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How it is necessary to put a frog on a fanish. Money Frog: Symbol and Talisman, bringing wealth

The toad of wealth is an ancient Chinese symbol that attracts material well-being in the house. A cash frog is a popular figure that Feng Shui Masters is used to attract money, harmonization of space and improving the financial condition of the hosts of the house.

Such figures can be easily found in any esoteric bench or shop selling oriental souvenirs. The toad of wealth will become an excellent gift to your friends and loved ones, because, except that this is a very nice souvenir, it is an effective wish of wealth and prosperity.

Legend of the origin of the symbol

The ancient Chinese legend states that in distant times, a robber lived in the world, who robbed honest people, took money from them and folded them into his cave. Once he met Buddha himself and demanded to return the loose wealth. The robber refused, climbed into his cave and swallowed all his gold. Buddha was angry and turned the breath into the toad, but he broke out abuse and again tried to flush.

Then the Buddha touched one paw from the toad and put a spell on it for foul language. Now every time the toad tried to quarrel, the gold coin dropped out of her grazing, which swallowed the robber. So he had to return to honest people all selected richness. For a long time, ordinary Chinese were looking for meetings with a magic toak. And then she became a talisman that brings prosperity and prosperity to the house.

What does the cash toad of Feng Shui look like

As follows from the legend, the caustic should be threelyap. Moreover, on her back it is possible to distinguish the constellation of a large bear, as a symbol of the right road to sufficiency.

The toad of wealth must necessarily be gold, as shown on numerous photos on the Internet. Mascots are found, completely cast from gold or bronze, but their cost is usually very high. Therefore, the budget currency frog can be made of stone, plastic, ceramics or gypsum, the main thing is a gold coating.

Eye figurines are traditionally red, as in the photo. It can be small pebbles or just red dots. So the toad will see who she gives a coin.

Usually the toad sits on a bunch of coins, which, in turn, is placed on a small pedestal.

A very important point is the ability to remove the stuffing coin from the graze. There is a belief that if the monetary toad "spilled" her, the owner of the house should be waiting for financial replenishment.

How to use the toad of wealth

Toad is an extremely powerful talisman to attract money to the house on Feng Shui. There are several generally accepted Feng Shui rules about where the monetary toad should be set to bring prosperity to the house.

It will be best to put a toad with a coin in the sector of success and wealth. It is possible to calculate it, based on the number of human gua, which lives in this room. Also, this symbol of wealth can be activated if you put a figurine in the hallway near the inlet door, with a muzzle inside the room to create the impression that the toad just jumped into the house.

You should not put the toad too high, correctly arrange it on the floor. A coffee table or a small bedside table is also suitable, not above the floor meter.

But it is extremely recommended to keep the statuette on the upper shelves of the cabinet.

In Feng Shui, the element of water corresponds to the element of water, so you need to flush the figure under running water at least a week, and then put it in place without wiping. For this reason, you should not make a monetary toad from a tree or papier-mâché, such a talisman will last a very short. If the money urgently needed, the figure should be immersed for a day in a water container to attract cash flows.

If the statuette with a coin is in the hallway, do not forget to iron her back every time you come home. It strengthens the attraction of finances into your life, as the Zhabka begins to answer your gratitude to your concern about it and open additional sources of income for you. It should also be thanked whenever an impressive amount of money comes to you.

By pedestal statuettes, you can put coins with a total amount in 28. This number in Chinese sounds the same as the word "wealth".

Monetary toad in no way should look out the window! According to Feng Shui, it can jump out of the house and pick up financial progress with them. That's right, if her look is sent to the center of the room.

A figurine is taken to put on a red rug or red cloth flask. Red color was considered a symbol of happiness in ancient China. At the same time handle the frog needed very carefully, as if it were a living being.

You can position the statuette at your workplace. In this case, it should take that the table sector, which is responsible for wealth (this direction for the table on Feng Shui is calculated in the same way as for the premises in general). At the same time, the frog should sit with the back to the window and keep a fruit pointing in your direction, as if stretching to you a coin. If you have a monitor in this sector, you can place a photo of the talisman on your desktop, without climbing the space at hand.

Wherever you have put the monetary toad, in the hallway or on the table in the office, careful and attentive attitude to this Chinese symbol of wealth will necessarily bring you good luck in affairs and material well-being.

The values \u200b\u200bof the statuette of the money toad hairdryer shui and its varieties (on the reeds, in Bagua, with want, etc.)

