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Essay on the story of Shemyakin Court. Extracurricular reading. "Shemyakin Court" as a satirical work of the XVII century

There were two brothers. One was poor, and another rich. It did not have a poor brother of firewood. I have nothing to get off the furnace. Cold in the hollow.

He went to the forest, the firewood was disturbed, but there is no horse. How to bring firewood?

- I will go to my brother, I will ask the horse.

Nelskovo accepted his rich brother.

- Take the horse take, but see Large, do not impose, but do not hope for me: today let me give it tomorrow, and then go to the world.

Loved the poor horse home and remembered:

- Oh, I don't have a clamp! Immediately did not ask, and now there is nothing to walk - you will not give brother.

Somehow tied a string of woodcut to the tail of the husband of the horse and drove.

On the way back, the woods were clung to the stump, and the poor man did not notice, sinned the horse.

The horse was hot, rushed and pulled off the tail.

As a rich brother saw that the horse had no tail, he cooked, shouted:

- thwarted the horse! I will not leave this case!

And he filed on the poor to court.

Many whether it was not time, cause brothers to the city to court.

They go, go. Poor thinks:

He himself did not have been in court, and he heard the proverbs: the weak is not strong with a strong, and do not judge the poor man. Sat me.

They walked just on the bridge. The railing was not. Slipped the poor man and fell from the bridge. And at that time the merchant was driving at the ice, the old man's father was visited.

The poor man fell yes right in Sani fell and the old man's bruise to death, and himself remained alive and unharmed.

The merchant grabbed the poor man:

- Let's go to the judge!

And they went to the city of Troy: the poor man and a rich brother and a merchant.

At all, the poor fell hurt:

Now they will certainly stop.

Here he saw a weighty stone on the road. Grabbed the stone, wrapped in a rag and put it for the sinus:

Seven troubles - one answer: if not for me it will be a judge to judge yes will suggest, killing and judge.

Came to judge. To the same case, the new added. He became judge to judge, interrogate.

And the poor brother will look at the judge, he will breathe because of her sinuses in a rag and whispering the judge:

- Sudi, judge, and see here.

So times, and the other, and the third. The judge saw and thinks: is it really not a guy gold shows?

She looked again - wanted big.

Caly and silver, much money.

And awarded an eldest horse to keep a poor brother until the horse would not grow by the horse.

And the merchant said:

"For the fact that this man killed your father, may he himself be on ice under the same bridge, and you download him from the bridge and ask him to death himself, as he crushed your father.

The court and ended.

A rich brother says:

- Well, well, so be, I will take you a shameless horse.

"What are you, brother," the poor man answers. "Let it be, as the judge awarded: to hold your horse until, as long as the tail will not grow up.

Became a rich brother to persuade:

- Let's give you thirty rubles, just give the horse.

- Well, come on money.

He counted a rich brother thirty rubles, and they were given.

Here and the merchant began to ask:

"Listen, a peasant, I forgive your guilt to you, I don't turn your parent.

"No, I'll go, if the court awarded, jumping at me from the bridge."

"I don't want your death, remember with me, and I will give you a hundred rubles," the merchant asks.

He got poor from a merchant hundred rubles. And just gathered to leave, calling his judge:

- Well, let's go.

He took out the poorness because of the sinuses of the knot, turned the rag and showed the judge the stone.

"That's what you showed me that I said: judge, judge, and see here." Kaby you shorn me, so I killed you.

That's good, "Judge thinks," that I judged on this man, and then I would not live.

And the poor is cheerful, with the songs, came home.

Shemyakin Court is a satirical work of the XVII century. He has no one author and there is no single text - there is a whole set of options.

The humorous work can be soft, good-natured, lyrical. Satirical - never. Satire is always a Surov and hard. A satirical author shows people ridiculous, stupid, ugly, evil, etc. Satire always criticizes and beat human vices, weaknesses and disadvantages. Satire always gives a reduced image of reality. It even looks like a joke, which is essentially the most popular and affordable view of satire.

