Repairs Design Furniture

What can be done with a gas cylinder. Mangal from the gas cylinder: we are made with your own hands. Unusual version of Mangalov

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Many love to relax in nature in a circle of families or friends, arrange picnics and gathering on fresh air. And, of course, traveling the city is often accompanied by the preparation of kebabs or grilled vegetables. To rest is pleasant and memorable, good-quality is needed for entourage. It can be made and independently using firm materials, for example, unnecessary gas cylinder.

Varieties of Mangalov

Today in stores you can find a huge range of dacha barbecues and smoked for every taste. But it is not necessary to buy such a product at all, because you can make a gas cylinder, barrels and other materials with your own hands. Before you understand what kind of design is suitable for you, you need to know which managals are at all:

Material for homemade mangal should be:

  • Durable and reliable.
  • Fire-resistant.
  • Hold heat.

An excellent option is a standard brand from an old gas cylinder, make it easily, using drawings and the necessary tools. What configuration design can be made:

Metal knitting needles, curly handles, rods, or other parts can be used as decor. The design of the case depends on your fantasy, the main thing is that the brazier fit into the landscape cottage territory. The video master class shows the manufacture of a barbecue container with step by step instructions and in drawings.

Features and advantages

You can purchase the finished brand, but you can make a design of any configuration and size from the gas cylinder. Is it worth using such a container, and is it safe? According to the councils experienced masters For the manufacture will suit old balloon 50 liters. Wherein optimal length It is considered about 85 centimeters, and with a diameter - from 30 centimeters.

Consider the advantages of models of such homemade mangalov:

At the mangala from the gas cylinder made by their own hands, you can see several drawbacks:

How to safely disassemble a balloon

The preparatory stage of creating a homemade manga is the disassembly of an old metal balloon and the acquisition of all required tools. Before you start cutting the body of the future mangala, it is necessary to trace so that gas and gasoline remains inside. Gasolin is a special mixture of hydrocarbons in a liquid form, which remains in the container. How to spend these works safely:

What tools and materials we need:

  1. Door hinges for fastening the lid.
  2. Original horn key.
  3. Metal tube for chimney.
  4. Hammer with a screwdriver.
  5. Clamps.
  6. Electric drill.
  7. Apparatus for welding work.
  8. Bulgarian.

Secrets of mastery

The whole process of construction of the homemade mangal can be divided into several stages, in each of which instructions should act:

Brazier with lid.

A barbecue bracket can be made with your own hands from a propane cylinder without spending a lot of time and resources. Old gas burner. You can not throw out, but make self-made fritter, using drawings.

Following the advice of masters and clear instructions, proceed to the manufacture:

Low-legged mangal

To implement your idea to create your own mini brazier for giving, you can use an old metal container, for example, a gas cylinder. To begin with, we draw attention to the marking indicating the volume and dimensions.

Let's proceed:

  • Cut in the housing the cover, leaving the pristine sides, as in the photo. So coals will not fly through the wind.

  • Make sure that the rings are exactly the seams.

  • Now we are ready for the case and the lid of the future mini smoke, two separate details.

  • Connect the cover with the body with two metal loops. They should then be well welded to not fly off during operation.

  • Fastening first with aluminum rivets, as in the photo.

  • On the lid we apply marking for the arms of the handle. They should not be made of easily flammable material.

  • In order to avoid the deformation of the balloon inside the case, the crucible corner. It should also be well welded and serve as a support for skewers and grille for the arrangement of the grill products.

  • The legs are made shortened, so that you can carry a brazier in the car trunk.

  • It is time to weld the cover to the hinges.

  • Handles are welded to K. external surface Covers that plant on a loop.

  • Limiters mounted on the cover to fix it in the open state.

  • In the bottom you need to drill several holes for the passage of burnt coal and for best traction. From the opposite side of the holes, drink the slots for fixing the skewers inside.

  • Design ready for use!

    The whole creation process can be seen on the video master class.

There are many embodiments of Mangalov, smokinglene and barbecue stoves of various configurations. However, the most versatile method It is considered to use the old propane balloon. Instructions and advice of experienced masters will prompt how to make it better to make such a design, and will help to avoid common errors.

