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New Year comic predictions. Comic predictions in verses in one row. Forecasts in verse

It is customary to say that as New Year Watch, so you will spend it. And because then the whole year does not sit in the longing, you need to try to make it so that everyone has fun in the New Year's Eve and everyone had a good mood! Toasts, wishes and gifts are that everything has been accustomed to everything. So that neither to you nor guests bored traditional festive rituals, it is worth diversifying the main winter holiday by comic New Year's predictions.

Such predictions are intrigued and will not allow to miss, and most importantly, for such entertainment it is not necessary to prepare for a long time and it will be required for this. In addition, cool predictions for guests for the New Year 2017 will like everyone, no matter how much years old, six or sixty.

How to make predictions for the new year-2017

In order for predictions to fit all guests, we need to think in advance, in what form you will be presented. Options There are many: it all depends on your imagination. Try to arrange them on small New Year cards, in which the text printed or written from hand. You can make predictions with short, cool in verses and bake them in cookies, picked up in ordinary balloons or make candy on your own predictions and wrap in them candy.

Even more interesting if the New Year's predictions on paper numbers, and the rooms are glued to the bottom of the glasses with drinks and distribute all guests. When guests will drink, they can simply call their number, and you will tell you on the list that they expect them in 2017. On paper, comic predictions can be written for each of the signs of the zodiac. In this case, it is enough to come up with that the year of the rooster prepares to each sign, and it doesn't matter how many guests come to you - prophecies will be prepared for everyone.

For another gambling entertainment, it is worth buying in advance small baubles (key chains, badges, small souvenirs), wrap them into paper and put in a hat. Guests take turns will pull the convili from the hat, and the fact that it will be inside will symbolize what the person expects the coming year. For example, if a person has pulled out the icon on which the name of the country is written, it means that he is waiting for a journey, and the heart chain indicates new feelings or relationships.

So as not to be bored while sitting at the table during the holiday, you can take up old fashion fortune telling on bottles. To do this, in several empty bottles you need to put papers with predictions and place them in a circle. One of the guests tie their eyes and put it in the center, after which he chooses one bottle to the touch, and the contents and will become his prophecy for the next year.

To make entertainment with predictions even more memorable, you can change the gypsy. This will create an appropriate atmosphere and will raise the mood at the holiday. To create a gypsy image, the necessary things are in the house in every woman. This will require a colorful lush skirt, a bright handkerchief and jewelry - beads, bracelets, rings. When such a gypsy read the prophecy, the mood will rise from all guests, and if it is predictions in verses and cool, it will add a highlight to the holiday.

Examples of poetic predictions for the new year-2017

Predictions written on pieces in verses should not be long. This is especially convenient if you are going to bake them in cookies. The poem will not take much space and do not need to suffer a question, how to put it in baking. Here are some examples:

1. "Since then, you will continue to young and nice."

2. "Waiting for you soon a trip to the sea";

3. "On the front person, everything will be fine";

4. "Waiting for you at the end of the week a sea of \u200b\u200brapid fun";

5. "The coming new year you will not bring trouble";

6. "Predictions do not lie - travel you waiting";

7. "Problems of minutes, and the money will come";

8. "In amur affairs lucky so that ah";

9. "The bad weather is not a hindrance, only the path to success awaits you";

10. "Merges for all look and take care of health";

11. "The replenishment of the budget is waiting for you at the beginning of summer";

12. "Soon the big lucky and the money moves";

13. "Everyone inside will shine from unspecified love";

14. "Wait for loyal friends only the best news."

New Year's predictions for 2016!

Close your eyes, listen to yourself and pinch stick to the table. See what awaits you in 2017:

1. Before you is a straight road to the cherished goal. It turns out everything you have conceived.
2. Necessary people Or a happy and successful confluence of circumstances will help you achieve the desired.
3. Obstacles arising from one after another may interfere with your plans.
4. The implementation of the goals depends on your efforts. If you have enough patience to follow what you have been outlined, success is possible.
5. Go around the accumulation of knowledge, in this moment It needs you most.
6. Step by step you are approaching the target target. "You go quiet - you will go further" - in this case for you.
7. Temporary difficulties and tests. Save the dignity and do not lose sight of the goal.
8. Circumstances will be successfully adding, add seamless or strength to remove the opposition to your plans.
9. Have patience and achieve all that wish. In this case, hasty actions are inappropriate.
10. You can only count on the fruits of your efforts. Help from the side may be "bear service."

