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Fortune telling on the shields of the house ways on the narrowed. Reliable fortune telling on the narrowed: in Christmas, the shints, on Ivan Kupala, at normal time. Fortune telling in the snow

Girls from a long time believed that the shields could be learned more about the future husband - his name and character traits, and even see the future beloved in a dream or in the mirror. We collected the most popular fortune telling on the narrowed.

You can guess all the shints, from January 6 to January 19, but best moments For fortune telling Vasiliev Evening (January 13) and Epiphany (January 19) - according to people beliefsThese are days when unclean forces are especially powerful, and they are suitable for attempts to look into the future.

The girl during divination should be serious. You should dissolve the hair, remove the hairpins from them, unleash all the nodes on the clothes, and then remove all the decorations - chains, bracelets, rings, and so on.

Dusting with mirrors

The girl will need two desktop mirrors, preferably the same shape and one size, and two candles. The mirrors need to install one opposite the other to turn out to be a corridor, and light two candles - on both sides. After phrases: "Daughty-narrowed, come to me, in the mirror show" or "Daughty-rude! Come to me dinner! " - It is necessary to look closely in the corridor. When the narrowed, it is necessary to quickly cover the mirror with a rag or handkerchief. Or say: "Chur, me!" So that the vision has disappeared.

Fortune telling at the crossroads with a mirror

The girl goes to the crossroads with a mirror and looks into him, fading: "Daughty-dressed, show me in the mirror." The groom after a while comes in the mirror.

Fortune telling with Valencoma

The girls alternately throw the boots (boots, shoes, sneakers) on the road and in the direction of the "sock" of the boots recognize the side, which will get married

Fortune telling on lanes

The girl comes up to the field of his back and touch his mouth. If it is smooth, smooth, without bitch, then the spouse will be with the perfect character. If the thick and heavy is complete - the husband will be wealthy. If there are a lot of bitch - there are many children in the family, and if the curve is full - the husband will be oblique and chrome.

Fortune telling with ring

Gadgetting takes a transparent glass with a smooth bottom, three quarters fills it with water and lowers in it wedding ring. If you look at it for a long time in his middle, you can see the face of the narrowed.


The girl puts on the windowsill glass, on which the spoon filled with water. If during the night the water will remain in place, then the groom will be a good owner, and if the water goes out, it will not be averse to drink.

Fortune telling with causing sleep about narrowed

In the evening you need to eat something very saline or thimble salt and already speak into bed: "Who is my narrowed, who is my oak, that drinking to me."

Another option is to put a comb, belt and soap under the pillow, and ask: "Daughty-rude, mind of me, taking me, I'll find me." The third is to put a twig or a wand on a mug with water and put under the bed, saying: "Daughty-rude, come to translate me across the bridge."

To repay on the night from Monday to Tuesday, you need to put under the pillow spruce branch And pronounce: "Loose on Monday, I put in the headboard Elnik, dream of me who thinks about me."

Look at night on the night from Thursday to Friday, you need to say: "I'm lying to Matitsa on Friday on Friday. Matitsa, invert, who will love, be dreaming. " (Matitsa is an old name beam in wooden houses.) On Friday, before going to bed, it is necessary to comb your hair and put a comb under the pillow with the words: "Friday, Friday, who loves, will dream."

On the narrowed girl, her loved ones can be repayed: Mother, relatives or girlfriends. The girl who is guessing should not be present at the same time, it is discharged to sleep in another house or at least into another room. At midnight, gadaying hangs the castle on any thing a girl and closes it with a key. The key puts himself under the headboard with the words: "Daughty-dressed come to unsubscribe, out of capture." Who to appear at night for the key, he will be a fiance.

Divination by shadow

The girl lights in the dark room with a candle and with her light looks at his own shadow: if she has a clear outline, which means that he wonders to marry soon, and her family life Will be happy.

Dusting by the window

We must wait when everything falls asleep in the house, sit down from the window, turn off the light and whisper: "Daughty-rude, go past the window." If a noisy crowd goes past the window or someone will shout loudly, whistling, it means that the groom will be rich, silence means poverty of the groom.

