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Anticipate the console. Prefixes are pre-and when. Meaning and spelling

It happens: the 5th grade The child finished in one school, and in the 6th he went to another, more advanced. And there is another program in the Russian language, and all the spelling has already been studied (and it is not yet). How to catch up? For such purposes, you can remember or study invincible, structuring supporting information - now there is a "non-teacher in Russian." These are fun and useful books written with great respect for the reader. Here is an example of the head of the prefixes of pretreating.

Boring story

From this side, the hill of the rules of Sigismund is frill, upstairs - Vasily beautiful, and for the hillock - Arthur Pretry.

Sigismund remained only one court, the rest escaped to Vasily. From Arthur, everyone escaped to Vasily. Well, Vasily had 29 courtiers.

Another on the site of Vasily would have won two neighboring kingdoms. With such an army! But Vasily did not even think about it. He and criminals from prison released. A strong king, the army is almost thirty times more than the enemy! ..

The defense minister spoke a hundred times at the military advice that the descendants would not forgive Vasily such a boring history. "What they will be in school to learn in the lessons of history! Not a single war!" - The Minister of Defense is hot.

And Vasily is still. It will suffer to the minister, for the form, so that behind, and again runs for his mice. Enthusiasm. He would have these mice on the gold tray how many you want to bring, - no, it runs himself.

Wool end, tail pipe - so beautiful.

In the story of Arthur Givargizov consoles in words pretty, frozha On the one hand, and potoperate, court, bring - These are two different consoles, and they need to learn to distinguish.

It is necessary to distinguish them by value, but the trouble is that each console has several different values. Especially rich with them prefix at. Here are the most important items.

The first is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bcontact, rapprochement, connections: take away, bind, land, come, stick, bring, attach, attract, sew and etc.

With the verbs of moving, the idea of \u200b\u200bcontact is most often specified as hitting somewhere or to someone: Today, children brought paints to school or Guests came to us.

The idea of \u200b\u200brapprochement is often specified as a bond with something more than: to send a letter, you need to stick the brand or mom to stick to the shirt to the shirt.

The second important value of the prefix when associated with incomplete, weak degree: bear, muffle, lie down, acquire, sit down, pour et al. sit down differs from sit The fact that it is either briefly or somehow not completely, for example, on the edge of the sofa, or just a person is ready to jump on the first requirement: Petya sat down in a chair and looked at Jasha, who was inseciously sat down on the edge of the chair. BUT acquire means to embrace Lucky, slightly brings to myself. This is the value of the console for often combined with words a little bit, a bit, not to the end, for a while: a little glance, slightly muffle the sound, briefly lie down.

Both of these values \u200b\u200bare characteristic of the verbs, but with adjectives and nouns, the prefix can also denote proximity or adjoint: Ural (terrain around the Ural Mountains), Amuria (terrain around the Amur River), primorye (terrain near the sea), seaside (which is close to the sea or in the appropriate area) coastal (finding close to the shore or in the appropriate area), etc.

The values \u200b\u200bof the prefixes are pre

Console per Also has several values. To the adjective and adverbs she adds an idea high degree: promotional, premium, presets, fore etc., that is, it is equal to the word very much. Preparable - this is very nasty.__

With verbs, the prefix may also denote a high degree and even excessiveness: extol, exaggerate, raiseand others. In addition, it can mean movement through something: overcome, break - I. separation or termination: block, refraart, interrupt.

These two recent ideas are characteristic of console rewith which they are related: for example, move, as well as overcoat and reverse. Verbs with the prefix preferably archaic often have not physical, but figurative meaning: bear the law, block the way, interrupt the relationshipi.

If nouns and adjectives are formed from the verbs, then they are, of course, keep the prefix: bear a crime; exceed - superiority, excellent; come - arrival, visitors.

Let us turn again to the story of Arthur Givargizova "boring story", where there are a few words with these consoles.

