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Phanti for party birthday. Phanti for children's birthday: creative, funny and developing. Tasks for New Year's phantoms in the company of friends

If you have a holiday, and you want to entertain guests, then here it is impossible to use the tasks for the Phantas, and comic fortune telling for these purposes.

The game of Phanti is old as the world, and you can experiment to infinity, and come up with the most unusual and original tasks for the phanta, but sometimes it just lacks time, or inspiration to compose interesting phantom for birthday, or phantas for the new year.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about what finished tasks for PHANT can be used in their holiday scenario.

Of course, the subjects of the assignments for the phantas depends on the company in which they will be held, but judging by the reviews on the Internet, people do not like it when they are asked to contact them under the table, sing a song on a chair standing on one leg, tell the verse, or portray chopped meat.

Therefore, I decided to make a universal selection of assignments for the Phantas, which is suitable for both a crucial company, and for older people, with elements of humor that can perform a person who does not possess the talents of singing, drawing, oratory skills, as well as people who are shyring competitions.

Examples of assignment for Phant:

Sit on the balloon so that he burst

Ask for the owner of the Yard stuck his head in an open window and shouted loudly: "I see Turkey !!"

Bring snow in a basin. If there is no snow on the street, then get it in the refrigerator.

Tell everyone for what you do not like your neighbors. It is necessary to tell very emotionally, shouting loudly and evil. Create different arguments.

Make an unusual group photo. Place participants, pick an entourage

Feed from a spoonful of a neighbor opposite

To drink with a neighbor to the right "on Brucershaft"

Within 30 minutes: every 5 minutes remind "Looking for 5 minutes"

Suddenly, to all fall on his knees and repent in three sins

Ask any neighbor, why the glue does not stick to the jar from the inside, because he is glue. At the same time, depict the full stupid

Neighbor on the right to hang the whirl on the chest and drink it with a drink like a small child

Convince friends to join the clan of the assholes and tippers and sign (in the solemn atmosphere) the corresponding contract

Say a toast on the occasion of the celebration

Wear a pillow on your head and go through guests with a phrase "I Napoleon"

To tell a meeting of the new year in student years (in youth) you remember most.

To say hello to each guest and say to each compliment.

Take an interview from each guest, and ask who they dreamed of becoming in childhood and how it ended

Talk about cats for one minute

Admiring the Christmas ball,

Tie to him a laugh,

In life, I'm not so beautiful,

I have no such cheeks.

Stand on the chair and notify all the white light that Santa Claus is going to us.

Drink champagne from three-liter banks

Explain to everyone why you intentionally forgot to wear underwear today. Try to be very convincing))

Pictulate a scene in front of a guy opposite "You must marry me" with the following phantom (task for a girl)

Tasks for phantas: examples and original ideas
Phanti Examples Tasks: Adult Jobs, Phanti Birthday, Phanti New Year, Phanti to corporate party, and a home party.


Fun New Year's Adult Fata

New Year's adult phantas are suitable for any company's company, be it close circle of friends or working together colleagues. Putting phantas for the New Year's company will help not only relax and have fun, but to get close to even the most unfamiliar company.

Fantas for colleagues on New Year's corporate

Colleagues conducted corporate party In public places or in offices, most often invited the lead. But if it becomes boring or leading on the holiday will not be, you can have fun and interesting to bring time. Cheerful phantas for adult audience will help you with this.

This player must kiss the boss, regardless of whether a man is or a woman.

This person must repent in front of the boss in his sins, think well before deciding on such a step.

Picture for all pigs in all its glory in your pigsty, show how she eats, as lying in a puddle.

Very sexy to eat banana, without hands, you can hold it between the legs of the helper Il helper.

Playing need to quickly inflate the ball, tie it up and burst with his fifth point, pouring everything weighing.

"Work paints man"

This phanta should go to the kitchen of the institution (or in the kitchen, where the event passes) and bring (or organize) in two minutes some kind of yummy. Guests must be sure to try and evaluate the dish.

Tell a funny joke if the audience does not want to tell the second.

Name the lack of colleagues present at the New Year's Eve holiday.

IN new Year's Eve Wishes are fulfilled. You must give a promise to any of the colleagues on the first working day to help him with work.

Position or in the dynamics of anyone here, whose character is recognizable by everyone.

To tell the tale of "Kolobok" replacing all the heroes on employees, including the Kolobka itself.

"JE NE MANGE PAS Six Jours .."

Go with a hat in hand and collect as you can more money At the table sitting at the table.

To present that you have toad and displaced it, as it is around the hall, all the time, calum and drinking flies.

Sight the song "I am a chocolate hare", offering guests to try at the same time.

Name the dates of the birth days of those present, at least approximate.

Fantians for friends in the apartment

Guests in the apartment on the New Year's feast will be glad if you will delight them not only a great snack on New Year's Eve festive table., but also entertainment events. Funny for the sake of can play a phanta with them. Funny New Year Phanti will help cheer any company.

"Old" Night Butterfly "on the street" Red Lights "

Even if you have never met this kind of picture, show you the old "night butterfly", offering yourself on the street, will not be difficult.

"The symbol of the coming year"

You will need to show the new year symbol in all its glory, go through the hall in this image, to issue an accurate voice sound that would be recognizable.

Scroll into the window or from the balcony 5 times: "I'm a crow, car-car!"

From others to organize a fantastic "Rack". In order to be more interesting, in advance, harvest costumes, for more laughter you can pour roles of men and women.

It is necessary to dress up in the gypsy and wander the entire fair company.

From any three ingredients to make a delicious cocktail and go to the court to friends.

PHANT "STOP transition"

You are free from the fulfillment of desires, but to task with another person, and more laughing.

Enter three times in the image of any celebrity and show guests who have to guess who exactly "created".

Choose a partner and feed the apple without hands.

In a minute set 10 questions to guests and get the answer. If stratified, drink a hundred grams without hands.

SK closed eyes And no hands slicing fruit laid out on a flat plate.

Choose an assistant yourself and try to laugh, respectively, you should not laugh.

This person should roll on all four of someone from those present at the festival with the cry of "Igni".

You are destined to be all evening to the Tamada on the New Year holiday, spend a couple of games, pronounced toasts. You can pay off only if someone at the table voluntarily be able to take on this role.

Phanti on the street

If a adult company Friends began to sit on four walls bored, you can dress and walk on the street, pulling out funny fantas. It should be remembered that the New Year's adults for adults should not only merge the company, but also be safe for all players.

Are you preparing to the corporate on the occasion of the new year? In order for the holiday to be wondering and fun, you can arrange games and contests for work colleagues, put funny scenes, organize songs under karaoke, prepare a dance program.

You can also arrange a game of phantas. IN late XIX.- The beginning of the 20th century it was one of the popular entertainment of the Russian aristocratic society. Any number of participants can play.

