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Prayer for a winning lottery ticket. Prayer before buying a lottery ticket

Lottery magic and rituals. Description of conspiracies for winning the lottery and for good luck.

We live in a quickly disturbing world, and the achievements of humanity over the past two hundred years are amazing. Together withfor many questions modern science While answer is not able. For thousands of years, individuals have appeared who have some kind of possibilities, events occurred, which can be safely called supernatural or miracles. For centuries, people used various rites and rituals to achieve a variety of purposes. One varieties of such rituals were conspiracy. There are many species of conspiracies. In this article we will talk about what is a conspiracy for good luck in the lottery. As well as we give rituals for winning the lottery.

Separately, I want to tell about visualization method. For all conspiracies below, and other magical practices, it has very important importance. And even if you do not trust conspiracies and other rituals, it can be used separately. Visualization is suitable not only for winning the lottery, but also to achieve any other goals that you set yourself in life.

For visualization, firstly, it is necessary to clearly imagine its goal. And not abstract - for example, I want to wipe it all. It is necessary to imagine not only the winnings itself, but also what can be achieved with it. It can be a house, a car. And again, not any house, namely the house in which you really want to live. Draw it in my imagination as detailed as possible, appearance, interior, furniture and so on. If this is a car, then imagine that you are driving. It is not necessary to do immediately. You need to work on your visualization, constantly complementing the picture all new features.

But that's not all. In order to revive the visualization, you need to work with sensations, with feelings. If you take an example of the same house, then you need not just imagine how it looks, but also to feel the emotions that you feel when you enter it. Mentally walk around the rooms, feel joy and satisfaction received from possessing them. Of course, emotions should only be positive, otherwise you risk the opposite to remove the desired result.

There are many conspiracies and prayers for winning in the lottery, and indeed money. So, famous conspiracies for winning in the lottery and other gambling.

Before contacting the conspiracy should always remember that the conspiracy will have a real force only when a person believing in its power. Before applying a conspiracy, it is necessary to make sure that it is not imposed by damage or the evil eye. If this is not done, the money channel can be blocked, and the conspiracy will simply do not work.

In order for the plot to act as efficiently as possible, the following rules must be followed: it is necessary to sincerely believe that the plot will work; It is necessary to imagine the positive result of the conspiracy is the most clearly; need to hold a conspiracy ritual in opening time And not to tell anyone about it.

The best for lottery plots are Thursdays and Sundays. These days are saturated with energy aimed at luck and luck in the lotteries.

Before holding the ritual, you need to clean the energy as much as possible. Also, it is believed that any conspiracies associated with material welfare must be carried out in the first seven days after the new moon.

Also, before conducting the ritual, it will be logical to choose a lottery - Russian or European, as well as the method of the game - to purchase tickets directly either via the Internet.

The first plot sounds like this:

"Good luck in pocket, fortune with me, all the gods success give a big"

Next plot:

"Happiness with seven tickets came, other happiness and good luck led. Ticket to a ticket, win win. As the numbers in the tickets agreed and the lottery numbers came to win. I close fire, I urge good luck. May it be so!"

For successful visualization, you need to resurrect in mind those moments of life when everything turned out when you were as happy as much as possible. We need to repeat these feelings when uttering a lottery conspiracy, feel joy and confidence.

Due to the fact that in the lotteries due to the conditions of their holding there are always many losers, then there is a powerful egregor of negative energy. It is because of this it is impossible to tell anyone about your plans.

And one more advice to choose from the lottery conspiractions, which are shown here, or from others, you need to read about everyone and listen to yourself. The conspiracy that you will call your maximum internal response, and you need to use.

Here are some more conspiracies for the lottery and rituals:

Wait when a new moon day falls on Thursday, and install two candles on the table about twenty centimeters from each other. One candle should be white colorAnd the other is green. Imagine that white candle - it is you. Green tie with money.

Fit first a white candle, and then green from one lists. Wait a few minutes to put them on and remove them. Every day, take the candles, putting them closer about two centimeters. When in ten days they get in touch, you need to tie their gold-colored ribbon and keep as a talisman.

And one more simple ritual. Wait for the 4th day after the new moon. When it is dark, you must approach the window so that a young moon can be seen. Get money, show them and tell them 3 times: "You, month, pray, and in my wallet do not translate money!"