Divination by fear

The girl goes along the fence and says stakes in him, saying: "Rich, poor, widower, cholester". On what word to stop, this and the groom will be.

Fortune telling

The match is lit and stick into some kind of gap and look where it falls when he burns, - from the side and will be the fiance.


Having placed on the floor the ring, a hook of straw and a piece of bread, cover these three objects with a handkerchief, from under which then take out someone to whom it will get. The ring means that the groom will be a squirrel, the bread is rich, and the hook is poor.

Divination in the name

It is necessary to write on the sheets of paper on one male name and put, for example, in a hat. Then the name that the girl pulls out, and will be the name of her future husband.

Towel fortune telling

The white towel is hanging over the window with the words: "Daughty-rude, come and ferment." If the morning the towel is dry, then you should not count on marriage if the towel is wet, then the wedding is.

Fortune telling with a rooster

In one plate, grain pour out (or put money), water is poured into another, the mirror is put on the other, sometimes brings a chicken. The rooster, approached the mirror, symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom, choosing grain (money) - the wealth of the narrowed, water is a tendency to drunkenness, and if the rooster fit to the chicken, it means that the groom will be a "womanist".

Fortune telling tali in themselves the mysterious presence dark forceswho accompanied the process. Therefore, we were usually brought by a late evening with candles. Animals, as a rule, were removed from the hut, as cats and dogs were distilled off unclean spirit, and he had to help the fortunelists find out their fate.

One of the most terrible ghosts was to go to the bath at night, to light 2 candles, shake up to goal, put 2 mirrors opposite each other, forming a mirror corridor, and called the narrowed. After a certain time, the mirror had to appear by the narrowed, and in fact it was a demon who took the human appearance. And if it does not turn the mirror in time with special words: "Chur, unclean, get out!", - The Bes could break out of the mirror outside and pick up the soul of a gadget girl. We will not give here such scary fortune telling, but tell about the most common and simple - simple fortune telling For the future, on the relationship and about their interpretation.

Most of the soda fortunes are designed for a group of unmarried girls girlfriends - fortunewls, since one guess is not very interesting. Since today fortune telling on the shints turned rapidly into entertainment, then the more girlfriends will be gathered, the better and more fun.

Saty fortune telling on the water - who the first will marry

It is necessary to take a sick wide pelvis and pour water to the edges. Then every girl should make a shore from halvery shell walnutBy stinging it with bread and in the form of a flag on a match, attach a piece of paper with your name or its own color. At the same time, all girlfriends must put their boat into the center of the pelvis with water and remove the hand. That girl, whose boat the first will get down to the edge of the pelvis and touches him - married the first one of all the girlfriends will come out, and, accordingly, it is so determined by the second, third, etc. Bride. Blow to ships and help them can not.

Fortune telling on cups and objects on the beloved and his signs

For fortune telling on the signs of the future beloved husband, mugs are needed and objects - ring, coin, white and black thread, grain, needle, Sukharik, peas. All these items are put under the circles and move so that you do not see what it lies. Then the girl chooses one or several mugs and determines the signs of the narrowed. Deciphering values: White thread - blond, black brunette, needle - thin, grain - dubbed, ring - handsome, Sukharik - will be old or much older than the bride, the peas - will be green, that is, a young, coin will be rich. You can also come up with different subjects and put them under the circles.

Saccine fortune telling

Usually, the boots threw through the fence, standing in the yard, turning his back to the gate. Throwing, they went out to look where the sock point points - in that edge and lives narrowed. Today you can become a face to the door of the entrance and throw boots over the shoulder, making sure that you will not get into any passionate.

By the way, you can also guess in the passion too. You need to get out on the street in the evening, approach the first thing that fell in a passing and ask him the name of his narrowed. The fate in the face of the passerby should accurately impose a fortunelist about the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling on matches

This is a simple fortune telling. Two girls, holding in their hands on a match, make a desire and the third match simultaneously set fire to the first two. Whose match will burn rather - the desire will turn quickly. Furious match - will not turn at all, burned out half - partially will come true.

