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Writer communication. Complex offer with writing, supervisory and non-union bond

Complex proposals allow transmitting volumetric messages about several situations or phenomena, make it a more expressive and informative. Most often, complex deals are used in artistic works, journalistic articles, scientific works, formal-business style texts.

What is a complex offer?

Difficult sentence - The proposal that consists of two or more grammatical foundations is an intonationally decorated semantic unity expressing a certain meaning. Depending on the ratio of parts, allocate complex proposals with writing verification and non-union bond.

Complex proposals with writing

Complex proposals - Union proposals that consist of equal parts connected by writing bond. Parts of complex proposals are combined into one integer with the help of writing, interpretation or dividing unions. On the letter between parts of the complex proposal before the Union, the comma is set.

Examples of complex proposals: The boy shook the tree, and ripe apples fell on the ground. Katya went to the institute, and Sasha remained at home. Whether someone called me, or it seemed.

Complex proposals with a subordination

Combined proposals - Union proposals consisting of non-equivance parts, which are connected by a subordination link. In complex proposals, allocate the main part and the dependent (apparent). Parts of the NGN are combined with the help of unions and allied words. On the letter between parts of the complex proposal before the Union (by the Union Word) there is a comma.

Examples of complex suggestions: He threw the flower to give mom. The present was interesting, from where Ivan Petrovich arrived. Misha went to the store, which he told his friend.

Usually, from the main offer to the apparent, you can put the question. Examples: I came home, (when?) When everyone already sat down to dinner. We learned about, (what?) What happened yesterday.

Complex proposals with non-union bond

The non-union challenging offers are proposals, parts of which are connected only with the help of intonation, without the use of unions and allied words.

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Examples of complex proposals with non-union bonds between parts: Music began to play, guests went to dance. In the morning there will be frost - we will not go anywhere. Tanya turned around: a tiny kitten strangled against the wall.

There may be a comma, dash, colon or semicolon (depending on how the parts of the BSP) can be put between the parts of non-union sophisticated proposals.

Complex proposals with different types of communication

Mixed complex proposals may include several proposals interconnected by writing, subordinate and non-union bond. The letter in mixed complex offers is observed punctuation, characteristic of complex, complex and non-union proposals.

Examples: Vitya decided: if the teacher asks to answer the question, it would have to confess that he was not prepared for the lesson. The picture was hung on the right, on which the flowering garden was depicted, and the table with carved legs was located on the left. The weather worsened: a strong wind rose and rain began, but in the tent it was warm and dry.

If complex proposals in the mixed proposal form logical-syntactic blocks, a point with a comma is raised between such blocks. Example: On the porch, the sparrow grains, which accidentally scattered her grandmother; At that time, dad came out, and the bird hurriedly flew away.

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The non-union and allied writing bond are one of the ways to build a poor thing, because they give more information and are able to contain in their composition from two or more proposals telling about different events.

Complex proposals and their types

Depending on the number of parts, complex structures are divided into two- and polynomials. In any of the options, the elements are connected by either by the union bond (which, in turn, is provided by the corresponding part of speech) or the non-union.

Depending on which types of relationships are present, complex education create the following groups:

  • Complex proposal with an unconquoy and union writing relationship: The sky dramatically darkened, he heard a distant roller, and the rain wall covered the ground, navigating dust and washing up the urban could.
  • Designs combining elements with a supervisory bond, for example: The house in which we entered, caused an oppressive state, but in this situation we did not have to choose.
  • Complex proposals with supervisory and non-union types of connections: As he was in a hurry, but his help was late: the other car took the wounded.
  • In the polynomialic structures, the subordination, non-union and allied writing communication can be used simultaneously. The next time the phone call was heard, Mom answered him, but heard only the voice of the robot, who reported that she had an overdue loan.

It is important to be able to distinguish complex suggestions and structures complicated, for example, uniformly tamed. As a rule, in the first case, there are several grammatical foundations in the syntax lexical unit, whereas in the second one will be one subject and somewhat fad.