The following conspiracy is carried out during a decreasing moon, on any cloudy day. The next day, wake up at eight in the morning and, not putting on anything bright, go out. Before going out, tell me: "Come to me wealth!". Then you need to put a coin into the left pocket. After that, you need to walk to the nearest lake. It is better that you do not talk to anyone on the road. Then go to the right shore of the lake, turn to the north, get a coin and right hand Throw her into the water, saying " Money in the water - I win».

After that, go back home. It is better for no one at home. You need to put four sauce sauces in the room corners, and then place 40 candles of blue color Along the walls. It remains to wait for midnight, and light the candles counterclockwise. When the candles are cut down, sprinkle them with salt of their sorts, and the next day, to the same lake and throw them there.

To attract good luck in the lotteries, you can use the following conspiracy. It is believed that he is associated with Wanga.

To begin with, squeeze any coin into a clothing lining that you carry often. While you will sew, you constantly say: " Both thread needle and money with me. As a thread behind a needle stretches, wealth also stretches to me. The hemist is stitched - we sew richness to yourself. Come to me Money different, small and large, silver and copper, paper and gold, I'm on joy and God's grace " The next day, in the morning, put this object of clothing wearing a couple of days.

To attract good luck in the lottery, it is necessary to take the citrus zest, a couple of cherry bones, as well as an opaque bank and three coins of any dignity.

In the bank we will put all of the above, after closing the lid, saying: " Baba went on the berries, the whole Lukoshko has mastered. Baba went on the road, found three coins, where neither will look - everywhere coins. Baba has become babes, they turned their rosy, everything is like one delicious. Let me be lucky as that Baba, happiness let me keep up with me. May it be so!" Then the bank must be preserved in a secret place.

The text of another conspiracy:

For this conspiracy, take the lock with the key, close it at the new moon, saying"Your luck, your luck on my victory is to wake up, you're lucky, happiness has a lot, now I'm lucky more than seven times, my luck will find me. The key is closed, I close on the castle. My word go to business. Exactly!".

Of course, there are other magical practices. After all, in essence, only small part of them are given here - only the most famous conspiracies for good luck in the lottery. In the following articles, we will tell about rituals that help win the lottery used in other countries and peoples. But once again we note that in order to win, you need to strive for all the soul, and believe that despite all the difficulties, the goal will be achieved.

A life modern society It is difficult to imagine without money and play entertainment. Behind them, you can not only spend your free time, talking with friends, but also to win money, thus combining pleasant with useful.

Gambling in the casino, the lottery according to religious postulates relate to entertainment that adversely affect each person and are considered to be sin. Because, playing in them regularly, each risks big to lose, leaving behind everything that was once acquired or accumulated. However, exceptional moments may come in life when it simply needs to have a huge amount of money to solve the established problems. And the only possible way out of this kind of situations is to buy a lottery ticket and using a special prayer for winning the lottery.

One of the most popular varieties of gambling with high monetary winnings is the lottery called the Russian Lotto. Attending your luck in the hope of winning a cherished prize every day a huge number of people are solved. However, only one participant always turns out the winner.

For those who are going to take their participation for the first time, before buying their first lottery ticket, it is necessary to remember that in such gambling games there is no system or an accurate algorithm that allows you to win with a greater share of probability. Since it all depends on the case. Therefore, experienced players in the hope of ripping their kush are often resorted to the appeal to God's help.

Testing the lottery helps 2 main prayers:

  • Prayer of the Holy March;
  • Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker.

Prayer for good luck in the Lottery of the Holy March

The text of the prayer is literally translated into modern Russian, so problems with the perception and pronunciation of cherished words in people will certainly do not arise.

People who were in due time could help the prayer of the Holy March highly appreciate its strength. However, in order for it to work properly, it is important that sacred words addressed to the saint are pronounced in combination with other Orthodox prayers.

For example, to obtain a lottery jackpot, it is important to pronounce the following prayers in turn:

  • Prayer of the Holy March - Pronounce 1 time;
  • Prayer of the Lord (Our Father) - 1 time;
  • Prayer of the Virgin - 1 time;
  • "Glory to Father and Son ..." - 1 time;
  • The request for the intercession of the Holy Martha is 9 times.

