Repairs Design Furniture

A simple tree pencil sketches and drawings. Pencils made by hand. Stand for pencils with their own hands decorated with twine

Wooden pencil from various wood breeds.

Pencils with their own hands is often done quite primitive and easy. Therefore, we will use different breeds of wood: bamboo plywood and American walnut. Our exercise - a pencil provides a pull-out drawer, which is put forward in both directions, as well as a separate nest, in which it is convenient to store pencils.

To work, we will need:

- Miter saw;
- ;
- ribbon saw and canvas;
- ;
- ;
- spray-glue;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;

Getting to work.

First make the housing

Step 1: A tree pencil will consist of 3 layers. One of which needs to be processed before gluing. And more precisely, we need to be pre-filled with a future pencil container on the ribbon saw. We will do it in a nut bar, the size of the faces of which: 16 x 13 x 4 cm.

Step 2: We take the cut part and glue bamboo blanks using and.

Step 3: With the help of spray-glue, fasten pattern with fixed places for drinking, to a facial bamboo pad. You can also transfer the drawing to the details using a tracing.

Step 4: We cry our shape on the ribbon

Step 5: And carefully cut the central part, from the nearest edge. It is advisable to produce, how can be straight and along the fibers. So it will be easier for us to disguise it.

Now take the box.

Step 6: We take our future drawer and cut the ends of the wooden cylinder on the ribbon. Pre-clamp it to avoid scrolling and for the convenience of retention.

Step 7: Next focus on the central part. Delineate the resulting part and
We form the inside of the drawer.

Step 8: We glue our details together and fix clamps.

Returning to the pencil casing

Step 9: In parallel with the shaping of the box, we spend the glue that appeared slit in the case of the pencil box.

Step 10: Once the glue dries, it is necessary to polish our parts to remove the laying rice and the glued template, and this will give them a neat look. And so thin all the ends and facets to impart the surface of the proper species.

The same operations can be performed simply, by hand or gluing it to the surface.

Step 11: We overtake our body on with for forming a beautiful chamfer.

Step 12: We carry out the final grinding


Step 13: Processing products for giving depth texture. (an internal part can be saved by velvet or apply flock)

Step 14: Exterminating the place of attachment of the handle

Final step: It remains to stick to the box with an accurate handle and voila, our pencil is ready!

Greetings you, dear friends! Today I hurry to you to tell what looks like and the pencil is done with your own hands. I will show several master classes and just interesting photo ideas.

A few months ago, my husband had a birthday. In this regard, I decided that in addition to the main gift I want to give him and something special, made by his own hands. The choice fell on the pencil, as Danil is fond of calligraphy and, accordingly, has a bunch of accessories for this type of creativity.

How to make a pencil with your own hands: master class

I will show you how to make a pencil with cute characters from the cartoon "My neighbor Totoro". In fact, the specified technology can be used for any kind of pencilies.

To create a pencil, you will need:

  1. Bank Tin (from any canned food)
  2. Any fabric to choose from for wrapping banks (I took Fleece and Miki Flis)
  3. Felt for finishing
  4. Threads in the color of the fabric
  5. Scissors
  6. Glue with a thin nose or glue-gun
  7. Plastic eyes
  8. Piece of synthetone

First of all, you will need to measure:

  • the length of the circle can
  • height of banks,
  • diameter of the bottom.

In accordance with the measurements obtained, clean the 2 parts of the rectangles with the parameters from the tissue of 2 parts: (height of the jar + allowances on the seam 0.5 cm) x (circle length + allowance).

Both rectangles see first rear sovik (seam "back needle" either on a sewing machine) so that it turns out a closed surface. Surret Dysheko to the rectangle on the contour. You will remove one part, and leave the second.

Set aside the resulting cylinders. Now cut from the fabric 18 pair parts of the little animals - in my case the little takes. Patterns do not bring, as the contour is easy to draw yourself - an ovalchik with ears))

Sustrate pair parts with each other, it will turn out 9 animals (do not forget about the holes for turning).

On the site of future eyes, draw points and make cutters crosswise, as in the photo.

Remove animals and score syntheps.

And now in the resulting holes, add some glue along the contour. Be careful - then you will be inserted into the openings of the eyes. Insert until the side of the eye is completely drowned in the fur.

Hole at the bottom of the squeeze.

