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Seaming Zamiculkas. Unassuming Zamokulkas is easy to leave - discuss the nuances. Growing from the tuber

Like any room plant, zamokulkas (dollar tree) From time to time needs a transplant.

And if the African guest is not much labor, then transfer - One of the most responsible stages in the care of indoor zamiculkas, which can cause many questions from flower water.

Given some of the features of the structure and the "habit" of their green pet, as well as following the advice of experienced flowerflowers, you can safely begin the transplant procedure. zamiculkasawhich will no longer seem so difficult.

When is Zamioculkas need a transplant?

Dollar tree Even in favorable and comfortable conditions, it grows pretty slowly, so it is too often no need to transplant it.

First time Zamiculkas transplanted after the purchase, in the future - as the flower and the growth of its root system grows. The young plant (and it lives on average for 5-10 years) transplanted annually, while adult needs to update the vason every 2-4 years.

Exotic flower has very sensitive root system. Stems that are similar to the tubers and roots are underground. Tubers Zamiculkas are peculiar reservoirs for the accumulation of moisture that the plant can use when insufficient watering. Roots that leave tubers are quite fragile, so during the transplantation, they should not be affected.

Zamiculkas transplant after purchase

After the purchase In a flower shop, any room plant needs transplant, and Zamokulkas is no exception.

The fact is that most plants get to us from other countries and containers in which the flowers are transported are filled with a special transport substrate, not suitable for permanent "residence".

This substrate During the transplant, you must delete carefully. If it does not transplant the purchased plant on time, it may die. It is desirable to carry out a transferable after the green pet has mastered and acclimatized to new conditions - that is, after 2-3 weeks.

For general Information: If after the purchase you have to transplant adult flowering plantYou need to be prepared for what it can reset the flowers.

Transplant to a new pot - big stress for room flowerAnd under normal conditions wait for the end of the flowering period. But the recently acquired plant does not apply this rule.

Dropping flowersThe plant retains the forces to adapt and the period of addiction to the new conditions goes less painful.

Regular transplant

After Zamioculkas passed on and adapted, transplant The plant should be in spring or summer as the root system is growing. Roots gradually fill the entire volume of the pot, while increasing the moisture-proof tuber.

Sometimes too much scratched roots are able to deform plastic potWhat causes difficulties when extracting a plant from a pot during transplantation. In such cases plastic container Gently cut with scissors.

Secrets of successful transplant

In order to have a smaller stress when resettled in a new container, it is necessary to comply with certain rules of transplant and prepare the most suitable exotion Soil.

Insofar as root system Its very sensitive, the change of indoor plant of Zamiculkas must be produced tRANSFER METHOD.

For a more lightweight and less injurizing branch of the roots from the container, it is recommended that the old pot of the old pot and remove the plant from it.

Many beginner flower makes serious mistake, free During the transplantation of Zamiculkas's roots from the Old Earth. This leads to damage to the roots and disease of the plant. It is recommended to carry out a transplant without affecting the roots of the zamioculkus and without changing the land (the exception is the damage to the root system by rot).

Zamiculkas reacts badly to excess polish , and moisture in the soil can destroy the plant. Before moving the flower to a new pot, you need to take care of good drainage. To do this, the bottom of the new container is stacked keramzita, a height of at least 3 cm, from top to which the land is poured.

After immersing the plant in a new pot formed void fill Soil. Fully deepen the roots into the soil is not necessary - tubers must be slightly seen above the ground surface. Water Zamiculkas after transplant not necessary! The plant should "settle" in the new conditions for a week, after which it can be poured.

Which pot choose

Choosing your exotic favorite new potIt is necessary to consider that its dimensions should not be much higher than the size of the root system of Zamiculkas. After the transplant is overhead, the green part of the plant does not develop until the roots fill the entire volume of the soil.

Therefore, to accelerate the growth of the leaves of Zamiculkas, representing decorative value, it is recommended to purchase a pot on 10-15% more previous one.

The new pot must have to have drainage holes And be enough sustainableEspecially if we are talking about an adult plant, which reaches 1 meter in growth.

What material is a pot to give preference - to solve the owner of Zamiculkas. In clay pots, the soil graves faster, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the roots, but plastic container It is easier to determine when the time has come to transplant the flower and it is easier to extract the plant from the container.

Soil for transplant

In the natural medium, Zamiculkas grows on a mountain plateau, in sandy-stony soils. Such a soil provides access to air and moisture to the roots of the plant.

At home earth for transplant Zamiculkas is better to take light, loose and breathable. Optimal is considered mixture (in equal parts):

    • run;
    • sand;
    • leaf humus;
    • peat.

For improving nutritional qualities The substrate in it can be added a little humoring.

