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Great magic color on Feng Shui. Colors on Feng Shui - how to arrange residential rooms and prevent serious mistakes

The use in the design of a certain color on the hair dry shui helps to observe the equilibrium of natural elements in the situation. Applying simple, but proven rules and invented by Eastern philosophers, visual instruments invented, you will be able to bring harmony and peace into the surrounding space.

Fen shui color value

In the West and in Eastern culture there are huge differences in the question of the perception of the color scheme. For example, black outfits and drapes in Europe are traditionally associated with mourning and sadness, and the Japanese are not afraid to wear black robes at the wedding ceremony. His concept and technology for applying color on Feng Shui developed Chinese wise men, tied each shade with different elements and lights of light.

Interaction and value of flowers on Feng Shui:

Health color on Feng Shui

Selecting the colors of clothes along a hairdry shui, wallpapers and furniture facades, people seek the first thing to find the key to improving their health and their households. The sector responsible for this most important aspect of our Being is located in the center of the Grid of Bagua and closely affects all other adjacent zones. Its main element is the Earth, so it is recommended to apply the objects of terracotta, yellow and brown on Feng Shui here. This palette can be widely used in elements of home furniture, carpets or decor.

Feng Shui Wealth Color

To improve financial well-being required in the southeast sector, apply cash colors on Feng Shui - mostly purple, purple or green. Be sure to place in this territory symbols of wealth - a beautiful casket with jewels, different elegant jewelry. You can install a decorative aquarium with a spectacular and pot with a popular living "monetary" plant called.

Feng Shui Success Color

Success zone is located in the grid in the south, the most suitable for it will be fiery bright and juicy paints - yellow with orange or red. The feeding element is a tree, so the presence of living flowers, wooden furniture, sunflower, poppies or tulips on this territory is desirable. You can use green shades in the setting when the room is cleaned. If you are interested in financial success, then use the orange color of the car on a hairdry shui, which guarantees an increase in wealth.

Love Fen Shui Color

Wanting to find the cherished soul mate, try to activate the southwest sector. The most favorable color on Feng Shui to attract love is pink and red. The development of durable and stable relationships contribute to the elements of the Earth, painted in terracotta, yellow, sand and brown tones. To activate the zone, the pair number of candles, chairs, figurines, image of doves, caravel, butterflies are used. Avoid applications in this sector of water elements, metal and wood.

How to choose a color on Feng Shui?

Using at home the eastern theory of interior decoration, you need to follow the basic rules of the combination of colors. Avoid the prevalence of one shade over the other, use the palette according to the destination of the rooms. Selecting the color of furniture on Feng Shui, follow your sensations if discomfort is observed, it is better to immediately change the situation. Competently with lighting devices, you can change the atmosphere in the room and perception of the chosen color scheme.

Unwanted combination of color on Feng Shui:

  • green with yellow;
  • red with blue;
  • black with red;
  • metallic with red;
  • metallic with green;
  • blue with yellow.

Harmonious combination of flowers for the teaching of Feng Shui:

  • metallic with yellow;
  • yellow with red;
  • green with blue;
  • red with green.

A good helper in the arrangement of housing through a hairdry shui is a Bagua grid, this tool helps to quickly locate the most important areas. To work, you need to draw a plan at home and purchase a quality compass. We become at the entrance to the dwelling, we combine the grid of Bagua with a real drawing of the apartment and look at which sectors are rooms. Depending on the sector, select the optimal version of the color palette for a particular room.

Living room color on Feng Shui

Having determined the position of the living room in space, we select a faithful color solution for the indoor interior. Blue tones are suitable for the northern sector, where the element of water reigns. To enhance the impression and activation of energy, you can use posters or paintings overlooking the waterfall or other water source. If the hall is in the south side, it is recommended to apply bright fiery shades in the design - red curtains and pillows, scarlet wallpaper and textiles.

Knowing the color value according to Feng Shui, it is similar to design in other cases. If we are dealing with an apartment studio, or, where different functional zones are closely adjacent, the use of special design techniques is required. Help the hostess to divide residential space Multicolored screen, mobile partitions, overall furniture, corresponding to the chosen style of painting walls and flooring.