It is important to remember that during the pronouncement of prayer words, a person who appeals to March with his desire must accurately keep the entire prayer rite. It involves the use of the following elements:

  • candles;
  • icons;
  • prayers.

This event can be carried out at home without visiting the church. Once all the necessary components are prepared, you can proceed to the exercise of the ritual. It consists of 9 cycles, which should be carried out only on Tuesdays. Each rite is carried out in order to implement only one desire.

Before reading a prayer for good luck in the lottery, you need to put flowers on the table, the icon of the Holy Martha and the lit candle that you need to be located on the right.

An important nuance is the burning of the candle. To fulfill the desire, it is necessary that it can do to the end.

The text of the prayer to win a large amount in the lottery looks like this:

Oh Holy March, you're miraculous!
I appeal to you for help!
And completely in my needs, and you will be an assistant
In my tests!

I promise to you with gratitude
What I will disseminate this prayer everywhere!
Poor, tearfully ask -
Comfort me in my concerns and hardships!

Submissively, for the sake of great joy,
which filled your heart
Toy you please - cotton about me and my family,
so we saved our god in your hearts

and those who have deserved the saved Most High Mediation,
First of all, with that care that me is now ....

... you please tearfully, the assistant in every need,
win you so much as you defeated the snake
Until I was lying near your feet!

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker for Lottery Win

Nikolai waters were known among his citizens as a person who devoted his whole life to serving God and charitable affairs.

From the ornament, he regularly visited the local church in which he prayed and read God. And at night, after performing school tasks, he sat down and read the sacred literature. When the parents did not become, all the wealth that went from wealthy parents, Nikolai completely handed over to charity to help poor and starving children. At the same time, he did not leave almost nothing.

The miracles of Nicholas the Wonderworker went to a long-standing legend even when he was in life.

Prayer Nicholas The Wonderworker in its miraculous properties is universal. People turn to her for help not only for healing, but in order to experience luck, for example in the lottery or casino.

The text of prayer looks like this:

Oh all-walled, great miracle, St. Nichrae, St. Nicholas!
Molim, Budy Hope for all Christians, the faithful defender, accurate feeder, crying cheerleh, sick, by the sea of \u200b\u200bfloating ruler, poor and siery feeder and all the fast assistant and patron, and peaceful Zea will live in life and you will advise the video of the glory of the chosen And with them incessantly chanting one in the trinity of the worship of God forever. Amen.

Catch good luck with the tail and easy to get great amount Money, winning the lottery at least once dreamed of everyone. Choosing a lottery ticket, anyone hopes for luck, but in most cases a miracle does not occur. Win a big amount really managed to units, so it is possible how to attract the fortune in your life?

There are a lot of ways to attract money, one of the popular is a magical approach. We are talking About the conspiracy to the lottery, lightweight and simple way to rip the big kush. Counts for winning a large amount Many: from simple, which can be done daily to complex rituals and rites.

Conspiracies for winning in the lottery: Features of use

Like any magic ritual, conspiracy requires compliance with some conditions, without which he will not work at best, at worst hurts. Therefore, if the decision is made a little accepted, be prepared to approach your actions seriously and carry responsibility for them.

For rites, it is better to choose the days of the growing moon: Wednesday or Sunday. Before starting, you need to tune in to prosperity, well-being and profits. To do this, you can imagine how large bills appear in your wallet, close your eyes to feel cash flowheading into your direction. If you do not tune in correctly, the plot will not work.

  • Remember that you can not be confused in words when pronunciation of conspiracies, you should not say that you are going to attract the winnings to anyone.
  • To enhance the actions of the conspiracy, you can use various amulets, they must be worn with you: a four-leaf clover, a real horsepower horseshoe, rabbit foot.

Also worth sticking to the rules of money handling in everyday life:

  • When you put a surrender, never refuse, so you overlap your money channel, send the rejection of the energy of money;
  • If a coin dropped - lift, even respect small money;
  • Money applies in the folded form, fold to yourself;
  • Do not be in debt if you assume that money may not go back.

No amulets and the right attitude towards money will not help if psychologically not tune in to well-being and prosperity. Drink from yourself Thoughts about debts and needs, send the universe faithful signals!

