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Folk game "Chop-coronary" for children of the senior group. Material on the topic: Folk games

"The sea is worried" - Russian folk game

This game can be played in the room. According to the guys choose a leading, then they make chairs (they should be less than the guys) and at the exclamation of a leading "sea worry" - run, jump, portraying the waves. According to the signal of the water "Sea subsided," the places are rushed. Those who did not get a place leading appoints the phantas - asks them to be saved, sing, read the poem.

The sea is worried in front of me,
Beating about the shore wave for the wave.
This wave is not very strong,
This wave is stronger than an elephant!

"White Wand" - Tajik game

In terms of counters, children choose a leading and divide for 2 teams.
It is imperceptible to the guys driving hides "white wand" (you can wrap the pencil paper).
By the sign of a leading, everyone runs to seek a wand, the wand screaming: "There is!" And he tries to attribute it to a pre-agitated place, for example, in the circle drawn on Earth. His team players help him, and the guys from another team are trying to take away the wand. The wand can be shifted, it can only be transmitted.

Warm - corrupt, our game is ahead!
The wand - the corrupt, who is dozing - her!
Wand - corrupt, Homon hears and laughter,
Warm - corrupt, revenue of all-machine-hang!

"Collect Apples" - Turkmen game

One apple is put on the stool. The bumps take turns take the ball and throw it up. While the ball is touched by the earth, you need to assemble the "harvest" - to take an apple from the toaster. Those who succeed, continue the game-put on the stool two, three, four apples, etc. defeats the one who was able to collect more apples during the time when the ball was in the air. Instead of apples you can take pebbles, bones of plums and other items.

Guess, Fatimushka, that in a bag of grandmother:
Bulbs? Buttons? Rice? Or flour?
If you guess, grandmother will give an apple
Red, pussy out of full bag!

"Rattlegock" - Uzbek game

On the site guys draw a straight line 6-10 meters long. We must move along it, like a rope. It is allowed to keep hands on the sides. Play those guys who will come from the line - "fly from the rope"

Hanging rope stretched,
Pass, Farhad, first you.
Then Sharaf, then Rashid,
Then Ilya, then I!

"Santa Claus" - Belarusian game»

Vedas: White Pooh, Snow Pooh, everything, everything, everything in the fluff around!
Pooh on the caps, the fluff on the coats, the fluff on the brows, the fluff on the sponges.
How Schoekly, Wow! Who tickles?
Children: Pooh!

Santa Claus and children are selected in terms of counting on the site. Santa Claus runs behind them and tries to touch one of the guys, "freeze" him. »Frozen must stop and dilute your arms to the sides. The game ends when all the guys (or 3-4 perspective) are "frozen". Then choose the new Santa Claus and start the game first.

"Watchman" - Georgian game

Bunny in the yamer sleeps sleep-sleeps, right, bunny Zalenor,
And there can not bunny jump, bunny jump, bunny-coco!
Here is a hunter-top top-top, with him dog-gav-gav-gav!
MiG Bunny Outdoor, Bunny-Jump, Bunny-Skok!

The selected "watchman" is suitable for one of the players. That immediately sitting on a squat, and the "watchman" puts his hand on his head-guard. With the other hand, he tries to hurt the guys who are trying to touch the sitting. Those who "spare" the watchman come out of the game, and the one who "spins" the sitting, becomes a new "watchman."

"Razvi chain" - the Kazakh game

Beware, side, I am a Gengiz-tractor driver!
I am Pasha, Boron, ringing hoop chasing!

Children become against each other in two ranks at a distance of 10-15 steps. They are taken after the hands are forming a chain. In turn from each Sherngi runs the player, trying to break the chain "enemy". The one who succeeds will lead to two guys from the torn chain, and the loser remains at the "enemy".

"Jump" - Kyrgyz game

At the horse, I'm flying, if the hare fucks-I will let go.
For the fox of the ridge-whip of the moron
And on the wolf of fever!

By reading to choose a leading, which becomes in the center of the circle.
Clapping in your hands, the children jump with gallop in a circle, depicting riders.
The one who wakes a handkerchief thrown on the center of the circle on the summer.

