Repairs Design Furniture

Vasons of plastic bottles. We make kashpo from plastic bottles with their own hands. Plastic bottles facilities

Hi, dear gardeners! The theme of today's material is interesting and always relevant. It certainly familiar with many, but still I hope you surprise.

Today, everything is sold in plastic bottles: water, lemonades, milk ... from all the garbage, that we have a spear, the most surround bottle: one in the garbage bucket is lining - and that's it: count, half-water is busy. And what is the dacha! In many cottage villages, there are simply no garbage containers. Output one: either to carry all this "good" to the city, to the nearest container, or somehow use what is not recycled in country conditions.

Logical question: how plastic bottles can be used in the farmto be and useful, and comfortable, and beautiful? That's about it and talk.

By the way, information sheet: plastic decomposes in water from 100 to 500 years (According to various sources, depending on the type of plastic).

There are few factories that processes garbage, therefore people themselves find interesting use by simple and seemingly completely unnecessary things.

Plastic bottles in garden decoration

If you wish, you can create such beauty - the neighbors will be visible! Want to decorate the garden without special costs? Look, whether there is empty plastic bottles on your dacha.

Beautiful neat flower beds

Plastic bottles can be shredding flower beds. The benefit is obvious here: the flower beds and the beds are not blurred by shoes, they always look carefully and please the eyes. In my opinion, it looks great ... how to make such a flower?

Of course, there will be quite a few bottles (preferably the same size). We smear in them sand, close and begin to build "Frequis". Bottles will have to go a little in the ground to give them stability. After the flower bed is fenced, we paint the resulting curb in any colors. In principle, you can do it and in advance - as you wish. But it seems to me, it is more convenient to paint the finished fence, than each bottle separately. And the tanks from the dark plastic can be left at all as it is, it also looks pretty. An example of the execution and opinion of dachensons on this method of using bottles, see the materials:

Flowers, palm trees, butterflies and other "Tropics"

Beautiful indescribable. Include imagination, wake up the fantasy and create all sorts of flowers in your garden, which will never shock and do not rot)).

To make it clearer, how to make something from bottles (let's say, flowers), we will analyze an example.

What may take:

  • plastic bottles of different colors;
  • scissors, timed, thick threads;
  • pVA glue and "master";
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads - for decoration.
With the rest, everything is more or less understandable, and why the candle? Everything is simple. Cut off the bottle of the neck. Each neck cut until the end along, we make 6 petals. Give the petals rounded shape. We light the candle and each petal is pledged to slightly melted. First, at the edges, so that they were beautiful and even, and then at the base of the petals, flexing them at the same time, giving the form. Plastic when heated is well formed.

Stem is better made of thick wire. Stamens - from a thin wire, on which you can drive beads. It will only be left to collect the whole thing, fastening with glue, if necessary, using awl and wire. Just look, what beauty is resulting from!

Cute animal animals

From the bottles who just do not. The simplest thing perhaps is. Just something necessary: \u200b\u200bcut and beat the ears, attach the tail and paint beautifully. However, there are crafts and very complex. For example, animals from fairy tales. I will not paint their manufacturer step by step, otherwise the article will get a galactic scale. It's better just showing a video from slides. According to the photo, in principle, it can be seen what and how to do, it is not difficult to figure out.

How do you like such animals? In my opinion, look super! And if you bring to the process of children, they will be delighted!

The tools are used the same as those listed above. Paints are not necessarily acrylic. But they dry faster, this is a plus. And almost not smell. True, they are also different.

Air Curtains for Garden

These crafts captured me by their air and unusual. Specially selected bottles and make such a curtain in my yard! I think you can use bottles of different sizes.

We will use predominantly the bottoms, but you can also cut the leaves! From afar it is not very clear what these transparent flowers hang on, but the more interesting the idea. We look ...

As you can see, you can fasten the flowers with threads, you can glue them to the base (for example, a polyethylene film). I think this option is perfect for the gazebo. And it will be light, and the rain will not penetrate. Variants curtains from bottles are a huge set. But I still liked the first one, and you?

Garden lamps and chandeliers

Actually, why not? Book a lamp in the garden - unprofitable, just hang the light bulb - ugly. Plastic bottle lamp is a great version of the illumination of the garden plot.