You can use and ready purchased landfillsDesigned for cacti and succulents, as well as choose a universal soil, be sure to add sand, perlite or clamzit in it. The heavy substrate is not good for Zamiculkas, such a soil remains wet, which damages the sensitive roots and the plant gradually degrades.

Successful timely transplant Flowers of Zamiculkas will allow to grow a healthy and unusually beautiful plant, whose soil surface can be decorated with small pebbles, clayjit, pebbles or specially designed for such purposes with glass balls. And also will help in the future successfully in his home garden.

And for more lovers, we suggest familiar with the video about the change of Zamiculkas from professionals.

Zamioculkas, Zamioculcas - African flower, which has a second name - a dollar tree, despite its exotic, pretty straightened and easily withstands the conditions that most of others quickly kill indoor plants. It is absolutely not sensitive to the moisture of atmospheric air, it can be grown both on the scorching sun and in the shade, the flower can withstand a wide range of temperatures, up to forty-portus heat, resistant to drought and poor soils. And despite this unpretentiousness, especially at novice flower flowers, there are problems with its cultivation at home.

As a rule, problems are limited to two moments - non-compliance with the regime of watering and late or incorrect transplantation. If in the first case, everything is simple - it is enough to provide a plant well-drained soil and follow the moisture stagnation, the transplant of Zamiculkas, requires compliance certain conditionsotherwise there are no problems to avoid - the flower can even die.

Replant correct

We first give a list of moments that need to be taken into account so that the change of Zamiculkas at home has been successful and led to its full rooting. So, how to prohibit Zamokulkas:

  • Soil for the cultivation of Zamiculkas should easily remove excess water, which means it needs to be prepared light - loose, with good drainage properties and transparent to air. The foundation should be sand or light loam, slightly fertilized with nutritional components;
  • It is very good if the soil mix with small clay, pebbles or screening. This will provide additional drainage and air access;
  • Both previous points do not exclude the mandatory device at the bottom of the pot in the individual drainage layer;
  • Size Pot for the cultivation of Zamokulkas should be chosen depending on the size of its root system - here they are followed by the Golden Middle Rules;
  • When transplanting the flower, especially for the first time after the purchase, you should not leave his roots - the procedure is carried out by the transshipment of the earth coma, with the addition need quantity Fresh soil. The exception is only sanitary transplants, unbelievable when the plant is affected by pests;
  • When transplanting Zamokulkas should be monitored so that its bulbs are not fully covered with soil - small part of them must breathe freely.

Young Zamiculkas, growing at home, requires an annual transplant to a larger pot, and with time growth, and so slow, slows down even more, which allows you to transplange not more than three years.

Another important moment - The transplant of mature dollar tree needs to be carried out only in the spring, and a young plant, only after purchase, requires acclimatization transplantation for several weeks. In the latter case, ignoring this requirement is likely to lead to deplorable results.

Preparation of nutritious substrate

As already mentioned large number nutrients Zamiculkas, which contained at home does not require, on the contrary, their overabundance is even harmful. Therefore, we will focus on other properties that must have good sad For dollar tree.

Nothing unusual is not worth it. It is quite suitable for the traditional mixture used for most colors grown at home, the basis of which is a bit of the riding land, sand and peat. It is advisable to preferably feel the composition of the turf and sphagnum. The main requirement for the soil is good water supply, looseness and neutral acidity. The latter, no less important than drainage, so before the transplantation of the plant should check the acidity indicator using a lampus that can be purchased at any garden shop.

Feeling the soil, of course, preferably, especially minerals and microelements, the most important of which are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. But it is necessary to do it extremely careful - exceeding the fertilizer concentration, with the cultivation of Zamiculkas much more dangerous than their disadvantage, therefore, it is necessary to strictly comply with the recommendations of the manufacturers of the supply complexes on their dosage.

Selection of a vase

In order for the roots of the plant felt as comfortable as possible, the shape of the pot needs to be chosen in accordance with the geometry of their growth. It is best to choose a vase low, with a slightly large diameter than the plant's tuber. This will for a while will provide plant roots free development - until the next transplant to larger dishes.

It would seem, you can immediately plant a dollar tree in a large vase and let them grow, but it is incorrect. The feature of Zamiculkas is that it begins to develop more actively when its roots are uncomplicated to some extent - rest in the walls of the vase. This should be considered when choosing a size, at the same time, the root system is quite actively developing and, if it becomes very closely, the development is inhibited. Here it will be right to choose the Golden Middle.

Now, a little about the material of the vase. Here, too, not all is definitely. On the one hand, the clay pot at home is better - it breathes and holds moisture, that is, it is able to evaporate its surplus, which is very important for this plant. On the other hand, it makes it difficult to transplant, which is carried out by the method of transshipment. From the clay pot, extract the earthen kom is difficult, and if you split it, most likely the roots will be injured, and the plant to this is very sensitive.