Kitchen color on Feng Shui - Rules

The main rule that need to be guided by choosing a color gamut for a kitchen room is to be excluded in the design of the color of the opposing elements. We make marking using the Bagua mesh and easily find out which color gamut does stop in the design of space. In the fire sector, avoid the use of blue and black paints. With the eastern and southeast location of the kitchen, we try to exclude metallic painting.

Understanding the value of flowers on a hair dryer, it is easier to activate the desired energy. If, according to the grid of the Bagua, this room falls into the career sector, you select the design of the space mainly in a white and blue or silver decor. Plumbing is associated with water element, for this reason it looks perfect in the northern sector. Symbols and color gamut that corresponds to the metal is better not to put in the east and southeast, where the tree must dominate according to Eastern tradition.

Bedroom Color Fen Shui

Lonely people can pick up the color of the walls in the bedroom along a hairdry shui and coloring furniture headset, pushing out from the date of his birth. For example, on a metal bed in scarlet shades, it is recommended to sleep for those who are under the auspices of the forces of fire, the rest is better to rest on the bed of natural materials. The correct design of the resting area can be adjusted with suitable textiles, purchasing pillows and covered the required color. On Feng Shui, it is advisable to avoid using black and dark blue tissue in the bedroom, which can adversely affect the owner.

The color of the hallway on a hair dry shui

For any location of this room in space, it is advisable to use in the closed and deprived of the corridor windows predominantly light gamut. For example, instead of black and dark green finishes, which is suitable for the East sector, it is better to choose the design in light green and soft pink colors. Similarly, we select a palette at other scenaries so that the color of the corridor on Feng Shui coincides with the recommendation of the Bagua mesh, but it looked at the interior.

Children's color on Feng Shui

The ideal location of the children's - East (family) and West (creativity) sector. In order to properly decorate this room, you need to accurately examine the value of color through a hairdry shui and determine the element of the identity of your baby using a special table according to his date of birth. For the most beneficial effect, it is desirable to apply a combination of three main shades in the design, which, according to Eastern philosophy, create a successful combination in the interior, positively affecting the emotional state of the child.

It is advisable to avoid bright screaming color, reinforcing the energy of Yan, school age children better create a calm interior in pastel and blue tones. Visually delimit the space depending on the functional area using different color of wallpaper or plaster. Consider the temperament of your heir and its character. For example, unnecessarily calm guys it is useful to dilute the situation with several bright strokes.

Bathroom color on Feng Shui

The choice of the right gamma for the bathroom will help to relax faster, wash off the negative, in a quiet environment to take water treatments without being distracted by irritating factors. The use of popular mirror ceilings and glossy cloths on the Eastern Methodology is an undesirable action, a good option is a flat neutral white surface of the ceiling space.

Positive selection of color palette for bathroom on Feng Shui:

  • pastel shades;
  • blue and light blue color;
  • light green paints;
  • color of light wood;
  • white color;
  • well suits turquoise color on a hairdry shui for the bathroom.

Bad bathroom palette selection:

Toilet color on Feng Shui

In the task, how to choose a color hairdryer for a bathroom, it is undesirable to apply a conflict combination of symbols of water and fiery elements. Red, bright orange and yellow paints in the toilet according to Eastern philosophy will harm and create a disharmony in the setting. Optimal and nice eye option - soft blue gamma, peach tones, light green shades. If you need to split the bathroom and toilet with a functional curtain, you can use blue, light blue and white material.

Feng Shui

The choice of correct coloring for helps to attract a favorable energy in the home. Understanding the value of color on a hair dry shui, it is easier to choose the design of the input portal, accurately determining on which side of the light it is directed. Sometimes the main shades are poorly combined with the existing facade, in this case you can find a good solution, use the colors of the supply elements.