Such chandeliers are not ashamed and hang in the house.

The main rule: It is impossible to allow plastic parts to come into contact with the light bulb, and they can melt. True, you can use an energy-saving lamp, it is heated less - up to +50 ... + 60 ° C.

Girls! If you do not know how to attach the light bulb itself, leave this business to husbands, brothers or fathers ... With you - creative, with them - lighting element \u003d)))

Bottle garden track

I recently wrote about garden tracks in the article. But there was nothing about the bottles there, only about the lids of them. It turns out that the bottomhow turns out a good path, which is pleasant to walk barefoot. note: Rounds are stacked on loose sand, the master must make an effort so that they are hung on sand. This will exclude their deformation in the future, when you enclosing them.

Economic supplies from plastic bottles

That's where it is somewhat hot ... if you think the garden decor from bottles is not for you, perhaps you will be interested in useful things that you can do from them.

Washbasins and boxes

The easiest option is to hang the bottle-turned upside down, and when you need to wash your hands, just turn off a little lid. The bottom of the bottle is better to cut off and make it possible to be easier to pour water. There is nothing complicated here, and the child will cope. This washbasin can be suspended on a tree or somewhere else. By the way, take advantage of this idea when you go to the picnic, it is very convenient, and your hands are always clean.

It is advisable to make a homemade washbasin closing so that leaves, insects and other trash do not fall into the water. There are more complex designs. You can, for example, embed to a large bottle with a hose with a crane. But this is so very convenient.
And you can make a boxing bottle for packages, napkins, or something like that.

Scoops and blades

Make a scoop with your own hands simpler simple. Take the bottle and marker the form of the future scoop. Further is the case of scissors. Well, or knife.


It is such shoes that is quite quickly wear out. Therefore, durable and beautiful slippers in the farm will always be useful. Do not, do not think that the slippers of the bottles are just a scoop with heels \u003d))). I would like to look at it ... although there are also simple options. For example, this:

And a more complex option looks like this:

Such bouquets do, of course, not necessarily. And in general, slippers are excellent. In order not to slide, and the leg felt comfortable, you can experiment with the "layers". How to make holes? Yes, at least a hole pack! And if there are men in the house, provide them to solve this task.

And also from plastic bottles, you can make very useful large containers for household needs:

Fixtures for scaring rodents and insects

There are many different things. I will dissolve only about the crotchor and trap for mosquitoes.

Let's start with trap
Make it very simple. Cut off the bottle of the upper part and insert down into the lower neck. The design should be darkened with paper or tissue - mosquitoes will be more willing to fly there.

As bait on the bottom of the bottle pour sugar yeast syrup. Make it simple: pour hot water, add sugar and yeast there, stir and cool. Such a trap will attract not only mosquitoes, but also bees, OS, flies.

You can put the design on the window or suspend - it is already at will. It should be cleaned once a week.

By the way, I do not know why in the photo brown syrup - can, from cane sugar?))) Or maybe it's kvass. By the way, yes - the insects are flying too. Somehow left a jar on the porch with a kvass, so there so much of all sorts of midges flew out!

Fluger-turntable, screking moles and not only
About these devices was described in detail in the article. There is a video - you can see how such a design is how it works. Ask, what is he scares? At the bottom of the bottle, they are advised to pour beads, balls from bearings and other "rattling" elements. They say the sound that publishes this windmill, the mobes are not transferred. Who has moles? Try, then unsubscribe here, agreed?
Yes, the axis on which the craft is mounted, you need to stick to the ground - I think you understood.

About the fact that some with the help of bottles, I think you also know. The bottle cuts off the bottom and throat - the cylinder is obtained, which is bought into the ground. Such a cover protects the root system of a young plant from the attempted of the Medveda.


For these purposes, bottles are rectangular more suitable. For example, from under the machine oils. However, there are bottles for water such a form. Capacities are made simply: marker, cut. All \u003d))

These boxes can be healthy in the farm.

Device for deep watering of plants and their night heating

Some plants do not like surface irrigation. Therefore, some beds, my mom watering with plastic bottles.

