Repair Design Furniture

Processing remontant strawberries after harvest. Features of caring for remontant strawberries. Watering and mulching

Remontant strawberries from exotic have moved into the category of traditional crops and are increasingly found in gardeners' beds. But many grow it in the usual way, ignoring the term "repair". However, she has some distinguishing features and is not an ordinary garden strawberry.

What are the features of remontant strawberries

To know how to properly grow remontant strawberries, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how it differs from ordinary strawberries ( garden strawberries). Strawberries form a crop once a year, since they lay fruit buds during a short daylight hours (toward the end of summer). And its remontant variety is capable of more: it can form buds during a long daylight hours (DSD varieties) or during a neutral day, when day and night have the same duration (NSD varieties).

Cultivation of remontant strawberries (RSD) is designed to obtain a double crop: the first berries appear at the end of June, then a break will follow and the second wave will take place in August-September. A more abundant return of berries is observed in the second period (60-90% of the total yield). Not the strongest bushes are depleted and, after fruiting, die if not proper care.

Fruit buds can also be laid on a few mustaches of the first year of life, but if a film is used as mulch, then the mustache will not be able to take root and additional “income” cannot be obtained during cultivation.

Important! The lifespan of remontant strawberries is only two years, which is much shorter than regular garden strawberries.

Gardeners with extensive experience are trying to select more resistant and strong varieties for cultivation, unpretentious in care.

The berries do not differ in gigantic size and weigh from 20 to 75 g, but the bush is strewn with them abundantly. Small-fruited varieties are more unpretentious: they withstand both heat and frost. They do not give whiskers, due to which the technology of growing remontant strawberries is greatly simplified. And they are much easier to take care of.

When buying any remontant variety, you should consider

  • they bear fruit all summer or only twice a season;
  • what breeding methods are available;
  • cultivation features;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.

Hybrid varieties are convenient for growing remontant strawberries in open ground. They practically do not get sick and are rarely affected by pests, have a high yield, and are unpretentious in care. But since hybrids (marked F1 on the package) were obtained by crossing different varieties, it is not advisable to use them for subsequent reproduction: the yield will be extremely low.

Advice! If you want to enjoy fresh berries in the fall, then remove the spring flower stalks. In the case when a mustache is needed for reproduction, the peduncles of the second crop are removed.

Planting remontant strawberries

This is the first and most important point when growing. Properly chosen place and soil, timely planted mustaches are the key to successful settling of strawberries in the beds. If all the techniques are carried out correctly, and care is thought out taking into account the peculiarities remontant varieties then success is guaranteed.

Preparing for landing

Growing remontant strawberries begins with soil preparation. Regardless of whether planting will take place in spring or autumn, the soil is prepared in advance, introducing humus and superphosphate for digging (according to instructions).

Strawberries prefer fertile, well-drained soils. If the soil is “heavy”, then be sure to dilute it with peat, sand, humus and create drainage, otherwise the roots of the berry crop will rot.

In spring, bushes are planted in mid-May, and in autumn - from mid-August to September. Late planting will kill the plants, as they will not have time to take root before the first frost.

Comment! Usually, strawberries are planted in the fall: in this way, in the spring, they will quickly grow and give the first harvest, with proper care, the very next year.

Planted in the spring, it will also bear fruit, but not as abundantly.

Landing Features

The best way to arrange the mustache (future bushes) is the nesting method. With this planting of remontant strawberries, care is greatly simplified. But some gardeners consider the carpet arrangement of plants at a distance of 20 × 20 cm to be the most convenient. Growing, strawberries take up free space and, during cultivation, a carpet of red berries is obtained.

The ordinary way is easy to care for, when the distance between the bushes is 20-25 cm, and between the rows up to 70 cm. Plants planted in rows look more neat and are easier to process.

The landing sequence is as follows:

  • according to the most convenient scheme dig holes to a depth of 10-15 cm;
  • the depth can be more or less, based on the size of the seedling;
  • inside the hole, a “hump” is made from the earth, on which the roots are laid out and straightened;
  • the hole is filled up, compacting the soil;
  • the root collar or “heart” is placed at the level of the soil, it cannot be deepened;
  • the bush is abundantly watered and mulched with peat, straw, sawdust.

