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Mat from A to Z. You did not know this. Material words (mats), these are the names of the demons

And what Russian is not expressed by a strong senior? And it is true! Moreover, many mate words are transferred to foreign languages, but it is interesting that there is no full analogues in foreign languages \u200b\u200bin foreign languages \u200b\u200band is unlikely to ever appear. It is not by chance that no great Russian writer and the poet walked around this phenomenon side!

How and why did the mat in Russian appear?

Why do other languages \u200b\u200bcost without it? Perhaps someone will say that in the development of civilization, with improved welfare of citizens in the overwhelming majority of our planet, the need for Mate naturally disappeared? Russia is unique in that it has not come in it, and the mat in it remained in a virgin, primitive form ...

Where did he come to us from?

Earlier, the version was disseminated that the mat appeared in the gloomy times of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, and before the arrival of the Tatars on Russia, the Russians were not fully met, but swearing, called each other only dogs, goats and rams.

However, this opinion is mistaken and denied by the majority of researchers. Of course, the invasion of nomads affected the life, culture and speech of the Russian people. Perhaps such a Turkic word as "Baba Yagat" (Knight, Vityaz), has changed social status and sex, turning into our Ban Yagu. The word "Carpus" (watermelon) turned into a renewed little boy. But the term "fool" (stop, hare) began to call a stupid person.

The MAT to the Turkic language has nothing to do, because the nomads have not been made to focus, and the sword words were completely absent in the dictionary. From Russian chronicle sources (the most oldest known samples in the birch grades of the XII century from Novgorod and Staray Russa. See "Obligible vocabulary in birch grades". The specifics of the use of some expressions are commented in the "Russian-English diary" Richard James (1618-1619) .) It is known that the Material words appeared in Russia long before the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. Linguists see the roots of these words in most Indo-European languages, but they received such distribution only in Russian land.

So why nevertheless, from a variety of Indo-European peoples, the tilt mat only to the Russian language?

Researchers explain this fact also with religious prohibitions that other nations have appeared before the earlier adoption of Christianity. In Christianity, as in Islam, the foul language is considered a great sin. Russia accepted Christianity later, and by that time, together with the pagan customs, the mat was firmly rooted among the Russian people. After the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the war was announced.

The etymology of the word "mat" may seem fairly transparent: allegedly goes back to the Indo-European Word "Mater" in the meaning of "mother", which has been preserved in different Indo-European languages. However, other reconstructions are offered in special studies.

So, for example, L.I. Skvortsov writes: "The literal meaning of the word" mat "is a" loud voice, a cry. " It is based on sound resistance, that is, involuntary shouts "Ma!", "My!" - Soap, meowing, roar of animals during the period of estimates, marriage calls, etc.. " This etymology could seem naive if it were not formed to the concept of the authoritative etymological dictionary of Slavic languages: "... a Russian mat, - derived from the verb" Matati "-" scream "," loud voice "," cry ", akin to the word" Matoga "-" Matasi ", i.e. To be curly, breaking, (about animals) to wind your head, "famit" - disturb, disturb. But "Matoga" in many Slavic languages \u200b\u200bmeans "ghost, ghost, monster, sorry, witch" ...

What does he mean?

The main mate words are three and denote by the sexual intercourse, male and female genitals, all others are derived from these three words. But in other languages, these bodies and actions also have their names that for some reason did not become abusive words? To understand the reason for the appearance of mothers in Russian Earth, the researchers looked into the depths of centuries and offered their own answer.

They believe that in a huge territory between the Himalayas and Mezhdrachy, in the endless expanses, the few tribes of the Perforacristers, who had to multiply, were living in order to expand their habitat, therefore a critical value was attached. And the words associated with childbearing organs and functions were considered magical. They were forbidden to pronounce "VSU" so as not to smooth, not to damage. Tabu's sorcerers violated, behind them untouchable and slaves, which the law was not written.

Gradually, a habit of being expressed by a mat from the completeness of feelings or just for a ligament of words. The main words began to turn around the set of derivatives. Not so long ago, just a thousand years ago, the word, denoting a woman's easy behavior "Bl * h", is one of the crucial. It happens from the word "bleak", that is, "to exploring abomination".

But the most important mother word is considered to be the very word of three letters, which is found on the walls and at the fences of the entire civilized world. It is as an example and wonder. When did this three-letter word appear? One will say exactly what is clearly not in Tatar-Mongol times. In the Turkic adctor of Tatar-Mongolian languages, this "subject" is indicated by the word "Kuta". By the way, many are now worried about the name from this word and do not consider it ungually: "Kutakhov".

But how did the rootgeneic organ in the older times called?

Many Slavic tribes denoted him by the word "UD", from which, by the way, there is quite a decent and censored "rod". But after all, most tribes have a childbearing organ called no other than "x * th". However, this three-letter word approximately in the XVI century was replaced by a three-letter more literary analogue - "Her". Most of the competent people know that this is how (Kher) was called the 23rd letter of Cyrillic, which turned after the revolution in the letter "Ha". Those who know that it seems obvious that the word "Her" is an eupatic substitution that arose due to the fact that the replacement word begins with this letter. However, not really so simple.

The fact is that those who think so are not asked the question, and why, in fact, the letter "X" is called Her? After all, all the letters of Cyrillic are called Slavic words, the value of most of which the modern Russian-speaking public is understandable without translation. What did this word mean before becoming the letter?

In the Indo-European language, which spoke the distant ancestors of the Slavs, Balts, Germans and other European peoples, the word "Her" indicated the goat. The word is kindly Latin "Hircus". In the modern Russian language, the word "Hari" remains related to him. This word has recently called goat masks used by rich during the card.

