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When to transplant the mustache of strawberries in the fall. Proper landing of garden strawberries in August and autumn. Features of removable strawberries

Strawberry is one of the very first berries that we manage to try in the new summer season. The plant is unpretentious enough. For a berry, it is easy to care for, and she, in turn, will reward you with delicious fruits. Sooner or later, before each dachnik, the question arises of how and when to transplant strawberries. And here it is impossible to rely on Russian. Everything should be done correctly, otherwise the berry will stop fruit.

Features of strawberries

The berry is considered a perennial plant, the height of which is no more than 25 cm, and the width is 40. The strawberry begins to grow from early spring and until the end of the ripening of fruits. When the last berries remain on the bush, the leaves begin to dry hard. Only this plant has two growth rates. The first flowers appear on the bushes after 30-35 days. Their number can reach about 20 pieces. When a month passes after the first flowering, the first berries begin to appear. During the fertile period, strawberries need to be carefully and abundantly. So that your berries grow well, the earth ferture, purified from weed herb and necessarily loose. It is worth remembering that strawberries are not considered a winter-hardy plant, but low temperatures are fine in our latitudes. A good harvest can only be obtained for the first 5 years, after which the bushes need to be updated, and for this you need to know how and when to transplant strawberries. We will pay close attention to this question so as not to make mistakes.

Proper Groke

A good crop will fully depend on the place you have chosen. Everyone knows that over the years, the strawberries begins to fine. So you can avoid it, we will teach you to update the garden. The land on which the berry grows, over the years, depletes its supply of nutrients. It is beginning to multiply various insects and diseases. The perfect primer must meet the following criteria:

  • the land is allowed on which leggings grew;
  • it is definitely disinfecting with special solutions, such as manganese;
  • do not put strawberries after potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • on the ground, scatter wood sawdust.

It is worth paying particular attention to the issue of how and when you can transplant strawberries.

Spring or autumn

Before replanting the plant, remember that strawberries have a weak livelihood, from which it is bad for a new place. For this procedure, you can allocate time in the spring, summer and even in the fall. It is not recommended at the end of April and early May to remove the berry from its space. Bushes will be sick, and you will not get the desired harvest. In the rest of the strawberries, it is unpretentious, but there is a certain series of conditions that must be completed. This will help berries to adapt. So, here they are.

Condition 1. Choose the right weather. The most favorable moment is the cloudy day when the air temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. The severe heat affects the state of the plant, as the leaves begin to fade and dry the roots.

Condition 2.Make berries short sunny day. This will make the roots go well, but you should not hope for a big harvest.

Condition 3. On the question of when it is better to transplant strawberries, we can safely answer - always. The main thing, observe careful watering and do not hope to rain. Soil must be moisturized every day.

Condition 4. Make shadow for strawberries. To do this, you can use a special material that produces a black or dark green shade. It helps dispel the sun's rays, which gives the bushes of berries well adapt in a new place.

Opinion of professionals

Many gardeners are similar in the opinion that it is not worth transplanting the berries in the spring. They reinforce their knowledge as follows:

  • long daylight;
  • bushes lose all vitality;
  • a lot of care and hassle with berries that are shown in spring.

Experts tend to believe that the procedure is better to carry out in the fall. In particular, this is suitable for the end of August - the beginning of September. But even if you reach October, then there is nothing terrible. The maximum period in which it is allowed to make a transplant can reach the time of the appearance of the strongest freezers. Remember that no one forbids you to do it in spring or summer, you just need to know the subtleties of such a delicate procedure. Now you are aware when to transplanted strawberries in the fall.

Summer time

If you are going to transplant the berry on a hot, then be prepared for long-term diseases and adaptation of bushes. There are a number of rules that must be completed:

  1. If you decide in advance what you will be engaged in a berry summer, then early in the spring Start preparing the soil at your chosen garden.
  2. For fertilizers, use complex drugs in which the great content of potassium, magnesium and manganese.
  3. Make a strawberry transplant before its flowering.
  4. Sit the bushes at a distance of 35 cm from each other.
  5. Do not dig roots in advance. They quickly dry and lose their strength.
  6. If you did not have time to squint the berries before flowering, then postpone it until July. Strawberry will give the whole harvest, and you can safely do it.
  7. In the summer, before injection of roots, it is worth preparing a solution in which they must be placed. To do this, prepare the following ingredients: clay, water, manure. All thoroughly mix and treat the roots of the plants.
  8. Recommended from strawberries to crop off all the leaves.