In view of the foregoing, at least for the first couple of years, it is better to plant a plant in plastic VaseWhich in transplantation will easily cut and extract the plant in this way without damaging its root system.

And of course, the vase must have enough drainage holes For removal excess water. Another, optional, but the desired condition - the pallet of the vase must have on the surface of the protrusions that prevent the root of the plant with the water from the water inhabit.

Drainage device

Zamiculkas, contained at home, is very sensitive to water, especially in the cold season, so do not be content with the preparation correct composition Soil. This may not be enough.

On the bottom of the vase, before the transplantation of the plant, the drainage layer should be covered. For this, no less than a quarter of its heights, laying clay, broken red brick, pebbles or dropouts and only over the drainage flower is planted.

Transplant for the first time after the purchase

The week, the other after the purchase, the flower is acclimatized, gets used to home conditions - to temperature, air humidity, lighting mode, irrigation and other. After that, it needs to be transferred to the new Vazon and first time to ensure a particularly thorough courtship - take care of it from the scorching sun, cold air and drafts. It will be not bad to light a dollar tree with minerals, but only the smallest.

How to transplant mature ripe

As it grows, the plant requires an increase in the size of the vase, and therefore transplants to a new place. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to expose his roots and in any way to injure them, even the minimum - the plant reacts to it extremely negative. Most likely, it will end with the disease, and maybe even the death of the flower. Therefore, the choice is small - only transshipment of an earthen coma.

To make it easier to remove the plant, the pots are watered and the pot walls are filled, after which, carefully take out the flower, slightly tapping along the bottom of the vason. The procedure must be carried out very carefully, so as not to bargain the roots, and besides, it is worth taking care of your own security. Dollar tree, in the root part, is quite toxic and can be distinguished to poisonous juice, which is dangerous for a person, so all work should be carried out in gloves.

The extracted plant roll into a larger vase to a pre-floated drainage layer and fill the emptiness with fresh soil, after which they neatly tram. First, it takes a little more than usual watering, so that the soil sink, and after 5 to 7 days, the irrigation mode is returned to the usual one.

If the rompute of solid plastic and does not bend, it will be better to cut it gently his bladeotherwise it will be difficult to extract the plant without damaging its roots.

  • Very neat removal of plants along with an earthen room after moisturizing the soil. But this is possible only if the width of the vase is greater than its height and to the top it expands;
  • Break the rone with a hammer. Do it is very careful not to damage sharp edges Shards pots of the roots of the dollar tree, and this is not always possible.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to conclude - when choosing a vase, and especially the material from which it is made, it is worth thinking well as you will transplant your pet.

Zamiculkas is a popular room plant, appreciated by flowers for the decorativeness of dark-green leaves. It can not be called a capricious, but it breeds it rather reluctantly. It is almost impossible to get seeds, so you have to resort to vegetative methods of reproduction (you can use all parts of the plant), while stupid by patience.

What a zamokulkas looks like

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) - Rod, which is part of the AROIDEA family. From the point of view of most botany, it is monotypic, having a single representative - Zamiifolkas Zamiifolia or Liddjesii (Loddigesii). Others allocate from two to four varieties.

The birthplace of plants - plateau in the south and southeast of Africa. Conditions, human standards, there are extreme. But the plant has successfully adapted to them. Like most local Flora representatives, Zamiculkas is a succulent that for the aid, in principle, atypically.

During the short rainy season, he accumulates moisture in thick fleshy cutters of leaves, stems and underground tubers. This "NZ" helps him survive a long drought. If the plant accounts for quite badly, it drops the leaf plates, leaving only cutters and streaks (axis-rahis). It helps reduce evaporation area.

The name of the flower is obliged to the fact that his leaves are very similar to the leaves of another African plant - Zamia (in literal translation "Zamokulkas" - "Summer"). The final name was not immediately approved. The first option ("Caladium Zamielistic") belonged to a well-known British fan of exotic flora, a conrad of Luddjesu. He first described the plant in 1829, but not being a specialist in the field of botany, mistakenly included him in the genus Caladium, although he was not mistaken with the family of the Aoid.

Inaccuracy was fixed only in 1856 an even more famous botany from Austria, Heinrich Wilhelm Schott. He allocated a plant in a separate genus, "dubbed" Zamokulkas and called in honor of the discoverer. From the beginning of the 20th century, the intermediate version was established in the literature - Zamiculkas Zamielistic.

In addition to the official name, the plant quickly got a multiple nickname - "Dollar Tree", "Eternal" or "Aoid Palma", "Zanzibarskaya Pearl". Especially loved Zamiculkas in China. There he is considered a symbol of the new year, and Fengsui's doctrine connects the welfare of the owner.