Today, a popular roar for cooking kebabs can be bought without problems, but much more pleasant to boast homemade original option. For the manufacture will fit different materialsBut the easiest way to make a brand from a gas cylinder, both old, Soviet and modern.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work on the manufacture of a mangala, it is necessary to determine the size of the propane cylinder, which will be used for our design. In most cases, 50-liter containers take such a goal. Sometimes you can meet 27 liter. This is also convenient, but the volume of firewood and the place for kebab will be less than almost 2 times. You can find a 80-liter balloon, the size of which will allow you to cook a large number of Meat at the same time.

It is necessary to determine the appointment of your design. And they are different:

  • barbell without lid;
  • barbecue (with lid);
  • smokehouse;
First you need to decide what brand will be

For the manufacture of the last two, several gas cylinders will need.

Before using the balloon, it is important to prepare it correctly, and for this you need to remember the safety technique.

  1. First of all, let the remaining gas through the valve.
  2. Turn the balloon with the valve down without closing it. Make sure that all gas and condensate came out. Use soap foam to check.
  3. Remove the valve or spire it. When performing the cut, it is important to periodically cool the place of sleep.
  4. Fill the balloon with water several times to wash the residues of condensate.
  5. Dry and clean the inner cavity.

After all these events, you can proceed to the next step.

In this video you will learn how to make a brand from a balloon:

Drawing and marking

In the manufacture simple mangala Or barbecue no need for accurate drawings. It will be enough simple sketch. It is important to clearly post on the cylinder line cut. If you are a small gourmet, it will be enough to place the longitudinal lines on one and the other half of the cylinder so as to divide it in half along. And if you prefer to take meat out of coals ahead, then the slice for the cover should be smaller, and the case is larger.

Marking for end-cutting should be made at a distance of at least 3 cm from old welding seams, which are fastened with the cover and bottom of the cylinder. And at least one of the marking for longitudinal lines should coincide with the cylinder seam. The chimney hole can be drawn and do in the place where the valve was.

Step-by-step instruction

For the manufacture of mangal, the following tools will be required:

  • bulgarian with cutting discs for metal;
  • welding machine with electrodes;
  • electric drill with drills and brushes;
  • ruler, markup tool;
  • clamps for fixing the welded parts;
  • set of wrenches and plumbing keys.

After the preparation of the tool we can move to creative work. As the initial one, take a 50-liter cylinder from under propane.

  1. With the help of a grinder, passing along the contour of the future cover, perform longitudinal and transverse cuts. The tool must be performed smoothly and smoothly. Any curvature of the propyl lines can continue to spoil the appearance of our design.
  2. With a welding machine, cut the hole under the chimney. It must have a diameter slightly less than a pipe that will become a chimney.
  3. In order to avoid the deformation of the cylinder from high temperatures, the inner cavity is desirable to increase in several corners along the entire length of the case.
  4. Invert the resulting body cavity under the cover down. To ensure the thrust, perform longitudinal cuts in checked order or drill holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm. Rezanny cavities can reduce the strength of our mangala. Therefore, the thrust is more often performed in the form of holes. To improve the ventilation of the lower part of our case, you can install pig-iron grate at the bottom.

The housing of our kebabs is ready. Now we can proceed to the manufacture of other mantal elements.

Follow the instructions for creating such a manga


The cover design is quite simple: it should have a pair of loops and one or more pens. It is the part of the balloon that we cut out of the housing will be our lid. Welcome loops after we cut the body of the cover, it will be very uncomfortable. The assistant and complex mechanism of its fixation in the initial position will be required. Therefore, when performing cuts on the case to our design, weldings loop covers.

It is important to first make the share, and then weld the loops over it. At the same time you can weld or fasten ready-made handles of the future cover. It is better to use such loops that you can first stick, and then welcome.

In the manufacture of the lid, it is necessary to take into account its fixation in various positions. This moment is especially important when using kebabs as a grill. The most reliable will be the use of the chain. It is welded to the edge of the lid. For fixing B. right position Make a hook on the stand, and the other end of the chain cling to it. Between the loops, they weld the corner or another profile, which will be focused and will not allow the lid to overturn.