In order for the corporate partial lining, prepare the necessary props in advance (a wizard hat or a bag of Santa Claus, markers and markers, minor cash bills, etc.), write on the tasks cards for the participants of the Phanti game for new Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes.

The rules of the game are as follows: Cards with tasks are put in a hat, a box or bag of Santa Claus. Guests take turns get cards and perform tasks. If one of the participants refuses to do this, it will have to pay a symbolic fine.

From these bills are formed by the Penalty Foundation. He can win the participant, by own willing Performing task that another participant refused to execute. However, a fine may not have a cash equivalent: the participant will be pouring a penalty or to assign a penalty task.

Another version of the game is the following: Each of the guests gives the lead some thing. It can be rings, bracelets, clocks, phones, etc. All items fold into a bag or hat, and then the guests alternately get one of them and ask a question to the lead: "What do you need to do this phantom?", And he gives participants to the task .

Funny phantas for the corporate party to the new 2019 may be as follows.

Picture with the help of pantomime:

  • chimes at midnight
  • boiling kettle
  • bunny under the Christmas tree
  • evil bear in the berry, who does not give a hibernation,
  • the mirror (the essence of the task is that everyone can look in the mirror, and the performer must copy it to the facial expressions and movement),
  • chicken on the pose
  • gearing goat
  • deer, who is lucky by Santa Claus on New Year's Eve,
  • dissatisfied client
  • accountant for a quarterly report
  • chief of your / neighbor department.
  • create a recognizable sculpture from several people, for example, Peter I riding a horse.

You can arrange a drawing contest. For this, the following phants for the New Year's corporate holiday are suitable:

  • draw on Watman with closed eyes symbol 2019 - Pig,
  • picture what your department is waiting next year,
  • draw portrait of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with her left hand,
  • draw your self portrait
  • with the help of a feltwaster tied to a ski stick, draw a beautiful snowflake.

And you can play New Year's phantas to the corporate party for the dance competition. Its participants will need to fulfill:

  • waltz,
  • quadrille,
  • dance of small swans,
  • dance of little ducks,
  • to dance with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden,
  • to dance with the head or boss, etc.

The participants of the song contest at the New Year's corporate part of 2019 will need to be performed by the following phantas with jokes:

  • sing a song about how a Christmas tree was born in the forest, howling the wolf,
  • to fulfill the song with your colleagues about Zaitsev ("And we don't care" from the movie "Diamond Hand"),
  • sing a chastushka.

Guests at the holiday will enjoy mobile games. For this, the following tasks will be suitable:

  • having lifted one leg and waving his hands, darken to the opposite wall, shouting at the same time "I am a butterfly!",
  • jump around the Christmas tree or in a circle twice on one leg,
  • depicting the sounds of a flying aircraft, rub around a festive table,
  • remove apples from water tank without hands for a certain period of time,
  • spread from the floor 10 times in 20 seconds,
  • ride rolling on one of those present with the scream: "Igo-go!".
  • In the "Revelation" contest, participants will need:
  • repent of the boss in his sins
  • reveal to colleagues professional secret,
  • praise publicly your advantages,
  • confess to love one of the colleagues
  • make a compliment by which the colleague character will recognize (for example: you are the most modest, you are the most fashionable, you are the most insightful),
  • you can link the participant of the eye and put employees of the opposite sex before him. He or she should guess to the touch, who stands nearby.

When the "degree" of the corporate party on the new 2019 rises, the participants are ready to perform the funniest tasks. Therefore, prepare in advance the following phantas with tasks that will hang all those present at the festival:

  • scricks from the balcony "People! I love you!",
  • shoot the window or from the balcony 5 times: "I'm a crow, car-car!"
  • push the nearest neighbor sitting at the table with a spoon,
  • holding a fork to the teeth (without hands) feed your neighbor on the right,
  • eat with closed eyes and no hands Solk fruits laid out on a flat plate,
  • drink champagne, pouring it in a saucer,
  • slide the coin to the nose so that it falls from the table to the plated glass.,
  • congratulate friends Happy New Year, stuck in the mouth of big mandarin,
  • put in the mouth of 5-10 candies and admit to love colleague,
  • climb under the table and change shoes from sitting nearby,
  • hug and kiss the first who will enter the room.

If the weather allows, part of the tasks can be performed on the street. For example, such:

  1. To confess to the love of the first matched person. If the task got a representative of a strong floor, then counter-male should be hugging, and in front of women to fall on his knees. And if the lady, then vice versa.
  2. A few passers-by with an absolutely serious facial expression, ask the question: "You have not seen the Piglet here?".
  3. Place the passerby, falling in front of him to your knees or asking forgiveness for any act, and then show aside and tell me: "Smile, a hidden camera was filmed."
  4. Stretch several circles around the tree, saying at the same time: "We must drink less, less need to drink!".
  5. Stroll in pajamas to the nearest store and buy a pack of salt there.

You can show your fantasy, coming up with other unusual tasks for phantas with jokes to New Year's corporate. Sea positive emotions All holiday participants will be guaranteed! However, consider what tasks should not wear an offensive nature and humiliate the participants of the game, as well as damage their health.

What phantas prepare for the 2019 New Year's corporate party?
Thanks to the Phantom for New Year's corporate party 2019 with whiskers your holiday will be fun. Sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions to all participants will be guaranteed!


Phanti for the new 2019 year

Phanti with jokes - one of best entertainment To celebrate the new 2019 year. Perform various funny and funny tasks can also friends, and colleagues. You can make a game in Fanta and in a close family circle. The main thing is to choose interesting tasks in advance, the execution of which will raise everything.

Phanti game - fascinating entertainment. It is advisable to prepare in advance. You can write tasks on cardboard cards or small leaves, and after folding them in large box, jar or other capacity. During the game, offer each guest pull out the card. Fantas must be fun and funny, but safe. They should not be tasks that may insult a person or physically impossible.

Merry Fangs for Friends

If you are preparing a New Year's party, take care not only about the festive menu, but also entertainment. Make a celebration of the new 2019 cheerful and memorable will help the phantas prepared for friends.

