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Phanti with tasks for a funny company. Playing the Fanta - Funny and Original Tasks for Children

Cheerful adult phantas

The game in Fanta will cheer any company and help make a holiday unforgettable. Choose from the assigned tasks the most interesting and appropriate for your company. Cards can be put in a hat, in a beautifully decorated box or tray.

Players take turns take out at random of Phanti, read out loud to the tasks and demonstrate their creative and acting abilities.

  1. Show no words than you like to do in your free time
  2. Looking into the mirror and not laughing, pronounce trunk 5 times the phrase: "I look today better than everyone!"
  3. Try to bite yourself for the elbow, saying: "Blotches are close, do not bite!"
  4. Pictulate a pantomime discovering bottle of champagne
  5. Go to 5 other participants, shake your hand and say: "I king. Very nice, I king! "
  6. Hide behind the back of the chair and scroll loudly 3 times: "I'm fine!"
  7. Choose any of those present and originally admitted to him in love
  8. Sing any song as if you are very drunk
  9. To hold yourself a nose with your hand and pronounce the phrase: "I have the most pleasant voice in the world!"
  10. You are lucky - the whole company "fade" for you: everyone comes to you and expresses his admiration or says compliment
  11. To say with a sexual voice: "Are you sad and lonely? Then call me ... "Then no less seductive dictate your phone number
  12. "Sit down" chair and "jumping" on it, shouting: "To meet the adventures, it is impossible!"
  13. Come up with 7 players affectionate nicknames (for example, "Cutie", "Handsome" ...)
  14. Looking into the mirror, for a minute there is a complimination, while not laughing
  15. Portray any profession so that the remaining players guess
  16. For a few minutes, to be "mirror" (copy the facial expressions and movements of each willing to look in the "Mirror")
  17. For a minute, stroking ourselves at the same time on the head and in the stomach, but in different directions
  18. Go to any of the players, make a terrible face and say: "Well, here we met!"
  19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs, not to say a word
  20. Pronounce phrase: "I like to dance" with different intonations (joyfully, sad, indifferent, surprised, languidly)
  21. Sing any song by closing your nose with your hand
  22. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
  23. Stand on the chair and tell in five sentences about your life
  24. Pronounce toast to "Chinese"
  25. Read any children's poem with Caucasian accent
  26. Sliced \u200b\u200bloud 3 times "People! I love you!"
  27. Say fast 3 patters
  28. Show guests how to erotic to eat banana
  29. Depict an astrologer and predict 2 of any players their future
  30. Crop to knees and repent in their three most essential sins
  31. Choose two any players and together with them to depict the dance of the African tribe of Mumba-Yamba
  32. Worship five players in different ways without repeating
  33. Tell everyone: "I'm in sorrow, do not disturb me!" and see for 1 minute with a sad expression of the face (other players need to try to laugh you)
  34. Draw your portrait with closed eyes
  35. Portray a capricious lady that requires a husband to buy a diamond ring
  36. Portray a capricious husband who is dissatisfied with dinner
  37. Measure in a specific pose, depicting a sculpture. For a few minutes you need to stand without moving. Other players can approach and change the pose of "sculptures".
  38. Take any object and try to sell it to someone from the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
  39. Play the journalist: come to any of the players and take an interview with him, asking ten tricks
  40. Make an unusual group photo: arrange the participants, pick an entourage
  41. Pictulate with pantomime scales
  42. Sing the song "Two Merry Goose", while sending all air kisses
  43. Call someone from acquaintances and ask you to spend the night
  44. Portray a famous person so that other players guess
  45. Pictulate a person in a chair at a dentist
  46. Make comic self-testing: tell other players why you need to be friends (you marry you, take you married, etc.)
  47. Picture on the face of 5 any emotions so that other players guess them
  48. "Still" for 10 minutes by a stranger and speak only on the "Tarabar" language
  49. Show accelerated movements as a woman brings maraphes (makes makeup, trying out of outfits, etc.)
  50. Picture a man in a man who goes on hot coal barefoot
  51. Throughout three minutes to talk like a robot, asking questions to other participants of the game
  52. Depict a chicken, unexpectedly for myself
  53. Without sprinkling lips, pronounce the proverb: "He who laughs laughs well"
  54. For three minutes, quickly respond to questions from other players, and it is impossible to say "yes", "no", "I do not know"

Our people love holidays. And most often most of them are in the form of a feast. After all, it is so easier to chat with relatives and loved ones. However, so that people do not bored, you can periodically entertain them, distracting from food and conversations. That is why now I want to consider various comic tasks for guests at the table.