Foreign on wax or paraffin

Wide famous appearance Divination at which you need a candle from wax or paraffin and a wide plate with water. A piece of wax lay in a spoon and melts over fire, then pour it into cold water (Sometimes through the ring of gadget - for loyalty). According to the resulting image, future events are predicted. Or, in advance, they make a question and his answer is interpreted by the wax image

Cat or dog fortune telling

The girl makes a desire or question (with the answer "yes" or "no") and calls from the next room your favorite animal. If the right foot will seem due to the angle, the answer "yes" or the desire will come true and the opposite of the left is "no".

Fortune telling for the future on burnt paper

Drop in the dark, with a lit candle. On an iron or other, a non-burning tray or dish girl puts a crumpled sheet of paper, makes some question or just asking about the future. The tray is installed against the wall to see the shadow from paper on it, the paper is set up. When the paper burns, you need to look at the outline of the shadow of the burnt sheet. Of course, such a fortune telling assumes the existence of a developed imagination from the fortunewriters. Here are some decryptions of possible symbols: the house is possible to move, flowers - to joy, rocker - to the gossip, dove, heart - to new Love or wedding.

Saty fortune telling on dumplings for the future

For this, gadget girls should be able to cook. In the evening, girls make dumplings, adding additional ingredients to some of them - salt, pepper, peas, sugar, wheat, bay leaf, onions and others. Then the dumplings are boiled and by what you get to the dumplings can be determined what will happen in the near future. Salt - to a quarrel, pepper - chagrin, peas - to replenish, sugar - fortunately, wheat - to wealth, bay leaf - to luck and luck, onions - to tears. You can come up with the importance to other spices and additives - cinnamon, beans, carnation, etc.

Fortune telling on the book

This is a fortune telling to get a response to the question. Take a book - preferably artistic or church, but not technical and not poetry. Well fit the books of fairy tales. Guess the question, and then at random say page number and string. Find this line - this will be the answer to the question. Too understanding and superstitious girls are better not to ask vital issues, since the answer may disappear.

Fortune telling on a beloved - definition of the name

Looking to bed, the girl puts under the pillow of a piece of paper with male names. In the morning pulls the first piece of paper and finds out the name of it narrowed. You can put the comb under the pillow and before going to say the words: "My squeezed, coming to me, make me some braids." This night future husband Must dream of a gadget girl.

The time after the first star for Christmas (the festival of the strides) is going to the baptism of the Slavic-pagans over the centuries was the time of the soda fortunes. How many exciting and memorable moments happened with our ancestors during this period! Someone recognized the name of the narrowed, someone made to get wealth, and otherwise waiting for the prophecies regarding all of their destinies.

The tradition of guessing on the shield did not die today and today, although it is officially prohibited by Christianity as well as most of other religions.

Do you believe in bachers' fortune tells? For example, in what you can see your future in a bowl with water or in a dream?

The girl has long been in Russia, the girls wondered in the so-called in night and almost all of their questions were associated with marriage ...

Usually those who sincerely believed in the soda fortune telling, "invited", as they said then, came true. In general, everything is very relatively relatively relative to and demands a living imagination, without it, it is impossible to see bizarre images and symbols without it.

So, 6 of the most proven ghosts on the holies, told by our grandmothers.

It's simple

Fortune telling for the future, to a new meeting

All you need is an ordinary boot, which will need to roll through the fence. They attach and see who the first will go: a woman - to a friend, and if a man is, then go to watch, where to turn the sock of the boot - from the other side and wait for the groom. After all this, you, of course, can pick up your boots home, he will come in handy.

Not for the faint of heart

Fortune telling on the narrowed

This burner on the future spouse is perhaps rightfully can be called the most terrible. You will need 2 mirrors, 2 candles and considerable exposure. In one of the sinic nights at midnight, blossom hair. In front and behind you put the mirrors so that they are reflected, spread the candles on the sides. Then it remains only for a long time peering in the mirror facing you. In theory, there you will see your future groom, but the mirror must immediately close something or lower it down until your squeezed you, not turned around. If you see - do not wait for the mug, because the mirrors are a passage to the other world ... And you never know what can happen there. It is said that the image of the narrowed adopts the devil himself.