Conspiracy on a coin

One of the easiest and most affordable rituals is a conspiracy on a coin. Choose your favorite clothes that you can wear for a long time And take a coin of any nominal, it will need to be sewed on the thing from the inside. While you will select you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy and think about winning.

"As a thread with a needle all the time together, so let me be inseparable. As a thread behind the needle stretches, so wealth will reach me. Hem Sewing - weathered to themselves. Come to me Money different, large and small, copper and silver, gold and paper, I am on joy and in God's grace. "

Before morning, hang clothes in the closet, in the morning put on and wear longer, constantly thinking about the winning lottery. Going behind a lottery ticket, of course, you need in this dress. By the way, after this ritual, it is recommended to buy seven lottery tickets, and before holding a draw to wear "happy" clothes.

Conspiracy lottery ticket

After you bought a lottery ticket, you can talk and it. You need to purchase a green candle and on the right day of the growing moon to light it. Green color Symbolizes money. Conspiracy words need to be repeated when the candle is seven times, after which it is possible to remove the ticket and not touch the draw.

"We speak the lottery ticket, me, a slave (s), (s), ( given name) Acquired. I keep it in my hands and I believe that he will be happy for me. Call a winnings to yourself. I will have wealth and wealth. Amen".

If you bought a lottery ticket in which you will need to guess the numbers, you can spend another rite. Collect some major bills, different coins, a few gold jewelry, buy a green candle. After buying a lottery ticket, spread all the collected on the table, and place the ticket in the center, put a lit candle on it. Focus on the flame and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

"Gold to gold, coin to a coin, bill, to bills, money for money. So it was, there will be. Let the ticket be happy and will also dare to the money, gold, coins and bills, let it be so. Amen".

After that, cross out the numbers that first turned their attention.

Conspiracy on a happy ticket

A simple way to attract good luck and win a lottery big money - collect seven happy tickets. We are talking about ticketing on the bus, tram, etc., the sum of the first three numbers of its number should be equal to the sum of the second half of the digits. As soon as you get 7 such tickets, prepare your photo, about the same size, a sheet of green paper 7x7cm and one light candle.

In suitable by lunar calendar Day to build a stack:

  • first green leaf,
  • from above photo
  • then the tickets.

Roll the green sheet so that it turns out the envelope, inside will be tickets and photos. Improvised envelope Seaned wax from the candle.

During the whole action from the beginning and before the completion of the ritual, it is necessary to repeat the words of the conspiracy:

"Happiness to me, a slave (s) of God (s) (own name) was knocked into the house, and luck led. A happy ticket seeks a happy ticket, and win win. Since the numbers in the tumblers came together, so the winnings will also work. Flame of candles wax I melt, we sear the wax, I urge good luck to win. Amen!"

Be sure to take a happy convert with you, on the day of buying a lottery ticket and good luck will be on your side.

Simple everyday conspiracy

There is a lot of simple rituals that can be performed daily, and they will attract good luck to you and large winnings. For example, you can take 3 or 5 coins and put them in your pocket casual wear, repeating the words:

"How the river is striving for the sea, so the money flows to me."

It is impossible to spend conspiracy coins.

Before any purchase, you can talk to the bill that is going to give the seller with the words: "I give one bill, I get a lot in return". Repeat seven times. The same is useful to do before buying a lottery ticket.

Ritual with stone

Before buying a lottery ticket, you need to go to the forest, thinking about winning and big money, find a rounded stone. Stone must be taken home, it will become a magnet for cash flow.

In the evening, alone, draw any monetary symbol. You should draw exactly what makes you think about money, you can depict a dollar sign or ruble, large bill etc. After that, say:

"Money is striving for me, multiply in many or many times. I carefully keep my wealth. "

Take a stone with you on the day of buying a lottery ticket.

The strongest conspiracy

Such a ritual is carried out in a certain sequence and, unlike the rest of the conspiracies, on the day of the descending Moon. You should choose a cloudy day when the weather spoils the mood, it is the key to the fact that good luck will ask less than those who want. During the day, buy one or more lottery tickets.

The next morning, get dressed in ordinary clothes and go for a walk. Take a five-fighter coin with you, put in the left pocket. Before leaving you need to pronounce a phrase that attract prosperity and money.

