen, which causes weakness of the plant and its exposure of different kind Diseases.

Growing basil on the windowsill requires compliance proper wateringSince it is a fundamental success factor. Therefore, it is necessary to irrigate the earth, at least once a day, it is best - in the morning hours, because at night the temperature is lowered as cool as much as possible, respectively, less moisture will be evaporated, which means more water will remain in the soil by noon. If the batteries warm up the air above +25 degrees, or the sun outside the window is trying to melt the windowsill on which bushes are standing, then watering will have to strengthen: once in the morning, once again at noon. Periodically, it is necessary to wash the foliage from the spray gun, but since the likely to moisten the soil is high, do it carefully and only in the evening.

When the grass reaches the height of 60mm. It can be started to eat - it is by this time that the ripening of the stem is completed, and the loss of foliage will no longer affect the fatal coastal viability. Many make two typical mistakes:

It is also recommended to cut the color-point shoots at once as soon as they appear. The fact is that it will cause not only branching the bustle, but also will prolong the life of the plant itself. The cultivation of basil at home with similar cultivation will lead to the fact that the fragrance of greens will only increase, the number of vitamins and minerals in the foliage will increase, which will have a positive effect on taste qualities seasoning.

At home Casnot's almost susceptible to diseasewhich are often found in open soil. However, if at least one bush fell ill, it can lead to an almost complete damage to the whole planting. In order not to lose the whole harvest, it is worth carefully follow the "well-being" of the bushes and at the slightest hints on the gray mold (the leaves are covered with a kind of grayish rope) the bush is put to smelting and destroying. If the mold appeared on the ground (gray fluffy hills or gray threads, similar to the web), then it is neatly cleaned with the soil, watering in this pot or drawer stops at least three days, after which it resumes with feeding universal fertilizers For vegetable crops.

As you know, the plant can be planted in several ways. In this case, practice seeds and seedlings. The second method is the most simple, correct, especially if you are engaged in breeding the Basilica in the open soil. But if you need speed, practicality, to spend at least efforts to this process, then seeds - exactly what is needed. But you are mistaken if you think that it will be enough to just put them in the ground and pour.

In fact, the basil is a tropical grass that needs special care. If it is easy to sow, the germination will be no more than 30%. Humidity, temperature, landing depth, pre-soaking, germination - all this is not only desirable stages before sowing. These are mandatory measures that we now consider in more detail in step-by-step instructions.

  1. Heating grains. The birthplace of these spices is central India, where the temperature during the vegetation period of the plant is not lower than +28 degrees. Cells are activated only if the seed fall into the sun, when it is heated to + 35-40 degrees. If the temperature is below the specified, they can lie in Earth 1, 2 or even 3 weeks, which will not satisfy the requirements of many gardeners. What should be done? Just put in the sun, give to warm the grains to +40 degrees. If the street is cold, it is possible to do this using a boiler or any item that can support + 40 ° C.
  2. Soak. This is the most an important stepthat you can not miss. After you make a little sewing sowing material, it needs to be used as a moisture. To soak at least 20 hours, and the water must be relatively warm, preferably +40 degrees. There is no need for this step if the base of the basil under the winter is performed - there we need to stimulate the seeds there is a little rest, you should not stimulate the intensive growth of the vegetative mass. The duration of the day will not correspond to the needs of the plant, even if the temperature is high.
  3. Sewing into the soil. If you want to grow a yield, healthy basil, landing should be carried out at a temperature of at least 20 degrees. That is, B. open sad He should get in the third decade of May, not earlier. Gem, to climb the seeds can even with +10 degrees during the day, but do not forget that even +5 at night can destroy all your sowing - this culture is very good, the cold does not tolerate.

We will now understand how to plant a basil and what it is necessary for this. The soil looser, the addition of sand into it is a guarantee of obtaining good shoots. Do not forget to mulch the earth by humus so that it does not crack - there will be a 2 centimeter mulch, to close moisture, make optimal conditions For seedlings. The soil should be pre-fertilized by manure for 3-4 months so that he can decompose, separate all the microelements, acids necessary for the plant.

You can sow in several ways. The most popular - scatter grains across the area and robble to treat the site. Of course, there is a risk that many seeds will be on top and disappear over time, but if you can afford such costs, it will be better to do that. The costs of forces will be minimal. Many gardeners practice breaking small furrows - grooves 3-4 centimeters with aisle of 30 centimeters. Such laughter is very effective, saves your time, has small material losses, compared with the first way.