Not difficult and not scary

Fortune telling on fate

As always, it happens at midnight ... you will need only 3 things: a glass with water, a squirrel raw egg And whose wedding ring. In a glass (or in a transparent cup), we pour the protein from the egg with water, then throw the finish there. And we leave everything until next morning. Waking up, begin to peering into the shapes that turned out in the water. Here, besides your imagination, no one will help. They say some see, for example, the dome of the church is to marriage. Well, what will you see - that is your fate.

Simply nowhere

This is a fortune telling on the groom

All you need is matches and a glass with water. Before bedtime, we put a well before bedtime, we put a filled glass nearby. Then we go to bed, and before bedtime we say: "Daughty-dressed, come from the well from the well." And now you can with a sense of accomplishment to go to bed. The one who will dream is the future groom.

A little mysticism

Fortune telling on fate

Such divination will take part of your time. We take the sheet of newspaper, well by him, so that it becomes soft. We turn the larger ceramic plate to the bottom up, put on it the newspaper and set on fire. By this time, you already have a burning candle behind your back and the reflection of it should fall on the wall, on which you, like on the screen, will consider patterns from the smoldering newspaper. Actually here, as in the case of protein, your assistant is imagination.

And finally

Fortune telling at wish

You write 20 of your desires on 20 pieces of paper. Put them on the night under the pillow. In the morning, pull out the 3 - those you pulled out, should be done.

From the Christmas Christmas Eve on January 6 and before Baptism, on January 19, from ancient times, it was customary to guess.

From the Christmas Christmas Eve on January 6 and before Baptism, on January 19, from ancient times, it was customary to guess. Basically dealt with this unmarried girlTrying to find out the wedding date or the name of the future groom. Also popular were the inquiry divisions for the fulfillment of desire, wealth, fate, writes

Many practiced fortune-telling on the shields and Christmas for our day. Here are a few best ways.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

Exactly at midnight come to the intersection to "listen to the district." Cheerful laughter or singing non-coming means a rapid marriage, fun. If there is a crying or in order - this year weddings will not be.

Fortune telling on a sapper

Find out which side the narrowed live, you can with the help of boots. Each participant of divination closes his eyes, spins in place, then dramatically stops and throws his boot over his shoulder. In which direction, that will fly and sock will indicate, on the side and fate awaits.

Fortune telling

An unmarried girl needs to go at midnight to the street and ask the name from the first counter-male.

Fortune telling on the mirror and moon

In one of the sinic nights, when the moon is visible to the sky, take a small mirror, go to the window and direct the mirror so that it is reflected in it. Watch intently - after a while instead of one month you will see a few. Calculate how many months you encouraged - so big and there will be her family.

Fortune telling with three mirrors

For this divination, three mirrors will be required about the same size and two high candles. Begin such fortune-ups at midnight, threading yourself with a magical circle - a sign of protection (drawn and chalk, and a burning lady, and a candle).

Two mirrors put one opposite the other on the sides from ourselves, burn the candles in front of them, and install the third. You must see in the side mirrors reflected from the third mirror, from where it should appear from the castorcall behind you.

In no case can not be turned around, as well as too long to consider the figure in the mirror. If the vision is frightening, tell me three times: "Chur me!" - And stop the fortune telling, extinguishing the candle.

Fortune telling with a candle

It is better to spend the fortune telling alone so that no one knocked down from thoughts. You need to take a bowl with water, light the usual candle, and on its flame to melt some wax in a metal spoon. After that, the wax should pour molten wax into the water and look carefully on the resulting figure.

Kitchen fortune telling

You need to rotate the usual kitchen knife On ordinary cutting board. The knife is put in the center of the board. At the edges of the board lay down the papers on which possible answers are written: "Yes" and "No".

need to suffer;

fear false friends;

ahead of good news;

long-awaited letter;

success in affairs;

an unexpected guest;

tears will replace joy;

carry out from afar;

new fan;

unexpected meeting;

an important letter.

It is necessary to focus on the question, and then turn the knife. This makes three times, getting three answers. Among them (not necessarily first) will be the answer to the question, while others will be additional messages associated or not related to the original issue.