With letter and Word writes potoperate and prow duty. The first of them means "slightly stupid", that is, there is a prefix in it. for. The second may be adjective, and nouns and means proximity to the royal person and the royal court. In these words there is also a prefix forwhich has the importance of proximity not so much in physical as in public position.

With letter e. Word writes pretty, thorough and criminal. They have a prefix perbecause the first two words have high degree value: "very scary" and "Very greedy", but criminal - this is "The one who has crossed the law" .

You need to make two more comments.

First, with per and for In Russian, a lot of words borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bbegins, for example: president, Present, Prestige, Privilege. In Russian, the prefixes are not allocated in them, and they do not obey rule. Such words need to be checked with the help of a dictionary and memorize.

Interestingly, in some of these words there is a Latin prefix. Word the president Writing with the letter e.because it goes back to Latin praesidentisin which prefix prae. denotes "ahead", and sidentis - "Sitting". It is easy to notice that by meaning this Latin word corresponds to the Russian word The chairman who consists of close on the meaning of Morpham.

Secondly, there are words in which it is very difficult to determine the value of the console. Here, for example, words quirk, adventure or neglect Once they were formed with one of our two consoles. But gradually the values \u200b\u200bof the prefix and the root merged so much that they could already be divided. Even the console can not be allocated, but to consider it part of the root.

In the fairy tale Arthur Givargiz King Vasily twice named fine. Once a word red It was bitted with a word beautiful - They had a general root of Kras and meaning the same. So, Krasno Girl meant the same thing as beautiful maiden. Yes I. Red Square called so because of beauty, and not because of red.

Adjective wonderful was formed from the word red ("beautiful") with the help of the prefixes of the high degree. Time passed, and the adjective red appeared the value of color, and now the root is allocated in it krasn.. And in the adjective, the beautiful is already difficult to divide the prefix and root, especially since its value has changed: it means not only "very beautiful", but also "very good", for example great solution.

Writing such words needs to be memorized, and in doubtful cases, seek help from the dictionary. Here are some examples:


Pay attention to the couples of words that differ in the prefixes. So, in a pair arrive and abide The first verb is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200barrival (arrival, arrival), that is, the approximation: Train arrives at the stationAnd the second - with the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying (location): Theater dwells on tour.

Parame to give and betray the first verb is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bcompound, bonding and ultimately creating ( give meaning, the form of something), and the second is associated with betrayal, issuing, that is, in the initial value of the transfer of someone to someone or something to something ( betray a friend).

Exercise 1. What explanation is incorrect?

  1. In word (old) pr_niv Written letter e.Since the prefix earlier had a value close to the value of the ren. Tradition is a story that is transmitted from generation to generation.
  2. In a word pr_strana (sound) at the point of pass is written letter E.Since the prefix in this word has the meaning of "very".
  3. In a word pR_FORM (sound) written letter andSince the prefix in this word has the value "approximation."
  4. Word pR_NEBRGE Writing with the letter e.. In this word, it is difficult to determine the value of the console, so the basic rule cannot be applied. Proper writing should be found in the dictionary and remember.

Exercise 2. | What example in each line will be superfluous?


Pr_boguya, pr_bolly, etc.. All words, except for the word, get a prefix with the value of "very". So, the word put up too much: there is another prefix.

  1. PR_GERE, PR_TERE, PR_Schech, etc. Careat.
  2. Pr_nisti teapot, pr_nign horse, pr_nome, pr_Vesti son.
  3. Pr_Guby, pr_morsky, etc.
  4. PR_TEVER, PR_HRIVER, PR_Korno, etc.
  5. PR_EGROMOM, PR_ suicete, pr_vred, pr_neprichnya.
  6. Pr_liet, pr_lipay, pr_l_, etc.
  7. PR_Pudine, pr_krytnoye, etc., etc.
  8. PR_ UAT, PR_KIPET, PR_Colt, pr_manka.
  9. Pr_gural, pr_volzhsky, pr_voice, pr_noveless.
  10. PR_KRAK, pr_rend, pr_lub, etc..

