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Alcohol burner with your own hands. Useful homemakes Necessary materials and tools

2.After emptying the contents, we can safely begin the manufacture of the burner. Fully banks will not be useful to us, we need only bottoms. First of all (not necessarily), shallow emery paper (paper drove to the base and forgot that the houses did not remain, I had to clean the bars. For this, one bank was damaged (cracked) and did not notice. Yes, in the process of creating burners - I had to change), removes the paint from the wall of the jar at a distance of 4 cm from the bottom.

3. Covering a line of 3.5 cm. From the bottom on each bank, and gently cut off the bottom with a knife or scissors. So that in the future do not cut the edges processing a file.

4. In the center of one part, pierce 5 holes for accessing oxygen and refueling the burner alcohol.

5. We put inside the second half, the alcohol burner filler (cotton), and connect both parts one to one.

6. Through a seer piercing nozzles around the circumference of the jar of 16-20 pcs.

7. Place through the upper 5 holes 50 ml of alcohol. For refueling the burner, any alcohol can be used not lower than 85% (for example, methyl technical).

8. For use for the purpose, out of the wire, outstanding the stand under the cooking dishes.

9. Us up the coin, so that the fire does not come out through the upper holes.

10. For the ignition of the alcohol burner, it is necessary to heat it with a lighter so that gas began to evaporate. And as heating, the flame of the burner will begin to increase.
Here I have to specify some nuances that I noted for myself:
a) warm up the burner is necessary enough, otherwise you have long been missing for a long time!
b) If the ignition does not occur still to zoom in a little diameter of nozzles (not strongly).
The process went:

11.50-75 grams of alcohol grabs for heating capacity by 1.5 l for 15-20 min.y, initially
I thought that to warm up such a volume inappropriate and for clarity, it is enough to frish Yaishka. As there were breakfast time:

12. But after the Yaishina, the alcohol still burning quite strongly. Therefore, I still decided to boil my campaign, whatever the fire would not disappear:

In general, while the burner did the burner, I managed to sharpen the egg and brew my tea. Stuck, by the way, took from the French dryer. Now I already know what is Lent in Ukrainian, Russian, Pendos and French Suppays. Supplement personally ...

In general, the burner was burning 35 minutes. I gave it between the eggs and tea and there was again for a ghardy, I think it would be cool, then without refueling it will be difficult to burn. In the burner there must be some kind of critical minimum. Therefore, for one meal, prepare It is desirable, without breaks. The fire on it will turn on (if necessary) by covering the cup from above or something else. If this is not done, then the burner flies myself when the alcohol burns it all.

Simple light alcohol can be made with their own hands from ordinary beer cans. If you do not like beer, it is quite suitable jars from under Coca-Cola or any others. The main thing is that they were aluminum!

For the manufacture of such a burner you will need a pair of cans, a stationery needle, glass gamble (can and ordinary, but with a stelcid - there will be eternal), scissors and a book. You can make a stand under a saucepan of wire or old metal hanger, but in the campaign it is easier to use sweater items - a couple of stones or just make a small trench under the alcohol.

However, back to how to make a self-made alcohol burner.

After all tools are collected, you can proceed to the process of making alcohol.

To begin with, there is a smooth line around the circumference of the jar. The easiest way to do is put the marker on the book and pressing it with one hand, the second to rotate the jar.

So place both banks.

Now carefully cut off around the circle. You can use conventional stationery scissors, tin is soft and easily cut by any scissors.

As a result, two epishers are obtained.

The lower part can be processed using a multitula, this will make it easy to insert the top cover over the bottom.

IN low part We put the glass gamble, put with a small "slide", so that it would be tightly scored the entire cavity of the homemade alcohol. Glasswater is preferred by the fact that it is not susceptible to burning and does not spoil from heating. Glass - it is quite refractory, and glass gamble is just a lump of thin glass threads.

We close our homemade alcohol and with a needle make holes.

The more holes and how the holes are wider - the higher the combustion temperature will be. In the center you can make 5 holes for filling fuel liquid Without a burner pane.

The whole process of making self-made alcohol can be viewed on the video below.

By "Power" homemade burner Alcohol is comparable with purchased multi-fuel burners.

The floor of a liter of water in the kitel boils after 8 minutes. 40 ml of alcohol is enough for 25 minutes of burning. Half a liter of a combustible fluid is enough for a weekly campaign of 2 people under the condition of 3 meals.

Before starting the burner, you can not warm up - just slightly splashing on the punishment and set fire, the burner-alcohol smells and the couple of alcohol will start actively evaporate and burn. Such a burner works on the fact of expansion and evaporation of a combustible fluid at elevated temperature.

As you can see - the burner turned out to be small and very efficient. From purchased muted burners, it differs primarily with small dimensions and, accordingly, light weight. In addition, it is easy to build from the girlfriend using only a multitool.

Tiger comments:

Interesting got burner, small and light. True, to carry with me the denaturate or Whitespiri in the bottle is inconvenient, it is easier to dry dry dry.