"Lisa and Zhuravushka" - Russian game

Draw a chalk or wand on the ground "Luga", "House", "Lisa Nora."
The presenter with the help of readers chooses the "fox". »Fox" hides in "Nora." "Zhuravushka" are going to the house. The presenter begins to read the poem, and "Zhuravushka" fly out of the "house" and do not care for the "meadow", highly lifting one, then another leg.
Will say the leading word: "Fly, fly, fly!" - And the cranes will fly home, spreading his hands-wings wide. And "Lisa" will pop up from the "hole" and in the distance behind them! Catch one or changing with him places. Do not catch, let him drive again.

In the travelers-mushushka, the belgrament goes
And the song about the travelers-Muravich sings:
"Ah, herbushka-Muravichka, thick and good!"
Walking home of the jury, walks well.
Zhuravushka, Rouseushka, Fox on the way!
Fly home, crane, fly, fly, fly!

"Jumping through ditch" - Azerbaijani game

Vedas: If you want to be deft
If you want to be strong
If you want to be healthy,
Jump with us through ditch!
Two drawn on the plot of chalk parallel lines At a distance of the half-meter one from the other - it is "ditch". Children on reading are divided into two teams, which are built on both sides of the "RVA" at a distance of five steps from him. Towards S. closed eyes The guys are suitable for Rives and jump. Players of each team help their comrades with exclamations: "Jump!", "Do not jump!". This team wins, in which more guys managed to jump over the ditch, without coming on the line.

"Earth, water, fire, air" - Armenian game

Vedas: on the way to Yerevan Lake Sevan,
Fish to the shore sailed, we asked: "How are you?"
Fish in the mouth of water scored, did not say anything to us,
Turned and left ...
Past Lake Sevan We are conducting our caravan
In the glorious city of Yerevan on the River Hrazdan.
The guys become in a circle, in the middle-presenter. He throws the ball to someone from the children, pronouncing one of the four words: "Earth", "water", "fire", "air". If driving said, "Earth", then the one who caught the ball must call any homemade or wild animal, for the word "water" - children meet the name of any fish, on the word "air" - the name of the bird. With the word "fire" - everyone must quickly turn around themselves several times around themselves, waving his hands.

"Gray Cat" - Ukrainian game

According to the guys choose the "cat", the remaining "mice". "Mice" get up for "cat" in the column.
The column moves around the site. There is a conversation between "cat" and "mice":
Cat: Are there mouses in stack?
Mouse: yes !!
Cat: Are you afraid of a cat?
Mouse: No!
Cat: And I, Kotofey, allowing all mice!
"Mice" are running out, "Cat" catches them who will catch, he becomes "cat."

Walks the cat on the grass, wears sleep in the sleeve.
How to see this dream, come out, mouse, won!

"Birds" - Estonian game

Children consider the "hostess" and "hawk", and the remaining "birds".
The hostess secretly gives the name of each bird: "You're cuckoo," you are swallow "and so on.
A hawk arrives.
Mistress: Why did you come?
Hawk: Bird!
Mistress: What kind of?
The hawk calls, for example, "cuckoo." "Cuckoo" runs out, "Hawk" catches it. If there is no bird called a hawk, the hostess drives the hawk. The game continues until the hawk will catch all birds.

"Swallow, swallow, what happened there?"
"Martha girl in the forest got lost!
Hurry to the revenue of good birds
Chechers, haircuts, bullfinches and tits. "

"Bear Bor" - Russian game

Children counting "bear". The bear goes into his "Forest House" (in a pre-agitated place), and the children tease him, singing a song. The bear begins to catch children. Who will catch, he will become a bear.

At the bear in Bor of Grub, Ryzhika take,
And the bear is silent, does not growl and do not bother!
At the bear in Boru I and Möhd gain ...
-Rero! ... And I'm a Uder!

"Who is superfluous?" - Bashkir game

Clapping in your hands, singing a song and sailing, children water dance.
Inside the dance, a triangle is drawn with sides of 3-5 steps, and each vertex-mug.
Three guys become in the circles, and the fourth "superfluous" in the center of the triangle. From the circles, the guys are moving into the dance. Those who get up to whom should quickly take the empty circle until he was captured by "extra". Whoever deals, that "extra".

What are under our feet, under iron pillars?
This is oil under Ishimbay, we are walking on it!
Yamilya, Camile, Bibinur and Fazil,
And Bayram, and Buranai, fly to Ishimbay!