If you consider even school or "kindergarten" anecdotes about Piglet and Winnie Pooh, you can see that these characters are more stupid, primitive and less pleasant than in the book of Milna or in the famous Cartoons Khitruck (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet

You can still hold such a parallel as modern newspaper parodies, as a rule, on politicians or other influential people, where they appear ugly and stupid. That is, often laugh at what it actually scares, annoying, prevents living.

In the whole world, and especially in Russia, such a thing often was and is the court. The elevity of the Russian court aroused complaints in the XV-XVI centuries (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Satyric image of judges

Sales of judges, their hooks and the injustice of the court, the fact that the poor is always in the acclating, and wins the rich, which is an unequal, dishonest court - all Russian literature and numerous historical documents are moaning about it. The topic of the unrigibility of the court is the topic of the test "Shemyakin Court".

Popularity and distribution of the plot about Shemyakin Court

The story "Shemyakin Court" exists in different versions. In the XVII century, you can see two options - poems and prosaic, which are known in the XVIII-XIX centuries. There were numerous ingredients "Shemyakina of the Court".

Lumpy pictures - uncomplicated, but very colorful, juicy drawings with some text. These are pictures for the people who have been published, and then the peasants (and sometimes the townspeople are poor) hung them on their wooden walls (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Lubric picture

"Shemyakin Court" is a popular, favorite plot, which thus spread throughout Russia. In the end, the story became so popular that he had already left the folklore - began to tell the tales about Shemyakin Court. This is an interesting case, when not an oral tradition receives a written processing, but on the contrary - from the book it turns out an oral, considerable story without the story. It turns out that there are many texts of this work, but there is no ideal. There is no order of words, but the story itself, the plot.

Scene "Shemyakina Court"

There were two brothers. One rich, other poor, poor. Poor constantly turned to rich for help. One day it was necessary to bring it from the wood of firewood, and there was no horse (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Firewood

He went to the older (rich) brother and asked the horse. He swore, but gave a horse, however, without a clamp.

Homut- A horseshoe-like fixture (wooden arc), which is hanging, is attached to the back to the horse. It is attached to the clamp, and thus the severity falls on the claw and does not press the horse's neck. This is no less valuable tool than the wheel. Made it in the Middle Ages. Antiquity of the Khomut did not know.

There is no clamp at the poor brother, and he does not come up with nothing better how to tie a sleigh with firewood to the horse's tail (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Poor lead a horse over the reins

With this cargo (with firewood), he is trying to enter him into the courtyard and breaks the craft horse. Next, he is trying to return his brother with a torn tail. A rich brother in anger and hits a friend to court - decides to sue younger brother.

The brothers go to the city where the court will occur. For the night, they are arranged in the house at the same pop. While a rich brother and priest eat and drink, the poor man lies on the furnace and does not eat anything. He is enviable, it is interesting for him that he eats a rich brother with a buddy-pop. Hungry, curious poorly fuses from the oven, it does not hold, it falls and to death is covered by the master's little child. After that, the unfortunate pop also goes to beat the person to the judge.

Next they come threesome. The poor man thinks that it will be his end - it will be fattened. To reduce all the things, he rushes down his head from the bridge - wants to end the life of suicide. And again becomes a unwitting killer. The fact is that Sanya is passing under this bridge. A certain young man is lucky to the cure (and on another version - in the bath) of his old man's father. Old man dies. After that, the son of the killed goes into the same court.

The situation becomes completely hopeless for the poor, which is a stretchable and laptop and forever makes unwittingly some ugly actions.

All this Trinity is to the court, where Schämyak's judge sits, and outlines his work. Poor thinks: "Well, what can I do?". He takes a stone, impose his handkerchief and bows for the sinus. A rich brother outlines the case of the judge. Shemyak asks the defendant: "Tell me how it was." He pulls the stone hidden in the handkerchief because of the sinuses and says: "Here is your judge." The judge thinks that this is a bribe and there is gold or silver. After that, the judge polls the next plaintiff - Pop. Pop sets out the case. The judge asks the poor man again: "How was it?". That again nothing responds, but only shows a stone. The third plaintiff also sets out his story, and everything is repeated again.