Now you know how and when to transplant strawberries in the summer.


We disassembled when we replant with strawberries in the fall, summer and spring. Consider general requirements for such a delicate procedure. This includes the following features:

  1. For the lescape, take seedlings from the first mustache. Subsequent copies have no power and will not cope with wintering.
  2. To dig a whole bush of the plant, you must prepare two shovels. They will help dig root uniformly on both sides. It is desirable that the Earth remains. It will help protect all small roots.
  3. Before boarding the berries, the well should be filled with water. Then the bush is placed, dig it and pour it out again. It is necessary to feed the soil with constant moisture. You can do it with your hands, from the hose or adjust drip automatic sprayers.

Now you know when to transplant strawberries. It remains only to choose a time period. It is worth touched upon the problem with the preparation and fertilizer of the soil, as well as talk about the care of transplanted bushes.


You know when you can transplant strawberries. In the summer, in the fall or spring - to solve only you. Special attention is paid to permanent fertilizers. Housewarming Your berries need to be planned at least 8 months. During this time, organic substances are completely absorbed into the ground. But almost no one withstands such deadlines. Many gardeners make a hottest transplant, so consider the rules for those in a hurry.

For each square meter of your beds prepare:

  • manure - about 3 kg;
  • orthophosphorous fertilizer in the amount of 200 grams;
  • selitra ammonia - 100 grams;
  • purpose leaves, organic trash.

On such land, your perennial berries will grow every year better. Strawberry is a lovers of potassium, so it is necessary to put such fertilizer in the hole. It should also be made during the period of increasing berry. For this, 20 grams are enough for each root. With such a fertilizer, the plant accumulates the forces that help survive into strong frosts. And of course, choose only a drumine soil. Now you know, not only when you can transplant strawberries, but also how to fertilize it correctly.


It is important not only to know when to transplant strawberries in the spring, summer or autumn. Take attention to the question of how it can be properly propagated. Consider how and when to transplant strawberries by the mustache:

  1. Choose the best and large bushes of berries.
  2. For reproduction, use only the first mustache that the largest.
  3. If you have young plants, then seedlings should be prepared only in the first year.
  4. Before breeding, let the mustache grow into their pleasure. After the socket grows big, stick it and paint.
  5. Before the transplantation of the mustache constantly glue them, step by weeds.
  6. For resettlement, they are suitable for the end of July.

When to transplant strawberries by a mustache, you know. It remains to explore the rules for the care of berries. He is simple, but you need to know all the subtleties.

Berry care

We looked at when you can transplant strawberries in summer, spring and autumn, and now let's talk about leaving. It includes the following:

  • at the beginning of the summer season, it is worth thorough land, and remove old leaves and garbage from it;
  • feed the bushes by manure;
  • daily watering will help you from dry summer;
  • after harvesting, remove all the mustache, cut the leaves on the bushes and brand the soil;
  • in front of wintering, stitching a straw or special material that protects your plants from cold weather.

Knowing when it is better to transplant strawberries, you will get a rich harvest of ripe and sweet berries in the new season.


If you carefully studied our article, you already understood that everything is in your hands. We answered the main question: "When to transplant strawberries in summer, spring and autumn?" Provided for detailed information on how to properly prepare the soil and bushes for resettlement. Use our article as a detailed instruction for a novice gardener. And then you will not have any questions about when to transplant strawberries.

The cultivation of strawberries in the country has long turned into a tradition. The development of the new territory near the house is usually beginning with the planning and distribution of the best sites between your favorite cultures.

For all the rules, strawberries are given the solar place. Even a light shadow affects not for the better on the fruiting of garden varnish strawberries, or strawberries - how to call it.

May seem strange but strawberry - evergreen plant, she has no rest period. The growth continues under the snow, only not as fast as in the spring.

Almost strawberries can be planted at any time of the year - the bush will not die.

So to reason permanently in two cases:

  • urgently need to determine the seedlings to the garden;
  • there was an opportunity to master the new plot.

Planted in an unsuccessful time, strawberries will probably survive. It may even bloom and give berries. But their quality and quantity will make doubt either in a planted grade, or in their gardener talent.