Non-union designs

In this form of lexical structures, 2 simple sentences may be combined or more, which are interconnected by intonation and meaning. They can contact each other with the following relationships:

  • Offers are listed. The evening gradually faded, the night fell to the ground, the moon began to rule the world.
  • Constructions in which elements are divided into several parts, two of which are opposed fragments. The weather was as to order: the sky was cleared of the clouds, the sun shone brightly, a light breeze blunted his face, creating a light coolness. In this non-union design, the second fragment consisting of 3 simple proposals linked by enumerable intonation explains its first part.
  • Binary compound of simple elements in a polynomial complex structure, in which the parts are combined into semantic groups: The moon rose over the grocery, we did not immediately notice it: the haze was grown up her radiance.

The non-union, like an allied writing, in a solid connection separates separate proposals from each other by punctuation signs.

Commas in non-union polynomial structures

In complex compounds, their parts are separated by commas, a point with a comma, dash and colon. The comma and semicolon are applied when transferring relations:

  1. Parts are small in size and are associated with others in meaning. After the thunderstorm, silence came, followed her light whisper of the rain.
  2. When parts are too common and are not connected with a single meaning, the point is made with a comma. Chamomiles and poppies covered the whole melan; Somewhere below shrewd grasshoppers.

The non-union structures are most often used to transfer a large number of information that is not always connected in meaning.

Dividing signs in non-union connections

These signs are used in the following types of relations between the elements of the syntax design:

  • Dash - when the second part is sharply opposed to the first, for example: We knew about his fears - no one knew about readiness to die. (In such a design with an unconquoy, like an allied writing communication between parts, I want to put the Union "but").
  • When in the first part, the condition or time is narrated, then between it and the second fragment is also taking a dash. Purchased rooster - it's time to get up. In such proposals, the unions "if" or "when" are suitable.
  • The same sign is placed if the second part contains the conclusion about what was said in the first. There was no strength to object - he silently agreed. In such union structures, "therefore" is usually inserted.
  • When the second part of the proposal is compared and determined by what is narrated in the first. He utters speech - inhales in people hope. In these structures, you can add "as if" or "as if".
  • In sentences with an explanatory connection and a substantiation of the cause, a colon is used. I will tell you essentially: you can not bring friends.

Offers with the non-union, as well as the union writing bond between parts, are divided by signs depending on their semantic relationship.

Complex constructions

The proposals of this type uses writing communication, carried out with the help of writing unions. At the same time between their parts can be:

  • Connecting relations related to alliances and yes or particles also, also neither .... Neither the birds are not twitched, nor the Komar is squeaking, no cycada crack.
  • During dividing relations, unions are used that and, or Particles either ... either, not that ... not that other. Whether the wind brings an incomprehensible sound, he himself approaches us.
  • Suggestions, both with non-union and allied writing with comparative relations indicate the identity of events, but in the second case with the use of unions namely and i.e. Everyone was glad to him, that is, that he read on their faces.
  • Explanatory relationships to use alliances yes but, but Particles but, and therefore other. The blizzard rushed outside the window, but the fireplace in the living room is warm.

Often it is all unions and particles explain that connects simple proposals into a single complex design.

Complex proposals with mixed communication types

Constructions, where at the same time there is a non-union and allied writing communication, there are quite often. Separate blocks may be allocated in them, each of which has several simple proposals. Inside the blocks, the elements are connected to others in meaning and are divided by punctuation marks with or without unions. In a complex proposal with an unconquoy and allied writing, the facet between them are dividing signs, although individual blocks in meaning may not be connected.

Complex proposals with different types of communication - this is complex sentences that consist not less than from three simple sentences interconnected by writing, supervising and non-union bond.

To understand the meaning of such complex structures, it is important to understand how simple proposals in them are grouped together.

Often complex proposals with different types of communication membership in two or more parts (blocks) connected by writing unions or non-union; And each part of the structure represents either a complex proposal, or a simple.