Ivan. Comments:

Just, cheap, practical ... Such a burner is useful on fishing. Luca, does not zenimates a lot of space.

GOLDEN EAGLE Comments: Vitaly

So, I continue the topic of burner building. In the previous series of me, it is still to be corrected. Now I came across a construction community very popular in the English-speaking tourist community. In Europe, hiking alcohols are quite popular in Europe. This gives several advantages immediately - alcohol can be transported on the plane, the weight of the tank for alcohol is much less than empty gas cylinder. The weight of the alcohol itself is negligible, compared with the burner. Alcohol can certainly buy alcohol, but self-made alcohol leaves purchased far overboard in many characteristics. The most popular alcohols make canned canned jackets and beer cans. I especially liked the design of the alcohol from beer cans and I decided to try it in practice. Fortress for manufacture need two cans from under beer or lemonade and that's it. General weight finished product She strives for 10 grams. For the manufacture of alcohol, I needed the following tools:

  1. Blade from the stationery knife
  2. Clamp
  3. Drill with a drill with a diameter of 1 mm (and better less)
  4. Scissors
  5. Marker for markup

How to make an alcohol:

To begin with, we need to empty one bank and cut off the bottom from it. If you have not devastated the second bank by this moment, it makes sense to postpone it, although it is not fundamentally.

With the help of the tailor of the desired thickness and clamps, we organize a small cutter of cans. After several experiments, I came to the conclusion that the optimal altitude of the plank should be 25 mm. Although there is an opportunity to experiment.

It will be the bottom of the future burner, the top will be inserted into it, so it makes sense to stretch it slightly inserting it from above the second, while still a whole bank. Attention - it is necessary to insert very carefully so that later it was possible to disconnect this design. 5-7 mm deep depth.

Now proceed to the manufacture of the upper part. Devastated the second bank. And drill holes around the perimeter. The thinner you will find the drill for this operation, the more effective will your burner will be. In the first version of the burner I did so

However, with further operation it turned out that this is not the most optimal option and I redid the top as follows

The next step will be the removal of the bottom of the bottom and the edge of the upper part, as was done with the first bank. As a result, it should be approximately such a design.

Now we need to make inner wall From the rest of the cans. To do this, cut the strip of the height of one half of the bank plus the height of the narrowing of the second half. That is, it should be clearly more than the width of the plank, which was used to cut the bottom. In general, it is necessary to make this design

That is, on top it is necessary to make three or four small cutouts in the form of a triangle or semicircle - about 3 mm high. These holes will be located along the bottom and used to push fuel inside the burner. And it is necessary to make two cuts from different sides to 2/3 of the width of the tape so that you can consolidate this tape in the form of such a ring.

I look again that triangular cuts should be at the bottom, and the height of the received rings should be higher than the height of the bottom. After that, there remains the only trifle - to push the "top" in the "bottom".

In theory, after we stretched in the previous steps, Dyshko, this operation must pass calmly, I even saw the video where it managed, but I did not come out. Therefore, to simplify the process, I cut out a small mount from the balances of banks - it is visible in the photo on the right and made a small incision of 5-6 mm on the upper bank. After that, the case went more fun and I received such here two alcohols

IN big hole The alcohol is poured on top - to boil the half-lita water to about 25 grams of alcohol. Then, through a large hole, the alcohol is set on fire and begins to burn, after about 1-2 minutes, the alcohol begins to boil and the alcohol pairs are pulled out through small holes and set on fire from the central flame. At this point it is believed that the burner started. At this point, oxygen access to the central opening is stopped and the flame is removed only from the holes around the perimeter. After that, it is possible to put a saucepan straight and boil water. The whole trouble is that in the case, it sat down to make holes too close to the center, then when installing the pan, the flame goes out due to lack of oxygen. I had to put a saucepan on a small taganok from a peg for awning to avoid fading. Because of this, I had to do the second version, which was deprived of this shortage. In the next series, I will show the video of working burners with the measurements of the effectiveness of the same burner. And now I will list the errors that I made making these two instances - I hope this will help you not repeat them:

  • If you make a burner above 3 cm, then it does not start and its use is ineffective
  • Initially, I tried to drill a central hole with a drill big diameter - As a result of the bank wound on the drill completely, like a rag and had to throw it out. The center will have to be cut by a knife.
  • It is not necessary to pour into this burner with liquid paraffin - it will not work, and the paraffin then flush from there it is very difficult.

That's it seems to be all that I learned in the process of making these spirits.

Update on December 19: Made alcohol from the same materials. In my opinion he works much better than this.

Now we will talk about how at home to make an alcoholic burner. This is enough for use of materials. There is nothing to purchase. Alcohol burner Very environmental and safe. And besides a very indispensable thing in hunting and fishing. It can be applied in the tent.
So, start with simple. It is necessary to release the first jar from its contents, rinse thoroughly and dried, and then cut off the bottom. You can immediately free and the second jar, but you can do it later.