To make a stand for our manga, you need to use metallic profile. There are several options for the manufacture of legs.

  1. Weldings on the sides of our housing four vertical stand from the rigid profile, let's say square pipe. The height of the design is determined for the convenience of use. On the lower ends of the legs welded square plates that will not allow the structures to fall into the ground.
  2. Using metal stripes, produce two semirings. Them inner diameter It must be associated with the outer diameter of the hull. To the edges of the half-collar weldings of the rack of our support and scrape each pair - cross-either from the same material, or corner. Connect the welding the received pairs in the upper and lower part using a hard light profile. We get a separate support for our mangala.

Both of these designs have sufficient rigidity. They differ in the fact that the first option will suit For those cases when the mangal is not moving anywhere, and the second will allow our kebabnice to be mobile. Some craftsmen have under one of the axles with wheels. This allows the Mangalu to be indispensable and mobile at the same time.


Most of the gas cylinder brands have a chimney hole in the place where the valve was located. In some homemade structures Pipe for removal of smoke is welded to the top of the manga. Such a brazier will have a big craving that is not always appropriate for barbecue or smokehouse.

For the manufacture of chimney, we use steel tap pipe and knee diameter from 70 to 150 mm. First weldings to the end of our housing. It is important that it is directed strictly upwards, perpendicular to the plane in which it will be installed. We weld up a pipe and check its verticality.

After making all the mantal elements, they need to paint. It is important that the paint for such a design has heat-resistant properties. The number of layers and the need to use primers must be found out when buying paint.

Do not forget to make chimney


A small, but functional decoration of our manga will be the manufacture of holes for skewers. For greater convenience under the loops of the lid, the holes are made 12-18 mm. And in the front of the case - opposite these holes - make rectangular or triangular cuts. This allows you to evenly scroll through the skewer and cook meat efficiently.

A more attractive design of the manga will be the use of forged elements in the design of the support. Rack for the case can be borrowed with old sewing machine. This will give the originality of the Mangalu. One of interesting decisions Designers for smokelers and barbecues - in the form of a locomotive.

Video "Mangal Barbecue from a gas cylinder"

From this video you will learn how to step by step to make your own hands a reliable barbecue barbecue from the gas cylinder:

Version with smokehouse

With a big desire, a brazier from the gas cylinder can be removed in the smokehouse. In this case, the housing of our design will be used as a smokehouse. And the firebox will need to be welded before the case. For this you need a smaller cylinder. The axis of the furnace should coincide or be below the bottom of the existing base. To connect the firebox with anchitel, it will be necessary to cut the same holes, offset from the center. At the firebox - above the axis, and former foundation Mangala - below the axis. At the bottom of the cowtill case, a valve will be made to drain fat. And in the lid it is desirable to install a thermometer.

Now you can cook your favorite dishes and enjoy the gastronomic capabilities of your new equipment.

At any time of the year, I want to prepare meat, vegetables on a fire to feel a special flavor and taste of products. Therefore, consider how to make a homemade brand from the gas cylinder. It will take some time, some tools and materials. As a result, you can get an attractive and functional design With a lid.

We highlight the main advantages of creating a mangaal with your own hands using a regular gas cylinder:

  • savings - Even the most ordinary finished brand with a similar functionality will cost a lot, and having a gas cylinder under hand, you can make a device, spending a minimum of money and a little time;
  • easy - thanks to detailed instructions Even a beginner can collect the product, it is enough to have conventional handling skills with tools and materials;
  • functionality - you can ask your own hands necessary level device functionality by setting the required additions;
  • mobility - the design made with your own hands can be easily moved from place to place and transport;
  • high strength and durability - the design made of a gas cylinder is distinguished by the increased strength provided by steel used with high operational qualities, because it is able to withstand high pressure and the impact of the gas environment;
  • ease of operation - the bottom does not burn, and after use it is not necessary to pour with water - it is enough to close the lid.


Note: Before you begin to create a mangaal with your own hands, you need to take care of the release of gas, which always remains in the used cylinder.