Looking for this letter to goat in the 9th century for the Slavs was obvious. Two top sticks are a horns, and the two bottoms are his legs. Then, many nations, the goats symbolized fertility, and God fertility was depicted in the form of a two-way goat. It has a body, symbolizing fertility, which was called "UD" or "x * th". In Indo-European language, this part of the body was called "Pesus", it corresponds to Sanskrit "पसस्", which is translated into ancient Greek as "Peos", Latin "Penis", Staroangalian "Faesl". The word is derived from the verb "Pesati", which means the primary function of this organ - to emit urine.

Thus, it can be concluded that the mat arose in ancient times and was associated with the pagan rites. Mat - First of all, the way to demonstrate the willingness to break the taboo, break certain boundaries. Therefore, the theme of curses in different languages \u200b\u200bis similar - "body bottom" and everything related to the departure of physiological needs. In addition to "bodily crops", in some nations (mostly French-speaking) exist in blasphemous. Russians are not.

And one more important point - with a mat you can not mix argotizms, which are absolutely not a mat, but most likely, just a foul language. As, for example, only thieves argotisms with the meaning of the "prostitute" in Russian dozens: Alura, Baruch, Maruha, Profrupet, Shalava, etc.

At the end of June, the State Duma supported the draft law, providing for strengthening the punishment for the use of mat in the family and public places. To tighten the responsibility for obscene Brani, they have tried more than once - and at a tsarism, and after the revolution. About how no-print words penetrated public life in the West, about the history and importance of Mata "KP" said Lydia Malygin - Associate Professor of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Scientific Director of the Distance Learning System

- There would be no problem, there would be no law. The question arises: who initially taught Russian people to fool?

- One of the common versions is Tatar-Mongols. But in fact, this vocabulary has nothing to do with them. Russian mat of Slavic origin. Four-famous root known for each Russian man can be found in Macedonian, and in Slovenian, and in other Slavic languages.

Most likely, the mat was an element of pagan cults associated with fertility, for example, with a conspiracy of livestock or rain call. In the literature, such a custom describes in detail: the Serbian peasant throws up the ax and utters the mate words trying to cause rain.

- Why did such words become taboo?

- When Christianity came to Russia, the church began an active struggle with pagan cults, including with material words as one of the manifestations of the cult. Hence such a strong tabulation of these forms. This is exactly what is distinguished by a Russian mat from the surrounding vocabulary in other languages. Of course, since then, the Russian language has actively developed and changed, and with him and a Russian mat. There were new injurious words, but they are at the heart of them - all the same four standard roots. Some harmless words that existed earlier became indecent. For example, the word "Her". "Her" is the letter of the pre-revolutionary alphabet, and the verb "token" was used in the value "cross". Now this word is not yet included in the discharge of matery, but is already actively approaching it.

- There is a myth about the uniqueness of Russian obscene vocabulary. Is it so?

- Curious comparison with English. Occasional words have always puzzled by their nature British philologists. Back in 1938, Linguist Chase emphasized: "If someone mentions sexual act, this does not shock anyone. But it's worth someone to pronounce the ancient Anglo-Saxon word of four letters - most people are lit from horror."

The premiere of Plays Bernard show "Pygmalion" in 1914 waited with a huge impatience. A rumor was launched that, according to the author, the actress, who performs the main female role, should utter an obscene word from the stage. Answering Freddie's question, whether she is going to go home on foot, Eliza Dulittl was to say very emotionally: "Not Bloody Likely!". Intrigue persisted to the last. During the premiere of the actress, the obscene word said. The effect was indescribable: noise, laughter, whistle, hide. Bernard Shaw even decided to leave the hall, deciding that the play is doomed. Now the British are neglected that they actually lost this their favorite swearing, which has already lost its former power, because the word began to eat too often.

Lydia Malygin - Associate Professor of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language Faculty of Journalism MSU Photo: Archive "KP"

- Probably, after the sexy revolution of the 1960s, the situation has changed a lot, and obscene words literally poured on the pages of the press?

- Sure. Remember the UK end of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century. Then even the legs of the piano were dressed in covers so that they do not cause random erotic associations! In the second half of the twentieth century, contraceptive means are developing rapidly, the pornography industry is growing. Marriage for life, loyalty to the spouses began to look old-fashioned prejudice. And the difference in marriage ceased to be a prerequisite. It is noteworthy that at this time the attitude towards obscene words has changed. Two linguistic compilations appear on obscene vocabulary. The first was published in the United States in 1980. The second was published in the United Kingdom and the United States in 1990. In these reference books, several articles on vulgarism are already appeared. Examples of use of obscene vocabulary were brought by open text.

- And nevertheless, he punishable. A well-known case when in the midst of anti-war performances in the United States in the 1968th young man who did not want to serve as a call was attracted to responsibility for wore a jacket with the inscription: "F ... The Draft!".

- Yes. Another famous case is a 12-minute radio program "obscene words". Satir Gorge Carlin listed seven words that can not speak on the radio, and then began to discuss this problem. One of the listeners was driving in a car with a child and accidentally heard the program. He immediately called the editor of the transfer and complained.

Another famous scandal was caused by the fact that the newspapers in the late 1970s. Published an obscene statement, which, during the sports competition, the player said to the address of the judge: "F ... Cheating Cunt". Yes, and in artworks without any disguise, gross words began to appear. In the Travel Guide in St. Petersburg, Western authors are explained without any constraint of Russian vulgarizms, for example, B ... (Whore) - Which is usually rendered as simply b ... (short version of the Word - Ed.) - And Plays An Equivalent Role To 'F ... 'In English for Those Who Use It As a Verbal Stutter.