  • For example, "I attract money" or "wealth, call you."

Go to the reservoir with standing water, it is not recommended to talk on the way with someone, think only about large winnings and money.

  • Choose comfortable spot On the shore and throw a coin into the water with the words: "Coin - in the water, win - me."

Now go home, silently and not turning around. Houses ask you to leave one in the apartment. Select one room and in the corners, arrange a plate of salt, choose a large one. After that, around the perimeter you need to arrange 40 blue candles and light them exactly at midnight clockwise.

Then you should sit down and be in silence until the candles can do, do not forget to think about winning and big money. Collect the rooted candles and mix them with salt, throw away in the same reservoir in the morning. Attach efforts and quit stronger.

The consequences of the use of conspiracy

Everyone knows that in the Universe there is an equilibrium law and magic rituals, including those simple as conspiracies for winning. You can find countless people who have received crazy money and instantly surfacing them. For no reason they say: "Easy to come - Easy to go." Many of the winning large amounts of money Lucky lost their health and family.

You must be prepared for various consequences of using magic, because the universe balances any of your action and interference with its plans can run a chain of negative events. Weigh all the pros and cons, decide whether the big winnings are really necessary for you and, if yes, gently proceed.

Definitely negative is a look orthodox church on the lottery. The clergymen believe that the thirst for crazy money decomposes the soul. And gambling is sent to people as a temptation.

The church prohibits magic, divorce, calls them sin. A look at these many people practicing esoterica, the other - magic is allowed, but it should not be in evil, otherwise, get ready for serious consequences.

Refrain from such rituals as exciting good luck, any rituals in cemeteries, etc.

If you catastrophically lack money for a long timemaybe it is worth analyzing your actions and thoughts.

  • Often that a person himself blocks cash flow by constant conversations about the eternal shortage of finance and injustice to his life.
  • Under the law of attraction, the result in the form of debts and cash loss does not cause himself to wait. Perhaps it is worth changing your thoughts and cash flow will play for you without the use of magic.

Despite the fact that in the modern world, magic is not so popular as a hundred years ago, there are many areas where its help remains relevant and in our time. In this article, we will look at one of the varieties of monetary magic as prayer and magic conspiracy For winning in the lottery.

Very many people are interested in the issue of attracting money to the house and, of course, the solution of material difficulties.

One of pretty simple ways Decisions of this problem are monetary magic and certain rites and rituals for attracting financial well-being.

Some magical rites help to return debt, and others establish a common financial position man. However, there are also magical rituals that allow you to win in cash lotteries. One of the types of monetary magic are prayers and conspiracies for winning the lottery. They can help in implementing one of the most cherished desires Each of us is to win money.

It remains only to choose a suitable rite and follow the exact instructions.

Features and rules for conducting rituals

Before conducting magic ritual for winning in the lottery, you need to get acquainted with common requirements To rituals of this type:

objective time
The best day of the week to fulfill the conspiracy for winning the lottery environment. All rituals made on this day are much more efficient and effective rites made on other days.
The sacrament of the rite.

mystery of Magic Ritual
About the fact that you decided to make a rite to attract money or no one knows for winning in the lottery. And even when the ritual worked, in no case tell anyone about the magical acts made. Otherwise, there may be faults and bad luck in the material plan.
Faith due to magic and confidence as a result.

one hundred percent faith in magic
If you make a conspiracy to win the lottery, and do not believe in the success of this event, nothing will happen. Only full confidence will help get long-awaited money.

Following these uncomplicated rules, you can solve almost any material problems media through the lottery win. Now it remains to choose a suitable rite and buy a lottery ticket.

Conspiracy for good luck in the lottery

To try to attract good luck in a lottery game, you can use a fairly simple conspiracy to good luck in the lottery.

For its execution, it will take the zest of one lemon, three coins of any dignity yellow color, Three cherry bones and an opaque bank. Capacity from tea or coffee is suitable as a jar.

In the bank you need to alternately omit the zest of lemon, bones from cherry and coins.

The bank is covered with a lid, after which a conspiracy word is repeated:

"In Baba berries, I went to Lukoshko.
On the way I went - I found three coins.
Where neither looks - the coins everywhere.
Face pies - got ruddy yes delicious.
So let and I am so lucky as thatba.
Lose happiness and good luck with me go! ".