This is all a well-known and very cheerful game that is suitable for the company of all ages itself. It is best to prepare the tasks in advance that participants must fulfill. But you can make more and more interesting. Each participant must come up with the task. But which of them will come to - this is a secret. What can I write on the leaves?

  • Kiss all sitting at the table (regardless of the floor).
  • Bewish banana, not using hands.
  • Repent of guests, standing on his knees, in three sins of her past.
  • Picture animal: pork, monkey, dog, cat.
  • Make selfie with each guest, after which everyone gives to each photo.
  • Talk half an hour in any foreign language.
  • Sing a song, read verse, etc.

Options are a huge amount. However, it is important to take into account the company that will be gathered at the table. After all, several other tasks may be invented for young people than for a more mature audience.

Comic assignment-phantas for guests at the table can be prepared and otherwise. So, each guest can be taken on a personal subject (keys, lighter, brooch, etc.). Everything folds into the bag. The participant with tied eyes chooses Phanti, and his owner immediately comes up with the task.

We write a fairy tale

Considering comic tasks for guests at the table, I want to remember and write about the competition "Write a fairy tale." To do this, it will be necessary to stockpenter only sheets of paper and handles. Each participant is issued on a typewriter. Next, guests simply must respond to the questions set, creating their own unique history. When the answer is written, it turns on the width of the text, and the leaf is transmitted to the next participant. So it will work out a few fun fairy tales. Approximate questions:

  • What did you do?
  • Who helped?
  • When?
  • For what?
  • How did it end?

On anniversary

You can also come up with comic tasks for guests at the table in the anniversary. In this case, you can try to beat the number, that is, the number of birthdays. For example, if the lady turns 30 years old, then guests must tell her 30 compliments that will not be repeated. All guests will include this game.

Very fun contests

  1. Competition "Puty Cow". To do this, you need to crash on the pairs (neighbors at the table). One person holds a glove with small holes on the tips of the fingers, while filled with water. The other is militant to the glove cow. It is very fun, because in fact few people know how it is right.
  2. "Guess the animal", "Guess the Star of Show Business", "Guess the Politics", etc. The photo sees only one player, the rest, being at the table, are trying to guess what or who shows the presenter.
  3. "Crocodile" for a new way. So, the player must show the guests of certain periods of the birthday life, the participants must guess what it is in question.

Terms of Use

In this case, the number of participants does not matter may be both 5 and 15 people. The presenter chooses a simple item, for example, a glass. Guests must provide as many options for using the selected object. And if at first everything will be modestly, then the participants will give out real pearls.

Check for sobriety

Frequently, the company is collected in a few hours before the New Year to spend the outgoing year. And sometimes it happens that it is necessary to meet a new one in a non-sober state. That is why guests must be invited to hold a contest for sobriety. For this, each at the table should pronounce a simple patter or say a complex phrase:

  • Sumbell jump.
  • Lilac dentimerous.
  • Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.

It will be very ridiculous, after all, even a sober person will be able to repulse such phrases far from the first time.

For new year

What else can you come up with comic New Year tasks for guests at the table? So, it is possible before the fighting of the chimes to offer all guests to wish each other something good. And while the wishes should not be repeated.

Alternatively, you can offer guests to make a desire. It will be a kind of competition. Everyone will be distributed through small leaves, handle and lighter. Each participant under the battle of the Kuranta should have time to write a desire on the leaflet to write it down, the ashes to throw in a glass with champagne and drink it all. Who managed that well done. And who did not have time, this will have to fulfill a certain task of the company.