Fortune telling on matches

On the sides match box Insert two matches and burn. If the burnt heads turned to each other, then the "mounted" guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling on the threads

Cut the threads of the same length and burn them. Who has a faster thread, the first one will be married. If less than half of the thread or the thread went immediately, then this year you will not marry.

Fortune telling for wealth

Grilled Lucin quickly immerse in water. If it goes immediately, it means that poor life is expected, and if the fire goes above - rich.

Fortune telling with a cat

Clean the desire and test the cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw, it means that the desire will come true. If right - no.

Tsarsky Son.

Put the four kings under the pillow of the kings from the card deck and say the spell request: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, he dream in a dream!" The narrowed-rude must necessarily dream - in the image of the king - with the crown on the head and in the royal mantle.

Saty fortune telling With maps to desire

Peretasite card deck, pull six cards out of pack, open them and make a desire to any card that is not in these six. The remaining thirty cards are drag and lay the stacks of two, three, four, five and six cards. If the migrant card is in any stack, which means:

2 - the desire will not come true;
3 - hardly;
4 - will meet serious obstacles;
5 - may come true;
6 - will come true.

If the cherished card still did not fall out, these stacks (two, three, four, five and six cards) need to be removed, and at the beginning of the open six cards to mix with the remaining ten cards and spread on one card, saying: "Wait-terpi" , "Likui", "Skeil", "Mahni hand." In which words the migrant card falls out, they will answer whether your desire will come true.

Saty fortune telling with maps on fate

Take a deck of thirty-six cards, drag and remove the "cap". Choose a king or a lady (depending on the floor of those who you wonder) any suit and without removing cards from the deck, spread in four rows of nine cards. Those cards that will be about the conceived king or lady will tell about your fate.

Chirva: loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.
Bubnes: wealth; Promotional, secured and cheerful life.
Trephs: trouble, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.
Peaks: Good luck in any undertaking and success in society.

The value of cards

Ace is a love letter.
The king is a passionate man.
Lady - Bride.
Valts is a pleasant guest.
Dozen - news of love.
Nine - Love explanation.
Seven - fun.
Six - cheerful road.

Ace - letter.
King is a young man, bridegroom, unhappy lover.
Lady - young girl, windy woman.
Curlee - Cash troubles.
Ten - gift.
Nine - obstacle.
Eight - hatred.
Seven - infidelity.
Six - cheerful road.

The most mysterious and mystical days of the year were winter shints. The time when the boundaries were erasing between the worlds, when everything began to live at the same time: the past and future, real and unreal. These days there is a feeling that just just turn to see this forbidden world at her back.

In the oldest times of the Sky, they shared the first week, which was called the saint and the second week, which was called terrible. Our ancestors believed that the dead and not only the dead were returned to us in a terrible week. There was a belief that God himself opened at this time the gates of hell so that the demons and devils could gladly see Christmas.

When are the soda fortune telling? It is believed that from January 6 to January 19, in the period of the winter, the shin comes to our world any evil. Especially strong days for fortune telling were January 7 (Christmas) Night from January 13 to 14 (Vasilyev Day) and Epiphany evening from 18 to 19 January.
At that time, it was customary to guess.

How to see the narrowed in a dream?

In one of the sinic nights, dissolve your hair and before going to sleep, say the following words: "I pray you, the three saints of the king. Send a dream to me on this night, to whom I have to hold the bed. To whom to wash the shirts. Whose name to wear me. Whose bride to be? " Going to bed with thoughts about the future groom, in a dream you should see his image.

Another fortune telling on the name narrowed on paper. It is necessary to write all the names that you will come to your little paper, put them under the pillow and go to bed. Outline without getting out of bed, you need to pull one piece of paper from the pillow. Name on a piece of paper and will be the name of the future husband.

Also, there is a fortune telling the bridge on the narrowed, you need to weave from the twigs of the old broom of the bridge, as shown in the picture, put it under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my own, he will translate me through this bridge." On this night you can dream of a dream where you will see the image of your future husband. Another option of the same fortune telling. Put a glass with water from the headboard, and put on top wooden stick.. Looking to sleep, tell me: "Durable - outer, come to me, I'm translate through me".

