Repairs Design Furniture

What the slope of sidewalks should be. Requirements for the foundation for paving slabs. Sealing seams and cracks

Pay attention to the paving slabs. This material has proven itself perfectly, it is durable, durable, beautiful. Now there are many types of paving slabs and everyone will be able to pick up a suitable house of the house or simply visiting him. Laying the paving slabs with their own hands may seem like a very complex and troublesome task, but in fact everything is extremely simple. The tracks in the garden can be discharged by paving slabs per weekend, and to cover a large courtyard about two weeks and a subband.

Before stacking, you need to deal with the main types of paving slabs. The main types of paving slabs are stamped and vibrating. It is better to stop your choice on vibrolyta sidewalk, which is a little more cost with more than a beautiful appearance and durability.

The thickness of the paving slabs may differ. Typically, the thickness of the paving slabs varies in the range of 20-60 mm. The 20-mm sidewalk tile is suitable for the roots in the garden or plots, which will not be guaranteed to ride cars. In the yard most often laid with paving tiles with a thickness of 40-45 mm. The 60 m millythyl tile is stacked where multiple trucks will ride.

The drawing of the tile can be any, but beginners are not recommended for laying a "rhombus" tile, "brick" and "blocking". Such a tile is stacked hard, the wizard for working with her is more expensive.

The tile color can also be almost any, but it is worth considering that the colored tile is more expensive gray.
This article discusses the technology of laying paving slabs with their own hands.

Materials and tools for laying paving slabs

  • Sand. Sand will need quite a lot (several tons), its quantity depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe yard, as well as the characteristics of the landscape.
  • Paving tile (amount is calculated by the manufacturer in the quadrature).

  • Border
  • Cement

  • Durable elastic thread
  • Metal pegs
  • A hammer
  • Rubber hammer

  • Shovel
  • Long rule
  • Two steel pipes with a diameter of about inches
  • Trubovka
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Level
  • Master OK
  • Buckets
  • Broom
  • Bulgarian with a diamond disk for cutting concrete

  • Khalenniki

Laying paving slabs with their own hands

Decide with a platform slope. The bias of several degrees must be present, otherwise the water will stand in the yard after the rain. Block is best to make the street. If you decide to follow this advice, the street level is accepted for a zero point.

Along the zero line (the line to which the playground will be tilted) will be led into the ground two metal pegs and pull the thread between them. Check out horizontal level. The level to the thread is better to apply the bottom.

To one of the pegs, tie one more thread and pull it perpendicular to the first. The free end of the threads tie to a new peg and take it into the ground so that the second end is slightly above the zero line. This can be monitored using a level (angle of inclination should be several degrees).

To the last scored peg, lend another thread on the same level with the previous one and pull it parallel to the zero line, check the horizontality using the level. Tie a free end to the fourth peg.

Connect the first and the last pegs. As a result, you will have a rectangle marked with threads and lying in the plane of the future platform with paving slabs.

Now you need to divide our surface to the strip. The width of the bands is selected based on the length of your rule (the band must be a few tens of centimeters already). From the zero line, set aside the selected distance and score a peg to the ground. Do the same from the opposite side. Connect the pegs with a thread, spending its height on the sides of the rectangle, perpendicular to the zero line. In the same way, divide the entire platform into strips.

Now you need to align the platform relative to the markup. Where the thread is too close to the ground, the soil should be removed, and where too large pits are too large. The gap between the soil and threads should be approximately two tile thicknesses. All this is done on the eye, no accuracy is required.

Soil, especially where he was satisfied, you need to carefully catch. To do this, use a rambling. In our case, the trimmer was made independently of the paw from the lifting crane with a welded handle.

When the plot is aligned, you can start laying paving slabs.

Prepare a sandy cement mixture. For this, right on the ground, pierce a bunch of sand, gradually mixing the cement there in the ratio of about 6 to 1. It is desirable that the sand is wet, so laying the paving slabs to better produce in spring or autumn, when not very hot and rather raw.

Prepared mixture evenly distribute one of the bands.

Thoroughly confuse.

Under the threads denoting the boundaries of the strip, lay steel pipes. The clearance between the pipe and the thread should be approximately a centimeter less tile thickness. Pipes should be strictly parallel to the threads and are at one height.

Feel shoes and pants that are not sorry to spoil, do not forget about knee pads. Become on your knees between the threads, skip the rule under them and spend on the surface of the pipes. You will see where you need to add a cement-sand mixture.

Pour the desired amount of cement-sand mixture. Start tamping it with your hands while simultaneously stretching the rule. You will have a flat stripe ready to stacking. You can score a little cement-sand mixture and sprinkle on top of the aligned site.

Prepare and carefully inspect the tile, put it with stacks near the prepared area. The tile is mostly all smooth, but there are defects. Some tiles can be convex (turtle), concave (plate) and twisted (propeller). This tile is better not to use and postpone in extreme.