There is also a chess seeding method. Each grain is deepened (you can make your finger, match or garden tool For soil loosening) by 1.5-2 centimeters at a distance of 15 centimeters in diameter from each "neighbor". The advantage of the method is a solid savings of the area, a large yield due to equal remoteness of plants. The disadvantage is perhaps only one - a lot of work and time will go to this process.

After you do everything and scatter the earth from above (it is desirable to seal it something) You can wait for germs that actually get within 12 days if the air temperature is not falling below + 15c. To speed up this process and help the seedlings make their way to the top, you can cover the entire bed with polyethylene or any other material to create a greenhouse effect. In such an "incubator" plants will feel perfectly, the main thing is not to forget to remove the film.

Breeding with seedlings

It is very difficult to achieve friendly shoots and big harvest From small seed, but the plant is healthy and grown on the windowsill gives much more chances. That is why seedlings are so popular when cultivated cultures in the separation of soil. Suppose she already has purchased or obtained as a result of growing its own seeds. What to do next - Consider in more detail.

  1. Break up the land on the garden. The fraction should be like when. It is advisable to use rollers so that the soil is compacted and the roots with ease absorbed water from the soil and the basil has fully developed.
  2. I dig up 10x10x20 centimeters, where the last indicator is the depth. On the bottom, we embarked 5 grams of Selitras, a little soil from above, we put a plant and fill with water so that everything is well dissolved, and the root system immediately received a large number of fertilizers.
  3. The earth is mulching with a crossover, so that it does not crack. It is desirable for beds that are simply in a shadow and be sure to plots under the outdoor sun. It is best to avoid direct rays - there may be burns of plants and slowdown in growth, the best spices is growing under a 30% trenev.

Subsequent seed care is very simple. 1 sheet feeding carbamide or diluted uniform every 2 weeks. The tailor is needed after a fifth pair of leaves is formed on the plant. You can dispute seedlings after 3 weeks - at the discretion of the gardeners.

Breeding with cuttings - advantages and features

At a time, when sowing basil is extremely beneficial in terms of savings time and effort, breeding cuttings gives many other benefits to the gardener. Especially relevant to growing rare and valuable varieties of spices, because from one maternal bush you can get tens of new plants, and each of them will be relatively large and with good resistance to environment. Consider more this process.

  1. Take the usual flower pot, Worrow it with boiling water to kill the infection, and install drainage. For this, a large crushed stone, sand, fertile soil. Pre-moisturize the resulting soil and let it stand for a couple of days.
  2. From the parent plant, it is necessary to take branches of no more than 8 centimeters, as in all other plants it is necessary to make a slant cut to increase the area of \u200b\u200babsorption. The first few leaves pairs will best cut into the consumption of macroelements and water to be minimal. They will quickly grow if a spicy grass is rooted.
  3. On 5 days to put in water container (use plastic lithing bottle, pre-cutting the top). If you are lucky, in 5 days the basil will start the roots and will be ready to transplant into the soil. Under adverse conditions (cold, lack of minerals, lack of light), this may happen much later, for example, in 20 days.
  4. Square. It is advisable to do it under the film, similarly

Basil - an indispensable spice in many dishes. And it is used in cosmetic purposes for rinsing hair and in influenza for baths. If you decide to master the cultivation of greenery on the windowsill, you can safely start training on the basilica. It grows all year round and does not require much care.

Basil is grown from seeds, cuttings or transplanted for the winter in the vases of young, not yet flowering plants From the bed in the country.

What basil is suitable for the window

For cultivation on the windowsill, choose the lowest varieties that form a bush: cinnamon basil (plant up to 50 cm in height with a bright cinnamar taste), basil mellite (has a sweet, gentle taste), anise basil, brush basil. Pay special attention to basil purple, or reggan - it is very good for Caucasian dishes.

Photo Gallery: Types of Basil for Growing Home

Basil Violet will suit the lovers of Caucasian cuisine Cinnamon basil has a bright cinnamon fragrance Basil mellite has a soft sweet aroma

Transplanting plants from open soil

For Basil Transplantation, young bushes are chosen, which are not yet tied up.

The transplant process:

  • The plant digs along with a lore earth.
  • At the bottom of the size of the room, the containers are placed in the size of the construction or pebbles for drainage.
  • Put a bush in a pot, plunder the pot on the sides of the pot.
  • Check that the root neck remains not blunting more than it was.
  • Hold the plant on the windowsill in a sunny place at a temperature of 20-25 ° C.
  • With this method of cultivation, the Basil will soon bloom, and you will have to use it as a donor of cuttings for new plants. To get as much greens as possible and pull out the moment of flowering, the bushes need to quit and water well.