It is necessary to remember: the crop of garden strawberries directly depends on the number of laid flower kidney, which develop in the autumn-winter period.

Their number is associated with the general development of the bush, the state of the roots and full nutrition in the second half of the year.

Planted in spring strawberries Fully uses the reserve of melt water and for August forms a powerful plant, but flower kidney (even if they were) will give little berries. All the forces of the plant were aimed at acclimatization in a new place.

Positive moment - A powerful "Victoria" bush with large leaves for the summer synthesizes a lot of nutrients. These sugars are not only postponed in a false stem (the so-called "horns"), but also allow the plant to form fruit kidneys. In other words, you have a crop over the next year.

Strawberries can be planted at any time - in the fall or in the spring - the bush will take root and even give berries

In the second half of summer, strawberries usually have already time to form a mustache with outlets of new plants - high-quality planting material.

Usually for breeding the variety use the first two outlets - They give the strongest and fruit bushes of strawberries. The extreme sockets can also be planted, but they are lagging behind in growth.

Such planting material is used only with the lack of seedlings, they require more careful care and increased attention after a transplant.

Advantages and disadvantages of landing in August and autumn

Important advantages under autumn:

  • the presence of high-quality planting material;
  • usually, a part of the beds is released at the end of the summer;
  • strawberry seedlings have time to take care of a new place.

Autumn planting of berry bushes has a flaw. The end of summer in the continental climate is usually a dry and hot period. To the planted plant normally rooted, it is necessary to control the situation.

So far, the obviously new leaves will not grow, the strawberry has not yet passed. All time time before it is necessary careful care (this is about two weeks):

  • watering (only deep, otherwise the roots will remain on the surface, and the bush will constantly suffer from lack of water);
  • ruffle rims (It is necessary not only to keep water, but also to deliver oxygen to the air to growing roots).

Choosing a good place to grow

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a bed to disseminate strawberries:

  1. Considering that its root system penetrates a maximum of 20-25 centimeters, the site must be swapped to the bayonet shovels.
  2. It is very important to remove the rhizomes of perennial weeds, as far as possible.
  3. If the area is raw, it is better to immediately organize "high beds" or at least to plant on the ridges.

For landing you need to choose the evening or cloudy day. You can, of course, take the landing of agricultural or what else.

These preparatory operations based on the bedside of strawberries will get rid of you from "extra" work at least two to three seasons.

Strawberries are best to plant narrow strips oriented "South-North" - With this location of the plants of lighting the sun occurs evenly throughout the day.

If your site is located on the slope, then the rows need to have only along the slope (no transverse rows - the first shower will wash your landings).

Bushes best land and transplant at a distance of about 25 centimeters. If the seedlings are weak - you can get two seedlings into one hole.

Master class on planting strawberries (strawberries) in the fall:

How and where to plant seedlings: stages, deadlines and other

The most important thing is to plant bushes so that they go to growth as quickly as possible. Then by winter they will still have time not only to postpone the supply of nutrients, but also lay the flower kidneys for the next season.

Nothing will work if the strawberry bush is planted with a bullet or, on the contrary, too high. Such bushes will significantly lag in development and, most likely, do not bloom.

A properly planted coastal roots should be covered with earth with growth kidney.

Preparation of saplings

Most often, buying seedlings pass a long way until they fall into bed. Before landing you need to reanimate them - Put into the water to restore the condition of the roots.

You can add rooted formation stimulants:

  • preparations such as heteroaceksin, "cornetern", succinic acid;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • crushed aloe leaf.

For better survival leave on bush only 2-3 leaf. Here, the manifestation of pity is unnecessarily - through the surface of the sheet, the plant only loses the water, which the roots are not yet able to put the bustle.

These seedlings will take care of big problems and have long sick.

Roots also should not be too long. If they are shorted to 5-6 cm, they will even be recovered faster. Young roots contribute to the growth of the bush and its accelerated development.

Choosing a place

Strawberries can grow almost on sand and clay, it is not afraid of drought and can stealing the shocking of the roots, but the shadow of normal berries will not wait.

If the first three problems can almost be solved, then sandy strawberry planted You will please you first with powerful bushes with huge leaves, and then a small amount of very acidic berries (also - larger than usual), exposed to all possible rotches.

We choose only a sunny place - even a light half of the middle of the lane is unacceptable.