Exercise 3. In each item of the phrases, chosen so to illustrate different values Prefixes prefixes or at. In addition, in the exercise there are words in which the prefix does not stand out, such as borrowing or words that changed values.

Insert the missing letters.

  1. High pr_l_grad, pr_stroika to the house, pr_scorement weather, there is no place to eat, cosmic pr_lisses.
  2. PR_BEZE-like, pr_lome a lot of bread, a little pr_vira, pr_vokzny buffet, etc. the enemy.
  3. PR_YCRADE to new products, pr_vend screws to the ceiling, the head, electrical pr_, etc. The weather.
  4. PRA_TEW on tiptoe, etc. Talk, terrible pr_vision, etc. Fish.
  5. PR_GUBBY CANON, PRT_TELY DISTRIBUTION, PRI_ZHA snow, Siberian PR_VOLE, successful pr_.
  6. Potato PR_GEZED, PR_LOMLATION, PR_LEN film, pr_Grey look, pr_nify a fairy tale.
  7. Sun of the PR_hever, dangerous etc., the PR_KHNE layer of the Earth, the priest monster, pr_sech disgrace.
  8. Pr_nate the road, hit the pr_bolly, etc. to cry on horses, etc. Angry lady, prior to trifles.
  9. Pr_kruta slope, somewhat pr_pack, etc. Rust, therapeutic pr_Parant.
  10. PR_Text window, severe pr_natrum, etc. PR_Onavoda, pr_Baby case, etc. work.

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sorry, I do not remember exactly how we were explained in the distant Soviet times. The value "very" was exactly, and I remember about the approach, the rest was forgotten. However, I am writing correctly. Explained us well. Why change the proven technique and the fault of the incomprehensible garden, at the end, leading a bunch of exceptions?

Comment Article "The spelling of the prefixes of pre and when: a rule from the new textbook of the Russian language"

Specifying the prefixes of prefixes and at: a rule from the new textbook of the Russian language. The second important value of the prefix with is associated with an incomplete, weak degree: Bear, muffle, lie down, acquire, sit down, pour out, etc. So, sitting different from sitting ...

At the same time, I note that if a person is capable enough, high intelligence, friendly with mathematics and so on, he, if desired, somehow pulls Russian. Specifying the prefixes of prefixes and at: a rule from the new textbook of the Russian language.


This is with any subject so. My I do not understand why biology / geography and ilk with them in the volume that is given at school. Halves would have enough for general development. In the depths of the soul, I agree with her, but I say that knowledge of all items "is necessary, because it is necessary")))

If only because no one knows that it will be there next. I also didn't know the rules in school at all, there were 5-2-5-2 people in Russian ... for dictation - "5". "Explain why you wrote like that" - "2". And then I suddenly realized that there were rules in any language, and if you know the rules of one, it is easier to understand the rules of the other (by analogy or "from the opponent"). And in general, the language is akin to mathematics - logical and interesting.
And I learned the rules later when (suddenly!) I began to teach this language :)

How to pull up the Russian? Good afternoon. Happy New Year to all! There in one sentence all spelling other than a question mark. The tutor is not bad, but only with a proper task. IMHO, but you have a completely incomprehensible request.

Remember the spelling rule from scratch with so much exercise? You do not look into the dictionary every time and do not remember the rule when you write the word? It is also always interesting for me that the people are ready to check, while not counting the cost of these printouts.


Yes,. I am a teacher and know it for many years! But! Due to these parents - as in the video on the link, you do not know about it and continue to spend money and do not outraget nowhere! [Link-1]

12/03/2017 22:33:45, Kustov Galina

On the website of the Ministry of Education and Science, I did not find these orders

12/03/2017 19:39:20, Rucola12345

Section: Tutorials (best book Rules of the Russian language). Advise the collection of rules in Russian for the beginning. The next rule of the Russian language. - Sowing. About her, about maiden. In fact, from the point of view of the Russian language, the opposite is, the soft consonant requires ...