Lovers of houseplants appreciate him for the beauty of the leaves. They are glossy, dark green, thin, but rather rigid to the touch, in the form of complexity. The sheet plate is disseminated by 8-12 separate "pynes" - for the aroid, it is also a unique phenomenon. Small blurry spots of ink-purple color stacked normal. Missed the flower in general seems artificial, because the leaves are very smooth, one-dimensional.

The growth rate of Zamiculkas is no different, but at home is rather an advantage. Often, old leaves he drops faster than new ones. Maximum height In "Involution" - about 1 m.

Zamiculkas is characterized by a developed root system. It consists of powerful tubers and thick-shaped roots from them. If the plant does not reset the plant for a long time, a close pot that prevents further growth may even be closed under their pressure.

Flowering Zamiculkas not only at home, but also in nature - the phenomenon is extremely rare. It can be expected only from adult plants formed. Then the pillage is covered with large berries, each one contains one seed.

There is an alternative alternative from Zamiculk unique way reproduction. The base of the leaves fallen to the ground is gradually thickened, turning into the tuber, which then forms the roots and goes underground, releasing new shoots.

But get upset about the lack of flowering is not worth it. The spectacle is definitely not outstanding. Small yellowish-cream flowers are collected in thick pillars, tightly wrapped with a pale green or light beige bedspread. It is the inflorescence at the bottom of the plant, in the sinus of one of the leaves, so almost imperceptibly. FROM emen at home is not tied in principle, even if "helping" the flower, artificially poling it. According to the experience of most lovers of indoor plants with experience, bloom often means the ambulance of this instance.

Video: Appearance and other characteristic features of Zamiculkas

What you need to know before the start of the dilution procedure at home

Taming Zamiculkas at home, first of all, you should be patient first. The process is guaranteed to stretch for several months. The fact is that at first the plant forms a fairly powerful tuber, and only then begins to build a green mass.

It should also be remembered that, like all the aid, Zamokulkas is poisonous. The leaves contain juice, which, when entering the skin and mucous membranes, causes irritation, redness, rash. At the tendency to K. allergic reactions Even serious burns are possible, and in the stomach in the stomach - strong digestion disorders. Therefore, in any works with a plant, it is projected only in gloves, and finished, thoroughly wash your hands.

Despite the theoretical presence of seeds, at home the plant multiplies exclusively in vegetative ways. To get them problematic, and the procedure of germination is very complex, time-consuming and ineffective.

The strawberry plant picks up a mass, sucking nutrients from a cutlery, sheet, part of the stem. Therefore, what is wrinkled is a normal phenomenon, not a sign indicating the failure of the operation.Waiting for the appearance of fresh swords will have for quite a long time.

With any selected method, the future zamoculikus provides warm and bright diffused light. Capacity put in a homemade mini greenhouse or covered with glass caps, cropped plastic bottlesplaced in a tightly tied plastic bag. The landing is carried out daily, but watered very moderately, wetting only the substrate around the edges of the pot.

It is important to choose the primer for young plants. In severe clay soil Zamiculkas degenerates, the leaves are minced and deformed. The substrate is suitable for cacti and succulents or for decorative indoor plants. But this is not the perfect option, so it is better to mix it yourself from a sheet of land, peat and sand (1: 1: 1). Useful additive (5-7% of general volume) - Vermiculitis, Perlite, Grinding Pumice, Babe of old red bricks, small pieces of charcoal (best of the barking). The material absorbs the excess moisture, preventing the development of rot. It also makes the soil more easy, creating the possibility of good aeration.

Do not forget about drainage. Layer of Keramzit or small pebbles There must be at least 4-5 cm thick.

Step by step instructions

At home, leaves or parts of them are used for the reproduction of Zamiculkas. strong cuttings, tubers. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages that need to be appreciated before proceeding to the procedure.


Zamiculkas cutlets - part of a sheet plate with two opposite or three "pyrs" (if it is the top). You can land and separate sheets, but the more stalk, the faster the rooting will go. Best time for getting planting material - Late spring or early summer.

The "donor" plant should be an adult (at least 5-6 years old) and absolutely healthy, the foundation of the escape from which the sheet is taken to be semi-respected. Not suitable just acquired Zamiculkas. In stores, flowers are often treated with growth stimulants and other chemicals. Such drugs reduce the likelihood of steel rooting almost to zero. We'll have to wait at least a year to count on success.

