Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade Barco Hanghal is simple and beautiful! Mangal from a barrel with his own hands bracket from barrel 200

The article describes all the advantages and cons who have a brand made on the basis of a metal container. The stages of the work on the creation of the design, as well as the tools and materials necessary to create such a manga at home are listed.

Barrel brack for several hours

Rest in the country is most often associated with the preparation of kebabs in a pleasant company. Some have portable brazier in their arsenal, but most often, connoisseurs of delicious and juicy meat, prefer to use more impressive devices. If there is no desire to make it from concrete and brick, then it is quite possible for several hours to build your bracket from the barrel. How best to do it? What infirm materials and tools will be needed in the process of manufacturing such a device?

Pros and cons

The brazer bracket has an indisputable advantage. With it, you can not just fry meat, but to prepare it properly with the preservation of juiciness and taste. Thanks to the big brazier, which warms very well and evenly, the meat is delicious. The pluses are also:

  • Ease of care, fast cleaning;
  • Ability to transport close distances;
  • Efficiency;
  • The ability to independently repair if necessary;
  • Uniform distribution of heat inside the brazier.

If you make a combined option, it is possible to prepare both the traditional kebab on skewers and a juicy barbecue. An ordinary mangal, which disassembled, do not cook so tasty meat.

By cons of barbecues from the barrel should be attributed:

  • High corrosion exposure. Therefore, it should be covered or hiding during bad weather.
  • There is a chance in non-compliance with the safety technician to get a burn, since the entire surface of the barrel warms up quite strongly.

What will be required for work

You can make the grill from the old metal barrel or even a gas cylinder. It is important to take into account that use the container in which the poisons, chemicals or fuel were bred, is prohibited. Of 200 liter containers, a beautiful barbecue, which can satisfy all the wishes of connoisseurs of delicious fried meat. Working with a gas cylinder is much more complicated. In order to make a barrel from a barrel with their own hands, special tools and additional materials will be required:

  • Bulgarian with a circle for cutting and grinding;
  • Welding machine;
  • Lobzik for metal;
  • Steel corner with equal shelves of at least 45 mm;
  • Grid mesh;
  • Metal door handle;
  • Four metal-based wheels (for transportation);
  • Door hinges;
  • Bolts;
  • Roulette.

Preparation of Rama

First of all, you need to make a frame that will reliably hold the brazier. The optimal is considered the height of 90 - 100 cm. To do this, weld the prepared metal corners at an angle of 90 °. From one and the second side, two drains connected by jumper are installed. The height of the jumper should not exceed 25-30 centimeters from the ground to ensure reliable stability. For each runoff to secure the wheel. It is important to monitor that there is no frame distortion, otherwise the grill of the barrel will not be as effective and high-quality.

Assembly process

How to make a brazier in a few hours? The main thing is to perform all the steps correctly and adhering to the recommendations. The manufacture of barbecue from the barrel with their own hands consists of the following steps:

  • In the lateral part of the metal container, with the help of a grinder, a rectangular hole is cut. In the future, it is used as a lid. Side sides should be no lower than 15 centimeters. In order to place 10 skewers, it is enough to have a capacity of 30 cm.
  • With the help of the welding machine or bolts, it is necessary to fix two parts of the barrel with loops. To the cap to weld the metal handle for the convenience of use.
  • To properly equip the inside, you need to weld plates or corners there. They will be installed directly brazier.
  • To create thrust and circulation of air in the side parts of the barrel, it is necessary to make holes with an electrical drill. The lid can also be denied if in the future plans enters the design as a smokehouse.
  • Magal made must be fixed on the frame. In this case, it is important that the drain hole of the container turned out to be up. It will be a stretching hole. In the future, it is better to insert a piece of pipe to this hole.

If you wish, you can make a barrel from the barrel with their own hands to cover heat-resistant paint. This will allow the design to harmoniously fit into the landscape of cottages or at home.

Read in the article

Making a brand from a metal barrels we build a frame with your own hands

The first thing you need to do is cut the metal corner into two identical parts. It is considered optimal when the height of the frame corresponds to the growth of a person, that is, is at the level of the belt. Usually the height of the mangal is 100 cm. The lower brand will be inconvenient to use.

In the width, the framework design must correspond, the size of the barrel. Therefore, certain parameters are not specified by anywhere. For the side of the frame, it will be necessary to build racks. For their manufacture, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • the bottom plan, located horizontally, is fixed at a distance of about 300 mm from the bottom edge of the frame;
  • the top plank, which is parallel to the bottom, is attached at a distance of the corresponding radius of the metal barrel.

Billets are laid out on a comfortable surface and fasten with a welding at a right angle. By analogy, both the second half of the frame, naturally, the obtained billets should be the same, since as a result they will make a single design. The resulting side structures are connected to each other with steel corners.

At this stage of work, it is necessary to be extremely attentive, since even at the slightest distortion, the design will be uneven, and accordingly unstable. After making a frame, wheels are attached to it. In order to make transportation as comfortable as possible, you should attach a comfortable handle to the frame. It can be welded or bolt.

Mangal from the pipe and with a pipe

Farming the roar from the pipe is slightly harder. In the sense that you need to brew ends. All other operations are no different. Even the designs are exactly the same.

Mangals from the pipe - the manufacture will require a little longer: you need to privar the sides

But when using the pipe there are its advantages: since we will still welcome the sides, then why not do the door (in the photo on the left). You can use old from the stove - you can put firewood through it, as well as adjust the air supply until "prepare" coals.

Mangal with a pipe

To ensure the best thrust and so that the smoke does not interfere with being nearby, it is possible to attach a chimney pipe to the sidewall of the mangaal from a cylinder, pipes or barrels. Works will add, but not very much. But it will be comfortable to use: the smoke is good on the kebab, but they do not want to breathe.

Mangals with a pipe are more comfortable - smoke goes up. You can also issue differently in different ways.

On how to make a simple brick brazier, read here.

Additional features and decoration

Before making a barbecue for a country site, you should decide on the operation mode:

  1. stationary hearth - usually equipped with a hinged tabletop, shelves, a field, chimney and a canopy;
  2. mobile barbecue - besides listed options has a wheel on 2-4 legs;
  3. multifunctional cryptile grill - adds an additional compartment of the smoke generator.

And then we are already slanting which elements will be present there. At the same time, additional options are considered:

  1. countertop - usually fastened by brackets in front of the roar lid;
  2. shelves - hang on the sides near the bottom of the barrels;
  3. polenitsa - located under the barrel, is protected from behind the visor;
  4. canopy / visor - from non-combustible materials on separate racks;
  5. hood - Usually with a natural burden in the form of a conical or pyramidal design of galvanized.

Metal barbecues are decorated with twisted, forged elements. Less often, the original configuration is attached to the body of the structure. For example, when using a thick-walled pipe, the owner can beat the design in the form of a gun amateur or an ancient locomotive. The ready-made decor is a used sewing machine, usually decorated with forging.

Thus, if there is a pipe of a large diameter or a standard barrel for 200 liters, a homemade master can build a barbecue with his own hands. At the same time, the requirements from the above instruction should be followed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps some will just be too lazy to mess around with an old barrel when on sale for a long time you can find all sorts of structures of various designs and at quite an affordable price. However, the present owners have a hand never fall, and I want to find the use of all unnecessary and served your things, for example, an empty metal barrel. In such household people, golden hands and at the sight of barrels probably arise a lot of ideas, like where it is all can be accommodated.