The bottle needs to cut off the bottom, but not to the end so that something like a lid. I tear the earth on the side of the plant, we make a small trench and put the pebbles there. Drainage is needed that water does not blur the soil. Then the bottles put the necks down and take the earth. Now, to pour the plant, just need that open the lid and pour the right amount of water. Here, see how our dacms with a plastic container.

Some stick up with tanks up, but then you need to make holes in the bottle so that water goes.

As for the heating of plants, you can simply pour water into the bottles and put the plant. In the sun, the water heats up and will give a heat for some time. I know that glass bottles are also bought into the ground, but today we have a conversation about plastic.

Podpoles for garden work

Many people are generally contraindicated to work, especially this is true for hypertensive. And how then is sheer now? There is, I will tell you about the knee pads. If working on the knees, the head will not be at the bottom, therefore, well-being will not suffer.

All you need is to find suitable bottles, try on their knees and cut the knee pads of the desired form. Then attach strings. Everything is simple.

Flower pots

And which only pots from plastic bottles do not happen! Some just pour into the bottle of the ground, others do real masterpieces. Features are limitless. What is good: bottles can always be painted in any color and suspend anywhere. For example, how do you know such ideas?

Very nice, and you will not immediately guess, from which pots are made.


I did my first candlestick from the plastic bottle in the elementary school, in the lesson of labor. It's simple. Cut from the bottle of neck and bottom (about half the bottle). Then the part that with the bottom, cut on the stripes and bend them. And insert the part that with the neck. She will keep a candle. In general, easier simple.

But this is just one of the options, you can connect two neck.


Instead of a thousand words show one video.

Why buy a broom when it can be done in half an hour?


The farm periodically arises the need to spend something from one container to another. Not necessarily something edible - it happens, and the divorced fertilizer, and the poison for Colorado beetles ... Do not use for such a funnel for such purposes from the kitchen! And from the bottle, the funnel can be done at any time.

Feeders for birds

We fed the birds all winter in such. Bottles used large, 5 liter. I cut the windows in them, made small "thresholds" and "porches". So that it was convenient to sit in Ptahm, and the snow did not disappoint. More plus - such feeders are comfortable to hang on the trees, they already have handles.

Plastic bottles facilities

These are you not funnels with pots, but something more serious. Enforceable people from anything can build something to themselves. From plastic bottles, let's say, excellent greenhouses and gazebo are obtained.

Plastic Bottles Greenhouses

The finished high-size greenhouse costs more than 15 thousand rubles. I know for sure because I was interested in this issue. Add the cost of assembly. Not yet can figure out what's there. But there is an alternative that is not inferior on operational qualities and will cost you ... just in 500-700 empty plastic bottles! \u003d))

Plastic from which the bottles are made, 20 times more stronger than dense polyethylene. It perfectly holds the temperature, does not melt in the sun and can serve as decades. In greenhouses from plastic bottles There are some advantages:

  • she is cheap;
  • durable;
  • easily repaired;
  • easy by weight, it can be rearranged if necessary;
  • it looks pretty nice.

I walked through different sites and realized that there are 2 main ways to use plastic bottles during construction:

  1. Each bottle is cut down the bottom. A thin rail is taken and all bottles are bounted. It turns out ready-made construction planks.
  2. The bottle is cut down the bottom and throat. Then what happened is the middle part - cuts along. It turns out a rectangular piece of plastic. It is stroked with iron (necessarily through solid paper) to align. Of these sheets, she sew lists more. Preferably a mustache. You can use awl; For fastening parts - Cord thread or wire. It is not recommended to sew the thread or fishing line - the seams quickly rotate and disperse.

When sheets (bar) are ready, you can make a frame. Make it from ordinary wooden bars with a hammer and nails. Form - any. It is possible - a house, can be a triangle. And then on the frame Krepim what made from bottles. In the first case, the bar must be set as close as possible to each other so that the wind does not walk. Well, you can always put a scotch tape. In general, challenge!)) And in the second case, the finished plastic bottles are simply nailed to a wooden frame.

Important moment - roof. In general, a good frame is able to withstand a rather heavy weight, but knowledgeable people advise the roof to cover not bottles, but polycarbonate sheets. Or to strengthen something to strengthen something - suddenly the snow will hire a lot. Here is another interesting publication.