Garden strawberries have the most formidable enemy - the larva of the May beetle. Gardeners often provoke her appearance on the plot. Of the best motives, in the struggle for the eco-friendly berry, it is uncontrollable with a surplus surplus.

During the spring summer, the mackels of the May beetle lay the eggs right into the fertilized beds. And the larva lives in the ground up to 4 years of age and is able to blame the root of the apple tree 5 years, not that strawberry.

In the preparation of the soil under the garden strawberries, it is necessary to take into account - chemicals against larvae are ineffective, as they live in the layer of land to 1 meter.

It must be remembered that strawberry beds still have to winter. Who does not want to deal with the shelter of strawberries for the winter, must take care of this in advance.

Best Frost Protection - Snow. Without shelter, strawberry bushes are experiencing -20 degrees and short-term reductions up to -25-30 degrees of frost (depending on the variety).

Snow cover even 15-20 centimeters can reliably cover strawberry beds even from frost -30-35 degrees. Everyone knows where sustained snow cover is usually located in winter. There must grow strawberries.

You can sit down!

If the pre-fertilizer was not made in bed, all the feeders are better to spend after the seedlings will go into growth.

Under the root, it is possible to make wood ashes - her garden strawberries loved, and phosphorus and potassium contributes to the development of the root system.

If you do not dig a hole for any seedling, you can organize work so that the maximum per hour can be put up to 200 bushes of strawberries.

  1. Place the laces on the spikes of the row.
  2. On the markup to spend the grooves at a depth of about 10-15 centimeters.
  3. Shed rows with water.
  4. If there is a ash - sprinkle in rows.
  5. Eliminate seedlings at a distance of about 25 centimeters from each other.
  6. Put the roots of seedlings to half the earth.
  7. Hiding these half-covered roots.
  8. Dry land until the rosette is filled with a groove.

All - Gotchka is ready. After such a landing, you can not water 2-3 days. Dry Earth will perform the role of mulch.

When landing strawberries under the root, you can make a wood ash - her strawberries love

After transferring and harvesting

General at the transplanted and replicating strawberries (after the collection of berries) only one thing - these bushes need "form restoration". For this, leafy feeders are carried out with a complex fertilizer for berries.

Modern water soluble fertilizers based on chelates of various micro and macroelements are most effectively.

Their advantage over root food - substances are absorbed by the leaves after a couple of hours and quickly begin to act.

However, transplanted strawberry needs not only in potash and phosphor. She needs to have time to increase the mass of the bush in order to stock up the nutrients of photosynthesis products for the winter.

Nitrogen feeders after September The strawberry benefit will not bring. In the composition of autumn feeding, the entry of phosphorus is vital - the development of the root system depends on its presence.

Watering and strawberry fertilizer:

How to transplant?

If you need to transplant the garden strawberries within one site, it can be done completely without harm to plants:

  1. On the eve, you need to spend high-quality irrigation (if the earth is very dry) to damage the root system less.
  2. On the new garden, proceed the groove to the bayonet shovel depth.
  3. Sprove with water, you can add fertilizers if necessary.
  4. A shovel Cut the wades of the earth with strawberry bushes (the more, the better).
  5. Immediately these bushes with the land to rearrange at the prepared place.
  6. Pour and level the land.

The bushes repaid in this way will not retain in development.

So as not to worry about the winter hardiness of the strawberry bedIn approximately in September, you can feed it with phosphorus-potash fertilizers (and not only transplanted bushes!).

Supporters of organic farming can come even easier: scatter wood as a fertilizer directly on plants.

Overdose ash is not possibleIn addition, the ash scares ticks and others. And rains and snow will make a solution into the soil.

Instead of imprisonment

Contrary to popular belief, care for garden strawberries is not so difficult. The main thing to choose a zoned variety and a suitable place to bed.

There are uncomplicated rules:

  • smash the bed only in a sunny place;
  • in winter, the bed should be snowing on a layer of 20 centimeters;
  • the distance between rows of at least 70 centimeters;
  • organic fertilizers make moderately;
  • where it is possible to use the mulch (at least, loose land);
  • phosphorian-potassium feeders (they are more important than nitrogen for berries);
  • watering only a deep (excluding period of fruiting).

Always need to remember that a healthy plant itself will cope with problems. But this health is necessary to ensure the right landing.