Another option of the same fortune telling on the narrowed on the matches. You need to build no bridge, but a well made of matches. Also put it under the pillow and say: "Sugar-rich leaves come drunk!".

Fortune telling on the mirror on the narrowed

There is a very old and beautiful fortune-telling to learn its narrowed or person who is intended for the fate. For this, you will need two mirrors, great and small, two wax candles around the edges big Mirrors and a minimum of light. Holding small mirror In hand before large mirror, Position it so that the corridor is formed.

Need to say: the narrowed my rich come to me dinner. Looking in the mirror you need to look out for a silhouette-image of a person who will gradually approach you. Fire candles at the same time begins to fill up. You do not need to be afraid, but when you begin to consider some features and it will seem to you that the silhouette is already quite close, you need to sharply lower the mirror and say, Chur me or Chur of this place!

Some say that this fortune telling is better not to carry out one, it is desirable that someone else can in the room, others believe that it is possible to see the image of the future husband only in full solitude. When you see that the silhouette is approaching too close, the fortune telling must be stopped and no longer look at this night in the mirror.

Divination on the comb on the narrowed

Prepare a good comb from the evening natural material (Better wooden) Waking up in the morning, spread it your hair, then carefully remove them and count.
0 hair - fortune telling failed
1 hair - Soon you will meet your narrowed, maybe he is already near you
2 Volos - wait for news or sign from the future groom (bad or good; duality)
3 Volos - you have a rival or traitor (third extra)
4 Volos - Difficulties on the Way (Fighting)
5 hair and more - fortune telling failed (pay attention to its hair)

The next fortune telling on the narrowed in a dream with the comb. You need to put your old comb (which you only used) under the pillow and say: "You're MO MOY, OUT, YOU, YOU COME TO ME TO I COME, AND THE HEAD OF MY TRAIN. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"
Suggested should come to you in a dream, his face is almost never remembered, but the image itself can be found.

Another fortune telling with the comb under the pillow on the narrowed. Before you go to bed, spend on the hair of your personal comb and say:
"Delicious my darling, you come to me in a dream, yes crest mine. Amen". Then the comb cleales under the pillow and go to bed. If in the morning you will find on the comb of men's hair, then in a short time you will meet your destiny.

Fortune telling on candlelight

Light a candle and let it cut an hour. Fill the bowl or bowl of cold water. Mentally ask the question that interests you, for example about the groom. (However, you can ask any questions.) Now you need to pour wax into the water and consider the resulting figures. Here you need to give the will to your imagination and intuition, carefully consider the figures obtained, think about what they look like more and that they can fill you.

Foreign two candles will suit the recently established pair. For fortune telling you will need two identical candles. Each empty the names of the spouses.
You need to take the shape filled with salt or sugar and put two candles there. Simultaneously light both and watch. That candle that burns faster, symbolizes submission and softness. If the candles are burning smoothly and strongly, then the relationship will be strong. If the candles or candle are cracking-jerks, then scandals are not avoided. If one candle was extinct - it will be waiting for parting.

Another fortune telling with a candle on the narrowed. Buy a church candle and select a day when you just want to repay. Take a sheet of paper Write your beloved name on it, burn the candle and completely burn the leaf with the name.
Collect the ashes in your palm and go out, or just open the window and drop your hand. If the ash does not fly away, but remains in the palm of your hand, then your union will be strong.

Divination on the rings on the narrowed

Write a wedding ring from your mother or other relatives and rinse it well under running water.
Take the glass and pour water into it, but not to the edges. Passe through the ring your hair, the tips of the hair. Take your index and thumb, while building some kind of pendulum.

Now holding a ring over a glass, you can ask your questions. If the ring as a pendulum swings from side to side, then the answer is not. If moving in a circle, then the answer to your question is yes. If it is without movement, then there is no answer to your question. You can also assume the number of rings of the rings about the glass, and to check it over time when your question comes true. After each question, the ring must be lowered into the water.