A barrel from the barrel has its pros and cons. Of the advantages, we note:

  • the ability to prepare not only kebabs, but also other grilled dishes or in metal dishes;
  • ease of cleaning and maintenance;
  • a large number of cooked food at the same time (for example, in a grill of a 200-liter barrel);
  • safety and practicality of use;
  • ease of installation;
  • available cost.

The disadvantages include:

  • the possibility of corrosion (to avoid this, make a protective visor over the mangal);
  • fast incandescent, respectively, you need to be careful and attentive to not burn;
  • the impossibility of transportation, as the design is not collapsible.

Device and principle of operation

The design of our future device is simple as all ingenious. Two parts of the barrel will serve us a pallet with coals and a lid. Cut exactly in the middle and connected by iron door loops These parts in the form of half-cylinders must be installed on metal legs. A steel grid is placed on a wide side of the lower half-liter, to which we will put our juicy pieces of meat. At the bottom of the same component, we smell the finished coal for kebabs. The upper half-cylinder will serve as protection against wind gusts during cooking, and during when the brand is not used, the upper cover will be protected from moisture penetration inside.

Step-by-step manga manufacturing instruction with lid

If you do not have experience with the welding machine, and you want the mangala to have a cover, then use another version of the execution. Before working, you need to clean the tank from the fuel and fuel or other means that were stored in it. The outer surface is treated with a grinding disk installed on the grinder.

Now cut off the folding flap. Pick the dimensions at your discretion. While working with a grinding machine, follow safety techniques.

To hold the lid, replenish two galvanized strips on the sides. Fix with rivets, as shown in the photo below.

Now fasten the lid to the barrel. To do this, you can use conventional door loops. Fix with rivets.

If you have an old cabinet, then take a handle from it and secure to the design.

For the chimney, any curved tube that is screwed to the barrel is suitable.

The brazier is almost ready, you can fix the lattice to be able to prepare meat not only on skewers.

The manufactured device is coated with heat-resistant paint, leave one day so that the surface is completely dried. After that, you can proceed to the preparation of kebabs.

Marking of the cylinder

Most often for brazier take a propaganized balloon for 50 liters. It turns out the optimal size for the preparation of 6 portions of the kebab. These products are standard, because the markup will be common to all.

The outer diameter of the cylinder is 96 cm. It is perfectly divided into 4: it turns out 24 cm. There is also a label regarding which it is convenient to make marking: it is a longitudinal seam. Regarding it and it is worth it all distances: then everything will be smoothly, without distortion.

First, we depose from the seam 24 cm in both directions, carry out lines. Putting a balloon horizontally, seam down, on one of the lines we make marking under the skewers. From the circular seams to the right and on the left, we retreat 3 cm, and then put the marks every 8 cm. We get 6 marks. They will need to drill holes with a diameter of about 1 cm.

From the line on which the markup was carried out laying up 10 cm (from the seam-middle it turns out 34 cm). Here will end the cover of our manga.

Marking gas cylinder for mangala

Next, place the lid itself. It will be the distance between the first marked line and just applied. Between them, retreating 3 cm from circular welds, stake the lines. With you on the cylinder drew the mangala lid. It takes less than half of the diameter (it turned out in the photo below).

How to make a brazier from sheet metal here.

How to cut a barrel

The next stage is to work with the main part of the design - barrel. This is a very important point in the manufacturing process. The further quality of the whole design depends on the evenness of the lines and uniformity of the cut. Before starting work, apply with a roulette and marker of the cut line. If you need, remove the barrel from the elevation, and then fix it again on the spot.

Mangal with a folding lid

The first option is:

  1. With the help of the grinder, only a part of the tank is cut, which will continue to cover the lid. Its size should be 1/4 of the barrel circumference.
  2. From each edge is left 2-5 cm.
  3. The edges of the cuts are cleaned, and irregularities are aligned.
  4. After the work performed, the sizes and configuration of the corner for finishing the cutout are determined.

Cut part of barrel

Second option:

  1. Make a barrel from the barrel with their own hands, as can be seen in the photo, you can create a barrel from in half, creating two identical details.
  2. From halves, you can make as many two full mangal or one, in which one item will serve as a lid.
  3. The door handle is attached to it, and it is connected to the door hinges with the main part.
  4. As a result, it turns out a barbell with a lid.

The barrel is cut in half

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade mangala

Barbecue diagram made of metal barrels with their own hands.

If you make a brand from a metal barrel, then this design has many advantages. For example, the metal is easy to clean. In addition, care is very simple. This design can easily be repaired without additional help of specialists. It is safe for use. Even the child will cope with the use of such a structure. All work on welding and fastening parts can be performed independently. Metal surfaces can evenly distribute heat. In addition, such a surface will well hold the temperature, so the meat dish will turn out not only completely roasted, but also very tasty. The cost of this building is really suitable for the family budget, so you do not have to spend too much. In addition, it is very simple to transport such a design if the distances are not large.

But this mangala has shortcomings. For example, metal will be corrosion. It will be very quickly hot, so if you do not comply with the safety rules, then you can get a burn.

Back to the category

MANGAL, combined with smoking

Barbecue-smoking of two barrels

If you want to make a more complex design that also includes the function of smokers, and you have two metal barrels, you can try to make such an option. In it, the most difficult will be the connection of two containers between each other and the manufacture of the door at the bottom of the barrel of wood laying.

Look at the applied video - this is a barbecue from the barrel with your own hands, it is quite forces to make any good owner.

Video - Mangal and barbecue from barrel, 2 in 1

Barbecue from the barrel, it can safely serve and roasting for a kebab - for this you just need to remove the top grille. It can also be used to prepare other favorite dishes. In the process of manufacture, you can independently come up with and add additional features, as this work requires a creative approach and gives a wide scope for imagination. Having this design on its plot, you will be sure of its usefulness and convenience.

Little things

The grill for cooking purchased, carved and cleaned. But how to install it? Difficult to rest in the edge? Everything is clear here:

Mounts must be several levels. And the corners themselves preferably make stainless steel with holes

You can put the grille, spit, extra minor shelves on such elements. Do not bother with materials and measurements.

But it is precisely for the grill that the usual stops in the form of strings are most often. They move to them, raise and lower the lattices more times. It looks like this:

The grill of barrel is a reliable installation, because even when the wind is cut, the coals should not fly. And all elements are collected in advance in a strong design. What you can not say about the lid, because it is essentially on the weight

Supplements or stands are not convenient, but for windy weather you can get behind such a device

Having finished all the installation works in general, it is necessary to clean the homemade design, and for this we take a means for cleaning the microwave and pass all the planes to the first test heating.

How do

How to make a barbecue from the barrel with your own hands? We understand the main thing: it is the barbecue that is the same metal oven, but portable type and coal.

It is possible to test something, test or invent, but why?

We work like this:

  1. We take a barrel of any litter (within reasonable). Be sure to not blurred by chemical reagents, suspicious oils or paints. Food is preparing in it, and not all evaporations will enter the atmosphere. So, here is more closely.
  2. Then the barrel must be cut either into two equal parts, or process one third. Little side will be a lid with a handle, and large - base. Sometimes there are simply cuts in wide barrels, such a design is even easier.
  3. Next for barbecue you can prepare supports. But it is not necessary to determine the foundation itself. After all, you can make a folding stand of two rectangular components, as on the ironing boards of the old sample. So you will receive a collapsible design if the legs of the stand will be with bolts, clothespins or any other improvised fasteners.
  4. Cutting the lid, it is necessary to fix it. Well, if there is welding with tuning on a thin material. And if not? No problem! There are enough two (maximum three) loops, the cheapest, not gilded. Just apply hinges on the body, then measure the holes under the loop. And all this slowly survead, and only then the garden fastenings on the bolts. No need to complicate, because the design is imperfect.
  5. Case, made as a chest, put it on what. For this prepared either homemade legs with fasteners, or sliding supports. There was a need for a lattice for cooking. And for this we take such a canvas where paints. The best option is the simplest (thin) grille for kebabs from the store. It is easy to fit into sizes, cleaning is not necessary, and it is not difficult to replace, if that.