For example:

1) [Peacon i]: [With my friend there is no], (with whom I would have stored the separation), (who could shake the hand from the heart and wish funny many years) (A. Pushkin).

This is a complex proposal with different types of communication: non-union and supervisory, consists of two parts (blocks) associated non-union; The second part reveals the reason why it is said in the first; I part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II is a complex proposal with two apparent determinants, with homogeneous coen.

2) [Pereulok.was all in the gardens], and [the fences grew lindenwho have gone now, with the moon, a wide shadow], (so fencesand goalon one side completely drowned in the dotters) (A. Chekhov).

This is a complex proposal with different types of communication: writing and supervisory, consists of two parts connected by the writing connecting union and, relationships between parts are enumerable; I part of the structure is a simple sentence; IIRIC science is a complex proposal with the appendage; The apparent depends on the main thing, joins the Union so that.

In a complex sentence, there may be proposals with various types of allia and non-union.

These include:

1) an essay and submission.

For example: The sun has rolled out, and the night followed the day without a gap, as it can usually happen in the south (Lermontov).

(And - compounding union, as - subordinate union.)

Scheme of this proposal:

2) an essay and non-union relationship.

For example: The sun has long been a long time, but the forest has not yet had time to get sick: Gorlinchy murmured near, cuckoo crooked in the remote (Bunin).

(But - compositive union.)

Scheme of this proposal:

3) submission and non-union bond.

For example: When he woke up, the sun was already boated; Kurgan obscured him(Chekhov).

(When - subordinate union.)

Scheme of this proposal:

4) an essay, submission and non-union relationship.

For example: The garden was spacious and only oaks grew; They only began to disperse recently, so now the whole garden with his pop, tables and swings was visible through the young folia.

(And - compounds, so - subordinate to the Union.)

Scheme of this proposal:

In challenging proposals with writing and supervisory connections, the compound and subordination union may be nearby.

For example: The whole day was the beautiful weather, but when we walked to Odessa, I went heavy rain.

(But - the compounds of the union, when - subordaneous union.)

Scheme of this proposal:

Punctuation marks in sentences with different types of communication

In order to properly arrange the punctuation marks in complex proposals with different types of communication, it is necessary to highlight simple sentences, determine the type of communication between them and choose the corresponding punctuation sign.

As a rule, there is a comma between simple proposals in the composition of complex with different types of communication.

For example: [In the morning, trees were covered with luxurious insteim] , and [so two hours went on] , [Then frost disappeared] , [The sun closed] , and [the day passed quietly, thoughtfully , With a drop of the day and abnormal lunar twilights in the evening].

Sometimes two, three and simpler offers most closely associated with each other in meaning and can be separated from other parts of a complex sentence Spin point . Most often, the point with the comma is at the place of the non-union connection.

For example: (When he woke up), [already boiled the sun] ; [Kurgan flashed him with him]. (Offer is complex, with different types of communication: with the non-union and union bond.)

At the place of the non-union between simple sentences as part of a complex possible also comma , dash and colon which are put according to the rules for the alignment of punctuation marks in the non-union complex proposal.

For example: [Already long ago Sun] , but[More Forest did not have time to get squeeze] : [Gorylinki murmured near] , [Cuckoo cuckoo in the remote]. (Offer is complex, with different types of communication: with the non-union and union bond.)

[Lion Tolstoy saw a broken burdock] and [lightning flared] : [The idea of \u200b\u200bthe amazing story about Haji Murate appeared] (Paust.). (Compass is complex, with different types of communication: writing and non-union.)

In complex syntactic structures that fall on large logical-syntactic blocks, which themselves are complex proposals or in which one of the blocks turns out to be a complex proposal, punctuation marks indicating the relationships of blocks, while maintaining the internal signs set on its own own syntactic basis.

