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Most of the insects disappear at the end of September. Autumn insects worries. School preparatory group

At the age of 5, the son became so much interested in insects that we now collect their figurines and play only with them, we introduced beetles as pets, during walks we look for and consider various cockroach insects and enrolled in the children's library, where we have already studied almost all the books on this topic. Especially liked photo books by V. Tanasiychuk, Soviet entomologist. We found in the library only 2 books by this author, pretty shabby, "shaggy" years of release.

"Visiting insects", V. Tanasiychuk


I sat on the porch in the evening and watched the butterflies circling around the lamp. Suddenly a strange beetle flopped down in front of me in the grass, all covered with some grains. As soon as I had time to photograph him, he took off and disappeared into the forest. And when I developed the film, I saw that there weren't any grains on it. These are dozens of small ticks that grabbed the beetle tightly and tightly, and the beetle carried them like a live bus. It would be interesting to know - where?


A night butterfly flew into the light of the lamp - beautiful and large, each wing in your palm the size. She sat down and moved her mustache - sniffing if there were any other butterflies nearby. A person smells smells with his nose, and a butterfly with a mustache. You see how big and complex they are.


Is it really a butterfly too? The legs are long, and the wings and wings do not look like they are thin, shaggy and divided into several lobes, similar to fingers. This is the name of this butterfly - fingerwing.

WHO ate the aphids?

They lived on a branch of aphids, sucked juice from it. The twig began to wither. But now, like a tank, a thorny beast crawled up and devoured the aphids. Only a few are left. What kind of beast is this? And this is a ladybug larva. It will take a little time, and it will turn into a red bug with black dots, which you know well.


A lacey-eyed flower flew in. Her wings are large, transparent, they shine like a rainbow, and her eyes shimmer with gold. Sits, looks around - are there any aphids left that the ladybugs did not notice? If he finds it, he will eat everyone. Beneficial insect- lace-eyed, she guards our fields and gardens.


A small - with a match head - a fly runs in the grass, also looking for prey. Her back and abdomen seem to be covered with silver dust, so they call her silver.

Why does a pipe runner have such a head?

A pipe-worm beetle is sitting on a branch. His larvae eat the leaves, and he makes edible tube houses for them from the leaves. He twists with his paws, and helps with his head - it's not for nothing that he is so narrow, long and moves in all directions. He worked for a long time, tired - now he is resting.


A green caterpillar of a harpy butterfly is crawling along a willow leaf. Behind, two long tails stick out upward. If you come closer to her, he will be scared, he will raise his head, twirl his tails in the air: don’t touch me, I’m terrible! And she herself is afraid. Only she and protection that these tails, because she does not know how to bite.


A fluffy bumblebee flies from flower to flower, drinks flower juice - collects nectar and pollen. Where? In the basket. Bumblebees and bees have special pits on their hind legs, where they put pollen. See how much this bumblebee has scored! Now the larvae will fly to their nest.


The ammophila wasp got tired of hunting and also sat down to taste the nectar. Black, long-legged, with a thin orange belly, and on the forehead, between the eyes, three more small eyes shine like beads. Not a single caterpillar will hide from this wasp, it will immediately catch it and take it to the burrow in reserve for its larvae.

Woodcutter beetle

Who can you not meet on a summer meadow! A colorful, beautiful beetle flew in and sat on a flower. She eats pollen and moves her mustache. Both he and all his relatives have very long mustaches, which is why these beetles are called barbel beetles. And they are also called lumberjacks, because the larvae of longhorns live in tree trunks.


Another beetle - a green shiny ground beetle - runs along the ground, gets confused in grass and straws. Why shouldn't she take off? Can't - no wings. Ground beetles do not have them.


A jumping beetle lurked on a pebble. His legs are long, bouncy, and his jaws are like two crooked daggers. A horse is sitting, watching the prey. If he sees a gaping fly or beetle, he will jump, fly, grab. If a horse was not the size of a fingernail, but the size of a tiger, there would be no worse than a beast on earth.


Through the flower, as through a forest thicket, we make our way through a fluffy beetle - waxen. This beetle is peaceful, it does not hunt for anyone - it eats flowers, chooses the sweetest parts. And his jaws are small, not dangerous for anyone.


A beetle deftly climbs on a blade of grass - climbed high. The wind blows, shakes a blade of grass like a mast, but it holds on. He has special hooks for this at the ends of the legs.

"Six-legged neighbors", V. Tanasiychuk

Workshop plan:

1. Introduction to the topic.

2. Techniques for enhancing the mental abilities of preschoolers:

  • didactic games(Exhibition);

  • speech logic tasks;

  • viewing pictures and listening to musical works about nature;

  • conversations on works of natural history literature (exhibition).
3. Ecological game "Almost everything about the animal world."