- Russian journalists also love to use obscene words and expressions, a little disguising them to formally not violate the law on the ban of Mata in the media ...

- Yes, softer expressions instead of coarse often covered in the text easily guessing obscene expressions, faded words and swearing: "Dick lawyer: UEFA!"; "Hugh Hefner and Dasha Astafieva: Hugh knows her ..."; "And he stole contributions by 2 billion ... But he himself turned out to be in full" Hopre ""; Or "Russia in Chop" - the headline of a special report on private security enterprises or the name of the slimming film "I lose weight, dear editorial!".

- Are there any, except Russian, other languages \u200b\u200bin which the surrounding vocabulary is divided into ordinary worst words and on rigid tabulated, the use of which is prohibited in any situation and in any context?

- In this sense, the Russian language is unique. Although, for example, the surrounding vocabulary of the Spanish language is also associated with the sexual sphere, unlike the German (in German language it is the sphere of feces). But in Spanish there is no such tabulation, so the first academic Dictionaries of the Spanish language contained such a vocabulary, and the Russian dictionaries are not. In general, the first vocabulary fixation of the mat belongs to the beginning of the XX century. We are talking about the third edition of Dalya's dictionary, edited by Bodoyna de Courtae. But this activity of compilers of dictionaries was rapidly ended, since the Soviet government banned the use of Mata, and the third publishing of Dalya's dictionary was sharply criticized.

Around the Russian mats there are a lot of myths that do not appropriate reality. For example, Russian linguists and historians spread about Mate two myths: that the Russians began to communicate in response to the "Tatar-Mongolian Igo" and that the Materbiar is supposedly "the production of Slavic paganism."

Our ancestors shared some words to:
1. Material words are words from the mother, i.e. Her Blagoving!
2. Bander words are the words used on the battlefield to intimidate the enemy!
3. Square - this is the most bad, which is not worth talking!
All these items were reduced by enemies of our race to one and now mean the same thing, that is, bad words!

About the dangers of Mata written a lot. For a long time, I read a writer's article for a long time, I don't remember his last name. He fell with noble anger on the mat. For a long time and convincingly, he argued as far as Gadko and Merzko. In conclusion, he brought the only one for him a well-known way of utility of Mata.

Repeat this case and me. Train train rides, but people are being taken in it. I do not remember why, but on the side of the wagon was a man. He keeps out of the last strength. That's about to fight and die. Men in the carriage are trying to open the door and drag it. But the door jammed, and it does not give in. Men have already exhaled and mentally humbled with loss, but continue to mess around. And then there was an unexpected.

Modest quiet girl like a cry: "Eh you, men, mother, to change! Anu took up! ". And a miracle happened. Wild power opened in men. The muscles strained in a single impulse, the door flew off, and the person was saved. Then they asked the girl, but how she decided to say that. And she blushed, hacked and could not say a word from his shame.

The author came to the point, without suspecting. The bottom line is that the mat and is designed for exceptional cases. In Russia, material words are also called faded. You're standing on the field of Brahi wound, exhausted and, perepping, rest on your sword. And the enemies rod on you. For them and even for you, the outcome of the meeting is obvious. But you raise your head, look at them a long look and say: "Well, come, bd, so you are flock-shifts !!". And a miracle happens. Wild power opens in you. And whistled your sword, as the blades of the helicopter, and rolled the heads of your enemies with an amazed expression on the faces. You will be surprised later. That's what a mat is why he needs.

Our ancestors knew perfectly and understood the power of Mata. They carried his centuries, and maybe the Millennium, but not fools were. Mat is just needed in emergency, critical situations. The prohibition creates an energy supply as a battery, more precisely as a condenser. Because the battery gives energy slowly, and the condenser discharges instantly. This splash of energy and creates miracles. Any people, folk and even the tribe have forbidden words, words to which taboa is imposed. This is the overall property of people, more precisely, the property of common people. Fighting this property is just as stupid, how to create a new person. Why is the Russian mat such developed? Yes, because the story is our heavy. Who knows, maybe thanks to the mother and survived, and have been preserved as a people.

Here are offered to combat matt to introduce mothers in ordinary use, stop counting them with matery. And that will be? But what. You stand on the field of Brahi wounded, exhausted and stalking on your sword. And the enemies rod on you. For them and even for you, the outcome of the meeting is obvious. But you raise your head, look at them a long look and say: "Well, come, bd, so fuck you. And then there are still shifts. " A miracle does not happen. No already in these words of energy. These words sound like: Something the weather has spoiled. You have no hidden reserve. And they take you warm and rape your wife in your eyes, and they lead your children to slavery. Rejection of the Material Words to the usual discharge the people makes it sluggish and flabby.

Myths and the truth about Russian Mate

Around the Russian mats there are a lot of myths that do not appropriate reality. For example, Russian linguists and historians spread about Mate two myths: that the Russians began to communicate in response to the "Tatar-Mongolian Igo" and that the Materbiar is supposedly "the production of Slavic paganism."

In fact, the Slavs never furified. Including Belarusians and Ukrainians, as well as the Poles, to the Russian occupation of 1795, the most sophisticated curses were only "Curva" (selling girl) and "cholera" (illness). Neither Kievan Rus, nor inclusive, neither compulcpens to have preserved a single document with a mat and a single order of the authorities about the fight against the mother, although in Muscovy such documents in a huge excess.

If it were not for the Russian occupation, the Belarusians (Litvini), Ukrainians and Poles would not fulfill today. Today, however, the Poles are still almost not worn, and Slovaks and Czechs are not worrying at all.