Beginner gardeners are often interested in "when to transplant strawberries in the fall, in which month it is best to do?" Unfortunately, definitely answer to give difficult .

At the time and timing of the transplant is affected by the region where culture is grown, the method of cultivation and technology, and climatic conditions, as well as climatic conditions.

Looking at the bushes at the end of the summer it is clear that that strawberry, which gives a mustache, will look completely different, and this will notice a person who does not even speak the wisdom of the agrotechniki of this culture.

Transplant without mustache

The wax strawberry breeds the fact that it produces a rosette from the root, the so-called root piglet.

  1. By August, the bush grows, and if you dig and divide into small outlets, then you can get up to a dozen. You can share such bushes in the spring, but it will lose time on rooting and the crop will be meager. If the division is carried out in August, the sockets will be rooted and the flower kidneys will have time.

    Over time, the strawberry bush is growing and the ratio of roots and fruit kidneys becomes insufficient for good fruiting.

  2. Selection of uterine bushes is carried out at the time of harvest . It is impossible to leave this procedure for autumn, as some bushes give a magnificent piglet, but do not give berries - they are unsuitable for the selection of Mercenaries.

    For division, the best bushes of strawberries are selected.

  3. Shooting a yield bush of his sweat . It is best to cut plastic labels from boxes, bottles, any container. You can use wooden peasants painted with bright paint and stick near the yield bush. If the label is bright (yellow, blue, red), then finding such a bush is very simple. It is he who digs for division and transplant.
  4. Marked bush after harvesting should be dipped . For this, it is best to suit compost or fresh humus. As a rule, after dipping, the root system immediately starts its development and the landing material is most of the highest quality.

    To fake, you need to dig a selected bush and rinse him roots.

  5. An indispensable condition for obtaining a good planting material is moisture . If there is no rain and drip irrigation, you can water the method of sprinkling. In the absence of the possibility of irrigation, it makes no sense to break a strawberry bed.

    Each delane will have 2-3 leaves and several healthy roots.

"Used" transplant

If the strawberry gives a mustache, then the variety will multiply them. However, there are features here.

For breeding on each mustache leave no more than two sockets.

The selection of breeding bushes is carried out in the same way as for the crazy, during the period of fruiting.

The amount of mustache that gives a strawberry bush is laid in genetically, and is a distinctive feature of each variety. When reproducing such strawberries, there is a rule - we take only the first two sockets from each TSA. Consequently, as soon as the formation and the rooting of two settings must be cut off.

If the variety is particularly valuable, and it is necessary to multiply from several bushes, the gardeners arrange a whole kindergarten, and they are able to "pull out" even 6 outlets. However, such an event is rather an exception than the rule.

If the mustache is rooted in pots, then it will be easier to put them on a permanent place.

Designating the bushes, the Musicians need:

  • monitor the roariness of the soil in which the socket is rooted;
  • in a timely manner of the nutritional soil mixture under the socket (humid, compost);
  • follow the constant humidity of rooting places.

If you neglect these events, then the outlets will come out low qualityAnd rooting will be bad at any time of transplant.

Rooting sockets need to watered, loosen and ensure that the roots do not protrude above the ground.

Conplanting bushes

I dug up a bush to the cheering strawberries, it should be divided using a knife. Formed, mature dealer must have a good root system and a socket.

Young strawberry bushes planted into the prepared hole, placing it "heart" at the soil level.

If you transplant the "Usatuu", then. In the future, the nutrients from the UAC will switch to the root system, and the Us itself will dry and disappear.

If there is no possibility of landing immediately after digging, then the sockets can be put into the water or wrap in a well-moistened fabric. The period at which seedling can wait 6-7 days, but it all depends on temperature. What the thermometer indicators are higher, the less seedlings should be expected to land. Selecting a good day, proceed to landing bushes.


Delay in deep autumn should notSince young roots must be stupid and clutch well in the soil com.

Fresh strawberry landing is preferably covered with fallen leaves for winter.

Video about how to update old bushes of strawberries on their plot

How much of a capricious can be strawberries and how difficult it is to grow it, they know, perhaps, only those who do not have one and not two years. Nevertheless, the number of people who want to engage in its breeding (for themselves or for implementation), is constantly growing. Someone is limited to several bushes, someone strives for a full-fledged strawberry plantation, or even a few. However, not everyone can afford to purchase the necessary number of bushes for their creation, so strawberry reproduction remains the most faithful and guaranteed way for any gardener.