Presentation, TCO.

Demonstration material: didactic games, methodical and fiction, a cube, a wonderful bag, chips.
^ Purpose:

To increase the competence of teachers in environmental education of preschoolers.


  1. Introduce methods and techniques for enhancing the mental abilities of preschoolers.

  2. To study the features of the management of didactic, intellectual games in the process of ecological education of preschoolers, to promote the creation and conduct of intellectual ecological games.

  3. To increase the competence of teachers in providing emotional and aesthetic perception in children and the ability to direct them to the knowledge of the surrounding nature, to form correct ideas and to foster a respect for all living things.

^ I Introduction to the topic. (Dmitrieva R.Yu.)

Childhood is a unique time of formation, growth of mental strength. It was during these years that the activity and restless desire to try oneself in various endeavors, amusements manifests itself very clearly. And it is in games that the child takes the initiative, experiences the desired fullness of the load, enjoys discovering new things.

The task of teachers is to provide every child with the opportunity to live joyfully and meaningfully during the period of preschool childhood. This means that the interaction of the teacher with the children, as in Everyday life and in the learning process should be carried out without coercion of the child and taking into account the fact that each age creates the most favorable opportunities for mastering certain skills and abilities that act as a means of child development.

One of the ways aimed at solving this problem is the use of play methods and techniques in teaching children.

Intellectual development is the level and speed of thought processes: the ability to compare, recognize, generalize, draw conclusions. Also, intellectual development includes speech development and the ability to self-study. All this is not predetermined and is not pre-laid in the child: it depends only on teachers and parents how quickly he learns to think independently.

The intellectual development of a child, depending on age, has several stages and develops precisely when he unintentionally, but in a natural way, unconsciously absorbs all knowledge about the world around him and about the system of the universe. Then, by school age, the child will develop his own worldview, thanks to which he will be able to express judgments. Therefore, the development of the child's intellect should not be reduced to the primitive mastering of reading and writing in early age, but one should follow the path of development in the broadest sense of the word, where intellectual development intersects with physical, aesthetic and, ultimately, becomes general.

We need to introduce children at the beginning of life into the world of ideas, books, scientific laboratories, teach the joy of learning, lead the way difficult intellectual activity.

Therefore, the only correct path leading to the acceleration of cognition is to use teaching methods that contribute to the acceleration of intellectual development. Teaching preschoolers based on the use of intellectual games refers to such methods. The successes of children in intellectual games are the most reliable indicators of their achievements.

An intellectual game gives a comprehensive assessment of the level of achievements of its participants - in terms of the volume and content of subject and general knowledge, the ability to think situationally, conduct a discussion, find optimal solution tasks; teaches you to communicate, be critical of yourself, respect someone else's opinion.

In the system of environmental education Mind games solve the problem of forming an active environmentally correct position. Games add emotional coloring to classes, fill them bright colors, make them alive, and therefore more interesting for children. Games and game elements allow children to develop a wide variety of positive qualities and facilitate the perception of the stated problems and knowledge. The actual topic of our seminar is the organization of intellectual ecological games.
Nature teaches man wisdom, as the poet V. Orlov said about it:

^ Us at any time of the year

Wise Nature teaches.

Birds teach singing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

Snow teaches us purity.

Teaches the sun to be kind

And for all its enormity

Teaches humility.

By nature all year round

You need to learn.

We are trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people

They teach strong friendship.

People are learned in the game and on the road.

II. Methods for activating the mental abilities of preschoolers.
Speech logical tasks as a method of activating the mental abilities of preschoolers (Cherkashina S.A.)

A speech logical task is a mystery story, in this case about nature, the answer to which can be obtained if the children have understood for themselves certain connections and laws of nature. Giving children a speech logical task, the teacher puts them in a situation where they must use different methods of mental activity (comparison, consideration of phenomena from different angles, search for solutions). This stimulates the development of independence of thought, flexibility of the mind. Speech logical tasks are of particular importance for the development of speech, in particular monologue speech, thereby improving the ability to tell, clearly and figuratively formulate your thoughts.

A special lesson can be devoted to solving speech logical problems, or they can be part of a conversation, telling about a picture. Having outlined the didactic goals, the teacher draws up speech logical problems, taking into account the experience of the children. Material for composing problems can be found in the books: "The Seasons" by D. Zuev, "Native Nature" by V. Bianchi, "Forest Talk" by E. Shim, "In the Woods of a Happy Hunt" by N. Sladkov, as well as in other books by writers - naturalists.