  • Eat with a plate sliced \u200b\u200bfruits with eyes closed, while you can not use your hands.
  • For a minute, call 20 well-known writers. It can be both poets and prose.
  • Invite a girl / guy to dance. You need to dance on A4 leaves. It is impossible to go from the leaf.
  • Mix one of the guests in 2 minutes. Choosing a "sacrifice" a person performing Phanti may himself.
  • With closed eyes draw a pig, because this is the symbol of 2019.
  • Pictulate a pig using gestures, facial expressions and sounds.
  • Pictitate the famous artist, and those present must guess who it is.
  • Name 10 songs on Christmas topics.
  • Get candy from a saucer in which is nanitically sour cream, without hands.
  • Eating an apple or a pear without using hands. To complicate the task, the fruit should be tested for the rope.
  • Quickly inflate the balloon and sit on it so that he burst.
  • Drink without hands glass of champagne.
  • Dance dance with a glass filled with top water.
  • Draw a self portrait. To be funnant, a person who performs the task, you can tie my eyes.
  • Sight song about Christmas tree with a Caucasian accent.
  • Depict all animals from eastern calendar: Pig, rooster, horse, snake, dog, rabbit, dragon, sheep, tiger, bull, monkey, rat. This task can be divided into several phantom, for example, 3 or 4 animals in each card.
  • Draw a Christmas tree, but the handle or felt-tip pen should be kept hands, but teeth.
  • Predict the future to three guests.
  • Dance dance of small swans. Partners for dance people can choose himself.
  • Singing the Children's New Year's song, for example, a "little Christmas tree is cold in winter" or "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", while the nose must be hp.
  • Pronounce new Year's toastlike a robot or a foreigner.

New Year's phantas for an adult company will suit any case, be it a close range of friends or working together colleagues. Putting phantas will help not only relax and have fun to celebrate the New Year 2019, but to get close to even the most unfounded company. The meaning of the game is to pull the phantas and make a desire. We will tell you what New Year's phantas can be melded on the festive night.

Recommendations: Tasks should not be offensive or offensive, physically severe and harmful to health. When you choose a fifty for the game, try to quickly perform them (up to five minutes) so that they help to reveal to man his creative potential. Now it was the queue of examples of the phantoms themselves. You will like it, see themselves!

By the way, you can ask guests at the very beginning of the celebration to write a task on paper leaves. Then just mix and give out these tasks during the game. Of particular interest of this approach that his own cunning phanti can be asked.

Cheerful Fanta for the New Year 2019

Show Santa Claus on the beach (crocodile)

Show Snow Maid on a date (crocodile)

Pictulate a cat that is very afraid but still curious. (crocodile)

Show dedicated ps., throughout the evening, perform whims of some girl

Show others first wedding night (crocodile)

Today you are Boris Moiseev (do not say anyone)

Today you are Alla Pugacheva (do not say anyone)

Today you are Merilin Monroe (do not say anyone)

Today you are superman (do not tell anyone)

Today you are the Terminator. (do not tell anybody)

Today you are Renata Litvinova (do not say anyone)

Make a tattoo (marker) to everyone, what size and where guests will say.

Start dancing Lambad to use everyone in the snake.

Jump on one leg and shine at the same time.

Stand in front of the mirror and sincerely, convincingly congratulate yourself happy New Year, be sure to wish for something special;

Santa Santa Claus, who is trying to do something. For example, get a gift from your New Year bag or open the door;

Pictulate a child who in the New Year's matinee did not get a gift;

Eat without hands New Year's candy or drink a glass of champagne;

Talk about the most memorable New Year's matinee. To tell what a poem reading before Santa Claus and the suit of whom was dressed;

Draw your own New Year's self-portrait;

Sing a song about the Christmas tree, but be sure to use some unusual accent. For example, Caucasian accent.

Take a sheet of paper and draw the eastern symbol of 2019 pig. Perhaps the task will seem simple to you, but it is necessary to draw with your eyes closed.

Jump around the Christmas tree or just in a circle twice on one leg. At the same time tell some serious, almost tragic history.

Draw left hand portrait of any guest.

Make five compliments to every girl who is in the room. It must be relevant compliments, about how the girl is good and beautiful.

We must write with your left hand of funny New Year wishes for all those who gathered.

Very interesting phanta for the new year 2019 for a corporate party with jokes: you need to ask to quickly say, on what day of the week it falls on January 1, 2019. You can also ask to quickly answer the question when going to work on the first working day in 2019.

Without words, to portray the battle of the chimes, so that all guests agreed that it turned out well and really similar to the fight of the chimes.

Come up with ten compliments for the hostess at home. It must be such compliments so that the owner of the house is proud of his wife, and did not begin to jealous it.

Bring a pencil belt on a long tape and you need to get into the neck of an empty bottle from under champagne by this pencil. Of course, do everything without using hands.

Without hands to fool any fruit, which lies on the table.

From the available on the table beverages to make your author's New Year's cocktail. It should be a delicious cocktail, which is nice to drink and recipe you want to repeat.

Of balloons Make a cute snowman.

On the waist of any girl to tie out of the rain of a bow.

Take Bengal lights and fulfill the dance with them.

Pictulate a deer who is lucky by Santa Claus to children on New Year's Eve.

Close your eyes and try to remember what toys hang on the New Year tree: their color, shape.

Score at random three of any numbers and congratulate subscribers with the new 2019 year.

A glass of juice drinks through the straw. Make it needed in ten seconds. Each new glass start again, if the previous one has failed to drink in ten seconds.

Choose a partner and sing a song with him: "Tell me, Snow Maiden, where was it?".

Sit on the balloon so that he burst;

Pronounce five sentences that began with the words: "I want in the New 2018";

To tell a necessarily funny New Year's anecdote;

Tell about your most large disadvantage And as a person plans to fight him in the new year and plans to do at all. If not, why.

With the help of the pantomime, tell about some event so that the present it is understood;

Get with a saucer with a flour candy without hands. Instead of flour in a saucer, you can pour sour cream;

Crawl under the festive table;

Take into the hands of a glass, in which water is nanitis. With a glass to dance kankan;

Scroll from the balcony: "People, Happy New Year! I love you!";

Eat an apple suspended on a rope without using hands. Or whine peeled banana without hands. Banana put on a plate. You can also lower the apple in the water basin;

Drink wine or champagne from a saucer without using hands;

Pail with a mirror. That is, each wishes can look in the mirror, and Phant must repeat the facial expressions and movement of a person;

From those drinks that are on the table, make a delicious cocktail;

Quickly pronounce any patron and not to get down;

Depict the fortune tune and predict some events in the new year neighbor on the right;

Dial a random number and congratulate the person at the other end of the wire Happy New Year;

Depiction an athlete so that other players can guess the sport;

Keep a felt-tip pen in teeth and draw a pig - symbol 2019 or any other animal;

Become leading and spent with players any contest;

Imagine to work a journalist and you need to simply turn out inside out the personal or professional life of a neighbor on the left;

Finger on the lip to play some new year melody. Other participants must guess that the melody sounded;

For one minute, sit with an offended person, other participants in the game must try to laugh at Fant;

The presenter reads some new year poem, and Phant must act as a temper. By the way, the phantas for the new year in verses and related to verses is an interesting and cheerful version of the development of the game;

Two eggs are given, it says that one of them is raw, and the second is boiled (in order to avoid trouble, let two eggs be boiled). Now we need to choose one egg and split it about the forehead;

With the help of friends who will be your "actors-paint" you need to draw a picture of a famous artist, for example "three heroes", if you want a picture "with a perch of", you can try to portray scenes "Sodom and Gomorra".