Uu, Baby

Cut the bank with details from Singrytegone Schw "Through the Edge." This is necessary in order for the pencil not to knock on the table. This stage can be skipped if desired.

First, cover the edge of the sintecon wrapped around the jar. Rodyshko also a trick.

Tension one of the cylinder parts on the outer side of the jar. In my case, it does not reach the top edge - a special effect.

At the bottom of the pencils also put a synthetone (stuck it, so as not to drive).

Insert the second (not turned out) the cylinder inside the stand. If you wish, you can also drop on the bottom of the glue, so that the inner part is fixed.

Singing a secret seam one cylinder to another.

Here is such a pencil with me)) If you wish, you can stay at this stage or decorate the product as described further.

All the animals are made or sung over the entire surface.

Cut out a few leaflets from felt and hang on them "Back Neck" characteristic lines. Stick leafles to the resulting pencil. It is possible to embroider patterns on the bunnies themselves.

We admire the result

From cans


A very interesting way to make a stand for pencils - take the bank, liquid acrylic paints, paper, plate, cord and artificial petal with a glue gun.

Pour paint and shake into the bank. Drain the residues of the paint and let dry. Squeeze the edges if necessary. Take a thread with a cord and decorate the leaf - voila

Lego Guy

The method is identical to the previous one, only at the end will need to put the face with a black permanent marker.


Loves of all kids, meet!) Here you will need a tinny bank and a non-fermented EVA polymer (foamed rubber, which can be purchased as plastics in stores for creativity). By the way, the polymer can be replaced with a soft felt.

Cut all the details on the template and wrap the jar with a yellow rectangle. From the inside also glue a rectangle to hide the metal part. Stick the face, pants. Do not forget about the mouth.

From plastic bottles


For the manufacture of such cute pencilians you will need only a few oblong bottles, scissors, tape, acrylic paints and a photo frame for fastening (optional).

Cut the thread from the bottle and cut down the top of the top, as in the photo. Clay the central part of the tape from two sides, leaving in the middle empty space. Paint empty space and decorate the remaining lids, also painted. You can stick to the frame, and you can leave as it is.


Here you will already come in handy a jar from under shampoo. Cut her top with a lid, choosing on your own. From the remaining part cut the handles. Get ridiculous fabrics from felt or paper.

From cardboard and paper


The easiest way to make a cardboard pencil is to take cylinders from under rollers for clothes, rolls with paper towels or toilet paper. Wrap them with newspaper paper, boost together. Everything

Book flower

Very unusual and bright idea. Take an old fat log or directory. Divide all its pages on 5 equal parts. Get the pencil to the side part. Wrap a pencil book to turn out to be in the center, glue.

Top with a white acrylic paint. Cut from dense cardboard bottom, circling a pencil. Stick bottom.

From wood

Rather, not even a tree, but from wooden pencils. To do this, you just need to glue a few pencils together, forming the wall. Such walls will be required 4. Downstairs glue the bottom of the dense cardboard.

But I described the 10th pencil in the article about New Year's decorations. I am very advised to look, there are many interesting ideas.

By the way, Minky Fleas, from which the outdoor green background of the first pencils and white totor, acquired here. I advise you, as it is very difficult to find it in our gables.

Subscribe to updates and share your impressions! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

In 1912, in the decree of the Tsarist government, a factory was created in Tomsk, where they saw a cedar table for pencils produced throughout the country.
Today, the "Siberian pencil factory" is the only manufacturer of pencils and pencil boards from the Siberian cedar, whose wood is used to produce pencils of the highest price category.

How do pencils, familiar from childhood from childhood?

The production of pencils begins with a forest exchange, where the prepared cedar is stored. Now there are more than three thousand cubes of wood. Regional authorities helped the factory in providing material and this year it is planned to produce about 85 million pencils.

Wood that we buy, not as a result of barbaric logging, says Anatoly Lunin, director of the factory. - In the overwhelming majority it is a sanitary cutting of the cedar, which no longer gives a nut. Cedar grows up to 500 years, but the cones on it appear somewhere until 250 years of age, after which it begins to die, it is affected by various insects. If you cut it in this period, a new cedar will grow faster.