Like - do not like

Selecting comic tasks for guests at the table for birthday, you can offer a very interesting competition present. So, each participant must name three parts of the birthday body, who like, and a couple - who do not like. Just honestly. The first part of the task is a compliment. The second is more interesting. After the announced list, each who spoke comes to the birthday girl and kisses the named part of the body, more precisely, the one that was named in the list of those that do not like. As a result, the head of the festival will receive not only a set of compliments, but also many kisses!

Napkins for dating

If guests are located at the table, which are not familiar with each other, you can introduce them. To do this, you need to put in a circle pack of napkins. Each guest should take them as much as it wishes. As a result, the napkins are recalculated by the lead. And each participant in the number of calculated paper should call as many interesting facts about themselves and their lives.

Guess who?

We further consider comic tasks for guests at the table. To diversify fun, you can offer an invited next game. All participants are distributed over a piece of paper and handle. Task: Describe yourself so that guests can guess a person by description. However, to call exact words (for example, a lady in a red dress) is prohibited. The participant will win, whom no one can guess the description.

Contest poems

You can offer guests to come up with verse birthday. Everyone will have their own task: one participant is to create a romantic poem, another - cheerful, third - sad. Next will have to arrange a small contest. And the birthday girl will choose the best creation.

Who think about

Everyone takes turns a piece of paper on which the letter is written. Guests must call the first word on the chosen Literature, which will pop up in the head. After everything comes out, the presenter says: "Now it is clear who thinks about!" The result will definitely be very cheerful and unforgettable.

Song contest

Comic tasks for guests at the table can be the song. Invited smashes for paired teams. Next, the participants are issued a piece of paper with a word written on it. This is the subject of this and you have to sing a song. Sometimes options for choosing participants are simply surprised and cheerful.


And the last contest, which is very pleased not only to children, but also adults. All participants are issued a leaf with a drawn fragment. Next, guests should draw something to the picture turned out to be finished. After a while, all guests represent their results. It turns out very fun and funny.

1. Sight song.
2. To dance fun dance.
3. Mix guests.
4. Expand and eat candy with cutlery.
5. Tell a joke.

1. To make fun,
Sing us a song as soon as possible!
Promise God
What do you have a subside.

2. Your star hour has come!
Please dance for us
Incendiary and brave
Sultry tango ... with mop!

3. Charge all by positive
Somehow more check
So that we had fun
To laugh from the soul!

4. On the dexterity of the task is.
Dare, praise you and honor!
Knife and Work Candy
Summary and deploy, and eat!

5. Do you have honest people:
Tell us anecdote,
To laugh before you fall.
Remember more - we will be happy!

1. Open champagne.
2. Get tea bag into a mug.
3. Prepare a sandwich.
4. Eat a banana without hands.
5. Make a photograph of guests.

1. You are surprising
Delived Phanta simple:
For us without delay
Champagne open!

2. Here is the test of the test!
(Salted the breath of the hall.)
Throw the bag of this tea
So that he got into the circle!

3. Phantes simple: from different products
Make a sandwich (light snack),
So that he looked fine
And it was wonderful to taste!

4. Try to entertain us a little bit,
Possess friends and girlfriends
And the banana eat without a plug, without a spoon,
Without a knife and without hands.

5. Phanta you got such:
Take a snapshot of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To get laugh!

The wonderful way was passed by the jubilee,
You can tell about it in the book.
Come up with the name of the memoirs,
Which he could write.

Not sophisticated phantha, you should know
About it, do not go to the fortuneteller,
And five things now call
Required for fishing

Now you have to show
How plastic you are
Your phanta - with a chair to dance
Funny and erotic.

Perhaps this role for you
A little is not familiar
Your phanta - a chastushka sing now
Of course, Parfile

Your phanta at first glance is quite simple,
But will cause universal interest -
We inform the annubilera growth,
And also guess its weight.

You are lucky, I got a Phanta simple -
On the leg right you should get up,
And leg left holding hand
In honor of the jubilees of our toast to raise.

Should you drink without residue
Behind the birthday boy,
Build all the ladies in order
And together to dance Kankan

Your Phanta is to become briefly conductor,
Guests all quickly organize,
To order the jubilee choir
Tasty all songs to execute.