What was Shemyakin Court? What awarded a multiple and wise judge? About the horse he said like this: "Let the horse be happy with the younger brother, and how the tail will grow, it will return it to her older brother." Regarding the son of the pop, he says the following: "Let the wife of the priest will live in a younger brother, he will give birth to a child from him and return back to her husband already with a child." Regarding the third case, the judge also did not get confused: "Murder is committed, you need to take revenge on the same way. Let the poor thing be under the bridge, and the son of the deceased old man from above will rush to him and throws to death. "

After listening to the wise judge, naturally, the plaintiffs were frightened. All began to fill the unfortunate poor money so that he would not fulfill the decision of the judge. The poor man takes money and, joyful, goes the ravis. But not immediately because a person comes sent from Judge and says: "Come on what you wrapped the judge." The poor man unfolds his handkerchief, shows a stone and says: "If the judge did not judge in my favor, I would be his bash with this stone." The answer is transferred to the judge. The judge is glad, he assumes the gratitude prayer to God: "It's good that I judged on him, and otherwise he would be me to the death of the bash."

As a result, everything is more or less satisfied that cheaply separated. But most of all satisfied the poor man who leaves, singing songs, because his pockets are full of money. And it could all get very bad.

Perception of the story "Shemyakin Court"

In the people of the XVII-XVIII centuries, this story caused a lively reaction, namely, great pleasure - they laughed. If you perceive this story realistically, like a life story, then solid troubles and stupidity are obtained. Fit cry, not laughing. Still, it is Satira, Balagan, clown, farce. This should be understood as a joke, like a certain deliberately distorted, comic and in my own funny lifestyle.

Also, this text should have perceived with joy, because he has a certain pathos - the victory of weak over strong. The poor fell in the alteration, but happily twisted.

Most people who have been addressed by this text are the emergents (people poor and weak socially). Everything was wrong in life, and here the poor wins. And wins not because he has a mind, or money, or power - he does not have anything. He is generally rolling. He is even stupid. But he becomes the favorite people of the prostate and dexter. He somehow everything itself turns out a kind of magical way, he tries. Its simplicity turns out to be stronger than worldly customs, worldly wisdom, tricks and judge experience. This caused unconditional joy.

Theme of refereeing in literature

In the center of the story - a ridicule of the judicial order, judicial hooks and the Pharisee. This topic is ancient as the world. This in one degree or another was engaged in many nations - and in folklore, and in the theater.

All stories about the judges can be divided into two groups: stories about the judges of wise and right and stories about the judges of stupid and dishonest. The perfect and wise judge is a biblical Solomon. Solomon is a sage judge and a virtuoso that acts paradoxically. The most famous story when two women needed about whose child. Solomon, not knowing the truth, took a wonderful decision: since they argue for him, let him not go to anyone, let each receive half a day, let the warrior destroy the child in half. After that, one of mothers, which claims motherhood, says: "Well, let him not get to me nor her". The second with crying says: "No, I refuse, then let the second woman will take it." After that, Solomon gives a child, naturally, the one that wanted to keep his life. It was a real mother (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Court Solomon

Solomon acts unexpected, paradoxically, and such curves, the truth and truth is achieved. And we, the listeners of this story, admire his skill and virtuosity.

In any case, the story of the court should be slapped, intricate, with a non-obvious behavior of the judge. He may be an evil bribe, he can be righteous and wise as Solomon, but he must act a non-standard, paradoxically.

Analysis of the story "Shemyakin Court"

Solving Shemyaki is a sample of casuisics. It seems to be logically acting, but actually takes absurd decisions, acting against obvious things, against common sense. But this is built the whole story. This is because a series of all tricks and paradoxical events, some clown fedes of the poor man and Judge Schämyaki.

But Shemyak himself rang himself, cleared, caught on his own hook. And its paradoxical solutions serve as truth. Because the poor thing, of course, a loser and a bad, but there is no evil intention in it, everything that he does, he makes unwittingly. A rich peasant (his brother) and the priest seemingly normal people who personify the normal course of things and worldly order, reliability of social life. But they act very badly. They actually pull in the court of innocent, because he makes all his acts unnecessary. And their acts are shown morally condemned, because they wanted to fit with the poor latter and punish for what he was essentially guilty. Strictly speaking, the poor man deserved a fell. So it is impossible to live, it is generally dangerous for peaceful people with his strange ways to live, go to the oven, rushing from the bridges, etc. But he does not have bad intent, and therefore it does not and the composition of the crime, which means that they have nothing to judge.