How to pick up the color door on Feng Shui:

Red color.
Powerful and strong color, which in Hairdryer Shui is considered a destroyer of unclean energy. This is the color of blood and life, strength and activity, saturation and love. The red color excites us the desire for actions, movement, increased vitality. No wonder in the houses it is used exactly where the energy weakens. But the abundance of red is annoying and tires the nervous system. Excess red, especially for people of fire, can cause a heart attack or increase pressure. In no case do not use the red color if someone from your relatives suffers from mental illness or inclined to flashes of aggression. Such a color can spur their disease or stimulate negative feelings.

In the house, the dosage red color is good to use to protect against negative energy, which is why the cords of happiness and longevity, Chinese panels and tapes for dressing crystals, bamboo flutes and other means of combating harmful energy make bright red. If you have reduced pressure or you experience fatigue, then on the hairdryer Shui can be affected on your condition of red clothing.

Traditionally associated with gold and sunlight. His soft shades on Feng Shui have a beneficial effect on man. At the same time, saturated yellow color is associated with danger, lies, slander, unreasonable rumors. Intuitively we avoid a large amount of bright yellow, its excess causes irritation or fear. We are well affected by shades of yellow - honey, golden, copper. These colors have a warm base, they warm our hearts, instill vigor, confidence, optimism. Therefore, these colors are very suitable for the design of residential premises. They seem to say that even the sun lives in cloudy weather in the house. These are warming colors.

Yellow color enhances our perception ability, raises the spirit, makes us more alive, active and happy. But you need to remember: if you have a yellow lamp, you should not use blinking yellow light, it can cause epileptic seizures. Yellow clothes improve the perception of energy with cardiac chakra.

Blue colour.
Blue color is one of the most common in nature, it is connected to us with heaven and water, wildflowers, cool and silence. It is one of the relaxing colors, it reduces the rate of exchange reactions in the body, causes sleep. Therefore, blue tones are needed where it is useful to reduce the activity and power of energy. But blue color is dangerous if we need active and severe energy. For example, it is impossible to contemplate it in the room where you eat, - food will not be assumed, or where you work hard, - you quickly tire.

Some people have blue color can cause depression. Therefore, it cannot be used to design the rooms of patients or persons with mental disabilities.

Green color.
Green in Hairdryer Shui is considered to be a pacifying, restoring forces creating harmony. In nature, this color of life. Plants are green in the summer, and when they fall asleep or die - become yellow. If yellow is associated with maturity, then green - with youth and growth.

Clean green tones are used in rooms where you need to remove fatigue and tension, in children's rooms, where the child does lessons. On Feng Shui is a good color for the places where you restore your strength after a hard work day.

This color is associated with chosenness, royal magnitude. This is the color of thinking, meditation, high mental activity. It affects the nature of our thoughts, making them broader and objective, contributes to the proper circulation of energy through the upper (corona) chakra. But the purple color is not recommended for a long time.

White color.
Connects all the colors of the spectrum. The color of the maximum correctness, purity, integrity. White color should be used very carefully, preferably in small doses and necessarily with breaks. Otherwise, there will be strong outflow of energy, its weakening. In China, he is considered to be the color of death.

Black color.
The black color gives a general reduction in energy, stimulates her inisk qualities. It is not necessary to use it for contemplation, such a color is disorienting perception, aggravates the dark feelings. But in combination with the colors of metal (silver, gold) supports vitality, strengthens the immune system. No wonder one of the talismans of health is a black turtle with a golden shell.

The value of color in our life is enormous. And you need to carefully select colors on Feng Shui to maintain and promote health. Weak or too strong elements should harmonize, that is, increase or reduce their energy. It must be taken into account, which element of a person is the most developed and does not create an advantage. After all, if you become harmonize the energy, for example, through work with the sectors of your home, adding or removing the characters of elements, relaxing or reinforcing colors, you can make a mistake without taking into account your dominating element. Choosing colors, we enhance or weaken the hairdryer shui directions, and enhancing directions, enhance the properties of the energy. And we do not always need these properties to strengthen.

A man who lives in an apartment with an aqueous direction, reinforced blue will become a little active.

A fireman living in a house with a fiery direction, reinforced red, will be unmanaged. And very bad if the leading good directions are distorted due to the nonsense approach for your birthday! It will bring not only problems
in privacy, but also very big health problems.