It may have condensate. Therefore, the product needs to be opened (unscrew the valve), wait until gas comes out. Naturally, it must be done in the fresh air, in a safe distance from possible sources of fire, sparks and other conditions that can cause gas ignition. To determine which gas leaves (this is not always heard), you can use soap water. It is enough to miss the output to get bubbles if the flow goes.

Then the cylinder must be turned over to provide condensate output. Next, the product must be pouring water and leave for several days. To do this, the hose is connected and the pressure is fed under the pressure. Water should fill the volume completely. After that, further work with the balloon will be safe.

While the product is preparing, you can do an important thing - Make a drawing. After all, you will have to build a device that should have certain parameters. Here with their account and the drawing should be created. All sizes, elements and features must be indicated in it.

And even to create a homemade mangala, such tools and materials will be required:

  • drill;
  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • screwdriver;
  • trumpet;
  • loops;
  • rivets.

And, of course, the balloon will be required. You can use the option by 50 liters.


Then you can take care of the markup of the cylinder. Models per 50 liters are enough to prepare six portions of the kebab. Outside diameter The standard cylinder is 96 cm. Consequently, it is convenient to divide it into four parts. You can retreat from the longitudinal seam, which will ensure the smooth markup.

On both sides of the seam, you need to retreat 24 cm, after which the lines. Setting the product horizontally, you need to make marks for the possibility of placing skewers. On the perimeter of the cylinder there are transverse seams. You need to retreat 3 cm. Further, the step between the tags can be 8 cm. As a result, they will be six. In the marked areas you need to make holes with a diameter.

From the first approximate line, another 10 cm should be retreat. At this distance there will be a cover.

The boundaries of the cover is the current line and the opposite, applied first (at a distance of 24 cm from the longitudinal seam).


When the stage is completed with the markup, you can move to more responsible - sawing. To do this, use the grinder. It is necessary to act strictly on the applied markup lines. You need to handle the grinder neatly, not neglecting the safety rules. It should be remembered that the metal fragments can get into the eyes, hair, on the skin. All these parts of the body need to be protected, for which they are used. special means. You need to wear a headdress on your head, you should use glasses, gloves and closed clothes and shoes.

Since the thickness of the metal used is no more than 3 mm, the effect with the help of the grinder will simply be enough.

Welding covers and handles

To mount the lid and the possibility of its opening, use strong loops. They can be three or four. They should be placed at the same distance from each other.

The height of the legs is chosen such that the grill from the gas cylinder is comfortable to use. In addition to cooking dishes, it should be convenient to transport, ship in the trunk of the car.

As practice shows, the optimal height of the design is 20-30 cm. You can use a pipe for the manufacture of legs. At the ends of the legs, it is better to provide platforms that will counteract involuntary deepening into the structure of the structure when used in nature. This is especially important if not pipes are applied, and the corners, since under the weight of the product, they are able to dive very much into the soil, which is very uncomfortable during operation.

Making a stylish manga from a gas cylinder

Handles can be made with your own hands or buy in the store. It can be the simplest elements. It is advisable not to use a tree. And let it look more aesthetically, due to high temperatures, such products will quickly come into disrepair. Therefore, metal handles are the optimal choice.

Finished brand made by hand


If the brazier from the gas cylinder is created with his own hands, there are certain problems:

  • without heat-resistant coating, the product may not look aesthetically;

  • it turns out a sufficiently heavy design, which is not always convenient to transport;
  • small experience in conducting welding operations can negatively affect the strength and durability of the structure.

Note: If there are doubts about the possibility of making a mangaal with their own hands, it is better not to risk, but to acquire a ready-made solution.

Successful options Mangals made with your own hands

Such a design will be calculated by professionals, and therefore, it is capable of serving for a long time, and exploitation will enjoy. The only drawback, in comparison with the design made by your own hands, is the high cost. Use homemade device - It is always much more pleasant and in many cases more convenient, since in the manufacture you can take into account personal requirements.

Old gas cylinder is one of the most useful things in the farm. That only from it does not do: and stoves, bourgeities, and barbecue and mangals. And all because the form is almost ready. There are small alterations that take just a few hours. For example, a brazier from the gas balloon can be done for three or four hours (this is if the legs do not do).