11. You will find yourself in winning. It will be a surprise, as it may not happen at the time you assume.
12. Careful, you can overstep your strength and opportunities.
13. Possible decay and nervous overloads. The fulfillment of desires is postponed.
14. Be calm - everything will come at the right moment. In the meantime, do household, everyday affairs.
15. It is useless to take on the implementation of plans. Forced loneliness, misunderstanding of loved ones, lack of like-minded people.
16. You are free to do everything that will come to mind. Suitable time for spontaneous actions.
17. Immerse yourself in reflections and think again - do you really want it?
18. The risk remains in a dead end. Quietly fasten the moment, and there will be a passing wind.
19. The success of climbing the new stage of life depends on you. Life gives a chance - the main thing, do not miss it.
20. Harmony in relations with people and peace. Send a good to the world - and you will get good in response.

21. Life will cross your plans and provide you with completely different interests and opportunities.
22. Eastep through egoism and do not close in yourself. Cooperation - first of all, be diplomatic and tolerant.
23. Everything will be done as you want. This will benefit both you and those who are with you.
24. The ideas that existed only in your imagination will receive a real chance to implement.
25. There may be a discord between your plans and their implementation. Refigure your intention and make more successful ways to implement them.
26. Your life will clict for some time on the interests of the family. Take care of household chores and do not consider this time lost. Recognition of your authority family is also important.
27. Give the experience and knowledge to move forward. Most suitable time To do self-improvement.
28. "Fresh" optimistic look at things will help to eliminate some miscalculations.
29. For successful actions, you need to establish constant contacts with other people. If old connections do not work, tie new ones. Learn to create strong business and friendly connections.
30. Tactical approach to people will provide you with a maximum success that will only remain consolidated.31. It has come a lot of time to implement the most difficult tasks.
32. We will have to urgently look for a way out of the crisis and rebuild your life. Over time, the alarm will remain behind.
33. The brake at this time is distrust of himself and others. Period of stagnation.
34. Your dreams are far to completion. Worsen position. It is necessary to spend more effort than you assumed.
35. A lot of contradictions. If you want to seek the desired, miss the previously achieved.
36. Your successful promotion and successes can cause envy. Then the gossip does not go.
37. Take all your expenses under control, otherwise you will regret in vain spent money.
38. Add to desire to the initiative, enterprise, independence - and everything will be done with you.
39. Get the right news.
40. Your plans will be performed directly proportional to the time spent and forces.

41. It is necessary to apply workarounds and try not to rush the course of events.
42. The period of uncertainty. Note a specific plan of alleged actions and try to follow him.
43. Seduce of large spending money. Follow your instinct, not foreign tips and persuasion.
44. There will be no special unrest in the near future. All things are clear, all plans are fulfilled.
45. Joy time.
46. \u200b\u200bThe desire will turn if you will be modest enough in your requirements.
47. A trip or journey will make the necessary adjustments to your plans. You will have the opportunity fast promotion Up the social staircase.
48. You will get everything due to diligence, hard work, discipline and support for fate.
49. Trust Life, Swim by the flow, and the river itself will bring you to the right place.
50. What will cause insecurity and fear in you will continue to be wrapped in a blessing.

51. Events will develop faster than you expect. Perhaps they will find you surprise.
52. Your perception of reality is somewhat distorted. While you are not able to see the hidden side of the events.

53. A strip of pleasant surprises that will follow one after another.
54. Your life will include new people who will become devoted friends or colleagues.
55. You are waiting for a confluence of happy randomness and growth of material well-being.
56. Your abilities and hard work will be appreciated. The possibility of encouraging, career growth and profitable cooperation.
57. So much will be worries and trouble that there is practically no time for something else.
58. In your soul reigns chaos, which can cause interference in affairs and endeavors.
59. Show exposure and composure, since the old contradictions will suddenly break out.
60. You can miss the chance due to your own frivolity or disbelief in your strength.