Do you know that in order for happiness, love, success and well-being reigned in the house, you need to adhere to the rules of Chinese science Feng Shui? One of these rules is the use of shades not only in the house, but also in everyday life.

Each color greatly affects our life, and the shade carries a certain energy. Therefore, your personal and financial position will depend on the right choice of color scheme.

What do the colors on the Feng Shui mean?

According to Feng Shui, each color has a certain meaning, reinforcing one or another energy. The chosen shade says much about man: about its temperament, character and desires.

To achieve internal equilibrium, it is necessary to properly use the combinations of tones and shades, then love, luck and material well-being will settle in your home. Let's find out the value of flowers on Feng Shui to make only positive changes in your life.


Red on Feng Shui has one of the strongest energy. It symbolizes vital energy, can attract power and happiness to the house. But besides this, the red color personifies anger, violence and passion.

You need to be careful with this color, otherwise you risk acquiring conflicts, disagreements and even get sick. Red color deserves our attention before the other shades, but if you want to arrange any room in the house in red, then act carefully. It is recommended to use only in the living room, where the energy of life accumulates.


Purple color carries a kind of riddle. The shade personifies the spiritual world and the inner flair. Purple is the color of creative people, he is able to inspire.


Orange color on Feng Shui Color carries happiness and communication. It enhances mental activity and is able to increase activity.

You can decorate this color any room in the house, but for the bedroom it is better to use the muted shade of orange.


Yellow is a symbol of cheerfulness, optimism and inner harmony. Color has a close relationship with mind, so indispensable in intellectual activity.

Yellow in the house will illuminate the most dull corners of the dwelling. Do not use tone in the bathroom.


Blue color on Feng Shui speaks of justice, spiritual elevation and health. The tone is able to calm down, remove the emotional tension and help concentrate.

But it is not necessary to repaint all the walls in the house of blue, since the color of the color muffles the source of energy and creates an oppressive environment. Do not use blue tone when interior design, it is better to replace it on a blue shade, which will help to relax and calm down.


Green color personifies the beginning of life, offspring, consent and peace. Color favorably affects a person, balancing the balance between the physical and mental state.

Green will be an excellent choice for a rest room. In addition, green is the best color to attract money.


White color is a unique tone suitable for all people. The shade symbolizes the purity and correctness, as well as perfection and indispensability. The color action is directed to the charge of cheerfulness and the desire to act.

Take the white color of that room that needs light.

The black

Black color carries perfection, sophistication and authority. It favorably acts on a mental state, soothing man and removing tension.

If you want to make a little black in the interior, then you should not get carried away with these tint. It will be enough to add elements in this black to give the placement of business accent.


Brown color has a different effect depending on the tone.

If you want to get warm, then choose bright brown tones, and dark brown will suppress positive emotions.

If we talk about colors, then it includes orange, burgundy and pink colors, to, and the center - tone from beige to brown, to and - gray tones and shades of metal, to - blue and blue colors, and to both blue, turquoise and green.

In which colors arrange the interior on Feng Shui?

Did you start repairs in the apartment? But do not know which colors to choose for bedroom, kitchen or living room? Go with us on a tour of Feng Shui and find out how to choose the right colors for each room to get a new force in family relationships, call your appetite or increase your mood.
The color scheme has a huge impact on the person, so when choosing a shade for the interior, it is necessary to consider:

  1. character and the temperament of the hosts of the house;
  2. room sizes and their degree of illumination;
  3. style interior.

Now we will look at what colors it is worth painting the walls of the house on Feng Shui.

Colors for the bathroom

The bathroom will be preferred:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • all pastel shades.

Do not decorate a bathroom with bright colors.

Colors for the living room

The living room is best arranged in lilac, yellow, beige, green or white color.

If you choose too bright shades, they can quickly get bored.

Bedroom Colors

The bedroom should create a cozy atmosphere. For this purpose perfectly fit green, blue and pink Wallpaper colors.

Attention! Bed linen color on Feng Shui should be any color except blue.

