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What birds fly to warm edges

From an early age, we know that in the fall in the sky there are a lot of species of birds, directed to the south. But often children and adults make it difficult to answer that this is what birds are. But before answering this question, let's find out what kind of groups are divided by the Birds.

Scientists all existing types of birds were divided into two groups. One thing was migrated, and to another wintering. All feathers are warm-blooded, that is, the average body temperature in them is about 41 degrees.

Many people also believe that they have to leave for the fact that they can frozen in the winter. But this is not the main reason, simply in the winter period they will be very difficult to find themselves. Thus, the winter can be attributed to those species of birds that are able to reach their meals in the cold period.

To these species include woodpeckers, woodland, tit, rapid, jay, food, Ryabchik, Tetherieva. In addition to them, there are also some inhabitants of the cities that will be able to get meals at any time.

What birds fly away in autumn?

First of all, the insectivorous species of birds fly away in the fall, for example, a shaking. While the opportunity to find seeds or fruits, grainyons still in place. But as soon as the snow falls, or rather when the grains are hidden under the layer of snow, Chii, oatmeal and finch flies. And what birds fly away in the fall, very many probably know. Waterfowl and geese their exhausted places begin to leave when rivers and ponds begin to skip with ice floes.

In addition, some species of birds, both wintering and migratory, their habitats are leaving depending on weather conditions. In cases, if the year turned out to be a crop, and at the same time there was little snow, a bullfin was left to the wintering, a checklist, a waist, nuts. But in cases where the stern furnishings are unfavorable, they begin to adjoin the birds that are going to fly south.

Birds are also divided into migratory and wintering depending on the area of \u200b\u200bdatabase of individuals. For example, even crowds and ravegers begin to fly away in the northern regions in the direction of the south, and their southern counterparts in this period remain in place. Black frozards from Central Russia flies for the winter, and in Western Europe they do not leave their habitats.

Full list of migratory birds

1. Gray Heron - Ardea Cinerea 30. Rubbinnik - TURDUS PILARIS
2. Kanyuk - Buuteo Buteo 31. Shrimba - TURDUS Viscivorus
3. Field Lun - Circus Cyaneus 32. Belobrovik - TURDUS ILIACUS
4. Cheglok - Falco Subbuteo 33. Pevichy Drozd - TURDUS Philomelos
5. Shoulder - Falco Tinnunculus 34. Black Drozd - TURDUS MERULA
6. Quail - Coturnix Coturnix 35. Meadow Chekan - Saxicola Rubetra
7. Corode - Crex Crex 36. Ordinary Gorichvostka - Phoenicurus Phoenicurus
8. Lyshuha - FULICA ATRA 37. Zaryanka - Erithacus Rubecula
9. Chibis - Vanellus Vanellus 38. Ordinary Nightingale - Luscinia Luscinia
10. Sicksturian - Charadrius Hiaticula 39. Varakushka - Luscinia Svecica
11. Chernysh - TRINGA OCHROPUS 40. Garden Plant - Sylvia Borin
12. Waldshnep - Skolopax Rusticola 41. Gray Slavka - Sylvia Communis
13. Lake Seagull - LARUS RIDIBUNDUS 42. Slavka-Write - Sylvia Curruca
14. River Colt - Sterna Hirundo 43. Chernogolovka Slavka - Sylvia Atricapilla
15. Clintuh - Columbia Oenas 44. Petrochka-Vesnyk - Philloscopus Trochilus
16. Ordinary Cuckoo - Cuculus Canorus 45. Poam-Tenkovka - Philloscopus Collibita
17. Ordinary Goat - Caprimulgus EUROPAEUS 46. \u200b\u200bRatchet foam - Philloscopus SIBILATRIX
18. Black Strizh - APUS APUS 47. Green foam - Philloscopus Trochiloides
19. Vertisheka - Junx Torquilla 48. Bolotna Kamyshevka - Acrcephalus Palustris
20. Rustic Swallow - Hirundo Rustica 49. Garden Kamyshevka - Acrcephalus Dumetorum
21. Urban Swallow - Delichon Urbica 50. Kamyshevka-Barscake - Acrcephalus Schoenobaenus
22. Berekhiska - Riparia Riparia 51. Ordinary Cricket - Locustella Naevia
23. Field Lark - Alauda Arvensis 52. River Cricket - Locustella Fluviatilis
24. Forest Horse - Anthus Trivialis 53. Gray Mukholovka - Muscicapa Striata
25. White Wagtail - Motacilla Alba 54. Mukholovka-Pestrushka - FICEDULA HYPOLEUCA
26. Ordinary Zhuralan - Lanius Collurio 55. Small Mukholovka - Ficedula Parva
27. Ordinary Orivga Oreolus Oreolus. 56. Finch - Fringila Colebs
28. Wheems - Troglodytes Troglodytes 57. Ordinary Lentil - Carpodacus Erythrinus
29. Forest Western - Prunella Modularis 58. Reed oatmeal - Emberiza Schoeniculus