61. The desired or not, depends on your self-discipline. Make an action plan and follow the graphics.
62. Take a look at your life as if from the side - thanks to this you will find a loyal look at many things.
63. Change yourself, and the world will change around you. You will have a new look at life.
64. You will be too dependent in your intentions from other people, especially those who have power.
65. Extra alarms and excitement due to temptations, intrigues, empty conversations and disputes.
66. Rely on fate and correct on God. Trust the natural go to life.
67. You spend a lot of energy and waste. Try to properly distribute your activity.
68. The situation will be two ways. Try to correctly navigate.
69. There is an occasion to think about what people they surround you. Be careful in affairs and do not tell anyone about your plans and successes.

70. Do not chick themselves with you: Are you sure that what you are solaring does not really hurt anyone harm? If there is no such confidence, the situation promises to be prosperous. 71. Good moment To strengthen your authority. The ability to get encouragement or reward.
72. Your plans are destined to come true if you do not shift your responsibility on other people's shoulders.
73. The possibility of large and small victories. You will be satisfied with the taste of success.
74. Your undertakes have little chance of performance, as they contradict the desire of others.
75. Your affairs will be solved easily and quickly, without much effort and costs on your part.
76. Changes will inevitably affect, and maybe they will turn your life. Coming events will help start new stage Life. Internal disagreements will be overcome.
77. Your care will not take place in the life of a large place. New hobbies and new acquaintances will appear.
78. More trust your heart and intuition - they will tell you the necessary paths to the cherished goal.
79. A strip of losses and tests will be. Collect your will in the fist and wait the devastating wind.
80. Perspectives you have the most rainbow. You feel inspiration - and the success is coming to you. 81. The situation is stable. You are on the right track. Bring your plans to the end and take it for new ones.
82. If your mind and soul act in consent to each other, you will achieve a lot.
83. Fate loves time from time to time to test those to whom she patronizes. It is your time.
84. We will be able to extract both momentum and long-term benefits. Good luck in material affairs.
85. Keep yourself in your hands and do not let the emotions to overlook you - this is the main condition for the successful completion of the plans.
86. Twisted new perspectives and new horizons, before invisible and unattainable.
87. You are waiting for success, easily and effortlessly. The result will surprise you and please.
88. Act stubbornly, confidently, persistently, and all the advantages will be on your side.
89. You live in the world of illusions and build air locks, but fate does not have enough material for their erection.
89. Correct your hopes and your capabilities correctly, then you will be on the right track.
90. Do not forget that nothing will happen in itself. So bring off the ass from the sofa / chair / chairs and make it "good" with your own hands. 91. If you say then one thing, then another, and think the third - the sense will not be.
92. The circumstances will mislead you. Move your attention to light sides Life.
93. Success is now unlikely, in the near future you will need wisdom, excerpt, patience.
94. Difficulties that you can experience may have favorable consequences. Thunderstorm will pass the side.
95. Profit awaits you, new good material perspectives will appear.
96. You need to give more time to rest. Allow yourself for a while forget about things. This will help you gain peace and clarity of thought.
97. After some time, your desires or goals will lose interest to you and new opportunities for creative growth will appear.
98. Success can be achieved by joint efforts. Practice in diplomacy and tacty.
99. Unexpected events will prevent currently executable plans.
100. Fate. Share God's will. For some reasons, information is closed for you.

The new year is a holiday that is celebrated with a scope, collecting close and expensive people. Accordingly, preparing for the celebration must match the scope, otherwise all the event will be reduced to the simple eating, with several congratulatory words. If you decide that you will be the organizer of the holiday, we recommend prepared in advance. Today, comic predictions and lotteries are gaining increasing popularity, among other entertainment.

Prediction - an alert of the event that should happen in the near future. We want it or not, but a person is intended to be interested in his future. Now there is no shortage of various predictions - all sorts of astrologers, fortune-tellers and vigories, so people are tired of serious prophecies in their lives.

Comic predictions For the new year, it is, in addition to a fun time, a fresh look at the forecasts in the near future. We are sure that the guests gathered, will appreciate your ideas and will get huge moral satisfaction.

Friends, your prophecies, can be absolutely different - long, painting every action or very short, written prose or in verses, most importantly, so that they can be funny, carry laughter and joy others.

Lottery predictions

Let's first consider the possible submission of predictions, and then, we will offer examples of text.

Prophetic balls

To do this, you will need conventional inflatable balls, small leaves and handle. Predictions We write on leaves, fold the tube, put in the ball and influence it. Balls can be tied to guest chairs, and you can distribute during divination. Blowing the ball, man loud reads the foresight associated with his life. What merges are prophecy, the more positive it will bring.