For a minute, you must persuade at least three girls over the New Year's table and put the "Kankan" dance on them, 20 seconds.

Go to the balcony and ask passersby about what century today, year and number.

Pictulate the beast during molting, as it loses the wool, as reacts.

We must show the male of the lion in the period of hunting on some weak, but very fast animal and "eat" it.

You need to show the male gorilla in the ripening period with all the consequences. For example, as he looks at the females, as he feels at the same time, etc.

Show guests Adriano Celentano Top grapes in the "Vorkun" film, but I discovered under your feet instead of grapes, manure.

The cottage season will not come soon, but the images of yarn fans of this case are so bright that remains in memory for a long time. Picture the dacket itself, let the other guests guess what you put.

For one - two minutes, it is necessary to compose a poem, get up on a stool and tell everyone loudly and with an expression.

Raise any woman to hand. (Choosing a woman, of course, stands easy and slender).

Organize the choir, which will execute the chorus of the Russian folk song "Kalinka" (Kalinka-Kalinka-Kalinka, my, in the garden of the Malinka-Malinka Malinka Yagoda ...) And the fantal-stretched fanta should fulfill the dance.

For a minute remember 10 songs about the new year.

"Tale" from others to organize a fairy tale "Pink". In order to be more interesting, in advance, harvest costumes, for more laughter you can pour roles of men and women.

"Gypsy" must be laid in the Gypsy and wander the entire fair company.

"Celebrity" Log in three times in the image of any celebrity and show guests who must guess who exactly "created".

You must choose one or group of people silently, do not say a word to create the sculpture of them, which will be recognizable. For example, Peter I on the horse.

"Tamada" you are destined to be all evening Tamada on the New Year holiday, spend a couple of games, pronounced toasts. You can pay off only if someone at the table voluntarily be able to take on this role.

Crying the first one with the words "Dance!?" And the waltz and stansu with him.

Parting laugh each who laughs only louder, continue within an hour.

Image of the bird secretary and try not to laugh.

For half an hour to any phrase of those present - "Well, Cho!"

Go to the guy or girls and seductively say "all incoming for free"

Place any scene from the cartoon "Prostokvashino" (or another of any famous cartoon). You can take a few helpers.

Write your baby's name in the air, who sits to the left of you. It is allowed to bounce, squat, wag a tail

You have a difficult task, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto portray how the chicken carries the egg.

You are a nannik all around the children in the manger, you must do any of their caprics.

Phanti for cheerful company - A wonderful way to entertain each guest on New Year's Eve 2019. If you see that the game began to bother, then invent such phantas that go beyond your apartment. Go to the store for bread in one pajamas, hug a passerby and congratulate it on the New Year. The tasks of New Year's phantoms can be completely different, remember only that they should be kind and not offend the feelings of guests or surrounding people.

Walking by friends on the streets of the city, you can also play our phantas, it will help to warm up, and there will give a lot of joy and fun:

  • You must confess to the love of everyone who meets in the path in the path. If the task got a representative of a strong floor, then counter-male should be hugging, and in front of women to fall on his knees. And if the lady, then vice versa.
  • We must come up complex riddle And the fun for the sake of to give it three passersby in turn.
  • You are director, passersby your troupe, even if they are not yet aware. Ask unfamiliar to each other passersby to portray lovers. To do this, stop any man and any woman.
  • Play passerby, and then show at any place and say: "Smile, a hidden camera hid." For example, you can fall in front of it, or knees and ask forgiveness for allegedly some misconduct.
  • Wear a victory and get up in a crowded place with an outstretched hand. Without fanaticism, of course, but still you need to bring at least a couple of coins. "Travel transition" today you are lucky, make a desire and indicate who from your company will have to execute it.
  • On the central tree or in a crowded place to loudly tell the poem or sing a song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Singing must be sure to collect spectators, at least a couple.
  • You need to organize a children's round dance on the leaf area around the Christmas tree. As musical accompaniment You can choose a song "Little Christmas tree cold in winter."
  • To drink with the passers of the opposite sex of champagne on Brucershaft. The bottle must be grabbed with you.
  • During a minute, ride three times. To cope with the task, you should choose a slide smaller.
  • Rather from the slides to grab a man of the opposite sex with me or ascend to him on a bun or sledge.
  • We must find all your company on a cup of coffee, "For Sugen".
  • To execute the role of the president under the Christmas tree, to say and congratulate loudly as he, all passing by.
  • To arrange a train around the Christmas tree, collect first of all of your own, then in the course of clinging unfamiliar "trailers." Need to collect as many people as possible in your New Year train.
  • Take an interview with 10 oncoming people who must tell you about their plans and hopes for the next year.
  • Suggest men to pull the rope and, of course, the winner must receive a prize from you. If the player is a girl, then there is enough kiss in the cheek, and if a man, then without 100 grams of the winner you can not let go.
  • The player must ask for no less than 3 counter to tell the anecdote.
  • To arrange mass riding balls for a snowman or build a snowman yourself. If there is no snow, then you need to make a snowman from the girlfriend.
  • It should be overlooked and loud to predict all Russians their near future for the year.

Phanti on New Year's corporate

Colleagues conductive corporate party in public places or in offices are most often invited by the lead. But if it becomes boring or the leading on the holiday will not be, you can have fun and interesting to spend time. Funny phantas for the New Year's corporate party will help you.

The player needs to kiss the boss, regardless of whether a man is or a woman.

A person must repent in front of the boss in his sins, think carefully before you decide for such a step.

Tell all your colleagues about some kind, professional secret.

You need to make a back massage to your boss or senior to rank.

Working in the same office, people rarely hug and even exchange courtesies. You need such a task: good words Hug each of those present in the shortest time and everyone to say something good.

Admit to love beautiful girl, woman (guy, man) in the office and invite on a date.

Very "beautifully" eat banana, without hands, you can hold it between the legs of the helper Il helper.

A man should be collected on her face as many kisses. If the commission went to a woman, then it must collect as much fine things as possible, which holds each man with him, like: lighters, cigarettes, keys.

Kitchen Assistant

A person must be collected from the table all dirty dishes And carry it into the kitchen, so to speak, help kitchen workers.

The player must have each present to make a compliment by which the colleague character will be recognizable. For example: you are the most modest, you are the most fashionable, you are the most insightful.

Guess feeling

The girl or guy tie his eyes and exhibit before him the opposite sex. He or she should be guessing to the touch, who stands in front of him.

Those who stretched out this phanta should dance on a paper napkin a slow dance with a neighbor or neighbor on the table, regardless of its sexuality. From the napkins during the dance it is impossible to go.