  1. Cut the leaves, divide them on the cuttings acutely sharpened by the disinfected knife.
  2. Give the planting material to dry 2-3 hours. The slice should be covered with a thin layer of "plugs" (torn).
  3. Fill out small capacity drainage material (1/3 volume) and wet sand, perlite, vermiculitis, finely chopped moss-sphagnum. Special soil is also suitable for growing sensipoly (violets) and cacti. Alternative - rooting in water room temperature with the addition of several activated carbon tablets, potassium permanganate crystals or any fungicide.
  4. Plug the base of the cut by a powder biostimulator. Square it into the ground, blocking about 2-3 mm. Gently construct the substrate.
  5. Provide landings lower heating, high humidity (70% or more), the temperature is about 22-25ºС. As the substrate drying, moisturize it weak mortar Range stimulator, but very moderately. The first time is no earlier than 3-4 days after disembarking.
  6. About two weeks later, the first roots should appear. Then watering can be slightly increased.
  7. New tubers are formed in 7-8 weeks. After that, stop the Zamiculkas on permanent place, Care, as an adult plant.
  8. The appearance of the first leaves can be expected at best in 5-6 months. The rate is 7-8 months. If they are twisted and covered with a reddish film, this is normal.

Video: Detaculation of Zamiculkas with cuttings

Rooting sheet-"Pyryshka"

A significant drawback of the method is the slow development of a new plant. Even if you create a landing material optimal conditionsFor the year no more than three leaves will appear.

The leaves selected for roouging should be absolutely healthy, not deformed, uniform color. What they are more, the faster the plant will develop.

  1. Sharp clean knife cut the leaflets at an angle of about 45º. Let them dry during the day.
  2. Sprinkle the lower third of the mixture of activated carbon chopped into the powder or thusshing chalk with any biostimulator.
  3. Slide the leaves into a wet substrate - a mixture of peat crumb and sand (1: 1). They need to burst into the ground for about a third. In water, they are not recommended to root - tubers and roots are weak.
  4. Cover the landing. Provide a temperature of 22-24ºС. Daily ventilate the "greenhouse", as the soil dryer spray it.
  5. After about 2-3 months, the leaves are dried. But small tubers are formed, about the size of the pea.
  6. After the first new sheet (on average, after six months), transplant the plants into the pot in a diameter of 7-10 cm filled with soil for ficuses or palm trees. Do not forget about drainage. Further care normal.

Video: How to root separate "Pynes" -thlists

Reproduction of parts of the stem, breeding branches

The method is practiced relatively rarely. Zamiculkas leaves are located on the stem is quite tight, therefore, to get a piece of 5-8 cm long, they will have to get rid of their number, ensuring itself, thus, more "traditional" planting material.

The procedure does not differ from the rooting of individual "Pynes" in one exception. Parts of the stem are put on the substrate, and do not stick vertically. Dense leather is pre-in several places carefully cut off with a razor blade or a thin scalpel. The depth of the ring extrem is not more than 0.1-0.2 mm. These places are sprinkled with soil.

How to divide a tuber

For this, the plant is suitable for a minimum of 50 cm. After its purchase, there must be at least a year. The best time for the procedure is the period from mid-April to the end of September.

The division of tubers is made simultaneously with the transplant. The roots of the plant extracted from the pot are neatly scattered with their hands, separate tubers are separated. Damage applied to them, try to minimize. Any "wounds" immediately process.

If there is only one tuber in a pot, it can only try to cut it if you have a minimum of two growth points (peculiar "kidney"). But experienced flowers recommend not to risk the loss of Zamokulkas, and still wait until the plant shapes several tubers.

  1. Sweep the planting material during the day. Particularly large tubers may need 2-3 days.
  2. Fill the pot with a diameter of 10-12 cm with a mixture of fertile rod, leaf land, sand and peat crumb (equally) with the addition of small clay and humus (5% of the total volume). At the bottom, the drainage layer is required.
  3. Slide the tubers in the tank, drowning into the substrate for no more than 3-5 cm. Care, as for an adult plant, completely excluding the feeding and replacing wiring spraying. The first time the fertilizer can be paid in 4-6 weeks.
  4. Two or three sheets per year for the rooted tuber - this is normal. After about a year, transplant Zamokulkas to the soil for adult plants.

Care for young plants

To speed up the growth of a new instance of Zamiculkas, you need to care for it.

  • Young plants are not very like a transplant, so the procedure is carried out no more than once a year and only the method of transshipment. After that, the tree is not crowded 3-4 days.
  • Lack of moisture The plant transfers better than its excess. Regular overflow will quickly lead to the rotting of tubers. Even in the heat just two irons per month and that if upper layer Soil in the pot dries.
  • Straight sun rays And the lack of light is equally disadvantaged for young plants. In the first case, young Zamiculkas will get burns, in the second - the shoots will stretch, the leaves will lose the intensity of the color, crushed. Perfect option For him - bright, but scattered light.
  • The feeders are preferred extraxnealing. They are carried out no more than once in 15-20 days, spraying the leaves with a solution of any complex mineral fertilizer for decorative indoor plants. As a result, the cuttings are compacted, the leaves acquire a very beautiful saturated shade.
  • Save the decorativeness of Zamiculkas will help regular warm shower. But only an overhead part is wash, covering the substrate with a polyethylene film.