Preparing in advance to the session, you can specifically form paper (dipping it in strong tea or onion solution) or make it bright, colorful with a beautiful rope. This will give the features of the mystery or holiday, depending on what to select.

Poster predictions

Everything is simple, we take a pre-prepared dishes in advance, we fold crushed bags with comic wishes. Let the potters in a circle, each guest pulls out one bundle and reads it.

Capacity can be blocked by paper, giving an outdated look of dishes, or form paper in advance.

Gypsy chest

The stereotype of gypsies is deeply in us, they say they are all beautiful fortune -akers, and this is a wonderful way to use in their comic prophecies.

Gypsy gypsy in advance, you or someone from the guests, go into a room with a chest filled with predictions. The master offers each guest guest, pull out one bundle and read.

Here the main thing is not the forecasts for the future, but the feed. Perfect if the Gypsy will enter the role and with the expression characteristic only by them, will hold a competition.

Prophetic cookies

Remember quotation: "All ingenious is simple, and all the simple brilliage"? It is this aphorism that underlies this competition. For its preparation, you will need leaflets with predictions and cookies. True, cookies will have to do yourself, however, if you have the opportunity to purchase it, why not. For those who want to create something original, we offer a recipe for cooking.


  • Eggs, 3 pcs;
  • 50-70g wheat flour;
  • 50g cream oil;
  • Spices at will;
  • Sugar, sugar powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg protein from the yolk, whipped to the appearance of foam, add flour, sugar, spices as desired, mix to homogeneous mass.

A small advice: whipping proteins do not dilute, if you hit a long time a large number of Air bubbles and dough will begin to raise quickly when the temperature is raised.

  1. On the baking sheet, we spread the culinary paper and lubricate the butter, heat the oven to 180-200 C. teaspoon laying out even mugs on the baking sheet.
  2. We put in the oven for about 6-7 minutes, as soon as the edges are gilding, reach and turn over, we have a pioneer with predictions, fold in half. Next, taking cookies for the ears, bend it.
  3. Lay out on the table and wait until completely cooling.

Miracle dumplings

The next event has a certain similarity with the previous one, the difference is that instead of cookies, we use dumplings. This old fun, today is almost forgotten, but for predictions in a circle of family and loved ones, it is perfect. The secret in the subject that is placed together with a filling that carries a certain meaning.

  • Orange crust - Favorite or Favorite will present a gift;
  • Peanuts - a romantic meeting is possible;
  • Cherry - to good luck in affairs;
  • Peas - the house will be reigned and welfare will be reigned;
  • Walnut - health will recover;
  • Buckwheat - sudden addition of finance;
  • Mushrooms - full calm life;
  • Money - sports victories;
  • Grain - full bowl of wealth;
  • Raisin - an unexpected temptation;
  • Cabbage - salary takes off up;
  • Caramel - Roman is possible;
  • Potato - boost at work;
  • Cranberries - expect change in personal life;
  • Ring - Wedding;
  • Bitter pepper - possible problems At work or at home;
  • Kuraga - excellent news;
  • Carrot - meeting with new people;
  • Meat - financial success;
  • White thread - you will have to leave the company for a long time;
  • Green thread-hike abroad;
  • Black thread - a fast business trip;
  • Thread with nodes - problems from where it was not expected;
  • Cucumber is a new passion;
  • Button - something will get something from clothes;
  • Sugar - year will be successful;
  • Apple - your work will be appreciated.

Lottery with three predictions

For this, on leaves, write wishes or prophecies, at the rate of three obnomen per person. The leaflets are beautifully folded and mixed in the bag. It is proposed to pull convolutions in turn, reading out loud.

Hidden desires

To prepare for the competition, you must prepare funny images, the main desires of a person. It is absolutely optionally to draw, you can select pictures from logs or print, attach images to the rope, pull the rope. Tie guests eyes, spin and sum up to a stretched rope, giving the opportunity to choose a piece of leaf. Images can be absolutely different.

Related Materials

New year's night - Time of joyful emotions and fun. You can raise your mood and your friends using funny and comic ghosts.

The evening is absolutely not necessary at the table and in front of the TV. Good mood and various games, jokes, riddles will allow you to relax and attract good luck. You can diversify the gifts with the help of comic fortunes that come to friends and relatives. Good mood and positive emotions are guaranteed.