And this is quite normal, for most of the peoples of the world do not know the mats - as they did not know and the Slavs, Balts, Romantic, Germans. The sexual vocabulary of them is extremely scarce (compared to Russian), and many languages \u200b\u200bdo not use sexual topics at all with foul language. For example, the French "CON" transmits the name and male, and female genital organs with different articles, and the limit of foul language of the French - just to name the opponent with this word. And only in English and only at the beginning of the twentieth century, and only in the USA - the "Mother Fucker" swear appeared, the analogue of which is not in Europe, and which was the cataca of Russian mats - it was introduced into US emigrants from Russia (see V.Butler "The Origin of Zhargon in the USA", 1981, New York).

Thus, the Materbiament is not at all "the generation of Slavic paganism", because the Slavs-pagans are not rejected.

The myth is the judgment that "in ancient Russia weave." Nobody turned in Kiev to Russia - only in Muscovy, but she was just rules and was not.

The first mention of the strange habit of Muscovites to speak by mats of historians is found in 1480, when Prince Vasily III on a par with a dry law, it demanded that Muscovites stop being worked out. Then Ivan Grozny ordered "Click on trading" so that Muscovites "Matery would not be scared and all sorts of unsubestrated speeches of each other did not finish each other."

Then the German traveler, Olairi, who came to Muscovy, noted with the regret, noted the broadest prevalence of the Materchinsky: "Small children who still do not know how to name God, nor mother, no father, already have indecent words on the mouth."
In 1648, Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich conceived "infamous infesses" and gave the Tsarsky Decree, so that "Sonovsky's songs did not sang, Mantnia and everyone did not scold me, and who people go on to scold Mathers and anybody - and those people for such opposite The Christian law for the frenzy to be from us in the Great Opal and in cruel punnels. "

Moscow priest Yakov Krotov notes:

"Throughout the XVII, and most of the XVIII century in Muscovy, they were quietly related to the Maternaya Brahi. Simple example: near the Savin-Storozhevsky Zvenigorodsky Monastery, located three kilometers from Zvenigorod, proceeds by the cross, and in all the screening books, starting from the end of the XVI century, when the first was composed, absolutely normal scribes fixed the name of this stream that occurred on the ground, which belonged to the monastery. The first letter was "P", the second half ended on the "oho". Who walked here to wash from Zvenigorod, for a few kilometers? Not quite clear. But, one way or another, at the end of the XVIII century, when the general survey of Russia is held, drawing up a full map of the Russian Empire, by decree Catherine the great all names that contain obscene vocabulary, matery roots, replace on more harmonious. Since then, this Zvenigorodsky stream has been renamed. "

To this afternoon, thousands of toponyms and hydronems created on the basis of matel words existed on maps of Muscovy-Russia.

Nothing like this at this time, neither in Belarus-Lithuania, nor in Russia, then was not - there, the people of Matov did not know.

This circumstance could seem to be explained by the fact that Belarusians and Ukrainians have never been under the Horde, and Muscovites lived in the Horde of three years old, and then in it the power seized, attaching the Horde to Muscovy. After all, previously, Soviet historians believed that: that Muscovites mats were allegedly answered by the "Tatar-Mongolian Igo".

For example, Vladimir Kantor, Belletrist and a member of the editorial board of the Russian magazine "Issues of Philosophy" recently wrote:

"But in Russia appears during the Tatar the word" Eble ", which derived to us, Russian people, is understandable, is associated with the making of the mother and so on, the Turkic meant just marry. Tatar, capturing the girl, said that he was "Eble" her, that is, takes her. But for any Russian commoner, who was selected daughter, his wife, sister, he committed violence against a woman, and as a result, this word acquired an absolute nature of rape. What is Material Words? This is the language of raped, that is, the lower layer that feels all the time outside the high culture and civilization zone, humiliated, offended, raped. And as any raped slave, he is ready to apply this violence towards his companion, and if it works out, of course, and to the noble. "

At first glance, the version seems foldable. However, it is erroneous.

First of all, the current Tatars of Kazan (then Bulgars) were exactly the "abused Tatar yoke" (for Kazan was equally by Vassal Tatar, like Moscow), but for some reason they did not give birth to peace.

Secondly, Tatars Horde were not Turks, but were a mixture of Turkic and Finno-Ugric tribes. For this reason, they joined the Horde of Finns Suzdal Muscovy (Mordva, Moksha, Erzya, Murom, Merya, Chud, Meshcher, Perm) and sought to unite all the Finno-Ugric peoples from the Volga in Europe, including those reached Hungary, the people which was considered "their right."

Thirdly, no "Tatar yoke" was not. Moscow paid Tatars only the tax (half of which he left him for the work on his gathering - on which he was raised) and put his Moscow army for service in the army of the Horde. There was never such a Tatars to capture Muscovy girls in his wife - this is modern fiction. In slaves - captured during wars, but in exactly so Slavs hundreds of thousands in slaves were captured by the Muscovites themselves (for example, 300 thousand Belarusians were captured by Muscovites in slavery in the war of 1654-1657). But the slave is not a wife.

Generally speaking, the whole version of Vladimir Cantor is "sudden" from the finger only on two dubious grounds: on the presence of Turuluzzi, the words "Eble" (marry) and on the myth about the notorious "Tatar yoke". This is very little, especially since the other major words of the Russian language remain without explanation. And they were formed?

Although I should notice that this hypothesis of Cantor is already a certain breakthrough in the subject, because previously, Soviet historians have written in general that Muscovites simply adopted the mats from Tatar-Mongols, they say those taught Muscovites to the firmware. However, no mats in the Language nor in the Language of Mongols.

So there are two serious circumstances that fully refute the Cantor's hypothesis about the origin of one of the Russian mats from the Turkic word "Eble" (marry).