Escape in folklore

If we generalize all the above, it turns out that we are dealing with an uncomfortable. In the usual world, everything is different in different ways: Of course, the court had to be on the side of the priest and rich, of course, the judge will not be so cheating, do not figure out, of course, the poor man had to lose.

Nebyvalchina- This is a genre of folklore, where incredible things happen: the bears fly through the sky (Fig. 7), the cows are jumping over the moon, as in English folklore.

Fig. 7. Bear flying through the sky

This is a world that is not, but I want it to exist. In it all upside down: weak wins, the court turns out to be right. This is a fabulous world of people's desires, folk fantasies about life. So he is so beautiful.

There are many unfortunate in Russian folklore. And not only in Russian.

Scene "Shemyakina of the Court" in the traditions of other peoples

This is the story of the borrowed, borrowed, that is, taken from the neighbors - from Europeans. Similar stories are found in the German and Polish literature of that time. More scientists found a large number of parallels in the East. There are similar stories in the Indian, Tibetan, Muslim tradition. This is the so-called wandering plot - one of those stories that walked from the people to the people, reflecting something very important and typical for people.

There is one Tibetan story that coincides almost one in one with the story "Shemyakin Court". She is about how poor Brahman asked for another bull for work. There was a similar story: the bull ran away from the courtyard when he was already returned. On the way to court, Brahman falls from the weaves of a weaving, who dies, then he sits on a thoracic child, which is closed by clothing. The judge decides to leave the eye from the owner of the bull, because he "did not see" the bull when he was brought, the widow of the weaver should marry Brahman, and the child returns the unfortunate mother in the same way as in the Shemeakin Court.

It seems that the story is the same, but the horse is not a bull, and the Russian peasant is not Indian Brahman. Details and intonation of the narrator creates different images. As a result, there are quite national characters who carry the imprint of the local terrain, the local characteristics of the language, the mining reports, etc.

Therefore, the story "Shemyakin Court" is very local, all of the grown in Russian soil, although the seeds are brought from abroad. This story was reflected in our language. Until now, when it comes to an unfair, bad, curve, they say: "Shemyakin Court".

Tale of Yersh Ershovich

"The tale of Yersh Hershovich" is a nameless work of the XVI-XVII centuries. This is also a satirical story.

Namelessness is the usual thing for the literature of the time, at least in Russia. Especially when the folklore is based on the story.

This is a story about what happened in Russia of that time. Again, the topic of this story is the court.

A modern reader in this story is not clear, because there are a lot of realities of that time. To understand it, it is necessary to know the then social relationships: who is who, that mean the names of those or other classes, etc. On the other hand, the reader is still ridiculous and still quite a lot of things, because it is used to use the method of confrontation .

In the story there are human animals - fish. We all know fairy tales and fables, in which a similar thing happens: a bear is a major boss, an imperious man; Fox is a cunning, which represents the characteristic public elements, and the like things. This principle is simple and understood.

In this story, the action takes place among the fish in the Rostov Lake. Such a lake really is, on its shore there is a city of Rostov Great. In the story there are going to court big people - judges. Osperature, Beluga, Som - all these are large, masts, impoverished fish. They represent a boyar (chiefs). Fish bed, worse - these are people, respectively. Perch represents the power of law enforcement. He is something like a police, and his corresponding snaps. The smallest, most lousy, the nobody fish, representing the smallest, lousy, a nickens, is the fish.

Yersh is a small fish, bone and barbed. He has a needle on his back, with whom he rolling the enemy. The YORS is in this story Type of Plebea (Dramatically, Joint, Proury) - such a very unquatable and dashing type.

This hesh is accused of being deceived, cunning, by all sorts of fraud surrounded from the lake of his legal owners. Naturally, the Yersh is unluckled. He, on the contrary, wants to blame, delineate, call the bit of his prosecutors.