Birds - warm-blooded creatures. The average temperature of their body is 41 ° C. This means that they can maintain activity in the cold season, but need more food. Therefore, many birds leave snow-covered native places and go to wintering in warm countries.

The main reasons why birds fly to the south in winter is the lack of food and cold. Flights are most characteristic of high and temperate latitudes: in the tundra almost all types of birds are flying, in Taiga - three quarters of species. The number of flight types in certain habitats depends on how sharply the feed conditions in the summer and winter are different. So, among the inhabitants of forests and settlements about half of the species are departed, and among the inhabitants of fields, swamps, water bodies - almost all kinds. Freight Birds are larger among insectivores and carnivorous, less - among grainyaded. This is understandable: if the grain in the winter is still somehow you can find, there are no insects at all.


But there are birds that the cold is noted. They find suitable conditions for existence on all year round and do not make flights. Such birds are called sental.

In the Winter Forest you can hear how the Woodpecker is knocking, chirping the cinemas, food, ramp, stopping. Does not leave the winter forest and the coarse, because he always has food - delicious pine needles. But TETEREV and rippers eat Olkhovy earrings, kidneys and juniper berries.

An amazing crested bird in the winter will even persuade the nests and climb chicks. Kresty Crest seeds of ate, which extracts from cones using their beak.

Some birds with a favorable winter remain in their homeland, and in the harsh winters they rock from place to place. it koom birds. These include some birds, nesting high in the mountains; At the cold season, they descend the valleys.

Finally, there are also such birds that, with a favorable winter setting, settled, but in unfavorable years, for example, when seeds of coniferous plants, are flying out of their nesting homeland. These are waxes, tits-Moscow, nuts, chchets, bullfinches, jokes and many others. Also behave nesting in the steppes and semi-deserts of Central and Central Asia Szhii.

Winter and wandering birds

Some widespread types of birds are migrated in some places, and in others - settled. Among wild pigeons there are migratory, nomadic and sedentary birds. The gray crow from the northern regions of the Soviet Union flies to wintering in the southern regions, and in the south this bird is somewhat. Black Drozd is a migratory bird, and in the cities of Western Europe - settled. Gracities in more northern latitudes - migratory birds, and in more southern, for example, in Ukraine, in Chernozem, settled. The house sparrow in the European part of Russia lives all year round, and from Central Asia flies to winter in India.

Our children already know that many birds with the arrival of autumn fly to warm edges. But it will not be superfluous to remember this again.

What birds winter in our area? Consider illustrations.

Talk to the child about those birds that remained wintering. And even better try to see them and watch them.

Why some birds fly away

are others staying with us?

Do not hurry to respond to a child, let him be a little stronger, help leading questions.

Where do ducks and geese live? Right, river and ponds. River for them - both home and dining room. What happens to rivers in winter? True, they freeze. So, you need to look for another house with waterfowl.

And what do swallows eat in the summer than feeding their chicks? Flying insects. And in winter insects fly? No, they are hiding from the cold until spring. It turns out that in winter there is nothing to have many birds, so they are looking for their home in other places, warm and satisfying.

Why then the sparrows and cinemas, crows and daws, sitting and woodkens do not fly away? Just all of them can find food for themselves in winter: seeds and fruits of plants and even insects with their larvae under the crust of trees. And if you move closer to people, you can get used to the remains of food, which will necessarily find nearby housing.

Sparrow stakes can be seen on the flowing bushes and trees almost always.

Take off the poem:
For what I love Sparrow?
For the fact that he is like me:
When cold come,
Not flying anywhere.
(V. Levin)

Big cinecraft- also often guests. They feed on, mostly insects that are pulled out from the gaps in the wood crust. Look at how the cinemas will be sink and down the trunks in search of insects.

