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What is the type of verbs. Verb of imperfect: examples and how to distinguish from the perfect species

One of the Russian language is verb. The verb indicates the action, the state of the subject. His main questions: what to do? what to do? This part of speech has a lot from what its place in speech and syntactic role in the proposal. The topic of this article "The verbs of the perfect species", therefore, before talking about them, you need to know the meaning of their category: view. The category of type is the grammatical one inherent in all its forms and shows the action in time. The verb "decided" and "solved" similar by meaning, but grammatically vary. Decided - verb. species, it indicates a complete effect, that it is completed and limited. SOLVED - verb of imperference. species and does not contain limits or completion of action. In Russian there are two types of verbs: perfect and imperfect.

Already one name - the verb of the perfect species - it can be understood that we are talking about the action that began, committed, is the limit, the boundary, the result of action. Therefore, questions from the perfect type of verb are: what to do? What did it (a)? What did you do? What do you do?

So, for example: last time

"I read the book" means: read all to the end;

"I wrote a letter" means: a letter is ready;

"I learned the language" means: I know the language;

"We sang the song" means: to the end.

Whereas the suggestions: "I wrote a letter", "I read the book," "I sang a song", "I studied the language," mean that the action happened, but whether it was communicated to the end - unknown.

The verbal species differ mainly by value and temporary forms. The verbs of the perfect species have the past and future simple time: he spoke (will be right), wrote (I will write), played (play), read (read), studied (studying). The end in the future is simple the same as the verbs of the verbs. Views: I read, play.

Verbs imperval. Views have a form of real., Past. And future. Difficult time. Proposals "We will build", "We will study" say only that actions will be committed, but not about whether they will be completed. Whereas the offers "We will build", "We will study" say that something will be built to the end, will be studied and we will know. This with different formation of time forms leads to errors of consumption in speech of the present time instead of the future, the future instead of the present.

So, instead of the right form of the future time: I will say, I will go, I'll take it, I will start, - people who speak poor language, mistakenly say: I will say, I will go, I will start.

Education and species pairs

The initial form of the formation of verbs of the perfect species is basically the verbs of imperv. species with the addition of prefixes, suffixes, contrasting suffixes, alternating in the root, movement of strokes, expression of species with different roots, words. The species pairs are formed.

1. The verbs of the perfect species are formed by adding a suffix - to the verbs of an imperfect look: jump-jump, swing-swing. These verbs give the value of brevity and moment.

Some verbs with a suffix - in front of the suffix, the last consonants fall out: to throw-throw, drown-drown, whisper-whisper. Suffix -Nu- in the verbs of the perfect species indicates the result, the limit, the completeness of the action (disappear, reach), on a variety of action (push, shout, wave), to the intensive start action (rush, crawl)

2. Consoles give the verb the value of completion, without changing the main lexical value of the word: write-write, write off; blind-blind; Sedi-toast; build-build; make-do; Strong-stump.

But often the consoles give a new lexical value to the verb. Views: Read - re-read, read, read

The prefixes along with the value of completeness can bring other shades into verbs, indicate the ratio of action by the time. So, the prefix in some verbs brings the value of the limitity of the action in time, for example: today I read, worked, walked (I read and stopped for some time, I worked for some time and stopped working, for a long time.)

The prefixes are used, when connecting with some verbs, bring the value to the beginning of the action: sing-stuff (began to sing); hint-checked (they began to noise); fly-fly (started flying)

For example:

The forest rang, groaned, shook, the hare listened and ran out. ( N. Nekrasov)

Orlyata saw and saw more complicant. Then the eagle suddenly shouted loudly, straightened the wings and flew heavily to the sea ... ( L. Tolstoy)

3. Sometimes species vapors of verbs are formed from different roots, words: put-put. Remember the words and combinations with which the verbs of the perfect species are used: suddenly, unexpectedly, suddenly, somehow, how, at once, when suddenly, one day.


Before you illustrated text. Find in the text verbs of the perfect species. Explain the difference in the meaning of the verbs. and imperference. species.


Handsome Eagle slowly makes a circle over the sea. Flying it is so calm and graceful. Here he stopped in the air for a moment, as if someone holds him for the thread. Something happened. This predator saw in transparent water production. Suddenly, the rapid eagle became a stone to fall down.

And already at the water, on the fly, he grabbed his victim's beak and rose sharply up. The fish shakes the tail, trying to free himself from the beak, but the eagle is the dead grip holds his prey, without interrupting the flight.