Love fortune telling

Cooking small postcards or pictures with love topics. On the back side Write predictions. Put them in a beautiful bag and mix well. Each guest will draw a postcard and finds out that he is waiting for him in the coming year. Then you can beat each prediction in comic shape and have to have fun.

Prediction of Fate

Write notes with predictions, for example, about traveling, winning in the lottery, new Love etc. During the feast, offer guests to remove a piece of paper and read out loud. You can also prepare attributes for each note, and each guest will depict what is written. For example, it is like a room with an arid hand, depicting an airplane or take a symbolic lottery ticket And depicting stormy joy.

Fortune telling at wax

Give each guest on the candle and a saucer with water. Wax, poured on a plate in bizarre patterns, will talk about the near future. All together you can consider the resulting patterns and guess the outlines. The one whom the pattern will most like the rooster, issue a prize. He will be waiting for the maximum luck and luck.

Merry fortune telling

Prepare various things and figures. Come up to every story and decompose before the guests. It is desirable that items are more than participants. Ask everyone to choose the thing you like. Tell each funny stories about what denotes this item and how to affect the life of this person. For example, on the rocket in the new year will fight the expanses and collect the stars of friend of Seryozha. Petya will go on a trip by train and on the way will fight the aliens and disintegrated with the captured stone of power, which forces our planet to spin.

Game in fortune telling

Prepare 2 bags. In one, put the note with interesting questions, and in another answers to them. Each guest chooses the question first, reads it, and then reads the answer. Often the answer and the question coincide and form funny combinations. This comic fortune telling brings a lot positive emotions Guests.


Prepare the box and wrap it beautiful paper With the image of stars or something mysterious. Inconsider guests to accumulate psychics and take turns to guess what the subject is in a secret drawer. If the process is delayed, the MAA should be used by the host colleagues on mystical knowledge. Those who correct guides, give small souvenirs as a prize.

Prophecies Gypsy

You can waging guests and predict the fate with the help of dressing up. Colorful skirt in the floor and a big handkerchief will be transformed into Gypsy. Several beads and various jewelry will complement the image. The ideal attribute will become a tambourine. Go around the guests and tell everyone about what it expects. Characteristic clauses and shrinking shoulders will provide a fun mood and fill the house with fun.

Dreams Come True

Offer guests merry contest To attract good luck. Let each B. merry uniform Shows the scene and explain what he wishes in the new year without using words. The rest of those present will try to guess what was shown. The one who first calls the correct answer will receive a sweet prize or new Year's souvenir.

Good mood I. positive setting Give unforgettable moments of happiness. As the new year you will meet, so you will spend it. Fun and happiness from fun competitions and gadas will bring good luck, and all 2017 will be held on a wave of positive. We wish you all the best.

Predictions and horoscopes are what manifes people always, because each of us dreams of finding your future to know in advance what to prepare how to avoid trouble and what to count on. Yes, of course, with high accuracy Predict what will be, can only units. Getting to the reception to such professionals is difficult and expensive. Plus, to look into the future with the help of magic is prohibited, as it is believed that it is necessary to pay. At the same time, payment can sometimes be too high. However, this does not forbid us to joke, making a variety of a solemn evening. If you want to hang your company and make the evening truly unforgettable, dilute it with comic predictions for the new year 2017.

How to arrange and file?

Make comic predictions different ways: Glit beaks to a postcard, write from your hands on a small piece of paper or print, cutting off the bizarre figure. Here much depends on your imagination and why and how exactly the predictions will be attached. If you do not know how to present them beautifully, we bring to your attention the following goes. So:

  1. Stick predictions to a plate of plates or glasses. At the same time, the dishes should be folded on a tray so that guests can take it on their own. Attach the words with the predictions to the postcard and give the guest the opportunity to pull it on your own.
  2. Painting paper with predictions in the balloon, then inflate it. Guests should take turns to approach, punch it with a needle and then receive predictions.
  3. Bake cookies by putting prediction in them in advance. Such Chinese cookies are a classic genre. You can write prediction on ordinary mapsBy giving the guest the opportunity to pull out any of the deck.

What should predictions be?

Pay attention to the fact that predictions must be comic and "good." In no case do not use ambiguous and negative prophecies, as it can spoil a man's mood. So, we offer you several options for comic predictions that are perfect for the celebration of the New Year:

Happy holidays!