Three-wave toad- Ancient Chinese mascot used by Feng Shui masters to attract wealth to the house, financial well-being, good luck in business and career. Most often occurs in the form of a toad figurine sitting on a hill coins, with a coin in the mouth.

There are many varieties of the statuette of three-year cash toads.

Types of three-wane gills

The role of the material when choosing a talisman

Materials from which the statues of cash toad are also manufactured are also very diverse. These are metals (black, colored, bronze, gold), semi-precious stones, wood and glass.

The most valuable talismans are figurines, cast from metal (gold or bronze). They are often incrouted by precious and semi-precious stones, inserting them instead of eyes and decorating their backs of the jabs. Also, highlights of semi-precious stones are highly appreciated, such as Jadeita (semi-precious stone light green).

The effectiveness of the talisman directly depends on the correct selection of the material. In particular, the people of Eastern type fit three-wave cash toad made from almost any material. Especially if the zone of wealth in their house is located in the north, east or south-east.

Where to put a cash toad

Placing the cash toad in the house is recommended so that it seems that the frog seems to "jump into the house. It may be a place near the entrance door Or, for example, sill. In any case, the frog's frog should always be turned inside the house. An excellent place for the three-year monetary toad will be small fountain, or proximity to aquarium. Such a location will certainly increase money success.

It is not recommended to "settle" three-year monetary toad in the kitchen, in the bedroom, and especially in sanuenuch. Also, you should not post the frog too high, there will be "discomfort" (frogs are afraid of heights).

It is not recommended to place this mascot in the southern zone of the apartment, since the first element of this sector is the fire, and the toad is a water symbol. The ideal choice for Eastern people will be a three-wap toad of black, blue or dark green, made of glass, wood or plastic (metallic).

Alexander, November 8, 2014.

The toad with a coin in the mouth is able to bring good luck, money and prosperity. About her action all of humanity is known since ancient times. Some use it as a longevity mascot, as there are many kinds of frogs, and they live several dozen years.

There is a legend that in full moon the cash toad attends the house of people and predicts them for the future of luck and a comfortable existence. That is why the Asians constantly use the figures of this animal for the decor of their home and attract well-being and prosperity.

But, like any talisman, the toad has their own secrets - the requirements that must be observed when contacting them.

A frog with three paws is an excellent solution for all people who experience difficulties in material plane and suffer from poverty. Problems with cash, their constant leakage, is a consequence of the negative energy of Qi in the human house. The magic frog has magical abilities, it is able to get rid of difficulties with money, bring wealth and well-being, to give good luck to the chapter of the dwelling and all of its members.

You should choose the correct position of the frog and arrange it on the "Ba-Gua" symbol, which is the imaging of the housing protection. This combination will bring success in finances and improve the financial situation of the family, and will also provide the most powerful protection to its owners.
In most cases, financial toad is customized sitting on a golden pile and precious stones, as well as other reasonable treasures that are a symbol of wealth in the human dwelling. If you look at the mouth of the Guards intently, you can see in it two string coins that symbolize constant abundance, never ending.

If a person wants the mascot to work in real life and attracted wealth and material well-being, then you should give preference to the tob with three paws when purchased, it is exactly as possible to true, but differs in high cost and luxury. Do not save on the statuette!

Interest! There are several theories of the emergence of monetary toads with three paws. The most popular is the legend, according to which one robber lived in ancient times, characterized by cruelty and incredible greed. He constantly robbed and brutally killed travelers who met him on the way, it is not important that they were poor or rich. Lost treasures increased, gradually they turned into a real mountain, but the robbing still was not enough. He managed to rob even the deities living on earth together with people. Many were horrified in front of such inconsistencies and cruelty, they were afraid to meet a robber in a desert road. People decided to organize the Council, where it was decided to appeal to the deities and ask them to help. The gods were advised and called Buddha, who had long thought about the created position of things and finally sentenced. He decided to turn the robber into a frog with three paws, which will always pay for all caused by atrocities.