Important! We remember about the air supply holes on the corner. They do evenly throughout the area

And all the edges we definitely cleaned from steel burrs.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of different mangals

At each stage of the work, extreme attention is required, since any deviation or skew can affect the stability of the structure. All preliminary blanks are installed on a comfortable surface, and after the welding is sealed at right angles.

How to make a grill with cut

After the barrel is cut, the chimney is manufactured. For this, steel pipes with a diameter of 70 mm at an angle of 45 ° are used. Connect both sections of the trumpet. The joke scrupulously coarserate to eliminate the possibility of spaces.

Chimney from the pipe

Finally cleared the inside of the grill barrel. For this, special means for cleaning the microwave oven are used, especially if the walls inside were full of liquid oil.

Since the size of the mangal stand depends on the personal preferences and sizes of the barrel, then it will have to do it yourself. It is made from the profile pipe with a rectangular cross section. Frame is made folding and consists of two rectangles.

The size of the pipes must be comparable to the volume of the barrel (for example, for a capacity by 100 l - 20x30 mm, and for 200 l - 30x50 mm, respectively). He welded from the pipe frames, one of which is slightly larger, and the second is smaller (enters inside the first). In the center of the frame are mounted with a bolt (the bolt is used as a hinge). Between the frames is placed washer, to create a gap.

Stands for barrel

Then a piece of barrel is installed, which will serve as a lid on the main part and the marker is scheduled where the door loops will be attached. Next, using bolts and nuts, the loops are fixed first to the lid, and then to the main part of the manga. So that when using the cover does not fall inside, the steel tape is welded on the sides.

Fastening loops

Then a bulk door handle is attached to the barrel to the barrel or it can be welded from the profile tube, as in the photo.

Handle for mangal cap

To hold the lattice, it is installed through the entire barrel of several steel wires (8-10 mm in diameter). On both sides of the lower row of the wire should be 8 cm from the end of the barrel wall. When welding a piece of such a wire between them, you can get a handle for installing or transferring the mangaal.

The procedure for placing steel fasteners

In the top of the side wall of the barrel, a round hole for installing the chimney is cut. At the bottom of the cylinder, ventilation holes are made. Smaller holes are drilled in the middle of the grill for drainage. If there is a desire to install a temperature controller, then another hole in the lid will be required for the attachment.

Additional holes

The back of the cover is attached to fix two parts in the open position. This is a very necessary device that will allow safe to use a barrel from a barrel. After all, it will be blocked.

Lid blocked by hook

Mangal of two halves of barrels

The principle of mangal facilities with a lid is practically no different from the variant described above. But in this case, the mandatory fraction of the edges with a metal corner is required, which can be attached with welding or screws.

The barrel hole is used to establish a chimney. It is necessary to try so that when the manga is built, it turned out to be in the upper part of it. This model, when installing special racks, is quite suitable for the arrangement of the grill spit.

Mounting for grill

Grill grill acquire in the store, and you can use a stainless grid for this. Instead of steel wire for mounting the grill, specially made from steel ribbon details are also used, which are attached to the lower edge of the barrel.

There is also a second version of the creation of a mangal from the raznated barrels. It uses only half of the barrel or from one barrel can be made of two mangal. In more detail about the creation of the mangal without a lid, you can learn from the video.

Pros and cons design of barrel

To the positive qualities of the device can be attributed:

  1. Material. Metal is easy to clean from coal and fat. It is not demanding in care and, if necessary, it can be easily fixed.
  2. Mobility. When traveling to nature, the design for the manufacture of kebabs without any problems is loaded into the trunk of a passenger car.
  3. Price. Made by her own hands from Udyl, the brazier will cost in dear penny, and will require only "straight" hands.
  4. Safety. The likelihood of fire when using homemade skewers is minimal.

As a lack, an exposure of oxidative corrosion metal is possible. If the brazier does not protect against rainwater and do not remove on the off-season in the garage or country house, it rusts quite quickly.

The simplest version

To disassemble the whole, a good barrel is not always appropriate for a good owner, but to adjust the capacity is the case.

For mangal from the barrel, you can make installation without a lid, simplifying everything to a minimum

As a stand you can take:

  • the remains of the old school chairs with legs;
  • rama welded in size. Such a basis can be equipped with even wheels for mobility and aesthetics.

And not even half of the barrel, but a part free from breakdown. Welded to legs or support is not desirable because it is easier to be cleaned when the container itself can be obtained from the design

And the adaptations of this type are usually decorated or improved by wooden shelves-helpers and small shelves under the firewood below.

Subtleties selection of wood

Perhaps few know how important it is to choose the "right" firewood for the manga. This often depends on the taste of cooled dishes.

Firewood, harvested from fruit trees, will become excellent fuel for mangala barrels. Their dense wood is capable not only to keep fire for a long time, but also give up a thin and exquisite fragrance.

Do not use firewood conifers, especially ate.The fact is that when combustion, coniferous rocks are distinguished by resinous substances that negatively affect the taste of meat. Also, firewood from aspen is not recommended - their smoke contains toxins, so the consumption of such a kebab can be dangerous to health.

The presence of 6 acres in the country simply obliges the owners to acquire such a device for a full-fledged rest, like a brazier. With financial stability, you can organize a large stationary brick brazier with a gazebo

And if I want to save - pay attention to the designs of small mangals that can be made without any problems literally per day. One of these universal and indispensable devices for the cottage - a barbecue from a metal barrel, which, subject to all manufacturing technologies, will serve you faithfully for many years.

How to make a brazier with your own hands from a barrel, see below in the video.

Working with metal barrel

Scheme of country bourgeitors do it yourself.

After making a frame, consider how to make a barrel of the Barrel. With the help of chalk, the desired area is delineated on the barrel (about a quarter of the tank), after which it is cut with a jigsaw. This piece will continue to perform the function of the manga lid. The edges should be cleaned to remove all burrs. One half of the door loops is fixed on the cut plot, and the second half is on the barrel itself. After that, the loops are connected, and the lid is completely ready. For the convenience of opening it on the outer side, the metal handle should be fixed. The lid allows you to save heat, and also protects, if necessary, from rain.

Next, the barrel is installed on the manufactured frame. At the same time, the factory hole for the drain should be located on top and rear, on the right side of the mangaal from the barrel. Then the metal pipe of the suitable diameter is inserted into this hole. The result was a kind of exhaust pipe.

The next stage is the arrangement of the internal space. This stage is needed if you decide to provide a place for warmer. To do this, inside the barrel to weld metal holders 20-30 mm wide and 50-60 mm long. Most often for this use segments of the corners. Such holders should be located in the middle and sides (everywhere two pieces).

In order for the Mangal with her own hands to be easier to move, it is recommended to weld a special handle on its frame.

The final stage - the painting of the mangaal with their own hands from the barrel. For this, heat-resistant paint is used. After this operation, the Mangal will acquire aesthetic appearance with their own hands. You can come up with something original, blowing up the structure of the structure. As a result, it will be an unusual brazier with her hands from a barrel, in which you can cook an appetizing kebab or barbecue.