"Ball" - Karelian game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Players of the same team draw for themselves on the "Fortress" site - a square with the sides of 5 steps. Players other team are in the "field". They approach the fortress no closer than 5 steps. One of the attackers in his hands the ball. He throws him in the defenders of the fortress. The one who hit, raises the ball and throws it in the attackers, and they in turn, again throw a ball in the defenders of the fortress. Mashed, dropping out of the game.

She went home from Vanya Sanya and did not meet anyone
She went home from Sani Vanya, met Vanya anyone.
And asked anyone: "Who are you?" - "Nobody!"
"Where are you?" - "Nowhere!"
"Where are you from?" - "Nowhere!"
"Where are you?" - "Nowhere!"
"Are you an enemy?" - "Never!"

"Neod" - the game of the people of Komi

Children choose "Fish". A bright handkerchief or a wreath of flowers is worn on her head and put in the center of the dance, depicting the nem. At a distance of 15-20 steps from the dance, 4 decorated pole ribbons are installed. Fish, breaking through the nem (under the hands of the guys), runs to one of the poles. If it is not caught up, she remains fish, if you catch up, it returns to the dance, and the one who cared her fish becomes fish.

Snow in the morning blue sky
Everything around Blue from snow.
Bryer, Veshka, three Oleska,
Trucks ..., from the nose of steam.
Food, food and get on deer in Syktyvkar!

"Where is the scarf?" - Mariy game

The guys become in a circle and pass the scarf behind each other. Driving, selected by read, walks in the middle of the circle and tries to guess who is a handkerchief. The one who he discovered a handkerchief becomes leading.

Cuckoo in the forest Play chastushki:
"Ku-ku, we care, ku-ku, we cuckoo!
Nosted daws output readers:
"Just! You check! We-tank! You check! "
And only Chernushki, and only whitening
In the woods on the clearing playing silent!

"Camel and camel" - Buryat game

Hey guys stand up in a circle!
Who does not dance, go out,
Consicle of the raven!

The guys choose a "camel" and "camel", and then become in the circle and take hands. The camel tries to catch the camel, and he dodges, running in a circle or for the circle. The guys help the camel: if he is in a circle, they do not pass a camel there, if the camel is managed to break through the chain, the camel is instantly released from the circle.

"Looking for - finding" - Dagestan game

Children choose a leading, tie his eyes. Then they hide some thing, such as a cap, and begin to sing and dance. Drinking is looking for a hat. When he approaches her, the guys sing louder and clap your hands, and when it is removed - they sing quieter.

There is a kindergarten in Aula,
Murad went to this garden.
He was below all the guys
Ai, ah, ah, all guys!
Grew on the slide of grapes,
Ros garlic and Ros Murad.
He became above all the guys
Hey, hey, hey, all guys!
And now he is Mala,
They say Makhachkala!

»Geese» - Kabardino - Balkar game

Children choose "fox" and "shepherd". The rest is "geese." Fox is chasing the goose and catches them, and the shepherd tries to prevent the fox. If the shepherd has time to grab the goose behind the wing before the fox, goose is saved. They play until Lisa shifts all geese.

I'm a geese in the forest Pas, from the fox geese a save!
-Gii, geese! -Ga-ga-ha! -It's true? -Yes Yes Yes!
What do you hear you? - Kabarda!

"Hare" - Kalmyk game

The guys are located around the ones chosen. The leading sinks, shifts, shows gestures, like a hare jumps, sits on the rear legs, washed and so on. The guys imitate him. Who imites the best of all, becomes leading.

Bunny, bunny, did you ride from Elista?
Shootped to the Bowls, ate the cabbage and in the bushes?
You or not you?

"Ball in Yamke" - Mordovian game

Each player digs a hole. They need to be located in one line at a distance of 1-2 steps. Selected to read the leading departs from the pits for 3-4 steps and rolls the ball, trying to get into one of the pits. The participant of the game, in the fossa of which the ball will get, must grab it and throw in someone from playing. If he falls, the one gets the one to whom it falls, and if missed, it goes to drive.

On the road where the dam is. I saw a miracle yudo.
"Miracle Yudo, where are you from? From under the snow or from the sky? "
Wrapped miracle yudo, miracle-yudo smiled
And said Miracle Yudo: "Enzy-Branza, I am from Penza!"