I join the request. You need the same, but online. In computer the right rule Somehow easier to look. Thank you!

I do not really understand what "the collection of rules for the start" means: are they some special for the first 4 classes? There are just rules of the Russian language. What for me, Better Ditmar Elyashevich is no longer invented yet.


Thanks to everyone, especially the igniting paver))). I had to make such a question after a tiring dispute with smart (by position) and adults (81g) a man who, as it turned out, all the news looks through the prism "pro-Russian means against."
He was promised that in the girl's audience for half an hour the opposite would be prove :))))
Sorry, for anonymity.

pro-American - for or against America?

We will work out the spelling of the root orphograms. Detailed description How to learn to write without errors the rules of the Russian language. 44 Rules for which grammar learn easier than a simple! Thank you! With dysgrafy, the child, oddly enough, the rules of the Russian language know ...


I read everything, copied. We will work, change tactics. Forces and confidence, it was added, and then the hands were lowered from the lack of result, to be honest!. Thanks a lot, everyone!

28.01.2014 10:32:41, Julia-la with someone else's computer

Julia, we have exactly the same problems spatially visual disorientation. The only thing that saves us at school: the official conclusion of the Commission on the Distraphy, Dyslexia, Discalculia and TEACHER recommendations are all on the form of the Education Committee: the requirement of an individual approach to the child. If you need to tell you how to do it - write to the replacement. Saves the situation really and with a child removes extra stress.

So subject to these two conditions (the desired textbook + the necessary teacher) the result is excellent. True, as I have already recently in our class, the Russian Federation gave work on spelling (prefixes prep / at, suffix chick, suffix EC / IR, - and -s in ...


Buy a book for a teacher from this umk, and you will be happy!
On these etymology and other authors of other textbooks are absolutely the same tasks. These are flowers :), then there will be toponymik, etc. This is in all programs so.

It is possible to describe the origin on the etymological dictionary at the end of the textbook in 90% of cases. The task in order to be able to use the reference material.

Seven days at the hour were called only the prefixes of pre-use, in the end, not a single error did. It took two weeks - I don't remember anything at all on this topic, you can begin again from scratch. And the same with English.


on common settings. But we have the usual school, no dictations for 10 lines of speech (I do not say that it is good), despite the 4th grade, and the teacher Loyalna-if my son studied at my first teaches, then with his pumped and type of notebooks, he would not be any 4 in any way. And here in English - there, yes, all that orally "5", all that writing- "2": - ((and do nothing ...

My daughter is appreciated on the general reasons, but it does not mind. Another thing is that her in school is not caring and do not force for 3 hours to rewrite. With errors, the teacher sends back, yes, correct. Sometimes emphasizes places where mistakes so that the daughter herself corrected them and get a chance to more high mark. But I calmly treat estimates for the language: better than it was okay. The main thing for me is to try my daughter and gradually progressed.

I would rather categorically allowed to keep after lessons for 3 hours all the more so that just rewriting is ineffective. My dictation and essay also writes with a bunch of errors, but there are other tasks: answer the rules, exercises where you need to substitute the word in the right grammatical form or alter the existing offer. Here, mine is doing well, we have almost got rid of the copying errors. On their basis, it is also possible to certify, and on average, get a good assessment. Do not care what kind of dictates are formally twice.