Until the cuts of the logs undergo mandatory training: each log need to be washed, so that the slices of the Earth or clay with the stones accidentally did not accidentally damage the saws. For this, a tree with a forest exchange is placed and maintained in a special pool with warm water. In summer, he is held here for a long time, up to twenty minutes, but in the winter it is a log in the pool until it cares - it can go to three hours. And after 369 hours or 16.5 days and 26 different technological operations from the log, ready-made pencils will turn out.

On the sawmill from the logs there are such a bar:

The production of a wooden pencil is extremely demanding on the quality of the material, only clean straight wood is in the case. And if for carpentry products, the presence of such defects, as, for example, the knots, not disastrous, then the pencil from such a tree is no longer done. Therefore, to say in advance how many pencils will be from one bar, it is very difficult.

To reduce the amount of waste, the company is looking for different ways to increase the depth of wood processing. One of these methods is the expansion of the product range. So, from a plate, which is not suitable for the production of a pencil, plan to establish the release of wooden packaging puzzles for children and money from moths. Something goes to the production of short pencils, as for IKEA shops, and a part, to produce such wooden skewers:

The resulting bar of the timber is cut into short segments, each of which is then dissolved by ten dozhek. So that all the dors are the same, they need to calibrate. To do this, they are driven through a special machine. At the outlet of it, the planks have the same size and strictly perpendicular face.

Then calibrated planks are placed in an autoclave. In its appearance, it resembles a barrel to which many pipes of different diameter are connected. With the help of these pipes, a vacuum can be created in the chamber, pump pressure and supply all sorts of solutions.

As a result of these processes, the resins contained in it are removed, and wood is impregnated (impregnated) with paraffin. To date, this is not the easiest, but one of the most effective ways to improve the important properties of the material and protect the tree from the harmful effects of the environment.

The "refined" after processing in the autoclave pencil planks remains to succeed, and then send directly to pencil production. On this, the process of making a plank can be considered completed. So the plank looks after processing in the autoclave

The basic principle and technology of production since the pencils began to make, does not change, "says Anatoly Lunin. - All processes in our factory are well debugged. The equipment modernization is expressed in replacing some nodes, or the transition to more economical motors, the use of new cutters. Some new materials come, we change something in acceptance and evaluation, but the technology itself remains unchanged.

The finished plate enters the White Pencil shop, where the grooves are cut in it on the machine, where the rods will then be laid (the word "white" in this case means that the pencil at this stage is not yet colored). Software are served on one side of the machine, along the way their surface is grinning for gluing, the deepening is cut in a special cutter. On the Middle Edge, the table of spaces are automatically stacked. The thickness of the polished plate with sliced \u200b\u200bgrooves is 5 mm, which is equal to half the thickness of the future pencil.

At the next stage of the plank, glue in pairs to each other so that one pencil block turned out.

The machine smoothly serves the first plank and lays the rods in its grooves. Following this, the second planker, already smeared with water-soluble glue, and gently falls on the first one from another device. The resulting pencil blocks are clamped in the pneumatic press and tighten with clamps.

If the plate at the factory is made independently, then the rod, mostly buys in China. There he began to produce in the "dry" technology, which does not require firing in the furnace at high temperature.

As a result, the cost of the rod was so low that the lion's share of the pencil producers switched to such a rod.

In order for the pencil's griffel does not break inside the housing, the factory uses the technology of additional crossing the rod with a special adhesive system. After this operation, glued blocks are kept in a special drying chamber for several hours.

In the chamber is quite hot. Hot air is injected with a fan, maintaining the temperature of about 35-40 degrees. Wood need to dry well so that later the pencil in one pass is smooth and received the right geometry. A pencil with a "simple" gryphant dry here at least two hours, and color - at least four. Due to the fact that color contains more fat substances, it needs more time to dry.

After this time, the blocks disassemble, laid in the trolley with an indication of all further parameters and are sent to the next machine, which will divide them into separate pencils.

With its form, the machine is similar to the one that makes grooves in skiing, but he has its own features. Billets are placed in the boot hopper.

They pass through the transport nodes, they are thrown away, they turn off and on the output it turns out the usual wooden pencil, just not yet painted.

A double milling cutter that shares the blocks, sets the form of a future pencil, and this is done all in one pass. It is from the type of cutting cutter profile, it depends on how the pencil is hexagon or round.

Most recently, the factory mastered the production of a triangular pencil. It turned out that the demand for such a form is growing. Buyers attracts ergonomics and the naturalness of the location of the fingers on the edges, which, of course, makes it easier for learning the letter of children.