The solution of some speech logical problems is based on knowledge obtained directly, so they are not difficult for children. However, without tasks of this type, one cannot proceed to more complex ones, which require comparison, comparison of different facts observed over a long time, disclosure of the relationship and interdependence of phenomena, and the establishment of their cause. The most difficult speech logic tasks that require emphasis characteristic features different periods one season. The complication of the content of the task and the task offered to the child requires him to answer more complex linguistically: from monosyllabic answers (guess, definition) to detailed, detailed answers (description, story) with the use of all parts of speech and different types simple and complex sentences.

To maintain a stable interest in children in solving speech logical problems, it is necessary that they are presented in an emotional, entertaining form. You can use poems, riddles in poetry (from simpler ones about objects and phenomena to more difficult ones, requiring generalization of the existing knowledge of children, more speech practice).

What are the stars through

On a coat and on a scarf,

All through, cut-out,

Will you take it - water in your hand?

(E. Blaginina)
The ice floes are jumping, spinning,

Are piled on top of each other,

They hurry one after another into the distance,

And rumble and crack ...

(V. Mirovich)

So that children can correctly solve any speech, logical problem of any complexity, the teacher uses various methodological techniques: invites them to remember what they observed on walks and excursions, asks leading questions, corrects errors in their judgments, helps to correctly formulate a thought, leads to complete correct answer in a clear and detailed speech.

The teacher's ability to correct the reasoning of children, in time to recall the necessary passage from the text or previously observed phenomena, to correctly pose the question helps them understand the riddles and formulate a conclusion.

An emotional, lively form of conducting classes using speech logical tasks, combining them with play, clear formulations of the proposed tasks for ingenuity allow you to bring children to understanding complex connections and dependencies in nature (the dependence of the appearance of the animal on living conditions, the habitat - on seasonal changes, etc.), to the ability to express this in coherent speech (A conversation about animal habits can begin by offering children a riddle composed in based on the story of V. Bianchi from the "Book of Winter."

The solution of speech logical problems has a beneficial effect on the development of logical thinking in children, which is reflected in the improvement of their speech: it becomes more consistent, logical, to a certain extent reliable, evidence-based.

Speech logic problem 1. What did the hedgehog say?

“Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. Jumping squirrel - fidget. Gathers nuts, acorns, scatters them in hollows, along tree cracks, hangs on bushes. The squirrel works all day and keeps looking at its neighbor - a hedgehog, who by the fall has become completely lazy: he runs little in the forest, does not catch mice, crawls into dry leaves and dozes.
- Why are you, hedgehog, completely lazy? The squirrel asks. - Why don't you prepare for winter, don't store food? In winter there will be nothing to eat. The hedgehog laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel.

^ Did you guess what the hedgehog said? Why doesn't he make supplies for the winter? Why doesn't he need mushrooms and acorns?

Listen to the child's answer, ask why he decided so. If the kid has not guessed this logical problem, then remind him that the hedgehog sleeps all winter. And that means ... and does not eat anything. Therefore, in the fall, he does not carry mushrooms on his needles, as shown in cartoons. After all, a cartoon is a fairy tale, and a lot has been invented in it. What is the hedgehog actually doing in the fall? Remember with the baby a story about a hedgehog.

Speech logic task 2.

Mushrooms on a branch.
Yuri Dmitriev "Why did mushrooms grow on the bush?"

“Everyone knows that mushrooms grow on the ground. Well, they can still grow on a hemp, like honey mushrooms, for example. But that they grow on the bushes, Dima and I have not heard something.
-And this cannot be, - said Dimka, when the neighbor's boy began to talk about the mushrooms that he saw on the bushes. - Can not be! You probably saw the berries, but thought they were mushrooms.
The boy next door was offended.
- What am I blind, or what? I saw with my own eyes - the most real mushrooms: boletus, porcini, boletus ...
To resolve the dispute, we went into the forest. We approach the bush and see that it is really all covered with mushrooms, Dimka even opened his mouth in surprise. And the boy next door was delighted:
-Yeah! What did I say? Here they are - mushrooms!
- Mushrooms, mushrooms, - I say, - but they just do not grow.
The guys looked closely and saw that the mushrooms really do not grow, but are neatly tucked between the branches. "

^ Who do you think put the mushrooms between the branches? Why does he need it?

Why mushrooms on the tree
Are they hanging on top of the knots?
Not in a basket, not on a shelf,
Not in moss, not under a leaf-
By the trunk and among the branches
They are on the bitches!
Who arranged them so cleverly?
Who cleaned the litter from the mushrooms?
This is Belkin's pantry
This is the Belkin summer camp!

Speech logic task 3.

For children 6-7 years old. What did Dunno confuse?

Tell me what's wrong here? Fix Dunno:
- Winter has come because the hare has turned white. (On the contrary, the bunny turned white because winter has come)
- It became cold in autumn, because people dressed in warm clothes, and the animals changed their summer coats to winter ones (on the contrary, people dressed in warm clothes because it became cold)

-The tree is in the hollow.