In the well, you can add rotted manure or "Agrovit" and "Fertik", containing phosphorus and potassium. A month later, the plants are fed with the Extrasol microbiological preparation and the Novosil stimulant, which relieves stress in adverse weather conditions and helps the plant adapt during cultivation.

Comment! With an ordinary method of planting along the rows, it is desirable to plant garlic, which will protect the berry crop from slugs.

Most often, remontant strawberries are propagated by mustaches. If the number of mustaches is insignificant, then you can divide the bush into several equal parts. A seed method of reproduction is also possible, but the seeds are small, germinate for a long time, the bush forms slowly. In addition, propagation by seeds does not guarantee the preservation of the varietal qualities of the mother plant.

The main methods of caring for varieties DSD

How to grow remontant strawberries? There is general rules for care, characteristic of any strawberry-strawberry crops, but there are some features.

Loosening the soil should be carried out regularly, especially after watering or rain. Loosening is necessary for air access to the roots of plants. This technique is carried out carefully: you can not damage the root system or just rooted whiskers (if they need to be saved). When mulching, loosening is not necessary: ​​the soil under the mulch layer remains moist and loose.

In the care of remontant strawberries, watering with warm, settled water is very important. Such care is especially important during the period of fruit ripening, when the climate is very hot. The soil should not dry out, and moisture should remain 2-3 cm deep, otherwise the berries will be small or begin to crumble. If the surface is covered with mulch, then so frequent watering not required.

Top dressing is best done during watering. To do this, the herbs of wormwood, yarrow and nettle are ground, poured with water and insisted for 7 days until the composition ferments. This good food during the period of growing and caring for remontant strawberries, as it contains a set of microelements necessary for the plant. Useful infusion bird droppings(1:15) or mullein infusion (1:10).

Caring for remontant strawberries also includes whisker removal. There are varieties that almost do not give a mustache, while others "let" them in abundance. They weaken the bush, reduce the yield, do not allow the plant to get stronger.

During the growing season, gardeners regularly remove excess shoots. If necessary, leave 1-2 strong young specimens from the mother plant in order to resume the plantation for next year. Reddening leaves are also removed, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the bush during cultivation and is one of the methods for caring for a remontant crop.

Advice! Since the plantings are updated every 2 years, the strawberry bushes should be placed freely so that there is room for the growth of the mustache, which will replace the mother plant.

During cultivation, remontant strawberries are not spared by pests and diseases. More often berry culture sick

  • gray rot, which refers to fungal infections and "attacks" the bushes in cool and humid weather;
  • powdery mildew, similar to white coating in the form of a web and also related to mushroom "misfortunes";
  • brown spotting - a fungal disease that affects old leaves, on which bright brown spots are clearly visible.

If signs of the disease are noticed, infected foliage or berries are removed, if necessary, treated chemicals. Of the pests, strawberries most often suffer from strawberry mites, which are removed with Karbofos solution after harvesting.

A warning! Insecticides should not be applied to flowering plants.

The first treatment falls on the formation of young foliage, the second is carried out during the formation of inflorescences and the third is possible after harvesting. Preparations need to be changed, since both pests and microorganisms can get used to them.

When growing DSD varieties in open ground, the second crop does not always have time to "give berries" in full. Colds come and the fruit-bearing plant goes under the snow with berries. Plants remain unprepared for winter, and it is no longer possible to harvest the crop remaining on the branches.

In the northern regions, remontant strawberries are grown in protected ground (under a film), so the first fruiting takes place earlier and the second berry wave has time to ripen. Such care is called "growing in tunnels", when in August a breathable covering material is stretched over the beds with the help of arches. Due to the heat, fruiting stretches until October.