After reading the magic words, the bank should be removed in an unavailable place for an extraneous eye. From now on, luck will be with you. And in order to make sure, after three days, buy a lottery ticket.

You will definitely be lucky, because conspiracies for winning the lottery start to act immediately after their execution. If you really believe in the result, he will not wait long for a long time.

Conspiracies for winning the lottery will work much more efficiently if they are on Wednesday.

After all, as a long-term practice has shown, it is on this day of the week, monetary magic works the most productive.

Special attention in such rituals need to be given the choice of lottery ticket. After all, as a rule, to participate in the most common lotteries, you need to start to buy a lottery ticket.

Decide with the lottery in which you intend to participate and purchase a lottery ticket. You can buy several tickets, in this case, you will need to read a separate conspiracy for each ticket. Wait for the middle of the week and you can proceed to fulfill the rite.

Conspiracy on bill

This rite is performed in three stages:

  1. for the first stage, you will need a bill of average dignity;
  2. at the second stage - a lottery ticket purchased for conspiracy;
  3. at the third stage, you will need to speak the ticket at the light of the green candle.

At the very beginning of the rite, take the bill that is enough to buy a lottery ticket. Read the following conspiracy to the lottery gain:

"I will give one money, I will get a lot!".

Repeat these words seven times. And immediately go for the lottery ticket, which will be paid for which will be conspired by Coupoo. Take the first to take the first to which the eye will fall. After purchase - go home to complete the ritual.

Conspiracy on a lottery ticket and green candle

How come home lit a wax candle of green and looking at the ticket, read a lottery ticket plot:

"Biletik conspired I hold, money and winnings attract yourself.
We have wealth and prosperity, all coins and victories call me! ".

Repeat the magic words you need seven times, after which the ticket should be removed in secret place Before the moment the results should not be announced. Good luck must you smile!

To fulfill this conspiracy to win the lottery, you will need one ticket.

Buy a ticket is best on Monday, and the rite is performed on Wednesday. When you buy a ticket, ask you to choose a seller, and while the person chooses it for you, say to myself phrase:

"Money for money, the choice will help!".

After that, go home straight, where to the Wednesday, leave a ticket in an inaccessible place. On Wednesday at dawn, you should go along with the ticket to the nearest lake, a river or a pond, where you need to read a plot.

Looking at the ticket, read such a prayer for a lottery ticket:

"Biletik-ticket for good luck, for luck.
Win help me, money to me attract.
So that the prospect was, all the urgente was,
Yes, no need to go to the house.
Money-decking to me go to me in a hurry,
Lottery ticket winning in hand I hold,
Good luck and luck with wealth I urge! ".

After reading this conspiracy, splasep with water from the river or lake to the ticket, saying three times the words:

"May it be so!".

After performing the ritual, it remains only to wait for the win. The rite begins immediately after its execution, so it is possible to strengthen the effect of magic in the victory.

How to win the lottery

Prayers and conspiracies for winning the lottery help to implement one of the most popular desires modern man. Fulfilled according to all the rules and in accordance with all recommendations cash rituals Guarantee the desired result.

In addition, an important success factor is faith in victory. Without her, the rite is better not to take. Positive setting, confidence in your abilities and assistance of magic - and everything will certainly succeed!

For for long years Many people tried to experience the fate and win one or another prize through elementary luck. But as luck - the lady is very unstable and capricious, attracting it tried with various spells and conspiracies. Similar mantras for attracting good luck and money they sound online. It is said that with their help you can get a solid win in the lottery, attract a cash luck and fill your life with financial stability. About how he sounds and looks like a prayer for winning in the lottery, we will tell here and now.

Briefly about "lottery magic" and rites to attract money

A huge number of conspiracies and rites aimed at attracting financial luckled to the creation of a special mystical partition. In common, it is called lottery magic. According to aware of people, with its help it is quite realistic to win in the lottery, and a large amount of money. An example can be seen below in the photo.

However, here you need not only to know the conspiracy itself for winning the lottery, but also believe that it will work. Otherwise, skeptical personality will not get anything. As a result, they will even make sure of their rightness that it cannot be folded a large kush. Therefore, in order for magic to work, it is necessary to believe in its power.

