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Moon Sowing Calendar Gardener for July

People always betrayed the heavenly luminaries. This is how astrology appeared, and after her modern astronomy. Although astrology can hardly be called science, the influence of the phases of the Moon on the well-being of a person, tides and flows, as well as the development and growth of plants - proven by science. Based on the theory of the influence of the Moon's phases, the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener appeared, with which many very successfully apply in their summer cottages.

Many astrologers argue that for the compilation of the lunar sowing calendar Gardener It is important to take into account not only the effect of the moon phases, but also the location of the shone relative to the signs of the zodiac.

We continue the cycle of articles "Lunar Sowing Calendar 2016"which will help gardeners and gardens to decide on the most favorable periods for those and other works. Of course, all the following tips are advisory and conditional in nature, but in spring, when gardeners and gardeners lead active work on their sites, can be very useful.

Moon Sowing Calendar 2016 - July

DayZodiacMoonRecommendations for work in the garden and garden
1 TwinsOld Moon
2 TwinsOld MoonLanding and transplanting herbatous plants undesirable. You can collect harvest of roots, medicinal herbs, fruits and berries. Remove extra shoots, make a cultivation mulching, weeding
3 CancerOld Moon
4 CancerNew moonSit and sow undesirable
5 a lionWaxing Crescent
6 a lionWaxing CrescentPlant and transplant gardening crops undesirable. It is better to plant trees and bushes. You can mow grass, cooking beds, mulch, fight pests, trim trees
7 a lionWaxing CrescentPlant and transplant gardening crops undesirable. It is better to plant trees and bushes. You can mow grass, cooking beds, mulch, fight pests, trim trees
8 VirgoWaxing Crescent
9 VirgoWaxing CrescentPlant and transplant vegetables, as well as fruit trees are not recommended. It is better to pay attention to decorative plants and climbing colors.
10 LibraWaxing Crescent
11 LibraWaxing CrescentYou can plant flowers, lay tubers and storage seeds, plant bone fruit trees. Good day for cutting flowers and work with houseplants
12 LibraFirst quarterYou can plant flowers, lay tubers and storage seeds, plant bone fruit trees. Nice day for cutting flowers and work with indoor plants
13 ScorpioWaxing Crescent
14 ScorpioWaxing CrescentIt is possible to plant and transplant all cultures, but preference is better to give down the lowest plants
15 SagittariusWaxing Crescent
16 SagittariusWaxing CrescentOn this day it is good to plant fast growing plants, collect fruits, vegetables and berries. Excellent period for boarding domestic flowers
17 CapricornWaxing Crescent
18 CapricornWaxing CrescentYou can loosen the soil, plant and transplant trees and bushes, mow the grass, make fertilizers
19 CapricornWaxing CrescentYou can loosen the soil, plant and transplant trees and bushes, mow the grass, make fertilizers
20 AquariusFull moonSit and sow undesirable
21 AquariusOld MoonSat and sow undesirable. Collect root and cereals. Make mulching and bidding, cut the trees
22 FishOld Moon
23 FishOld MoonDay is suitable for landing on bulbs, celery, radish, vaccinations and trimming trees. You can harvest the jam and pickles, water the beds, make fertilizers
24 AriesOld Moon
25 AriesOld MoonSat and sow undesirable. Collect and dry root and fruits, make mulching, fight pests, cut the trees, collect medicinal herbs
26 calfOld Moon
27 calfLast quarterYou can plant any bulbous and root, cut trees and bushes
28 TwinsOld MoonLanding and transplanting grassy plants are undesirable. You can collect harvest of roots, medicinal herbs, fruits and berries. Remove extra shoots, make a cultivation mulching, weeding
29 TwinsOld MoonLanding and transplanting grassy plants are undesirable. You can collect harvest of roots, medicinal herbs, fruits and berries. Remove extra shoots, make a cultivation mulching, weeding
30 CancerOld MoonDay is suitable for canning and pickles, greener collection and medicinal herbs
31 CancerOld MoonDay is suitable for canning and pickles, greener collection and medicinal herbs

Remember that the lunar sowing calendar of the garden is a recommendatory. The influence of the phases of the moon on the development of plants is not as large as timely irrigation and the correspondence of weather conditions when landing and performing other works.