Place one tile, carefully speaking it along the markup axes.

Tighten the tile with a rubber hammer, drowned it into the ground to the markup.

Do the same with the next tile. The sequence of laying tiles is selected depending on the tile pattern.

Stay stacking paving slabs from yourself. So, gradually moving forward, you will go to just laid tiles.

In the same way, prepare the base and place the following lane of paving slabs.

If there are some obstacles on the way (in our case, the gas pipe and the sewer hatch), they need to be bypassed with whole tiles. The final trimming and fit is better to do at the end.

After each working day, the tile must be freeze. When laying between the tiles, the gaps that need to be filled are formed. It is the process of filling the cracks and is called a breaker. For the combustion, we need dry sand and cement. They need to be mixed in the proportion of 1 to 6. The mixture is evenly crumbling over the tile, and then merge several times, filling the slots.

Attention: Sometimes when using a sandy-cement mixture for the printing, a white raid from cement can remain on the colored tile. This may be due to the quality of the tile, or its characteristics of its production. Conscientious tile manufacturers in such cases advise to freeze clean sand. If you have doubts you can refuse to use a mixture of sand and cement, use only sand.

It is unlikely that your site will be perfectly rectangular, so it will not be able to do without a trigger. Where you need to cut, determine the place. The tile trim is made using a grinder with a diamond disc on concrete.

If you want to make a flowerby, mark them with threads or beat. Extensive tile, protruding beyond the borders of the flower, spill.

Flowers and edges of a plot with laid tiles must be framed by a border. To do this, turn along the edge to the truster or a small shovel trench. The depth of the trench is chosen on the basis of the depth of the border landing.

Install the border sections and secure them on the mete of thick mortar.

Near the borders you will have a cell where you need to put the cropped tiles. Soil in these places need to be particularly thoroughly tamped, as he could crumble when the trench is digging.

Cut the rest of the tile required to fill the gaps formed during bypassing obstacles.

Where the tile is suitable close to the goal, it is better to put it on the cement-sandy mixture, but per solution, since in this place the load on the tile will be maximum.

This article discusses the process of laying tiles in the courtyard, in the case of the same way with garden tracks and the breakfast, everything is much easier and does not require such careful preparation.

Many owners of private houses are interested in how to put the pavement tiles. This finishing material is now very popular for the design of the house territories. Paving slabs allows you to create not only the usual masonry, but also the similarity of a multi-colored mosaic from the elements of the wrong shape.

The main advantages of paving slabs

How to properly put the pavement tiles, not everyone knows. After all, this is a relatively new material. However, the paving tile has become more demanded than the well-known paving slave.

Among the main advantages of paving slabs should be called such properties as:

  • low cost;
  • simple stacking technology;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to aggressive environmental impact;
  • variety of shapes and colors;
  • the ability to create bright and original landscape design elements.

To put the track or platform with paving slabs yourself, do not require special technical skills and knowledge, only the ability to handle conventional tools. If in the process of laying exactly observe the procedure and try a little, everything will definitely work out.

How to choose a tile

Thick tile (more than 60 mm) withstands the weight of a truck with a full body. Such tiles usually have the form of small bars. This gives facing additional strength.

To figure out how to put the pavement tile, easy. The underlying condition for a novice master is to choose a small width section for the first experiments. Garden track is best suited. Tile is better to choose a one-color, square or rectangular.

Marking of the site and preparation of the basis

First you need to calculate the track or platform area. It calculates the required amount of tiles. Purchase material is needed with a reserve of 10-15% in case of damage. In order not to be mistaken during the calculations, you can draw a plan of the future platform. This will facilitate the necessary computing and calculations.

On the edges of the track need curbs. It will help maintain the integrity of the design. The curb must be a few times the thickness of the selected tile. Putting the tile only on a properly prepared foundation, not only the appearance, but also the strength of the structure depends on it.

Proper base for sidewalk

To fulfill all the necessary work, the following tools will be required:

  • shovels - Soviet and bayonet;
  • pila Bulgarian;
  • spatulas;
  • rule;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • rubber hammer or kiyanka;
  • twine or cord, forests;
  • master OK;
  • rake;
  • capacity for the preparation of the mixture.

First you need to schedule the location of the track or site. To do this, pegs on both sides of the route are driven into the ground. They are tied to cord or twine. According to the marked area, you need to be like in different directions to determine the correctness of the markup and the optimality of the location of the site or track. During operation, the markup can be adjusted.

Drainage system

The technology of laying paving slabs with their own hands requires drainage work. An internal drainage is needed on the clay boiled soil with a high location of groundwater. To do this, in the process of earthworks, the required bias is formed, the drainage pipes are mounted for water drainage.

On dry soil, it is enough to make an external drainage. To do this, the paving slabs on the track are placed with a bonding of 2 or 3 ° in the direction of the border. Some of the water will be seamless through the seams between the tiles.