How to prepare a berry crop for winter

How to care for remontant strawberries before the onset of cold weather? autumn care and caring for red berries in the fall are no less important than during the growing season. The following activities are carried out:

  1. Plants that are tired during the summer period need to be fed using complex fertilizers. This will give the bushes strength for spring growth and facilitate subsequent care.
  2. At the end of summer, pruning is carried out at remontant strawberries of all peduncles. Before the onset of cold weather, the berries do not ripen, and the plant uses forces to form them.
  3. Before frost, the soil around the holes is loosened, mixing with a mulch layer. Then sprinkled on top with a fresh layer of mulch: rotted leaves, humus, sawdust.
  4. After the onset of cold weather, remontant strawberries are pruned, in which the leaves are completely removed, leaving the petioles at a height of 2 cm from the soil surface.
  5. In the same period, the plantation is covered for the winter with spruce branches, foliage, mowed grass. This is an important point in care, which allows remontant bushes and roots not to freeze in frost.

Such preparation methods are related to the peculiarities of growing remontant strawberries. They will help the berry crop to survive the winter, and in the spring to start the second season with renewed vigor. During the spring, the berry culture will grow up, get stronger and will once again be able to please its owners with a harvest of fragrant berries.

Growing and caring, pruning remontant strawberries in the fall can be viewed on the video:

The main methods of caring for NSD varieties

Care for remontant strawberries of NSD varieties has its own characteristics. To begin with, the bushes will have to be changed annually, they are not able to bear fruit for years. Since it gives berries throughout the season from spring to autumn, the bush quickly ages. And the next year, an inexperienced gardener, when growing a remontant variety, will find a small berry on the bushes of the second year, which is not related to care.

Therefore, it is worth considering another option on how to care for NSD remontant strawberries:

  • in August, young plants of a certain sor (or several varieties as desired) are planted: before winter, they will take root well and get stronger;
  • after planting, if there are flowers or ovaries on the bushes, they should be removed, which will ensure the next year's harvest;
  • remontant culture bears fruit from May until frost, so that fresh berries will be on the table for the entire growing season;
  • in August, shoot mustaches are taken from each mother bush and a new berry plantation is created;
  • old plants are removed after the fruiting period ends (on the eve of frost);
  • young bushes are mulched, and on top they are covered with straw, spruce branches, foliage, so that wintering is comfortable.

Important! Never leave bare ground under strawberry bushes.

The soil needs to be mulched. For the winter, you can cover it with green manure grown over the summer, which is another care technique.

Productive and profitable cultivation of remontant strawberries is possible with timely care, pruning, mulching, and preparation for winter.

Agrotechnics of care when growing on a trellis

It has become popular to grow remontant strawberries on a trellis. It is decorative, unusual, and the harvest can be harvested as on plantations. Near the gazebo, along the path, near the hedge, it will come in handy, but this option requires special care.

The technology for growing remontant strawberries on a trellis is as follows:

  1. Use a polypropylene mesh for climbing plants (it is sold in any garden center). It is strong, well stretched and fastened, cut to the desired length.
  2. After fixing the trellis, a row up to 40 cm deep is dug along it and bushes are planted after 50 cm.
  3. After the flowering of the first rosettes, a mustache is formed, which is raised to the trellis. They are fixed and left 5-6 mustaches on each mother plant. So the hedge turns green, the mustache begins to bloom and bear fruit. It turns out a fragrant red wall of berries.
  4. In autumn, one rosette is rooted between old bushes in order to “revive” the trellis next year. Young plants will give new whiskers that will grow and form a new living wall.
  5. During the growth period, top dressing is important, since the berry culture spends energy not only on the formation of fruits, but also on the growth of rosettes. As top dressing, special fertilizers for fruit and berry crops are suitable, based on humic acids, vitamins, and trace elements. The lack of nutrients is noticeable by the state of strawberries.
  6. Watering is carried out after picking berries in the morning. It should be regular, since moisture is needed no less than the introduction of nutrients.

In "trellis" strawberries, the berries have excellent taste and excellent presentation, they do not suffer from gray rot so often, they are not polluted by the earth. In one place, remontant varieties are grown on a trellis for no more than 5 years. Then you should change the place to a new one and resume landing. With such care, the site will always have a wall entwined with greenery and red berries.

It is practiced to grow remontant strawberries "in columns" or in dense plastic bags with holes. The appearance of such a column is very unusual and decorative. But this technology and care rules should be studied separately or communicate with gardeners who grow strawberries in this way.

It is advisable for strawberry lovers to try varieties DSD and NSD on their plot, try growing on a trellis in order to enjoy the harvest of berries and decorative design site.