In this task, you must apologize to when not so long ago they offended. If there are no such, because of your character, apologize before the boss for different thoughts.

Praise publicly your advantages and make sure that each adjective is with the question, and the guests must confirm this.

You need to dress any participant as new Year tree. Toys to do with the help of girlfriend, for example: stacks on the legs insert between the fingers, and put the napkins on the snowflakes.

To perform a verse and chorus of any song (or the hymn department, if any), replacing words in buying on the "Nam-Yam", and in the chorus to "Hrew-Khrew". The rest should guess what song.

Draw a portrait of a boss with closed eyes and give him.

For one minute, to collect as much as possible guests for any object of the wardrobe and put on everything.

Phanti for the new year 2019 for adults cheerful
Original and fun tasks for phantoms on New Year's Eve 2019. Phanti for an adult company for all occasions. Create a New Year's mood and loved ones

1. Sight song.
2. To dance fun dance.
3. Mix guests.
4. Expand and eat candy with cutlery.
5. Tell a joke.

1. To make fun,
Sing us a song as soon as possible!
Promise God
What do you have a subside.

2. Your star hour has come!
Please dance for us
Incendiary and brave
Sultry tango ... with mop!

3. Charge all by positive
Somehow more check
So that we had fun
To laugh from the soul!

4. On the dexterity of the task is.
Dare, praise you and honor!
Knife and Work Candy
Summary and deploy, and eat!

5. Do you have honest people:
Tell us anecdote,
To laugh before you fall.
Remember more - we will be happy!

1. Open champagne.
2. Get tea bag into a mug.
3. Prepare a sandwich.
4. Eat a banana without hands.
5. Make a photograph of guests.

1. You are surprising
Delived Phanta simple:
For us without delay
Champagne open!

2. Here is the test of the test!
(Salted the breath of the hall.)
Throw the bag of this tea
So that he got into the circle!

3. Phantes simple: from different products
Make a sandwich (light snack),
So that he looked fine
And it was wonderful to taste!

4. Try to entertain us a little bit,
Possess friends and girlfriends
And the banana eat without a plug, without a spoon,
Without a knife and without hands.

5. Phanta you got such:
Take a snapshot of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To get laugh!

The wonderful way was passed by the jubilee,
You can tell about it in the book.
Come up with the name of the memoirs,
Which he could write.

Not sophisticated phantha, you should know
About it, do not go to the fortuneteller,
And five things now call
Required for fishing

Now you have to show
How plastic you are
Your phanta - with a chair to dance
Funny and erotic.

Perhaps this role for you
A little is not familiar
Your phanta - a chastushka sing now
Of course, Parfile

Your phanta at first glance is quite simple,
But will cause universal interest -
We inform the annubilera growth,
And also guess its weight.

You are lucky, I got a Phanta simple -
On the leg right you should get up,
And leg left holding hand
In honor of the jubilees of our toast to raise.

Should you drink without residue
Behind the birthday boy,
Build all the ladies in order
And together to dance Kankan

Your Phanta is to become briefly conductor,
Guests all quickly organize,
To order the jubilee choir
Tasty all songs to execute.

Your Phanta: in the art of achievements
Our guests to show all
Running in the center of the hall, with an expression
Poem to tell!

In friendship and mutual respect
Neighbor your neighbor or neighbor
Pour wines and loudly with an expression,
Read everything that is on the label.

Your Phanta is good, let's say secretly -
Models to organize
And comment show at the same time
And mannequins from guests to dial.

You need a composition composition
From the fruit on the table "He and she",
To her explanations to add
And declare who is dedicated.

Should you under applause
For the jubilee, in her honor
Come up with a fax from the president
In her name and read.

Obligation such an except you
Will not be able to fulfill another one.
Your phanta - on behalf of guests now
Hostess celebrations say "Thank you"

Surely everyone wants all the holidays to have fun. After all, I do not want anyone to have a birthday or any other holiday into boring gatherings. To avoid this, you need to prepare entertainment program. It can be different board games, contests. The game of Phanti is quite popular. You can buy ready-made cards for the game, find ready-made jobs on the Internet, or not bother and just write tasks yourself, more suitable for your company.

If you do not really have a fantasy, there are quite a lot of interesting tasks for playing the phantas. The problem is only that after a few holidays, the tasks will end, so here is a fresh portion of new tasks for the game of Fanta.

Until the next turn, you can do without a mat, but use instead mother words Any word, for example - general, etc ...

Stay tango with a broom or mop, if on nature then with a branch or a bush.

Perform any desire for the birthday room or the mistress of the evening.

Before the next progress, admitted to each piece of food, which you will put in your mouth and every throat.

Take a bright lipstick and make up your lips to any guest, while you need to keep lipstick in your mouth and paint without help.

Until the next turn, unexpectedly laughing loudly.

Drinking any drink (better than alcoholic) with a saucer, spending all this to drink and meow.

Draw in the air boot some word.

Dial in the mouth of the water and sit so until the next turn.

Draw with closed eyes of animals, and the rest will have to guess.

Bring to the belt on a long thread potatoes, put on the floor a small ball and push the potato ball to the conditional finish.

Tell the alphabet with open mouth.

To tell toast or congratulations to the birthday man (depending on the holiday) with open mouth.

Make a group staged photo, imagine as if someone is a fisherman, someone fish, someone boat, someone's sea and so on.

Two people for a while should wear as many things as possible with tied eyes.

Play friends opposite each other, put an egg between them. You say to the participants that they must blow on the egg so that it rolled towards the opponent. Then you tie the eye to the participants, the egg is cleaned, and instead, put a plate with flour instead.

To put on your head a pillow, a triangle and run a denominated distance, screaming "I am Napoleon, do not touch me."

Slow dance with a chair.

Climb on the tree and depict the cuckoo until the next turn.

Make yourself clothes from leaves and run distance chosen by other participants. At the same time you need to loudly shout "Forest Nitifa".

Go confess to love tree, loud and with feelings.

Draw on paper coat of arms, symbolizing your friendship and hang it.

During the course of other participants, scream "Well how" and praise them.

All these contests are best used in a circle of friends and even in a slightly sweeping condition. It can benefit some personalities, then you will not feel shy and the holiday will be very fun. And if you remove the execution of contests on the video, then you will still revise these fun moments for a long time.

11. Tell a funny joke

12. Name your main drawback and tell you how you are fighting with him.

13. Using the pantomime, to tell about the events known to all.

14. Pictulate a person in a chair at the dentist.

15. Phant must depict a boiling kettle, going through the train, flying plane, etc.

16. Get candy with teeth with a saucer, where pops of flour.

17. A tighter option is to get a ring with a saucer with a saucer, where sour cream is nanit.

18. Phanta should crawl under the table.

19. Take into your hands a full glass with water and dance Kankan.

20. Scroll from the balcony "People! I love you!".

21. Try to eat an apple attached on the rope. An easier option is to eat a banana (peeled and lying on a plate). Of course, all this needs to be done without the help of hands. Analogically, eat an apple floating in a water basin.