Watch with the child behind the corners and forty. These birds are omnivores: and insects eat, and grain, and all sorts of food waste.

The birds are small, which remained to winter with us, have not sweet. Still getting to the feed is not easy - it is often happening, hidden under ice and snow. And in winter it is very cold, and the bird need more food than in summer.

Our children already know that he knows that the great benefits that birds bring. If they "subsided", tell them how the cinemas and other little peres are saved by trees from harmful insects. The more birds in the forest or in the garden, the more the trees.

Explain to the child that in winter the birds do not die from the cold, and from hunger. After all, the full bird will not freeze even in the strongest frost. And if you smack together with the child and hang in the park, on the edge of the forest or near the house the feeder, then you will not only be able to watch birds, but also make a good and necessary matter.

If dad agrees to help, you can build fit for all rules. To do this, you will need a small plate or plywood, to which you need to attach low sides. Its in four corners can be suspended on the branch, and even better - to strengthen on a wooden "leg", driven into the ground. Then the feeder will not sway from the wind. Wooden roof does not hurt.

If the feeder hangs in the park, and you and you can not visit the child there often, it is convenient to do "Automatic" feeder. To do this, fill the bottle feed, turn it over with the neck down and secure over a table at a distance of a few millimeters. As the birds eat food, a new one will be filled out of the bottle. In order for the bottle does not scare birds, pre-deceive it with PVA glue, cut break in the sand and dried. Now she looks more "natural" and naturally.

If it is not possible to make a wooden feeder, the design can be consistently simplified. For example, cutting a large window in a plastic bottle or a cardboard package from the milk.

What to treat birds?

The best delicacy is sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

You can pour white bread crumbs. Such a treat will enjoy any birds.

All sorts of cereals (millet, oats, millet, etc.) will be attracted, most likely, only Vorobyev.

Snegiri love rowan berries and eases.

Cinemas can be pampered by pieces of unsalted bass or meat. Just do not put fat directly on the table - the crows will be dragged. Touch it on threads or wires to the branches of trees. So ravene grab the fat is difficult, and the cinema will swing, clinging to a piece of legs.

Who can be found at the feeder? If she hangs in the yard near the house, then the main guests will be sparrowand cinecraft. Not only all sorts can come to the forest dining room. tits but also woodpecker, I. nuthatch.

Birds are very quickly getting used to the trough and visit constantly. If you walk with a child every day at the same time, try to spend such an experiment. Every day, at certain hours, pour into the feeder feed. And very soon you will notice that birds know dinner time and gather at the feeder "on time", waiting for the delicacy. Sometimes all the flock arrives at once, and there are several scout sparrow. The child will probably like the opportunity to observe the feathers and their habits during lunch. Getting used to people, birds will let you close enough. Just behave very much, very quiet.

I do not know how you, but personally, I have flourishing flocks of birds are associated with the inevitability of the onset of cold weather, which contributes to my mood of notes of sadness. And until recently, I did not think about when they fly away. I propose to figure out.

What birds fly away and what no

Birds, which for the time of frosts fly to warm edges, are called migratory. But there are such persistent soldiers, like pigeons, tits, sparrows - they remain in the usual place, and even in harsh conditions, they bring offspring, and experience the winter.

There are such species that destroy only in, so to speak, emergency conditions when strong frosts occur. These include:

  • shcheglas
  • snegiri;
  • read;
  • chic;
  • grachs and gray crows living in the northern regions.

But mighty birds are most. For example, half of them will fly away from the forest, and almost everything from the "residents" of Taiga. But they leave the habitats due to the lack of winter opportunities to extract themselves. Of the mains, you can call swallows, haircuts, larks, cuckoo, and tarts. Of course, this is not the entire list of migrants, it is almost impossible to list all.)

When birds fly away

Any schoolboy will answer that birds fly away in autumn. Although, in fact, they start flying back at the end of August. Different birds migrate at different times.

Cooks are becoming cuckoo labeling. They leave the native edges at the end of summer. The following - swallows and hairstyles, the date of their departure becomes the first September numbers.

The following lovers of foreign rest: Finch and Drozda, preferring in Spain and Italy; Mukholovka flying closer to Africa; Ducks and cranes going to the shores of the Nile.