Now you know how to make a brack from a metal barrel. The process is simple and simple. But for the strength and reliability of the design, the presence of a welding machine and the ability to work on it.

Mangala manufacture

In order to make such a design, you will need some time and money. The metal barrel is placed on the side, and with the help of a grinder in it, a rectangular hole is cut out, which will be used as a lid.

The height of the side sides should be at least 15 cm, and the tank for the installation of skewers will be 30 cm. In such a design, it will be possible to simultaneously place up to 10 skewers, which is quite enough for the middle company.

Two parts of the barrels are fastened with each other with loops, they can be welded or attached to bolts, which will allow you to open and close the lid, and to make it convenient, it is necessary to install a handle.

In the sides of the barrels using an electric drill holes, which will ensure air flow and creating thrust. If you plan to use the unit and for smoking, then the lid also make a small hole.

For the equipment of the internal compartment, it is necessary inside the weld of the plates or corners to which the roaster will be installed.

When installing a barrel on a frame, you must ensure that the drain hole is located in its top, it will serve as a stretching hole in which it is necessary to insert a piece of pipe.

The last stage of the construction of the manga will cover its paint, but for this only special heat-resistant paint will suit.

The manufacture of mangalls from barrel is a fairly common solution that allows you to quickly make a simple, reliable and functional design.

Stages of manufacture

  1. Flushing barrels. Before sawing the barrel, it is necessary to remove the solvent residues from it so that the explosion does not happen. To do this, pour a complete barrel of water, and immediately pour. After that, it is recommended to leave a barrel in the sun to allow the remnants of the solvent vapor to leave it.
  2. Roulette measuring the length of the barrel circumference. The resulting result should be divided by 4. The resulting digit is the distance that you want to postpone from the plugs to find two opposite points on the base of the barrels that are equidistant of traffic jams. We note the marker these points on both sides of the base, we carry out two straight lines connecting the opposite points of the cylinder over the surface of the barrel.
  3. Using a grinder, carefully cut the cylinder in a circle. Do not forget about safety glasses. They saw against the move of the cutting disk so that the grinder does not bounce with the metal, and did not break out of the hands.
  4. Go to cutting edging of our future skewers. Edging will be made from the corners. Corner meat the side of the cross section of the barrel. It should turn out 2 long and 2 short. Conditionally the upper part of the saws under 45 degrees, the bottom under 90.
  5. Welding inverter Use for welding of all 4 corners to edge, after that we try half the barrel to come in size.
  6. The legs of the future design cut from the square of the square section, length is 900-950 mm. One strand of the legs scold at an angle of 15 degrees so that there was a small rack of legs for better stability.
  7. The legs insert into the space between the base of the semi-cylinder and the framing from the corners, mark the marker insertion of the Kartka barrels.
  8. Bulgarian drinking Cintus so that the leg gets close to the barrel.
  9. We collect all the elements, and weld together.
  10. Steel tape 25 mm. We will need for the manufacture of guides for mobile skewers. Measure the tape on the inner width of the future brass, and cut off. Guides need 2 and they should be on the edges of the mangala from the inside. Insert into place, and weld.
  11. The mobile support for skewers is made from the corner. To do this, measure one shelf of an angle of outer edges (together with the framed) of our mangala, and the second in the inner space between the guides. Bulgarian drink a rectangular piece from one shelf corner.
  12. The next our step is to give the to the future device for the cooking kebabs of the commodity type. To do this, insert the grinding disk into the grinder, and remove all the irregularities and welds. The whole design, as a result of grinding process, should be smooth, glossy and glitter in the sun.
  13. From a decade-millimeter tape, bend the nochem a little longer than the width of the future manga.
  14. Removing rust and dirt from the barrel surface, so we will prepare it to the next stage - burning.
  15. The burning is necessary in order to remove the paint from the surface and degrease it before applying paint. Fugress will be pre-prepared for this diesel.

We take the rag, wetting it with a diesel fuel, and applied with its help the diesel on the surface of the barrel. Then set on the rag. To make it easier for a task - use the campform ignition or ethyl alcohol. Just splashing from afar a little alcohol on the burning rag. Next, we are waiting until all the solarges will progrit, and the paint is exfoliated from the barrel. Even if some of the paint spots remain scary, the fire destroyed all harmful substances.

  1. The next to our action will be washing the mangal from the soot and soot. For this purpose, the car wash is perfectly suitable - "Kercher"
  2. With the help of an electric drill in the day of the mangala, we drill holes for paint drainage.
  3. Using the paintopult, we apply a thermally resistant paint on all design elements. It is advisable to apply paint into several layers so that it lay evenly. Dry paint at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees during the day.

Holes for the imagination in the homemade mangale is not recommended, so the coals will be hotter and they will smooth longer.

Metal from barrels, drums of washing machines, gas cylinders may well be the basis for the mangala in the country.

Barbecue barbecue from a metal barrel with his own hands.

Old metal barrel - the main contendent on the alteration under the barbecue or the brave. It even looks like a classic barbecue.

We cut off about the fourth part of the side surface of the barrel - it will be our lid. For a barbecue, we need a base - we make it of four metal pipes on wooden struts.

Inside the barrel install grills for the grill, make the ventilation pipe and air holes.

Barbecue lid fastened to a barrel on two in-block metal loops. Install the thermometer and fastened a wooden handle.

Mangal from the drum washing machine.

The drum of the washing machine is made from a metal of excellent quality and from it will be excellent brazier.

For better drum thrust, it is better to cut in half and folded as shown in the bottom photo.

Mangal oven with their own hands from a metal tank water heater.

This original manga project combines a brazier with a stove.

The tank of the old water heater will serve as the basis of the manga, and the metal pipes are furnace.

In fact, we first make a rocket oven on firewood: weld the pipes, weld our tank.

For a good thrust, we must foresee for the manga stove such an important item as in the bottom photo.

Now, in the country, we have a universal brazier as for your favorite kebabs.

And for cooking all sorts of goodies.

Such a brazier supports the necessary temperature and meat is juicy. Well, it will be fragrant from the type of your firewood.

MANGAL Metal shell.

Do you repair and change the sink? Excellent! From the old we will make a mangal with your own hands.

We remove all the details from the sink, fittings, leaving only the metal.

Because We have a sink with a metal countertop and we need to bend it, we cut the metal with a grinder and with the help of a metal rail and your own hands, bend it at an angle of 90 degrees.

For stiffness design, we make wooden struts at the bottom. This is the likely a rapid brand with my own hands.

Instructions for creating a manga from barrel

First of all, the inner surface of the barrel is cleaned from the remains of the previous content.

Production of such a manga will not take much time, but it can save the family a lot of funds that can be used to purchase other things. The bracket bracket can be built in several stages.

  1. Cutting details.

At the first stage, cutting out all parts. You can make 2 options for such a structure. In the first case, it will turn out with a lid, but the second option does not provide for the presence of a lid. In the first case, when there is a cover on the grill, you will need to make the entire design of two parts - halves of the barrel. In the second case, only one half of the tank will be needed.

  1. Preparation of design details.

At the second stage of creating a barbecue, it is necessary to deal with the preparatory work in relation to all the details of this structure. First you need to use the grinder and cut the barrel in half along the height of the tank. Such an action will be needed to perform for both options of the mangals. If the barrel is cut in such a way, then to the top it will be necessary to attach door hinges so that the lid can open. So the upper part in the form of the lid will be connected to the main structure. By the way, you can not cut off the top half of the barrels, and immediately cut only a part that will form the lid. After this edge of the barrels that were cut, it will be necessary to process, clean and eliminate all irregularities. After such preparatory actions, it is necessary to define all parameters and angles to create an opening.