This story was happy to read and listened to the "small" people - the poor, who did not like rich and power people and were annoyed in every way. Therefore, sympathy may have been on the side of the hesh. Although you understand who is right, difficult.

There are different manuscripts that have different alternative finals. In one version, the Yers are condemned and beaten with a lake, and the lake returns it to true owners. In another finals, the Rusch spits his judges and hides in a ravar (in thickets).

Such a duality of the final shows the duality of this story, because it is impossible to say exactly on whose side the sympathy of the author. Everyone looks stupid, decreased, as it relys in satire.

Roursh - obviously dashing, unpleasant, antisocial character, but in it there is a charm of a plut, passengers, a clever and very bully guy who succeeds. And this charm will partly speak in his favor. This story and the story of the narrator is ambivalent - dual.

Yersh in "Skate Gorbunk"

The composition of "horse-hunchback" is well known. This is a fun, in the folk spirit of the verse, where there is a darkening horse-hump - a mythical character - with its owner - a simple Ivan, who becomes Tsarevich.

Peter Pavlovich Ershov (Fig. 8), the younger contemporary Pushkin, when he wrote this work, scratched inspiration from folk poetry and from Russian classics, including the Dopererov classics.

Fig. 8. Peter Pavlovich Ershov

The action takes place in some conditional supplementary old. Presented the Moscow Kingdom to any innovations and reforms on the Western model. Accordingly, there are many realities of that time in the story, including literary.

It is quite natural that Ershov appealed to the literature of the past and, in particular, to the famous "story about Yershchovich". Ershova has its own fishing court, which reproduces the judicial procedure of that time.

Consider what the difference between the Fish Court in the "Yershe Ershovich" and in the "Skake-Gorbunke". In folk stories, everything is serious. Of course, everything is ridiculous and comical, but the procedural norms of the time are discussed seriously. A detailed listing, the realism of the description of the judicial procedure in the conjunction with the fact that the heroes are fish, creates the main comic effect.

In Yershova, the comic effect is created according to the same laws, but it is not aimed seriously describing the judicial procedure. He has this description purely decorative. That is, there is no satire element, social criticism and serious content are completely absent. He enjoys it to draw a cheerful, bright picture and entertain the reader.

In the "Skate-Gorbunke" in the course of the action hero Ivan arrives at the yard of the fish king (Fish-Kit). He needs to find some thing scrambled at the bottom of the sea. He comes to a solution to send for this thing (in a chest with a twist of the queen) Yersh. Because he is walking, everywhere runs through all the marines (and not only by sea) coasts, knows every bottom. I'll definitely please what you need.

"Bream, hearing this order,
Name wrote a decree;

COM (he called advisor)

Under the decree signed up;
Black Cancer Decree folded
And the print attached.
Two dolphins here called
And, giving the decree, said
So, on behalf of the king,
All seas found
And that heroz-walk,
Krikun and Zabyaka,
Wherever found
To the sovereign led.
Here the dolphins bowed
And the hersh look went out. "

In this passage, we meet Soma and the Yersh, who are in the folk story, but at the same time and the dolphins, which there is no and can not be in it. Dolphins fulfill the instruction of pretty Miscellaneous, because such Zabuldigu, like the Yers, is useless to look for the seas. Of course, he is simpler in a place - in a pond, where they find him for his favorite activity - he sticks out and swears. Here is this scene:

"Look: in a pond, under reed,
Roursh is sticking with a karam.

"Smirno! Devils would whine you!
Visible, what soda lifted,
Like important fighters! "-
They shouted the messengers.

"Well, what do you care? -
Yersh shouts to dolphins boldly. -
I do not like to joke,
At once all overlap! "-
"Oh, you, eternal walk
And Krikun and Zabyaka!
Everything would be rubbish, you walk,
Everyone would fight yes shout.
At home - no, not sitting! .. "

Everyone knows such a type and in life: Krikun, Zabuldig, Zabyaka, Drachun.