Visualization - our all

Another very much important momentwhich is worth paying attention to, besides faith, - visualization. It has long been proven that most of our thoughts, including negative, have a property to be embodied in reality. Consequently, an important point to achieve your goal should be a prayer for winning the lottery and the ability to see your success.

So, to win in the lottery, you need to describe your winnings as much as possible. And for this not necessarily turn the eyes. For greater clarity and accuracy, draw or write it all on paper. Here, as mentioned above, the details are important. Try to register clear terms, amounts and other details. Here will see, after detailed Plan The picture itself draws in your mind. And help consolidate and strengthen the result.

There is nothing worse inaction

The third important point on the way to success is the action. In other words, you must take part in the lottery in which you plan to win. Otherwise, all prayers for large winnings in the lottery will be meaningless. It turns out how in the old anecdote about a person who constantly prayed for winning in the lottery, but God never sent him money. But, as it turned out, this dreamer only requested about winning, but never bought lottery tickets. Remember this and act.

When and how to pronounce cherished words?

Old people say that the prayer for winning the lottery should be pronounced in strictly allotted time for this. It may be the days of the week, correctly selected time of the day and even a suitable moon phase. Thus, the most productive days for the fulfillment of rituals for winning are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays for men, as well as Wednesday, Friday and Saturday for women.

Moreover, the prayer for winning the lottery will be much more efficient if it is possible to pronounce it early in the morning (preferably before sunrise) and on the growing moon. Then all your undertakes are necessarily crowned with success.

Pronounced orthodox prayer For winning the lottery, as a rule, a semi-rider, but necessarily out loud. Here, the main thing is to create a suitable environment and take care that no one bothers you, even pets. In the room where the conspiracy is pronounced, windows, doors and reign complete silence must be closed.

Want to win? Feng Shui!

Many esoteric experts believe that the prayer of the Matron on the winning lottery or any other request to some of the saints will be more efficient in full harmony in your home. But in order to create it, it is necessary to clear your home from all over. For example, start with your dishes and cutlery. Be sure to get rid of cups and plates on which there are noise corners. Eliminate glued things, spoiled forks, knives and spoons.

Be sure to make order in the corners of the rooms and remove all the extra jet. The stream of your positive cash energy should not interfere. And only after your apartment will reign the perfect "Fengshui", you can pronounce cherished words and attract good luck to your home.

Who to ask for help?

According to knowledgeable peopleYou can ask for help from various saints. For example, strong prayer The winning money in the lottery is directly related to the appeal to the Holy Mart: "On St. Martha, you're miraculous! ... " You need to read this prayer during the growing moon. And starting to start with Tuesday. And then you will have to repeat this procedure for nine weeks. And if everyone is competent, then your desire for winning will come true.

Also praying for the attraction of money you can Nicholas the Wonderworker and Matron of Moscow. However, this should be done only if your family really needs money, and not for fun.

Act the rule of Murphy

  • Believe in the reality of "lottery magic" and be sure that it will definitely work.
  • Find a prayer that will find a response in your consciousness, and read it exactly so much time until the "miracle" occurs.

Several rituals for winning

In addition to prayers, many fans of gambling uses simple rituals. For example, the easiest of them is as follows: it is necessary to approach the window after midnight, take exactly five large banknotes (which only is in the house), foolish them and contact the growing moon. At the same time, it is necessary to vote: "Moon, Lunica! Red maiden. Your Light of Yaps and handsome. You shine like gold. Help me attract gold and money in my house. Let the path to my richness be as easy as the breath of this money fan in my hands. Amen".

You can also take three coins of different dignity and put them under the rug, which usually lies in front of the entrance to the house or apartment. Previously, they should be held over the flame of the candles, omit into holy water and say the following words: "Gold to gold, silver to silver. Let these noble coins become our letters will be like a magnet to attract money into our house. I want it so much. And so it will be so! ".

Secrecy - the path to financial success

As you can see, carrying out rituals for attracting money to your house is not something superfilling. Perform them anyone. Another thing is what to do it is in strict secrecy. This means that it is not recommended to talk about it. Otherwise, your desire will not come true. And most importantly - tune in to success. And he will definitely give you your attention!