Safe disassembly

Before starting to work with a cylinder, it is necessary to remove the remains of the gas from it. The operation is simple, but reliably prevents possible trouble: the container is filled with water. She displaces all couples and remnants.

First unscrew the crane, connect water hose And under a slight pressure of water. When the whole volume is completely filled, you can start cutting the metal.

Marking of the cylinder

Most often for brazier take a propaganized balloon for 50 liters. It turns out optimal size For cooking 6 portions of kebab. These products are standard, because the markup will be common to all.

The outer diameter of the cylinder is 96 cm. It is perfectly divided into 4: it turns out 24 cm. There is also a label regarding which it is convenient to make marking: it is a longitudinal seam. Regarding it and it is worth it all distances: then everything will be smoothly, without distortion.

First, we depose from the seam 24 cm in both directions, carry out lines. Putting a balloon horizontally, seam down, on one of the lines we make marking under the skewers. From the circular seams to the right and on the left, we retreat 3 cm, and then put the marks every 8 cm. We get 6 marks. They will need to drill holes with a diameter of about 1 cm.

From the line on which the markup was carried out laying up 10 cm (from the seam-middle it turns out 34 cm). Here will end the cover of our manga.

Next, place the lid itself. It will be the distance between the first marked line and just applied. Between them, retreating 3 cm from circular welds, stake the lines. With you on the cylinder drew the mangala lid. It takes less than half of the diameter (it turned out in the photo below).

Making a brand from a gas cylinder

All these manipulations are carried out with a cylinder filled with water. They were stated, and the first thing cut over the line to which the lid will be attached (see the photo below). Just do not forget: cutting the balloon, do not reach circular seams by 3 cm.

Making a cut in full length of this line stop. It is not necessary to cut further: we will immediately weld the loops.

If you first cut off the entire cover, it will be difficult to weld the hinge: you will have to somehow fix the cover, hold it at the same distance. It is unrealistic to do this, you will need an assistant. Stopping after the first drank along the line, it is easy to do everything alone.

Clearing the loop, we continue to work with a grinder - cut off the door, and it turns, and does not fall. Now you can already pour water from the tank.

Next, so that the open cover is not covered back and did not break the loops, weld along the cut line between the pieces of the corner pieces (see the photo below). A rather width is 3-4 cm, and cut off the corner what is - 40 * 40 mm or 50 * 50 mm. Such stops are needed on both sides of the lid - on the right and left.

The distance to which the lid will open, change the dispersion of the corners. Pick up such a distance so that you can comfortably close it - you did not need to bend forward, getting up to the handle. But at the same time, it is strongly forward to it, too, can not be served so that it does not shut and knocks on his hand.

We weld the piece of the corner between the loops - it will be a stopper for the lid

The remaining bottom rim is easy to remove if there is an incision. Side (circular) seams should not be touched. They are laid sealing ringswho hard hold the whole mangala design. That is why when marking the lid, we retreated several centimeters from them: so that the Mangal was durable and reliable.

On the lid attach a handle. She can be any. If there is something suitable in the "honeycomb" we use, no - you can simply be a bit of the armature curved appropriately. It is only desirable to adapt another piece of wood so that you can take your hand.

The next step in the manufacture of a mantal from the gas cylinder is necessary so that the lid does not fall inside. To do this, cut out from metal with a thickness of 1-3 mm bandwidth of about 3 cm. And weld to the cut in the cylinder.

On the other side, on a welded plate opposite each of the holes, they make rugs. This is also a place under the skewer.

The next step is to cut on the bottom part of the slot for air intake. The juggle design is closed, and without it, firewood burns and coals will be bad. Therefore, we turn the barn to the bottom up, and from the seam in both directions we post 10 cm. Next, from each of these lines I will postpone 10-12 cm and also carry out lines. It turned out that at an equal distance from the central seam, we have two strips with a width of 10 cm. In these stripes cut through the grinder every 5 cm of air holes. If you wish, you can do not do strips, but drill holes, but there should be a lot of them, and the manufacture of the bands will take less time.