Varieties of cash toads

A frog to attract wealth is currently a very fashionable creature, which quite often changes its appearance and appears before mankind in the unexpected appearance. It should be considered which cash toads are:

  • Castle, who sits on a big grief with coins. This kind of frog gives its owner independence in the material plan, contributes to the savings and savings of funds.
  • A frog with the image of the symbol "Ba-Gua", which looks like a sacral oct of a hair dryer, and each of his side corresponds to his own element.
  • On some images, the symbol is the basis for placing mountains on it with coins on which the magic animal sits. When applying such a talisman, you can achieve financial well-being for all residents in the house. Also, the toad besides the material wealth, it will protect the dwelling from the negative and negative energy flows.
  • The toad with a wanted personifies the sacred ancient deity, gives content and prosperity, abundance. Wanti is depicted in the form of a smiling and satisfied Buddha, it attracts good luck in the work area of \u200b\u200bactivity, contributes to rapid advancement of the career ladder. A person can fully count on what makes an excellent career and get financial profit in a large scale.
  • A frog with an open mouth requires her owner to put in her mouth with a cash bill of major dignity. It is believed that the talisman will attract the dwelling by such bills that are in her mouth.
  • A frog with a ring in the mouth or paws ensures reliable patronage of family business.

Interest! According to the ancient reference it is known that if the cash toad suddenly spits the coin or bill of mouth. That in the near future should be waiting for significant financial arrivals.

The importance of material

The financial talisman will ensure an effective effect if you select it from the right material. The most valuable are the figurines of gold or bronze, because these metals are the symbols of financial prosperity and well-being.

The greedy figurines of the semi-precious stone of the green shade will contribute to the development of business activities and business development, will provide them with reliable protection from competitors.

Red frogs do not affect the financial stream, they give their owners a good health, so they need to put them in the eastern sector of the dwelling.

Strengthen the efficiency of the frog to attract wealth can material from glass, wood or semi-precious metals. The back and eyes of such figures usually have decorative elements in the form of precious and semi-precious stones.

Good to know! When acquiring a talisman, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the coin N was glued to the mouth of the frog. It can not be fixed there. However, there are exceptions to the rules. These figures can be useful for people who are not able to keep their own expenses under control. Sometimes the frog may not be coins in general, but you can see and three. If this is such a case, then a hole must be present in the mouth, in which you can insert a coin or bill. It is also important that the coin looks up with hieroglyphs up.

The most successful places for the placement of frogs

  • in the living room;
  • turn the frog back to the door to the dwelling;
  • on the windowsill, back aside from the window;
  • on the left side of the door, which is located diagonally;
  • on a small shelf or bedside table, rack.

The most suitable place to accommodate the monetary frog becomes the sector of richness on Feng Shui, you should put the toad on the southeastern side of the dwelling. It is desirable to choose the figurines of green and blue shades for this. You can also purchase options from blue and black glasses. Metal frogs are less effective, but if a person is like that and he really wants to acquire them, then you should choose gold, bronze or silvery colors.

Toad to attract money can be put on its workplace. You should choose a place and put a frog, where financial transactions are most often produced, for example next to the cashier. Or you can simply put a statuette to the desktop to the upper left corner.

After purchasing a frog, place it in the metal or water zone. For example, the Chinese use fountains for this, since the fountain bowl attracts a large amount of cash energy. But, not many know that the water flow is designed not only for this. It activates the talisman and leads it to the working condition. For this reason, the frog, which was placed for example, to the mezzanine, work as it should not be.

Between fans of Feng Shui teachings, there are several simple rules that are important to know:

  • No need to put a frog in the highest point of your home, on the mezzanine for example, frogs are afraid of heights;
  • It is important to bathe it twice a week in running water, but in general, the more often, the better;
  • Do not install it face to doors or looking out the window. Such an error leads to a leak of money from home;
  • No need to abuse frog and start more nine pieces.

How to handle the figure of the monetary toad, the set of laws

  • A frog can be made from any material, but golden or bronze, bronze, encrusted with natural precious pebbles look most beautifully;
  • The statuette will be well harmonized with a moving stream of water and metal;
  • Depending on the shape, the coin may be one or three. Hieroglyphs should be top. The most important, the coin should not be fixedly fixed in the mouth of the frog. If coins are easily getting and put in the mouth of the frog, everything is fine. She can spare your money;
  • It is recommended to put a statuette in the living room. Other premises in the house will not fit. The sleeping toad will fall out, in the kitchen it is stuffy, in the San Corner it contains the spirit of Yin, which is so prevailing in a statuette, this will attract only trouble;
  • In the hall angle for the talisman should be from the door on the left, and the frog should sit back to it;
  • If there is a courtyard and there are frogs there, take the money toad into the company to brethren. Do not exterminate the toad, read, and they will bring you good luck;
  • Place the toad talisman not in sight. Frogs shy.