  1. Creating a frame.

For the processing of the inner surface of the barbecue use heat-resistant paints.

First you need to cut the corner of steel in half. The most suitable height for decoring the frame is 1 m. The width of the object will be equal to the width of the metal tank. To build side parts for the frame, you need to prepare the racks that will be horizontally and vertically. They need to be equipped as follows. The rack that will be at the top of the horizontal position must stand on the top edging at a distance, which is approximately the radius of the barrel itself. The lower rack, which will also be located in a horizontal position, must be mounted at a height of approximately 20 cm from the lower vertical base.

All racks (and there must be four) must be placed in a suitable place, and then carefully combine with the help of the welding machine. All of them should be at an angle of 90 degrees. The second half of the design is created in the same way. They must be fully the same. After that, they must be combined, creating a common frame. In order to mount 2 parts, you will need corners of steel.

At this stage, the creation of the manga should be very careful. Any error can spoil the whole design. Then the construction will be uneven and angular. When the frame will be created, rubber wheels are attached to it so that the brazier can be transported to other places. To make it easier to transport an object, you can attach the lid to the frame. Then it is necessary to put a barrel on the frame so that the holes for the drain are located at the top and on the back side. It is at the same time a hole that will replace the exhaust pipe. Then it is necessary to insert a tube.

Back to the category

How to make it yourself

To begin with, choose the right place for the stationary design. Next to her should not be wooden and other flammable objects. It is also not recommended to place a barbell next to the landings and flower beds, as the hot air can adversely affect their growing up.

The advantages of the homemade mangala in front of the shop are obvious: such a brand is static and solid. You can be sure that the barbecue will not fall out or accidentally will not turn over, as often happens with ton-footed bought fellows. You can adjust the height of the legs and frames, respectively with the height of your household so that no one has to stand in the kebabs in the bent position. Yes, and the dimensions of the mangala barrels significantly exceed the standard mini-structures from the store, and, it means that the kebabs are enough for everyone.

The homemade barrel can be without a lid or with a mini-door. Both varieties allow not only to fry meat on an open fire, but also cook vegetables, fish and a bird on a barbecue grid. And improved barrels have both the grill function, for this, is enough in the mangal design to provide racks for spit. If desired, dishes in metal or cast-iron dishes can be prepared on open fire.

Consider the manufacturing process.

  • Usually, barrels from under fuel are used for mounting the metal mangala. The brazier can be a big or small - 200 or 60 liters. The height of the mangal is about 1 meter. In order for the installation work on the construction of the design as quickly as possible and simply, make a mangaal drawing, by touching all the sizes. It is worth stages to follow the plan, then you can save a lot of time and delight households and friends with delicious kebabs as quickly as possible.

  • First, build a frame structure to the size of the barrels, while thinking the racks for the side part. For the possibility of transporting on the site you can attach to the frame of the wheel. Barrel Place on the frame, having thought out the drain hole at the top of the angle of 30 degrees. To it, if necessary, you can attach the exhaust pipe.
  • On the barrel, draw a hole in the form of a rectangle - it will be subsequently the manga lid. It is cut with a grinder, and then the door loops are attached to it so that the lid can open and close. To provide additional thrust drill holes in the side parts of the manga. It remains to attach the handle and put the chimney on the drain hole. And for the possibility of frying on the barbecue, install the grid of stainless steel.

  • As for the inner part of the design, you need to make support for skewers. To do this, cut 2 metal corners along the length of the barrel and make cuts 10 cm from each other. Then weld these billets from the inside. And in order for the barrel aesthetically looked better, paint the design with a special heat-resistant paint from the collapse. To do this, you can use powder thermocracy, silicone enamel or even "unhappy" paint for automotive silencers, which, besides eco-friendly.

For the durability of the design, experts recommend to apply the composition in several layers.And only after 24 hours you can use your creation for cooking kebabs or barbecue.

In the process of making a mangaal with their own hands, you will surely come up to the process and think over the additional functions and the unique design of such a design. If there is time and desire to complicate the brazier by adding the smokehouse function, you will need 2 barrels. They are connected to each other (one vertically, the other is horizontally), and at the bottom the compartment is made with the door laying. If you are not sure about your welder talent or simply do not know how to do with the welding machine, you should not despair. You can fix all the connections in the barrel barrel with bolts.

And to give the Mangalu "home" species and for additional practicality and convenience, it is worth installing all sorts of shelves on it, where you can keep dishes with pickled meat or plates. It will make the roasting kebab process even more comfortable.

For the manufacture of a manga or barbecue from the barrel with their own hands the following tools will be needed:

  • bulgarian with cutting and grinding discs;
  • electric drill with a set of dried;
  • spray crash or tassel for staining;
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • welding machine or tool for cords.

It is also necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • barrel with a volume of 50-200 liters (depends on the necessary furnace performance)
  • steel corners with metal thickness 2-3 mm and 25 mm shelves;
  • steel tape 10-15 mm wide and 2-3 mm thick;
  • round pipe (diameter 18-24 mm) or square cross section (20-25 mm) with a wall thickness of 2-3 mm;
  • heat-resistant paint;
  • two steel handles;
  • steel lifting loops lifting and hook for fixing position.

For the manufacture of the manga you will need a metal barrel of 50-200 liters.

Barca Mangal

Barrel It is advisable to find almost the same volume - 50-60 liters is the optimal size. Moreover, the diameter should not be too large: the skewers usually go 50-60 cm. In order for them tightly lying on the roaster, it should remain at least 10-12 cm free length. So it turns out that the diameter of the barrel should not be more than 40-50 cm.

Mangal from a barrel with a lid. Manufacturing to small things coincides with the process when using a gas cylinder

If it is wider, there are two outputs - make a skewer at the required sizes or welded from the far side from the inside the corner on which they will describe their tips. It will not be possible to win a lot, but 5-6 cm, depending on the size of the corner, can be played.

The barrels must have a wall thickness of at least 2-3 mm. It is impossible to use tanks from under fuel. They will not fall out to such an extent so that you can cook food.

The sequence of frozen production from the barrel is no different from those described above. Only the preparatory stage goes by itself - there is no need to fill with water. With very different sizes, you will need to make adjustments in the markup - up to the reduction or increase - see yourself.

From the barrels, too, you can make the easiest brand - to the cutting legs cut along the tank and cut down the edges of the shampoo

Make very functional mangals from barrels - a container for coal or fire vehicles is added next to (also with a lid). One of these is in the photo.

Mangal from a barrel with coal capacity

Although no one bothers to make the same from the cylinder: next to the 50-liter prepananov, attach exactly the same decorated, but already on 27 liters.

Mangal from propane cylinders with coal or wood capacity

Mangal Berbekyushnitsy

Not everything and it is not always possible to put on the skewers. Then you need a grill or barbecue grill. If you want to have something like that, instead of the metal strip along the long side of the mangal housing, welcome the metal strip, and the corner is 30 * 30 mm. You will get a shelf on which you can put the grid. The grille itself can be welded from the rod.

Barbecued Barbecue from the Gas Ballon

As an option - a support for the grille can be done, to prevory slightly below the door level of the corners of 3-4 cm wide.

The video shows the design of a mangal of three gas cylinders, which can be a barbecue, and smoking. Very competent design. Look! Useful!

The manufacture of bakery from the brick is described here.