1. Excavations of Academician Valentina Janin in Novgorod led in 2006 to the discovery of birest diplomas with mats. They are much ancient than the arrival in the Suzdal Principality of Tatars. What puts the fat cross at a very attempt at historians to link the mats of Muscovites with the Tatar language (Turkic).

More in addition, these mats on the bark grades of Novgorod are adjacent to the elements of Finnish vocabulary - that is, people who wrote them were not Slavs (colonists encouraged Rurik, sailing with Poland and built here Novgorod), and Local Polisyabonized Colonists of Rüric Finns (or Saami, or miracle, extinguished by volatile).

2. There are another people in Europe, except for Muscovites, which has been fulfilled for a thousand years - and the same Russian mats.

This is Hungaries.

True on the origin of Russian mats

For the first time about Hungarian mats, Russian historians learned quite recently - and were extremely surprised: after all, Hungarians are not Slavs, but Finno-Ugry. And they were neither under any "Tatar-Mongolian IGA", because they left the Volga to Central Europe over the century before the birth of Genghis Khan and Batya. For example, the Moscow researcher Evgeny Petrenko is extremely discouraged by this fact and recognizes in one of the publications that "this is completely confusing the issue of the origin of Russian mats."

In fact, it does not confuse the question, but just gives a full answer.

Hungarians use mats, absolutely similar to Matam Muscovy, from the very time of coming to Europe from the Volga.

It is clear that Kantander's hypothesis about the origin of one of the Russian mats from the Turkic word "Eble" (marry) - in no way applies to the Highlands, because the Turks did not make their girls to marry. Yes, and nurses around the Hungarians in Central Europe.

Evgeny Petrenko notes that the Serbian Material Expression "Eben Hunnet in Piccu" appeared historically recently - just 250 years ago, and was adopted by Serbs from Hungarians during the period when Serbia fell out of Turkish yoke under the power of Austria-Hungary in Empress Mary Teresa. The Hungarian chronicles are still overwhelmed with such mats that are more and anywhere else around (Slavs, Austria, Germans, Italians, etc., including the Turks) did not exist. Their Serbs then carried the Hungarian Colonial Administration, Hungarian Army and Hungarian Aristocracy.

Why are Mats Hungarians absolutely identical to Matam Muscovites?

The answer can be only one: this is Finno-Ugric mats.

Let me remind you that Hungarians, Estonians, Finns and Russians are the same Finnish ethnos. The Russians, however, were partly saten by the Kiev Pops, who have imposed Orthodoxy from them. But the studies of the GenoFord of the Russian Nation, held in 2000-2006 of the Russian Academy of Sciences (which we previously told about it in detail), showed that the Russians are absolutely identical to the Finnish ethnos: Mordve, Komi, Estonians, Finnam and Highrama.

What should not be surprised, because the entire Central Russia (historical Muscovy) is the land of Finnish peoples, and all toponyms of it - Finnish: Moscow (People Moksha), Ryazan (Erzya people), Murom (Murom's people), Perm (People Perm) etc.

The only "white stain" remains the question of the ancient presence of mats in Estonia and Finland. Judging by the fact that the birch diplomas of Novgorod with mats could with the most likely to be written by Saamami (and not miracle or murom), as well as inhabited Estonia and Finland, the mats must be ancient to Estonians and Finns too. This nuance needs clarification.

On the other hand, in the Finno-Ugric ethnic groups, Mata could give birth to the eels. That is, the Hungarians and the remaining living in the lands of the future Muscovy them related peoples. The Uroeks group of languages \u200b\u200bincludes only Hungarian and Osco-Ugric Khanty and Mansiysky. In the past, this group was where as more powerful, including, presumably, included the people of Pechenegs who left the Hungarians to Central Europe and along the way to the extensive widespread over the Crimea and in the Done steppes (their allegedly destroyed the Tatars). In the same Muscovy, the Mordovian ethnos Moksha (Moksel in his language), who gave the name of the Moxwa River (Moks Moksha + VA water), modified in Kiev to more harmonious Slavs "Moscow". And Etnos of Erzya (with the capital of Erzy and the State of the Great Erzya, later changed to Ryazan). In the Perm group of Komi and Udmurts, the state of the Great Permia was allocated. All this is the historical territory of the original spread of mats.

Thus, the term "Russian mats" is ridiculous. For they are not Russian at all (in understanding Russia as a Kiev state), and Finnish. The remaining in the tongue of the Native Finnish population of Muscovy as the subjects of their dewyan language.

The essence of mats

What is the essence of Russian mats?

It is clear that the Russian researchers have always embarrassed the fact that the Russians have mats, and the Slavs and other Indo-Europeans are not at all. Therefore, in this matter, the Russians are always, under the prior of a certain "incompleteness complex", instead of scientific consideration, they tried to justify or "to change the blame". That Slavs tried to the troublesman - they say, this is the Slavic paganism. But it did not come out - because Slavs never furified, and Russians are not Slavs. That was trying to show that the Russian mats came up with no just like that, but in response to the Igo Tatars. And it did not come out: Hungarians have exactly the same mats, but they had no "Tatar yga".

The sake of fairness should be said that the Russians are really the unfortunate people of the former Finnish ethnic groups, whose fate for the last thousand years is just awful.

Initially, he was conquered in their slaves the younger princes of Kiev, who did not get their principalities in Russia in Russia. Since there was no Slavs in the future Muscovy, the princes and their squads belonged to the local Finnish population as slaves. It was the Kiev princes that were introduced in Muscovy serfdom (that is, slavedness), which was wildly in Kiev in relation to the peasants of his ethnos. Let me remind you that neither in Ukraine, nor in Belarus-Lithuania never before the Russian occupation, the serfdom was not, and besides Muscovy, the serfdom existed in Europe only in one place - in Prussia, where the Germans made slaves of local foresters and local Slavs.