"Zhuravl" - Ossetian game

Children choose a leading and "wolf". The rest are "cranes", become in the column one by one. Every puts hands on the belt ahead standing. Driving becomes ahead and tries to be face to wolf all the time. Cranes, without breaking the columns, hide behind it. The wolf can grab any crane except water. Play until the wolf grab the crane. After that, choose a new water and wolf.

How do you chew cranes?
-Hy, Gly, Gly!
-What does fear come on them?
- Volk in the mountains!
"Wolf turns out?
-I! You! It!

"Pegs" - Tatar game

Children choose a leading. Drawing a circle with a diameter of 15 steps on the site, they are divided into pairs and get up in a circle. One player becomes inside the circle face to the center, and the other after him outside the circle. Driving from the center of the circle should approach any of those who stand outside the circle and say: "Elci Balchi, sell peg!" After that, the leading runs in one direction, and the player to whom he turned to another. The partner of this player takes a step back for the circle, and the one who will come running before, becomes ahead of him, inside the circle. Late-lead.

Elci Balchi, we were told that on the bus station,
Beyond the head of the strip, the newspaper kiosk,
Where the sign "Pharmacy", and behind it "library",
And for old new house, Park Culture, Autodrome ...
What are we talking about? Elci Balchi, we forgot!

"Find beads" - Tuvinian game

Children choose the lead and guess. The rest of the guys become in a row, squeeze the palm of the "boat" and pull them forward. The presenter takes the same posture, hiding in the hands of beads or some other item - pebbles, rope, buttons. He comes to the guys, pretending that each of them puts this subject in his hands. And the guessman tries to guess: who he gave him? If the guess is giving up, he comes up with a phanta for the lead, for example, to reach a certain place, to be saved or something else. If he is mistaken, the presenter comes up with a phanta for a guessing. Then they choose new leading and guessing.

And b in g d e g a toad on hedgehog
H and to l m n o, bunny, look to me in the window!
PR S T U F X, Feather is a rooster
C h sh u u u i, and pussy scales!

"Burleys" - Udmurt game

Children become in the column of two, and ahead - face-related facing. In the hand of a leading handkerchief. So he raised him and immediately the guys standing in the last couple, rush to him. He who comes down first, takes a handkerchief. Now he is driven, and the former leading becomes a couple with his comrades ahead of the rest of the children. Then the next pair is running around the signal.

Rain, go away, sunshine, and
To the rocker over the earth hung:
One end over the River Cherez,
And another end over my porch!

"Snake" - the game of the peoples of Chechen - Ingushetia

The guys are taken by arms and, singing a song, a snake move to the tact of the entrance. Going ahead tries to unexpectedly roll and slip at the hands of some pair - "tighten the knot." Fishing to the node must sit down and turn around so as to continue the path without spreading hands. Guys who will deal with arms are dropped out of the dance.

He lived in the light of Zhildabil, he was friends with the wrong.
Zhildabil would not have lived without a day without a day.
But I left Zhildabil and not writes Zhildabil.
Did Zhildabil be ordered forgotten?

"Sun and Month - Chuvash game

The guys choose two leaders. They are secretly negotiated from others, which of them will be "the Sun", and who "month". "You whose?" - Ask leaders from playing. It is necessary to answer quietly so that no one can hear other than leaders. This crews 2 commands. After that, the land is drawn. The leaders are becoming against each other and take hands. For them in the head, putting hands on the belt belonging to the belt, guys are built out of their teams. They help their leaders who try to drag each other by the hell.

New, city Old-nice city of Cheboksary!
In Cheboksary on the boulevards Taurant Sparrows:
Chiki-Wiki, Chiki-Brick, Chiv, Chiv, Chivi!

"Hawk and Duck" - Yakutskaya game

At the site draw two circles - two "lakes". Between them a distance of 5-10 steps. According to reader, "Yastreba", the remaining - "wild ducks" - chirks, whiskers and short-stalls. Chirki and Skyki swim in the same lake, short-stroke - in another. The ducks are then changed in places: chirks fly to the lake to shilokhvosts, shilohvostki to the yoke, and they, in turn, fly to chirms. At this time, the hawk, which is "on land" (between two lakes) catches ducks. Cut ducks are dropped out of the game. In the lake ducks you can not catch.

The dams of the bird are floating in the pond:
Head in the water, and the tail in plain sight.
You, dive, dive, not Tony,
There are diving, and there are no longer!
You, Chicks, Cherkani wing!
And you, Shilohvostka, all rounds!