Decorate your interior of the house or the garden original porridge from plastic bottles can be quite simple! You do not have to make special efforts, besides, this option is also quite economical. The only thing that will need this is your fantasy, non-standard solutions and an ordinary plastic bottle!

This master class describes in detail the process of manufacturing the original porridge in the form of a cute owner.

For this you need:
- plastic bottle;
- scissors;
- marker;
- the template of the Council, it can be found on the Internet or draw my own;
- Acrylic paints;
- Brush synthetics or columns;
- a slice of a foam sponge;
- rope;
- acrylic paint for facade works (water-emulsion),
- Acrylic transparent varnish (required).
And so, proceed ...

Plastic bottle can take any shade and size. For a master class, I took a bottle of two liter volume. Next cuts the bottle in half. The bottom of the bottle will be the main one, if desired, can be made higher. That's what happened.

A pre-prepared pattern, apply inside the porridge and carry it out the contour on plastic, using an ordinary black marker.

Must get such a drawing.

Other animal templates can be used in the manufacture of kashpo.

We determine how lower the face of the Soviet will go to the rim of the product, while noting the location of the cut.

After that, carefully cut off the excess part of the material.

If the porridge is suspended, then we leave small loops, if not, cut off exactly part of the rim. This is how the billet looks like.

In the loops for the rope we make holes. Since this is a kashpo, special holes in the bottom are not required.

Before painting, the cradle should be covered with a white water-emulsion, so that color paints "lay" well on the plastic.

I use a foam sponge, for a dense uniform coating, since when applied with a brush, the surface will be shuffling.

Carefully cover the entire outer part of the product, not assigate contour lines of the face.

It turns out such a surface, it is a little textured due to the thick consistency of the paint.

The result is about that.

After applying the layer, the KashP surface must completely dry. If desired, the procedure can be repeated.

Gradually drawing wings, eyes, feather, etc.

Experiment with texture.

For the best contrast of some details, you can use the marker.

That's what happened in the end.

After the painting dried, we apply to the entire surface of the outer walls of the cadkop, acrylic facade varnish.

Similar tools have a different effect after drying (mattness, silky-opaque or gloss), you can choose at your discretion. This procedure is obligatory, because by kashpo when spraying or watering, water will often fall, and the water is the main destroyer of these paints. Cover them the product follows several layers, I cover two. Each next layer will dry longer, consider this nuance!

After the coating of KashP is completely dry, it's time to get rope in the loop.

From the inside it is necessary to make large nodules, so that the rope would not slip back.

This will look like a snaps without a vase with flowers.

Insert a small vane with flowers into the porridge.

That's all, the original porridge from plastic bottles, ready!

The final look of the crafts. Photo 1.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 2.

The final look of the crafts. Photo 3.

Flower pots are a favorite needlework. At the same time, there is often a healthy raw material. Take at least a plastic bottle: it can be the basis of the most unexpected creative ideas. Let's look at the technique of turning the flower pot from a plastic bottle and mention the main features of such products.

Features of self-made models

Pots manufactured from plastic bottles have a lot of advantages. They do not need to buy, spending large sums of the family budget. These products are distinguished by a low weight, they are not afraid of temperature drop and can serve as grown plants long enough. Given that they do not crack and are not afraid of mechanical damage, such pots can be put on the floor where the risk of random hide is likely.

It is worth noting that the nuance that pots of plastic bottles can be the most diverse. Picking up for their manufacture various materials and decor, you can make them for different stylistics of the interior or completely landscape. Plastic bottles can be painted, they are not problematic in working with glue, allow the method of decoupage and cutting the working surface in any places.

In addition, they can do drainage holes in which the flow of excess water will be ensured.

The resistance of plastic to water is amazing: for decompositions must pass more than 100-200 years. You can not be afraid that such pots will be collapsed under the influence of moisture and constant dampness. If the Master has plastic melting skills, it can decorate the pots with a melted material, giving it a form, for example, a multi-layer flower. Using colored bottles, beads and wire for this, it may turn out a product with an illusion of airiness, which is not inferior to the filigree's work analogs from the finest textiles.

For such pots, you can create similar plastic pallets. Also, pots of plastic bottles can be used with conventional pallets. From this raw material, group potted compositions for decorating the landscape or small home greenhouses can be made. Such pots can be used as independent elements of the interior or internal containers, decorating top of the porridge from various materials.