The moon affects all living things - not only for people, but also on plants. The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener will help you to properly care for your plants in full compliance with the lunar energy.

Watch out for the lunar calendar, so that in any field of life always be one step ahead of your opponents. Our articles will help you choose a favorable time to a hike to a hairdresser or stylist, not to mention romance, love and important affairs.

Gardening Calendar for July 2016

July 2016 does not show negative energy in relation to plants. This month will be the most common and ordinary, so you can relax and follow the instructions.

July 1: Taurus favorably affects the growth of the root system, so that plants will need more feeding and water. On this day, you can fertilize the soil and it is necessary to clean the place of life of the plant from pests and weeds.

2, 3 July:great time to transplant plants. The lunar calendar of the gardener and the gardener recommends doing it closer in the late afternoon, so as not to injure the plant and its root system Drops of temperature.

4, July 5: Cancer and new moon affect very bad on vegetable world. Today it is better not to touch the plants and in no case do not pour them with water more than the norm. It is better not to produce any action.

6, 7 July: These two days are superbly suitable for landing any plants. Transfer from one place to another will also be very successful.

8, July 9: Today it is better to refuse to dive and chipping and plant nothing. On such days, gardeners prefer to handle and crop apple trees, pears.

10, 11, July 12: Best of all, vegetable cultures will develop during this period. All wines will be the scales and the first mooner quarter. Today they will need more sun and more water.

13, 14, July 15: A growing moon and scorpion will create excellent conditions for color growth. Today they can be transferred and trimmed. Do not forget to pour them abundantly and focus the soil.

16, July 17: In these two days, when the Sagittarius will influence the moon, it is better to devote his time to picing, as well as landing perennial plants And trees.

18, July 19: Capricorn is good for the growth of decorative and home plants, which have no fruit. Energy of homemade plants increases greatly, therefore, as donors, they give it part of people. It is not recommended to plant to obtain fruits today, but it is possible to do this to get seeds.

20, July 21: It is better to devote these days to the looser and processing of the soil. The transplantation of indoor plants may not be very successful, so transfer this procedure if you planned it.

22, 23, July 24: When landing in these three days, the above-ground parts of any plants will grow perfectly, as the influence of the sign of fish and decreasing moon will increase. This is a very positive period. Hello its influence is reflected on tomatoes, pumpkins, potatoes.

25, July 26: The transition of the Moon in the constellation of the Aries favorably affects the landing of tuber colors. As for the main garden crops, such as tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and other things, then these should not be disturbed and wrapped with water.

27, July 28: The third quarter and the subsequent decrease in the moon will adversely affect the crop. It is better to loosen and fertilize the soil on these days, remove weeds and spray plants from pests.

29, July 30:twins time. These days should not soak seeds, loosen the soil and instill plants. It will not bring a special result, so it is better to wait.

July 31:descending moon in cancer. On this day, pests will be most active, so devote their time to their destruction. This is especially true of potatoes, tomatoes and cabbage.

We wish you success and good harvest. Many plants begin to give their fruits, so do not waste time in vain. Be careful and follow the sowing calendar of the garden. Remember that the mood of plants and colors depends on our mood with you, so read our to maintain an emotional state normal. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

27.06.2016 07:01

With the lunar rider calendar for 2019 it is easier to plan a hike to a stylist. Knowing what days ...

Salves garden trees, root cuttings. It is not recommended to land and transplanting grassy crops. Effective removal of unnecessary shoots, removal and combustion of trapping belts, pc, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Fragrance of non-winter perennial bulbs. Collection of medicinal herbs, root, fruit and berries.

Spend feeds under the root organic fertilizers. Effective removal of unnecessary shoots, pc, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Fragrance of non-winter perennial bulbs. Collection of medicinal herbs, root, fruit and berries.

It is recommended to harvesting greenery and medicinal herbs that require a particularly effective drying. These days they collect everything that is not subject to long-term storage. We succeed in this time canned and pickles. Spend preventive actions from diseases and pests.

4th of July, Monday
Moon in Cancer
New moon
Waning moon

Do not carry out any garden work. Sowing and landing are not recommended.

Destroy pests and weeds, feed the organic.
The transplantation of gardening crops is prohibited.