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Remontant strawberries are somewhat different from ordinary garden ones. However, many novice gardeners grow remontant varieties, despite their requirements for special agricultural practices. But these types of strawberries allow you to get a crop repeatedly and, with proper cultivation, can almost completely save you from the "berry-free" season.

Remontant strawberries are able to give several crops per season, but for this it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology

Acquaintance with culture

Repair strawberry - what does it mean? Large-fruited varieties are called remontant, the mass index of which ranges from 20-75 g. But there are specimens in which the fruit weight can reach 100 g!

In remontant strawberries, not only maternal, but also young bushes, which were obtained by rooting mustaches at the beginning of the current season, are able to bear fruit. Such varieties give a harvest twice a year: the first period of fruiting falls in July, the second - in August-September. At the same time, the second time, as a rule, it is possible to collect much large quantity berries than in July.

The second harvest of remontant strawberries can be from 60 to 90% of the total number of harvested berries

On a note! However, not all plants can withstand such a load, and most of them die after the last return of the berry!

Choose a variety

Remontant strawberries are cultivated in narrow beds

autumn care

Caring for remontant strawberries in the fall includes several mandatory activities.


Propagation of remontant strawberries can be carried out with a mustache, dividing bushes and seeds. In the latter case, seedlings must be grown at home. To do this, the seeds are planted in mini-greenhouses in winter - in January or February. In the spring, strengthened seedlings are moved to open ground. Propagation by seeds is a rather laborious process and requires special preparation. For this reason, novice gardeners often resort to mustache breeding.

It is easiest to propagate remontant strawberries with a mustache. This process requires minimal skills and knowledge, since in most cases such varieties produce a lot of whiskers. In addition, this method allows you to save valuable varietal characteristics of the culture. If there are few mustaches, then it is better to resort to reproduction by dividing the bushes.

Remontant strawberries respond quite well to proper care. And subject to all the features of agricultural technology, the gardener will definitely receive decent harvests throughout the season.

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In plain words, remontant strawberry- this is one that is able to produce a crop not once a year, but twice. The period of its fruiting begins in July and lasts until the very frosts - until September. Of course, such a generous berry requires special care. Just about the features caring for remontant strawberries we'll talk today.

Repair strawberry: features

Remontant strawberry varieties DSD and NSD

Let's find out what remontant strawberry can produce two crops. It's all about the ability of this berry to lay flower buds. We know that ordinary strawberries lay these same buds closer to autumn - when the daylight hours are short, and from these buds we get berries the next year.

BUT remontant strawberry can lay the kidneys during both neutral and long daylight hours. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you come across the terms “DSD variety strawberries” (long daylight hours) or NSD variety strawberries (respectively, neutral). It is easy to guess that strawberry varieties DSD and NSD have slightly different fruiting periods. Therefore, in order to provide yourself with the most delicious fragrant berries throughout the season, just plant both NSD strawberries and DSD strawberries.

When and how to get a good crop of remontant strawberries?

Berries remontant strawberries quite different large size- from 25 to 70 grams, and in especially successful cases - and 100 grams. But success is possible only with the right agricultural technology.

The first harvest accounts for no more than a third of the harvest of the entire season, the second is always more plentiful. Experienced gardeners often sacrifice the first harvest altogether - they remove all flower stalks in the spring, thanks to which the second harvest grows more plentiful (spring berries do not “suck out” all the strength from the bush) and early.

Remontant strawberries often grown along with the usual to ensure the harvest throughout the season: first ripen early, then medium, late, and already until the very beginning of frost you will be accompanied by a crop remontant strawberries. Thus, it is possible to transfer the entire load to the end of the season, and berry bush not so quickly "exhausted".

And if you want to collect tendrils for further propagation of remontant strawberries, it is better to donate a second crop.