Construction of foundation

Under the foundation you need to dig a ditch. The top layer of the soil is removed to a depth of 20 cm. Removal residues must be removed. The bottom must be aligned and seal. If the soil is very weak, the screed of concrete is styled under the future design of paving slabs. It will strengthen the base and ensure the long-term track or platform.

Concrete reinforcing base under sidewalk

Then the installation of borders is carried out. Between them, pillow from fine-phrase (10-20) rubble or gravel. Bulk material must be loosen and slightly seal.

Borders on both sides of the track must be installed in parallel. The internal space between them should accommodate the required amount of tiles. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the assembly lumets in 2-3 mm. Then prepares a solution for concreting borders. Cement brand M300 or higher and sophisticated sand is taken. Proportion 1: 2.

The gravel pillow at the bottom of the trench is falling asleep with large wet sand, which needs to be dissolved. The thickness of the sand pillow after sealing the sand must be at least 3-5 cm. To control the top edge of the border, you need to measure 1.5 thicknesses of tiles.

Tile on top of the tile. If its position exceeds the desired level of 1 cm, the sand can be ragged. To do this, the finished pillow must be rich in the way and leave for several hours. Tightly tamme. After a day, you can start laying tiles. The main thing is that concrete, flooded under the borders, completely froze.

Laying tiles on sand and crushed stone

Tile is laid in clear dry weather. The wind, rain, dampness make it difficult to lay the styling process and may worsen the result, especially if the masters have no needed skills. The track is laid out in the direction from ourselves, to get up onto a sandy-gravel pillow during operation it is impossible.

Before laying the paving slabs with their own hands, you need to prepare a mounting mixture. For her, the dry sample sand is taken by the shallow fraction and the cement in the proportion of 3: 1 or the finished composition acquired in the building store.

Laying tiles on cement sandy mixture

So that the track can be dismantled later, the tile must be put only on the sand. The dry mixture or sand falls asleep at no more than 4 cm thick, you need to dissolve the pillow. When dripping, you can use guides from the reinforcement rod, tubes, etc. The mixture is distributed over the working surface by the workshop or robbles and smoothes using the rule.

If the track is narrow, the sand is poured between the curbs and smash a trowel. Using a level, you need to issue a drainage bias. During operation, the master is moving along the length of the track, holding a bucket with sand and tools at hand. On a wide track, the dry mixture is poured under beacons. The height of the lighthouse is reduced by 1 cm through each meter of the width of the future track to ensure the flow of water.

Alignment of the base for lighthouses

Over the finished masonry you need to fall asleep sand and rigid mop to make the grout of the closed surface. Instead of sand, you can use special thicker formulations. The order of working with them is listed on the packaging.

Laying tiles on concrete base

Preparatory work for laying paving slabs on a concrete base is carried out similarly. Initially, the tile is placed on the working surface, covered with sand.

To prepare the solution, use cement M500. It needs to be dissolved with water to the necessary consistency. Stir the solution is better than an electric drill or a building mixer. In a mixture of water and cement, gradually shove sand. It should be 4 times more than dry cement.

When laying on concrete, it is necessary to observe a strict sequence. Tiles alternately removed from the sandy pillow. Over 1 time you need to shoot 4 elements of preliminary masonry. A solution is applied to the released area. It needs to be evenly distributed. Setting the tiles on top of the solution, it is necessary to firmly and slightly press in Cyan. When laying between tiles, installed special struts made of wood to get the required gap. When the entire track or the playground will be posted, it is necessary to remove the residues from the surface.

Some rules for laying tile

In order for the material to be smooth and beautiful along the entire length of the track, you must especially carefully lay out the initial row of tiles. A across the tracks need to pull the fishing line in compliance with the drainage slope towards the border. At 0.5 cm from the curlers, the first tile is installed. In the longitudinal direction, the laying is controlled by the level.

On the track, the tile is laid on the diagonal and trambed by the Cyonya. Between the elements you need to leave a gap of 2 mm. The laid out a number must be carefully inspecting and immediately correct all the errors. It is usually enough to adjust the amount of sand under repellent or in the warent elements. Exactly laid initial row is the key to the fact that the track will be neat and beautiful.

Tamchka will speed up the work on laying paving slabs

If non-target tiles are assumed in the masonry, they need to be laundered. To properly outline the cut line, the tile must be attached to the installation site. Hoven for metal is suitable for cutting tiles, but the work will go very slowly. Therefore, it is necessary to cut the paving slabs with a grinder. The disc is installed on it diamond. You can use a special knife. You need to work in protective glasses.

Sealing seams and cracks

When the mounting of the paving slabs is completed, it is necessary to close small slots. For this you need to prepare a solution of cement with a high content of liquid glass. This will give the design resistance to aggressive environmental impact. In the mounting seams between the individual elements, a mixture of sand and cement or sand is absorbed.