For example: [Bushes, trees, even stump me here so well acquaint], (that a wild cutting down I became like a garden) : [Each bush, every pine, church climbed], and [they all became mine], and [it's like I planted them], [this is my own garden] (Arrived.) - At the junction of blocks there is a colon; [Yesterday Waldshnep stuck his nose in this foliage], (to get a worm from under her) ; [At this time we came], and [he was forced to take off, without dropping with the beak, a layer of foliage of the old aspen) (Enter.) - At the stake of blocks there is a point with a comma.

Special difficulties cause putting punctuation signs at writing and supervocating Unions (or writing union and the union word). Their punctuation decoration is subject to the laws of registration of proposals with writing, supervisory and non-union bond. However, there are also special attention to special attention to special attention, in which several unions turn out to be nearby.

In such cases, the comma between the unions is placed if the second part of the double union should not be followed then so but (In this case, the apparent offer can be omitted). In other cases, the comma between the two unions is not put.

For example: Winter came out, and , When the first frosts hit, it was hard in the forest. - Winter came out, and when the first frosts hit, it was hard to live in the forest.

You can call me but , If you do not call today, tomorrow we will leave. - You can call me, but if you do not call today, tomorrow we will go away.

I think that , If you try, you will succeed. - I think that if you try, then you will succeed.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with different types of communication

Difference Scheme of Complex Offer with Different Communications

1. Determine the type of proposal for the purpose of the statement (narrative, questioning, prompting).

2. Specify the type of offer on emotional color (exclamation or non-visible).

3. Determine (by grammatical basics) the number of simple proposals, find their borders.

4. Determine the semantic parts (blocks) and the type of communication between them (non-union or writing).

5. Give the characteristic of each part (block) in structure (simple or complex offer).

6. Create a proposal schema.

Sample discretion of a complex sentence with different types of communication

[Suddenly diluted thick fog], [as if it separated the wall is heme from the rest of the world], and, (so as not to get lost), [ i I decided

Teacher's comments on the studied material

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It is difficult to distinguish a simple offer complicated by homogeneous legend, and a complex proposal, especially if one of the parts of the complex proposal is an incomplete offer.

For example: I was late because I forgot the houses at home.

It should be remembered that homogeneous members of the sentence can only be combined with writing alliances.

A cooking union that binds part of a complex proposal, and a composure union that connects homogeneous members of the sentence should not be confused.

I'm tired and arrived to rest .- The Union binds homogeneous fague;

I'm tired, and I wanted to rest. "The Union binds the parts of a complex proposal.

If there is a submission union in a dubious sentence, then you have a complex proposal, the second part of which is an incomplete offer:

I was late because I forgot the clock at home.

I was very in a hurry, but still late.

With part of a challenge offer, you can confuse a separate member of the sentence, which clarifies a member of the sentence, an introductory design, a comparative turnover.

For example: Cutting a high cape, the steamer entered the bay.

Many gases, such as hydrogen, lighter than air.

It seems his name is Ivan.

Make sure that you are part of a complex proposal with an independent grammatical basis, and not any of the listed designs.

It should be especially noted that the target turnover with the union so that this is the apparent part of the complex proposal, the grammatical basis of which consists of a faithful, expressed infinitive:

To memorize the poem, she read it out loud six times.

If the appropriate offer is inside the main one, you can make an error in counting the number of parts of a complex proposal (in options for answers to the task of this kind, the number of parts of the complex offer) is specified.

Find the grammatical foundations of the proposals that are part of the complex.

In proposal, exactly as many parts as the grammatical foundations. For example:

He quickly studied what was then known in the field of mathematics, and even engaged in his own research.

The basis of the first part: he studied and engaged.

The basis of the second part: what was known.

Consequently, in a complex sentence two parts.

It is not easy to determine the types of communication between parts of a complex sentence with different types of communication.

For example: it was impossible to stop: as soon as I stopped moving, the legs sucking, and the traces were poured with water.

The type of communication is determined by the Union. Find alliances with which parts of a complex offer are associated. If there is no union between any parts, the connection between them is non-union, if the union is compositive or subordinate, then the connection is written or supervisory.