Next step: Cut off the bottom of the bank. Sliced \u200b\u200bpart and will serve the bottom of the future burner. To this part will be further inserted. Based on this, insert the second jar on top (still kiss). That it would be easy to enter the upper part, it needs to stretch a little. Insert it extremely carefully so that in the future you can easily disassemble our design. Sufficient depth of about seven millimeters.

After that, we begin to make a future upper part. After emptying, we drill the hole throughout the perimeter. For a big effect, use a thinner drill.

After these actions, proceed to the following. We remove the entire middle of the bottom and cut the entire top of the jar. This is such a design.

From the remaining parts of jars make an inner side. We will need to cut the strip. To do this, you need a special formula for us. The length you need should correspond to the height of the half of the jar plus the height of the narrow part of the second half of the jar. Simply put, our resulting length should be much more than the width of the boards us.

In the lower part, we spend several cuts in the form of triangles whose height should be about three millimeters. These cuts are needed so that our fuel is flooded in the burner.

To complete the work on our equipment, we will need several actions. In order for the folding process to be even easier, we use the rest of the jar. Of them cut out a small mount. And on the top of the jar make a small incision, about six millimeters.

Our alcohol turned out. Alcohol itself is poured at the most opening above. For boiling 500 milliliters of water, we need only twenty-five grams of alcohol. Further, through the same larger hole we set on the alcohol. The burning process begins, in a couple of minutes, the alcohol begins to boil and alcohol couples seep through small holes and it is set on fire from the central flame.

So my brains have reached, after all the same collect a working device for burning alcohol and heating / cooking. Before that there were several attempts, but they were all curves as my hands. And today, after reading a couple of full articles about sabget and choosing the simplest and effective alcohol, ran to the store. I bought a couple of beets jars, not ordinary jars, and 0.75l with thick side walls and began to bang.

The first thing jars were designed to me in the mouth. Then I am imputing the lower parts from them. It turned out such two details, one higher, the other lower. That that is lower - will serve low part Alcohol, and that higher, respectively, top.

Processed them with a sandpaper, so that the alcohol does not burn the paint, which would probably overtake.

I made the edges of the bottom detail, so it makes it easier to enter the upper detail. I did it with ordinary passats.

And just put the lower (small) detail in the upper (which is more). Press the fingers and leveled with a thick book. By the way, I tried to put cotton wheels inside the burner - it is a tuft. Because of the wool, the alcohol does not boil as it should and does not evaporate evenly. The burner with a wool inside as if "breathes." The flame is more, then less. Extremely unstable. I also seized all cotton wheels and now in the burner is empty.

And so she looked after the assembly

The next step was piercing holes for evaporation of alcohol. For this, I used the usual self-tapping screw, it is very sharp and easily pierced the aluminum wall of the alcohol. The holes with a diameter of approximately half of the millimeter were located 3mm from the upper edge. From holes to the hole I made a distance of about 8mm. Then I added another hole smaller size Between big. The photo will be visible below.

And several small holes on top to refuel alcohol. Through these holes, alcohol gets inside. When we approached, I close these holes with a coin.

Such a thing turned out in the end)

For this type of burner, heating is needed before the ignition. To do this, I cut the pallet from the usual foil, in which I will put the burner. You will need to drop 2-3 ml of alcohol in this pallet during the ignition and set fire to the flame to warm up alcohol and alcohol in it began to boil. In the future, I plan to make the pallet string. For example, from the bank from Schrot.

Not long thought, I decided to immediately experience the most difficult device :) I installed on cutting board pallet, put on him alcohol, and poured in an empty teapot exactly 1 liter cold water.

Everything is ready for testing! I measure the syringe with 30 ml of alcohol, pour it into a glass, so that everything was like on mutual conditions, imagine that I don't have a syringe and I measure it to the eye :). But for the purity of the first experiment, I do everything clearly. Fuel alcohol in the alcohol right out of a glass

From the syringe pour into the pallet 3 ml of alcohol for heating

We throw on the filling holes of the coin and set on alcohol in the pallet. Flame is almost not visible, it is transparent blue. But heats well!

I put a kettle on the alcohol with a liter of water inside and set the time!

A minute later, the alcohol was warmed and the flames from the holes appeared. After another after a second, 30 did alcohol in the pallet and the alcohol began to look like a conventional gas burner. It burns smoothly, without extreme. Slightly smell like a burning alcohol. The kettle boiled 12 minutes after the ignition. Alcohol itself, filled with 30 ml of alcohol, burned out in a total of 13 minutes. Just happened on a liter of water)

I'll try to insert the video of this unit here. It can be seen even burning, at the end of the kettle boils and whistles slightly.
Waste - it's interesting! :)

Outcome: Having spent some time and alcohol, I smeared a beautiful useful thing that helps me in rare campaigns to drink tea and cook the soup. The price of this alcohol is zero. But the effectiveness for me was a pleasant surprise! In order to boil 1l cold water, 32 ml of alcohol and 12 minutes with room temperature. Here. Thank you!))