The child is not to be nervous, concentrate on what is better. I would agree with the teacher so that it uses other methods of certification, too, along with deserved twos for dictation. If he has good memory, he will be completely able to learn the rule and respond to the lesson - now and not a two-way. I, by the way, my daughter is very similar to your description, also dyslexia, disgrave, problems with spatial orientation and an ambidexist, it seems. Well, we are engaged and educating the philosophical approach to life. In your situation, I would still help to master the company, teach it quickly to print, will come in handy in the future.

rules of the Russian language. You need to choose verification words for words: luck (vowelny and why not? The main thing is that the vowel shock turned out to be lucky - the same Russian language 2 cl. Three root rules !!! Tell me how it is easier to tell the child and learn the rule.

the question arose in connection with the prefixes of pre-and when - I'm vaguely remember that the prefix is \u200b\u200bused in the case where it can be replaced by the per- (request, obstacle, barrier) and the value approach and close to that (approach attract etc ...

You need to choose a tutorial. We only have a colloquial language, we live in Russia. The girl knows how to read and write, but the grammar and the development of speech are needed. We cannot find a tutorial and the author, a literate Russian teacher, we cannot find, you will have to learn. .


Russian Sobolev O.L.

Natasha, here they are, these textbooks
you need Chubarov there "We read and write in Russian" and "the country of Russian grammar". Well, all other books are good there, for Anya, there is also from the "Russian language with mom" series. Books, truth, notable, but really what is needed for children who do not live in Russian language medium. We bought a book in the house on Arbat, there you can order through the Internet and deliver in Moscow, ask someone to get and sent you later.

It seems to me that all words with consoles: sigh, see, see, cope, fix, flourishing, run, running, bothering, boil, helpless, straight, exclamation, unlimited, hoarfrost, inflammatory, inflammation, exclamation, routine, colorless ...

To determine how to properly write the prefixes pre-and when, you need to learn to distinguish which lexical meaning They attach to some kind of word. This is in most cases.

Because there are such words that you just need to remember or check in the dictionary.

Prefixes pre-and. Their semantics

1. Prefix prefers:

a) the highest degree of quality (action) with the value "very" or "very". For example: Premature, exaggerate, elderly.

b) the value of the prefix is \u200b\u200balmost the same as the morpheme is transferred. For example: overcome (overlapping), block (overoint), convert (rebuild).

2. Prefix primies:

a) add to something. For example: Salad, giving.

b) approximation or staying next to something. For example: suburb, coastal.

c) action occurring at one time with another action. For example: Sing and enjoy.

d) incompleteness. For example: to open, sit down.

e) the perfect view of the verb formed from the imperfect if it does not change its value. For example: beat-nail, think-to come up with.

More examples

Eloquently indicate the need (for the correct writing of words) to distinguish, which means the prefixes are pre-and at-, the examples below. Przisit (shelter) and despise (consider insignificant, unworthy), arrive (come) and stay (to be somewhere), give (add) and betray (change), receiver (apparatus taking electric current and other) and successor ( Heir), proceed (start) and break (break), to climb (cover) and prevent (exercise in reality).

However, there are words in which the consoles are pre-and have an obscure value. For example: Adjust, neglect, habit, welcome, sentence, adventure, picky, apply, decent, swear. It also concerns words inowaging origin: Privilege, preparation, president, priority. Their writing should be checked by the dictionary or remember. In addition, there is a group of words in which the prefixes are pre-and at the same time were rejected as a separate morphem, and now - no. These include: item, advantage, limit, stop, fail, dress, obstacle, punctuation (signs), interrupt, obstacle, robble, notorious, stumbling block, pretty, picky, device, order, prieuche, primitive, decent, commitory, attraction , pleasant, reason.

Spelling: prefixes pre- and

The rule depends on the semantics of these morpheme.

The value of consoles


Prefix predicts:

"Very", "very"

succeed quiet, fine, smume

the same as the prefix is \u200b\u200bre- ("in different", "through")

undergo transformation transient

The prefix attaches the following value:


dowry, profit, appendage


arrival, affection, counter

infidency action

lift, hold, smooth, strip

education perfect species verb from imperfect with preservation of the word

take away, sew, come up

action occurring at one time with another

sign, smack, knock

committing a deed in the interests of anyone

save, straighten, embellish

To write words, starting with pre-either without errors, it is necessary to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel and or e depends on the value of the console.