Colors for children

The decoration of the children's room on Feng Shui depends on the age of the child.

You can safely use green, yellow, blue and black Tone to help the child develop and build a successful career.

Colors for kitchen

For the kitchen will be appropriate and warm, I. Cold shades.

When choosing a color scheme, be sure to take into account the interior style and the result you want to achieve.

What colors choose for exterior at home and landscape design?

In addition to the ideas of the interior design, it is necessary to choose the right color for the exterior of the house. Do not rush to buy paint for the entrance door and fence, roof tiles and a facade putty for the walls of the house until you read this article.

An important impact on the financial position, career and happiness in the house are the color of the roof, walls of the house and the front door. If you correctly apply the flower gamut, you can attract cash flow to the home, strengthen health and establish relationships in the family.

The color of the entrance door

The entrance doors of the house is not only the face of the owners, but also by the passage of vital energy in the dwelling. The choice of color gamut for the front door of the Feng Shui depends on which side of the light they are addressed.

If the doors "look" south, then paint them in red, if north - in blue, and if west - then in white or metallic.

Roof at home: how to choose the right color

The roof color of the house on the hair dry shui is of particular importance because the roof is a kind of canopy.

Do not choose for the roof color of the element of fire, that is, red. For the roof, the colors of the Earth's elements, brown or yellow are perfect.

Prayes fence

The color of the fence on a hairdry shui should be neutral, the best brown, and the gate can be painted in brighter tones.

Before arranging creative mess in the apartment in the form of painting walls and crossing wallpaper wallpapers in the rooms, be sure to explore the colors along the hairdry shui, which correspond to certain rooms. Your personal life, material well-being, happiness, career ladder and other important aspects of life will depend on the right choice of the shade.

The color value on the hair dry shui is of great importance in everything . Know the basic principles of applying colors in life is simply necessary. According to Chinese theory feng Shui Colors use, as a rule, in two principles.

The first principle is the theory of five elements, the second principle is the theory of Yin and Yang . Not depending on which method, the colors in the Feng Shui are used. Efficiency does not weaken. Let's consider these principles in more detail.

Feng Shui colors according to theory of generating 5 elements

Carefully read the picture represented and use it in practice. The cycle of generating five elements can be perfectly used to attract good luck, health and wealth.

As already mentioned, colors are associated with the teaching of 5 elements. The ratio of Yin and Yang, as well as 5 types of energies, play an important role. This is known, fire, earth, wood, metal, water. They do not exist by themselves, but constantly interact. Therefore, the use of colors is based on this interaction. Of particular importance for this is a circle:

  1. Water creates a tree (nourishes it).
  2. The tree creates fire (when the tree burns, it gives the power of the fire).
  3. The fire gives rise to land (the ashes becomes land).
  4. The Earth creates a metal (metal from the ground).
  5. The metal creates water (melted metal - liquid).

Feng Shui colors on the principle of Yin and Yang

The basis of the color gamut is seven colors
, and here on the nature on the theory of Yin and Yang affect their saturation and shade .

According to Feng Shui colors, dark colors belong to Yinsky (Because black shade dominates), and lighter colors to Yansky (dominates white shade). So, for example, red and yellow, white is considered jancut. Black - Yinsky. Even in Feng Shui, colors can be used with the help of different approaches: in the direction of the sector being drawn up according to the side of the light (North, South, West, East, etc.) and in the direction Numbers A certain person.

Each element has its own color

  • Water - black
  • Tree - green
  • Fire - Red
  • Metal - white
  • Earth - brown

5 energies and lights of light

  • North - Water + Metal
  • East and Southeast - Wood + Water
  • West and Northwest - Metal + Earth
  • South West and Northeast - Earth + Fire
  • The center also belongs to the land.
  • South subordinated fire + tree

This is how it is possible and it is necessary to make interior, according to the ideas of Feng Shui. It is important to adhere to a specific rule: colors are located in the sector to which they correspond or an element that will be "born".