Possible problems and their solution

Based on the fact that the Motherland of Zamokulkas is hot African tropics, it is possible to correctly conclude - the plant is very hardly. In fact, the only danger threatening with young copies is rot. Often in its appearance is to blame the flowering itself, turning the soil in a pot in the swamp. If at the same time in the room is pretty cool, the appearance of the pathogenic fungus is almost inevitable.

Young zamoculkasa need to visit regularly. The alarming symptoms are black and brown "waving" quickly breaking spots on the tubers, stems and cutters of leaves. Save the plant is possible only at an early stage of development of the disease. If damaged parts are easily separated from it, the soil is covered with mold, acquires an unpleasant reel, there is no chance. Such a zamoculkas can only be thrown away. Therefore, you need to act quickly.

  1. Cut all the leaves and shoots affected by rot. The knife should be sharp and disinfected. "Wounds" spray with an impellent chalk, activated carbon, colloidal gray.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot. For 25-30 minutes, soak the tubers in the bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or in 1% solution of any fungicide (burglar liquid, xom, downtown, speed). Give them to dry 2-3 hours.
  3. Pereure the plant to the new soil and sterilized pot. In the soil, add granules of glyocladine, Triphodermina.
  4. For 2-3 months, water the zamioculkas not with water, but 0.5% solution of alin-b, foundazola, prejudice.

Zamiculkas or "Dollar Tree" often grows at home not only because of beauty, but also due to accepting and superstitions associated with it. Plant is considered great gift. At the same time, there will be no money to spend money on it - the flower is quite well multiplied in the "captivity". We only need to study the nuances of the procedure in advance, give him enough time and carefully handle the young plant.

Zamiculkas - a stylish modern flower, who conquered the hearts of flower water recently. Mountain stony Plates of East Africa and Madagascar Island are considered places of natural habitat.

From the Earth draws complex long dark green leaves with a gloss. On both parts of Rakhis (the central part of the sheet plate, turning into the petiole), small fleshy leaflets are located opposite the other with a pointed tip. The leaves of adult copies grow up to 1-1.5 m.

The plant thanks the owner with blossom with proper care. Although the flower is not as attractive as the leaves, many florists are very proud of the flowering of their plants. From the sinuses of the leaflets touching the flower of Zamiculkas in the form of a sophisticated inflorescence: a cream color with a greenish helper.

The decorativeness of an adult plant attracts and fascinates. Strong attention Zamiculkas deserved not only for the beauty of his juicy leaves, there is a belief that the plant brings well-being and contributes to cash savings. Therefore, there is another name of the flower - "Dollar Tree". Often in the premises of banks you can see Zamokulkas in all its glory. Although many believe that the flower name received due to the high price.

There is a desire to believe in a beautiful legend associated with the name of the flower. But the fact that Zamiculkas will decorate your home focus and will deliver very little trouble, obviously. Share the features of the reproduction of Zamiculkas at home.

Methods of breeding

Dividing adult plant

With a planned transplantation of Zamiculkas, it is possible to divide it into separate pieces with growth kidney for rooting. The reproduction of Zamiculkas tuber does not represent difficulties. Adult plants are usually easy to divide into separate parts. It is necessary to do it carefully without damaging the CornCong. Parts of separated plants are drying for some time in air, cuts sprinkle with wood or activated carbon.

Sit into pots with light soil. You can use the universal soil by adding a small amount of vermiculite as a breakpit. You can water the young plants in three days by spraying the soil with an estate of the sprayer.


For reproduction by a branch in an adult copy of the plant, the sheet is cut off, dry it for several hours, treated with charcoal or root stimulant growth - rhoin. The sheet is planted into the finished universal soil, you can use soil for succulent plants.

Watering by spraying the soil and the surface of the sheet spend 2-3 days after landing. After about 2-3 months, a well-developed tuber with white juicy roots appears. Zamiculkas is a slowly growing plant. The appearance of regular leaves should be expected in 6-7 months.


The most convenient and common method of breeding Zamiculkas is the use of cuttings taken from an adult sheet. You can get quite a lot of planting material, cutting off an adult sheet from the uterine plant. Young leaves are not suitable for Chenkov, they did not receive full development and did not have time to form in a full-fledged sheet plate. In young leaves, a sufficient number of nutrients contributing to the development of full-fledged plants has not yet been accumulated.