Where in the house is not a place for a financial frog

There are certain places in which it is categorically not recommended to put a frog to attract money:

  • the toilet and the bathroom are strictly prohibited for the location of the toad, because in this case they will fill solely by the energy of Yin;
  • in the southern part of the house, the fire sector is concentrated, which the toads do not like very much;
  • you must pay the toad back to the entrance door, otherwise the finances will be treated as if through the fingers from the house;
  • do not install the toad on the floor, because she may feel the disrespect of her owner to her;
  • it is also not recommended to put the toad too high, cash can jump out of the windows;
  • in the kitchen, the frog will be constantly dissatisfied with a hot climate;
  • in the bedroom, the toad will fall out, along with it and cash.

Important! Frogs come delight from water elements, especially if the water circulates all the time, and not in the stitch. That is why the talisman will definitely appreciate if it is to put near the home fountain or aquarium.

It follows when purchasing toads to see that the red color is present on it. If there are no such decor elements, you can take a red ribbon to the toad or put it on a napkin of such a shade.
Toads can be very shy, so you should not put them on everyone to see the home. The statuette should be installed in such a way that it does not catch the eye, put it in a secluded place. It is also not recommended to put in one room more nine frogs at the same time. It is important that they stayed in a specific exercise sector of Feng Shui.

Activation of Talisman

It is necessary to know that it's not enough to purchase a cash frog. The mascot should be activated so that he starts working on his owner, and not just occupied a certain amount of place in the dwelling. Only then will it be serviced to goals. According to the hair dryer, after purchasing a frog, you should dial in the clean capacity of water and leave the statuette there for a day. After that, it will be possible to pull the toad and put it in a wet form to the cooked place.

If there is a red color or decor element in the toke, it means it is already activated.

If the owner wants the gown to be cozy and comfortable, then it is necessary to rinse it regularly under running water at least two times a week. In this case, the talisman will be constantly filled with energy and power, eventually bring much more means and material well-being.

Important! If a person is very urgently needed to help in obtaining funds, then it should be placed a frog into a capacity with clean water per day. After that, it is possible to put it on the previous place, and the right amount of money without problems will be in a person in his pocket.

Answers to the most common questions

  1. Many people ask questions that are associated with cash frogs should be answered.
    How needs to be pronounced, frog or toad? The Chinese do not see the principal difference about this, so both concepts use. That is why two options are true, and the animal will not be offended by the wrong pronunciation.
  2. Is the role of the mascot size plays to attract money? Yes. Dependence is really available. The larger the size of the toad. the more money she can bring. However, it is necessary to select the size of the talisman and with the surrounding objects and the situation in the dwelling. If a huge animal stands at an honorable place in the room of a small size, then all family members will constantly think about money and their normal life simply will not work.
  3. What needs to be done if the coin is lost from the mouth of the frog? It is necessary necessary to get a new coin, and the sooner the better. Otherwise, the frog may well be offended and stop helping in financial affairs to its owner and protect his house from negative energy.
  4. Does the value of the talisman? It is necessary to pay close attention to the aesthetic characteristics of the figures to attract wealth. The statuette really should like to your owner, he should have only positive emotions when looking at her. Well, the rest of the nuances can not be considered at all when choosing a frog. The specialists of the Fen-Shuya do not see anything like this in some differences, an animal will bring good luck in any case.
  5. What to do if the talisman somehow split? Do not panic and think about bad signs. However, it is also impossible to continue to keep in the home of such a talisman. It should be closed to a napkin and throw it away, and the place to take it with a new frog. However, caution should be taken when communicating with the toag, so that more such situations simply do not arise.

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Money frog

As with all ancient characters, there are several versions of how it appeared. Consider some of them.

Once the toad lived on Earth in the form of a completely real creature. She already had 3 paws and extremely harmful. Rumors about her hazard reached the Buddha, for which he made the toad of people's assistant. Now she pays for the caused trouble, sprinkling gold coins.

Another story tells about the cruel and greedy robber, which robbed and killed travelers, despite poverty or wealth. Lost treasures grew quickly, and everything was not enough to the robber. He robbed and deities, in those times living next to people on Earth. All were intimidated by these inconsistencies. And they turned to local gods so that they helped to cope with their victims. For a long time to ask the gods did not have. They were advised and caused the Supreme Buddha, which turned the evil robber into a three-pailed toad, designed to pay forever for her atrocities.