For work, in addition to the plastic bottles themselves, various raw materials may need. It can be acrylic paints and transparent acrylic varnish, permanent markers, beeps, satin ribbons, buttons, beads, seeds. In addition, textile flaps and knitted canvas can be used. The type of material to which preference will be given will depend on the characteristics of the stylistics, the flower pot is planned for focusing.

In addition to decorative elements, it will have to use a knife either scissors. Methods of decoupage needs the availability of special three-layer napkins for decoupage with a beautiful pattern. In addition, it will also be necessary for the brush to align the napkin layer and removing the air bubbles. If technology requires, when working, use the soldering iron and adhesive gun.

Manufacture of holes

Watering holes can be made in different ways, which depends on the type of plastic of the bottle itself. If the thickness is large, you can drill holes with a screwdriver or a drill. When it is thin, it is enough to rolling the scolding or a thick sequel and, while the tool has not cooled, go to the bottom of the future pot. The soldering iron make holes is difficult, as they will turn large, however, some masters found him an alternative in the form of a dowel.

Other craftsmen use old knitted knitting needles, glowing them and piercing thin plastic.

How to do?

The options for making a flower pot from plastic bottle are diverse. For example, possessing artistic skills, you can paint the cropped blank under the bee or the May beetle. Such a product will be able to decorate the country area or veranda. If you need something very simple, you can put on the cropped bottles of wicker or knitted covers and depict funny face on them.

If you want something more sophisticated, you can do as follows.Take a transparent bottle, cut it into 3 parts by removing the one that is in the middle. The lower part will be the basis and at the same time the pallet, the top will perform the role of the main container with the soil. The edges of the upper part are cut by festons, after which they are bred by the soldering iron. The soldering iron is addicted to the sharp edge of the lower part.

Next, take blue paint and paint the upper part, leaving the neck transparent. The edges are flexing, forming a kind of flower. The bottom item decorate with the help of special markers or acrylic paints and brushes.

In the second case, use water-based dyes, which, after drying, acquire resistance to moisture.

You can draw on the bottom of the details anything, from colors to monograms and lace. After the paints are dried, you can pour into the working container of the Earth and plant any plant. So that the land is not poured, at the initial stage of manufacture, you can block the bottom of the bottom and do the holes in it for drainage. You can use a split sequel or a knitting needle.

According to the approximate scheme, you can make your own hands like this funny pot. Take a small plastic bottle, scissors cut it in half. The upper part is decorated with a funny facing face, using brewed decorative elements (you can buy eyes for soft toys, mouth paint on paper and take it from top with scotch).

In the traffic jam you need to make a drainage hole in which then you need to push the tissue flap with a roller. The flap is fastened with glue, and then cut down, making a kind of phytille, through which the water can flock down either, on the contrary, rise to the roots of the planted plant. After that, the lid is closed, pour into the upper container soil and plant a flower. Then the upper container is inserted into the lower.

By this principle, you can make a flower pot for flowers from a five-liter bottle. If you want something different, you can resort to the use of cement mortar and old towels. Pallets in this case should be made from the same material so that the finished product looks intently and organically. To create a unique form, you need to soak the cement weighing old towels, then flip the bottle with a sliced \u200b\u200bneck and put these towels on it, forming folds and drapery.

After drying, the product needs to flip and paint the gold or bronze paint. Holes in this case need to drill extremely carefully. You can simply wrap a bottle with a cut-off neck and burst holes with textiles, tapping a beautiful ribbon. Then you can fix the fabric, spraying transparent varnish.

A great idea is to make a simple porridge for flowers from a plastic bottle. Decoration of dwellings with plants in a long time. Well, when the house or apartment is spacious - you can enjoy the breeding colors and greens. But many of us have to do only by the space of the window sill.

With the advent of products such as pots and porridge for flowers, it has become much more opportunities for an interesting and original decoration of premises. Find a beautiful pot or kashpo task is not easy. I would like to add that kashpo is suitable for indoor plants, and for street flowers.