It is recommended to plant shrubs and trees, harvesting and drying fruits and rootfields. Water, spray, mow the lawns, cut the living hedges. It is worth conducting a pouch in order to slow down the growth of herbs. Suitable moment for mulching, composting, to combat pests, for trimming trees, for collecting sunflower seeds, preparations of medicinal herbs.

It is recommended to plant shrubs and trees, harvesting and drying fruits and rootfields. It is worth conducting a pouch in order to slow down the growth of herbs. Suitable moment for mulching, to combat pests, for trimming trees, lawn haircuts, for collecting sunflower seeds, preparations of medicinal herbs. Engage bahchy cultures, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.
Sowing and transplanting gardening crops are not recommended.

Collect and dry medicinal herbs, drying berries. Well come true decorative plantsnot intended for fruiting, in particular honeysuckle ,. Flowers are recommended to plant curly plants. The pouch will slow down the growth of herbs. Making organic fertilizers for shrubs and strawberries.

Spend protective events from pests and diseases. Decorative plants not intended for fruiting, in particular honeysight, rosehip. Flowers are recommended to plant curly plants. Flower perennial division and transplant. The pouch will slow down the growth of herbs.
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, produce landing for seeds.

It is recommended to landing colors, currant bushes, a laying of tubers and seeds for storage. It is also recommended to land bone fruit trees. Sowing Cress - lettuce, spinach, spinach for late greenery. Effective watering and haynekeos. Wonderful time to cut flowers, creating lawn ornaments, leaving indoor plants.
Match with watering, do not step, do not fertilize.

It is recommended to landing colors, a laying of tubers and seeds for storage. It is also recommended to land bone fruit trees. Pumping soil and forming a variety. Effective and haymaking. Wonderful time to cut flowers, creating lawn ornaments, leaving indoor plants.
Feed all vegetable crops and flowers with complex fertilizers.

It is recommended to landing colors, a laying of tubers and seeds for storage. It is also recommended to land bone fruit trees. Plant vaccination. Effective watering and haynekeos. Lovely it's time for cutting flowers, the creation of lawn ornaments, care of indoor plants, haircut. Botthen black currant cuttings, fringe eggplants.

It is recommended to landing most cultures: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. It is not recommended to multiply plants with roots, collect herbs and plant trees. Sewing, collect berries and fruits for drying. Effective trimming trees and berry bushes, vaccination, fertilizer, watering, destruction of pests, soil looser.

It is recommended to landing fast-growing crops: greens, onions, garlic, pepper, medicinal herbs on seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rosehip, honeysuckle. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, cutting flowers. Placed on this day, home flowers flourished faster. Water mineral water, spray from pests.

Pick and transplant annual flowers. It is recommended to plant fast-growing crops: greenery, onions, garlic, pepper, medicinal herbs - on seeds, as well as strawberries, spinach, rosehip, honeysuckle. The division and transplant of rhizomes, irises and other perennials. It is recommended to collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, cutting flowers. Placed on this day, home flowers flourished faster.

July 17th, Sunday
Moon B. Streltsy
Moon B. Capricorn 22:23
Waxing Crescent

We are wearing a bed, the vegetable garbage is collected on a compost bunch. Effective work to combat pests and diseases,
Watering. It is recommended to land and transplanting trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, currants. Swimming, making fertilizers, vaccination of trees, pc. From cut colors make up wonderful bouquets.

It is recommended to land and transplanting trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, currants. Swimming, making fertilizers, vaccination of trees, pc. From cut colors make up wonderful bouquets. Set aside the weeding, fight pests and diseases. Treatment of cucumbers in greenhouses from fungal, bacterial diseases and pests.

Plug and water the grained, loose in the aisle. It is recommended to land and transplanting trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, currants. Swimming, making fertilizers, vaccination of trees, pc. From cut colors make up wonderful bouquets.
It is not recommended to be preserved.

An unfavorable day for gardening gardens. Sowing and landing are not recommended.

Recommended pruning patients from branches berry Sustainers. Make compost on prepared ridges. Walking, the destruction of weeds and pests. It is recommended to collect cereals and roots, mow, carry out a spraying and fumigation, trimming trees and bushes, the seafront, weeding.

Remove extra shoots, step-down tomatoes, pinch. Planting celery, radish, bulbous, trimming and having trees and berry bushes are recommended. Harvesting winter garlic. Harvesting and processing. Preparation of jarry and pickles. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing.