Next to the machine is the desktop desktop. Its task is to sort out the pencils made, select "suitable" and separate defective. The defects include chips of the rod on the end, roughness, wood burns and the like. Above the table hangs a memo with marriage standards. In each table, 1440 pencils are placed on the table.

Sorted pencils on a special elevator rise to the next floor, where they will be painted.

The paint is purchased in dry form and bred to the desired density in the laboratory of paints. Painting itself occurs fast enough.

The device continuously pushes painted pencils to the conveyor. The length and speed of the conveyor belt is designed in such a way that the pencil dried while moving on it.

After reaching the opposite end of the conveyor, the pencils fall into one of the three receivers, from where they go back to the next coating.

On average, each pencil is covered with three layers of paint and two layers of varnish - everything depends on the customer's desire. Parades can also paint in almost any color. The factory produces sets of six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four colors. Some pencils are covered only with varnish.

After painting, pencils are sent to the finishing workshop. In this place they acquire that final form in which they reach the consumer. A stamp is applied to the pencils, the eraser is worn and sharpened.

The methods of applying stamps are quite a lot, but on the "Siberian pencil factory" make it with the help of foil of different colors. This method is called thermostatization. The working part of the machine heats up, and the stamp through the foil is transferred to the pencil - so it will not break out and pain your hands. The stamp itself can be any, it is specifically ordered by the engraving. Depending on the complexity, it takes about five days.

On a part of the pencils, if necessary, worn eraser.

The last operation is sharpening. Pencils are raised on the grinding skirt, put on the drum and moving at high speed. This happens very quickly, literally in seconds.

In addition to sharpening the machine can be configured to perform rolling - processing the reverse end of the pencil under a slight inclination. Now pencils are ready for packaging, they are sent to the following room. There, the pencils are collected in the set, fold into the box and send to the consumer.

Packaging for the desired number of pencils is printed in Novosibirsk. It enters a flat form, so at first she gives the volume. Then through the complete machines, the required number of pencils are laid out in a given color scheme. A special machine allows you to collect a set of twelve colors. At the end of the pencils lay down on boxes.

To the question, whether the factory does not plan, following the example of Chinese enterprises, switch to the production of a pencil from cheaper wood or plastics Anatoly Lunin admits:

I was thinking to try to make an economical pencil from low-grade aspen, but this is another technology, and let the Chinese do it. I'm more interested in the topic of increasing the useful way out by improving the quality of wood processing. And from the point of view of ecology, it is better to produce anything from renewable raw materials. The plastic pencil never rotates, and the wooden for several years will be completely decomposed.

It remains only to wish that in the age of global computerization there is a simple wooden pencil.

Pencils we use starting from kindergarten. But few of us know how pencils do what wood is used for this purpose. It is noteworthy that the creation of these stationery is performed at each factory in its own way. But there are general moments that are fundamental for the production process.

What tree?

A classic wooden pencil has an important component - wood, from the quality of which the operation of this accessory depends. It is clear that not every tree is suitable for these purposes. In the past in the industry, Wood Vedizhnsky or Red Cedar, which belongs to the genus of juniper. Long fibers, no bitch, ease of processing - this is what attracted attention in this material. But in view of the high costs, European and American brands producing pencils began to use the wood of California cedar. Moreover, it is based on high-quality products that are used in graphic and artistic purposes.

In most cases, pencils are made from alder, linden, pines, California and Siberian cedar, as well as such a rare tree like Jelutong. What tree do pencils in our country? In most cases from alder and linden, which in Russia has a huge amount.

Olha is not the most durable material, but it has a uniform structure, which makes the processing process easier and retains natural natural color. As for Linden, it meets all operational requirements, and therefore is used in the production and cheap, and expensive pencils. Due to the good viscosity, the material firmly holds the griffel.

The material is unique to create pencils - cedar, which is widely used at factories in Russia. It is noteworthy that not healthy wood is used, but copies that no longer give nuts.

Rod: What basis?

Pencil production is carried out using a special rod. It consists of three components - graphite, soot and yals, which are often added organic binders. Moreover, graphite is a permanent component, including color, since it is precipitated that he leaves the trail on paper.