Choose on an adult plant formed middle-aged sheet. Cut it into separate cuttings with two opposite leaves. The top paper can have three sheets. The cuttings must lie on the air to the formation of the topped layer several hours. If the cuttings immediately put in the ground, they can bend.

To disinfect and prevent diseases, it is good to drink the tips of the cuttings (1 cm of the lower part) by activated carbon or any root growth biostimulator - rhoin, zircon.

Save cuttings to universal light soil with adding vermiculite for better soil breaking. For better rooting of cuttings, you can put them in the micro, closing the glass or polyethylene cap from above. The cuttings are well rooted, so many use the practice of embarking them immediately into plastic glasses without a greenhouse. Water planting material not earlier than 2-3 days after landing, spraying the soil from the sprayer. After 1-2 months in the ground, large nodules with roots are formed. New leaves appear in 5-6 months.


Zamiculkas easily multiplies with separate small leaves big sheet plants. For this, a sheets designed to root from the sheet are cut. They give to dry the scene spot for a few hours. The lower part of the leaf (about 1 cm) preparations that stimulate the formation of the roots - rhoin, zircon or activated or charcoal are sprinkled. You can add coal to corneser or zircon.

Now leaves are ready to root. Low part The sheet is shuffled into a wet soil consisting of sand and peat. Cover with glass, arranging the micro. From time to time it must be tired.

There is a practice of disembarking leaves without a greenhouse. The leaflets are planted into a universal soil or kidney intended for the cultivation of succulents. After 2-3 days, it is recommended to spray leaves and ground from the sprayer. It is about a month later on the location of the callus (a sheet cloth formed on the site of the cut) appears non-pea muscular. Over time, they increase in size, white roots grow.

Than less size planting material for vegetative reproductionThe longer it will be needed to appear new leaves in the plant. Sometimes before a year you have to wait for the appearance of leaves in the rooted copies.

Reproduction in water

There is another way of reproduction of Zamiculkas - the room of the cut sheet into water for the appearance of the root system. The tip of the sheet should be treated with root-forming stimulants: rhoin, zircon, heteroacexin for fast rooting. Experienced flower products are still advised to apply the rooting of Zamiculkas in the soil.

  1. For the cultivation of zamioculkas, the soil is used for succulents or universal soil with the addition of perlite or vermiculite as a baking powder and a source of nutrients.
  2. For good height Plants in a pot are satiable drainage system. For these purposes, clamzit use, filling them a pot on 1 \\ 4.
  3. Moving young plants once a year by turning into a pot of larger diameter. After transshipment, do not water the flower of 2-3 days.
  4. Zamiculkas refers to plants that do not like excess moisture. The plant is better not to pour once again than to pour and cause the drinking of the tuber. In summer, watering is carried out every two weeks after a complete burden of soil.
  5. The plant speaks well to scattered bright light. The content of zamioculkas should be avoided in the darkened area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. The decorativeness of the flower is lost from the lack of the sun.
  6. Zamiculkas fertilize with a versatile fertilizer for indoor colors every two weeks. Spraying with fertilizer on leaves in smaller concentrations transform the flower beyond recognition. Plant growth is observed, the density of the petiole and leaves is enhanced. They acquire more intense color and shine.
  7. To maintain a gloss and beauty of the leaves, there is a "showers" flower procedures with warm water, pre-closing the ground with a film.

As it is believed that Zamiculkas brings wealth and prosperity to the house, a good tradition began to give this flower on significant events In the life of people: the days of the wedding, the newlyshop, the birth of children, receiving a new position. Use our advice on the reproduction of this amazingly beautiful plant. Let Zamokulkas brings comfort to each apartment, beauty and an increase in well-being. We will believe in this beautiful legend about the flower.

IN last years One of the most popular farmers among the flower plants is Zamiculkas. In the people, he got the name "Dollar Tree". According to the practice of Feng Shui, Zamokulkas has a powerful energy and contributes to attracting wealth and well-being in the house. That is why it is often given on birthdays and housewarming. How to care for this exotic plant And how to reproduce the zamoculkas at home you will learn further.

Plant Features

Zamiculkas is a representative of the family of aroid. His homeland is Eastern Africa. A feature of the flower is that he has no stalks. From a powerful tuber, hidden underground departs fleshy, thickened at the bottom, cutters, on which spectacular glossy and fleshy leaves of dark green color are located.

Zamiculkas is a succulent. Leaves, stiffs and tubers accumulate moisture, thanks to which the plant can survive a long drought period. The flower grows very slowly. For a year, only a few new leaves appear. Plant height with proper care reaches 1 meter.