Celery, radish, bulbous, trimming and vaccination of trees and berry bushes are recommended. Preparation of containers for collecting berries and pears. Preparation of jarry and pickles. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing.
Sowing and landing, fruit laying for long-term storage are not recommended.

The preparation of the soil under the sowing, the destruction of pests, weeding and mulching is recommended. Harvesting crop roots, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential crops, drying of vegetables and fruits. A favorable time for salting, canning.
Sowing and landing are not recommended.

The preparation of the soil under the sowing, the destruction of pests, weeding and mulching is recommended. Making an compost for fruit trees. Harvesting crop roots, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential crops, drying of vegetables and fruits. In the afternoon, make prevention from garden pests.
Sowing and landing are not recommended.

It is recommended to landing all the roots, tuber and bulbous crops. Sanitary trimming of trees and shrubs Fruits, berries and vegetables, taken at this time are suitable for creating winter stocks. Burn with weeds and pests, remove dry and damaged branches.

Lay out the garden from pests, step and loose in the aisle. It is recommended to landing all the roots, tuber and bulbous crops. Effective haircut of trees and shrubs. Fruits, berries and vegetables, taken at this time are suitable for creating winter stocks.

Break vegetables and fruits, collect berries for jam and compotes. Effective removal of unnecessary shoots, pc, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Fragrance of non-winter perennial bulbs. Collection of medicinal herbs, root, fruit and berries.
It is not recommended to land and transplanting grassy crops.

Do root, water, lay down composted piles. Effective removal of unnecessary shoots, pc, weeding, cultivation, mulching. Collection of medicinal herbs, root, fruit and berries.
It is not recommended to land and transplanting grassy crops.

It is recommended to harvesting greenery and medicinal herbs that require a particularly effective drying. These days they collect everything that is not subject to long-term storage. We succeed in this time canned and pickles. Favorable watering and feeding organic fertilizers. Cleaning and destruction of garbage on the site.

Meeting, pinch, remove extra wounds and leaves. Pumping soil and forming a variety. It is recommended to planting bulbous colors, a harvesting of greenery and medicinal herbs, which requires a particularly efficient drying. These days they collect everything that is not subject to long-term storage. We succeed in this time canned and pickles.

The lunar sowing calendar for July 2016 is compiled for middle strip Russia and Belarus. Have a nice harvest!

The lunar gardery calendar and gardener for July 2016 will tell all the flowers and owners of country sites, which kind of garden, garden and country work Positively begin depending on the phases of the moon. All work related to indoor plants and greenhouses also come to this calendar. The Lunny Sowing Calendar of the Gardener for July 2016 contains recommendations for landing, weeding, watering and soil looser, making fertilizers and disembodies, as well as seeds. Moon calendar favorable days July 2016 reports when it is better to cut and transplant indoor flowers and seedlings of which plants can be planted in open sadAnd also - collect harvest.

July 1. 26th lunar day. Moon in twins. Fourth quarter, decreasing moon. Very helpful in the days of twins sow, plant and disassemble everything that goes. It is good to sow and plant flowers, fight all pests.

July 2. 27th lunar day. Moon in twins. Fourth quarter, decreasing moon. Very helpful in the days of twins sow, plant and disassemble everything that goes. It is good to sow and plant flowers, fight all pests.

3 July. 28th lunar day. Moon in cancer. Fourth quarter, decreasing moon. Well in the days of cancer, pump out lawns, water the bedrooms and balcony plants. Poor in cancer days to plant or sow plants that should be high. Especially unfavorable all work with plants during the full moon in cancer!

4th of July. 29th and 1st lunar day. Moon in cancer. New moon. At this time, nothing new is planted and not to replant. New moon is suitable for getting rid of unnecessary. A favorable time to get rid of pests and prevent their impacts. You can also get rid of patients or boring plants. With a young growing moon, the most intense growth of plants occurs: the juices rush up the stems and branches to the fruits. As it approaches the full moon, the most active phase of the vital activity of plants occurs. Increased care when working with cutting and traumatic garden inventory. In the days of eclipses from any manipulations with plants it is better to refrain. On the growing moon, it is recommended to sow and disembark plants, giving fruits and other edible parts above the soil surface, floral cultures, as well as lawn and medicinal herbs.