-In winter, there are no insects, because birds fly to hot countries.
-In winter, hares eat cabbage and carrots. (no, they gnaw on tree bark and branches)
- There is no food in winter, so the predators starve and eat the bark of trees.

Speech logic task 4.

Look at the clubfoot! Barely toss and turn. He ate on fish and berries in the summer, but now he wanders through the forest, scares the animals and is looking for something, looking for something ... What is the bear looking for?

It's time for the bear to fall asleep in the den, so he wanders through the forest, confusing traces before climbing into the den and falling asleep.

Speech logic task 5.

Here something white rolled out into the clearing: long ears, slanting eyes, looking to the sides. Jump-jump and out of sight under the bush. Look how he shuddered! Do not be afraid - this is the branch that cracked from the frost. No, running away ... and even confusing traces! Who it?

Speech logic task 6.

In the fall, a hare appeared in the forest. He grew up cheerful, nimble. Once the hare met a butterfly, a caterpillar and a bear cub. They all became friends, played and had fun until the very cold. Winter came. A fun holiday has come New Year... The bunny decided to invite his friends to this holiday. But I didn't find anyone in the forest. Why?

^ If the kid cannot guess, read him the story of V.Strokov. It contains the answer to a logical riddle.

V. Strokov "Insects in the fall".

Most of the insects disappear at the end of September. Some laid their testicles and died, others climbed into some crevice, crack, under the bark, or buried themselves in the ground and fell asleep. On the damp paths you will not find agile ground beetles. V the last days diurnal butterflies disappear in September. They either die or climb into secluded corners for the winter.

^ Viewing landscapes. (Semenova E.V.)

The child's first aesthetic experiences are associated with the pleasure that the qualities of an object give him, its color, shape, etc. The range of colors and forms inherent in any work visual arts, expresses a certain feeling, thought of the author and, when perceiving this work, evokes a response similar to that of the artist.

Children preschool age can be brought to an understanding of landscape painting.

The need to use works of fine art in working with preschoolers is due to their enormous cognitive and aesthetic value. Pictures show children such aspects of the life of nature that cannot always be observed in natural conditions (ice drift, haymaking, etc.). Viewing landscape paintings by great masters contributes to the development of aesthetic taste, allows you to pay attention to what was previously unnoticed, awakens desire and develops the ability of children to talk about this beauty, look at it again, already in life.

Examination of landscapes contributes to the development of the expressiveness of children's speech (the number of definitions, comparisons, metaphors, etc. increases) children learn to understand the artist's intention, the mood conveyed in the picture, that is, the culture of perception rises, thinking develops.

When selecting reproductions of paintings by great artists, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure that the paintings are unplanned, simple in composition, bright in color, without unnecessary details - this will ensure the accessibility of perception.

In his ability to perceive landscape paintings, the child goes through several stages. At first, he only lists the objects depicted in the picture, gives a very brief, elementary description of them: he still cannot express his attitude to the picture.

Then, under the influence of learning, the child begins to more fully, accurately and figuratively characterize the depicted using various means of expression.

Examining landscape paintings with children, the teacher, firstly, teaches them to understand the artist's intention, the mood conveyed to him in the picture, teaches them to determine the pictorial means that the artist used to convey his intention; secondly, the teacher teaches children to express in words the impressions received from the perception of the landscape.

The solution of these tasks is facilitated by questions that should make children look "in a new way" at the picture.

For a better perception of a work of painting, it is advisable to invite children to compare what is depicted in the picture with what is observed in the surrounding nature. This technique is called an introduction to an imaginary situation.

When examining the picture, an explanatory word from the teacher is also necessary. It helps the child to understand its content, deepens perception.

Correct and deep perception of the picture contributes to poetic word, music.

It is better to consider landscape paintings immediately after the excursion, observation.

More complex tasks are tasks using complex tools: looking at pictures about nature and listening to musical works. Children are offered the following tasks:

  • comparison of the character and mood of a piece of music with a landscape painting;

  • determining the nature and mood of a piece of music and drawing up an imaginary picture for it;

  • selection of an imaginary piece of music to the landscape.
These tasks develop in children the ability to aesthetically evaluate natural phenomena, to look closely at them, to find interesting, surprising in the usual, unobtrusive and at first glance unattractive.

^ It is advisable to involve a music director in such classes.

Methodology for conducting classes with such tasks.

1.Comparing the character of a piece of music with the mood of the landscape:

  • the teacher's story against the background of a piece of music;

  • listening to a piece of music similar in mood to the picture.
2. Determination of the mood of a piece of music and inventing a picture for it.