Hey! Today we have - reven! This game is very fun, movable and suitable for big company Children of preschool and school age in nature.

We really liked such a game, so we decided to continue our garlic chopstick, and the game of Phanti move a little.

There is another reason for the temporary transfer of the game of phantas. Masha loved this game so that we already had several modifications. And, probably, we need to tell and show all these modifications. For they are all interesting, merry and very useful.

So - to the game!

Wand-cutting -

Cheerful game for the company of children and adults in nature.

Game description


Wand-cut, unlike mail, it will be interesting not only to the kids and preschoolers. As well as schoolchildren, senior schoolchildren and even adults.

This is a fascinating and very mobile game for cheerful companies Children and adults.

She looks like a game of hide and seemless and more interesting.

Where you can play

Outdoors. In the country. On the school yard ... indoors, of course, is also possible. But a large area and numerous catches are needed, in which you can hide.

Number of playing

From three people. The more, the more fun and more interesting.

What do you need

Wand-cutting! Easy to not injure anyone, and bright to be visible in the grass.

SAMI decent alternativewhich immediately came to our mind, it is a plastic bottle.

At least to find it, it will be easy.

A source

Let me remind you that the source of information about games now we have the book "Children's Moving Games of the Peoples of the USSR" A.V. Kenneman. Details and links will be found in the description of our project on the revival of air forgotten, in the way and houses for kids and schoolchildren.

The game wand-cutting, according to this book, is a real Russian folk game.

And now - to the rules!

Game Wand-Correction -

real Russian Folk Game

Rules of the game

The game begins with the search for the lead.

For this, such a belong is offered:

I'll buy myself a dud

And I'll go to the street!

Louder, shoes, denses,

The wand came

I did not find anyone.

Who will find the first wand

He will go for a stick!

During this time, playing must be hidden in different places.

After the "invoice", the presenter goes to look.

He leaves a wand at the same time.

The presenter is obliged to walk and look for not only next to the horse. Otherwise, it will be uninteresting.

If a leading someone found, he runs to a stick.

Also, the player who was found to the chopstick. The task of each coming to the wand first.

The first option - the presenter relocated to the wand first.

Master grabs a wand, knocking her on the horse and says

- Chopka found Vasya! (The name of the player who found a wand).

The second option - the found player rested to the chopsticks first

The player grabs a wand and, with words

- Wand, reversing me!

The presenter runs to seek a wand, a player during this time should be overwhelmed into a new place.

Third option - Salvation of the player found to another player

Other players can rescue the player found. It can make that player who sees that another player found and understands that he can reach the sticks faster.

Then the "Savior" runs out of shelter, runs up to a stick, grabs it,

And with the words

- Wand, revenue Fedya! (the name of the player who helps)

The presenter runs to seek a wand, during the time, as long as the lead looking for a wand, the player found and the feeding must be overwhelmed into new places.

Yes, if someone did not have time to talk before the lead found a wand, the presenter has the full right to "find" it.

Leading is forbidden to pry around when he is looking for a wand, otherwise the game will be uninteresting.

When all players are found, the game can be started again. The leader becomes the player who was found first.

Game wand-corona with Marina, Masha and Pope. Video

Well, here you can see a visual demonstration of the game in the performance of Marina, Mash and Dad.

Cheerful viewing!

On this, our real chopper finish ends.

We hope that this cheerful game It is suitable for your company of children and adults, or - for your family! Give you a lot of excellent mood, cheerfulness and fun and, of course, kind memories. Cheerful to you relaxing in nature!

See also our first game of our project you can find.

Group games (without splitting on commands)


1. Snacks - one of the most popular games. Playing scatter on the site, and the stained (driven) will catch them. The one he says becomes a "spot." This game can make a number of additional rules and complications, then it will become even more interesting. Here is some of them:

2. If the fifth is chased by any of the players, and he crosses the road another playing, he is obliged to break through who crossed the road.

3. The spot can only be stained by a running player. It is worth running away to sit down - and it is already safe.

4. The playing can be saved from the stains, if it becomes near the tree and hits it with his hands.
The spot cannot stain that player who takes his hands at a minute of danger with another playing.

5. The spot cannot be staining players standing on one leg and holding another leg, reserved, two hands.

6. All playing, except for the fifth, have a belt belt. The stain, catching up by the runaway, pulls the tape from him and boils it for his belt. The remaining without a tape becomes a stain, raises his hand and says: "I am a spin!"