Pots are mainly made of clay and plastic. Less often use plastics and ceramics. New clay pots before planting colors are recommended for 1 hour to lower in water. Thus, gases and harmful salts formed during the firing are out of the pores. This is due to the materials from which Kashpo has performed, it is most often a tree, ceramics, metal, plastic, rattan, polystone, glass. It is necessary to understand the difference between the flower pot and Kashpo:

The pot has special holes through which excess moisture goes out. Cache openings do not have. Do not forget that in 10-15 minutes after watering the remnants of the water you need to pour out.

The original porridge with the faces of cats is suitable for the garden and for the windowsill. Make this craft from bottles of different volume (for example, 2 liters and 0.5 liters).

To work, we will need:

  1. Plastic bottles of 2 liters and 0.5 liters.
  2. Markers.
  3. Acrylic paint or white spray paint.
  4. Scissors.

It is necessary to cut off the lower part of the bottle, and then trim the top so that the cat's ears come.

Then we need to paint the obtained billets of acrylic paint or spray-paint.

The product must be dried and markers to apply a drawing. Draw a cat's muzzle. You can use the template. Dan template in two versions: for a bottle of 2 liters and 0.5 liters.

When the product is ready, in bulk of gravel on the bottom, for drainage. Then we smear the earth and plant a plant. Such a kashpo can be made suspended - for this, make holes in all four sides and grind in holes 4 the same ropes. Tie all the ends together on the hook.

In such a simple way, not only quotes, but also other animals can be made.

Here is our master class. Funny crafts from a material that usually emit.

Let's try from ordinary plastic to make your own original porridge. We have a bottle of shampoo.

To work, you will need:

  1. Bottle of shampoo.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Cutting knife bottle.
  4. Color adhesive tape (can be replaced by tape).
  5. Hearts, beads.
  6. Glue moment.
  7. Insulating tape.

Cut 2 holes in a plastic bottle with a knife. Hole - long oval. So that there are no sharp cuts, process the holes with a tape. Decorating with color ribbon neck and side parts.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a flower pot from a plastic bottle cannot be called new. However, in this performance, I have not yet met the craft. Actually, the container was originally intended for landing, which in the spring, being still in the refrigerator, begins to grow actively.
Conventional cups or boxes adorn the windowsill, if not to say that they absolutely spoil its appearance. Last year, Luca in the pots were successfully produced by my household, where flowers grew. Plants were quite friendly neighbors. Flowers did not respond to the appearance of Luke, and the uninvited guest, in turn, pleased the mistress of the lush greenery.
This year, so as not to shy indoor flowers, I decided to make several flower pots from plastic bottles. Here is the result of one of the works.

For used:
- Brown and white plastic bottle
- Ready eyes for toys
- scissors
- Pliers
- the fire
- Pink Color Nail Polish
- glue for plastic, glass or wooden parts.

Initially cut the brown bottle in half to get a glass of necessary height. Further from the top with the neck, we cut the head of the lionca in the form of an incorrect oval. Initially, the shape of the bottle contributes to the fact that the head will turn out to be convex.
We cut the edges of oval on thin strips up to 1 cm long. So we imitate the animal wool. The ends of the strips bring to the flame of the gas burner, matches or candles for a few seconds. Plastic melted and acquires light bends. The basis for the head of the craft is ready.

Returning back to the top of the neck of the neck and cut out the fords of the lionca in the form of the eight. This item is also obtained by convex. Traditionally, we pay the edge of the face over the flame of the burner.

Cut the ring from white plastic, we make two stripes from them. Then with scissors densely cut the strip along the length, leaving intact about 0.5 cm from the opposite edge. Melting details over fire, we get fluffy mustache.

Then cut out of the residues of white plastic drop and stain it in pink color. This is an animal language.

It remains to place the tail of the lioncet. For this, half or even 2/3 of the brown ring cut off from the plastic bottle, bending in several places, and the vertices of the bends are migrating fire. Due to the deformation of plastic, we obtain the curve line you need.

For the decoration of the tail of the tail, one side of the rectangular plastic is necessary to cut into thin strips, then turn the rectangle into the tube and get root over the fire both ends of the "brushes". Strips curl and become curly. Further to the rounded base of the tassel, we will join the tail itself.

At the last stage we collect the details together. Initially, Lyenka's head glue, then a muzzle, a mord of a molding mustache, nose and mouth. We glue your eyes over the cheeks, and from the back - the tail.