Another fortune telling to see the imagined with a wedding ring. To do this, take a smooth glass without drawings. Poured into it clean waterAnd the wedding ring is thrown onto the bottom. Then whispering above the glass: "Daissed-rude, come!"
Then closely peeled in the middle of the ring, which is at the bottom of the glass. They say that some, after some time, begins to see the image of the future groom. They will soon be married.

Fortune telling on the narrowed from Thursday on Friday

It is usually guessing on a shield, on the night of Thursday to Friday at the increasing moon. Eat something salty before bedtime and go to bed with the words:
"The narrowed, muddy, come to me, I drink me."
By believing to you in a dream, your squeezed and sue water should appear.

Another fortune telling on the narrowed in a dream. Take on a small pile of poplar, aspen and birch. Tie them together with a thread from clothes that you often wear. Put a linked bouquet under the pillow and tell three times: "Balideff, Asamalby, Abumaleff" You have to dream your narrowed.
Before you go asleep: "Laja is young in the Zion mountains, 3 of the holy angel in my heads. The first one sees, the second will say, my third destiny will predict "they say that a dream that dream of this night will predict your destiny.

BUT next divination Almost every girl knows. Look at a new place, you need to say: "I sleep-go in a new place, dream of your bride."

Simple fortune telling on the narrowed on the maps. Take a new one who does not touch the deck of cards, choose from it 4 kings, put them under the bed and prescribe them to the heel of your shoes. Going to bed with the words: "Delicious - outer, waiting for you dressed. Come - show up, hang on me. " In a dream, your narrowed one should appear.

Fortune telling on Andrei First Called

Andrei wasproarly revered on Russia as a patron saint of marriage and faith. On the night of December 13 in Andreev, the day was taken to guess on the narrowed. It is said that on this day you need to be pure not only soul, but also the body. On this day, the post was taken.
Take a wide bowl and attach (for example as a scotch) around the bowl male names. Take the half of the walnut and secure the candle sparks on it. Pouring into a bowl of water, our boat can be sent to swimming. To what name he sails the name and will wear your groom.

Post your towel to the balcony, saying: "My dear, squeezed, appearing and a towel, I wrap up," If the morning is wet towel - it is waiting for you in the future groom. If dry, then this year you walk in girls.

Before bedtime, it is poured a glass of water and put it on the balcony, saying how many tubercles will be, so many sons and how many daughters will be. In the morning, the tubercles and snaps are considered.

Another simple fortune telling on Andrei on December 13 on the narrowed. Stand early in the morning of December 12, put on the belt and do not remove it until the evening. All day do not eat anything and pray, and in the evening, remove the belt and put it under the pillow, folding in the form of a cross. Before bedtime, tell me: "I live in grade Kiev on the mountains, put the cross in the heads; With whom to be marred, with whom to get shed, with the hands of holding hands on the night of December 13, the groom should be in a dream.

Fortune telling on Nicholas Miracle

Day of Nicholas The Wonderworker, celebrated on December 19, coincides with the Russian festival farewell to the Sun and old life, West Veles. On this day it was customary to guess, and both kinds prayed to St. Nicholas about good marriage For their children.

Take the mirror and on the night of December 19, send the mirror so that in it you have seen a reflected month. Over time, you can see not one in the reflection, but a few months. The more months you saw. Especially the big one will be your future family.

Cut the cardboard heart and write on it all the names that come to your mind. Then turn it over and stick the needle in the back of the heart. Then the name does the needle point, will wear your future fiance.

Fortune telling at the crossroads of the road. You need to get out late in the evening at the intersection of the road, stand up on it and listen to the surrounding. Laughter and funny voices symbolize a good year in everything, crying and howl dogs on the contrary symbolizes about failures in the near future.

On this day, on December 19, the girls filmed their shoes and threw her for the gate. The further the boots fly away, the spouse further lives from the bride. Which way will indicate the sock, from there and come the groom. If the sock indicates on your own home, then the weddings will not be in the near future.

On the day of the holiday, you can go to church and put a candle at the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker and pray. It is said that it helps to extort the mind, and in the soul it becomes easier.