Money Frog: Where to put?

A frog with a coin in the mouth can bring good luck, wealth, prosperity. It is known from time immemorial. You can also use as a symbol of longevity, since different types of toads live dozens of years.

But, like any Talisman Feng Shui, the monetary frog has its secrets - certain rules for the appeal to know each.

After buying a frog, you need to put in the water or metal sector. The Chinese, for example, use for this bottom of the fountain bowl, because it attracts more energy of money. However, few know that water is not only for this purpose. It activates the character, leads it to active condition. That is why the talisman placed, say, on the bookshelf, will not serve as it should.

Among the adherents of art Feng Shui there are a number of rules with which it is worth familiar with:

  • Do not put the toad high, because it is afraid of heights.
  • It is necessary to wash it twice a week, but better more often, under running water.
  • You should not put it with a muzzle to the door or on the windowsill so that she "watched" in the window. This will lead to the leakage of money, and not to attracting.
  • Do not "abuse" the talisman and store it in the amount of more than 9 pieces.

Money frog - symbol of wealth

In addition, there is a major code for the laws of circuit in the figure, which is required for all.

  • The material of the talisman can be any, but most effectively look at the toads from bronze or gold, decorated with precious stones.
  • The figure is perfectly combined with elements of running water, as well as with metal elements.
  • Coin can be 1 or 3 depends on the figure. Location - hieroglyphs up. The main rule - they should not be glued or welded. If the coin (and) is removed free and put in the mouth of the toad, then everything is in order. Toad can "Spit" you money.
  • The best place to accommodate the talisman is a living room. Bedroom, kitchen and other places are not suitable for accommodation. In the bedroom toad "sleep", and in the kitchen, the monetary frog will be just hot. The bathroom according to legend contains the Spirit of "Yin", which is in excess in the talisman, will bring some problems alone.
  • The angle in the living room should be located on the left of the door diagonally, back to the entrance. If there is a backyard in his own home and there are frogs live there, then respember Ihi read, be friendly. Chinese beliefs say that frogs living near the house, to good luck.
  • You can also make a frog on the backyard and place it with alive fellow. The house will have even more harmony and wealth.
  • If you doubt how to arrange a cash frog on Feng Shui, then here's another advice. Toads are hidden creatures, they do not like to be often in sight. It is best to place her so that it is not too striking.
  • In the event that you own your own store or work in a private account / office, then such a talisman will feel better to feel in the place where money is taking place, it is referred to.
  • And remember - faith works wonders! To the one who believes in the magical forces of the toad, acknowledged!

Proper activation of the Talisman

It is necessary to know a very important point: not enough just to buy a frog, the mascot must be activated correctly so that it serves as its goals. And for this, on Feng Shui, you need to put it in the container with water for a day. As soon as this period is held, take out the toad and put, without rubbing, on the place. Regular washing of the figure supports it in the activated state. The correct attitude to the symbol will bring you money. Otherwise, the monetary frog will be offended and sprinkled.

And a small advice - Try to locate the talisman so that he watches in every room of housing.

Finally, a few questions and answers:

How to speak more correctly: toad or frog?

The Chinese themselves do not distinguish particularly fundamentally these concepts. Rather, there was a confusion when translating Chinese texts. Both are true.

Does the money frog bring money?

Sure! Only if you correctly understand the principle of working talisman, which is very important about all the Feng Shui characters.

If you do not like the type of talisman, and I want to do what to do?

It is not worth raping yourself, a creek such a figure. Pay attention to other talismans: goldfish, hottest, coins and other Feng Shui characters. Use them.

Size matters?

Cash Frog with coins

Yes, such a dependence exists. More toad - more money. But it is important to understand and measure the size of the figurines and the surroundings in the house. If you make a figurine very large in a small room, then all the thoughts of households will be about money and live normally.

What to do if the coin is lost?

It is worth trying to get a new one. And it is necessary to do this in the very near future, otherwise the toad "offended" and will deprive his patronage.

Talisman design is important?

First of all, the role of aesthetics plays, how much such a figure likes. There are no hard requirements. About the floor (boy / girl) Classic Feng Shui is silent.

What if the figure split?

You should not panic in this case. Also, no need to make thoughts that it is "not good." Store the broken talisman can not. Enter just - throw away the breakdown and buy a new toad. However, excessive caution in circulation has not harmed anyone.