Combine Flowers on Feng Shui

As you know, everything is interconnected in Feng Shui. Therefore, colors in Feng Shui also interact with each other, combined in certain forms. Energy is constantly moving, affecting each other and objects in the outer world, flowing from one form to another, like water becomes ferry - water - water.

Dynamic reaction manifests itself at the level of color. Some combinations are positive energy. Others are negative. If you do not know the right combinations, it is possible to endure a long time that it is impossible to rationally explain.

With the help of elemental analysis, it is possible to find out how certain colors balance each other, harmonious or unbalanced cycles occur. The effect of using different shades in the corners of the room can be favorable or not very. Consider the main combinations:

  • Green and yellow (very dangerous combination is the angle of the south-west and northeast).
  • Yellow and metallic (excellent combination - West and North-West).
  • Red and blue, red and black (bad combination - south).
  • Red and yellow (very good combination - southwest and northeast).
  • Metal and blue (good combination - north).
  • Blue and green (excellent combination - East and Southeast).
  • Green and red (good combination - south, east and southeast, only in the winter months).
  • Red and metallic (bad combination - West or North-West).
  • Green and metallic (very bad combination - East and South-East).
  • Yellow and blue (extremely bad combination - north).

Terms of work with color in Feng Shui

  1. The prevalence of any one color above others should be avoided.
  2. Color selection must match the purpose of the room and your goals.
  3. Brightness, saturation and color intensity can change, the main thing is to follow your own sensations, how comfortable you have a selected palette.
  4. With the help of lighting, you can change the effect of colors on the tenants.
  5. It is with such an approach to color to you, luck will come, wealth, disclosure of creative potential and a lot of it, which can offer harmony of symbol and colors.

Only with the right approach to color - you will definitely come luck, wealth, disclosure of creative potential and very much, which can offer harmony of the symbol and colors on Feng Shui.

Color can not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but also influence our lives and emotions. Correctly pick up the color range things around, you can create a favorable atmosphere around you. Find out what masters Feng Shui say about the color, and what shades carry positive energy.


The red color is primarily associated with fire and blood, and therefore carries powerful energy and vitality. He is able to push a person to decisive actions and set up for fruitful and high-quality work. But the excess of red tires and destroys the energy of calm and equilibrium. It is not necessary to make a whole zone in the house of this color, it will be enough small items.


Symbol of the sun and wealth capable of setting up a person on positive and joy. However, a large amount of bright yellow can create an atmosphere of lies and danger. Soft shades - honey, golden, light yellow - brings comfort and warmth. The room decorated in such tones will contribute to the world and harmony, so light yellow colors are suitable for the bedroom.


Natural color, personifying water, sky and cold. This is a favorable, but at the same time dangerous color, it must be treated attentively. All shades of blue soothe and remove stress, taking active energy. Well suited blue for a recreation and sleep area. Negatively, this color will affect the kitchen and the work office: you will often feel fatigue, and food will be badly absorbed.


In Feng Shui, this color is considered to be pacifying and able to restore the vitality. If in green tones to arrange a nursery, it will contribute to learning and development. It is perfect for the bathroom and kitchen. The decor elements made in green will not be allowed to quickly get tired in the working office and will be favorably affected on the efficiency of work.


Wood color, soft and at the same time strong. He is able to set up a person to a favorable way and working atmosphere. Registration of the kitchen and personal office in such tones will be positively influenced by a person and his work. Masters Feng Shui recommend using brown in the hallway and living room, as it will help communicate and establish contacts.


White is blameful, cleanliness and innocence. But at the same time it contains all the colors of the spectrum. It is necessary to be very careful, because this is a huge stream of energy collected from a wide variety of shades. A large amount of white in the apartment will negatively affect the atmosphere. In Feng Shui, white is a symbol of death.

The black

Black color without additional shades is not suitable for the interior, as it would be stylish. Your thoughts will be negative and gloomy. But in combination with other shades, black is capable of baking energy streams.

All that surrounds us has a color and affects our emotions and condition. And if outside the house we are powerless and simply put up with shades around us, then in your own home you can create an atmosphere that will best affect energy. We wish you good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

06.08.2015 09:30

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