Then, these enslaved Kievan ruus, Finnish lands fall under the authority of the Horde of the Volga Tatars, the capital of which was located near the current Volgograd. Those created the Empire of Turks and Finno-Ugrations, so the mentally, Suzdal lands stretched to the Horde, and not to the Indo-European Russia of Kiev and Lithuania-Belarus incl (country of Western Balts). Moreover, the princely elite of land of the future Muscovy found in the Horde a very successful substantiation of his slave-owned power over the local Finnish population: Eastern traditions were erected by the rulers in the rank of God, which has never been from Europeans, including Byzantium and the ROC of Kiev, Russia krussous.

These two main arguments forever turned Muscovia from Russia and Kiev, created a new oriental type of state - full satrapy.

Therefore, the Finno-Russes (Muscovites) had every reason all the grounds: they were free only in their national Finnish states (from which only Finnish toponyms remained) before the arrival of Kiev enslavers. And then there was a thousand years of complete slavery: first slavery in the composition of the Kiev Rus, then the same slavery, but already when the Tatar enslavers were also sitting on top of Kiev, and then the enslavers became referred to as "Moscow states". Until 1864 (the abolition of serfdom), the people remained in the state of the enslaved natives, that is, the slaves, and his aristocracy despised the same share of contempt, as the British and the French despised in the XIX century they conquered the blacks of Africa in the 19th century.

Yes, from such a Millennial Move of Kiev Rus, Horde and then Muscovy-Russia with an excess of enough hatred in the Finnish people to give birth to mats - as the native Slage of foul language in relation to oppressors.

But ... we see that these mats existed in Finno-Ugrations before their enslavement by neighbors from the West and from the East. And there are Hungarians who have quite successfully fled from the Volga to Europe, avoiding the fate of their tribesmen.

This means that the Finno-Ugrom mats originated at all as an answer to enslave, but as something inner, purely original and without any external influence. For the Finno-Ugrations always are always.

Part of the researchers expresses such a point of view: mats are a part of some kind of mystical culture, in a number of conspiracies or curses. Including some (A. Filippov, S.S. Drozd) find that a number of mothers in essence means not something offensive, but the wish of death. For example, the departure in "P ...", as they write, means the wish to go there, from where it was born, that is, to leave life again into oblivion.

Is it so? I doubt.

Was the Finno-Ugrov in the past, in the era of the nucleation of mats, such a mystical culture in which sexual themes of the Matters have used? Personally, it is difficult for me to imagine it. Yes, sexual topics are present in all ancient peoples - but as symbols of fertility. And in our case, it's about something completely different. And no "mystical culture" or "pagan cults" is simply not here.

As it seems to me, the most correct essence of mats finds the Moscow priest Yakov Kroot:

"One of the modern Orthodox publicists Igumen Veniamin Novik published several articles against foul language, against Maternaya Rugan. In these articles, he emphasizes that Maternai Brand is connected with materialism. There is a kind of game with diamatic. "Why does the discharge, and the Maternaya Brand, foul language, it often justifies as an emotional discharge, should happen," writes Igumen Veniamin, "at the expense of other people? Mothershchinnik must certainly need someone to hear it. Mantic Rugan - there are primarily a symptom Evolutionary underdevelopment. Biologists know that in the animal world there is a pronounced connection between aggressiveness and sexuality, and some "especially gifted" (sarcastically writes Igumen Veniamin) individuals use their genitals to intimidate the enemy. And some of the non-less gifted representatives of the family of Homo Sapires do that The same thing is verbally. Exhibitionists are simply more consistent. " This refutation of foul language and rebuff him from the standpoint of a modern, well-educated person. "


Indo-Europeans did not comprehend, because their absolutes were formed as a more progressive and exclusive monkey chassis "to use their genitals to intimidate the enemy." But the Potenos of Finno-Thieves, which are not Indo-Europeans, was formed in a different way - and used monkey habits.

That's the whole difference: Russians and Hungarians are because they are notading, which are not Indo-Europeans. And because their ancestors developed differently than the Indo-Europeans - in another completely cultural environment.

Moreover, the use of mats in communication is necessarily retrospectively means that in the distant past the ancestors of Russian and Hungarians, these mats were used as an illustration of the actions - that is, the Finno-Ugron was in the go as a sign of insulting the show of the genitals to the opponent. And different other non-abdomains.

It seems wildness? But this is not great wildness than the very fact of almost complete approval of mats in Russia - first of all cultural figures. As, for example, to treat such statements: Galina Zhevnova, the chief editor of the United States "Provincial Izvestia" shares with readers: "I treat Mata positively. Russian person has two ways to issue a couple. The first is vodka, the second - mat. Let it be better than the mat. "

Why don't other nations have "ways to issue a couple" only in the form of vodka and mat? And what mat "better" vodka?

What mat is better than vodka?

In Russia, do not understand that the mat breaks the foundations of society. Mat, being an animal behavior "use his genitals to intimidate the enemy," already asocial. But the Materbias evolved compared to animals: the name of the "mat" means insulting the opponent's mother in sexual violence from the speaker. What no animals are.

For Finno-Ugroms (Russian and Hungarians), this may be their normal local traditional form of communication. But for Indo-Europeans it is unacceptable.

Each of us was a child and knows that every nasty is easily penetrating into the children's brains. So, the mats of the Hungarians and Russians were introduced in Europe not through our adult Europeans, but through children who contacted these peoples speaking children. Already, this fact shows that the Materbiar goes into the minds of people through the corruption of our children and in fact differs little from child pornography or seduction of juvenile.