Your Phanta: in the art of achievements
Our guests to show all
Running in the center of the hall, with an expression
Poem to tell!

In friendship and mutual respect
Neighbor your neighbor or neighbor
Pour wines and loudly with an expression,
Read everything that is on the label.

Your Phanta is good, let's say secretly -
Models to organize
And comment show at the same time
And mannequins from guests to dial.

You need a composition composition
From the fruit on the table "He and she",
To her explanations to add
And declare who is dedicated.

Should you under applause
For the jubilee, in her honor
Come up with a fax from the president
In her name and read.

Obligation such an except you
Will not be able to fulfill another one.
Your phanta - on behalf of guests now
Hostess celebrations say "Thank you"

Phanti for birthday is a fascinating and interesting game. In this embodiment, the Phanti game will require a presenter. He takes from the participants on one thing, accessory. It may be anything: a bracelet, wallet, ring, earrings, even sock. The subject must be petty so that these fantas can be folded into a small hat or bag.

Phanti for adult birthday

Phanti Game Rules

Phanta (him. Pledge, mortgage) is the thing that the player lost, gave the lead, and then must redeem the task.

"Whose phanta, what to do?", "What is this phantom to do?" - asks the leading player leading, and he invents the next task.

Phanti can be collected in different ways: just go in a circle, taking each of those present on one thing (clock, telephone, ring, cufflink, belt, hairpin, etc.), and then give the owners of the task for their redemption; You can spend a few games, the losers will have to give Phantes to stay in the game; Making the riddles: if the player did not guess - pays Phanta.

Mass options - it all depends on the fantasy, mood, desires and companies.

Now the leading turns away, and the players in turn should get the phantas. Lead, without looking at what the subject got, he says that the owner of this subject should make. According to the rules of the game, the subject cannot be returned until the task is fulfilled. A tasks, by the way, can be long-playing. For the game to be cheerful and rich, tasks for the PHANT should be invented in advance. We offer a selection of such tasks.