About why the holes do not do at the bottom itself. First, seam touch undesirable. It gives the stiffness of the design. Secondly, any openings at the bottom are quickly clogged with fat, mixed with ash and ashes. Then this mixture is very much, and the air arrives very badly through the holes, it is necessary to constantly fan the firewood and coals and often clean the holes.

Last bar - Cut the faucet and brew a hole.

Mangal himself from the gas cylinder is ready. It remains to attach legs. How - read a couple of points below.

What should happen as a result: a brazier from a gas cylinder with a lid

Simple design

The option described above is convenient, but quite complicated in the manufacture. You can do everything easier. The easiest way to cut the propane cylinder along in half, on the edges cut into the skewers along the skewer, chop holes in the sides of the holes for air intake and attach legs. That's all the work.

If there is a desire to make a brazier with a lid, the second half is welded on the loop. And so that the lid does not fail, on the outer and side side, it is welded to it with a metal strip 3 cm wide (in the previous version, the strip was cooked to the body, and not to the lid).

To the open cover does not fall, sometimes a piece of chain is used as a stopper. The segment of the desired length is welded on the right and left. But the option with the stops behind the back is much more practical: the chain is confused and dirty: with a closed lid it turns out inside the manga.

Barca Mangal

Barrel It is advisable to find almost the same volume - 50-60 liters is the optimal size. Moreover, the diameter should not be too large: the skewers usually go 50-60 cm. In order for them tightly lying on the roaster, it should remain at least 10-12 cm free length. So it turns out that the diameter of the barrel should not be more than 40-50 cm.

Mangal from a barrel with a lid. Manufacturing to small things coincides with the process when using a gas cylinder

If it is wider, there are two outputs - make a skewer at the required sizes or welded from the far side from the inside the corner on which they will describe their tips. It will not be possible to win a lot, but 5-6 cm, depending on the size of the corner, can be played.

The barrels must have a wall thickness of at least 2-3 mm. It is impossible to use tanks from under fuel. They will not fall out to such an extent so that you can cook food.

The sequence of frozen production from the barrel is no different from those described above. It goes by itself only preparatory stage - It is not necessary to fill with water. With very different sizes, you will need to make adjustments in the markup - up to the reduction or increase - see yourself.

From the barrels, too, you can make the easiest brand - to the cutting legs cut along the tank and cut down the edges of the shampoo

Make very functional mangals from barrels - a container for coal or fire vehicles is added next to (also with a lid). One of these is in the photo.

Although no one bothers to make the same from the cylinder: next to the 50-liter prepananov, attach exactly the same decorated, but already on 27 liters.

Mangal from the pipe and with a pipe

Farming the roar from the pipe is slightly harder. In the sense that you need to brew ends. All other operations are no different. Even the designs are exactly the same.

Mangals from the pipe - the manufacture will require a little longer: you need to privar the sides

But when using the pipe there are its advantages: since we will still welcome the sides, then why not do the door (in the photo on the left). You can use old from the stove - you can put firewood through it, as well as adjust the air supply until "prepare" coals.

Mangal with a pipe

To ensure the best thrust and so that the smoke does not interfere with being nearby, it is possible to attach a chimney pipe to the sidewall of the mangaal from a cylinder, pipes or barrels. Works will add, but not very much. But it will be comfortable to use: the smoke is good on the kebab, but they do not want to breathe.

Mangals with a pipe are more comfortable - smoke goes up. You can also issue differently in different ways.

Making legs

They can be from a corner, round or profile pipe, reinforcement, thick metal stripes. What is in the farm, then use. Some ideas are in the photo below.

The simplest legs of the pipe and the corner - welded to the bottom. You can make the bottom of the strut, and to arrange a shelf

Almost also can be made of strips have become a large thickness.

Comfortable feet for mangal from a propane cylinder can be made from the profile pipe. They can be in the form of an inverted letter "T" and welded to the middle. You can make a support in the form of a frame, making the shelf below (or several shelves) for firewood, bowls and t ..

You can make legs from round pipe and / or fittings. If the manbon you want to be portable, then small segments of reinforcement weld to the body, and pieces of pipes are planted suitable diameter (The inner diameter of the pipe is slightly greater than the external fittings). You can draw on the contrary: to fight pieces of pipes, and insert fittings.