Let there always communicate in Russia in Russia. But we need to be like? Our ancestors of these alien mats did not know.

It is very bad when the sexual enlightenment of children begins with the knowledge of them matte and their meanings. That was how it was with me: my teenagers were taught Matam and explained their meaning - were the titlers for me the sacraments of the relationship of men and women - through mats.

This is normal? It is absolutely abnormal.

Therefore, it seems completely erroneous opinion of the editor of the Russian newspaper that mats are better than vodka. Our vodka children are not drinking at 10 years, and Matam learn. What for?

Russian publicists proudly and joy say that Russian mats are completely replaced by any transmission of thought and concepts. Olga Kvirkvelia, head of the Russian educational Christian center "Vera and Thought", Catholic, in the transfer of Radio Liberty in February 2002 about Mate said: "In principle, mat, like a good mat, real, not the street, which we hear today, It is just a sacral language that can be told absolutely everything. I was fascinated by Mat, when I heard by chance in the Novgorod region, in a village, as grandmother Grandfather explained how to plant cucumbers. Not matery were only prepositions, it is clear perfect. She did not swear, she was very affectionately, very friendly explained how to put cucumbers. This is a language that, unfortunately, we are almost lost and turned into something vulgar, guffic, vile and bad. In fact, it is not. And this reflects very deep layers of consciousness. "

I'm shocked. Why can't grandmother can tell normally on planting cucumbers with normal human terms, and replaces them all sexual terms? This Olga Quirkvelia sees a "sacred language". What is in it "sacral", except for an animal showing his genitals?

She still says that "this is a language that, unfortunately, we are almost lost." It turns out that the Finno-Ugric language of Russian and Hungarians is the language of full mats, where all the concepts are replaced by them?

Unfortunately, all the bad and ugly tend to spread around as a disease. So Russia brought his mats to the congenial people conquered by the peoples of Belarusians, Ukrainians, Baltov, Caucasians, the peoples of Central Asia, which in their own language they say, but the Finnish mats are inserted through the word. So the Finnish "sacred words" became a sour vocabulary of distant Uzbeks. It is not enough to make a lot of steel in the USA - already in English, and quite normal in the film "Police Academy" see the plot, the action of which long turns on the background of in Russian written on the phone booth of the inscription from all familiar three letters "x ..". Who wrote it there? Yankee?

But there is no such anywhere in the world in the world: writing mats on the walls. And even Vysotsky noticed: there are inscriptions in Russian French toilets in public French toilets. Write mat on the wall - it is equal to the animal behavior of the demonstration of genitals. Than "sacral" eastern neighbors and do as monkeys. This is the exhibitionism of the Eastern neighbor.

Is this behavior for us, Europeans, including Belarusians and Ukrainians? Of course, no, for nothing sacred, that is, the sacred, we simply because we cannot express that our ancestors did not know. These mats are someone else's alien.

In our European languages, there are enough funds to express any concepts without mats, as there are no mats and in the works of Leo Tolstov. He did not use the Sacred Language, but created literary masterpieces of world culture and Russian. What already means that the Russian language will not lose anything without these mats. But only enriches

Materbia is accompanied by Russia since its inception. The authorities, social formations, culture and Russian itself are changing, but the mat remains unchanged.

Native speech

Virtually the entire XX century dominated the version that the words we call the Material were in the Russian language from Mongol-Tatars. However, this is a delusion. Materciste is already found in Novgorod birch grams dated XI centuries: that is, long before the birth of Genghis Khan.

Riot against Matriarchaat

The concept of "mat" is quite later. In Russia, the time of centuries called it "Laya Matery". It must be said that initially the Material language included the use of the word "mother" in a vulgar, sexual context. The words, denoting the critical bodies, which we consider today, did not belong to Lai Maternaya.

There are a dozen versions of the MAT function. Some scientists suggest that the Matercass appeared at the turn of the transition of society from the matriarchate to Patriarchate and initially meant the authority of a man who, having passed the rite of copulation with the "mother" of the genus, has publicly declared him to tribesmen.

Pins Language

True, the previous version does not explain the use of the word "lying". On this score, there is another hypothesis, according to which the "Materbiar" had a magical, protective function and was called "Pinsim". In the Slavic (and Indo-European as a whole), the tradition of the dog was considered animals of the "illuminated" world and served the goddess of death of MOREH. The dog who served an evil witch could turn into a person (even familiar) and come with evil thoughts (to bring the evil eye, damage or even kill). So, feeling a worthless potential victim of the Moraine, just had to pronounce a protective "mantra", that is, send it to the "Mother". It was his time to expose the evil demon, the "son of the Mary", after which he had to leave a person alone.

It is curious that even in the 20th century, the people have survived the belief that the "Materchika" scares the devils and the conventional makes sense even "for the sake of prevention", without seeing a direct threat.

Vocation of good

As already mentioned, the ancient Russian words denoting the critical organs began to attribute significantly later. In the pagan era, these lexemes were commonly used and did not have a sworn color. Everything has changed with the arrival of Christianity and the beginning of the displacement of the old "dies" of cults. The words of sexual coloring were replaced by "church smells: copulate, childbody, dick, etc. In fact, in this taboo, there was a serious rational grain. The fact is that the use of the former "terms" was ritualized and is associated with the pagan cults of fertility, special conspiracies, prisoners. By the way, the word "good" (on the old Slavic - Bogo) marked "a lot" and was used in the beginning in the "agricultural" context.

The churches took many centuries to reduce the agrarian rites to a minimum, but "fertile" words remained in the form of "relics": the truth, already in the status of curses.