Fantians for a birthday for a fun adult company

All evening to call the perpetrator of the celebration Your Highness
After each toast, shout loudly to pam pam or cha cha cha
All evening talk to verses
It is necessary to draw yourself a mustache with any girlfriend and do not wash them off during the evening;
You will pronounce a rocket and squeaky voice: "Houston, we have problems!"
It should be shifted with a nose to a penny so that it fell from the table to the glass substituted for these purposes;
Get out in pajamas or night shirt on the street, walk to the store, buy salt, and all the questions of the seller answer: "So it is necessary." With a participant, can go accompanying so that the first is not Smukhleval.
On the knees to reveal the five drawbacks present.
You need to portray the sounds of a flying aircraft and run around the house, speaking them loudly;
Each Phanta player must make a paper medal. Moreover, merits for which the medal is awarded should be real. For example, the kindest, hot-tempered, etc.
Make a special snapshot on which all guests will be captured. "Photographer" will need to arrange all guests, give them unusual poses and everything in the same spirit.
We must put on pajamas and stroll in it to the nearest store, buy a pack of salt there. If the path of passersby will ask questions, then they can only be answered: "So necessary";
It is necessary to drink all the alcohol, which is in glasses at the moment;
Stand up in hand, of course, it can be done with support. Then come up in such a position to a couple in love at the table and wish her happiness, good luck and all the best;
Show, without using speech, then what every day you do at work;
Go to the balcony or just bother into the window and squeeze ten times with all my might: "People, I love you very much";
15 minutes to pretend to be a foreigner, be sure to pronounce a toast in any other language;
To drink on Brucershaft with the guest on the left.
To subduct the compiler of horoscopes and tell everyone from the other participants that it expects it for the next week.
Reveal and easter banana without using hands;
Go to neighbors and bring a glass of salt or bucket of water from them;
Sincerely confess to the three sins from the past. We must stand on your knees;
Turn to the neighbor on the left and depict the scene, as if he should marry you;
Before the mirror Ten times to say: "Oh, how good I am." The phrase should be pronounced in a new way;
Drink a glass of any alcohol, not using hands;
For guests to portray a pig in the pigsty. At the same time, crawl on the floor and be sure to go;
Shouts to repay the candle. You can not blow on the candle, it is necessary to use only the voice or strength of thought;
Sing any children's song, and in pauses knock on the stomach tact;
Show stripter. Then show the stripter that got drunk;
You can ask a person to show any animal. The most successful options here are Penguin, a sea cat, snake, a bear;
Take three eggs and juggle them. Of course, the likelihood is greater that the eggs will fall and disassemble. So, it will be necessary to remove the following - this is also a task of this yard;
Tell each guest compliment;
To say about each guest, cute nastyness;
Name three qualities of each guest that the participant is most impressed;
Each guest at the table feed from the spoon;
Make any of the guests of the hands massage;
Take a hairdryer, comb and gel to make yourself an unusual hairstyle;
Predict the future for each guest. Not just like that, but in a real professional astrologer;
Open the secret who you wanted to be in childhood;
Just tell the anecdote, but so that he laugh at the guests;
The presenter chooses three participants who the owner of the Fed must hug, kiss and shake hands;
Draw a portrait of a neighbor on the left or right;
Recognize any girl in love, but not to use words;
Put the air ball between two phantas. Make so that they hugged so much that the ball will burst;
Show no words than you like to do in your free time
Looking into the mirror and not laughing, pronounce trunk 5 times the phrase: "I look today better than everyone!"
Try to bite yourself for the elbow, saying: "Blotches are close, do not bite!"
Pictulate a pantomime discovering bottle of champagne
Go to 5 other participants, shake your hand and say: "I king. Very nice, I king! "
Hide behind the back of the chair and scroll loudly 3 times: "I'm fine!"
Choose any of those present and originally admitted to him in love
Sing any song as if you are very drunk
To hold yourself a nose with your hand and pronounce the phrase: "I have the most pleasant voice in the world!"
You are lucky - the whole company "fade" for you: everyone comes to you and expresses his admiration or says compliment
To say with a sexual voice: "Are you sad and lonely? Then call me ... "Then no less seductive dictate your phone number
"Sit down" chair and "jumping" on it, shouting: "To meet the adventures, it is impossible!"
Come up with 7 players affectionate nicknames (for example, "Cutie", "Handsome" ...)
Looking into the mirror, for a minute there is a complimination, while not laughing
Portray any profession so that the remaining players guess
For a few minutes, to be "mirror" (copy the facial expressions and movements of each willing to look in the "Mirror")
For a minute, stroking ourselves at the same time on the head and in the stomach, but in different directions
Go to any of the players, make a terrible face and say: "Well, here we met!"
Explain how to make scrambled eggs, not to say a word
Pronounce phrase: "I like to dance" with different intonations (joyfully, sad, indifferent, surprised, languidly)
Sing any song by closing your nose with your hand
Talk about elephants for 1 minute
Stand on the chair and tell in five sentences about your life
Pronounce toast to "Chinese"
Read any children's poem with Caucasian accent
Say fast 3 patters
Show guests how to erotic to eat banana
Depict an astrologer and predict 2 of any players their future
Crop to knees and repent in their three most essential sins
Choose two any players and together with them to depict the dance of the African tribe of Mumba-Yamba
Worship five players in different ways without repeating
Tell everyone: "I'm in sorrow, do not disturb me!" and see for 1 minute with a sad expression of the face (other players need to try to laugh you)
Draw your portrait with closed eyes
Portray a capricious lady that requires a husband to buy a diamond ring
Portray a capricious husband who is dissatisfied with dinner
Measure in a specific pose, depicting a sculpture. For a few minutes you need to stand without moving. Other players can approach and change the pose of "sculptures".
Take any object and try to sell it to someone from the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
Play the journalist: come to any of the players and take an interview with him, asking ten tricks
Make an unusual group photo: arrange the participants, pick an entourage
Pictulate with pantomime scales
Sing the song "Two Merry Goose", while sending all air kisses
Call someone from acquaintances and ask you to spend the night
Portray a famous person so that other players guess
Pictulate a person in a chair at a dentist
Make comic self-testing: tell other players why you need to be friends (you marry you, take you married, etc.)
Picture on the face of 5 any emotions so that other players guess them
"Still" for 10 minutes by a stranger and speak only on the "Tarabar" language
Show accelerated movements as a woman brings maraphes (makes makeup, trying out of outfits, etc.)
Picture a man in a man who goes on hot coal barefoot
Throughout three minutes to talk like a robot, asking questions to other participants of the game
Depict a chicken, unexpectedly for myself
Without sprinkling lips, pronounce the proverb: "He who laughs laughs well"
For three minutes, quickly respond to questions from other players, and it is impossible to say "yes", "no", "I do not know"