Rods are created from a thoroughly prepared mass, which has a certain temperature and humidity. It is important that the mixture does not drive, as it affects the wear of the equipment. The dough-smeared with a special press is molded, then passed through the equipment with holes, which makes a lot of noodles. This noodle is formed to cylinders from which rods are squeezed. It remains only to hide them in special triggers. Then the rods are subjected to burning, and after it is made of altitude: the resulting pores under pressure and at a particular temperature are filled with fat, stearin or wax.

How do color pencils do? Here, the principal difference has, again, the rod, which is made from pigments, fillers, grain components and a binder. Here the process of production of the rod is as follows:

  • made rods are stacked in special grooves on a skid and covered with a second plank;
  • both powder glue PVA glue, while the rod should not stick;
  • ends of glued skins are aligned;
  • the preparation is performed, that is, the addition of fat in the already existing mixture.

It is noteworthy that the production of pencils is carried out taking into account the consumer properties of products. So, cheap are created from wood not the highest quality, exactly the same is not the highest quality - and the shell. But pencils that are used for artistic purposes are made from high-quality wood, which has a double sizing.

Stage of wood preparation

The production of pencils is conducted from well selected wood, which is processed to obtain bars. Be sure to move the bars along the length of the pencil, and you need to take into account the allowances, as the destruction of the material happens. A special multi-step machine is performed by cutting bars on the plank, which are impregnated with paraffin in special autoclaves. This procedure helps to improve the mechanical properties of the future product.

Depending on what a pencil is made, then its sharpening will be performed. It is believed that the neat chips turns out if the products are made of pine wood, linden or cedar. In addition, it is important that the griffel can be qualitatively pricked with a pencil even when falling will not break.

What is the shell?

The shell depends the simplicity and beauty of the pencil. So they make pencils from the tree, then it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Softness, strength and lightness: during operation, the shell should not break or crumble, as well as the entire case.
  2. Do not flavor under the influence of natural factors.
  3. Have a beautiful cut - smooth and brilliant, while the chips itself should not break.
  4. Wood must be resistant to moisture.

What equipment?

Pencil production is carried out using diverse equipment. For example, cleaning clay, from which a graphite rod will later be created, requires special mills and crushers. The processing of the mixed test is carried out on the screw press, where the rod itself is formed from the dough with three different gaps. For the same purposes, a die is applied with holes. Drying of wooden blanks is performed in where products are rotated for 16 hours. With a good drying, wood gains a level of humidity to a maximum of 0.5%. As for color pencils, they are not subjected to thermal treatment due to the presence of fillers, dyes and grain components in them. On the special machine, the pencil strikes are performed in length.


How do pencils? In the production process, dryness plays an important role. It is performed in special wells with the help of machines, and the plate is stacked so that dryness is as efficient as possible. In these wells, the drying is performed about 72 hours, then the rolls are sorted: all cracked or ugly products are rejected. Selected blanks are enjoyed by paraffin, calibrated, that is, special grooves are cut on them, where the rods will be located.

How do pencils on production further? Now the milling line is used, on which blocks are separated on pencils. Depending on what form of the knives are used at this stage, pencils are obtained or round, or faceted, or oval shape. An important role is played by the fastening of the griffel in a wooden case: this should be made firmly and reliably, which reduces the risk of elements of the elements of the griffel. Elastic glue, which is used for a ligament, makes the griffel stronger.

Features of the coating

Modern simple and color pencils are presented in a huge variety of designs and colors. Since they make pencils in the factory, here you pay close attention to each stage of production. Coloring is one of the important stages, as it must meet a variety of requirements. For finishing of the surface, the extrusion method is used, and the end is separated by dipping. In the first case, the pencil passes through the primer, where it turns over at the end of the conveyor to apply the next layer. Thus, a uniform coating is obtained.

Quality color: what depends on?

The quality of the color depends on how much the requirements are associated with the requirements themselves, the primer machine is adjusted correctly, whether the timing of the drying of the pencils on the ribbon is met. Any pencil factory uses quick-drying compositions that form a solid, durable and elastic film on the surface, well-adhesive with the wood surface.

Coloring is performed by special primer paints that have a certain viscosity and contain pigments. If the pigment part is large, it will reduce the glitter of the film and will require further application to the surface of nitrolac. Even simple pencils are lacquered using nitrocellulose glossy varnish.