Censorship Empress

There is another word that is unfair today to Matsechina. For the purposes of self-censorship, we denote it "in a word to the letter" b ". This lexeme calmly existed in the elements of the Russian language (it can even be found in church texts and official state certificates), having the values \u200b\u200bof "Blud", "deception", "error", "heresy", "error". The people often this word was used to the slit women. Perhaps during the days of Anna John, this word began to be used with more frequency and, probably, in the last context, because it was this empress who put a ban on him.

"Bloomy" censorship

As you know, in criminal, or "blessed", the environment is rigidly tabulated. For incomultuous, the crushed maternity expression of the prisoner can wait much more serious responsibility than an administrative penalty for a public obscene brand in the wild. Why don't the Russian Mat like "Urcagans"? First of all, the Matermia can pose a threat to "Feni" or "Blouth Music." The Keepers of thieves traditions well understand that if the MAT will displace the Argo, then the following will lose their authority, its "uniqueness" and "exclusivity", and the main power in prison, the elite of the criminal world - in other words will begin "chaos". It is curious that the criminals (in contrast to state husbands) well understand what any language reform and borrowing of other people's words can lead to.

Psychologists believe that foul language is an excellent means for removing stress and rehabilitation of energy. Some historians consider the Russian mat consequence of the destruction of taboos. In the meantime, experts lead professional disputes, in the people "Mate do not swear, talking on it." Today we are talking about the origin of the Russian mat.

It is the opinion that in the Dotar Rus "strong sense" did not know, and swearing, each other was compared with various pets. However, linguists and philologists disagree with this statement. Archaeologists argue that for the first time the Russian mat mention was mentioned in the Berchinsky diploma of the beginning of the XII century. True, what was written in that diploma, archaeologists will not be discussed. Let us try to understand the subtleties of the abnormative vocabulary, which is an integral part of the Russian language.

As a rule, speaking of matte and its origin, linguists and philologists allocate three main derivatives. This derivative includes the name of the male genital organ, the name of the female genital organ, and the name of what happens with a successful circumstance between the male and female sexual body. Some linguists for an anatomical and physiological derivative, add another social derivative, namely, the Word, which is called a woman of easy behavior. Of course, there are other obscene roots, but these four, the people are most productive and effective.

Delight, surprise, consent and not only

Perhaps, perhaps, a frequently used word among the abnormative vocabulary, the Word, which is more often written in the fences throughout Russia, denotes the men's sexual body. Linguists did not agree in a single opinion about where this word came from. Part of the specialists attributes to the Word of the Old Slavic roots, claiming that in ancient times it marked "hiding" and sounded how to "catch." And the word "cow" in the imperative ignition sounded like "kui". Another theory attributes the word Pyranceo European roots. In which the root "Hu" indicated the "process".
Today, it is extremely difficult to talk about the persuasiveness of each theory. What can be argued unequivocally - the word is very older, no matter how people did not want with the Diosincias of the surrounding vocabulary. It is also worth noting that "this is the very word" of three letters, is the most productive root forming new words in Russian. This word can express doubt, surprise, indignation, delight, refusal, threat, consent, despondency, promotion, etc., etc. Only in the Wikipedia article of the same name is given more than seven dozen idioms and words that are formed from this root.

Theft, fight and death

The word denoting female genitals in Russian obscene vocabulary is less productive than the word - a representative of a strong sex. However, this word gave the Russian language a lot of expressions, as it can not be better reflecting the whole severity of Russian reality. So, single words from this well-known word are often indicated: to lie, mislead, beat, steal, talk without silent. Sustainable expressions, as a rule, denote the course of events, unfolding not according to plan, educational process, fight, beating, failure, and even breakdown or death.
The origin of this word some particularly fierce linguists belong to Sanskrit. However, this theory does not withstand even the most humane criticism. The most convincing theory, researchers consider the origin of Pyranceo European languages. There, according to scientists, scholars, called the second in popularity in Russian Mate, mean "saddle", "then what is sitting", "garden" and "nest". It is also worth noting that the word it can have both strictly negative painting and positive.

About the sexual act and not only about it

The word that today in the obscene vocabulary denotes sexual intercourse from the Pyranceo-European language (Jebh- / OIBH- or * OJEBH) and in its pure form means "to make sexual intercourse". In the Russian language, this word gave rise to a huge number of very popular idioms. One of the most popular is the phrase "** B your mother." Linguists argue that the ancient Slavs used this expression in the context "Yes, I go to your fathers!". There are also other expressions with this verb, meaning to misleading, express indifference, to make complaints.

Devaluation Mata.

Justice It is worth noting that many Russian writers differed in the ability to insert "strong word" in his speech. Mat even in some poems. Of course, we are not talking about fairy tales and not about love lyrics, but about friendly epigrams and satirical works. And it is worth noting that the Great Pushkin owns the Matters organically and skillfully:

Silence, kuma; And you, like me, sinful,
And with all the words disadvantaged;
In someone else's P ** de Solominka you see
And you do not see the logs!

("From the all-night ...")

The misfortune of the modern Russian language is that today the devaluation of Mata occurs due to various circumstances. It is used as widely that expression expression is lost and the essence of the mat itself. As a result, this depletes Russian and, oddly enough, the culture of speech. For today's situation, the words are told by another famous poet - Vladimir Mayakovsky.

In 2013, on March 19, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill on the prohibition of the surrounding vocabulary in the media. Those of the media that will still risk using this or that or other "strong" willing will have to pay a fine of about 200 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that deputies from the United Russia faction, which commented on their actions, as the desire to protect the population of the country from the immoral information environment, became Yary Supporters of this draft law. However, most Russians believe that the fight against the mat is useless. Neither agitation nor fines will help. The main thing is internal culture and education.