22. Phanta should shove a glass of vodka or wine (in children's version Juice or milk) from saucer.

23. Pail with a statue (each wishing can change your posture).

24. Pictulate the mirror (each wishes can look at you, you need to copy the facial expressions and movements).

25. Pictulate any famous man.

26. Make the most unusual cocktail from what is on the table, try to drink.

27. Picture on the face of 7 different emotions.

28. Quickly pronounce the patter. For example, "the yard grass, on the grass of firewood. Not Ruby firewood on the edge of the yard."

29. Pictulate a predictor (fortune tune) and predict something funny neighbor on the right.

30. Ask for guests alms (for travel to native city, on the breast milk For a child on Bentley for yourself, etc.), it is not 100 rubles to extort until 100 rubles.

31. Sell anything from the table (bottle of mineral water, sandwich with caviar, etc.) to paint the properties of the "product" until someone from the guests will buy.

32. Pictitate a candidate (to deputies, mayors, governors) and promise this to be guaranteed to avoid.

33. Move the money to the nose by the floor to a particular purpose (you can and on the table).

34. Dial a random phone number and play a person at the other end of the wire.

35. Fold the newspaper or sheet of paper fourly with one hand.

36. Pictulate an athlete for the public to guess the sport.

37. Phanti must draw a cow, holding a felt-tip pen in the teeth.

38. Again the role of the lead and hold a competition.

39. Come up with a funny but not offensive gossip.

40. Submit that you are a journalist and "expand inside out" the neighbor on the right.

41. Play with your finger on the lip melody, for example, let run awkward ... ".

42. Phanto for 1 minute to sit with an angry face, saying "I'm offended at you" while the rest will be all means trying to laugh.

43. Phanti should stand on all fours and depict a car that takes up parallel parking in the space between two chairs.

44. The Phant must tell (preferably in the form of a fun story), as he will get out of the difficult situation proposed by the leading difficult situation.
For example:

- You lost the salary of your subordinates or public money in the casino.
- You accidentally locked in the office late in the evening.
- Your dog ate the important statements that you should submit to the director in the morning.
- You are stuck in the elevator with cEO Your company.
- You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place.
- You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that does not fall asleep.
To be a phantom got a presenter who could offer such situations:
- You came home, and an unfamiliar man sleeps on your bed.
- You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your satellite disappears without paying.
- You bought hair paint, painted your hair, and it turned out that it is green, but you have no time to repaint you, a solemn reception.

45. Phanta must transfer information written on the card using a pantomime.
For example: For example, imagine that it (if a man is only funnier) in the maternity hospital, just gave birth to a boy. Looks like dad. Eye - Mamina, hair - in the grandfather. Light. Well eats.
The rest of the guests act as a crowd outside the window and should understand what Phanti reports them.

46. \u200b\u200bThe presenter reads some poem, for example, "baggage" (the lady passed into the luggage sofa, suitcase, sacrum, etc.), and Phanti must act as a temper.

47. Phanti must understand what item is meant to describe.
For example:
- This item is in every home, but they do not use it so often.
- This item happens different sizes, different colors and shapes.
- In the hands of an experienced woman, this item can delight and the woman itself, and her family.
- Sometimes these objects are especially economic men.
"Even with a big desire, this item cannot be bought in a pharmacy or a stall" Soyuztens. "
- This subject in the hands of a woman can turn into a terrible weapon on a drunk head.
- Without it, you will not bake a cake.
Answer - "Roll"

48. Phanti is given two eggs, it says that one of them boiled, the other is raw (in fact, it is better if both are boiled). He is given time to choose one egg, while it is allowed to carry out any experiments. Then Phanta should crush the eggs chosen by him on the table, you can help your hands, put a small piece of paper between the forehead and egg, so as not to cut. The fact that the second egg was also boiled better than anyone. Let the Fed consider the man bold and dismantling in the eggs.

49. Phanta must choose among the guests of his "twin", explain that between them common: the color of the eyes, hair, the ability to deal with any technique, love for fishing, etc.

50. Phant turns to guests with his back, a portrait of a famous man is attached to him on his back. Phanti must ask guests to visit their answers to understand who he is. For example: Am I man or a woman? I am an artist? What movie I shot? etc.

Here, such a letter came to the post in this article. Sorry I'm sorry, I corrected something:

"Hi, Olya.

She prepared a party (for colleagues on the occasion of his birthday) and stumbled upon your article about Phanti. Although I have never heard about the game in the Phanta with the possibility of "scraping" and with the bank, the idea seemed interesting to me.

Knowing not in a healing of his colleagues, I decided that it would be safer. Began to play, the contribution to the bank for the "Zerkok" was installed in 100 rubles. At first it was very boring. Whether the amount is small, or the tasks were too complicated, but the phantas did nothing - they just scored.

The amount reached 2000 (with a hundred contributions). And then instead of the Fantas, who fell to perform a striptease (I say my colleagues still those) I found a volunteer, Vanya-student, courier. Although he was not exposable to the end - he remained in the shorts, the crowd managed to light. We have a full panties of money, all 2000, that was in a bank, it is not only hundreds, but dozens and even trifle.

After that, it suffered. The bank is not that up to 2000 to five hundred no longer reached. Especially disappeared, mocking over the "statues" and "mirrors." You write that these are harmless tasks - you simply do not know the perverted creativity of some of our compatriots, especially under the influence of alcohol.

What can I say in the end. The most difficult is the crowd to shake, then do not invent anything. If you have any thoughts - write.

Nastya. "

I do not know the walls will you like my answer, but since I have placed a question, then it's just obliged to answer.

I wrote in the article by the Russian language that the game in the phantas, where the tasks would be allowed to invent guests, it is possible only in the company of close friends. In all other cases (and your case applies to the rest) it is recommended to use in advance prepared cards with assignments for phantas.

I have fifty pieces in this task, and a dozen can be done from some. Enough even for very big company. No, of course, if the idea is to turn a corporate party to Swinger Orgia, then your question has the right to exist.

For such a case I answer:

First, I will not open America if I say that the main means of ignition is alcohol, strong and large quantities. If the guests prefer a strong alcohol wine, then more ancient Romans found a way to drink them: use spices, they cause thirst and the amount of drinking wine or beer grows in the exhibitor, and imperceptibly for the victim.

Secondly, before proceeding to such extreme entertainment, as your version of the game in the phantas, the crowd should be heated with something less extreme. On my site you will find you with your fantasy, I'm sure you will be able to turn into a prelude.