Family of Krykakov departs in the middle of the first autumn month. These "gourmets" recreation choose Transcaucasia, Caspian, Mediterranean and Azov seas. Geese is massively flying to the Crimea and at the Caspian to the end of September.

Why Wedge

The most interesting thing is that the flight is vital for birds, because those flying in his head. Strong individuals make it easier for comrades from the flow of air flows created by the swords of their wings.

Some species of birds with the onset of cold weather fly away from Russia warm places. Pernaya - warm-blooded animals, with a body temperature of 41 degrees, but what makes them fly to the south for the winter? According to statistics, more than 60 species of birds live on Russian territory, most of which can be migrated to the southern countries. To recognize which birds are flights, you need to pay attention to what they feed. In the conditions of lack of food, birds seek to find food in other territories.

There are insectivores, grain and carnivorous birds. Insectivorous winged flies first, After all, with the onset of cold weather, insects are either hiding or disappeared. The lack of food causes the feathery to fly over it to other countries in which insects are present all year round and the warm temperature is kept.

Pernaya, dwelling in the tundra or taiga, almost all fly there, where the climate is warmer. Among other pilot types of feathers, ornithologists allocate:

  • chaffits;
  • dams;
  • graca;
  • daw;
  • garden Kamyshevok;
  • wintering;
  • chibisov;
  • ivologov;
  • mukholok;
  • lark;
  • cucks;
  • swans;
  • skvortsov;
  • drozdov;
  • solovyov, etc.

Insectivores, carnivorous and grainy

A vivid example of this is a swallow, which is powered by Masky beetles and dragonfly. Swallows prefer to find a food on mediterranean coast. The carnivorous fleeting birds include herons that eat fish and frogs. In the winter period, the lake and the river freeze, which makes it impossible to feed these birds.

Also suffer from graining birds, which are difficult to find in the midst of the snow seeds and grass. Popular herbivore birds - cranes that prefer to prepare for departure in the early autumn. Gathering in flocks, heat-loving cranes notify about their departure of people gunted cry. However, not all the cranes leave their native land, but only those who live in the northern regions of Russia.

Which of the pointed winters?

Splete species of birds do not leave the habitats and do not fly away for the winter in warm edges. Adapted to the conditions of living of modern people and temperatures, the feathers will not fly to the south, but remain, continuing to eat food residues collected from trash cans and landfills.

Also, people themselves feed representatives of sedentary species with the help of special feeders. Pernaya, who do not leave the native land:

  • tits;
  • sparrows;
  • dyatli;
  • snegiri;
  • chic;
  • crows;
  • sweets;
  • crawl;
  • pigeons.

What birds fly to warm edges first

Insectivorous types of winged Leave their native edges first. The haircuts fly high, where insects begin to disappear much more and faster. Next, the south flies swallows.

Singing waguses, eat only dragonflies, whom workshops are intercepted on the fly. Dragonflies, in turn, either die with the onset of cold weather, or hide in secluded places, depriving the strokes of food. At the beginning of autumn, these birds are collected in flocks and put forward on the road at dawn. Return home they are in early spring.

Who flies the latter

After insectivorous species, herbivores fly away. The most recent serves ducks, swans and geese that can find food up to the time when water painting an ice crust. Only then, fish mining will cease to be possible.

Ducks winter on the Balkan Peninsula, swans fly to Greece and the UK, and cranes - in Italy. The so-called "worst" belongs to a separate type of winged. These birds remain in the native edges for autumn and even for warm winter. Slistle, bullfinch, Chizh, Shchur, Schegol and Sitin - Here are representatives of the worsking species. They fly away only if the air temperature is extremely low.

The first cold nights in August are signals for the dental dent. Every year there is migration to the countries of the Mediterranean and Africa. On the African continent, cucks are sent, flousers, swallows. Seagulls migrate to the shores of the Azov and Caspian seas. Skvorts go to France.

Surprise in the ornithologists causes a polar long-tailed paint, which lives in summer and spring in the Siberian regions, and for the winter goes to Antarcticy Scientists are trying to explain such a phenomenon by the fact that the paints eat fish, small raffs, i.e. creatures that live mainly in cold water.

What birds fly to warm edges and why they do it written above. It is necessary to fly away by natural reasons that people do not change in any way, but you can try to make the life of the remaining birds more easy: to feed the birds in winter or build special feeders on the trees. It is unlikely to make other birds do not fly away, but will definitely contribute to the development of the animal world.