There are several legends about the origin and strength of this symbol. I will not retell them in detail, but simply note them:

The legend that the three-wave toad exists only on the moon and eats it during an eclipse;

The legend that the wife of one of the eight immortals stole the elixir of immortality, escaped to the moon and was turned into a toad;

The legend of how Minister Liu Hai discovered the toad in a deep well, the cunning launched it from there and used to attract wealth;

Personally, I like another legend, which briefly comes down to the following:

In an old, long-standing time in China lived a very greedy and cruel robber. He robbed and even killed all the travelers, and the rich and poor. He accumulated so many wealth that they would have enough for many lives, but continued to rob and kill, and he robbed not only ordinary mortals, but also the deities, which in those days lived in China. He was so fought and, as they say now, "took out" of all citizens that they walked and asked local deities, which could not cope with the robber, to go to the Supreme God, complain to the robber and ask for protection.

Divine did it. Then the Supreme God - Buddha caused the robber to himself and decided to punish him, depriving life. The robber pleaded, promised no one to kill anyone and tie with his dirty fishery. However, it was necessary to punish it, and the Supreme God decided not to deprive him of his life, but turned into a three-year-old toad with a coin in his mouth and punished to give people all the loose, spoing, giving gold coins to people. Why exactly in three-year? There is a version that one paw lamp lost in the process of resistance to God, but I doubt it.

So if you think that we are deprived of money or that someone once dishonestly took money from you, then the three-tapping toad can return them to you. One important detail - the coin in the mouth of the toad should be free so that it can be removed and inserted back. If the coin is attached to the toad, then the toad will not be able to spit it out.

Three-wave toad with a coin in the mouth is a very strong monetary symbol, it brings wealth, monetary success and prosperity. This is perhaps one of the most popular wealth symbols in Feng Shui. Sometimes the toad is used as a symbol of longevity, because some kinds of toads live for a very long time - up to 30-40 years.

It is important to put the toad correctly and properly activate its activities. It is said that the Chinese often put a three-wane toad on the bottom of the fountain bowl, because it is believed that the toad sitting under running water even stronger attracts money energy. I met the recommendations to wash the toad running water at least twice a week and put it in the room more wet. Some believe that the toad can not be put high, because the toads are afraid of heights. Some recommend putting the toad in the face of the face to the door or the windowsill muzzle outside, and some on the contrary - put in the room a face precisely from the door to the room or on the windowsill muzzle into the room. Some believe that in the house you can put a lot of toads, but no more nine.

There are different opinions, but I consider it right to do the following. I advise you not to turn a room into a symbolic swamp and use only one three-tapping toad, and to use it wherever you earn money, i.e. In the office, not at home. You can and at home, but in the office is better. You can put the toad in the richness zone of your office, if you have an individual, looking towards your desktop and so that you also seen it. In the store, the toad put near the cash register, the muzzle to the checkout. If you do not have an individual working office, then the toad is smaller than you can put on your desktop, on the left side of the table, looking at you. You can put a toad in the office or at home, inside the room, on the right or to the left of the door looking at the room, on your desktop or simply inside the room, if there is no desktop. The toad should not be put so that she watches the outside of the room - in the window or on the door, in this case, wealth will be treated from the house. You can put the toad right on the floor, if it is large enough to be noticeable and, so that it does not come by chance, or on a slight exaltation, if the toad is not sufficiently large.

The toad service to attract wealth can indeed be intensified by paying more attention to it and, thus, strengthening its request to increase welfare, strengthening its energy contribution to this process. To do this, you can really wash or water the toad with water, you can turn the ones in the morning in the morning the room in the morning, and in the evening the muzzle to the door (or vice versa), but I prefer another ritual. I advise you to tie a short-lived red thread to the coin and, at the end of the working day, bypass the toad three times clockwise, remove the coin from her mouth and put to my wallet. In the morning, when you come to work, come around the toad three times clockwise and insert a coin with a ribbon back to the mouth in your mouth. My experience shows that this is a very effective ritual.

Treat to the tob with respect and do not call it a frog.

Most often, the toad is depicting coins sitting on a pile or gold bars, on a stand in the form of a CU symbol with trigram inflicted on him or both together.

Sometimes you can find the toad on the back of the animal or wow. Wall images sitting on the toad or several toads are found. Sitting on each other. I don't think it will strengthen the action of the symbol, because it does not correspond to the legend about the three-wane toad.