Thirdly, if such an outcome was supposed in advance, why it was hoped that there would be a Vanya-student who would light the crowd, you organized this disgrace - you had to go in an avant-garde.

Hi, Mamuli-Beauty !!! I share my workshops! For the year of Miroslav, I hung a bunch useful material For guests' entertainment !!! So, fly, while I am kind)))))))))

At the very end of the post interesting conteststhat we spent on one's birthday !!!

1. Game "And I also" (comic)

I have a game for you,
You will read poems now.
I'll start, and you finish
Contact chorus together: "I, too,".

In the morning I woke up early ...
Water washed from under the tap ...
Went for a walk...
I went to the zoo ...
I saw a lioness there ...
I saw Tigritz there ...
In the cage there I was sitting elephant ...
It was funny like a pig ...
Who loves apples? ...
Who loves pears? ...
Who is not my ears? ...

2. Phantai

He all slept all winter,
Sketch squeezed paw.
Here is the close eye and sleep,
Yes, like a bear fond.
(Pictulate a snoring bear.)

What is in the apartment for the sober?
Maybe this is the phone?
How does he call? Show
Potrevon us, chassis.
(Pictulate a calling phone.)

In the mouth of the candy put
And try to tell
You're pattering out loud.
Enough and two.
(Without eating candy, pronounce one or two patters.)

Early in the morning, at dawn,
Adults and children are sleeping.
To all of them do not sleep,
Cooks are five times.

To become even stronger,
You need to know anything.
Do you want a nurse Ile jam?
This is the birthday of Birth!

(Such phantas are called "prize": tasks are reduced, in fact, to eating sweets. The optimal ratio of ordinary phantoms with tasks and "prize" approximately 5 to 1)

Yourself think of the task
Just listen, attention!
Let the captain invented
Running a neighbor on the right.
(Come up with a task for your neighbor on the right, the neighbor on the right - to perform.)

Blimey! Can not be!
You need to wash your plates!
Okay, kidding, do not listen
Better candy is being buried.
("Prize" phant.)

I did not forget that we celebrate
And who congratulate everyone?
Without any chanting
Tell him "Happy Birthday!"
(You need to congratulate the birthday girl.)

This task is complex,
Almost impossible.
It is necessary to read the lines of five -
Pooh read.

Do you like to play on your computer?
Do you cut off from the screen?
Concentrate your attention
Say three toys name.

"Tired of me to meow,
We want as piglets - to grunt. "
Here and fuck like pigs,
And then pampering, kitten.

Who is who goes goes?
Chambling, calling mom?
Yellow tucks are writhing.
Pokhakayy, you praise.
(Deprike "duck" gait, swinging. The rest clap.)

Tank roars, shoot guns.
War is not toys.
Show us, soldiers,
How the machine shoots.
(Deprike the sound of a shooting machine.)

Ah, lucky, what is for Divo,
Phanta as pulled out beautifully!
That shot you are aptive!
You can take a candy.
("Prize" phanta)

What is the principle?
Fantasy ended.
Let the phanta be easier:
Buildings on Michem Bow.
(show how to tie a ribbon "Band".)

This phant to you awards:
Do nothing.
Lvom and tiger do not cry
And get a candy!
("Prize" phant.)

Phanta caught not easy
Do not throw it, wait!
Remember something terrible
And make a serious face.
(Make the most serious and terrible face, someone from parents take pictures. And the photo is funny for memory will remain)

You can sing in different way:
Scream loudly and quietly snap.
But you do not whisper her and do not cry
And in a cow flushing.
(The song "Heppi Boezday Tu Yu" and "winding" on her motive is selected.)

Squaby toads on the shore
Together with frogs in the old pond.
This is froggy friendship.
And you need to dawk.

Is the new year?
Or Santa Claus goes?
Although I was mistaken with winter,
Anyway about the Christmas tree snoy!

Birthday who has?
And how is it?
The letter first take
Two animals name.

I am a photographer at least where,
With fotik, I always go.
Picture make color,
Funny face speed!
(Driving a funny face, someone takes pictures.)

I do not like to smear your nose!
Laugh? No problem!
Come, well, prove,
How to laugh, show!

"Origami" know the word
Il did not hear this?
Okay, here's a crossway,
Make a paper plane.

What? Why?
What happened? I don't understand!
Happiness - well, you are lucky
Get notepad from us!

It became cold, snow raw
Many birds fly to the south.
So that you do not forget the bird screaming,
You have a sparrow here.

Oh, and here there is no setting.
So you can take candy.
Or gingerbread. Or cake.
Great - first grade!

3. Game-divination "What are we for the company?" (comic)
(We were spent with adults when the children attempted and fled to play)

Warn guests that today you are in the role of a predictor. Ask a question, and then ask the guests (in turn) to call the figure from 1 to 20 (and the one that first came to mind). Encrypted under the digit and will be the most intimate and desired for the responding. You can call it a fortune, you can - play, but it's amazing, almost always these comic predictions come true and very suitable for whom they are intended.

1. Who were you in the past life?
1. Monk-hermit.
2. The navigator.
3. Royal jerk.
4. An artist of the Renaissance.
5. Eunuch in a harem.
6. The concubine.
7. Begging.
8. Roman legionnaire.
9. Slave on plantation.
10. Astrologer.
11. Zhulik noble origin.
12. Artist of a stray circus.
13. Cartyrchler.
14. The leader of the tribe.
15. Provincial actress.
16. Instrukrider.
17. Medieval knight.
18. Sharmanist.
19. Camels chapel.
20. Courtful lady

2. What is your character?
1. Good.
2. Alive.
3. Very contradictory.
4. Difficult.
5. Capricious.
6. Weak.
7. Volve.
8. Scandalous.
9. Optional is your vice.
10. You are too decent.
11. Beautiful!
12. Jealousy spoils you.
13. Extremely heavy.
14. You are almost a child.
15. Naivety you decorate.
16. It's hard to say anything good about your character.
17. You need to be easier.
18. Your character has not yet formed.
19. You're just an angel.
20. Your character depends on the circumstances.

3. What type of transport matches your image?
1. You are better walking on foot.
2. Deer Stubbing.
3. Bike.
4. Vintage coach.
5. Balloon.
6. Right horse.
7. Moskvich-412.
8. Cake.
9. Airliner.
10. Rickshaw.
11. Deltapalan.
12. Merchant.
13. Broom.
14. Donkey.
15. Russian Troika.
16. White Chevrolet.
17. Yacht.
18. Gypsy kibitka.
19. Personal aircraft.
20. Racing motorcycle.