In the end, the Yers is sent behind the chest, and he fulfills an instruction with honor. But before you fulfill, acts as follows:

"Here, giving the king bow,
Yersh went, bent, won.
From the tsarist palace
Behind the roach trembled
And Salakushkam six
The nose broke on the way.
Making such a thing
He rushed to the pool. "

Russh, of course, a stupid character, but there is a benefit from it - he performs the commission. There is some charm in this work, as well as in a folk tale.

There is also a duality of look at the characters in the Russian literary tradition - and folk and author. It seems like a dashing person, and a small hooligan, but at the same time he dare, a snack and a matter of course, when necessary.

It is worth paying attention to a funny moment: the author Peter Ershov could not help but think about the correspondence of his last name and his character. His literary son is Jershom Ershovich doubly.

Questions to the abstract

1. Explain why the story "Shemyakin Court" is a satirical work.

3. Analyze the image of the poor man in the story. What does he cause you to do with you? Why?

Today, another work called Shemyakin, the court fell into my reader's diary. With the story Shemyakin, we met in the 8th grade in the lesson of literature.

tale of Shemyakin Court

The tale of Shemyakin Court talks about poverty and introduces an unfair court, showing us a little man with his smelter. The work of Shemyakin Court is written by an unknown author, and given this satyr with the seventeenth century.

Shemyakin Court summary

To get acquainted with the plot of the work of Sumyakin, we offer that it will allow in the future to work with the work and make it. In the ancient Russian works of the second half of the seventeenth century, two brothers are told: poor and rich. The poor constantly asked for a rich horse and once, taking a horse and not receiving a claw from his brother to use, the horse fell off the horse, because the poor man had to trigger himself to horsepower. Brother now does not want to take a horse and goes to court. In order not to pay a tax on the court, the poor brother is followed.

On the way to the city, the brother stops at his friend of his friend, where he invites you to the table, the poor does not give dinner and it only has to look out from the climb. And the poor randomly falls and just on the cradle with the child. The child dies. Now Pop goes to court.

Drog, poor brother is solved for suicide and rushes from the bridge, and just falls on Sani with a man. He kills his father of one of the townspeople, who at this time brings his father on a sleigh in a bath.

And now three victims went to court, where the poor man showed a swammer. During the charges in all crimes fell on the loser, he showed the judge stone. The judge, thinking about the money and that gold lies in the convolution, I carried the sentence in favor of the accused, so the poor man was left the horse, the wife of the ass was sent to him, who should have lived him until the child was born. And in the end, the poor man had to kill the victim of the town dweller just as he killed his father.

As a result, everyone paid the poor brother money so that the judicial sentence was not fulfilled. Moreover, when the judge learned that the poor stone had an ordinary stone instead of gold, he also gladly glad to his decisions, which awarded the poor, because otherwise, the poor would have killed him with a stone.

If you analyze the work, we perfectly see who and what rises the story Shemyakin Court. This is a bribery, and injustice in court decisions during feudalism. Reading the satirical work of Shemyakin Court, unwittingly ask for a question, and on whose side the author is worth? And here, just the case when the author does not support anyone, he simply shows the whole bitterness of what is happening, where every hero deserves sympathy, although, just that the side of the judge is hardly anyone who becomes. The judge can condemn, because it was he who endured unfair solutions that reached absurdity.

Shemyakin court Main characters

In Shemyakin Court, the main characters are poor and rich brothers, pop, town dweller and Judge Shemyakin. It was by his last name and the court was named.

Two brothers lived in the village, poor and rich. Poor for the transport of firewood needed a horse. He applied for help to a rich brother. He gave, but without a clamp. Sani happened to tie to the tail. But forgetting to put a door shift, the poor man left the animal without a tail. Rich went to the judge, brother followed him, understanding that it would still be called. On the way to the city of travelers stopped for the night in the priest. Favoring the poor man asked the child. And trying to end the elderly and he died too. At the charges, the poor man shows the shemyak wrapped stone. The judge thinks that this is a bribe. He awarded the horse to stay at the poor until the tail would grow again, to do with a new child, and the son of the old man can take revenge on the same way. The plaintiffs give money to the defendant not to fulfill the sentence. And the judge, having learned that a stone was in the convolution, thanks God for salvation.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Tale satirical. Reveals cunning and dishonesty judges. The plaintiffs come incorrectly, dragged into an innocent person. Although it certainly deserves punishment, but there is no evil intent in the heart. The events described could be avoided, would not grab the rich-clap.