5'th of July. 2nd lunar day. Moon in Lev. Growing moon, first quarter. The lion is the fiery, drying sign of the zodiac. Very good on the days of the lion cut trees and shrubs.

July 6th. 3rd lunar day. Moon in Lev. Growing moon, first quarter. The lion is the fiery, drying sign of the zodiac. Very good on the days of the lion cut trees and shrubs.

July 7th. 4th lunar day. Moon in Lev. Growing moon, first quarter. The lion is the fiery, drying sign of the zodiac. Very good on the days of the lion cut trees and shrubs.

July 8. 5th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Growing moon, first quarter. This sign is particularly favorable for all works on Earth, in the garden. On the descending moon, it is good to fertilize the soil.

July 9th. 6th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Growing moon, first quarter. This sign is particularly favorable for all works on Earth, in the garden. On the descending moon, it is good to fertilize the soil.

July 10th. 7th lunar day. Moon in scales. Growing moon, first quarter. This is a neutral sign, it does not affect any positively, nor negatively on any work in the garden. These days it is worth putting flowers and medicinal herbs.

July 11th. 8th lunar day. Moon in scales. Growing moon, first quarter. This is a neutral sign, it does not affect any positively, nor negatively on any work in the garden. These days it is worth putting flowers and medicinal herbs.

July, 12. 9th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Growing moon, first quarter. Very good in the days of scorpion sow medicinal herbs, leafy vegetables; Water indoor and balcony flowers; Feat the flowers. It is not recommended to cut fruit trees and shrubs.

July 13. 10th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. The second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. Very good in the days of scorpion sow medicinal herbs, leafy vegetables; Water indoor and balcony flowers; Feat the flowers. It is not recommended to cut fruit trees and shrubs.

the 14 th of July. 11th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. The second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. Very good in the days of scorpion sow medicinal herbs, leafy vegetables; Water indoor and balcony flowers; Feat the flowers. It is not recommended to cut fruit trees and shrubs.

July 15. 12th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. The second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. Good in the days of Sagittarius: crop fruit trees and shrubs; Fight with pests living on Earth. Bad in the days of Sagittarius to loosen the land and so (weeds appear again).

July 16. 13th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. The second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. Good in the days of Sagittarius: crop fruit trees and shrubs; Fight with pests living on Earth. Bad in the days of Sagittarius to loosen the land and so (weeds appear again).

July 17th. 14th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. The second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. Good in Capricorn days to plant or sow root and winter vegetables, if you could not do it during the position of the moon in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Fighting with pests that live in the ground, feed the flowers with a crossing from the roots.

July 18th. 15th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. The second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. Good in Capricorn days to plant or sow root and winter vegetables, if you could not do it during the position of the moon in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Fighting with pests that live in the ground, feed the flowers with a crossing from the roots.

July 19. 16th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. The second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. Good in Capricorn days to plant or sow root and winter vegetables, if you could not do it during the position of the moon in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Fighting with pests that live in the ground, feed the flowers with a crossing from the roots.

July 20. 17th lunar day. Full moon. Moon in Aquarius. An adverse time. In the days of the full moon, any interference with the life of plants requires caution: it is not recommended to trim and transplant, it is not recommended to sow anything. Peeling breaks, soil looser. The nutritional value of fruits and berries assembled at this time will be the highest. With a flawed decreasing moon in the second half of the lunar cycle, plants are resting. Life processes slow down, juices rushed down to roots. At this time, it is recommended to trim and transplantation, vaccination, fruit collection. Closer to the new moon, you can do a rolling bed, the destruction of pests. On a decreasing moon, it is recommended to sow and disembark plants, giving fruits and other edible parts under the surface of the soil, most fruit trees and shrubs. Especially unfavorable all work with plants during the full moon in cancer!

21 July. 18th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Third quarter, decreasing moon. Days of Aquarius are unfavorable to work with the ground, so try to do only the most necessary at this time. This is a non-fermentation mark. It is useful these days only to loosen the land for weeding (weeds should be left for humus).

July 22. 19th lunar day. Moon in fish. Third quarter, decreasing moon. Good on fish days: sow and plant leafy vegetables; Water indoor and balcony flowers; throw out lawns; Feat the flowers. Bad on fish days crop fruit trees and shrubs.