Just keep in mind that with such legs to move it difficult: the legs will fall out. To avoid it, cut carvings.

Video example of the manufacture of one of the homemade mangalls from the propane cylinder see below.

And really, what can be done from the gas cylinder with your own hands? So happened since the times Soviet UnionMany products can be processed in principle and obtain from them new designs that will perform completely different functions. From the gas cylinder, as it turned out, you can do a lot and, notice, everything will be done according to your own hands.

Stove from the cylinder

The first thing when you are looking for an answer to the question of what can be made from a gas balloon with your own hands, the oven-burguchers comes to mind. The benefits of such an aggregate are many, as in the principle of installation. First, the thickness of the walls of the gas cylinder is 3 mm and this is enough enough to burn from it from it already in the first season of operation. Secondly, the gas cylinder will have to be improved quite a bit - the oven is made in one day with their own hands. The third advantage is huge selection Constructions: You can make a stove from one cylinder or two, vertical design or horizontal. Fantasy own or prompt from the Internet - and you can make a product from a gas cylinder that will help you into a cold winter.

Disadvantages are also present. Rather, it is not even disadvantages, but the features that need to be taken into account so that they do not turn into flaws. For example, you need to remove paint before the first firebox outside Parts from the cylinder. Otherwise, the paint will begin to burn out and fill the room with caviar smoke. It is also necessary to take care of fire safety. The walls of the gas cylinder stove can heat up and this is fraught with many troubles. You may seem that such heating is only in plus, because it will be warm inside the room. But everything that can flame from such a strong heating will certainly flashes if it is too close to the bourgeois. And about the walls of the room itself you need to take care: we have a slag block wall of the workshop cracked vertically over the entire height after several hours of use. What can be done to protect the wall: to install the furnace at a distance from it, to protect the galvanized screen mounted on the wall at a short distance from it or to trample a bourgeois in moderation. The latter, by the way, is not the best - "guess" the optimal amount of firewood will be difficult. And most importantly: the stove from the gas cylinder with their own hands (yes, even though others, too, it will be very quickly cooling. While the fire is burning, while the firewood is thrown - it will warm. But it is worthwhile to overcome how the stove instantly cools. Warmed walls of the room will help, where such a burzhuyk will be operated, and eliminating even minimal slots in the area of \u200b\u200bwindows, doors or gates of the room.

Feeders for animals and birds

This is another option that you can make a gas cylinder with your own hands and at the same time get excellent quality. Such feeders are presented if not eternal, then 100% durable. The gas cylinder is cut along its axis and get two halves, each of which will become an excellent feeder for pigs, sheep or a fishing for a bird. It will only remain to weld the stand, since the lower part of each of the halves will be half alarge and, by itself, it will not be on Earth. You can also cut off the top and bottom of the balloon along the line rings and get round small feeders. They are suitable for small animals and, provided that we are talking about one or two individuals. Or maybe it will have a drinking bowl for chickens - to solve you.

Here you also need to take into account some features, then not to be upset. Since the food will be poured inside such feeders, then it should be very thoroughly cleaned the inner part of the gasoline. If the balloon survived multiple refills and was not cleaned, then gasoline is assembled inside, which has a very strong odor. Strong smell plus oily over the entire surface is to remove it not to poison the bird and animals. How to do it with your own hands: helps a set of actions, which includes a washing in boiling water using various cleaning agents, burning a soldering lamp and cleaning with the help of drill or eR.

Manual roller for tamping

And also from the gas cylinder, and also do it yourself. The rink is rarely used, but if you need it, it is difficult to find it. Tamper an asphalt cover, if you have to do it with your own hands and do not have to count on the rink; Tamping base under paving slab, soil seal - situations can be a lot. The main thing is that it is even easier to make a manual rink from the gas cylinder with your own hands than previous crafts that we remembered above. P-shaped pipe with a diameter of about inches, the ends of which will be attached to the center of the upper and lower Parts Ballery by means of bearings and handle comfortable for your hands shape and length - that's the whole design. As filler use water or sand. Water is easier, the sand is harder, so the choice depends on the purpose of the rink.