One of the most popular methods of reproduction is a grain transplant.

Seeds vs mustache

If you compare the two methods of breeding strawberries - seeds and mustache, it turns out that the second is much more advantages. For example:

  1. No need to harvest the material and prepare it properly.
  2. This method gives the best percentage of survival, since the rosette is separated from the parent bush only after its rooting.
  3. When cutting strawberries, we can fully maintain signs of one or another variety, since this method retains the former gene set. This method can be multiplied by even hybrids like F1, and sometimes it is the only way to preserve their quality.

Whether it is worthwhile after that, that the number of things interested in the features of the strawberry transplant mustes is growing along with the number of those who want to grow in the cultivation of this culture ...

Preparation for transplant

Any serious and responsible business begins with training. To transplant strawberries, it is the choice of parent bushes.

The selection of bushes should be made immediately as soon as you started to engage in strawberries, at the end of June or in early July. It is best to choose the strongest bushes that give a lot of identical berries with certain varieties (in the event that we are talking about luxury varieties), which is not more than two or three years (some source indicate that only two years are the most optimal applicants). Practice shows that it is these copies for one summer that can give up to a dozen appropriate to transplanting musty, more adult bushes are no longer capable of abundantly and efficiently fruit. If you get two-year-old bushes it is not possible, you can use alternolets that have grown out of the mustache, but in this case it is necessary to take a shortage to the reproduction: it grows from the first TSA: it will increase its chances of survival rate.

At the same time, one important feature of strawberries should be taken into account: in the first year after disembarking, all its forces go to the formation of berries. Many gardeners, especially beginners, see in this a favorable sign and after they collect harvest, allow the mustam to grow. As a result, the next year the culture begins to be exhausted, and berries are getting worse and smaller. In order not to repeat this error, it is desirable from the very beginning to decide exactly what you want to achieve. In different sources, you can meet two mutually exclusive, but proven methods: the first to grow high-quality seedlings, not "demanding" from strawberries at once a rich harvest; The second - on the contrary, to give her the opportunity for a whole year to be fruiting, determine which bushes are suitable for breeding, and the next year leave on each two or three ours, removing the rest along with flowers. In the second case, the reproduction process will move for a year, but it will help you know the material well.

Regardless of how you prefer to do, seedlings can be grown in pots or in beds. Experience shows that the most convenient to use the first way. This is done like this:

  1. When the new season is started, with pre-scheduled for breeding bushes, remove the bloomons so that all their forces go to create good sockets.
  2. Then disrupt all the mustache, leaving only two or three most stronger, closest to all to the main bush.
  3. Cut each mustache, leaving after the first subsidiary of the "tail" in 1-2 cm. It is these outlets that give the best seedlings.
  4. Fill the containers with loose and organically rich soil (for example, peat or compost, mixed with sawdust and earth from the garden).
  5. Place the rosette along with a bush in the container, pinch it with a paper clinch to a wet soil and water daily. The best time for watering - early in the morning or in the evening: it is at night that the strawberry grows intensely.

When 4-6 leaves appear, it is possible to separate the seedlings from the maternal bush.

If you decide to grow seedlings with straight in the beds, then for this you need:

  1. Prepare a plot, supports it with a sufficient number of peat and sawdust.
  2. Cut the mustache so that it remains about 1.5 cm., And from the mother's bush - 20 cm.
  3. To stick the seedlings so that the mustache is under the soil, and the bush stuck out of the ground, and abundantly water them, not giving the soil to dispel.

So that adverse weather factors do not affect their development, you can arrange t. N. "Norwegian Grocery", with sides and stretched on top of the film. If inside such a bed to maintain high humidity, then the seedlings will be rapidly rooted and grow.

Caring for sockets that in pots, that in beds the same - should:

  1. Water them so that the soil is always wet.
  2. Ruff up the top layer so that the crust is not formed. When looming should be considered one point: the substrate is inherent to settle over time, and this exposes the mustache or its root system if it has already been formed. So that this does not happen, when loosening, you need to get a bit of seedlings. However, it is also not necessary to zealous: it will not lead to anything good.
  3. Pour weeds.
  4. Special complex kenia, phosphorus, iron and nitrogen-containing fertilizer for seedlings.