Sand for filling the slots and mounting seams can only be used clean. A minor number of organic elements or salts will subsequently lead to the appearance of small flora on the paved area. Plants will spoil the appearance of the facility and reduce its strength.

Sand seal is performed with a hose with a narrow sprayer. The procedure must be repeated several times. Bulk material is added every time. The backfilling density of the mounting seams will ensure the strength and durability of the entire masonry.

Paving slab laying options

Paving slabs allows you to create various figures and ornaments at the local area. You can use ready-made schemes of laying or come up with a variant of the design of the track or platform.

The most common options for laying paving slabs:

  • christmas tree;
  • network;
  • chess;
  • random mix;
  • circular pattern.

Using multicolored elements of different shapes, alternating laying options, you can create interesting compositions on the principle of conventional mosaic or puzzles.

Geometric laying of paving slabs

Figure laying is better to perform first on the site near the workplace. This will fix individual errors or something to change in advance. When the work surface is ready, the tiles are gradually transferred to it and fit in the desired order.

To lay a tile of a round pad, you need to make a primitive circular from wooden plates with pointed ends. With its help on the prepared area, a circle is delineated over a sand pillow. Next, the tile is laid out from the outer edge to the center of the site.

Use and care

Freshly made path of paving slabs will be ready for use 2-3 days after the end of all works. To remove dust and garbage, the track is usually sweeping a broom and washed with a jet of water from the hose. Deep patterns with bright colors need to be removed more often and carefully than the usual laying.

Sand laid in intercutric seams, as the path or the site is used, is gradually washed away. Therefore, it needs to be lumping as needed. Damaged structural elements (for example, cracked tiles) are easily replaced with new ones.

Paving tile is unstable to mechanical effects, so it cannot be cleaned with an abrasive powder. It is better to apply a sidewalk river sand.

Strong chemicals to remove stains should not be used. A sufficiently weak soapy solution. It is applied with a non-rigid brush and then wash off with water from the hose.

In winter, the snow and ice must be carefully removed without using metal tools. You can use with a rubber tip. It will save the decorative tile. So that the track is not slippery, it must be sprinkled with ordinary clean sand.

The sidewalk tile is valued for practicality, high strength, durability, moisture resistance and temperature drops. It does not highlight the substances harmful to humans when heated as an asphalt coating. The variety of forms, sizes, colors and the textures of road-building material amazing. Combining different types of products, you can create beautiful coatings. Laying paving slabs requires the strict implementation of all construction rules. If the technology of paving is broken, the coating is quickly destroyed.

It can be vibrolyta and vibropressed. Products are characterized by manufacturing technology. Vibrolic elements are created by the rambling solution on the vibrationtole. In the manufacture of the vibropressed product, the mixture is exposed to pressure with vibration. Vibropressed products have higher strength. Tile produce from concrete mix and clay. The composition adds edges of granite rocks and plasticizers. The most durable is the granite tile. It is made of natural granite.

Products can have a diamond, hexagonal, rectangular, square and wedge-shaped. Popular material "Wave" (with wave-like edges), "clover" (with semicircular protrusions) and "bone" (resembles a coil). There are many ways to lay a diamond tile (hexagons, snowflakes, stars). From rhombuses you can create a coating with a 3D effect.

To create garden tracks near cottages and country houses, a vibrolyant tile with a thickness of 40 mm is purchased. Vibropressed products can be laid on roads with high load (squares, sidewalks). They must have a thickness of at least 60 mm. If laying on the street on the roadway, it is better to use granite tiles. The intensive movement of passenger vehicles will withstand the material with a thickness of 70-80 mm. If trucks are driving on the way, the coating thickness should be 100 mm.

Before buying, you need to evaluate the quality of the tile. There should be no holes on its surface, Zzabrin and Scherbin. When tapping tiles, a ringing sound should appear. If the sound is deaf, you need to refuse to buy. It is not worth buying brightly colored products, as well as those in which there are emptiness. To evaluate the density of the material, you need to ask him to split it. It is necessary to find out how smooth is the surface of the product. If the pavement tile is all the corners on the table, it lies smoothly and does not swing, it is high quality.

Options for laying

Before purchasing paving slabs, you need to select the laying option. On straight and smooth areas, it is easiest to perform a linear scheme. Such a laying technology of paving slabs is the simplest. It allows economically to spend material.

A linear layout can be horizontal, vertical, straight or with a shift. When the rows shifts the coating pattern resembles a brickwork. If you use products of different shades, you can get the effect of the "tracked track". Tile rows are sometimes placed at an angle to the track line. Such styling is called diagonal.

If a diagonal-angular layout diagram is used, a drawing "Christmas tree" or "Braided" is formed. To put the "Christmas tree", the rows of tiles are at an angle of 45 ° to the line of the track. "Braided" bridge, alternating horizontal and vertical laying. The diagonal-angular circuit is characterized by high strength. It visually reduces space.