When growing remontant strawberries there is one significant drawback: after 3 or even 2 years, the bush will completely run out of steam (and in the case of NSD, in just 1 year). Therefore, frequent renewal - either due to the mustache, or by growing seedlings from seeds - cannot be avoided. But it's not that hard. For example, experienced gardeners use the following algorithm when growing remontant strawberries:

From July until the end of summer (not later than for the bushes to take root), we plant strawberry seedlings and cut off the flowers until the frost. Thanks to this, you will get an early abundant strawberry harvest;

We enjoy strawberries all season, right up to frost, and in July-August we plant young seedlings again. In the second year, it will be much easier to use the mother's tendrils than to fool around with seedlings. Although in the second case planting material will be absolutely clean;

Fruiting bushes remontant strawberries we remove from the garden (in autumn, before frost), and we mulch the garden.

That's all the secrets. By the way, it is always desirable to mulch the garden bed - whether it be straw, sawdust or agrofibre. It will also bring an excellent result, on which remontant strawberries will be planted - it will feed the soil well, and the strawberry bushes will draw strength from where.

Caring for remontant strawberries

As for ordinary strawberries, for remontant it is necessary to choose well-lit areas with light, fertile soil. The beds can also be designed in different ways - both in a checkerboard pattern and in squares. One of the most popular options is to plant remontant strawberries on beds about a meter wide, and the distance between the bushes will be 45-50 cm.

The holes for planting remontant strawberries should be at least 20x20x20, and do not forget about fertilizer for strawberries: a couple of glasses, a bucket of compost and about 2 liters of biohumus per bucket of earth. You can read more about it in a separate article. The same applies to, and - there are no fundamental differences between ordinary strawberries and remontant strawberries in these procedures.

In addition to or, which will make life much easier, you should also take care of the covering film. And all because it is very difficult for our strawberries to realize their full potential, that is, to feed all the flowers and unripe berries, in the conditions of the relative cold of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, when frosts can be expected. And so you will save the bushes from the cold, and the berry will be sweeter.

But about whether or not to remove the mustache is worth thinking about. Remontant strawberries will also appear on the regrown mustache. But:

1) Landings will thicken significantly - therefore, leaving the mustache must be thought out in advance and leave more space for this;

2) Much more yield is not to be expected.

Now it remains only to talk about the preparation remontant strawberries for winter. Firstly, we reduce the number of waterings, and secondly, we “clean” strawberry bushes (remove diseased leaves and tendrils). By the way, red leaves should be cut off throughout the entire growing season of remontant strawberries - in this way, you help the strawberry bush to renew itself.

And now we bring to your attention a video about remontant strawberries. Enjoy watching!

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board of the Sobcorrespondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agroindustrial Bulletin"

Remontant strawberries are able to bear fruit several times a year. Because of this feature, varieties of remontant strawberries require special care and cultivation methods.

Remontant strawberries are different from regular time bookmarks of fruit buds. In ordinary strawberries, fruit buds are laid during a short daylight hours, and in remontant strawberries, during a neutral or long one. Therefore, remontant varieties, when growing in open ground, bear fruit 2 times a season: the first time in the month of July, and the second - in late August / early September.

The second harvest can be much larger than the first. It can even be up to 90% of the total number of berries per bush per season, although most often this figure approaches 60%.

Remontant varieties are large-fruited. The mass of 1 berry in some cases can even reach 100 grams. On average, the weight of 1 berry varies from 20 to 75 grams, depending on the variety.

In the absence of special care, already in the second year of growth of the bush, the berries turn out to be small and rare, and in the third year the plant most often dies.

Soil preparation

It is better to grow these varieties of strawberries in the territory where crops such as carrots, parsley, garlic, radishes, beets or legumes previously grew. At the same time, it is not recommended to plant this crop after potatoes or cucumbers (as well as after tomatoes and cabbage). In addition, it is better not to grow this plant next to raspberries.

The site chosen for landing should be under straight lines. sunbeams. In addition, the soil on the site should be level, without bumps and depressions. Location in the lowlands is not allowed.

It is best if the bed is sandy or loamy soil. Peat soil, as well as sod-podzolic soil, is not suitable for growing this crop.

The soil for planting should be either slightly acidic or neutral. It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting in advance. If it is planned to plant a crop in the spring, then the preparation is carried out in the fall, if the planting will be done in the fall, then the soil is prepared in the spring or summer.