Mangal with his own table.

If you like when the brazier is located more, that is, a simple way to make a comfortable barbecue barbecue right on the table.

To do this, we can take the old table and cut a hole in it in the size of the mangaal. The brazier will be held in the table on its edges. To protect wooden edges, the holes are better to protect them with foil or metal.

No old table? So do it yourself.

For a large company, you can make the table at once with two barbecues.

But the variant of the mangaal barbecue for the happy owners of the wooden coil from the electrocable.

The coil was cleaned, made a hole in the size of the barbecue. If the barbell on gas, at the bottom of the access for the gas cylinder.

Our barbecue is ready for reception of guests!

Making legs

They can be from a corner, round or profile tube, reinforcement, thick metal stripes. What is in the farm, then use. Some ideas are in the photo below.

The simplest legs of the pipe and the corner - welded to the bottom. You can make the bottom of the strut, and to arrange a shelf

Almost also can be made of strips have become a large thickness.

Legs of metal strips of large thickness

Comfortable feet for mangal from a propane cylinder can be made from the profile pipe. They can be in the form of an inverted letter "T" and welded to the middle. You can make a support in the form of a frame, making the shelf below (or several shelves) for firewood, bowls and t ..

Foots made of profile pipe for mangal from a gas cylinder

You can make legs made of round pipe and / or fittings. If the manbon you want to be portable, then small segments of the reinforcement are welded to the body, and pieces of pipes of a suitable diameter (the inner diameter of the tube is slightly larger than the external fittings). You can draw on the contrary: to fight pieces of pipes, and insert fittings.

How to make legs to a grill of pipe and fittings

Just keep in mind that with such legs to move it difficult: the legs will fall out. To avoid it, cut carvings.

Video example of the manufacture of one of the homemade mangalls from the propane cylinder see below.

How to build a summer kitchen read here. Maybe you need to build a gazebo where you can enjoy a kebab? About the construction of the arbor from the metal, read here (with a photo report).

Barbecue Production Main features

The barbecue for the grill from the barrel is made by analogy, with a barbecue for kebabs. To do this, you will use all the same consumables and tools that were considered above.

  1. Metal barrel is cut in half.
  2. Drain plug is twisted and thrown out, and the remaining hole is used to attach the chimney.
  3. The legs are made under the barbecue, made of metal corner or square, which are cut into size, corresponding to the owner's growth. On the legs and the holes drill in the barrel and then everything is connected to the bolts.
  4. Metal corners are made framing the edges of the barrel cut, which is mounted with welding or bolts.
  5. The handle for opening the lid is attached to a corner that frams the edges of the barrel.
  6. The lid and the body of the barbecue are connected by loops.
  7. At the final stage, the grill lattice is stacked on which meat and other products will prepare.
  8. To fix the top of the barrel in the open state metal rod is used.

The construction of a mangaal or a barbecue from a metal barrel does not cause any special difficulties, the only problem impeding, work, is that electric welding and welder skills. Although with this situation, you can find a rational wayover to equip all connections with bolts. At the same time, after the fulfillment of all works, the owner of the country area can be proud of the construction of such a wonderful thing as a brazier or barbecue, which will make the life of vacationers more comfortable and more convenient.

Pros and cons of mangala homemade designs

The design of the brazier barbecue with their own hands from the barrel has the following advantages:

  • cheapness;
  • simplicity of design;
  • maintainability;
  • optimal cooking performance.

The minuses of independently made barbecue include:

  • unbalanced design in terms of saving heat;
  • deformation of the heated parts of the metal due to incorrect temperature modes;
  • fire hazard;
  • high probability of burns.

The task of independent manufacture of a mangala or barbecue looks very profitable and attractive due to the possibility of using girlfriend materials and ease of design. However, it has a number of disadvantages that need to be considered.

What will be required for work

You can make the grill from the old metal barrel or even a gas cylinder

It is important to take into account that use the container in which the poisons, chemicals or fuel were bred, is prohibited. Of 200 liter containers, a beautiful barbecue, which can satisfy all the wishes of connoisseurs of delicious fried meat. Work with a gas cylinder is much more difficult

In order to make a barrel from a barrel with their own hands, special tools and additional materials will be required:

  • Bulgarian with a circle for cutting and grinding;
  • Welding machine;
  • Lobzik for metal;
  • Steel corner with equal shelves of at least 45 mm;
  • Grid mesh;
  • Metal door handle;
  • Four metal-based wheels (for transportation);
  • Door hinges;
  • Bolts;
  • Roulette.

What instruments and materials will be needed

Diagram of the mangal device from the barrel.

To build a barbecue, you need to choose in advance and prepare a metal barrel. It must be remembered that the capacity should not have been previously used for storing lubricating and combustible materials. It is best to prepare absolutely new container. In addition, the door loops will need to create a mangala so that the design cover can open. Next, you need to prepare the wheels from rubber to move the subject. It is necessary to pick up a handle for the door (preferably metallic), a wire mesh and angle of steel (their size should be from 45 mm).

In addition to materials, it is necessary to choose all tools for work. It will take a roulette to measure all the details, the Bulgarian for sawing, the welding machine. In addition, it is better to immediately prepare an electric drill, cutting disk and grinding disk, as well as metal sheets, bolts and a jigsaw for metal surfaces.

Barrel can be any sizes. In addition to the barrel, you can use the gas cylinder.

If you have a cottage plot or live in a private house and love kebabs, then you need your own brazier. For manufacture, you can use various materials. From the previous article you could find out how to make meat for cooking. Today we consider instructions for the independent manufacture of a device from a regular barrel, which is practically in any farm.

It is necessary to work with a welding machine, a grinder. Observe the safety equipment to avoid injuries and unpleasant consequences. It will also be necessary to prepare a metal container, especially if combustible substances were kept.

If it is responsible to approach the manufacture, and also to issue a design, it will look no worse than the purchase of analogues. The surface is recommended to be painted with heat-resistant paint.

In the article, consider several options. You can use the more convenient and appropriate way.

MANGAL Metallic Barrel with a volume of 200 liters

For a start, consider the option of making a portable device without a lid. Such a model is an ideal option for a small cottage, as it does not take up much space. All work occupy a minimum of time. Therefore, you need to prepare materials, tools, then proceed to independent manufacture.

We need the following:

  • Iron bar for 200 l;
  • Pipes with square cross section 20x20 mm and 25x25 mm;
  • Metal tape with a width of 25 mm;
  • Steel corner 25x25 mm;
  • Heat-resistant paint;
  • Smallery.

The thickness of the metal should be not more than 1.5 mm.

At the initial stage, we need to thoroughly wash the metal barrel outside and inside. If the solvent or alcohol was stored in it, then their pairs can explode during the execution of pipelines with the help of a grinder. The container is completely filled with water, we leave for 30-60 minutes, after which we drain the liquid and leave the container to dry in the sun.

Now the container must be cut in half. To do this, measure the length of the barrel circumference, divide the result obtained by four. As a reference, you can use any plug metering in each direction at the calculated length. Then I measure the straight line between the points. It will be the middle of the container. The same is done on the other hand and spend a clear line along the tank.

We put on safety glasses and with the help of a small grinder we saw the metal container in half, according to the outlined lines. Do not forget to follow safety.

Half of the barrels will be framed using the corners. To do this, measure the length of the short side of the tank, add 1 cm to it and we plan on the line on the M-shaped profile. Cut at an angle of 45 ° C. Prepare two such segments.