The verb is an extremely interesting part of speech, reflecting all the variety of actions, states, relations existing in our world.

Due to the variety of forms and grammatical signs, the verb is quite complicated in the study. However, carefully and thoughtfully having studied the verb morphology, you will learn to solve the tasks that this "tricky" part of speech.

The verb is part of speech, denoting the action or state of the subject.

In Russian, the verb can be any member of the sentence, although most often he acts as a faithful.

The verb has a number of grammatical signs. The verbs relate to the perfect or imperfection form, can be transitional and non-transparent. Verbs can be used in the ejacious, conditional and imperative inclination.

In the past time, the verbs change according to childbirth. In the zealing tilting, the verbs are changed at times, that is, there may be a present, future and past time. The verbs are hidden, that is, they vary on persons and numbers.

The verb answers the questions "What to do?", "What to do?", "What does?" What will happen? "What will" do? "What did you do?" What did you do? "," What did you do? "

The verbs are extremely numerous, diverse, interesting in grammatically a group of words. Approximately one third of the entire vocabulary of our language is verbs. And it is not surprising, because the verbs designate the whole range of possible actions, states, relationships. Sit, see, work, read, know, consist, intend - All this verbs.

In Russian, there are two ungalled forms - these are communion and verbalism. These forms retain some signs of the verb and. At the same time, the signs of another part of speech are acquired.

Communion ( the coming, watched, reading, sleeping, slave ) According to some signs are similar to adjectives. Tempecistry ( looking, sitting, eating ) - with adverbs.

There are two types of verb: perfect and imperfect. The grammatical category of the species reflects the nature of the flow of action, its relation to the result.

The verbs of the perfect species answer the question "What to do?". They denote the action that ended ( read, come ) will begin at a certain point ( snack ) will happen simultaneously ( push up to shift ).

The verbs of the imperfect species indicate the action extended in time, long, repeated ( read, go, sing ).

The verbs of the perfect and imperfect species form a species pair. These are words, close or identical on lexical significance and differing views, as well as the composition of the word. For example:

Some species vapors differ only by the stress:

Turn-cut, scatter-scatter

Or have different roots at all:

Take-take, search, find.

There are in our language and such "cunning" verbs, which in perfect and imperfect form sound and are written in an absolutely equally. For example: take out, execute, hurt .

The verbs are hidden, that is, they vary on persons and numbers. Hiding are also called groups to which all the verbs of the Russian language are divided. The verbs belonging to one solving are styling the same type, that is, have the same endings in a certain form. There are two hides - I and II.

Verbs first Hiding have the following personal endings:

1 face -U (s) | -eat

2 face - Do | Yes

3 Faces | -The)

Verbs second Hiding Have other endings:

Single number | Plural

1 face -U (s) | -them

2 PERSON -UN | -t.

3 PERSON - Site | -And (s)

If the emphasis is accounted for by the end, determine the liner and competently write the word is easy. But most of the verbs are the drums are other syllables, so you have to remember the rule of definition of the arrangement.

To second lifting include:

All verbs on -T. , Besides shave, stroll ;

7 verbs of exceptions on -The (watch, see, offend, hate, depend on, tolerate, twist ) and 4 verbs on -T (drive, keep, hear, breathe ).

All other verbs belong to the first lining.

There is a small group of paved verbs: want, run, honor, break . These words are hidden by the first, then on second lining in different forms.

The type of verb is a lexico-grammatical category of verb, expressing the attitude of the action to its internal limit. The inner limit is called such a point in the flow of action when the action goes into the invalidity.

History of the type of verb

Until the XX century The linguistics were isolated 3 types:

1. An uncertain view coinciding with a modern imperfect view.

2. Multiple view. Examples are: satisted, guarded.

3. A single view that coincides with a modern perfect view.

How to determine the type of verb?

In modern linguistics, grammatical types of verb are taken to distinguish between semantics, i.e. values.

In Russian grammar allocate perfect and imperfect species.

It is possible to determine on the basis of the following grounds:

1) on the basis of semantics.

The verbs of the perfect species indicate the action that has reached the internal limit (for example: done). The verbs of the imperfect species indicate the action that has not reached the internal limit (for example: I watched, did).

2) on issues.

The verbs of the perfect species answer the question "What to do?", And the verbs of an imperfect look at the question "?". For example: (what did you do?) I looked, (what did you do?) I watched.

3) on the basis of word formation design.