The prefix can designate:
1. Spatial contact, proximity: coastal, school.
2. Approach, accession: come, lean, glue.
3. Incoming Actions: Lead the door, bend, embellish.
4. Crossing the action to the end: shoot, come up with.

Prefix prefers to express:
1. A high degree of quality or action and have a value close to the meaning of the word "very": precomply, preventable, prevail.
2. The value close to the sense of the prefixes is translated: transform, transform, barrier.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish the writing of words close to sound, but different in meaning:
To despise (hate) - prison (give shelter), bow (knees) - to cover (branch), to undergo (difficulties, misfortune) - to be accused (to circumstances), transient (moment) - coming (postman),
To stay (be) - arrive (approach).
2. There are words in which writing vowels cannot be explained outlined above. These are Russian words in which the prefix is \u200b\u200bno longer extended (for example, nature, cause, claim, device, to choose, preparing, preclusted), as well as borrowing (presidium, preamble, drug, privilege, primitive, private, priority). In such cases, in order to prevent errors, you need to use the dictionary.

Prefix "Pre and" When "in some words

1. Despite / Championship

With the first word, everything is clear, but the second is used much less frequently. The charity is a care. You can evoke - it means to give shelter and feed. In the dictionary, this verb has the label "Study.". The charity house in the XVIII-XIX centuries was called institutions that were engaged in care and guardianship.

When you easily explain in the second word. There is a shade of approaching, adoption, accession.

2. betray / give

You can betray (but not necessary) a friend, but to give - a value. In the second case, again the motive of accession is visible.

3. Conduate / cover

You can kill your head or knees. And to construct, for example, a branch to the ground (closer, therefore, at-).

4. Provide / taste

You can protort the dream. And here the prefix is \u200b\u200bexceeded by meaning with the trans- (the dream is reborn and becomes reality). But you can contend the wicket (cover, the motive of the incompleteness of the action: close, but not to the end).

5. To undergo / act

To undergo is almost the same as you will endure. That is to transfer, wait, survive. So, you need a prefix prefix
And to act - this is to bring the action to the end and (again) to get close to the fact that you tolerate.

6. Transient / coming

Transient - this is what goes, passes.
And coming - this is the one who comes is approaching. For example, a train coming to this platform. Or coming in kindergarten child.

7. Move / multiply

These words distinguish very difficult, it is noted even in reference books. It is believed to multiply - it is greatly multiplied, and to increase - add a bit. But it is rather shades of one value, so they are often confused.

8. Succession / receiver

Dmitry Medvedev at one time was called the successor Vladimir Putin - the authority of the president passed towards him. But not a receiver! Remember: The receiver is a device, not a person.

Almost anyone wants to write competently. But the Russian language is very complex, and it is not always possible to understand how the writing of this word will be correct. In this article, we once again recall the rule for pre- and at-.

Prefixes pre- and

  1. To begin with, consider how the prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten.

    This prefix gives the following meaning:

    • Spatial proximity, fitness. Examples will be the following words: coastal, household, front-line, Primorsky, Dneprovye.
    • Priphering, approximation, accession. Examples of words are: to tie, fasten, drive, try, lead.
    • Inferior action. Examples of words: lie down, sit down, dilute, open, lend.
    • Bringing action to the end to a certain result. Examples will be words: muffle (completely stupid), finish off, come up with, enjoy, cut.
    • Action in their own interests, reinforced manifestation of action. Examples of words: to lure, look close, unfold, listen, straighten.
    • Related action. Examples: Dance, reconcile.
  2. We continue to study the prefixes at and pre- Rule about the prefix prefix

    This prefix will be written in such cases:

    • Words mean the maximum degree of action, superior to any face or the highest degree of quality. Examples of words can be given as the following: exceed, premium, exaggerate, pre-car, exalt.
    • When the prefix exceeds the value of the prefixes. Examples of words: to press, block.