At the beginning of the preparation, it is necessary to dig up the ground with a pitchfork and level it with a rake. During digging, it is necessary to remove the roots of weeds, as well as to fertilize. As such fertilizers, you can use humus or compost in the amount of 1 bucket for each square meter earth. It is also necessary to add 5 kg to the soil wood ash(the figure is based on 10 square meters).

When fertilizers are applied to the ground, it is dug up and leveled, it can be left until planting. A month before the proposed planting of the bushes, it is necessary to add potassium sulfate (in the amount of 20 g) to the soil with the addition of superphosphate, which must be taken twice as much as potassium sulfate (the figures are based on each square meter). After fertilization, the earth is dug up again.

Planting seedlings

At different ways landing is different and care. Planting dates for each type of strawberry may also vary.

Dates and methods of landing

Landing in the ground is carried out in autumn period or in the spring. For the southern regions, it is preferable to plant seedlings in the ground in early September, while for the northern regions it is preferable to plant seedlings in the spring months, but not earlier than May.

For middle lane It is preferable for Russia to choose the autumn months, from the beginning of August to the end of September, but it is also possible in the beginning of spring - from the end of March to mid-April.

Should focus on temperature regime: optimum temperature air when planting seedlings is 15-25 degrees Celsius.

Methods for planting seedlings in the ground

  • carpet;
  • nesting;
  • private.

With the nesting method, a distance between plants of at least half a meter is established. This method of planting seedlings is suitable for varieties that throw out mustaches. This method of planting allows you to get not only a good harvest, but also high-quality planting material.

The advantages of this method of planting is that the plants do not come into contact with each other, which means they do not infect each other when diseases occur. In addition, the bushes are well lit, as they do not obscure each other.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out unused plots of land, which, when this method plant quite a lot, since the distance between the bushes is about 50 cm.

The distance between the strawberry bushes is set at 20 cm - this is with the carpet method. At the same time, 20 cm is the distance not only between the bushes of the 1st row, but also the distance between the rows.

With an ordinary method of planting this crop, a greater distance between rows is provided - up to 70 cm, while the distance between the bushes remains the same - from 20 to 25 cm. The bushes will grow over time, and at the same time the plantation area will increase.

Care of planted spring seedlings

disembarked in early spring seedlings need shelter. The bed can be mulched with straw, covered with pine needles or sawdust, or even agrofiber.

Mulching is necessary to retain moisture in the soil, which will allow you to water the plantation a little less often.

Caring for seedlings planted in spring also includes removing weeds from the plantation, loosening the soil and regular watering.

Caring for planted autumn seedlings and preparing for winter

At autumn planting all mustaches of the first order must be removed. After planting in the ground, the bushes must be provided with regular watering to ensure sufficient soil moisture. It should be remembered that planting should take place no later than 3 weeks before the first frost. After the seedlings have transferred the first frosts, all leaves should be removed from the bushes and the strawberry bushes should be covered with covering material.

Outdoor cultivation methods

There are many ways to grow this crop. For small summer cottages, non-standard planting methods have been specially developed, which greatly save space on the site.

On the ground in the beds

Among the classic ones, two methods of planting can be distinguished:

  • one-liner:
  • two-line.

With a one-line method, the distance between rows is kept at least 60 cm, and with a two-line method - no more than 30. The single-line planting method is safer for plants, since they do not come into contact with each other and, accordingly, cannot infect each other.

The two-row planting method increases yields as the soil is used more rationally.

For small areas, there are other ways to plant remontant strawberries in open ground, for example, a vertical method or "in bags".

vertical way

With the vertical method, strawberries are planted in pots, in cut pipes, tires, boxes, or in any other container that can be placed vertically. At the same time, space is greatly saved, since pots with bushes can be placed vertically in several floors. But in this case, care is a little more complicated.

"In bags"

When planting in bags, polyethylene bags are used in which soil is placed, and seedlings are planted in it. Such bags are hung vertically, which also saves space. Holes are made for plants.

Under cover material

It greatly facilitates the care of the plant by planting a bush of this crop under a covering material. Growing strawberries in this way allows you to create a microclimate in which the soil does not dry out, but at the same time, due to the lack of sunlight, weeds do not grow under the agrofibre.