If the pencil of dark shades, it is painted at least in 5 layers and in 4 layers of varnish. To achieve light shades, a combination of 7 layers of paint with 4 layers of varnish is used. At the same time, it is important for a uniform and neat coating that the surface has a maximum of 18 layers. Staining the end parts of the pencils is performed in the ochanal machine in which the frame is lowered with pencils located on it.

Right pencil

Depending on how pencils make and from which materials, their frames can vary. In the traditional version, the stylus has a wooden frame, but the modern market offers a wide selection of products in plastic, lacquered and even a paper case. On the one hand, it adds to them beauty and unusualness, on the other, when falling from such pencils, little remains.

Already after painting, pencils are subjected to finishing finish. For this, various stamps and foils of different colors are used. The processing process is called thermostatic.

What hardness?

All colored and simple pencils are distinguished by the stiffel hardness, which is reflected in their marking. It is necessary to choose them like this: the more dense and solid paper, the more solid there should be a graphite rod. But too solid graphite can damage the paper. In Russia, you can buy pencils of the next labeling:

  1. M - soft.
  2. T is solid.
  3. TM - firm-soft.

About marking should be known when choosing pencils for creating drawings or drawing in the appropriate technique.

Features of color pencils

From which pencils are made simple, we have already figured out. Now you need to understand when and how it appeared it was known that the first products with color grydiem appeared back in 1820, the truth, who invented them and remained a mystery. Based on color, the combination of connecting substances, color pigments and fillers is based on. Kaolin adhesive adopted as a connecting substance, at the expense of the griffel. Well crushed high quality colored materials are used as colored pigments, and the pigment may be an organic or inorganic base. Color pigments themselves are created on the basis of materials that have resistance to burnout under the influence of sun rays and environmental safety. To date, pencils are produced in 36 color shades, respectively, the international scale of the shades of Pantone. As for fillers, the kaolin and chalk are used in this capacity, which are under thorough grinding.

To maintain order on the home desktop, you need to purchase, and even better to independently make items for pencils, pens, scissors and other stationery. Stand under pencils will allow you to always keep writing objects at hand, and not to look for them in the corners of bottomless boxes of the desk. In addition, children can be attracted to the manufacture of a pencil, which will bring something new and interesting in its design. In this review, we will show various stationery supports that can be easily done independently, you will only have to choose a suitable idea and embody it into life.

1. Support for pencils from a drink of wood.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to prepare the low log cabin, after which the chisel to remove the inner part, and install inside the pencils.

2. Pencil from sewage pipes.

Cut the jigsaw or manual saw different in diameter sewer pipes for small segments. We glue each of the segments into a row to a short-lived thin board (pre-board, and all segments of the pipes can be painted from the cannon into combined with each other shades).

3. Pencil in the vest.

From a white felt, cut a triangular piece of "shirt", stick it to a tin can from under coffee or canned fruit. Then we take a gray felt layer, cut out a rectangle from it along the length of the circle of the can, in front, cut the triangle to the size of the glued white "shirt" bending the edge and stitched with threads to the collar zone. Stick "Vest" on a tin can, a blue marker on a white shirt draw a tie or cut it out of a blue felt.

4. How to make a stand for pencils in a vintage style.

Wake up a tin can with a pink cloth, then from above, bottom and centered with a beautiful lace ribbon. On the end part glue pre-purchased accessories in the form of a flower with pearls (sold in sewing hotels).

5. How to decorate the pencils of the buttons.

Method number 1. We take the usual little glass jar from under a pediatric puree, then we ride the red and white buttons on a thin gum, we obey the ends of the gum into the nodule, and we put the resulting composition on the jar.

Method number 2. On the tin can, glue different buttons in size (color can also be any), then paint the product from the canister into a gold color or paint in a brick tone, and you shade with gold.

6. Stand for pencils with their own hands decorated with twine.

We take a tin can be covered with a layer of transparent glue, and wrap, snugging threads to each other. In conclusion, a bow can be pasted on the facade part of the product.

7. Pencil from tree bark.

Gently remove the bark with a dry tree and glue it to a glass or metal jar.

8. How to make stands for pencils from toilet paper tubes.

On each tube, we put vertical labels, cut the fringe on them. On each petal of the fringe we apply glue PVA, and glue all the tubes to the platform from the cardboard. Then the marker is drawing the face on the front of the stand.