Cut two pieces of profile 25x25 mm, the same length as corners. We apply them to the end parties, and on top of the prepared corners. Now apply the corner to the long side of the barrel, mark the line and cut off at an angle of 45 ° C.

We collect the design of the prepared corners in the inverted form. All angles must be definite. Then we grab welding.

At the next stage, try the cropped barrel to the welded contour. If one edge does not get up immediately, you can press a little with your hands. From the side of the sides insert the square profile. After such a check, we perform complete welding of the framing.

Now we need to prepare the stops from the profile pipe 25x25 mm. You can adjust yourself on your own long, but it is recommended to do about 30 cm. On one side, the profile cut off at an angle of 15 ° C.

When four stops are ready, then on each side we mark 17 cm. Insert the stops into the frame with a cut angle at 15 ° C. Calculate the plane and outline the legs with a marker. According to the intended line, we cut the Cint to the barrel stop.

Then we insert the supports into the brazier, we reliably weld all the rods, as well as weld the design to the frame.

For the manufacture of legs, we will use the profile pipe 20x20 mm. The length of four segments should be 90-95 cm. After that insert them into the welded supports.

From the short sides of the iron bar, we mark the inner length and cut off the steel tape and weld it. Along the long side, we note the cut of the corner, cutting off the grinder. With this profile, you can adjust the distance, depending on the sizes of the shed.

We set the grinding disk on the grinder and we clean all the irregularities and welds. The design should be neat and smooth.

Before painting, you need to burn the container, for this we clean the inner portion of the barrel, pour into it diesel (1-1.5 l), set the cloth and throw it into the container. You need to wait for the full burnout of the diesel. This process allows you to completely get rid of the old paint. After that, we rinse the surface with the Karker.

We wait for the barrel completely dry, and cover it with heat-resistant paint, which will dry about one day. Mangal is fully ready for use.

Step-by-step manga manufacturing instruction with lid

If you do not have experience with the welding machine, and you want the mangala to have a cover, then use another version of the execution. Before working, you need to clean the tank from the fuel and fuel or other means that were stored in it. The outer surface is treated with a grinding disk installed on the grinder.

Now cut off the folding flap. Pick the dimensions at your discretion. While working with a grinding machine, follow safety techniques.

To hold the lid, replenish two galvanized strips on the sides. Fix with rivets, as shown in the photo below.

Now fasten the lid to the barrel. To do this, you can use conventional door loops. Fix with rivets.

If you have an old cabinet, then take a handle from it and secure to the design.

For the chimney, any curved tube that is screwed to the barrel is suitable.

The brazier is almost ready, you can fix the lattice to be able to prepare meat not only on skewers.

The manufactured device is coated with heat-resistant paint, leave one day so that the surface is completely dried. After that, you can proceed to the preparation of kebabs.

Vertical mangal do it yourself

Of the 200 liter old barrel, you can make a multifunctional design with a stove and barbecue. At first glance, it may seem that the task is difficult, but looking at the video clip below, you will understand that you can quickly and easily build such a brazier.

These devices can be made independently without assistance. Therefore, do not hurry to throw away the old barrel. In addition to the mangala, other useful designs can be made of it. If you have an interesting option of using a metal packaging, then share it in the comments.

For holidays, it is accepted a lot and delicious. One of the most desirable dishes on such days is the meat fried on open fire. In our tradition, classic skewers are used, but recently began to gain popularity American method of roasting on a metal grille. It is not always convenient to acquire specialized equipment, so the barbecue from the barrel is made with your own hands.

Actual constructions

There are various models of these purely male devices. Why male? Because the meat traditionally prepare men. All designs can be conditionally divided into two major groups:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

In the first case, the mass of the product does not matter, so it is equipped with various additional devices. Also, it can often be found installed under some canopy or near the arbor so that the roof protects such a barrel from the barrel.

Before making a barbecue with your own hands in a figurative version, it is worth choosing a making scheme with a minimum finish mass. A thin-walled blank is suitable, and you also need to take care of the presence of one or two pairs of wheels.

Both varieties have advantages and disadvantages, so it is necessary to think about it in advance which of the types will be harmoniously fit into the existing design of the household territory. For a mobile version it makes sense to apply the collapsible structure, which can be transported in a car to a country picnic or any other place.

Metal barbecue in the car can only be completely cooling all surfaces. Coals and ashes before transportation must be removed from the working cavity.

For stationary installations, such as a grill of a pipe, it is important to choose the right place and highlight sufficient area on the design. Next to such a territory should not have flammable objects, so that the random spark or the corner, which dropped out of the brazier, did not lead to trouble. A close neighborhood with high hot metal plants can destroy them, so you should not plan to build next to the flower.

Advantages and disadvantages

Self-made design barbecue or mangal from the barrel with their own hands, the photo of which is on this page, it will cost much cheaper than purchased in a specialized store. In this case, all the parameters of the homemade are easily adjusted for specific conditions.

Metal perfectly holds heat for a long time. All work can be carried out at home with a conventional set of tools, which is stored in almost every men's garage.

Barbecue (photo is located below) from metal is easy to clean, as the grid is installed removable to open access to the furnace. This provides a long service life.

As deficiencies, it is worth noting that it is not possible to use the contract in other quality. Also for its storage in the off-season and winter period it is desirable to highlight the place under some canopy or in the economic room. This will exclude the emergence of corrosion foci.

Video: Barbecue from the gas cylider in just 3 hours

Preparatory operations

Before making a barbecue, it is necessary to choose a barrel of the most convenient volume. Practice shows that altitudes are optimal in size. However, in the manufacture of compact portable models, even a five-flowing container is suitable. It is easier to transport practically in any car.

When fuel and lubricants were kept in the barrel, the surface is soaked with harmful smells. Partly from them you can get rid of prolonged waters inside it. Every few weeks will have to update the liquid. Later, the finished product will need to be filled with firewood without meat several times to disinfect the surface.

The list of necessary tools consists of the following items:

  • construction roulette and square;
  • angle grinding and a pair of metal circles;
  • induction welding machine or "dragon";
  • low robust drill;
  • electrolovka with web metal;
  • steel sheet 2-3 mm thick;
  • a pair of metal canopies and fasteners to them.

Convenient to have side handles for transfer. They can be purchased ready (only from metal) in a construction store or bend independently of the rod, reinforcement or from the profile hexagon.

For mobile models, you will need wheels. It is not recommended to take too little, as they will be bad to overcome obstacles. The most comfortable diameter in the range is 12-20 cm.

Making frame

The height of the frame is chosen by the growth of the owner of the product. The optimal parameter for it will be in the range of 0.9-1.0 m from the ground. The width and length depends on the dimensions of the barrel. The base area is welded in the form of the letter "H". On the welding nodes, we set two vertical racks about 0.9 m of heights. In the upper part, they end with V-shaped, P-shaped or U-shaped barrel holders.

At an altitude of 15-20 cm from the ground, we welcome the sheet metal shelf, which will tighten the design and serve as an additional device during the preparation of the barbecue. Thin metal will not much weighty design.

If necessary, four lower angle is dripped with wheelbones. They rotate 3,600 around their axis. They can be found in the construction store.

We make the stove

There are two options:

  • The barrel stacked sideways and blooms with the help of a grinder along the axis clearly two is equally part. One part will serve as a lid, and in the second there will be a firebox.
  • In the barrel, leave the bottom and the upper flat surface, and four naps are made to remove the segment. Two parallel propyl goes along the axis at a quarter of a quarter of turnover. And the third and fourth propyl separates the segment from the bottom and the top.