In addition, due to the constant humidity under the covering material, active life activity begins. earthworms, which loosen the ground, so caring for strawberries planted in this way is much easier.

The berries do not come into direct contact with the soil and this has a positive effect on the quality of the product. Therefore, growing remontant strawberries under covering material is a fairly progressive way to get high yields at a fairly low cost.

Care for remontant strawberries during the active growing season

The number of bushes, the quality of the root system and, as a result, the number and size of berries harvested from one bush per season depend on the quality and correct care of the plant.

Watering and fertilizing

During the growing season, sufficient attention should be paid to soil moisture. With a lack of moisture in the ground, insufficient formation of the ovary, or the formation of fruits, is possible. irregular shape. All this will adversely affect the quantity and quality of the crop. Therefore, watering should be regular.

To reduce the costs associated with regular irrigation of the soil, mulching open areas of land around the bushes will help. This will lead to moisture retention in the ground, which in turn will allow you to water the plantation less frequently.

In the spring it is necessary to fertilize the soil. For this purpose, use ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate. Their number is calculated based on the formula: 15 g of the substance per 1 square meter of soil.

This calculation is true for both types of fertilizers. Superphosphate is also used for top dressing. Per square meter, it needs twice as much as potassium sulfate.

Pruning remontant strawberries

Whiskers should be trimmed during the growing season. This should be done throughout the spring-summer period. If it is planned to grow new shoots, then the mustache is not cut off, but dug in, and thus by August there will already be young bushes that are ready for transplantation. Leaves and mustaches are trimmed in autumn.

All red, blackened, dried or infected shoots are removed. Thus, the bush is preparing for wintering in order to more easily endure the winter cold.

What and how affects the quality of the crop

The quality and quantity of the crop is affected by the correct care of the bushes and young shoots. The regularity of watering, the absence of pests and diseases in the plant greatly affect the amount of the crop. In addition, the benefits of regular feeding should not be underestimated. During the growing season, top dressing can be done twice a month.

Also, the correct trimming of the mustache has a great influence on the quality of the crop. Since young shoots require a lot of strength to root.

In the absence of proper care for the bushes, there will be few strawberries, and it will be small.

Propagation of remontant strawberries

Propagation of remontant strawberry varieties is carried out in at least three ways:

  • growing from seed;
  • by dividing the bush;
  • and with a mustache.

Growing seedlings from seeds

When growing strawberries from seeds, the purest varieties are obtained. This method of planting is very laborious, since it is carried out in the spring and lasts for several months.

Seeds must be prepared in advance. Preparation must begin as early as February, and only in mid-May will the seedlings be ready, which will need to be planted in the beds.

By dividing the bush

The method of propagation of remontant strawberries by dividing the bush is resorted to in case of an insufficient number of seedlings or when necessary in as soon as possible move part of the plantation to another place. To grow strawberries in this way, strong and healthy plants are needed. Therefore, either two-year-old or four-year-old bushes are chosen. Their root system should be strong and healthy.

At the age of 4, the bush has several dozen shoots of horns. Each horn is already well developed, has lateral buds and formed leaves. In addition, adventitious roots are well developed. Such plants can be planted only in spring, in emergency cases - in early autumn. Having dug up such bushes from the ground, they must be divided and planted immediately.

After transplanting, plants should be watered daily. If at this time there is scorching heat on the street, it is necessary to provide young seedlings with a constant shadow.

Mustache breeding

Mustache breeding is an economical method, which is the easiest in terms of labor costs. In addition, new bushes obtained in this way give a harvest next year.

However, when propagating strawberries with this method, a second crop of the season must be sacrificed. The fact is that the strawberry bush spends energy either on the formation of berries, or on the development and rooting of the mustache. Therefore, if you want to get high-quality planting material, you must refuse to receive a second crop.

For reproduction in this way, annual bushes are selected, which, at the first fruiting, gave large, even berries. The first mustache that appears must be spread around the bush, giving them the opportunity to take root. Mustaches that appear later must simply be removed.

By August, young bushes will be ready. A week before moving them to a new place, it is necessary to cut off the mustache that connects them to the mother bush. Young bushes with the help of a small spatula are transplanted to a new place.