Tasks for phantom in verse

The wonderful way was passed by the jubilee,
You can tell about it in the book.
Come up with the name of the memoirs,
Which he could write.
Not sophisticated phantha, you should know
About it, do not go to the fortuneteller,
And five things now call
Required for fishing
Now you have to show
How plastic you are
Your phanta - with a chair to dance
Funny and erotic.
Perhaps this role for you
A little is not familiar
Your phanta - a chastushka sing now
Of course, Parfile
Your phanta at first glance is quite simple,
But will cause universal interest -
We inform the annubilera growth,
And also guess its weight.
You are lucky, I got a Phanta simple -
On the leg right you should get up,
And leg left holding hand
In honor of the jubilees of our toast to raise.
Should you drink without residue
Behind the birthday boy,
Build all the ladies in order
And together to dance Kankan
Your Phanta is to become briefly conductor,
Guests all quickly organize,
To order the jubilee choir
Tasty all songs to execute.
Your Phanta: in the art of achievements
Our guests to show all
Running in the center of the hall, with an expression
Poem to tell!
In friendship and mutual respect
Neighbor your neighbor or neighbor
Pour wines and loudly with an expression,
Read everything that is on the label.
Your Phanta is good, let's say secretly -
Models to organize
And comment show at the same time
And mannequins from guests to dial.
You need a composition composition
From the fruit on the table "He and she",
To her explanations to add
And declare who is dedicated.
Should you under applause
For the jubilee, in her honor
Come up with a fax from the president
In her name and read.
Ability to back in advance
Demonstrate your phanta gives.
You name the middle name of the hostess celebration
Should pronounce the opposite.
Obligation such an except you
Will not be able to fulfill another one.
Your phanta - on behalf of guests now
Hostess celebrations say "Thank you"
To make fun
Sing us a song as soon as possible!
Promise God
What do you have a subside.
Your starry hour has come!
Please dance for us
Incendiary and brave
Sultry tango ... with mop!
Charge all positive
Somehow more check
So that we had fun
To laugh from the soul!
On the agility of the task is.
Dare, praise you and honor!
Knife and Work Candy
Summary and deploy, and eat!
Easily honest people:
Tell us anecdote,
To laugh before you fall.
Remember more - we will be happy!
You are surprising
Delived Phanta simple:
For us without delay
Champagne open!
Here is a tested test!
(Salted the breath of the hall.)
Throw the bag of this tea
So that he got into the circle!
Phanta simple: from different products
Make a sandwich (light snack),
So that he looked fine
And it was wonderful to taste!
Try to entertain us a little
Possess friends and girlfriends
And the banana eat without a plug, without a spoon,
Without a knife and without hands.
Phanta so you got:
Take a snapshot of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To get laugh!
Cool, very cool
A whole minute
Ride one leg
Clapping in my palm!
An animal you want
Without words, the image.
Someone who fits
Medalling award.
You are a big lucky.
Rejoice, dovethe:
Pulling the ticket-surprise,
Get a prize at once!
Who does not like compliments?
The world does not know such.
All say on the compliment
Phanto falls.
Dance little ducks
Spectators please.
To dance attracting guys -
Daish up to fall!
All disposal forgot
Tales of kind and funny.
Read one task -
Help us remember them!
Sports need to do!
For you, the task is:
You can really try
And a dozen times sit down?
Clear whale
Here it has sought your treasure.
You find him soon
Show the guys!
Many holidays in the world
And they are delighted with children.
You do not play silence
Quickly call them!
You are a physical education teacher.
You will spend a lesson.
For health and shape:
Satisfied, run, jump-skok!
Clean the riddle of us.
Better even three.
I solve in order
Low my brains.
You have right
Choose a couple.
To go to dance with her
For the mouth of the eyes.
You take a piece of paper
And in the toy turn.
And then give mom
In his big love!
In many fairy tales and verses
There are cats.
We want to ask you:
What do you know?
Your voice is wonderful
We want to listen.
You sleep, friend, song.
Please our ears!
You care yourself.
Create him a hairstyle.
Your fantasy turn on
Yes, do not break the comb.
You task, friend:
Favorite remember your poem,
And you tell him -
Znorly, loud, from the soul!
The most favorite story
Remember right now.
We really want to know
Why are you fascinated by them.