The main thing is security. Since the part will be welded to the gas cylinder, then you should take care of cleaning from gasoline to prevent troubles. At the end of the article we will talk about it in more detail.

Other crafts from cylinders

If you thought that the oven, feeder and rink - this is the entire list of what can be made from the gas cylinder with your own hands, then you are mistaken. Inventiveness No limit: Different containers for storing something, smokehouse, brazing, bubble, autoclave, compressor, and even boiler - Here is a relatively complete list of crafts. Another thing is that some of these structures are not always justified and it will be easier to purchase (buy) a ready-made unit for security reasons. If the master knows what he does with his own hands and is so safe for operation, then the question is removed. But if the mind is not enough, then you can refuse yourself, or relatives. Do not want to insult anyone, but there are different cases.

How to disassemble a gas cylinder

We promised above that we will teach to disassemble the balloon safe and the word hold. First of all, do not think that everything is so simple and safe - if you act wrong, you can burn in the literal and figurative sense of the word. We give an example of our youth. This is exactly the period when there is little experience, there was no Internet, but there was a burning desire to use a gas cylinder not for its intended purpose. Logic suggested that it is necessary to fear even the insignificant share of gasoline inside, but did not want to be particularly dared. Therefore, knocking down the valve with a sledgehammer, we began to fill the balloon with water, shake it and merge the liquid. Repeating just five times, we decided that there are no threats. Bulgarian began to cut a balloon along the axis and already 90% finished work. And only then (!) The remains of the gasoline flashed and the master was brought by a cloud of the flame. Nothing terrible - just burned eyebrows and hair throughout the open body - but it is unpleasant.

The instruction will help you disassemble a balloon (cut) without consequences:

  • Even if you have confidence that the balloon is empty, you need to open the valve. Helping even a minor amount of gas, you once again inshap.
  • The valve must be dismantled. Here everyone tries due to their capabilities and fantasy. Some are knocked down by a sledgehammer, the second spill with a grinder or hand-hacksaw for metal, the third twisted it. The last option is the safest, but difficult to do at home. Touch the balloon so that it does not scroll through the key force - it is difficult. If you apply the valve cutting at the very base of the cylinder, then only with manual knobs! No cutters and ears!
  • The hole that was formed after the removal of the valve is small in diameter, but this is enough to pour into the water. Why is it necessary? The water will outset the remains of the gas and when cutting certainly nothing flares. Here is a small complexity, or rather, inconvenience: you need to cut the cylinder with water inside and necessarily water will flow from the resulting cut. There is nothing to do anything - this is such a feature that you need to be able to adapt. For example, a place where you will work with your own hands, should be so that the spilled water is not going to and did not have to knead the mud. Naturally, this operation should occur on open air, not indoors.
  • If the abundance of water can not be avoided, then you can risk rinsed the cylinder several times, washing the remains of gasoline. Just notice: We specifically wrote the word "risk", since the security guarantees cannot give. In our case, as you remember, there was almost no gasoline, but the outbreak of it followed the end of the cutting.
  • Cutting with the help of a Bulgarian is the most fast way. Location with a marker (graphite pencil from vibration quickly flies from the surface) and start cutting. Since the gas cylinder is round, it is better to put something under it from the parties so that he does not ride during work.
  • Cleaning the inner surface is needed even if the design of the cylinder will not be used under bird feed or animals. The smell is strong and persistent, so you need to remove it. For a start, you can wash with boiling water with the use of various kinds of cleaning products. This will help partially, so the burning should be further. Blowtorch Or the fire - decide for yourself. Both options will help 100% and you will only stop cleaning the metal with a brush. It is better to apply the appropriate nozzle on a drill or a grinder to go faster.

Instead of imprisonment

As you can see, the question "What can be made of a gas cylinder with your own hands" has many options for answers. The main thing is your security, because you are going to work with your own hands, which means they and risk. Any design that you make from the cylinder will last you for a long time. Cause: high quality Steel is that now rarity. Only we advise you to think over everything is thorough - whether it is worth doing the thing with your own hands, if the shop will be more reliable. For example, we would not risk working homemade compressor From the cylinder or boiler - life is more expensive.