Tile can be placed by modules of 2-3 elements. Combining 2 colors create a chess pattern. If you use elements of different sizes and shades, it turns out an original chaotic picture. At the local area, a spiral layout looks beautifully. To create decorative circles, it is necessary to purchase material with wedge-shaped elements. The artistic layout is performed from products of different shapes and colors. Selecting the ways of laying the tile, it is necessary to take into account the design of architectural buildings and a homeland territory.

Necessary materials and tools

To perform work on laying, you need to purchase tools:

  1. Bayonet and sovereign shovels for the excavation of the soil.
  2. Rake to ram the surface of bulk materials.
  3. Stakes and rope for the markup of the site.
  4. Rubber hammer for alignment of the material (wooden mold with a rubber head).
  5. Construction level (1.5-2 m).
  6. Roulette.
  7. Brush or broom.
  8. Stamping.
  9. Rubber spatula.
  10. Smooth bar for aligning the surface of the layers.
  11. Bulgarian (disk with diamond spraying).
  12. Scrap to perform dismantling paving slabs.

It is necessary to prepare borders, sand, crushed stone (fractions 10-20, 20-50) or gravel, plastering mixture or cement (M400, M500). To strengthen the foundation of the coating, it will take the reinforcement grille with cells 10x10 or 8x8 cm. Create a coating on a large area will help the laying machine.

Marking of future tracks

To correctly lay out the tile yourself, you must first make markup. Starting work needed near the building, fence or gate. Near the facilities you need to score 2 kial. The distance between them should correspond to the width of the track. The width of the coating is better to adjust the size of the product so that the material does not have to cut. Since the design will be supported by curbs, it is necessary to leave a place for them (10 cm on each side). Other 2 kids are clogged near another building. There are 2 ropes between the waists.

Laying street tiles on a large area is carried out after it is partitioned on the strip 1-1.5 m wide. If the road has bends, it is separated into small sections. The markup of each site is made separately.

Earthworks and protective layer

The volume of earthworks depends on the type of soil. If the soil is dense and clay, it is enough to remove a layer with a thickness of 15-20 cm to remove the roots of the plants. When the ground is loose, it is necessary to remove a layer with a thickness of 30-35 cm. If laying of paving slabs in winter is planned, the trench for paving must be prepared to cold.

Sand pour on the trench surface. The sand is tamped along with the soil. So that the plant seeds in the ground did not germinate and did not destroy the coating, the non-woven canvas are placed on the bottom of the trench. Stripes of material must overlap each other by 15-20 cm.

Drainage device

Proper laying of the tile is not a guarantee of the durability of the coating. Ground and rainwater gradually wash the sand and soil particles, destroying the base of the road. For moisture does not spoil the coating, it is necessary to make a drainage layer.

On the bottom of the trench you need to pour rubbank. The thickness of the layer should be 15-18 cm. Crushed stone is needed good to ravibly and dissolve. From above, the thin layer of sand is added and also rolls up, on which the nonwoven canvas is placed. It is necessary to take care that water flows to the edges of the track. For this make transverse and longitudinal slopes. The pillow under the paving slabs is performed at the last stage of the preparatory work.

Placing enclosing borders

Laying the border is carried out immediately after performing the work on the drainage device. It is better to use a ready-made border of concrete. Border blocks are installed near the vertical slope slice along the edges of the road. It is desirable that the top edge of the border is 1-2 cm above the soil level. Otherwise, the tracks will be constantly dirty.

Border blocks are fixed with concrete solution. After laying a border, you need to check how smooth it is. For this use the construction level. If some blocks are installed incorrectly, their position is adjusted by wooden inquiry.

Applied types of foundations

Before laying the platform with tiles, you need to make a base. The underlying layer helps to align the surface of the site. It gives coat stability and increases its strength. A reliable base does not allow the sidewalk to collapse under the weight of people and cars. It protects the coating from the destruction in the autumn-winter period, when ice is formed in its gaps.

The technology of laying paving slabs depends on the method of operation of the coating. If the load on its surface will be a small (pedestrian walkway), it is enough to make the underlying layer consisting of sand and cement. If the package is carried out under the car, a concrete base is necessary.


Before concreting, the base is performed by reinforcement. The reinforcement grid is placed on metal or stone stands. Armature must be 3-5 cm above the surface of the trench. Gatzovka for paving slabs is prepared from sand and cement in a 3: 1 proportion. It is better to use river or career washed sand. It should not have clay or lime particles. The solution is uniformly and thoroughly distributed over the trench section to achieve a smooth surface.

It is better to immediately pour the entire track concrete. If part of the work is postponed the next day, the plot is flooded with concrete. It is necessary to cover with polyethylene. The concrete base for sidewalks should have a thickness of 10-12 cm. In order for the cement cushion to be durable, its 3-5 days moisturize. After moisturizing, the concrete is covered with polyethylene. You can lay the coating in 7-12 days.