3. Inventing music for the landscape.

All these creative tasks develop the ability of children to notice, identify and characterize natural phenomena, which creates a good background for the formation positive attitude To her.

Observations of nature, excursions, walks to the nearest forest, to the river, etc. help to develop the imagination of older preschoolers. and conducting appropriate interviews thereafter. The teacher's questions, his generalizations and statements aim children at determining the mood that is created in the process of getting to know nature.

In conversations about nature, the teacher widely uses not only landscape paintings, but also various subject and subject didactic paintings depicting animals, plants, and human labor.
^ The role of the artistic word in the development of mental abilities of children (Anisimova N.M.)

Each person is somehow inextricably linked with nature. Children look at flowers and trees, but that doesn't mean anything yet. They need to be introduced into the natural world, to make it understandable, close, necessary. In order for children to learn intelligent love for all living things, children's books about nature are being written. Nature is diverse, and books about it are also different: fairy tales, stories, poems and riddles.

To be able to think up, to pose a question - this can be the most difficult thing in teaching a child.

Ask so that the child becomes interested, so that he wants to hear the answer. The master of such amazing questions and answers was the writer V. Bianchi. Even in the titles of his fairy tales there is a tempting question: "Whose nose is better?", "Whose legs are these?", "Who sings what?" These books are full not only of information about nature, he is also natural for a fairy tale kindness and instructiveness.

There are some books with which you can go straight into the forest or field and read there. For example, N. Sladkov's book "From dawn to dawn", Yu. Dmitriev "Forest kids".

Books, which have an element of play, an element of creativity, facilitate the assimilation of new knowledge by children. For example, the book by G. Skrebitsky and D. Gorlov “Animals different countries". It contains patterns of paper toys depicting those animals about which the book is written.

This includes reading books with drawings for coloring.

The book “Four seasons” alone - a special collection for the teacher - is enough to play “Guess” with the children for a long time.

The books "Fox's bread", "Squirrel memory" by M. Prishvin are loved for their unusually subtle, deep sense of nature, for their enormous warmth.

Poems about nature cannot but affect the feelings of the child, his emotions. Therefore, you need to turn to them more often, especially to the classics - the poems of Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Nikitin, Tyutchev, Yesenin.

So from book to book they will grow stronger, and the threads connecting the little man with nature will multiply. But from this variety, you need to choose those books that not only help to accumulate information, not only provide knowledge, but actively develop independent thinking in children. Everything that a child sees on the street or on a TV screen, the book explains not only from a scientific and technical, but primarily from a moral and aesthetic point of view. From all the diversity of the book world, the child must take out the main thing: to know is interesting, to know is necessary. Man gains knowledge to make the life of people on earth better and wiser.
^ III. Ecological game "Almost everything about the animal world" (Dmitrieva R.Yu., Cherkashina S.A., Anisimova N.M.)

  • Environmental Kaleidoscope (Presentation as a sample)

  • Assignment to the first team (cube)
Name the animals that are somehow related to the production of drugs.(badger - fat; bear - bile; bees - honey, propolis; snake - poison; goat - milk, etc.)

  • Assignment to the second team
^ Name all pets and explain why they were domesticated.

(Cat, dog, cow, pig, horse, rabbit, buffalo, yak, bull, sheep, camel, deer, donkey, etc. Provide wool, meat, milk; used for protection; as a vehicle.)

  • Assignment to both teams
^ Solve the photo-riddles "Whose chick is this" (Presentation)

  • Quest "White envelope"
One team is offered a white envelope with "portraits" of 20 birds, among which you need to find - NIGHTING.

^ Another team is offered a white envelope with "portraits" of 20 animals , among which it is necessary to find - MOUNTAIN.

  • Exercise "Book of Nature Records" (Presentation)
One command should continue phrases:"The longest tongue of ... (chameleon)"; "The strongest sense of smell in ... (butterfly)"; “He hears best of all ... (owl)”; "The fastest flies ... (swift)"; "The most vigilant ... (golden eagle)"; "The most toothy ... (sharks)"; "The strongest poison is in ... (the tiger snake)"; "The most gullible bird ... (Grouse)."

^ The other team should also continue the phrases: "The smartest animals ... (dolphins)"; “Most of all eyes are ... (a dragonfly and a fly)”; "Powerful natural power plant ... (electric ramp)"; "The largest frog ... (goliath)"; "Champions in longevity ... (turtles)"; "Swallowing Champion ... (boa constrictor)"; "Champion in spawning ... (moonfish)"; Diving Champions ... (whale, turtle); "The farthest flights are made by ... (terns)."