July 23. 20th lunar day. Moon in fish. Third quarter, decreasing moon. Good on fish days: sow and plant leafy vegetables; Water indoor and balcony flowers; throw out lawns; Feat the flowers. Bad on fish days crop fruit trees and shrubs.

July 24th. 21st lunar day. Moon in Aries. Third quarter, decreasing moon. Very good in the days of Aries sow and plant everything that should grow quickly and is intended for quick use. Good in the days of Aries plant fruit plants, sow cereals.

July 25th. 22nd lunar day. Moon in Aries. Third quarter, decreasing moon. Very good in the days of Aries sow and plant everything that should grow quickly and is intended for quick use. Good in the days of Aries plant fruit plants, sow cereals.

26 July. 23rd lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Third quarter, decreasing moon. At this time, everything grows slowly. Fight to fight pests living in the ground. You can fertilize the flowers by humus from the roots. Unfavorable works in moon days There is no Taurus, but everything grows slower than usual.

July 27th. 24th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Third quarter, decreasing moon. At this time, everything grows slowly. Fight to fight pests living in the ground. You can fertilize the flowers by humus from the roots. There is no adverse work on the lunar days of the Taurus, but everything grows slower than usual.

July 28th. 24th lunar day. Moon in twins. Fourth quarter, decreasing moon. Very helpful in the days of twins sow, plant and disassemble everything that goes. It is good to sow and plant flowers, fight all pests.

July 29. 25th lunar day. Moon in twins. Fourth quarter, decreasing moon. Very helpful in the days of twins sow, plant and disassemble everything that goes. It is good to sow and plant flowers, fight all pests.

July 30th. 26th lunar day. Moon in twins. Fourth quarter, decreasing moon. Very helpful in the days of twins sow, plant and disassemble everything that goes. It is good to sow and plant flowers, fight all pests.

July 31. 27th lunar day. Moon in cancer. Fourth quarter, decreasing moon. Well in the days of cancer, pump out lawns, water the bedrooms and balcony plants. Poor in cancer days to plant or sow plants that should be high. Especially unfavorable all work with plants during the full moon in cancer!

Favorable days in July 2016:

Adverse days in July 2016:

IN sowing lunar calendar July 2016 You will find tips for a month and for every day. With these knowledge, any gardener-gardener will be able to collect an excellent harvest!

Landing Days for July 2016

Perfect option

I remove early potatoes from beds, you can sow green or radishes in its place: the conditions will be perfect. But you can sing a plot and sedrates.

Because potatoes consume a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus, it is recommended to compensate for losses. Legens are recommended: pea, lupine, wiki, donel, alfalfa. And if you sow a mixture of pea, rye and white mustard, the effect will be triple: peas will enrich the soil with nitrogen, rye will suppress weeds, resort the life of a potato nematode and enrich the soil of Calilation, and the mustard will scare the wire.

Iodine for cabbage

As soon as the cabbage is started to form, the plants are useful to bite the iodine solution (40 drops on the water bucket). The resulting mixture watered cabbage from the calculation of a liter for each plant.


Special need for useful micro - and macroelements are experiencing now fruit-berry cultures: Raspberry, Rosehip, Kalina, who form a harvest, begin to actively build up shoots, roots, leaves, lay the kidneys next year.

Raspberries will be grateful for nitroposk - two spoons on 10 liters of water, consumption - about 7 liters per square meter Landings. It is possible to use the ideal - three tablespoons on the water bucket, consumption - as above.

Kalina can be pamping a set of fertilizers: 10 g ammonia Selitra, 15 g of double or 30 g of simple superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt per square meter of landings. All this can be introduced as a solution.

Rosehip will not give up the solution of the Dung Zhiji (1: 5 or 1: 6) or bird's face (1: 10-12). They should be pouring into annular grooves depth 8-10 cm, dug around a bush at a distance of 70 cm from it.

Facely with the mind

Many gardeners scatter mineral fertilizers in bed and close them with robbles. The benefits of this is not enough: vegetable crops Many small roots are formed to the damage to the roots, the forces are diluted, and the growth of ground bodies is behind.