From sand and cement

The trench falls asleep with a mixture of sand and cement. It is prepared in proportion 3: 1. The thickness of the sand-cement base should be 12-15 cm. The underlying layer is needed to be good and aligned. If the trench depth is too big, it can be reduced by sand. The sand is poured under the base and thoroughly tram.

The paving technology of paving slabs requires that the cement-sand mixture is dry. Therefore, it is better to make the basis directly before paving in dry weather. The cement-sand layer must be laid on geotextiles. If this is not done, the sand will quickly refill, and the tile will see.

Tile processing before laying

Before mounting, the tile must be treated with hydrophobic solution. The tool will increase the frost resistance and moisture resistance of the material, as well as increase its life. Hydropobicators improve decorative qualities and protect against fungal microorganisms. Salt spots appear on the surface treated with hydrophobic surface solution. The material is immersed in the hydrophobic composition, then dried. The procedure is repeated.

During processing, you need to carefully inspect all the elements. Products with defects need to be postponed. When you need to cut the paving slabs to arrange the corners, the defective elements will be useful.

Work on laying must be carried out under suitable weather conditions. The weather should be dry and windless. It is impossible to lay a coating on a sandy-cement base at a minus temperature. When frozen the soil expands, and after the thawing sends. If you put a coating on the frozen soil, after it is thawing it collapses. The rules for laying paving slabs allow you to perform work on a concrete base during a frost, but it is undesirable to do it.


The pavement tile on a concrete base is fixed with cement mortar. The seams are completely filled with a mixture. In this case, the thickness of the seams should not exceed 3 mm. Placeing elements, you need to be covered. It is impossible to step on the basis. After laying each row, you need to check the quality of the work performed by the construction level. Elements that are incorrect are aligned with rubber hammer.

It is necessary to lay the cement-sand base, driven by each element with wooden inquiry. The material must securely secure at the base. If the product "fails", you need to pour a layer of sand under it. The gaps between the tiles are filled with a mixture or sand. After performing the work, the coating is moistened from the hose with a sprayer. If the mixture "sink" in the gaps, you need to pour a little mixture into them. You can use the coating in 2-3 days.

Seaming seams of paving slabs is carried out using sand, cement or concrete mix. If sand is used, it must be pre-samped. The cement mixture is prepared from cement and sand in a 1: 5 ratio. When preparing a concrete mixture, cement is mixed with sand in the proportion of 1: 3. Sand and mixtures should be dry. The postpoint layout is carried out using a rubber spatula. The level of the mixture in the gaps should be from 1/2 to 3/4 of the height of the tile. Excess mixtures are sweeping with a broom cover.

After that, they begin pouring the seams. When the mixture is frozen (after 1-3 days), the mixture is poured into the gaps and it is moisturized again. After drying the composition, the procedure is repeated for the third time. It is possible that you have to add a mixture to the seams a few times. You can finish work when the mixture in the gaps will be on the same level with the surface of the tile.

Elenarudenkaya (Expert BuilderClub)

Good day.

Let's in order.

1. It is necessarily removed by the floral layer, it is usually 30-50 cm. This is just enough for the device of the whole "pie" of the scene.

It will be useful for you to read our article about the device of the gallery in a private house.

In order for the scene to be strong and durable, it is necessary to properly ram the soil. You can do this with a special tamper. The soil must be sealed around the house for a distance that corresponds to 1.5 lengths of the scene itself.

Can Install the border, as it looks more winning and also performs the function of the limiter when the device is devoted. Many times have to be sealing crushed stone and sand, that without a strong border it will not work well.

For a breakfast from spending tile layers there will be such:

  • Strked ground.
  • Crushed stone rambling every 10 cm (the layer is selected depending on the desired level). The main material of such a layer can be crushed stone, gravel or ordinary yellow building sand of a large fraction. The thickness of the drainage layer depends on the finishing layer of the scene. If the pavement tile is used, the thickness of one element is deducted from the depth of the soil layer. Everything else is filled with construction sand. As a rule, the thickness of this layer is about 25-35 cm.
  • Concrete layer approximately 5 cm M100-150.
  • Reinforcement grid of reinforcement with a diameter of 4-6 mm. The concrete itself is not elastic, so with frequent freezing and thawing it cracks. Armature also assumes all internal forces, keeping concrete for many years. The reinforcement rods are stacked around every 5-10 cm. It is best to make a bars with square cells from the rod, the side of which will be 100 mm.
  • Concrete 5 cm.
  • Ruberoid in 2 layers with a small adhesive on the wall of the house (2-3 cm).
  • Hard, i.e., a mixture of cement and sand, M-150 grade cement is mixed in proportions 1: 3 with sand.
  • Tile.

2. Upon this item to advise difficult. If you perform a concrete base for a breakfast, then the tile is suitable for each zone. If you are simply with sand or slabs without concrete, then the tile from loads will dry out and it will be necessary to shift it.