The lid in both cases are screwed on the canopy. The base of the barrel is welded to the frame. A grill is needed on the inner cavity. We take ready or weld from rods. So that it does not fall inside, we use one of the options:

  • To the bottom side of the four corners, weld the legs to ensure maximum stability.

  • Inside the furnace to the walls, retreating from the top 15-20 mm, we weld the limiters. They can be made of four pieces of a half-willed or a quarter-to-one tube 50-60 mm of length. With them, the grille will not fall inside or will not slip, losing equilibrium.

Video: Detailed instructions, how to make a barrel brand

What paint use

The outer surface is treated with heat-resistant paint. Today, the market presents a wide variety of paint products, from which you can choose any wallet and color. In this case, the paint should be calculated at a temperature of at least 800 degrees (this information is indicated on the marking). In addition to this first, the product is ground and only after painted.

Mangal and Barbecue Manufacturing Specialists recommend using paints for automotive silencers. It is a heat-resistant, almost "indiscriminate" paint, which compared with other analogs is characterized by a high class of ecology.

Video: How to paint barbecue and mangals

Among the set of structures Barrel attracts its simplicity and accessibility. The container, which is horizontally, is neatly cut in the longitudinal direction either into two equal parts, or is cut about a third of the side part, which will serve as a lid. The bottom of the barrel should not touch should not be kept stiffness. The cover is installed on the hinges, it is supplied with a handle and restricters for fixing in the open state. Most of the barrel serves as a pallet where the grille is installed, coals are placed on the bottom. For the convenience of the mangal, it is necessary to install on legs or other support.

For work you will need:

  • Bulgarian with cutting and grinding circle.
  • Welding machine and electrodes.
  • Electrode with a set of drills.
  • Roulette, ruler, square.
  • Hammer, Kern, Passatia, screwdriver.
  • Set of wrench, file.

From materials need to cook:

  • Steel barrel.
  • Metal corner.
  • Heat-resistant paint (it is recommended to use the material for painting the silencers of the car).
  • Pulverizer, brushes.
  • Self-tapping screws, bolts with nuts.
  • Individual protective equipment (glasses, gloves).

Listed the most necessary tools and materials.

In some cases, additional devices available to the user may need.

Where to begin?

Beginning of work will be choosing the volume of future manga and creating a working drawing. In practice, the designs of 200-liter barrels have proven well, allowing you to prepare a lot of food and creating the optimal temperature regime. The manufacture of a working drawing is an important stage, during which the designer solution is finally formed, the details are being worked out, the construction of the stand, etc. is thought out.

After the drawing is created, rinse thoroughly barrel. Fully fill it with water and immediately pour it out until the sediment is donkey. Dry the tank in the sun, so that the pairs may be present inside. This will avoid inflammation or even an explosion when cutting metal.

Be sure to remove the old paint, otherwise it will start bubble and fall behind when heated.

Selection of wood

Firewood for mangal is an important element on which the taste and quality of cooked food depends. It is recommended to use only deciduous woods, since the coniferous resin content is great from which food is making. The optimal option is the firewood of fruit trees, capable of providing a flat heat and give food a thin pleasant fragrance. Osinovaya Firewood should not be used - the separated smoke has toxic substances.

How to cut a barrel?

On the surface of the barrel with the help of a marker and ruler, the cut lines are applied. The barrel can be cut smoothly in half, which will allow one piece to use as a lid or make another brand from it. Another option is possible when the sliced \u200b\u200bpart is less than the main one.

In this case, the reserve line does not reach the ends of about 2-5 cm so as not to break the rigidity of the barrel.


  1. The side surface of the barrel is placed according to the selected size and shape.
  2. Bulgarian with cutting circle gently cuts off the desired part.
  3. The edges of the cut on the barrel and the lid are carefully cleaned from burrs, irregularities are aligned.

The cut edges of the lid and the side surface of the barrel must be secured by the corner, which is fastened either by self-pressing or welding. After welding, the edge is again processed by a grinder with a grinding circle.

If it is decided to cut a barrel in half, similar actions are made, only the passage of the cut line through the end part of the tank will be honored.

Creating a Rama

Frame, or stand, should have a height, convenient for the owner. An optimal option is considered to be 0.9-1 m (counting together with the brazier), but for each person there are preferences. Rama design options can be a lot:

  • Cross of two rectangular frames connected in the middle part.
  • Semicircle with legs in which the barrel is stacked.
  • Conventional supports connected by a rectangular horizontally located frame, the inside of which is installed barbecue (MANGAL).

Other options are possible.

There are no significant advantages of one way to another, the choice is determined by the taste and personal preferences of the owner.

Stages of manufacture

Consider how to make a brack bracket. Procedure (from the very beginning):

  1. Flushing and cleaning of the baroque from the inside and outside.
  2. Cutting on the selected option.
  3. Edging edges corner.
  4. Assembling stand.
  5. Installing hinges and handles (after installation, you can remove them for a while so as not to interfere with the implementation of further actions).
  6. Attaching the reference elements to install the lattice or skewers.
  7. Finishing procedures.
  8. Processing internal compartment.

The inner part of the barrel is usually covered with layers from previous materials stored in it. To remove the plaque, various methods are used, the easiest and most effective of which is firing.

The flare is flammable, separated from the walls and is easily removed from the inside.

Mangal with neckline

This design is convenient because wind streams do not fall inside the palletThe dishes prepared dishes are not raised ash. During operation, the lid leans back and does not interfere with cooking, and after the end of the brand is closed.

Mangal of two halves of barrels

This option is easier in operation, since all operations on halves are almost identical. The difference is only in the installation of the handle and inner design - one part needs to install the lattice and supports for skewers, the second can serve as a stand or shelf for ready-made dishes.


There are smokehouse designs from a metal barrel, but they are completely different from the version under consideration.

The use of a mangala as a smokehouse is impossible without additional improvements.

Refinement to smokels

To create a mangal-based smokehouse requires the creation of an additional element - fuel tabinstalled instead of support under the brazier. It represents another barrel equipped with a neckline of such a shape so that the grill fit into it from above without cracks and gaps. This is important, since smoking efficiency is reduced due to loss of smoke. Both branches are connected by chimney, according to which the smoke comes from below to the upper part (BR). To do this, it is convenient to use a hole for the plug, existing in both barrels. As a result, it turns out a kind of smoke generator, at the same time serving a stand for the manga.


For painting it is necessary to pre-prepare the surface - clean, degrease, polish it. Some of these works are performed in front of a sharp barrel, the rest - immediately before painting.

Collecting paint can be made both spray and manually - with a brush.

What kind of paint apply?

Given the specifics of the manga, it will take black matte paint, resistant to high temperatures. The optimal option will be a special paint for automotive silencers. The usual coating is not suitable, since when heating the case, the paint layer will go with bubbles and squeeze.

Grinding and firing

All these operations are easiest to perform mechanically. An electric door with a nozzle is suitable for grinding, the firing is best to produce a burner, and an electric airless sprayer is used for painting.

These fixtures significantly accelerate the work and allow you to get the optimal result.
Useful video about the manufacture of mangal from barrel

Advantages and disadvantages

The brazier from the metal barrel created by its own hands has the following advantages:

  • The ability to prepare various dishes, not only kebabs.
  • Easy and ease of cleaning, repair or maintenance.
  • A lot of dishes can be prepared at a time.
  • Easy manufacturing.
  • Convenience, efficiency of use.

The disadvantages include:

  • The tendency of metal to corrosion.
  • The walls of the mangal are heated greatly.
  • The complexity or inability of transportation.