The story primaries the wrong selling court. In the XVII century litigation were such a great folk disaster that superstitious people even wore Laneank's neck with a spell from Judges-Lychimetsev. In the story there are details that introduce us to a typical situation of that time: poor brother does not have not only a horse, but even a clamp and voluntarily goes? to the court for rich in order not to pay the tax tax; The Pop of the poor is not named to dinner and he lies with a hungry paradise; Walking to the court with Pop and Brother, the poor thing understands that he will be fattened, and wants to commit suicide.

About poverty, about the wrong trial and hemita of a small man tells the story "Shemyakin Court", which dates back to the second half of the XVII century. She is close to a folk satirical fairy tale about the wrong trial. The story begins with the fact that a rich brother gave the poor horse to the firewood, but regretted the clamp. The poor thing tied the woods to the tail of a horse, she hooked behind the doorway and the tail was taken away. The rich was not wished to take a horsephanda horse, and a litigation arose. On the way to court, the brothers had joined the priest, the poor was unknown to ask the Popovsky child, and Pop also went to court. The fear of punishment, the poor one decided to commit suicide, but, falling from the bridge, inadvertently asked the old man, who was brought to the bath under the bridge. It seemed that there was no way out, but an emptival came to help the poor man, as in every folk fairy tale. He raised the stone from the road, wrapped him in a handkerchief and the judge showed three times at the court. Skieyak's mercenary Judge thought that the poor wanted wanted, and decided the case in his favor. When the judge demanded a fee, poorly resorted to tricks. He said the judge that if he had judged differently, the poor man would "kill him that stone." And Shemyaka was happy to decide the case in favor of the poor.

About the proximity to the fairy tale. Fabulous has a surprise and junction - the threat of the judge.

The ideological content of "Alphabet" relates it to the two previous stories: Shemyakin Court and Yersh Ershovich. Here, in essence, the same topic, the theme of a poor man, tortured by dashing, rich people. Just as the bream complains to the court that his property was looted by the hero, and the poor thing from the "Abuchi" sees in the rich perpetrators of his ruin. "The rich washydrated, and relatives ignored" sounds like a leitmotif of the work.

The language of the Talk in general is simple, close to the conversational, although sometimes there are archaic forms of the last time of the verbs: lively, Poida, at least, etc. Satirical sound of the story is achieved by using comic inappropriate situations, especially the decisions of the judge. Thus, the "tale of the Shemyakina Court" is the original satire depicting the real age-old litigation of the poor and rich, the wrong feudal court, the bitter share of the poor man, who tried in difficult living conditions to confront the fate and the will of the author, succeeded in this by resourcefulness.

In the "alphabet about the bare and poor man" consistently, in alphabetical order, the story of the full impoverishment of the poor man is revealed. In its nature, the poor man is close to the hero of the story "Shemyakin Court". This is a generalized image, while still devoid of individuality, the hero without a name - "naked, poor man", which is truly tragic. "ABC" is an agitated monologue, confession of a person brought to despair with poverty, is dominated by rich dashing people.

The story is distinguished by quite secular character, the religious shade has only the ending: And the Judge of Shemyaka, and the poor man will praise God. The judge for judged in favor of the poor and saved his life, and the poor thing for the fact that he went well from trouble. But after all fraudulent trips, this ending sounds ironically.

New ideas of the author about human destiny should be noted. Until the XVII century. The power of theology was still very strong, and the dependence of a person from providence was emphasized in the literature. Under the influence of socio-historical conditions, these glances have changed. The authors of the XVII century. Now they are not fate now, but a personal success, good luck, happy case. As in the era of the Renaissance, the image of a resourceful person appears in Russian literature. His funny and deft trips not only do not cause condemnation, but even depict sympathy. The new hero is strong for his mind, cunning, and love. These qualities are opposed to medieval removal from life, care to