Flowers Zamiculkas (home care, photo, reproduction of the plant is described below) Extremely rare, as it is necessary for this ideal conditions. The view of the flower is extremely small.

Succulent life expectancy ranges from 5 to 10 years.

The plant is rather unpretentious in care. It is not afraid of drafts and shifts of residence. However, to grow and maintain beautiful zamoculkas, home care, reproduction including, must be performed in accordance with certain rules.


Plant can be placed both on southern and on the north side. However, in order for the flower to grow intensively and its leaves were saturated green, it is better to choose a window with sufficient lighting. Disadvantage sunlight Slows down the growth of Zamiculkas, new leaves in this case grow weak, besides, they grow solitary.

Temperature mode

Zamiculkas is able to withstand a wide range of temperatures, but it will be best to feel in the warm room. In the cold season, it is recommended to contain at a lower temperature at which it can accumulate forces for intensive growth in summer. Perfect temperature for content in winter - 16-18 ° C. In the summer, the temperature in the room where the zamiculkas is located to be +25 ° C.

Humidity and watering

Dollar tree normally transfers dry air. However, periodic spraying and kneading leaves are favorably reflected on the plant.

An important value in caring for a flower has irrigated. Do not forget that Zamiculkas is a succulent. Accordingly, he better tolerate moisture deficit than its surplus. Excessive soil moisturizing can destroy the plant. At the same time, a long drought makes Zamioculkas spend the internal reserves, as a result of which they can begin to turn yellow and fall out the leaves in the top of the tub.

Optimal watering for Zamiculkas is rare, but abundant. In the summer, the flower is watered after a complete burden of soil. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum.


Fertilizers for succulents or cacti are well suited as feeding, it is also possible to use a universal floral feeder, while spending half dosage. Feed Zamiculkas since the spring and ending with the middle of autumn, that is, in the period of active growth of the plant.

The frequency of fertilizer is 1 time in 2-4 weeks. IN winter time Fucks exclude.


Zamiculkas transplanted as the rhizome will grow. If it completely filled the pot, it means that the plant has become closely and the transplant time has come to a more spacious pot. When choosing a new vase, it is desirable to give preference to clay products, since the plastic container can crack under the pressure of the powerful root system of zamiculkas.

As breeding

The reproduction of Zamiculkas at home can be performed by 3 ways:

The division of the tuber;


Tuberous reproduction

How else can we propagate the plant? The reproduction of Zamiculkas at home (photo is provided below) can be carried out using tubers. For such a way fits adult plantwhich has large tubers. The tuber is divided into parts in such a way that every piece can have at least one point of growth. Before planting, tubers are dried several hours, and the sections are sprinkled with charcoal. Landing is carried out in a prepared substrate, while the tuber itself should be in the ground not very deeply. It is worth noting that the growth of a new plant with this method of reproduction occurs quite slowly.

Reproduction of Zamiculkas leaf

At home, many flower products spread the succulent leaves. Grow a new plant instance in this way can be much faster than from the tuber. For breeding it is better to take large leaflets growing at the bottom of the flower. They can be rooted in water, and you can immediately plant into the ground. For better root formation, cuts are recommended to treat stimulants of rooting - heteroacexin, rhoin or zircon.

The soil must be sterile and consist of either sand, or from a mixture of peat and sand. To create greenhouse conditions, landed leaflets are covered with polyethylene or plastic or glass package.

Formation of roots - the process of long and lasts from the 1st to several months. Periodically, the greenhouse is discovered for conducting and, if necessary, moisturize the soil.


The reproduction of Zamiculkas at home is suitable in the event that the flower is already quite adult. The cuttings cut off from the bare branch from the bare from the resulting kidney. Further sharp knife Cut the stem and shocked it. As a result, we have a small cutlets with a kidney and a leaflet. Sections are sprinkled with charcoal, leave to dry for several hours, after which they plant into the substrate. The roots, as a rule, appear in 3-4 weeks. During the period of rooting, it is necessary to ensure that the earth is constantly moistened.

Soil for Zamokulkasa

Zamiculkas is not very demanding for the soil. For the plant, ready-made soils for cacti and succulents are perfectly suitable. Also, many flower products are preparing grounds themselves. For this, the turf is mixed in equal parts, leaf Land, peat, sand. In order to prevent the root rot, add charcoal. The main requirement for the soil for Zamiculkas - looseness, air and water permeability.


The popularity of Zamiculkas grows from day to day. And for this there is every reason. Huge demand for the plant is due to his decorative qualities, simplicity and unpretentiousness of care. Succulent feels well both in bright rooms and in places devoid of bright sunlight. Having knowledge about how to properly propagate Zamiculkas at home, you can significantly save on the purchase of a new plant and decorate your dwelling with several copies of this exotic flower.