9. Pencils with decorative soil.

To a tin can glue a single paper sheet, which is then saved by decorative pebbles.

10. Pencil in the marine style.

We take several tubes from paper towels, apply them to the base cut from cardboard. Each tube is covered with white napkins, forming large folds (glue napkins need to glue PVA). After that, we glue the tubes to the cardboard stand, and paint their water-based blue, yellow and orange paint (you can mix white water-emulsion paint with different colors of Guosses, in this case it is necessary to mix white with orange, white with blue and white with yellow). At the end of glue to the stand of plastic fish, starfish, seashells and artificial algae, all this can be bought in a pet store.

11. Pencil pencils.

Cut the sharpened parts of the pencils, you can cut the stationery knife or take advantage of the jigsaw. The lower row of pencils put on the cardboard tightly to each other, we glue each pencil. Then we start laying out the walls, two pencils located on the sides and glue to the base, in opposite parts also glue pencils, we continue until the height of the pencils will not satisfy its appearance.

12. A pencil decorated burlap.

On a tin can, gluke cuts, along the perimeter of the neck, glue flowers formed from bright linen fabric.

13. Cut the stand for pencils with wallpaper or kraft paper.

Sut off from wallpaper or kraft paper part of the corresponding value of tin cans, the resulting part is simply glued to the jar.

14. Pencil in shirt.

From a white felt, we cut the rectangle corresponding to the length of the diameter of a tin can, we make an incision for about 2 cm in the center, glue the collar to the jar, a cut in front, we connect the back, wait into the collar. From an unnecessary shirt, cut off the rectangle and glue it to the jar on top of the collar. We glue the buttons in the front and tackle a tiny tie from the color ribbon suitable.

15. How to make a pencil from a floppy disk.

In four floppy disk, hot seer must be pushed holes, in each diskette 4 holes (two on the sides and two below), in the bottom, fifth on the diskette, we do 8 holes, you need to warm over the candle (be careful). Then form a cube with a floppy disk without top, all parts connect with each other flexible wire, connecting its ends in the inside of the product.

16. Stand for pencils with her hands from a bottle of shampoo.

We cut the bottle from under the shampoo in half, but not in the middle, but above, the cut line can be a smooth round or in the form of cones (it will be the hair of the future monster). From the upper unnecessary part, cut the handle, and glue them at the bottom. From black paper with a mouth with the future monster, from white eye and teeth. A velcro can be glued to the back and fasten a monster pencil on the wall.

17. Pencil in style vintage with lace.

On the circle of cardboard glue satin tissue, on the edge of the podium glue lace. In the center of the circle glue different through the length of the tube from under paper towels. We decorate their fabric, lace and artificial pearls. Closer to the edge, we install a mannequin, carved from cardboard, and also decorated with lace, ribbons and beads. In the center we sit the figure of the birds, and from the other edge, we put a small photo frame made in a suitable style.

18. Pencil from the catalog.

We share a flexible directory for five identical parts, put it with a barrel, we fell all five parts to the center, in the form of flower petals, gluing them with transparent glue. Upon the top of the pages we pass the glue layer so that the pages do not disintegrate. At the end, the product can be painted paint from the can, and decorate the non-locking parts by beads or lace.

19. Pencil decor with ice cream chopsticks.

Glue sticks from under ice cream on two tapes, then the resulting stakenik glue to a tin can. We complement the product with a wide ribbon tied from the outside.

20. Decor with a fabric fabric.

Cut from dense fabric rectangles corresponding to the size of a selected tin can. Then each piece decorate the machine line with contrasting threads. We sew a cover on the inside, turn and wear on the jar.

21. Pencil from the tree trunk.

We cut off the saw from the dry tree a small part, then the drill at the top of the hemp creates a lot of holes in which you install pencils.

Unusual stands for pencils of industrial production.

We also decided to show various pencils of factory production, some of them are really impressive. Below you can see what stylish and unusual stands for stationery, they are produced in the form: lenses of cameras, monsters, heels, balls, rubble cubes, mimic stacks of folded paper, garbage containers, etc.

Today we have shown you how to make a stand for pencils, and not even one! Such beautiful stands for pencils will not only lead your workplace in order, and it is also significantly involved. Try them to make it together with the children, we assure the kids will be delighted.