In the example above, the offer consists of four parts. The first (it was impossible to stop) and the third (suction feet) are connected by the reinsoy communication, the second (as soon as I stopped moving) and the third (sucking feet) are associated with a subordinate connection with the help of a verification union as soon as the third and fourth (traces poured water) - writing Communication with the help of writing union a.

Difficult sentence. Types of complex offers

In addition to simple proposals, complex proposals are often used in speech, with which we express our thoughts more deployed by tying them with each other.

Complex proposals are proposals consisting of two or more simple proposals. Simple proposals in the composition of the complex do not possess intonational completeness, do not have their own goal of statements and are combined in meaning and in pronunciation in one.

The storm is already bitch, the wind is weakened.

As it will happen, it will respond.

Frost was terrible, but the apple trees survived.

Simple sentences are connected to the complex two main ways. In allone complex proposals, parts are combined with the help of intonation and unions (or union words - relative pronouns and adverbs). In the non-union complex suggestions, parts are combined only with the help of intonation (without unions and allied words).

The sun shines over the lake, and the eyes are blind from the glare (Union).

Offers with alliances and allied words are divided into two groups: the suggestions are complex, the proposals are complex.

Complex proposals are such proposals in which simple proposals may be equal in meaning and are associated with writing alliances.

June was hot, and windows in homes at night were open.

The fur coat broke the mole, but mittens as new.

Complexed proposals are such proposals in which one of the proposals within the meaning is subordinated to another and is associated with it by a subordination union or an allied word. An independent proposal in the composition of the complex is called the main thing, and the dependent subordinate to the main thing in meaning and grammatically, - the apparent.

If you are in the myster (apparent), go to Efimkina (the main thing).

Kamers want to find (the main thing), what you don't have (Pressing).

Complex proposals with various types of allia and non-union

If a complex offer consists of three or more parts, then some of them can be combined with the help of writing unions, others - with the help of subordinate unions, third - without unions. Such a proposal is called a complex proposal with different types of union and non-union.

I didn't have any one too strong vice, which would have leaned out of all my other defects, there was no picture virtue in me, which could give me some kind of picture appearance, but instead I had a meeting of all possible Food, every little, and moreover, in such a set, in what I have not yet met anyone in any person. (N.V. Gogol).

(This is a complex proposal consisting of six simple, parts of which are connected by a supervisory, writing and non-union bond.)

Parts of a challenge should be necessarily interconnected using writing or supervisory communication. What kind of communication in a complex sentence can be determined by the union and some more important details. So allocate (SSP) and complex proposals (SPP).

To begin with, it should be remembered that the complex offer consists of two or more grammatical foundations that have a single meaning value. From how these bases interact with each other depends on the supply type and required punctuation.

For example, the offer "I will go for a walk" simple, it has one grammatical foundation. But if you add one more part to him ("I will go for a walk, but first I will do lessons"), then you will get the SSP with two foundations "I will go for a walk" and "I will do lessons", where "but" acts as a writing union.

What is writing? This is the interaction of two or more parts that are equal and independent of each other. Suggestions with writing bond are determined by two simple ways.


  1. Ask a question from one grammatical basis to another - usually in SSP it is impossible: "The morning was cool, but I went to ride a bike."
  2. Try to divide the SSP into two separate sentences without loss of meaning: "The sun hidden behind the hill, and the heads of the sunflowers sadly understood" - the "sun went down" and the "Sunflowers heads sadly understood." The meaning is not lost, with one sentence turned into two separate.

Bright examples can be found in Russian folklore: "Hair Log, and the mind is short," "Baba is dancing, and Grandfather is crying," "Baba with WHO, and the mare is easier", they are also found in the descriptions of nature and reflections texts.

Parts of the SSP are typically connected by the same unions, which are separated by types: connecting (and, etc.), separating (or, or, not ... not, etc.) and confirming (but, but, etc.).

It's important to know! Writing communication can be used not only for the connection of simple proposals in the composition of complex, but also for the relationship of homogeneous members involved or particle turns.