It is advisable to transfer the bushes with a small clod of earth, so it will suffer less root system and the plant will tolerate the transplant more easily.

Autumn preparation for winter

Autumn preparation involves the removal of everything that can prevent the bush from overwintering normally and bearing fruit with renewed vigor starting from the new season. This means removing any vines that are not rooted, as well as damaged, reddened, and weak leaves.

In addition, in harsh winters, any strawberries must be covered. It is better to choose a material whose density is about 60 grams per square meter. For these purposes, agrofibre, spunbond or any other material is suitable.

Mulch, pine needles, leaves or grass are also used to cover strawberries. Although this way turns out to be more economical than buying fiber, there are a number of disadvantages in its use. In this case, mice can start up in the shelter, which are the enemies of strawberries. They damage shoots and dig passages.

When covering a strawberry plantation, it is better to opt for special covering materials or for a dense plastic film.

Varieties of remontant strawberries

There are several dozen varieties of remontant strawberries. Only a few of them will be described below.

autumn fun

This variety was popular back in Soviet times, it was one of the first to be included in the Soviet selection of DSD. A bush of this variety bears fruit twice a season, with proper care. The berries are not large in size, their weight most often does not exceed 20 g. The taste of the berries is quite sweet, the fruits of this strawberry variety are used to create all kinds of desserts. The pulp of this species is quite dense, so they are often used for freezing.

This variety is propagated with the help of a mustache, of which a bush forms a lot during the season. Also, the variety is resistant to attack by fungal infections and strawberry mites.

Russian size

This variety has large fruits. Moreover, it is frost-resistant, and therefore suitable for cultivation in more northern regions. The berries are very juicy, the plants are resistant to diseases.

Galya Chiv

Fairly new hybrid variety, bred in Italy, which is characterized by high performance. Average weight one berry is about 45 g. The color of the berries is bright red, in addition, they have a high sugar content.

Vima Rina

This is a Dutch variety, it lays fruit buds during neutral daylight hours. Vima Rina practically does not produce antennae, therefore it is propagated in other ways. This variety bears fruit from the second half of June and continues until the first frost.

The color of Wim Rin's berries is rich red, darker than that of berries of other varieties. The fruits are large, weighing up to 75 g. The taste of this strawberry is sweet and soft, besides, the density of the berries is low (they are not suitable for freezing).


Diamond is an American variety. On the this moment considered the best among all varieties of remontant strawberries.

propagate this species with a mustache.


This variety is one of the best. Firstly, it is very highly productive, and secondly, it has excellent taste characteristics. Large fruits, reaching 50 g, have a dark red color, and light flesh inside.

Queen Elizabeth 2

In Queen Elizabeth 2, the weight of 1 berry can reach record numbers up to - 110 grams. This is a very frost-resistant variety, it gives the first fruits quite early.


This hybrid variety has flowers Pink colour. This feature makes it easy to distinguish Roman from other types of remontant strawberries.

This variety can be grown indoors. With proper care, it can bear fruit up to 10 months a year. The berries are not large - up to 25 grams.


Lyubasha is unpretentious, frost-resistant, has small, dark red fruits. Most often it is used for vertical cultivation, since the berries are formed not only on bushes, but also on rosettes.

Diseases and pests

Among the main enemies of remontant strawberries are:

  • spider mite;
  • ants;
  • mouse;
  • gray rot.

To fight ants, it is necessary to water the strawberries with water, to which a little vegetable oil or boric acid.

To fight spider mite it is necessary to achieve sufficient humidity land plot, as they breed well in a dry environment.

Mice need to be fought with carboxylic acid. It is necessary to create a solution (25 grams of acid is used per 10 liters of water) and pour it into the holes.

To combat gray mold, you need to regularly care for the bed. If there are damaged bushes or berries, they must be removed in a timely manner, and the berries should not be allowed to come into contact with the ground, since it is precisely because of this that the berries deteriorate.

In this article, the features of the growth of remontant strawberries were described, as well as the issues of caring for it. One of the most important factors to get the desired result is right choice varieties. Before planting remontant strawberries, it is advisable to try several varieties and find the one whose taste is closest to what you want.