  • Blitz Tournament - Captains Competition

  1. Why is the Red Book called red and not green?
(Red is a danger signal.)

  1. How is a frog different from a toad?
(The frog is a diurnal animal, and the toad is a nocturnal.)

  1. Can a penguin be called a bird and a dolphin a fish?
(The penguin is a bird, but the dolphin is a mammal.)

  1. Which bird is barking?
(Male partridge.)

  1. What kind of fish builds a nest?

  1. Does a mosquito have teeth?
(And a lot: twenty-two.)

  1. Who has ears on their feet?
(At the grasshopper.)

  1. Who drinks with your foot?

  1. Who wears a plow on his head?

  1. What animal does not part with a toy?

  1. What birds do offspring in winter?
(Crossbills, kingfishers.)

  1. How do bees and wasps hold their combs together?
(With saliva.)

  1. Which bird and which plant are named the same?

  1. What animal combines camel, donkey, antelope and panther?

  1. What bird is called a cat?

  1. Why polar bears can't live in the forest?
(They eat fish.)

  1. How does a hedgehog look like a bear?
(Sleeps in winter.)

  1. Who spends all his life in motion?

  1. How many wings does a beetle have?
(Two pairs.)

  1. Who has the tongue longer than the torso?
(At the chameleon.)

  1. What kind of fish is the fisherman himself?

  1. Who has transparent fry?
(At the eel.)

  1. Who carries the cradle on their back?
(Spade toad.)

  1. Who can tie a knot?
(Mixins, lampreys.)

  1. What's wrong with a frog's tongue?
(It is attached backwards.)

  1. What insects are called animals?
(Beetles: deer, rhino, ladybug.)

  1. What insects can move backwards?
(Moth butterflies.)

  1. Why do fish cough?
(They clear silt from the gills.)
Physical minute "The giraffe has specks ..." (Zheleznovs)

  • Assignment to both teams "Laws of nature protection"
How would you formulate the five conservation laws, which were derived by the German scientist P. Ehrlich (1854-1915), the Nobel Prize laureate (1908).

  1. You cannot live on Earth and not take, but you must take rationally.

  2. Everything that is on Earth is necessary for its development and human development.

  3. Man is not the ruler of nature: by destroying it, he destroys himself.

  4. By protecting nature, we are protecting the population of the Earth.

  5. Conservation of nature is part of the struggle for peace. Nature and war are incompatible.

Structure of mind games
^ Form of carrying out: KVN, quizzes, "Walking-walkers", Olympiads, the game "Clever and clever men", video conference (within the group, garden, between gardens, with parents).

^ Preparing for the game:

Theme, goal, tasks for a certain age.

Preliminary work.

Selection methodological material.

Integration of areas, interaction of specialists, parents.


The arrival of the hero, the appearance of a letter, the final event on the project - motivation.

Draw, presentation of teams, explanation of the rules, warm-up.

Tasks: word games, didactic games, tables, diagrams, pictograms, ICT technologies, productive activity, relay races, physical minutes, captains competition.

Point system, fixation of results, jury, summing up, certificates, prizes.

Logic tasks for preschoolersteach children to compare, compare facts they know about the world around them, develop independence of thought, teach kids to prove their point of view, reason, draw conclusions. find causes and effects. separate essential features from minor ones. It is not for nothing that the proverb says: "Happiness happens to the one who gains the mind through work and learning."It is not possible to gain intelligence in every teaching. How to develop children and teach them in exciting tasks and games, read on.

Logic tasks for preschoolers on the topic "How the inhabitants of the forest prepare for wintering"

Speech logical tasks.

The speech logic problem is a story - a riddle. A baby can find a clue to it only if he has an idea of ​​nature and can compare, classify, and find relationships. The solution of speech logical problems helps to develop thinking and speech, teaches the child to highlight the main and the secondary, draw conclusions, explain his point of view.

Speech logic problems are given to children when you have already introduced them to the life of forest dwellers in the fall - stories and fairy tales in pictures, poems and riddles, dramatizations and finger theater, tasks for kids can be found in the articles How animals prepare for winter. Part 1 ″ How animals prepare for winter. Part 2".

You will find many interesting speech logic problems for preschool children in the book by N.F. Vinogradova "Stories - riddles about nature" (publishing house "Ventana - Graf"). This is one of the logical objectives of this book.

Speech logic problem 1. What did the hedgehog say? (developed by Natalia Fedorovna Vinogradova)

“Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. Jumping squirrel - fidget. Gathers nuts, acorns, scatters them in hollows, along tree cracks, hangs on bushes. The squirrel works all day and keeps looking at its neighbor - a hedgehog, who by the fall has become completely lazy: he runs little in the forest, does not catch mice, crawls into dry leaves and dozes.
- Why are you, hedgehog, completely lazy? The squirrel asks. - Why don't you prepare for winter, don't store food? In winter there will be nothing.
The hedgehog laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel.