Perfect is formed with the help of consoles, imperpose - with the help of suffixes. So, the verbs of the perfect species "looked, did" have consoles, and the verbs of the imperfect species "watched, did" do not have.

4) in combination.

The verbs of the imperfect species are combined with the adverbs "long", "slowly", with the words "every day" and others, and the verbs of the perfect species do not have such an opportunity. So, you can say "I watched a long time", but it is impossible to use the expression "I looked for a long time."

5) on the difference in the set of wordform.

The verbs of the perfect species cannot be in the form of the present, and the verbs of the imperfect species do not possess forms of 3 times.

One of the items in the study of the Russian language is to study such a part of speech as a verb. The verb has several forms, species, hinge. This article will focus in detail on how you can determine the type of verb. There are only two of them: perfect and imperfect.

Determine the type of verb with the help of the question

This is the easiest and most reliable option that does not require a lot of time and additional knowledge.

The verbs of the perfect species answer the question "What to do (will do, did, did)?", And I ask the verbs of an imperfect look "What to do (does, did, did)?".

Determine the type of verb by character

Perfect verbs indicate the action that by the time of the use of this verb has already been completed or will be completed to a certain time (or when any specific goal is reached). Also denote actions that do not need to be repeated. May indicate actions in the future, the main limit is the very implementation of this action. That is, the action is always limited by any framework.

Imperfect verbs are not limited to a temporary framework and may occur at the moment denote long actions, actions requiring repeat.

Example. The verb "domain" means that something must be completely washed to some definite moment. The action will be completed when the desired result is reached, it means the verb of the perfect species.

The verb "wash" means that something should be washed into an indefinite period of time. Due to the fact that the time of action is not limited, it can be concluded that the verb of an imperfect look.

However, it is not worth determining the type of verb only by value. Reliable will additionally ask a question as we did in the first paragraph. So you can avoid random errors.

Determine the type of verb using the word analysis

Each of the types of verbs has some specific features in word formation. These signs can also tell you, with the verb of what kind you are dealing with.

For the verbs of the perfect species are characterized by the following signs:

  • consoles "C", "You", "By", "on", "Pro", etc.,
  • sufifix "Well."

For the verbs of the imperfect species are characterized by the following signs:

  • consoles "C", "You", "By", "on", "Pro", etc.,
  • sufifix "Iva", "Yva", "VA" and others.

After reading this article, you may notice that it is possible to determine the shape of the verb very quickly and without any special difficulties. It is only necessary to know several important rules and features, for example, to which question this or that type of verb is responsible or which suffix is \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of it.

All verbs are divided into two categories: the verbs of the perfect and imperfect species. The verbs of the perfect species indicate the actions that already have or will have a result in the future. Such verbs answer the question: what to do?

Perfect The verbs include the following actions:

Actions that ended with a certain result: draw, learn;

Actions that will begin in the future and will have the result: stuff, token;

The action that happened once: jump, stupid.

Verbs that denote actions that do not have temporary and spatial boundaries, and also do not provide results, are called imperfect verbs. Imperfect verbs answer the question: what to do? For example: scream, draw, teach, sing, dance.

Viewing couple glamols

The verbs of the perfect and imperfect species often form species pairs. The species pairs are verbs of different species that have the same lexical value. For example: delete (perfect view) - cross out (imperfect); achieve (perfect view) - reach (imperfect); Double (perfect) - double (imperfect).

Most verbs that form pairs have the same root. Exceptions are such species couples as: take (perfect view) - to take (imperfect); Find (perfect view) - search (imperpose); Catch (perfect view) - catch (imperfect).

Dyavid verbs

The verbs that combine the signs of simultaneously perfect and imperfect species are called bivide verbs. The type of such verbs can be installed using the sense analysis of the offer.

The formation of types of verb

The verbs of the imperfect view with the help of suffixes are formed on the basis of the verbs of the perfect species. For example:

Sufifixes - Iva, - Willow: ask - ask, consider - to consider, sign, sign;

Suffix - Va: give - to give, open - open, shore - shove;

Suffixes - A, - I: grow up - you grow up, save - save.

With the help of a suffix - well, the consoles of the C-, on -, the verbs of the imperfect species are added to the verbs of the imperfect species, the verbs of the perfect species are formed. For example:

Suffix - Well: to nod - nodding, get used to - get used to, jump - jump;

It should be known that if the verb of the perfect species, formed by the console from the verb of the perfect species, does not have an identical source code, then such verbs cannot form a species pair. For example: read (imperfect verb) - re-read, read, deduct, read.