3. To remove water, a slope is necessary. The slope can be made even at the stage of the device of the drain layer, which is relevant when using paving slabs. You can make a bias and during the formation of the finish layer of concrete. The magnitude of the slope must have a minimum value of 1.5 percent, that is, about 8 mm for every half the length of the breakfast. This bias guarantees a normal water removal. For a breakfast from spending, the difference is 5-10 cm per 1 m.

And also so that the concrete does not constantly climb, stacked the runner for 2 layers on top of the concrete tie, and then already gatar. Ruberoid will help keep concrete for longer.

As for the gutters. On the perimeter of the scene, it is advisable to make a concrete tray for draining water, also for these purposes, you can use a sawn tube laid on a concrete base or purchased gutter. They will put water from the breakfast and from the drainage system and to flow to the side.

4. No, just a tile laid on the sand will not serve as a gentleness, but with reinforced and waterproof concrete base will be.

5. The compensation seam is needed to ensure that the tape of the breakfast, changing linear dimensions when the temperature changes can be shifted, without accumulating the internal stresses. M.a small gap of 1-2 cm should remain a small gap of 1-2 cm.Fill it better by ordinary sand or polisterol. Often, a laying of several layers of rubberoid make such a gap. It will be enough that the overlap that I wrote at first.If there is no such seam, then the scene, which is made of paving slabs, during the frost will create an additional side load on the foundation or wall of the basement. This can lead to the destruction of their waterproofing.

IMPORTANT - the deficiency is made only at the end of all the works on the facade of the building. This rigid requirement is associated primarily with the fact that the scene must perform for a certain distance (from 1 to 1.5 m) to play the edge of the facade, and it is possible to establish the border of this edge only after full finish of the facade. The laid surface of the paving slabs is thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of a dry mix and watering along the temperature seams with a small amount of water.



For masters, which are carried out by laying paving slabs with their own hands, step-by-step instructions will help save the budget for the arrangement of pedestrian paths and parking near the cottage. Technology is the same for tiles of concrete and polymeric materials. Works should be performed in the summer in the absence of precipitation.

This coating allows you to completely avoid concreting and other "wet" finish processes, but only on soils with a normal bearing capacity. If the site is located on fresh embankments, worked and problematic soils (for example, sand dustless or pure clay), has a complex relief, the base concreting is necessary to provide a rigid underlying layer and the uniform distribution of loads on the ground.

On sands, grave, rock soil, sandy and loam, it is enough to remove the arable layer and replace it with a nonmetallic material:

  • paths - sand;
  • parking - rubble 5/40.

Crushed stone base.

To eliminate the mutual mixing of soil with inert materials, it is necessary to stripped with geotextiles, and start this nonwoven material on the side walls. Sealing the vibropilet must layers of 10-15 cm thickness maximum as the photo below.

Layer of geotextile.

Vibratinglitis with electric or gasoline drive will be needed at further stages anyway. Therefore, it is either rented, or make it yourself. The instrument will also need:

  • the rule is special, manufactured from the board, the usual plastering 1.5 - 2 m;
  • rubber molding - for laying paving slabs (TP) and mounted clebbers;
  • level - preferably laser, but bubble, on complex relief - hydraulic;
  • tough brush - needed to fill the seams at the last stage;
  • Ushm ("Bulgarian") - used for cutting cladding elements;
  • cord - track markup, slopes;
  • stretch and shovel - Rock up and alignment of sand.

TP tool TP.

Important! Crushed stone stacked in a natural state, the sand is abundantly moistened, it is not necessary to shed it from the hose / bucket, so as not to create a rigor in this technogenic layer with your own hands.

On the complex relief, it is first produced by retaining walls from gabions or monolithic reinforced concrete. Otherwise, the lateral movements of the soil disrupt the geometry of the tracks after a couple of years of operation.

Even in even plots, the slope of sidewalk tiles is necessary, since the material is waterproof, and the slots between the elements of the pavement are not enough to quickly take the rave and flooding drains. Between the curbs and tiles it is desirable to mount the trays of the lavety, and under the vertical lats of roofing drains integrate into the coating of rain-seekers.

Paving Tile Tube Technology

It is important to understand the home master that the quality and resource of the garden tracks are fully dependent on the ground conditions:

  • clay soils are uneven, disturbing the geometry of sidewalks and parking;
  • problem soils are satisfied with time;
  • on the slopes and without protrusion, the tile is sprawling.

To correct the base, the tile will have to completely dismantle.

When buying non-metallic materials, it is worth considering:

  • parking is preferable to a 20/40 rubble fraction depending on the traffic intensity and operational loads of the layer thickness from 30 cm;
  • for the tracks, the rubble 5/20 layer 10 - 15 cm;
  • sand is better to choose a river or washed career with a minimum clay percentage;
  • when the vibropilet seal is sealing, the seal coefficients are 1.7 for sand, 1.3 for rubble, so when buying the volume of the pit need to multiply these numbers, otherwise the material is not enough.