Did you guess what the hedgehog said? Why doesn't he make supplies for the winter? Why doesn't he need mushrooms and acorns?
Listen to the child's answer, ask why he decided so. If the kid has not guessed this logical problem, then remind him that the hedgehog sleeps all winter. And that means ... and does not eat anything. Therefore, in the fall, he does not carry mushrooms on his needles, as shown in cartoons. After all, a cartoon is a fairy tale, and a lot has been invented in it. What is the hedgehog actually doing in the fall? Remember with the baby the story about the hedgehog.

Speech logic problem 2. Mushrooms on a branch.
Yuri Dmitriev "Why did mushrooms grow on the bush?"

“Everyone knows that mushrooms grow on the ground. Well, they can still grow on a hemp, like honey mushrooms, for example. But that they grow on the bushes, Dima and I have not heard something.
-And this cannot be, - said Dimka, when the neighbor's boy began to talk about the mushrooms that he saw on the bushes. - Can not be! You probably saw the berries, but thought they were mushrooms.
The boy next door was offended.
- What am I blind, or what? I saw with my own eyes - the most real mushrooms: boletus, porcini, boletus ...
To resolve the dispute, we went into the forest. We approach the bush and see that it is really all covered with mushrooms, Dimka even opened his mouth in surprise. And the boy next door was delighted:
-Yeah! What did I say? Here they are - mushrooms!
- Mushrooms, mushrooms, - I say, - but they just do not grow.
The guys looked closely and saw that the mushrooms really do not grow, but are neatly tucked between the branches. "

Who do you think put the mushrooms between the branches? Why does he need it?

Speech logical task 3. For children 6-7 years old. What did Dunno confuse?

Tell me what's wrong here? Fix Dunno:
- Winter has come because the hare has turned white. (On the contrary, the bunny turned white because winter has come)
- It became cold in autumn, because people dressed in warm clothes, and the animals changed their summer coats to winter ones (on the contrary, people dressed in warm clothes because it became cold)

The tree is in the hollow.

In winter, there are no insects, because birds fly to hot countries.
-In winter, hares eat cabbage and carrots. (no, they gnaw on tree bark and branches)
- There is no food in winter, so the predators starve and eat the bark of trees.

Speech logic problem 4. What is the bear looking for? The author of the text is I. A. Panichev.

Look at the clubfoot! Barely toss and turn. He ate on fish and berries in the summer, but now he wanders through the forest, scares the animals and is looking for something, looking for something ... What is the bear looking for?

It's time for the bear to fall asleep in the den, so he wanders through the forest, confusing traces before climbing into the den and falling asleep.

Speech logic problem 5. Who is this? About the bunny. Author of the text - I. A. Panichev

Here something white rolled out into the clearing: long ears, slanting eyes, looking to the sides. Jump-jump and out of sight under the bush. Look how he shuddered! Do not be afraid - this is the branch that cracked from the frost. No, running away ... and even confusing traces! Who it?

Speech logic problem 6. Little hare and his friends. Author - N.F. Vinogradova

In the fall, a hare appeared in the forest. He grew up cheerful, nimble. Once the hare met a butterfly, a caterpillar and a bear cub. They all became friends, played and had fun until the very cold. Winter came. Happy New Year holiday has come. The bunny decided to invite his friends to this holiday. But I didn't find anyone in the forest. Why? If the kid cannot guess, read him the story of V.Strokov. It contains the answer to a logical riddle.

V. Strokov "Insects in the fall".

Most of the insects disappear at the end of September. Some laid their testicles and died, others climbed into some crevice, crack, under the bark, or buried themselves in the ground and fell asleep. On the damp paths you will not find agile ground beetles. In the last days of September, daytime butterflies disappear. They either die or climb into secluded corners for the winter.

Autumn cartoons - solving logic problems with children 6-7 years old!

Your little one already knows a lot about the life of forest dwellers in autumn and their preparation for winter. Now, while watching cartoons about autumn with your child, you can discuss what is a fairy tale, and what is true. What actually happens in the autumn forest, and what is invented? This is a real logical task for a kid, which requires comparing the content of the cartoon and real-life phenomena in nature and drawing a conclusion on his own. Such logical tasks are very important for the formation in older preschoolers of accurate ideas about the world around them and for the development of the child's ability to use knowledge in a new problem situation. Similar logical tasks are available for children 6-7 years old.

To distinguish between invented and real, you need to have an idea of ​​how our nature lives. Therefore, speech logic tasks and tasks based on cartoons are used when you have already studied our materials with your baby, played dramatization games, got acquainted with the ecological fairy tales given in the first and second parts of the material about how the inhabitants of the forest prepare for winter.