4. What are you good?
1. You do not tire your presence.
2. Exquisite manners.
3. Elegant figure.
4. The ability to choose friends.
5. Luxurious hair.
6. The ability to sit on two chairs immediately.
7. loyalty to ideals.
8. And face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.
9. Almost all.
10. Feet.
11. Flexible mind.
12. Divine voice.
13. The ability to close the eyes on other eyelids.
14. The desire to notice good in others.
15. Flying gait.
16. Your hospitality.
17. Love for people.
18. Charming smile.
19. Fantastic generosity.
20. Rare wit.

5. Motto of your life?
1. After me, at least a flood.
2. All - or nothing!
3. What is done, all for the better.
4. From the eye, from the heart of Won.
5. My hut with the edge.
6. Through thorns - to the stars.
7. came, saw, won.
8. Nothing is alien to me.
9. Take everything from life.
10. Man man wolf.
11. Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.
12. You go quiet - you will go further.
13. Not surprised.
14. Want to be happy - be it.
15. Catch the moment.
16. The goal justifies the funds.
17. Not a day without love.
18. Give people joy.
19. Time - money.
20. Do not spit against wind.

6. What do you most often dream?
1. What does not happen in reality.
2. Last Life.
3. Nightmares.
4. Treasures.
5. Many food.
6. They do not speak about such loud.
7. Fragments from pornographic films.
8. Romantic travel.
9. Scene and fans.
10. Money, money, money.
11. Steering post.
12. Favorite man.
13. Childhood.
14. Sad landscapes.
15. Chic mansion.
16. Paradise gardens.
17. Negros and the sea.
18. Flights in time and space.
19. First love.
20. Damn knows what!

7. Why do you give half aim?
1. For nothing.
2. For the execution of intimate desires.
3. For a bottle of good wine.
4. For talent.
5. For an ardent lover (ardent mistress).
6. For extraordinary love.
7. For a rich bridegroom (rich bride)
8. For secured old age.
9. For an elegant figure.
10. For good health.
11. For a loved one.
12. For the first love.
13. For world famous.
14. For the opportunity to become a Hollywood star.
15. For eternal youth.
16. For the villa by the sea.
17. For a ticket to Rio de Janeiro.
18. For slim legs.
19. For clean conscience.
20. For a tight wallet.

8. Where do you better spend your vacation?
1. At the cottage.
2. You can do without vacation.
3. In a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea
4. Houses on the sofa.
5. In the village of Grandpa.
6. In the kitchen.
7. On youth parties.
8. In romantic travel.
9. In Paris.
10. On running shopping.
11. For reading detectives.
12. Where there is wine and women (men).
13. It is difficult for you to advise.
14. Tent, bonfire, kebabs.
15. You do not know how to relax.
16. Visit Museums, Libraries.
17. In the best restaurants in the city.
18. At the resort with the mistress (lover).
19. On a nudist beach.
20. In the family who did not see you.

4. Competitions and ideas for yearwood:

1) Competition "Interesting Position"
2 men are called, on the stomach they are tied with a scotch or long belt inflated ball The more, the better and scatter on the floor match, while the music goes, who will meet more matches, so that the men learned how to be pregnant.

2) Rhymeflets
The first line of "Our Miroslav for a whole year" is written on the leaflet, I bend the sheet so that it was not visible, I write the next line and I convey it to the next poet, he writes the following line and flexes a sheet, so that my line is not visible to the next one, and its string He saw and so on, the sense of humor is welcome, we do not pretend to the title of classics, so if the rhyme or size will suffer, do not be upset!

3) guess children's purees

4) Children's Song Competition
One line is selected from well-known children's songs. Words in it are mixed. It is necessary for mixed words correctly build a line and guess the song.
Either make a contest "Guess the melody"
(If you just want to sing, it is better to make a contest in the form of "Guess the Melody". In this case, there will be a minus of songs and preferably printed text in several copies. Then guests do not have to wash, remember songs songs. But I did not have time to search for minusters. And print words. Good, if there is karaoke. Then the words of the song can be covered with something, while guests guess, and then sing together under karaoke.)

5) The game "Live buttons" is perfectly replaced by the year "Chamomile")

All guests are divided into pairs. In pairs choose who will be button. The button selects the "Pedic" beep, "peak peak", etc. The presenter takes the answer only to that pair whose button sounded earlier. It will save from disputes who first called the correct answer.

What kind of weight was Miroslav?
- What growth?
- What color does she have eyes?
- What is the name of the pediatrician?
- Favorite food?
- What time did the first tooth come out?
- When crawled?
- When did you go?
- How many toys now?
- Favorite toy?
- What sign of the zodiac?
- What year birthday girls?
- What time was born?
- What day of the week was born?
- What are the names of the name?
- How many balls in the room?
- Name the middle name of the mother of the birthday girl.
- Who was Miroslava in the year?
- Name the name of the birthday room.
- Road number in which Miroslav appeared?
- How many people have relatives and uncle together?

6) Bottle
Called 2 or three participants. They need to drink the contents of a children's bottle through the nipple. It turns out that adults are not so easy to do.

7) Nipples
Participants compete, who leaves the nipple further.

8) pampers
2 or 3 pairs choose a participant who will be a "baby", which is necessary to wear diapers from toilet paper. (This competition can be combined with the contest 7 or 8)

5. Auction "Picture of a famous artist"

There are wonderful finger paints for kids. Having lowered the baby's hand into this paint and leaving fingerprints on a clean sheet of paper in a beautiful subframe, you can arrange auction!

6. Planning the lottery:

Attention attention!
I ask the tickets to get -
Wineware lottery
Begins to entertain!

1. Today you are not a jubilee, the laurel wreath does not shine you, please accept from us lavra leaf Budget (bay leaf).

2. This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon).

3. You went to sweet - chocolate!

4. In the cup, this is poured, and slowly disappear (plastic cup).

5. After a winery to eat the case is very important, so instead of sleeves a napkin paper

6. Everything in this world is modern electrified - you get the electricity of the old one. (MATCHBOX)

7. Get, hurry, you are notepad, poems write. (Notebook).

8. And on the sweet we have a candy for you. (Chupa Chups)

9. You would like the piano, but got a calendar

10. Well done that you played, get now Ferrari. (Children's machine).

11. Here is a ticket, so a ticket, in the rooms do not swear, consider that there is no winnings - pay and calm down. (Handkerchief).

12. In order to dry it, you got it - a towel!

13. Let in life you will be warmer from the gift Prometheus. (Candle).

14. Black on white for everyone is very simple! White in black - only for you! (A PIECE OF CHALK)

15. Writing machine - modern! Silent! Highless! (A PEN)

16. And for you - the retainer of the thought is with us! (PENCIL)

17. Synthetic backpack Universal - all from match to the elephant you will pack here! (PACKAGE)

18. Washer - Estrave everything you need, all that can be - we are not difficult! (ERASER)

20. sewing machine Universal - on costs minimal! Eliminate any flaw! Skeins and skin and Safian! (Needle with thread)





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