Phanti for the birthday for adults and children is a fascinating and interesting game. To hold it, you must need a presenter. He removes from each participant to one subject. It may be anything: a bracelet, wallet, earrings, even sock. The subject must be small so that these fantas can be folded into a small hat or some vessel like a cap. Phanti game will be.

Now the leading turns away, and the players in turn should get the phantas. Lead, without looking at what the subject got, he says that the owner of this subject should make. According to the rules of the game, the subject cannot be returned until the task is fulfilled. A tasks, by the way, can be long-playing. For the game to be cheerful and rich, tasks for the PHANT should be invented in advance. We offer a selection of such tasks.

Fantas for a birthday for a fun adult company at the table:
It is necessary to draw yourself a mustache with any girlfriend and do not wash them off during the evening;
It should be shifted with a nose to a penny so that it fell from the table to the glass substituted for these purposes;
You need to portray the sounds of a flying aircraft and run around the house, speaking them loudly;
Each Phanta player must make a paper medal. Moreover, merits for which the medal is awarded should be real. For example, the kindest, hot-tempered, etc.
We must put on pajamas and stroll in it to the nearest store, buy a pack of salt there. If the path of passersby will ask questions, then they can only be answered: "So necessary";
It is necessary to drink all the alcohol, which is in glasses at the moment;
Stand up in hand, of course, it can be done with support. Then come up in such a position to a couple in love at the table and wish her happiness, good luck and all the best;
Show, without using speech, then what every day you do at work;
Go to the balcony or just bother into the window and squeeze ten times with all my might: "People, I love you very much";
15 minutes to pretend to be a foreigner, be sure to pronounce a toast in any other language;
Reveal and easter banana without using hands;
Go to neighbors and bring a glass of salt or bucket of water from them;
Sincerely confess to the three sins from the past. We must stand on your knees;
Turn to the neighbor on the left and depict the scene, as if he should marry you;

Before the mirror Ten times to say: "Oh, how good I am." The phrase should be pronounced in a new way;
Drink a glass of any alcohol, not using hands;
For guests to portray a pig in the pigsty. At the same time, crawl on the floor and be sure to go;
Shouts to repay the candle. You can not blow on the candle, it is necessary to use only the voice or strength of thought;
Sing any children's song, and in pauses knock on the stomach tact;
Show stripter. Then show the stripter that got drunk;
You can ask a person to show any animal. The most successful options here are Penguin, a sea cat, snake, a bear;
Take three eggs and juggle them. Of course, the likelihood is greater that the eggs will fall and disassemble. So, it will be necessary to remove the following - this is also a task of this yard;
Tell each guest compliment;
To say about each guest, cute nastyness;
Name three qualities of each guest that the participant is most impressed;
Each guest at the table feed from the spoon;
Make any of the guests of the hands massage;
Take a hairdryer, comb and gel to make yourself an unusual hairstyle;
Predict the future for each guest. Not just like that, but in a real professional astrologer;
Open the secret who you wanted to be in childhood;
Just tell the anecdote, but so that he laugh at the guests;
The presenter chooses three participants who the owner of the Fed must hug, kiss and shake hands;
Draw a portrait of a neighbor on the left or right;
Recognize any girl in love, but not to use words;
Put the air ball between two phantas. Make so that they hugged so much that the ball will burst;