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Competent speech: how to make your speech beautiful. Brief about how to develop speech

The ability is beautiful and meaningful to speak not everyone. This is preceded by long-term classes, great desire and patience. If you consciously decided to find the answer to the question: "How to develop a clear, beautiful, laconic speech in the home?" - The advice and steps described in the article will lead you to good results and put the foundation in oratory.

Before starting classes, you need to know the requirements and program of action. This simple scheme will work out beautiful and full-fledged speech, will increase you in the eyes of acquaintances, will make it say unmistakably about any read text. To learn how to translate thoughts in words and without any difficulties to make them in beautiful expressions, these items should be performed.
For lessons to improve speech, you need to:

  • Great desire;
  • Preferably;
  • Selection of time and premises;
  • Confidence in the ultimate goal;
  • Support for loved ones.

The program whose items you will adhere to is quite simple and interesting. Taking her as a basis, you can see the effectiveness and expediency in a short time. It:

Classic is useful and indispensable

Classical literature contains a beautiful and rich speech. Dialogs of the Heroes, their reflections contribute to speaking correctly built phrases. The verbal turns, the authors, reflect not only the era of the time, the plot and dynamics of development, but also the inner world, crowded with morality and high idea.
Any work, which is classic, replenishes vocabulary. Beautiful words encourage developing imagination, a desire to learn how to play by the rules of expressions will appear, so that the listener receives not only useful information, but also remained satisfied with the communication and did not regret the time spent.

The importance of the tempo

A thoughtful performance includes content, time definition and choosing a tempo. Monotonicity even with an exceptionally ideal material creates boredom, monotony and rejection. Learn to arrange pauses no less important than the selected topic and selected information.
The slowness or speed of speech is fraught with a lack of contact with the audience. Without understanding the content, the public will simply stop responding to a speech. Then beautifully prepared information turn into a comalry song or a complex patter. Of course, over time, this problem will cease to exist. The experience of talking and feeling the audience comes in the process of multi-day work on himself.

Adding raisins

Dry text saturated with the necessary information will be bored and uninteresting. When there are livelihoods, confirmed phrases of famous personalities, wise sayings and light humor, then the conversation will find a response from the listeners and the speech to reveal useful for everyone.
After several successful attempts, the annoying thought about how in rapid deadlines to develop a living speech and, at the same time, be sure to learn how to form phrases, speaking saturacy and beautifully for unnecessary. Communication will bring emotions, satisfaction. It will be possible to develop thinking and work out your own style.

Mandatory practice

You will never achieve heights in oratorical art, if you refuse to perform in front of other people's people. Practice to speak to the public shows the shortcomings of the prepared information, thoughtful speech and its quality, your ability to communicate and attempts to gain like-minded people.

If you have a fear of public speeches - Practice more often it should pass. Also, there are special techniques and entire systems (such as, turbo-horse) to overcome fears. For example, Turbo Suslik can give: a sense of internal freedom, ease both in communication and performances. There, of course, the results are more serious and more interesting, but this is for those who want a lot and ready.

Learn to express what you think and feel, gives strength to further development. The response from others revives forgotten ideas and goals. You find an understanding in communication, check your life program and regenerate as a person. The ability to beautifully decorate thoughts adds confidence and significance in life.

Notebook - assistant for analysis

Teach yourself after each important conversation to analyze its result. Speech of condemnation or approval Record into a separate notebook, emphasizing mistakes and successes. Do not be afraid to say thoughts out loud, as if you are before the responsible commission for improving education. Own shortcomings Reduce and eradicate.


There are small tricks for understanding how to fix the surrendered skills and continue to develop their competent speech, continue to be beautiful and significantly talk.

  • Be sure to think about every word, savoring and falling in love with it. Gradually, it is about turning into a beautiful, rethinking game in which there is text and feeling.
  • It is necessary to memorize key phrases from movies, books, programs and speak to the public, confirming their erudition.
  • Decipherate the value of incomprehensible words to learn the right pronunciation, stress, position in the proposal.
  • You like the beautiful phrase insert it appropriate and correct. Otherwise, there is a danger to put yourself on the laugh.

Systematic, daily exercises work out a speech that will appeal to any listener. After receiving approval, you want to talk more and act.
When you put an important goal - to learn how to own the native language and develop the ability to communicate, it will undoubtedly reveal new opportunities and the meaning of life.
Learn to transfer the inner sensations through beautifully expressed words can each if he wants to create prerequisites for the life balance and creative potential. The resulting harmony between man and the environment will allow you to feel happy, lucky, recognized. Go and enjoy successes.

Voice, dictation and speech are important components for any successful public speech. Many people have a challenged speech, a quiet voice and a chromatic diction. The reasons for this countless. Below we consider the most basic causes of such "diseases", as well as consider ways to help you develop your voice, develop diction and speech on your own. If this topic is interested, please read this article carefully and fulfill all the exercises set forth in it.

I only know a few reasons for a quiet voice, poor diction and vague speech - it is uncertainty, low self-esteem and commissionality. There are genetic reasons, but we will not concern them. Why do I believe that the main causes of all this is insecurity, shyness and commissionality? And what do you think confident people with high self-esteem have a quiet voice? Do they say quietly? Do they have a chance? In most cases, such people do not have problems with speech. Look at politicians, actors, singers. All of them are confident people, constantly oppose the public. Therefore, they are developed, and the voice is loud and there are no problems with diction.

Now take a shy person. During communication, this shy person experiences insecurity, he believes that something is wrong with him (complexes), covers the feeling of fear and, as a result, his voice, the speech is illegible, and it is simply impossible to listen. Therefore, if you want to develop a voice if you want to develop a diction, if you want to develop a speech, you need to carry out a huge work on yourself. Without difficulty and voice will not be loud. Now we will go to the exercises that will help you achieve what you want. Let's start everything in order.

So, as we have already found out, the development of votes is an important task for people whose profession is related to public speeches. The statement of votes is important not only for public people. A developed and loud voice will facilitate your communication in everyday life, and you will not fall forever: "AAA?", "What?", "What?" And other annoying questions. Performing a number of exercises for voice development, you will eliminate many defects and disadvantages. So, proceed.

1) For the voice to be lying, it is very important to breathe correctly. If you just started developing your voice, then breathing exercises are the first thing you should do. Stand up, straighten the spine, put the legs on the width of the shoulders, put one hand on the chest, another on the stomach. When inhale your nose, push the tummy ahead (expanding the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe chest). Freely and easily exhale air through the mouth, returning the stomach and chest at the initial position. So you are developing a diaphragm.

2) The second breathing exercise is associated with air delay. Quickly breathe air through the nose, and then hold your breath for three seconds. Then exhale the air through the mouth. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes.

3) Inhale the maximum air, then smoothly begin to exhale it, uttering vowel letters (A, O, O, and, E, S). Try to sound the sound letter sounding as long as possible and as long as possible. Also, you can, when exhaling, smoothly jump from one vowel letter from the other - aaaaooooooowyuy.

4) With the mouth closed during the exhalation, start "mocking" - uttering MMM. Try to wash so that there is a tack of lips. In addition, be sure to change the volume of the sound - with a quiet sound to a loud and vice versa. This exercise will help develop the articulation apparatus, which will give the power to vote.

5) Now start growling, pronouncing RRRRR. This exercise is also developing the articulation apparatus. Change the volume of the sound, as well as intonation from thin to coarse.

How to develop diction?

Dickey is the quality of pronunciation of words (distinction), the manner of speaking words. Diction is very important for actors, singers, politicians, teachers.

For the development of diction, patter will suit. You can easily find them on the Internet. Here you have a video for example!

In order to start developing diction, you must first develop a language, lips, face muscles and articulation machine.

1) Let's start with the language. Suck the language forward as far as possible, then shove it back (just do not swallow it). Start forcing your tongue forward and then back. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes.

2) Pointing tongue. Start prickly alternately your cheeks. First, cover the left cheek, then right. Perform 7-12 minutes. This is an excellent exercise for training language.

3) A good exercise into the tongue is "cleaning teeth." You start to rotate the language in a circle. The mouth should be closed. Make 20-30 rotations hourly and counterclockwise.

4) Then, jump the tongue and start twist it in a circle. Make 10-15 caps of the hourly arrow, then counterclockwise. After that, extend (Viterite saliva from the lips).

5) with lips almost the same. Exercise is called a "tube - smile." First you pull the lips forward, after 3 seconds you start smiling as wide as possible. First lips forward, then back. Do this exercise at least 7 minutes.

6) Next, pull the lips into the tube and start lifting the heels first upwards, then down. Then start doing the same thing, only to the left, to the right. Then start to twist the Piglet in a circle, hourly and counterclockwise.

7) Next exercise - "Bubble". You decore the cheeks and start twist this bubble in a circle.

8) Start upset the upper lip with your teeth. Do it carefully, do not bite yourself. Then start picking up the bottom lip. After that, start the upper lip to wipe the top teeth. Try to wipe so that the lower lip does not move. It is difficult, but perhaps. Do this exercise before the mirror to control yourself. Then start wipe the lower teeth with the bottom lip, the upper lip should also move.

9) After performing this workout, stand up near the window and say the next phrase: "There is a good weather on the street, and I have a beautiful, clear, intelligible speech." Say this phrase loud, clearly and intelligible. On the street you must hear.

10) For the workout of the facial muscles, start to mive the face as it fell. Cort the faces, bulk your eyes. From the side it looks not beautiful, but it is funny and very effective.

11) In order for the pronunciation of words to be distinct, it is necessary to pronounce the end. Many people swallow endings, especially "h". Start trying the following row:




Bi - PI - BE - PE - Ba - Pa - Bo - BU - PU - ...

PI - BE - PE - BE - Pa - Ba - By - Bo - Pu - Bow -


Zdri - Zdre - Zdra - Zdro - Zea - Health

Zhdrey - JDRE - Handsman - Zhdro - Zhdra - Zhdry

This series develops your dickey. Do not forget about the patter.

How to develop speech?

For the development of speech, you will need discipline, conscious control and constancy. A good speech in our time is becoming more and less. One person can listen for hours, and I want to escape from another. Your professional and personal life depends on the quality of your speech. Half of success depends on the ability to communicate, and to be able to communicate, not only erudition is needed, but also developed speech.

1) for speech development, the first thing I advise you is to read newspapers, magazines, books. And you need to read out loud. During reading, try to forcing intonations, do not allow monotony. Also, change the speed and volume of reading. Proponize all the end, follow the punctuation marks. Reading out loud is the main exercise for the development of speech.

3) Third, as when reading out loud, follow the tempo of speech. Enrich it with intonation. Select the important points of the conversation by pauses. Pause should be relevant and not tightened.

4) Fourth, replenish your vocabulary. You can do it when watching movies, trainings, reading books. If you on TV heard the speech of the president, or another policy, why don't you try to say the same at home. Imagine that you are in front of the public as president. Tell your imaginary people about the political and economic setting in our country. This is a very exciting lesson for the development of speech and replenish the vocabulary stock.

Training a voice, diction and speech on the above technique, your speech in three months will be transformed beyond recognition. Therefore, do not be surprised if the acquaintances begin to tell you that something has changed in you. And the voice, dictation and speech changed. Practice every day and then your efforts will entail a reward.

You probably stand with universal councils, which are suitable for both beginners and those who climbed to the average level.

Make a good tradition of recording your own speech, perhaps at first, this lesson will seem useless and meaningless, however, thanks to him, you can identify that array of errors that allow in pronunciation.

Dialogues must be read out loud. We do not undertake to challenge the fact that reading and speaking is not standing on one functional language stage, but it is possible to get an effect from it.

Systematic reading loud - this is a kind of speech apparatus simulator. In English, those muscles often involve those muscles that are practically involved in the formation of Russian sounds, which means they require training, active and constant. Experts are recommended to devote at least 10 minutes to such exercises, while training should take place daily.

For successful practice on the unstashes of the World Network, find dialogs with text decoding, which ideally you can first listen to the record.

As an opponent, take the same sufferer who ricking Language English granite. Tip: Instead of dialogues, you can use comics.

No one forbids you to sing or read poems, the first is greater popularity. Favorite melody and the possibility of exercise anywhere (in the car or soul) creates a positive attitude, which means, sooner or later, will give its results.

The method described above has a significant advantage - most of the songs are an active vibrant dictionary, whose phrases are used in conversational speech. So start with "We Will Rock You" or "We Are The Champions".

Conduct a lot of time on YouTube, viewing funny videos? Try to do the same, only in English. After listening to a couple of offers, click pause and repeat, repeat, repeat. As a source, short funny rollers are recommended, long too complex for perception and concentration of attention.

Do not be afraid of your mistakes and work on them purposefully. In colloquial speech there are a number of errors that are inherent in the Russian-speaking population, familiarize yourself with them and arrange a directional training for their liquidation. This is helped by patter on the basis of one or two sounds.

Many noise around two English options. Those who are just taken for studying, often wondering what option to choose whether to understand me in the USA, if I use the British version? Of course, will understand! It is important to understand that the "right" English does not exist (although the English Oxford and Cambridge is considered canonical and is considered), the diversity of dialects and the wide prevalence of the language give you a small liberation in the phonetic and lexical plan. The main condition is to choose one option for yourself and follow it.

Reading as a way to develop speech

Since childhood, we say that reading is the key to rich speech and literacy. Is it really? If we are talking about English, then reading, undoubtedly plays a fairly important role, but it should be right, otherwise you will learn to read quickly, but you will not start talking.

We offer you ways to improve speech by reading:

  1. Precade. Here you have an interesting book or article by reading the part, try to predict what it end. His thoughts generated by intuition, voice.
  2. If you read literary work out loud (not a dialogue), endow the heroes of various intonations, "play" voice. Let the reading turn into the theater for you.
  3. And no one has canceled the retelling. Specialists recommend telling the content first on behalf of one hero, then another. This will be an excellent training session of various grammatical forms. Another advice - use not only a well-known vocabulary, but the one that first met in the read text.
  4. Try to choose texts that are equipped with various exercises, especially valuable will be offering answers to questions. The previous Council will be relevant to this item - the vocabulary should be diverse and at least half consist of new words.
  5. If you study a foreign language not in proud loneliness and you have a company at least two people, learn the scene using the dialogs. In addition, you can come up with your ending dialogue that will come against the author. This is a great way to entertain and chat.

Skype - in touch with the world I will improve speech

For those who have already overcame the fear of living communication, we offer to go to Skype.

Skype, as a way to train spoken speech, can be used in two directions - find a teacher who for a certain amount will immerse you into language subsoil or to wake up the Native Speaker, with whom you can chat at your leisure. There are several rules relative to the latter:

  1. For the most part, these are people who are unlikely to want to spend their time on the dislaring of grammatical rules in a particular case, especially if they are not passionate about the study of your native language.
  2. Determine what form of the language you want to master. If in a dream you see yourself an intelligent resident of London, strolling on Baker Street, hardly a dealer guy from Texas can help you.
  3. Take the difference in time zones and look at things real.
  4. In his letter, be sure to describe the circle of their interests (vital, professional). This will help immediately determine the points of contact and mutually interesting topics for discussion.
Ok, you "caught" a NAUTIVA, as and what to talk to him. Immediately, we note that the themes about the weather, the family and the place of residence are very quickly exhausted and refer to the category are not the most interesting, although necessary for dating.

Before Consonance, be sure to prepare a list of questions that you specify your interlocutor, this will eliminate annoying pauses and unpleasant "MMM ...".

Do not expect from the interlocutor of deployed answers about grammar or correcting your speech errors. Many (by virtue of their upbringing or laziness) communicate according to the principle of "understood and well." By the way, this moment should be stated in advance.

Topics for communication:

  1. Culture.Here it is impossible to ask the question "Tell us about your culture", limit at least something such an extensive topic, for example, ask "You have a bride at the wedding?"
  2. Work and colleagues. "How is your working day" we replace something more interesting, for example, "How do you celebrate my colleague's birthday", "Your boss is a boring"?
  3. Life, education, health care. "How to call an ambulance and how much does it cost?"
This is only a modest list that should show you a vector selection vector for communication in Skype. In total, to improve speech there is no need to fly over the ocean, although this method is considered the most effective.

For more information about the methods of improving spoken speech, see this video:


A person who has to speak publicly, it is necessary to resolutely fight against all kinds of speech defects. If they are presented, do not hesitate to contact the speech therapist, for an adult age. The view is that these specialists work only with children, in the root mistakenly.

Not a lecturer and voice sounding on one note. Often talking does not notice the monotony of speech. Record it with a tape recorder or computer, and then listen. If you say monotonous, you will immediately notice. Be sure to learn how to change the tone of the voice from the beginning to the end of the sentence, depending on whether it is affirmative or questionative.

Considerate the words correctly within the offer, even if it is complicated.

If you do not know the meaning of a word, or learn it, or refrain from using the word. Never allow you to use. Before using any of them, find out how it sounds exactly. Also do not use in relation to which they are not suitable.

Improving colloquial speech is impossible without taking into account the experience of others. Read and listen to competently compiled texts, and do not notice how to speak better.

Finally, never read the text with a sheet of paper, laptop screen, phone. Make a brief plan of the speech so that occasionally look into it, and remember the rest. Before a lecture, be sure to rehearse to be sure that I remember everything well.

Competent clear speech with a well-posed voice is a prerequisite for the success of a person of the public profession: a journalist, a teacher, the head of any level. And many others will not prevent work on their diction and diploma.


First of all, you need to learn how to correctly pronounce. For example, a common mistake to utter the word "museum" as "Muzay". In common words, the consonant is pronounced gently, but in scientific terms and highly specialized words, for example, in the word "grotesque", the consonant remains solid.

The combination of sounds "h" and "H" is usually pronounced. However, in some areas it is often possible to hear the old pronunciation (not ", and" Skvelshnik "). This is the closest and nothing more.

When building speech, it is important that it is easy and clearly pronounced. It should not be the jet of difficult-acting words, particle turns, it should be rhythmic, long words alternate with short. It is much easier to be a speech in which the vowels and are uniformly distributed. Get rid of your speech from unclear words, meaningless expressions.

No wonder they say that it is better to think and say than to say without thinking. Rarely who to control his speech without thinking. To develop this property in itself, it is necessary to expand your horizons and develop erudition. Various verbal games, brainstorming, quiz contribute to this.

Get rid of your speech from unnecessary emotions. It is not at all that you need to vote as a robot. Excessive emotion, subconsciously causes rejection from the listener. At the same time, try to make your words more expressive. To do this, you need to learn how to place accents, changing the tonality and voice of the voice. Practice on poems. Do it hypertrophy, deliberately allocating all semantic pauses, words carrying the main meaning of the proposal. Remember how in you dragged sentences, pointing the arrow, increase your voice or lower.

Learn to control your breath when talking. You must have time to stay while pause. In this regard, singing is very helpful. Contact your experienced vocal teacher. Your arrival will not surprise him at all, because many public people regularly vocals for liberation from the clamps, the development of the depth of the voice and the ability to control it.

Video on the topic


  • improve your speech in 2019

Modern laptops have a very high potential in the field of speed. Of course, the price of them is also high. In case you want to squeeze a maximum of your computer, but at the same time you have a budget laptop, you should pay attention to parameters such as productivity and temperature in order. Perform a number of simple actions and you can really improve work laptop.


Get rid of those processes that are on autorun and in the future goes in the background. You still rarely use them and almost remember them, but they have a significant impact on your system. Use the LOONIES Admin program to clear from, as well as to disable the programs that you do not need at the moment. Also, for processes, you can use the conductor.

Disconnect all the visual effects of the shell of your operating system. They serve exclusively in aesthetic purposes, they are very rarely useful, while they occupy a part. Getting rid of them, you will be able to save a certain amount of resources that you can use for applications and programs.

Use the cooling stand for. The problem of the majority is that they heat, regardless of where they cost - on a soft or on a solid surface. Using the cooling stand, you will reduce at least twenty percent, which will have a positive effect on its performance.

Video on the topic

One of the key moments of the development of the child is a full-fledged speech possession. For each age, there are their standards. If the kid speaks a bad thing, do not despair, there are special exercises, which can be "talking Molchuna."

You will need

  • Puzzles, Mosaic, Plasticine, Children's Books


Ask the child questions, check with what exactly he wanted to say. Do not fulfill the desires of the baby, guessing them in gestures, otherwise he will not have motivation to expect his thoughts in words. Do not imitate the children's bowel. The child must hear competent speech and learn the right pronunciation.

Little Melchunas for improving speech are very helpful. Games developing fine motility. Designers, puzzles, mosaic, laying from plasticine - these fascinating classes have a positive effect on the development of the child's speech. Make your baby finger gymnastics: massaging each finger, accompanying the exercise with funny poems (forty-thief).

Read the baby books out loud as much as possible. Children's reading should be diverse: poems, fairy tales, stories, children's encyclopedias. This will expand the vocabulary of the child and will make it more expressive. Discuss the read, ask to retell the plot in your own words. Such reading will become conscious and bring the greatest benefit!

Learn by heart poems, songs and patters. Such classes train memory, improve diction, and also help the child learn to speak clearly and beautifully. There are special poems for speech development, read and repeat them together with your child.

When problems with pronunciation, there are simple exercises that will help improve children's speech. They are enough to do 5-10 minutes a day. Ask the child to do the following manipulations:
- lick the upper lip of the tongue;
- click the language like a horse clashes with hooves;
- open the widespread mouth and reach the tongue to the upper teeth.
As a result, the mobility of the speech organs improves and the bridle stretches.

If the problems with speech are quite serious, the child practically does not speak or does not argue most of the sounds, seek help to the speech therapist. A specialist will examine the child and selects him an individual classes.


Pay attention to the children's diet. Do not get drunk soft food, for proper dictation, the tongue and jaw of the child must be well developed. Add apples and other solid fruits in the menu: Active chewing will help strengthen the jaws, and the quality of the child's speech will noticeably improve.

You will need

  • - Books and films in English
  • - English dictionary
  • - Computer with internet access


You can start with the simplest: instead of words, we memorize whole phrases and repeat them loudly out loud. Such an exercise will be useful for those who are just begins to learn the language. If you teach words separately, then you may be in a difficult situation, as in practice you will need time to think with the learned words. At the initial stage, you can memorize phrases that you will often use in everyday life, for example, useful phrases for talking on the phone. After having learned the whole phrases, you will be much easier to communicate with the language, because you will not need to think how to link the words among themselves, you will immediately use phrases.

In order to learn how to talk, you also need to listen to a lot of English speech. Indeed, in real life, if you communicate with someone in a foreign language, it is very important to understand the interlocutor. If you do not understand him, then how can you answer him? Looking through movies and listening to the radio, you will remember the correct pronunciation of words and get used to English speech. Try to choose films or programs where you can hear English speakers.

Another way to improve the speaking speech itself is reading English literature aloud. In this case, you will not need to think about how to make proposals, but focus on the pronunciation of words and setting the right intonation in proposals. You can memorize poems on and tell them yourself in front of the mirror out loud. You can also try to read first, and then retell small texts and stories. If you for the retelling you forget any words, try to use others, try to explain everything in your own words.

Finally, you can use various Internet resources to train spoken English. There are quite a lot of different sites, where you can find a interlocutor, who is a carrier of English, and practicing oral speech. If you train with a native speaker, be sure to ask you to correct your mistakes, so you will quickly learn to speak in the right English. To learn to speak English at the carrier level, you need to train a lot. Try to do regularly, paying the practice of spoken speech at least 30 minutes a day.

Communication is our tool for communication with the world. Through the conversation, we denounce our thoughts to other people and try to understand the words they have said. But, unfortunately, not every person is given by speech to reach the hearts of people. To improve the skill of communication and liberately feel in society, you need to know only five ordinary rules.

The story of your life is more interesting than you think

To arrange people to yourself, you need to open themselves. The best way is to tell me about yourself. No need to be expressed by the general phrases that teach us to talk about themselves in English lessons. Remember some funny or unusual history of your life. Start telling and you yourself do not notice how to remember another and more. Of course, it is not worth the depth and turn your life inside out, but a couple of examples from personal experience will not hurt.

Good listener on gold weight

Do not be afraid to ask questions. Most people love when their lives are interested. If you do not know with, ask questions that would have to hear themselves. Plans for the summer, work, family. Even the most disrupted themes can be very important for your interlocutor. Do not forget that the most important thing in communication is special if you ask you - the ability to listen. Do not feel about the interlocutor with discontent about his constant nagging, do not be distracted by checking SMS in your phone, do not switch the topic. Give the interlocutor to speak, carefully listening to him, and you will conquer the trust of another person.

Different Audience - Miscellaneous Terms

Always remember who surrounds you at the moment. If you are on the corporate party, then you should not go into the details of your personal life. At meetings with friends, do not delve into the stories about the work. At the official meeting, forget about your desires, speak only on the topic. Choose your communication style based on the environment.

Body language as a direct key to success

Do not forget about the body language that can say a lot about you. If you say that you are ready for a frank conversation, and your own legs and hands on the chest, the interlocutor may not be misunderstood and even offended. Gestings sometimes can speak more than words, so it is worth studying the literature that will help you to learn how to use the body and words in the bundle.

Excellent knowledge of English grammar and solid vocabulary is not guaranteed ease of communication. Moreover, people often experience a psychological barrier and can not start a conversation. It is a conversational language that needs to communicate first of all, and it is quite realistic to increase its level.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - television;
  • - Books;
  • - Press.


Communicate with native speakers. You can find friends on the Internet, or unite with those who want to learn Russian. Arrange daily conversations first on one, then on the other. So you can increase the level of spoken absolutely, as well as find good friends abroad.

Register on the English-speaking Internet forum dedicated to the subject of interest. First, just read posts. Try to understand all unfamiliar words, draw conclusions regarding the manner of the presentation of thoughts, disperse in abbreviations, stable, slang. When most of the information becomes clear to you, start writing yourself.


Start training on speech development from performing articulation exercises. The training of the speech apparatus will help you achieve the clarity of pronunciation. If you speak quickly, but to swallow half, then no one. You most likely want to achieve not only high speed, but also the quality of speech. Consequently, to neglect the articulation exercises is not worth it.

Stand or sit in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders and lower down, back straight. Pull your lips forward with a tube and stretch them in a wide, open smile. Perform an exercise 10 times an average pace and 10 times in fast.

On the breath inflate the cheeks like an air ball. On the exhalation, dramatically blow them away, exhaling through the mouth and pulling the lips ahead. Repeat 8 times.

After training the articulation apparatus, go to the pronuncore pronunciation. Choose patters with such a combination of sounds that are given the harder. First, pronounce them, clearly pronounce every syllable. When you learn the patter by heart and master, increase the speed of pronouncing. Let's memorize a few poems and read them quickly and with the expression.

Replenish your vocabulary and overall level of knowledge. The big arsenal of words you will own, the easier it will be for you to pick it up for quick speech. And the storehouse of knowledge will allow you to speak freely and confidently. Exercise in front of the mirror every day, pronouncing speech on a given topic. Write down speech At the voice recorder and evaluate the speed and quality of pronunciation. Mark the mistakes allowed and try to fix them next time. With regular classes you will definitely achieve success.

Violations of speech and defects of dictations are found at the overwhelming majority of children. In time, a corrected bite, and sometimes cutting the bridles, classes with a speech therapist are creating miracles. However, not everyone succeeds at a young age get rid of speech problems. It is not surprising that many adults dissatisfied with their reprimand are referring to the services of specialists. A professional will immediately say how soon you can hope for the improvement of speech development, since some drawbacks are harder. Nevertheless, it is possible to develop speech at any age, if we are patient and preferably.


If you are engaged in the speech therapist, it is likely to determine the optimal methods for the development of speech. However, there are several universal, which are suitable for everyone who improve their pronunciation. For example, proper speech breathing. To develop it, you need to perform a few simple exercises every day. Try on exhalation sowing sounds a, o, y, and, s, try their various combinations, for example, AU, OI and so on. Alternate sound pronunciation with short breaths. Also, in exhalation, consider it out loud to ten, trying so that the sounds are not interrupted.

Teach the patter. Pronounce them every day in front of the mirror, watching your articulation to be a clear. Start slowly, whisper, emphasizing every lever, hissing sound. Each time you read the patters faster and louder, but do it, not "swing" and not "swallowing" sounds. Species can be any, including those who are familiar to you: "Sasha was walking along the highway," the three ships were lavored, lavaled. " But still, picking them up, try more often to pronounce those in which there are sounds for you.

One of the developed speech is the correct intonation. That is, alignment of stress in words, pauses, volume during the story. Intonation expressive speech adult can learn. To do this, write simple sentences or children on the leaflet or children, for example: "There is a bull, swinging, sighs on the go ...". Read them out loud, with different intonation, every time changing the stress in the offer so that I changed and. Make logical pauses. Teach yourself not to pour out the whole text in one fell.

The development of shallow motility is an important component of general child development. Due to the increase in the dexterity of the child's finchiki, the correct formation of the speech apparatus occurs, the baby faster starts talking, it is easier to assimilate knowledge and mastering the manual skills. What ways help quickly and imperceptibly develop a small motorcy?

Useful games

Most babies are big lovers all grab, try to touch, mive or tear. Many parents are trying to save the child from these habits, and in vain. Translate the desire of children to act with their hands for good.

In the course of actions, the active work of the child's brain speech centers begins. Do not limit the baby. Prepare items that do not feel sorry, let the child with pleasure, and River. The smaller the pieces are in the end, the better.

You can play with different objects. Perfectly contribute to the formation of shallow motility classes with croups, beads, coins. You can spend such games with children over three years and only under adult supervision. For kids, manufacturers have already invented a lot of special soft toys that are filled with small balls.

Drawing and laying

Children's plasticine is an excellent means for the development of shallow motility. Prefer the mass for modeling, which is made of safe materials, easily warm up and does not dry out. Offer the child to make a favorite toy, an animal, a fabulous character. Kids can simply knead plasticine in their hands, any actions with fingers with an effort help to form speech.

Drawing must be unusual. Try together to draw a picture not by an ordinary brush, and your fingers. This way is even the smallest. Surprisingly, the drawings are not worse than the drawings. And the benefits from such drawing is much more.

Toys with laces and buttons

Purchase ready-made toys equipped with laces for inwing and large buttons. Training to fasten, unbutton, get a button in a loop or a lace in the hole. The child is embarrassed by manual skills. In the game form, the kid acquires the necessary skills, and mom is a bit of free time.

Natural material

Children love to collect cones, chestnuts, acorns. Going out in the fall on nature, do not forget to score a lot of forest gifts. At home, be sure to dry the entire assembled material, fold into the elegant box and put in the nursery. You will be tied up, but from simple things the baby can come up with many different crafts. Even simple shifting of forest "treasures" from place in place is of great importance.

For the development of shallow motility, it is not necessary to buy special benefits that are not suiced. Primary materials used correctly give the same effect. Turn on the fantasy, show the baby, how to interact with objects around. Your desire and his curiosity guarantee the success of the future development of the child.

When the child marks two years, the process of active speech development is diminished. But each kid has something different. Some children immediately speak connected minor offers, others utter separate words. In any case, parents should help the child in the further formation of the right speech.

Features of the pronunciation of some sounds of two years

By a two-year-old, the child is often not able to pronounce all the sounds. The age norm in two years is the clear pronunciation of vowels "A", "U", "and", "O". But the sounds of "s", "u" children often replace the sound "and". As for the consonants, most of them are still very difficult for babies. Therefore, some solid consonants they replace on soft, which are simpler in pronunciation. This applies to the advanced sounds of "g", "d", "s", "s". Then instead of "give" they say "DYY", etc. In speech there may be no hissing sounds and sounds "L", "ry", "p".

Most children in two years should be able to correctly pronounce the following sounds: "P", "PJ", "B", "BJ", "M", "M", "F", "P", "P", "in "," VI "," T "," T "," D "," DI "," N "," NY "," SM "," OH "," K "," K'"," G ", "J," x "," x ". It is not worth running to the speech therapist in a panic if the child is hardly mastered whistling and hissing, as well as "p", "ry", "l". It can replace them easier or skip.

What classes are useful for the development of children's speech in 2 years

It is worth starting with joint viewing of pictures. You can ask the child to call the depicted items. It is necessary to discuss everything that is around as possible. For a walk, you can show him surrounding objects or phenomena. And in the future, ask the child to call them on their own. Thus, a passive vocabulary will be replenished. The child will begin to distinguish between pretexts (y, for, in, near, etc.), adverch (far, close, high, low, etc.), pronouns (there, here).

Be sure to read the child's book. This is one of the first rules for successful speech development. After reading the book, discuss the read. The child is useful to restore the story of the plot. For this, parents need to ask clarifying questions. The most simple fairy tales ("teremok", "repka") can also be played out: to open and close the door of the imaginary house, imitate the sounds of fabulous characters.

Poems, songs and counting are useful to memorize not only for the development of memory. This has a positive effect on the development of speech. It is necessary to stimulate an independent children's monologue as often as possible. Let the kid himself answers the question "What?", Describing things or phenomena. It is useful to pay attention to a detailed description of the surrounding items. For example, the flower consists of a stem, leaves, petals. Petals differ in color and form, etc. Due to this, the child will quickly replenish the lexicon.

Assist to develop a speech of a two-year-old baby puzzle. He can try to describe the resulting picture. Such classes contribute to the development of shallow motility. And it has a positive effect on the development of speech. Therefore, the benefits of double.

You can enjoy articulating gymnastics. This will facilitate the further pronunciation of many sounds. Two minutes a day is enough to lay the lips with a tube in front of the mirror. These and other classes, as well as the efforts of parents, will help to make a child's speech correct and competent.

The development of quick reading techniques allows you to improve attention, memory, imagination. And also intensify creativity and thinking. To achieve good results, you must perform several exercises described below.


Squeeze the tight teeth and repeat about yourself: "One, two, three ...". And so on, do not pronounce words with a whisper. Get rid of the articulation when reading the text (mental words or pronigrating them with a whisper). In this you will help the exercise "Testing Rhythm". When you read any text "to ourselves", try the rhythm with your hand, but it should not correspond to the usual speech rhythm. This can be a two-stroke tapping with shock elements in 1 tact and two to 2, and the first element of each clock is taught with significant amplification. It will be enough for twenty academic with the performance of the rhythm so that the new brain is "programmed", which ensures the processing of information that enters the brain in the auditorium.

When reading, drive your eyes on the page not to right, but from top to bottom. Encompose with one view of not one or two words, but a group. Do not stop and do not return to the look of the text readers.

Training peripheral, while trying to cover as much words as possible. For the development of peripheral vision uses Tables Schulte. Each represents the square of 20 x 20 values \u200b\u200bdivided into 25 cells with numbers from 1 to 25, which are inscribed in cells in an arbitrary order. The location of the numbers should not be repeated.
For training you need to use 8 tables. Before starting, lock the view in the center, you must see the entire table. Next, look for numbers