How to transplant the mustache

If everything is done correctly, the roots will appear after a half months in a pot / bed. This is a sign that seedlings can already be transferred to a permanent place, separating them from the parent bush. In different regions, this is done at different times, but they try to verify that there is no strong heat - that is, from the end of July / August to mid-September. The selected timelines directly affect the yield of these bushes: lined in July will be fruiting along with adult bushes, and those that will be renovated in September will catch up with their "peers" on yield only the next year. In addition, the strawberry planted in July by early winter has time to strengthen and form good roots, thanks to which successfully winters. On the other hand, a variant is quite possible when it is not possible to dial the required amount of mustache by the middle of the summer. In this case, they can be assembled the whole season, but it is necessary to grow seedlings and land at a permanent place only until mid-September. Then it should be done only next year.

Having planting strawberries, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  1. The plot must be even and reheated. A very important nuance is that earlier grew at this place. For example, strawberries are good coming around where onions, garlic, parsley or legumes and grain crops grew, but if the cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, peppers, eggplants or tomatoes grow in the chosen place in the selected place.
  2. It will not be superior to help Earth for a month (as a last resort - no later than ten days) before the seedlings landing. Fertilize the site is recommended for such a scheme: per 1 sq. M - 10 kg. Organics (compost, humus or litter) with the addition of 30-40 grams. Potassium sulfate and 50-60 grams. Superphosphate. A good alternative as a fertilizer for strawberries can be "Giant", which should be applied according to the instructions. It is also possible to pre-process the soil from possible bacteria and pests with a solution of soda calcined soda (200 gr. By 10 l.), And after two to three days - a solution of manganese (2-3 gr. Substances are 10 liters of water). If the larvae of the May beetle or a wire carrier be detected on the site before planting the culture, the lupine surroundings will be a very original solution to the embedding it into the ground as compost.
  3. Resetting the bushes is best on a cloudy day or in the evening.
  4. When transplanting bushes, try to make me together with them "transplanted" and native earthen kits: it also contributes to the good survival of seedlings. To do this, you can pour a bushes before digging to ease the recess. When changed, pay attention to the distance between the bushes: it should not be less than 50 cm., And better - 60-70 cm. The distance between the rows depends on the three things: the size of the site, the number of seedlings and the method used is in two lines or three. With double-term searches, it should be up to 80 cm. Between the lines and 20-40 cm. Between the rows, with three-stroke - up to 120 cm. Between the lines.
  5. Hutting strawberry seedlings in the wells, be sure to straighten the roots so that they do not get confused. It is not recommended deeply to plant: it is enough only to sprinkle the roots so that the middle of the bush (the top kidney) remains on the surface of the earth.
  6. Do not land strawberries under the trees: it is a very light-lubricant plant, and due to the lack of sunlight, berries can grow small and disadvantaged.
  7. After landing the soil bushes, it is desirable to climb fresh grass, straw or sawdust.
  8. The prerequisite for the normal development of young bushes is their regular watering, starting from the first day, loosening and shelter for the winter from frosts. The most suitable insulation is woody foliage, which in the spring can serve a good material for compost.

Musician and its creation

If the first experience of reproduction of strawberries by the Usami will be successful, you will probably want to repeat it more than once, especially since the abundant harvest this culture gives only the first three years, after which it begins to degenerate. That is, it requires regular rejuvenation. For these cases, it is possible to make a separate Groaton-Mothenik:

  1. Choose a plot and jump it.
  2. Drop the parent bushes, keeping the earthen com.
  3. Pere relocate them in the royaltics and plenty.
  4. Wrap all the blooms so that the berries are not formed.
  5. When good mustache form (this will happen about June), cut them up so that no more than two outlets remain. These sockets should be slightly picked up and pour, then wait for the appearance of seedlings, two weeks before the transplant cut off the mustache from the maternal bush, and in two weeks to transplant them to a permanent place.

The masterpiece can also be used to quickly rooting the mustache, replacing it with a container or bed. In this case, in order for their roots faster and rigged, experienced gardeners mulch the garden with a thick layer of peat or wood sawdust.


Strawberry Transplanting Summer Ussami is not easy, but no one promised that the cultivation of this culture will be a slight occupation. But with due respect to it and taking into account all the peculiarities of its cultivation - in particular, the reproduction - this will repeatedly benefit themselves with excellent harvests, and you, in addition, acquire valuable experience.