The paving slabs should provide the necessary quality of the exterior of the tracks and the durability of the coating. Therefore, the facing are chosen on the grounds:

Hypersded pavement tile.

Important! Vibrolic products are cheaper, since it is easier to manufacture, has an original configuration, reduces finishing budget. Hypersded tile is difficult to split, damage, this option is optimal for parking lots that are serviced in winter snowpots.

Vibrol TP.

Marking and layout

Unlike the supporting structures, the marking of the household space is most often combined:

  • to increase artistic value, curvilinear and radius forms are used;
  • direct tracks are marked by cloth cords;
  • roundings are delineated directly on the ground in the flows or large-sized circles (tied with a cord to the central peg of the rod).

When marking, the following factors should be taken into account:

The chernozem contains an organic agent that overtakes under the tile and gives shrinkage. Therefore, a loose arable layer should be removed, use on the beds, in landscape design or remove from the site. The resulting planning is called professional professionals, in which further operating operations are made.

Important! The roots of adult bushes and trees are dangerous for paving slabs, so they are either hardened, or the routes of pedestrian traffic at a distance of 3 m from them.

Drainage and underlying layer

Laying TP follows a rigid base with drainage properties, since part of the stormwater drains is distinguished through the slots between the tiles. However, natural drainage is not enough to cope with the entire volume of water in heavy rain and take the drains of the roofing drain when the path is prettier near the house or facing this material of the scene. Therefore, you need to perform several conditions:

If arable layer is removed more than 40 cm and a TP 6 - 8 cm thick is chosen for cladding, the thickness of the underlying layer increases sharply so that the tracks rise slightly over the soil adjacent to them. To save budget in this case, you can use cheaper materials in the lower level of the underlying layer, rather than crushed stone, river sand - soup or loam. They are also needed to be sealed to a similar state of the surface.

The curb (curbstone) is much higher than the tile (20 cm), therefore, by the stroke contour, it is necessary to make a trench of a similar width of a depth of 25 - 30 cm to put the curb on the layer of the solution.

Trench for wake-up

Important! In places of passage of the railway trays, another trench will be required, since the height of these elements varies within 13 - 41 cm depending on the design and material.

Installation of curb stone

Without belligers, the sidewalks will lose form, as the tile on the sides "crawls." The curb stone needs to be laid according to the cord, taking into account the longitudinal and perpendicular slopes of decorating areas on the cement-sandy solution. The ratio of 1/4 ingredients (cement / sand, respectively. The technology is:

  • a trunk in the trench is stacked;
  • the order is mounted on it and hesitated by the cord on the cord;
  • outside and inside in 2 - 3 places the solution is placed in a slide on the side surfaces of the curb just below the sandy layer on which the tile will be mounted, as in the photo below.

Power is possible through a day, two, after a durability of cement stone.

Tip! Regardless of the size of the lavender trays, they are better to mount along the borders along with them at the same stage. These elements are also installed on a solution that requires time for hardening.

Begging tiles

There are methods of laying TP on the cement-sandy solution (for operation in severe conditions), a dry mixture (1/5 cement, sand, respectively) and on pure river sand. Practice proved that when the cement is added to a dry mixture, the developer does not receive any additional benefits, but the mainfoldability of the coating is sharply reduced and the finish budget increases. Therefore, in 80% of cases, the paving slabs mounted on dry sand according to the technology:

Tip! Installation of border stone in the ends of the tracks is not always possible. In order to prevent the placement of paving elements at such a plot, the last two rows are mounted on the cement-sandy solution.

Ways to adjoin the TP to the soil and screed.

Paving slab laying nuances

Causes problems usually occur in the design of curvilinear sites. The simplest option on radiopy paths is the laying of rectangular elements, like on the bottom photo:

  • tile oriented with a long side along the movement;
  • works start from a smaller radius;
  • each element is relatively adjacent;
  • transverse and vertical seams are located wedge.

Rectangular TP on turns.

If the developer has chosen a collection of tiles with a complex configuration (for example, "clover"), the pavement technique changes dramatically:

  • the seams are shoe under 45 - 60 degrees along the length of the winding plot;
  • the surface is filled with solid elements;
  • slices are stacked near the borders.

The technology "beam" is applied, when the TP rectangular format is focused perpendicular to borders.

On complex radius intersections and large areas, the direction of the seams may vary to increase the artistic value of the composition.

Decorating complex radius intersection.

Thus, it's easier and cheaper to host the tracks, recreation areas and parkings on a plot on the sand of injection molded or vibropressed paving slabs on direct tracks. On radial areas, the above recommendations should be taken into account. For problem soils, a rigid concrete underlying layer should be made.

Tip! If you need repair masters, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below a detailed description of the works that you need to perform and offers to you in the post office with prices from building brigades and firms. You can see the reviews about each of them and photos with examples of work. This is free and does not oblige anything.