    Basil need to grown in a sunny place

    Reproduction of cuttings

    Shining is the fastest and most convenient way of breeding the basil. This process includes the following steps:

  • From an adult plant, side processes or upper parts of the main twigs are cut off.
  • Put them in a glass with water or hydrogel. Basil releases roots about a week and a half
  • After the cutlets will release the roots, they are transplanted on permanent place In ceramic vase.
  • The soil for the basil should be fertile, but light. You can take the ground from the garden and add humus or soil for indoor plants. Do not forget about drainage: excess water should not be stamped, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. Keep a vase in a warm place. The first greens can be cut off after 3 weeks. When staring the Basil bush will delight you 3-4 months. Then you have to start first.

    Growing fragrant greens from seeds

    If you want the plant to serve as much as possible, then choose this method. Seeds are bought in any garden shop or order by mail. Before sowing, they should be prepared:

  • Wrap them with a piece of fabric or gauze and soak in warm water for 24-48 hours. In this case, change the water at least 4 times.
    Seeds before sowing need to soak
  • Rinse seeds.
  • Disinfect them in weak solution Magnantages no more than 10 minutes.
  • Then dry out.
  • In order not to injure the future bush with transfers, seeds seed immediately into a permanent pot. The optimal volume is near the liter.

    For the prevention of diseases before planting, rolling the ground in the oven for about an hour at a temperature of 110-120 ° C.

    In addition, the soil must be made comprehensive fertilizer. Seed sowing process:

  • At the bottom of the pot, pour the drainage layer 1-2 cm.
  • Fill the tank with the soil, not sleeping 3-4 cm to the top.
  • Moisten the Earth.
  • Seeds decompose at a distance of about 2 cm from each other and sprinkle soil.
  • Cover the film and put in the warm place.
  • Periodically check and moisturize the soil.
  • After 1-2 weeks, when the first shoots appear, remove the film and remove the weak sprouts so that the distance between the remaining is at least 10 cm.
    Basilica weak sprouts must be removed, and extra - transplant to other containers
  • Put a pot on the solar window sill.
  • When the basil is growing a little, plug the lands for another 2 cm.
  • Some lovers when landing and transplanting the Basilica do not consider it necessary to do drainage, as there are holes in the vazon. This negligence can cost you the loss of plants, because it is staggering of water is the main cause of almost all fungal diseases.

    Periodically loose the soil, regularly water and spray a young bush from the sprayer. In the summer it is necessary to do it every day so that the earth is wet, but not wet, and in winter it is enough to water 2 times a week. Regardless of the course of the year, the temperature in the room should be not lower than 20 ° C. Protect basil from drafts. As soon as the day decreases, it is necessary to start to highlight your bush - the Basilica should have a 12-hour day.

    In the autumn-winter season, basil needs backlight

    Periodically pinch the top so that the basil becomes more fluffy and gave new side sprigs. The first real trimming can be carried out in 1-1.5 months. When trimming, always leave 4 lower sheets so that the plant does not stretch up. As soon as notice the first buds, immediately cut them off their two following leaflets, otherwise the basil taste will begin to deteriorate.

    Video: Nuances of Growing Basilica at home

    Diseases and pests of basil

    Basilica is threatened fungal diseases: Black leg and fusariosis. Black leg is striking the plant with increased acidity Soil or excessive watering. IN root system Does not do air, and it starts to rot, the stem becomes soft, yellowing, and then drawn. If the disease is detected, immediately remove the affected sprout, and the place where he sat, sprinkle with a strong dark crimson solution. If the disease is still transmitted to other plants, phytosporin or topaz will have to apply.

    Basilica sprouts affected by black leg

    The development of fusariosis contributes to increased air temperature and excessive humidity. At the amazed bushes gradually skews and raging the stem, they become sluggish and dying. At the initial stage of the disease will help the infusion of the onion husk (it is poured with water in the proportion of 1: 4 and the days are insist). Strain the infusion and spray the damaged plant.

    Fusariosis can lead to the death of basil
    TLA sucks juices from the plant

    As soon as you noticed this pest, you need to take urgent measures to combat it. Can be used natural agents - decoctions:

  • wormwood
  • pijmas
  • gorky pepper,
  • dandelion,
  • yarrow
  • luke,
  • garlic
  • mustard
  • tomato or potato tops.
  • Spray the basil 2-3 times during the week. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

    Basil is unpretentious and growing well at home. In addition, the cost of its cultivation is insignificant compared to the price in the supermarket. For the seasoning usually enough large basil leaves, and so that the rest do not spoil, they are recommended to dry them.