7. Two players hold the rope in their hands (for the ends) and run together. Spotted replaces the stain.

8. The trunk gets the ball and throws it into the runaway. The one in whom he falls is becoming a trunk, but if the driving miss, any player can raise the ball from the ground and start throwing away with other players. To re-master the ball, the stain will select it (intercept) or stain the player at the moment when he holds the ball.

9. The platform is divided into two, three and even four sites. On each site, your spot (they must have distinctive signs). The rest of the players can run across the platform. On each site drawn one mug, it is a holiday home players tired of running. The player who touched the spot, becomes only on that plot where it was overtaken.

10. If you play a little, you can offer this option of the game. From the number of playing one is chosen by the shepherd, two - wolves and 4-5 - sheep. Wolves try to defile sheep, and shepherd - wolves. Awned out of the game. The shepherd wins if there is two wolves, wolves - if the sheep is precipitated.

Salca in two circles

The participants of the game form two circles: one is internal, the other is external. Both circles move in opposite directions. At the leader's signal, they stop, and all the players of the inner circle try to rally the players of the external circle (i.e., touch anyone) earlier than they would have time to sit down. Caught up in the inner circle, and the game begins first. The game ends when there will be few players in the outside circle (5-6 people).


The guys form three large circles. All standing in the inner circle are distributed paper caps (visors, kokoshniki). Holding hands, the guys with the song are moving in a circle: external circles in one direction, and internal - to another. Suddenly, a whistle is heard, along which players of two outer circles are paired in pairs, trying to take someone from the players of the inner circle into the ring. If a player from the inner circle managed to sit down, he does not touch him. For those who fell into the trap, take a hat. So the game is held several times. All the guys who managed to keep their hats are considered the winners.


Playing form a circle and become two steps away from each other face to the center. Each 6th or 8th player (at the discretion of the head, depending on the number of players) takes hands with his neighbor on the right. They raise hands up, forming a knot - trap, and turn so that the knottz is above the circle line. At the command of the head, the players turn right and start running in a circle. At the same time, they must run through all the cappos falling along the path. On a whistle (or another conventional signal), the traps slam down (the couples held by arms lower them down) and players who were caught (stuck in kappaps) come out in the middle of the circle. Of them, new couples are formed, which, holding hands, become in different places of the circle, increasing the number of cafaches. The game continues until 5-6 players remain unrearly. They are considered the winners.

Korshun and the zeal

The game involves 10-12 guys. One of the players is chosen by the root, the other - the zeal. All other - chickens. They become behind the zeal, forming a column. Everyone is held by each other, and standing ahead - for the zeal. Korshun becomes three to four steps from the column. At the leader's signal, he tries to grab a chicken standing last. To do this, he needs to get a column and stand back. But it is not easy to do so, since the auspiece turns the face all the time and blocks the way, stretching on the sides of the hand, and the entire column deviates to the opposite side of him.

The game lasts a few minutes. If during this time the KORSHUUS will not be able to grab chicken, choose a new core, and the game is repeated.

Hunter and watchman

A hunter and watchman are chosen from among the players. The watchman becomes in the middle of the site. The circle of 2 m with a circle of 2 m is drawn. The rest of the players (beasts) are running around at the site in different directions. The hunter chases them, trying to stain anyone. Caught are discharged into the circle of guard. They can be reset. To do this, it is enough to hit the hand standing in a circle (traveled to the line of the circle caught in the circle). But if the watchman or the hunter spare the feedback, he himself goes into the circle.

The reversed animals run away and join the rest. The game stops at the discretion of the head.


On the floor or on the site drawn the circle of such a magnitude so that all players can freely stay on its circumference. One of the players is a cat, it is placed in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - the points are becoming around, the feature itself. At the signal of the head of the grooves, they begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the cat tries to catch any of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who caught, becomes a cat, and the cat is a groove, and the game is repeated.

In the future, you can set the rule: jump and jump off only on one leg.

Manage to take place

Playing form a circle and are calculated in order of numbers. Driving takes place in the center of the circle. He loudly calls two any numbers. The numbered numbers must immediately change in places. Using this, driving tries to get out of one of them and take his place. If he succeeds, then the one who will stay without a place goes to drive.

The rooms assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes leading.