But liquid fertilizers should be used with the mind - after watering or simultaneously with it, distributing on specially prepared furrows and trying not to fall on the leaves so as not to burn them. If this happens, the fertilizer solution should be immediately washed away from the leaves. clean water From the watering can

Dry and warm out

If a onion Grew on wet or strongly disrupted soils, after cleaning with the garden it is necessary to dry, and then heat at least 6 hours at a temperature of 43 degrees. Then the bulbs will be well kept not only at the beginning, but in the second half of winter.

Clean garlic

At first, at least in a couple of weeks before harvesting garlic, I will cut the land from his heads and give them a pretty warm in the sun. Then dig garlic and, without cutting the stalks, we associate in small bundles. Bundles hang under a canopy on a draft week for two - for drying.

And get to the place of garlic are preparing to plant garden strawberry. Soil here is healthier and pests are protected from pests.

Sowing calendar for every day of the month of July in 2016

Unfavorable landing days: 4 (from 14:04), 6, 7, 20, 21, 22 (until 11:38).

July 1. Friday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Taurus / Gemini (14:46) - until 14:46 - hell, Radish, Daikon, Radish Winter, sparge rozing and rhubarb. Cutting Cherenkov

July 2. Saturday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Twins - Clematis Transplantation, other curly plants, watering vegetables Summer sowing, Palecking of tomatoes and pepper

3 July. Sunday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Gemini / Cancer (16:22) - until 16:22 - Clematis Transplantation, other curly plants, watering vegetables summer sowing, Tomatoes and pepper

4th of July. Monday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac cancer, new moon - Plant care, medicinal herbs

5'th of July. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Cancer / Lion (19:31) - the collection of vegetables and fruits for canning and long-term storage. Domestic blanks are successful in cancer

July 6 and 7. Wednesday and Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Lion - Bookmark of compost and dull coup, Fighting soil pests

July 8 and 9. Friday and Saturday. The moon in the sign of the Lion / Virgo zodiac (from 1:45 8) - sowing and planting flowers, strawberries, trimming trees and shrubs. Will be successful billets

July 10.. Sunday. Moon in the sign of the Virgin Zodiac / Libra (11:36) - from 11:36 - Fighting pests of tomatoes and cabbage, plant care

July 11.. Monday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Scales - the fight against the pests of tomatoes and cabbage, planting of plants

July, 12. Tuesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scales / Scorpio (23:56) - Fighting pests and diseases of vegetable crops

July 13 and 14. Wednesday and Thursday. The moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio - sowing cucumbers, sorrel in the unheated greenhouse, and in the ground - the innuch of Chernushka, planting strawberries

July 15. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio / Sagittarius (12:15) - from 12:15 - Ludge Looking Multi-tier, divide bushes of colors

July 16 and 17. Saturday and Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius / Capricorn (from 10:35 pm 17 numbers) - Green, divide bushes rhubarb, planting strawberries

July 18 and 19. Monday and Tuesday. The moon in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn - Sadim Khrön, divide the bushes of rhubarb, sow root parsley and dill, which will go under the winter

July 20. Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn / Aquarius (6:13), full moon - harvesting, seeds and root plates on the seeds

21 July. Thursday. The moon in the sign of the zodiac Aquarius - we are preparing the freed beds for the centenary sowing, care for plants

July 22.. Friday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius / Fish (11:38) - from 11:38 - collection of fruits and berries for wine and emphasis. Sow dill, salad, water, feed the beds, fight pests

July 23. Saturday. The moon in the sign of the zodiac fish - the collection of fruits and berries for wine and emphasis. Sow dill, salad, water, feed the beds, fight pests

July 24.. Sunday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac fish / Aries (10:45) - collection of vegetables, drying of fruits, sowing radish, salads

July 25.. Monday. The moon in the sign of the zodiac Aries - the collection of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers and other vegetables. Sowing radish, salads. Drying fruit

26 July. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Aries / Taurus (18:41) - harvesting of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers and other vegetables. Drying fruit

July 27 and 28. Wednesday and Thursday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Taurus / Gemini (from 21:19 28) - landing strawberries, horseradish, Radisa sowing, Dicon, collection of vegetables and fruits for storage and canning

July 29 and 30. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Twins - trimming trees. The trunks of old trees we clean from the dead cortex, Belim Lime

July 31. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini / Cancer (0:10) - Sowing all that does not require long-term storage and does not grow in height, salting, canning