If two and more grammatical foundations are used, while they are not equal, but depend on some of each other, then this is a complex sentence with.

The NGN necessarily has the main part and apparent, and from the first to the second one can be asked the determining issue.

For example, "Vasya went out to walk, because his mother started the general cleaning." The main part of "Vasya went out to walk", I ask her the question "Why did he do it?" And in the apparent part of the answer "Because Mom has started a general cleaning."

The secondary or pressing part can act as a circumstance, definition or addition.

Determine this type of interaction can be:

  1. By asking a question from the main offer to the apparent.
  2. Having highlight the grammatical foundations and determining the main one.
  3. Determine the type of union.

On the letter, such a relationship of parts is allocated by punctuation marks, and in oral speech - an intonational pause.

Types of verification

To correctly disassemble the proposal to the part and determine the types of a supervisory connection, it is necessary to properly determine the main part and ask the question from it to the apparent one.

Candidate can be several types:

  1. Determined answers questions: what? which the? whose?
  2. Resessing answers questions of indirect cases, i.e. Everything except the very famous.
  3. Considering answers questions: Where? where to? what for? where? why? when? as?

Since the group of circumstances is very voluminous, then among them there are still subgroups. Determine the view also helps the question.

The apparent circumstantial is the following types:

  • time (when? How long?);
  • places (where? Where? From where?);
  • reasons (why?);
  • goals (for what? For what purpose?);
  • image of action and degree (as? To what extent? To what extent?);
  • comparisons (how?);
  • consequences (what follows from this?);
  • conditions (with what condition?);
  • concessions (contrary to what?).

Important!The appendage is determined on the issue, and not by the type of verification union or the union word. So, for example, the allied word "where" can be used not only in circumstantial pressing places, but also in the apparent determination: "I have a hurry to the house (what?), Where I used to live."

Types of communication in NGN

Since such a proposal often contains several additions at once, it should also determine the subordinate relations:

  • Consistent submission. Each pressing part refers to the Word of the previous Podpan part ("I fished a song that heard yesterday, when we walked around the park").
  • Uniform submission. The structure resembles homogeneous members of the sentence. Pressure parts respond to one question and belong to the same word in the main sentence, while the verification unions may be different ("After what happened, I did not understand how to live and what to do next, how to forget everything and start life again." The formulation of punctuation marks is subject to the same rule as punctuation with homogeneous members of the sentence.
  • Parallel submission. Approvers relate to the same main proposal, but they answer different questions: "I was bored there, despite the crowd of people, because no one was interested in me."

Important! Suggestions can be found and with combined submission.

Subtleties of punctuation

It is equally important to know which punctuation marks should be put in SSP and NGN, because parts are necessarily connected by the Union - the service part of the speech, which is not inclined, does not hide and combines homogeneous members or simple proposals in the complex. It is the union that helps to understand what type of communication is used in the proposal.

Writing and supervisory links in proposals involves the use of union unions. In this case, any of them is necessarily released by a comma on paper, and when reading - an intonational pause.

The verification unions include: what, how, is, barely, only when, where, from where, so much, to what extent, as if, as if, because, if, despite the fact, although dr.

The writing in the proposal and phrase determines the use of unions: and, yes, not only, also, but also, both, both ... and, or, or, but, however, also, that is, etc.

But the proposals are both non-union, in this case, its parts are divided not only with a comma ("The sun rose, the roosters have tightened the morning songs"), but also by other punctuation signs:

  • colon: "I told you: it is impossible to be late!"
  • point with comma: "Stars lit in the sky, filling the night with light; Feeling the night, in the distance overwhelmed wolf on a high hill; Near the tree screamed a night bird. "
  • a dash: "There is no bucket on the street - it's impossible to go out."

Useful video

Let's summarize

The presence of complex proposals make written and oral speech bright and expressive. They can often be found in fiction and journalistic articles. The presence of complex structures allows a person to correctly and consistently express his thoughts, as well as show your literacy rate. Errors in punctuation, on the contrary, indicate low speech culture and illiteracy.