I suggest that you watch cartoons with your child about the events in the autumn forest and guess what really happened and what was invented in them. You can guess in turn. First, you say that this is a fairy tale (an adult always names the most difficult things to make it easier for the child to cope with the task), and then the child. And so in turn - who was the most attentive.

First, we call everything that is fabulous, which can be called "fable". And then everything that can really be. For example. in fact, the wolf does not sleep in winter, the hare changes its fur coat - it's true. But the fact that the bunny just disguises as people is a fairy tale, in fact, it sheds. Truth. that squirrels store acorns, cones and mushrooms for the winter, and mice store grain, but it is invented that the hedgehog carries mushrooms on itself and that the hare grows carrots in the garden. You can watch the cartoon again to notice the details that were not noticed before! These cartoons are also very well suited for the finger theater reenactments discussed in the previous article.

Cartoon "How a hedgehog changed a fur coat"

Cartoon about the bear "Uncle Misha"

A story about autumn. A story about forest dwellers. A story about the world of wildlife in autumn, a story about forest life. A story for younger students. Story for extracurricular reading... A story to read in elementary school.

Nikolay Sladkov. Autumn on the doorstep

- Residents of the forest! - the wise Raven cried once in the morning. - Autumn is at the forest threshold, is everyone ready for its arrival?

- Ready, ready, ready ...

- But we will now check! - the Raven croaked. - First of all, autumn will let the cold fall into the forest - what will you do?

The animals responded:

- We, squirrels, hares, foxes, will change into winter coats!

- We, badgers, raccoons, will hide in warm holes!

- We hedgehogs the bats, sleep soundly sleep!

The birds responded:

- We, migrants, in warmer climes let's fly away!

- We, sedentary, will wear down padded jackets!

- The second thing, - the Raven shouts, - the autumn will begin to rip off the leaves from the trees!

- Let it rip off! - the birds responded. - The berries will be better known!

- Let it rip off! - the animals responded. - It will become quieter in the forest!

- The third thing, - the Raven does not appease, - the autumn of the last insects will snap into the frost!

The birds responded:

- And we, blackbirds, will pile on the mountain ash!

- And we, woodpeckers, will begin to peel the cones!

- And we, goldfinches, will take up the weeds!

The animals responded:

- And we will sleep more calmly without mosquito flies!

- The fourth thing, - the Raven buzzes, - autumn will bore you! He will overtake the gloomy clouds, let the boring rains, drive the dreary winds. The day will shorten, the sun will hide in its bosom!

- Let him pester himself! - Birds and animals responded in unison. - You can't get us bored! That we have rain and wind when we

in fur coats and down padded jackets! Let's be full - we won't get bored!

The wise Raven wanted to ask something else, but he waved his wing and took off.

Flies, and under it a forest, multi-colored, motley - autumn.

Autumn has already stepped over the threshold. But she didn't scare anyone in the least.

Lexical topic: “Insects. Preparing for winter "

  1. Remember with the children everything they know about insects. Have a chat about what insects can be useful (bee, ant, ladybug) and harmful (mosquito, fly, white butterfly).Find out if the child knows why insects disappear in the fall.
  2. Prepare with the children a retelling of V. Strokov's story "Insects in the Fall".

Most of the insects disappear at the end of September. Alonelaid their testicles and died, others climbed into some crevice, crack, under the bark, or buried themselves in the ground and fell asleep. On the damp paths you will not find agile ground beetles. In the last days of September, daytime butterflies disappear. They either die or climb into secluded corners for the winter.

3. Try to compose stories about insects according to a plan:

  • Who is this?
  • What size is he (she)?
  • What body parts does he (she) have?
  • How does he (she) move?
  • What does it eat?
  • Is it beneficial or harmful? For example:

This butterfly is called hives. She is not big. She has an oblong body, a small head with long antennae, two pairs of legs and beautiful silky wings. Brown color with red, yellow, white and black patterns. Hives fly well. The butterfly feeds on pollen. The butterfly caterpillar feeds on plant leaves and harms the plants.

5. Come up with riddles-descriptions about insects according to the pattern:

it small insect... He has a round body, a small head with large eyes and short antennae, three pairs of legs. The insect's elytra are red with black dots. Below them are a pair of transparent wings. The insect flies well. It is beneficial because it destroys aphids. Who is this?(This is a ladybug.)

6. Exercising the child in the formation of word combinations from numbers with nouns, play the game "I see."

I see two houses and five houses.

I see two roses and five roses.

I see two trees and five trees.

Use nouns to playbee, mosquito, ant, fly, beetle, butterfly, cockroach.

  1. Circle the butterfly carefully and color it. Talk about the pattern on the wings to be symmetrical: