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Sophisticated spells for speakers. Species and cleanrs for children and adults

It is becoming harder to find a person with good diction, because few people seek to improve speech. Speech data is rarely given from nature, so exercises should be performed to improve pronunciation. But is it necessary for a clear pronunciation to each person?

The dickey implies a distinct pronunciation of words and correct location Speech bodies. The cause of bad dictation is congenital defects of the speech apparatus. But the cause can be and imitating the speech of other people in childhood. But even with a bad pronunciation, the improvement is possible if special exercises are used for diction.

The dickey helps:

  • Achieve understanding. If a person has not been engaged in the development of speech, the information expressed by them will be difficult to perceive by people who see it for the first time and are not accustomed to the peculiarities of pronunciation.
  • Make an impression. Improved diction helps when it is necessary to show yourself with best side. An example is a conversation with an employer who willingly give a person with a clear pronunciation.
  • Attract attention. If a person is constantly developing his pronunciation and voice, any told history will be perceived more eager than with speech defects.

Pronunciation development in adults

The development of the diction of an adult is characterized by the fact that the setting of sounds occurs much more difficult. When a person is used to pronounce words in a certain way, he has to change not only pronunciation, but also the perception of his speech. Before improving the diction, it is worth considering the main types of exercise.

  • pronunciation of patter;
  • listening to your voice;
  • breathing training.

To learn beautiful speech With the help of spear, it is worth choosing several such phrases designed to develop pronunciation of certain sounds and find out which of them are increasing. It is for them that you should concentrate your attention. It is important to pronounce such phrases regularly so that the speech apparatus is used to the correct pronunciation. Work on it implies exercise every day.

A tool to help learn how to correctly pronounce sounds, are voice recorders. If you listen to your speech on the records, it can be understood that it sounds not at all like when a conversation with the interlocutor. Defining defects and correcting them, you need to constantly record it as long as they disappear.

A common problem is a shortage of breathing during the pronouncement of long phrases. It becomes noticeable during public speech. To get rid of such a problem, the diaphragm training method is applied. One of the exercises to the diction is to pull the vowel sound on the exhalation as long as possible. First, it turns out this only for a few seconds, but subsequently the time increases to 25. The breathing training implies and changing the height of the voice. Another way to train balloons becomes inflation.

With regular exercise, the result is manifested in a few days. But in order to save the effect, you need to do all of the listed constantly. It is worth using books that are intended for speech development.

Text for Diction Development

For the development of the correct pronunciation, there are texts that are compiled by the same principle as the patter. Usually they combine several spells for the development of different sounds. This means that for diction correction does not need to look for texts. For training, it is enough to find patters for the production of all sounds, and combine them into a one.

So that the formation of the correct pronunciation happened faster, nuts are put in the mouth different sizes or clamping between the teeth of the pencil. After removal of such objects, you can feel that even complex phrases have become easier.

Develop diction helps and expressive reading fiction. After writing your pronunciation on the voice recorder, it is easy to determine which sounds are pronounced incorrect.

The longest patter

"On Thursday of the 4th, in 4 from the quarter of an hour, the Ligurian Adjustment regulated in Liguria, but the 33 ships were lavored, lavished, but did not heal, and then protocol about the protocol protocolized, as an interviewer interviewed Ligurian Advisor Cleanly, and not Purely reported, yes so I was informed about the heocked weather that in order not to the incident became a contender for the judicial precedent, the Ligurian Adjustment was acclimatized in Unconstitutional Constantinople, where the crumb laughing laughter laughed and shouting the Turk, which is planted by a pipe: do not smoke, Turk, Tube, buy better Kipa Peak, better than peak Kipa buy, and then a scorer from the brassurgurgome - bombs will bombards for the fact that someone's blackwheel, he dug out, pulled out and undermined; But in fact, the Turk was not in the case, and Clara-Kralya, at that time, sank to Lari, while Karl had Clara Klar corals, for which Clara had a clarinet from Clara, and then on the courtyard of the concurrent widow Barbara 2 of these thiefs were stolen; But sin is not laughter - not to put in the nut: About Clara with Karl in the darkness all raks were noisy in a fight, - that's not to the scorer of the thieves, but not before the concurrent widow, and not before the concrete children; But the drizzling widow removed in the barn of firewood: once firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - did not fit all the firewood, and 2 woodcutters, 2 woodwood firing for the factory barbarians expelled the firewood of the courtyard back to the woodwood yard, where the Heron Chashla died; Chicken the same Heron clingly clinging to the chain; Well done against sheep, and against the well done Sheep heard, whom Senya Hayen in Sani, then lucky Sonya Sonka with Sanya on sleds: Sledge - Skok, Senka - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead, everything is in a snowdrift, and from there only a bump hat sob, then on the Sasha's highway went, Sasha found Sasha's highway; Sonya - Sashkina girlfriend walked along the highway and sucked drying, and, moreover, Sonya-pinwheel in the mouth also 3 wathers - accurately in the Honey, but she is not to the honey - Sonya and with the cheesecakes in the mouth of the Mouth of Mouth, hesitated as Bugger, buzzes, yes it snaps: Frol - Frolu in Lavra lurled, will go to Lavra on Frol Lavru Nampo that - Wahmistra with Wahmistrash, Rothmistra with Rothmistrash, Horror, Horror, Herp - Herpache, and he has a high-ranking guest A cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 with half the fighters of the Chetverish of lentils without wormworms, and 1666 Pies with Cottage cheese from the serum from under Prostokvashi, - about everything about that oxo Cola bells broke, yes so that even Konstantin - Salzburg Expecting -Pod of the armored personnel carrier stated: like all the bells do not stroke, do not tolerate, and all the patters do not reconnect, not to revolve; But an attempt is not torture. "

How to improve diction in a short time

Sometimes performing exercises for training pronunciation is not possible due to lack of time. In such situations, articulation charging is used. It consists of several simple exercise:

  • Move the jaw back and forth. With such actions, the mouth is in the open position.
  • Printing vowels about, y and s. It is necessary to do it in a tilt position, arms crossed on the chest. In this case, the voice drops, and the sound is pronounced out. After the next sound, you need to rise to the standing position, and then tilt and repeat the action.
  • Movement language. Good exercise For the rapid development of diction, the movement in which the tongue alternately rests in the cheek. It is done with both closed and open mouth.
  • Touching to teeth. This exercise is performed with wide open mouth. We must alternately touch each teuba, following the upper and lower row.

After performing such exercises to the diction, the clarity of pronounced phrases increases, so they are often used by people advocating the public.

Is it worth visiting speech development courses

There are speech development courses intended for speakers. They include not only exercises for proper pronunciation, but also tips to help cope with problems arising during a public speech. Programs of such courses consist of several lessons:

  • articulation rules;
  • studying the basics proper breathing;
  • the development of the range and the power of the voting;
  • rules for building intonation;
  • study of orthoepia;
  • mastering the basics of gesticulation.

Courses help to learn proper technique Pronunciations and overcome the fear of performances before the audience. Work on it implies long-term classes, so speakers are engaged in this.

Speech defects arise due to the wrong structure of the speech apparatus or due to improper formation of sounds in childhood. The first type of defects is corrected only with the help of speech therapists or dentists if we are talking On the wrong structure of the teeth.

You can correct your speech with the normal location of the articulation organs during the conversation. In the absence of deviations in the development of the body, defects are manifested:

  • sonorny sounds;
  • hissing;
  • whistling.

The emergence of such defects occurs as a result of even a small deviation of the speech organs from their natural location. For proper pronunciation, you need to know how to position the lips, language, soft sky and lower jaw. It is possible to achieve this by trainings, because work on the correction of speech implies constant improvement.

How to fix a vague speech

A common speech defect, which manifests itself in people with a normally developed articulation apparatus, is insecurity. It manifests itself in swallowing the overall syllables during the conversation. Such a defect is formed in childhood due to unconscious imitation of others. To get rid of it, you need to perform the following exercises to improve the diction:

  • Chant poems, watching the rhythm. It is necessary to choose the works that are read more difficult. The example of Mayakovsky poem can be brought. Such work on it will help to quickly correct the shortcomings of speech.
  • Often to pronounce words in which the consonants are nearby. For example - counter-revolution. After drawing up such words, they should be pronounced several times a day.

This will help to correct pronunciation in just a few weeks.

How to put a voice

There are 3 exercises that help develop a voice.
To appear an audible effect, you need to perform exercises for several months. These exercises include:

  • Printing vowels. To perform the first exercise for the formation of diction, you need to alternately utter vowels until the breath is enough. Using "and", "u", "a", "o" and "y", you can make a voice more sound. Work on the voice is done constantly, since during breaks even for several days the effect becomes less noticeable.
  • Activation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and chest. To activate the area of \u200b\u200bbelly and chest, it is necessary to pronounce "M" with a closed mouth. The first pronouncement of sound should be quiet, the second is loud, and for the third time you need to strain the most vocal cords. If work on pronunciation and voice occurs without performing the exercise data, the effect is reduced.
  • Printing words with the letter "P". Also, the sound "P" is also pronounced for voice, which also improves pronunciation. To do this, first it is necessary to break through the sound "RRRR", and then in a row to pronounce more than a dozen words containing the letter r. During the pronunciation, the letter should be allocated. Such an exercise will help to put a voice and improve diction. Develop a diction help books if read aloud.

To develop diction and achieve a clear pronunciation, you need to work hard. Only with regular classes and workouts you will achieve tangible changes.

Speaking - this is usually short phrase Or a small text, which is a proposal or a set of proposals built on syntactic laws a certain language, and where the combination of sounds intentionally impede the fast pronunciation of words. The shape of the patter can be both a rhymed (in verse) and unimposed.

Species, also called phlegmors (sometimes even in philanthropists) or lingules, appeared in Russia as a small folk genre for children and adults. From a long time, "Speak", that is, quickly, purely and correctly pronounce the most complex combinations of sounds or long words, it was fascinating people's gamein which the most skillful, deft and skillful speakers competed. Russian pators are distinguished by complexity, sometimes it is difficult to just to prompted some combinations, and not what to pronounce the cleaner in a rapid pace, repeating it several times.

It is such patters that uttering which language can be broken, are an excellent exercise for the development of diction and other voice skills of speech skills, which you can read about. And they are widely used not only by parents who want to improve the diction of children, teach them to correctly pronounce native languageBut also professional actors, speakers, TVs, politicians for the development of speech utilization skills.

Species are considered very effective method Training in the articulation of sounds, getting rid of obliqueness, speech defects, contribute to the development of the right speech. Training pronounty spelling should be gradually: to achieve best Effect, patter first pronounce clear and slowly, then, gradually increasing the pace, and adjusting diction and articulation.

Often, cleanrs are classified according to different signs, usually highlight patters complex or difficult, long, special for diction, fast, folk and so on. However, in this article, the classification will be built on the basis of sounds and a combination of sounds that train. The selection of spells for speech development depends on a particular person and phonetic features of his diction. Pay attention to those sounds and combinations of sounds whose pronunciation causes you difficulties. You can choose checkers designed to train the sounds you need.

Species with sound "h"

[H] is a deaf and soft sound, which has no paired ringing and solid sounds in Russian. At the time of the pronouncement of this sound, the lips are slightly nominated forward and rounded, and the teeth are approximate, but not to the end. While the wide tip of the language is raised to the front of the solid sky near the base of the upper front teeth, the air quickly passes into the resulting gap, forming the sound [h] with its impetus. Problems with the pronouncement of this sound are often associated with the so-called "whisper", but it can be effectively fighting with it. Here are examples of spearnes for training sound [h].

  • Watchmaker, squinting the eye, reveal the watch for us.
  • We have gold chocks in the cookur.
  • Bin, Sichka - Sisters Sparrow.
  • Turtle, not bored, an hour sits for a cup of tea.
  • Crank under the sofa hides a suitcase.

As well as a patter in the form of a poem:

  • Quarter Chizh Chizhich
  • Sang a chastushki on the spindle.
  • Black cat, big eccentric,
  • Enlighten to listen to the attic.

Species with sound "sh"

[Sh] - this consonant, deaf, solid sound. When pronouncing this sound, the following happens: the lips are put forward forward, and the tip of the language is raised to the sky (closer to the front upper teeth), but does not concern them, forming a gap. The side edges of the tongue are pressed to the upper indigenous teeth, not flowing through the sides of a stream of exhaled air, which forms the sound [sh].

Here are a few spells to develop the sound of the sound [sh], the first of which is probably the most popular patter:

  • Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.
  • Sasha with a cap by mistake a bump of sneak.
  • Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo hood, as in the hood it is ridiculous.

Species with the sound "Shch"

Like [h], the sound [sh] is deaf and soft. On articulation sound [sh] very similar in pronunciation on your paired sound [W], the difference is that the solid sky should not touch the tip of the language, but its middle, while the tip itself is located at the upper front teeth. Here are four examples of cleansers for testing sound [Shch]:

  • Koshchi do not treat.
  • The predator in the grove chosen - the predator is looking for food.
  • Puppy in the package of skidding dragging.
  • I clean my puppy with a brush, puppy my sides.

And here is a combined patter for training two sounds "sh" and "sh":

  • In the grove of grass shell, we are baked sorrel.

Species for training "L"

The sound itself [l] usually does not cause difficulties if you do not have a French accent. Species with this sound are aimed at the development of frequent repetition of the syllables, where [L] is present.

  • Laps Lypny, lime scrolls.
  • Our Polcan got into drone.
  • Lilies have picked up, Ile lied lilies?

Species for training "R"

The sound [P] is correctly pronounced: the tip of the tongue is raised to the nebu, and the side edges are pressed to the upper indigenous teeth. Air sharply passes through the middle of the language, forcing it to vibrate from the alveoli (front upper teeth). Below are the spearrs to work out the sound [P] in combination with other sounds:

  • On the courtyard grass, on the grass of firewood, not Ruby firewood on the grass of the yard!
  • Drub rubbing - fish caught.
  • Greek was driving across the river, he sees the Greek - in the Rank River. Greek put his hand into the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.
  • Carl from Clara stole corals, and Clara had a clarinet from Karl.

Of course, there are many chefs for training pronunciations and other sounds, in addition there are complicated and specific options: Liguria, Shibabolt and others. For speaking, you can also use an ordinary book. However, all this goes beyond the framework of this article, aimed at familiarizing with speaking for speech and diction. If you are experiencing serious difficulties with the pronouncement of certain sounds, then you should contact a specialist who will give you a proper pronunciation. Otherwise, you risk learning to be an incorrect pronunciation, which will then be very difficult to correct.

With the development of speech, the development of thinking is inextricably linked. Many believe that learning to speak, a person reaches the limit of a possible speech Development. But this is far from that. People of professions such as speakers, operators, singers are constantly working to improve speech skills, their profession obliges them.

But the continuous development of speech does not prevent anyone. Living in society, we all talk with people all the time, we want us to listen and hear. A person who knows how to clearly and beautifully speak is convincing and is usually successful in life. Such people can with the words to summarize the interlocutor to the result of him. The ability to speak very characteristic to many successful businessmenwho sought everything themselves.

The sales manager, a consultant, a company representative, that is, the people who write the client to the result: the purchase of goods or services, partnerships, the purchase of goods or services, partnerships, should own a good convincing speech.

In order for a person to improve and develop a speech, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and cash. The development of speech occurs on the means of working out the language. Species for speech development is an excellent way to improve language flexibility. This can be done at home at work in the free minute, reading and pronouncing the optimally selected patterings. This is a proven method that is suitable for both children and adults. This article selected a whole complex forums For comprehensive speech development and led recommendations on classes. The complex is aimed at developing all groups of sounds. After a month of daily workouts, you will notice a colossal result: it will be a clearer and competently built, the language is flexible, the memory, thinking, perception of someone else's speech.

How to train speech using patter

Many patters in the complex are familiar since childhood, some completely new, there are simple introductory and complex attributes. The pronunciation order is made from simple with alternation of the patter of medium complexity to complex at the end. Do better in the morning. Total about 10 minutes of time will go to the whole complex. Every patter need to be pronounced twice. Since the beginning of training, not all patters will be able to prove clearly. Here the main thing is not speed, but the correctness of the pronunciation. When you can already clearly pronounce texts, you can increase the speed, but without damage to clarity. After a few classes, you will notice that many patters know by heart. Then pronounce their memory, without reading the text. Follow the text only for the sequence.

Species for speech development: training complex

Kosya braid mowed oblique scythe.

On the courtyard grass, on the grass of firewood, not Ruby firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

Thirty-three ships were lavored, lavished, but did not hesitate.

Forgot Pankrat Kondratievich jack, and without a jack, well, do not raise the tractor on the path.

Interviewer Interviewed interviewed.

I reported, but did not defait, then I was dragged, yes I was informed.

Black night black cat jumped into a black chimney.

Greek was driving across the river, he sees the Greek - in the Rank River. Greek turned his hand into the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek - DAC!

Wahmistra with Wahmistrash, Rothmistra with Rothmistol.

Brit Klim Brother, Brit Ignat Brother, and Brother Pankrat - Bearded.

Did not regret mom soap. Mom Mila Soap Soap. Mila Soap did not love, soap Mila dropped.

Protocol about the protocol protocol was configured.

Take tank fabrics on Tane shawls.

The commander said under the colonel about the companion, and at Lieutenantkress, he said about the subpenser.

Turku smokes the tube, the jurka pecks the groove. Do not smoke, turk, tube, not keys, smoky, grub.

Senka Sanka is lucky with Sonya. Sledge Skok, Senka, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

The instigated constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople.

Water trucks are water from under the water supply.

Our head of your head is overtaken, tightened.

Migrated to the wolf in Khlevu with wipes.

Rhododendrons from Arndrairia.

Forty with speedwriter.

The quail and passing five quail.

On Mount Ararat Rvala Varvara grapes.

In the courtyard-sovereign, the weather has grinding.

Two wood shops spoke about the stall and about the varnish.

Flowing Luchery was fraught with a non-framed Niccue.

Al Lal, Bel Diamond, Green Emerald.

Four of men went from the Kostromach region; They spoke about bidding yes about purchases, about a barro yes about bribery.

Forty mice went, found forty pennies; Two mice carried two pennies.

The pig stupid, Belorel, the whole yard rummaged, pulled out, was not pregnant to the hole.

Archka Osip, Osip Hyrbon.

Good Beaquen to Bobryat.

Chase in Palcol, subricted.

Loading from the skin in the clamp of Vherreli.

In the pond at the polycarp three casses, three carp.

The thunderstorm of Grimov, Graza.

Grandfather Dodon duded in the Duda, Dimka grandfather Dudoya.

Doba Beavers go to bours.

Wood-colors ruled oaks.

Essay, Evsey, Milk Orsay, and seek the flour of bake in the kalachy oven and swords on the table of hot.

Cook Kashov Cook, podvarivaa dawned.

Buckles Klim in one pancake wedge.

Crab Craba made a rake, gave a crab rake. Grably gravel robbles, crab.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Puting cuckoo a hood, in the hood of cuckoo ridiculous.

Wearing Senya in the Senya Sena, Senya will sleep on the hay.

Osa on Bosa's feet and without a belt.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.

Fields walked in the field.

Prokop came - dill boils, proof went - turns dill. And when proceeding, dill boils, and dill boils without proof.

There is a shock with a jumper, and under a copper quail with a trimmer.

It is worth it stands at the gate of the bull stupid catcher.

Belubus tables, gladkothes-tools.

She sews a cap, knitted a cap, but not in Kolpakovsky. The bell will fall out, Kovan Bell, and not the bellovers. It is necessary to overlapping the cap, but to transfate. It is necessary to spin the bell, but to discharge.

It's akin to interpret, but it is indispensable.

The wasp is not a mustache, do not weigh, but the mustache.

Sasha in Cashe serum from under Prostokvashi.

Four turtles are four turtle.

Cute Soroki catch a fruit, and forty forty - forty marker.

Crested laughing laughter laughing: XA! Xa! Ha!

Heron Chashla, Heron Serebed.

Sasha was walking along the highway, carried the drying on the pole and sucked drying.

Sophisticified patters:

Speaking said threw thoroughly that all the patters do not protigue do not revise the corresponding, but drumming up, vomigated that all patters will revise, rustify.

If you did not live near the meal, but if you lived near the alarmed, it means the strawberry jam you are familiar and not the usual jam. If you lived near the meal, it means that the blackboy jam you are familiar to you, and not the usual strawberry jam. But if you lived near the blackberry and if you lived near the alarmed and if you did not regret the forest, then it means the convertible jam is the black-related, strawberry jam you ate daily.

At the king of Clarik Kralya, the queen Carlisyla Dwarf. Dwarf - Karl, and Kralya - Clara, Clara Clarinet, Karl Coralla. Clara stole corals from Karl, and Karl had clarinet from Clara. There is no clarinet from Clara, but there are corals. Karl - Clarinet, and there are no corals. Queen Carlisle Karala Clara for theft of corals from Karlik Karl, and Clerge King Charles Kararal, who Clarinet from Kralya stole. If Karl did not cradle at Clara, Clara would then not steal corals, listened to Clagrick clarinet his crawl, and Karl presented the corals Carlisle.

In the depths of the tundra Otters in the festractions, pull in buckets of cedar kernel! Beaver - Beaver and Otters - Bodro Tyrit cedar kernels in the depths of the tundra in buckets! Having exhausted from the otters in the tundra of the leggings, the wizard of the kernel of the cedar, the womb of the gtering of the dying in the tundra, the kernel in the vest. Beaver Petr wizer wipe wipe, the shoulder walked, the kernel chose. Passed Otters Gretchen Gootra. Sin at Gretchen Ghetra Tit! In Tundra, the wizards are invarious. Top urchi in the tundra bushings. Sleeping sleeves Urika Turks. Insert the turks of the bushings in the jacket. The gate of the jacket - the dying muzzle. Fashionable otter in bowel tundra!

There were three Chinese people: Yak, Yak Cydrak, Jaccidrcristeraccidroni. There were three Chinese people: Tsypa, Tsypa-Drypa, Rassepadrympampampia. I got married: Yak at the Tsype, Jaccidrak on the told, the cider jaccidrocriste on the Drympampon tsp. Children were arranged for them: the yaczip - yak with a chick, the jaccidracrispage - at the yak-cider with a chill-drift, the Yakcidraccotidron Cipadrypa \u200b\u200bDrympamponi - in the Yakcidraccidrak Cidron with a tile of Drympampamy.

Complex patters at first difficult even read, not something to remember by heart. But over time you will gladly notice how they "fly away from the teeth"

Each speaker knows that with the help of patterings you can achieve volumetric and complete voice sound, and also significantly improve the clarity of pronunciation. On our site you will find little collection Species that will help you in your work. But first let's talk about how to correctly pronounce the patters and what you need to do to achieve the maximum effect of exercises.

Before trying to pronounce the patter, will take care of the muscles of the sky. To do this, in a smooth pace, we pronounce the consonants "G" and "K", then with a half-open mouth we will try to pronounce the vowels "O", "A" and "E" (also three times).

After these exercises, you need to relax muscles, presented that you are writing your mouth, but not water, and air. Now go to reading patter.

How to pronounce speigned

To start reading any patter of the voice recorder on the following principle: all vowels must be almost silent, but consonants, on the contrary, need to be pronounced clearly and ringing. After that, the patter should already be pronounced in full voice. At the same time, the announcer should listen to himself to determine, with what articulation the voice will sound most smoothly and clearly.

During reading the patter, tilt the head from the side to the side. At the same time, you need to try to push the tongue to the lips, it will give the effect of quiet vowels.

Another simple exercise, which in writing with patter will help improve the diction: deeply inspiring and delaying breathing, slightly clam your nose with your fingers and start reading the patter. To exhale and inhale the air through the nose in those places where the pause is necessary.

For greater emotional colors, put a clear emphasis on the necessary syllables. In each sound, the word or phrase should be felt by the prospect.

Species for speakers

For the announcement, the speaker will be quite suitable for the development of speech, familiar to us since childhood. You can choose a funny patter or come up with your own. In any case, start the workout with simple twists, gradually moving to more complex.

The ships were lavored, caught yes they were not caught, because they did not believe in the probability of catching out. Here are Malovers: would believe - would have won.

Pouch Speaking Spear Species,
And the pator told us that all patters will be able to forward
But during the patter of patter, the spelling will absequently,
And the pator will appeal to us the last patter:
"All patters say that you will not whistling!"

You have our knife with us your knife.

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov stole Berdongarova Corals from Tanirbergen

Up Pope Kok, Coca Pap Pop

Parallelogram parallelogramal parallel flames Yes, but not marallellogrammed.

Staffordshire Terrier Rule
And the black grain rizenshnauzer flashes.

It's akin to interpret, but it is indispensable.

Came proof, boiled dill,
Prokop gave, boiled dill;
How when proceding was boiling dill,
So without proof, Dill was boiling.

The commander spoke about the Colonel and about the Colonel, about Lieutenant Colonel and about Lieutenantkovitsa, about the lieutenant and about the guarantile, about the companion and about the companion, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the subpenser, and about the subpenser was silent.

Wahmistra with Wahmistrash, Rothmistra with Rothmistol.

Two cheek puppies to the cheek pulls the brush in the corner.

Patters speaking thoroughly thoroughly
Speaking upgrades not to hurt.

Six ritual or folded rite - you can not build rites in a row.

Having got the bean beans.

Deideologized deideologized, and dodeidoicized.

From the body in the body was overloading watermelons. In a thunderstorm, in the dirt from the cargo of the watermelon collapsed the body.

Coconuts are boiled in Coconut Coconut Cocks.

Buy kip peak.
Buy Pooh kip.

The axle ax was dug in the sting that he had squeezed.

I am a ferticulate man, I can overtake and verifiable.

We ate, spruce ate. They were barely barely militant.

Our Polcan from Baikal Lacal. Lacal Polcan, lacqual, and not mell Baikal.

Our head of your head is overtaken, tightened.

Neus Petro bucket,
Bucket beat Peter in the thigh.
Petro Petro bucket,
The bucket is not a kernel, but flew quickly.

An adult man independently detects any problem in himself and struggles with her. If in his speech, he notices the defect, he is engaged in its correction. It is best to use pator. It is simple enough because to get necessary material It is enough just to open the appropriate article or the section of the book.

Species for improving speech

Species pose perfect solution For the development of speakers skills, as well as improved speech abilities. These effective and simple exercises use politicians, public figures, TV presenters. Many of us believe that famous people Born S. proper speech and rectifying diction. In fact, all this is the result of a constant work on oneself.

And there is no always here there is a hand of an expensive specialist, patterings are exercises that are available to each of us. And for the organization of such classes do not need anything, except for a small manifestation of willpower.

If practicing complex patters for adults with seriousness, it turns out to quickly improve your pronunciation. In the course of training, man begins to clearly pronounce sounds, breathe correctly. In this case, the development of speech articulation occurs.

For patterings, a special classification is characteristic. It was created on the basis of different signs, which include complexity, simplicity, duration. That is, longer are exercises to improve diction. Folk patters often sound the most short.

Choice of patter

Previously, you need to pick up the most suitable for speaking. It should take into account the features of personal diction phonetics. That is, you need to choose the spells for adults, the reading of which causes complexity.

For the first workout, it is quite enough to prepare three exercises. After that, you can proceed to business. But after the completion of the lesson, there must be complete confidence in the complete development of the material. That is, the selected spells for adults no longer have to cause difficulties at reading.

How to work with patter

Before starting classes, you need to give time to familiarize yourself with the theory. Must be implemented in stages. First of all, you should read the patter in the syllables, thoroughly saying each.

Gradually, the tempo needs to be increased. But you do not need to engage in the forcing events. Exaggerating your own opportunities will lead to stuffing. Adult patters should be pronounced with the control of diction and articulation.

If necessary, classes with the child must first work out all the exercises on their own. The material in this case is selected in advance. At the same time, in no case should not stuff before the child. Of course, such a lesson resembles the game. But you should not make it too frivolous. And be sure to try to be a sample for the baby.

Examples of patter

Species for adults that improve diction:

  1. I'm going to potholes, food, I will not go from the choice.
  2. Sleepy thin blaspheme drags a box of vegetables.
  3. Employees privatized, privatized, but did not predate.
  4. In the guru inauguration with a bang passed.
  5. Is it colonialism? - No, it is not colonialism, but neocolonialism!
  6. Experimental.
  7. In Kabardino-Balkaria Valokardin from Bulgaria.
  8. Understand.
  9. Gazelle's eyes glared on her
  10. Unspelledified.
  11. In Sewing Chef Pyzhiv - Parshiv His tailoring.
  12. Do not re-title all speakers.

Complete exercises

Sophisticated adults help at home and without additional witnesses to cope with the problem of pronunciation. And you can organize a half-way game with friends. It consists in reading spells in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. As a result, it turns out to spend time quite interesting.

Indeed, not everyone manage to cope with such phrases from the first time:

  1. In the field of a hill with klya, I will go out on the hill, I will correct the Kul, Kul will take. I will correct in any case.
  2. Carmen Roman put an affair in his pocket and went to "Carmen" in "Roman".
  3. Who does not work, he does not eat what eats the one who works.
  4. Deideologized deideologized, and dodeidoicized.
  5. Fluorography fluorography of fluorography.
  6. I am a verticulture. I can verticulate, I can transverted.
  8. Coconuts are boiled coconut, and the coconut juice gets in the fuser.

In 2016, the most relevant patterings to improve the diction of adults about monkeys. Their examples may look like:

  1. The funny monkey was given bananas, gave bananas a funny monkey.
  2. Makaka Makala Koala in Cocoa, Kakao Koala lazy lacqual.

The importance of beautiful speech

We all want us to listen with attention and enthusiasm. But how to achieve this, if not working on yourself? Inborn orators units. In most cases, adults detect their own shortcomings on their own. But not enough about his inability to something.

Must consciously apply maximum efforts on the way to achieving the goal. Only in this way it will have to significantly improve the state of affairs. Perhaps the exercise will seem boring occupation. But in fact, the result is difficult.

If you first fail to pronounce the patterings beautifully and cleared, do not be upset. It should be returned to the exercises until the dictation becomes correct. It is also important to follow the pleasant sound of the voice. After all, sharp and screaming intonations will not be pleasant to the listeners. No one will listen to such a speaker, although it is a clear dictation. People are unpleasant to the sharpness, words should be pronounced, beautiful and measured.

That is, patters for the development of speech adults significantly improve the quality of pronounced phrases, make memory better. And for classes is not required large number time and strength. You can exercise at home in the usual and convenient setting.