Additional Information

This rule has an addition. Specifying when, in particular cases:

  1. By origin, the prefix is \u200b\u200bpre-Staroslavan. In Russian, it will correspond to her prefix, which has a full-eyed combination of re-. Compare: obstacle - partition, cut through - step over, turned - inverted.
  2. Words with consoles are prefabricated and are close to sound and different in value. You need to distinguish, in which case what to write. For example, for comparison, these words: to browse the branch and bow the head, work the door and move into reality, a suitable neighbor and a transitional moment.
  3. There are words in which former consoles are no longer extended. Examples will be words: object, bare, limit, device, order, primitive.
  4. It is very often difficult to distinguish the meaning of the words: to increase (add some small amount) and multiply (multiplying very much). It is necessary to distinguish.
  5. In the words of borrowed, it is possible both writing at and and pre- As a rule, these elements are not considered consoles. Examples: Preamble, Presidium, Privilege, Priority, President, Priaudonna.

We learned the rule very important in Russian - the spelling of the prefixes prefixes.

The spelling of the consoles is one of the most difficult topics of Russian spelling. In particular, this refers to the spelling of the prefixes pre-and at-, which is sometimes very difficult to distinguish.


The spelling of the consoles prefixes and depends on the value that this morphem gives the Word.

The prefix is \u200b\u200bconverted if the morpheme value is close to the value of the console console.

In addition, the value of the prefixes can be synonymous to the word "very".

We give examples : Complete - very satisfying, precomply - very bad, block - overcoat, convert - to remake, change the image.


Prefix, according to this rule, is written in several cases:

  • approximation (come, arrive);
  • accession (glue, attach);
  • territorial proximity (school, seaside);
  • incomplete action (sit down, embellish).

Special cases of writing pre and with

In some cases, it is not easy to use this rule, but it is absolutely necessary, because the vowel in the console helps to distinguish between the meaning.

Let us give a few examples:

  • kneeling - cover the branch;
  • practinate the law - to start a business;
  • stay in bewilderment - arrive at the station;
  • proming difficulties - the incoming service;
  • predit friends - to attach importance.

there is whole line Words in which the prefix largely lost its meaning or became part of the root. These words need to remember or view in the dictionary: nature, reason, device, obstacle, stop, etc.

Consoles in the words of foreign language origin

Morphemes, which sound both pre- and are found in other languages, including in Latin, from where we borrowed a lot of terms. Such words cannot be checked by using this rule. They need or remember, or clarify spelling with the help of a dictionary.

We give examples: President, privilege, preamble, primitive, priority, private, prestige, premiere.

How to distinguish exceeding

To properly write a prefix, you must first try to determine its value:

  • if the value is close to "Pere" or "very", write pre-
  • if it has the value of approximation, attachment, territorial proximity and incomplete action, write at-;
  • if it fails with confidence to determine the spelling of the console or the word foreign language, will contact the dictionary.

We give examples:

  • turn- the prefix is \u200b\u200bclose in meaning to the console, because this word means "redo", so we write pre-
  • bizarre- slightly wonderful, closely to the value of the incompleteness, therefore, at-;
  • reptile- It is difficult to determine the value of the console, so it is wiser to look in the dictionary.

Words with consoles are pretreating and are often found in our speech, so difficult cases should be remembered. For this you can use mnemotechnical formulas. For example, such: "The elderly reptile pursued a criminal."

What did we know?

The spelling of the consoles prefixes and depends on their value. The prefix is \u200b\u200bused if it is close to the value to the console or the word "very". The prefix is \u200b\u200bappropriate in the case, the word has the value of approximation (come), accession (scout), territorial proximity (school), incompleteness of action (open). Specifying a number of words (foreign language and those whose meaning is unclear) to memorize or clarify in the dictionary.