Find a couple of yourself

Playing becomes pairwise in one common circle. Driving is located in the middle of the circle. At the command of the head "Face to face!" Players in each pair turn face to each other, then the team "in place!". On the team "back to back!" They get to each other back. By team "Change in pairs!" Everyone is looking for another partner. At this time, the driving tries to become a couple with someone. The one who will stay without a pair becomes leading.

Mushrooms, Take the ears

Guys are standing in a circle, holding hands. The head passes in a circle and disconnects it in several places. From the formed links are created by small circles - houses of hooks, protein, lisate, bears.

Under the music, the head passes by the animals standing in the houses, and invites them to follow them. Squirrels move quickly, seeds with legs, hares - small jumps, teddy bear - heavily stepping, having fallen off her legs, lusted - soft, ingratiated gait. By forming a common circle, everyone dances.

Suddenly, the head applies: "Hunters are going!" The animals are thrown into place and try to form mugs (houses) as soon as possible. A group that will make fastest others wins.

The guys become in a circle, in the middle of which is included. He ties his eyes. The players go in a circle after the leader, repeating his movement (gymnastic or dance), then stop and say:

We play a little,
And now in the circle we got up.
You guess the riddle
Who called you - find out!

The head silently points to one of the players who exclaims: "Find out who I am!" The leading should call his name. If he guess, recognized becomes leading, if I was wrong, the game is repeated. When the guys start distinguish between comrades, you can resolve them to change your voice to complicate the game.

Ball in air

The players form a circle, become at the distance of elongated to the parties the leading is in the middle of the circle. Standing in a circle begin to transfer the ball to each other, not giving the opportunity to touch it. Driving, running in the middle of the circle, seeks to touch the ball when he is in the air, on Earth or in his hands from someone from playing. If he succeeded, he was playing in his place, after throwing which the ball was awaited.

Protection of the Fortress

On earth draw big circle. All players become behind the circle line, face to the center. Only one leading remains in a circle. In the middle of the circle there are five bells or kegiles. This is a fortress that driving must protect.

For the game you need a volleyball ball. Playing, throwing the ball between themselves, try to catch a convenient moment when: the defender of the fortress is shared, and hit the ball with a blow.

The defender has the right to beat the ball in any way. The one who will manage to destroy the fortress becomes a new defender.

The fortress can also be made in the form of a tripod of the sticks associated in the upper part. The ball is put on the tripel.


The game can take part from 10 to 20 people. Players are located in a circle at the distance of the elongated hands, the face to the center. The ball is rolled inside the circle on the ground. Hands playing off the ball from themselves, trying to nim the other. The ball is a bumblebee. If anyone does not have time to beat off the ball and will be assumed to them (not higher than the knees), it is considered to be deed. He turns his back to the center of the circle and does not accept the participation in the game until the next one will be awaited. Then the first died again comes into the game, and the second turns his back to the center. You can not catch the ball and knock it off.


On Earth spend a line, behind which all players are becoming. 40 m from it spend the second line. According to the leader's signal, everyone starts to walk, trying to get to the finish as soon as possible. It is necessary to ensure that the step does not go to run or jumping.

The one who, without breaking the rules, will reach the finish line first.


Playing become in a circle. On the ground there is a rope forming the ring (rope ends are connected). The guys raise her from the ground and holding her right (or left) hand for her, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely barely
Completed carousel,
And then around-round,
All run-jogging.

Playing moving at first slowly, and after the words "run" run. At the command of the head "Rotate!" They quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Quieter, quieter, do not hurry!
Carousel stop.
Times and two times and two
That ended the game!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and ceases with the last words. Playing put rope on the ground and run up on the site. At the signal, they hurry to sit on the carousel again, i.e., take a hand for the rope, and the game resumes. It is possible to occupy the spots on the carousel only to the third call (cotton). Failing to the carousel does not ride.


The guys become a circle. One of the players comes out on the middle of the circle, he will depict a schuchka, and all the rest - bugs, butterflies, birds. By teammate: "The day comes - everything comes to life!" All bugs, butterflies, birds run in a circle, waving the wings, the Sovice at that time sleeps, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle, closing his eyes. When the leading will fuse: "The night comes - everything freezes!", Birds, bugs and butterflies stop and stand motionless, rushing, the sovuka at this moment will run away to hunt. She is looking out for those who move or laughs, and leads to themselves to their nest - the middle of the circle; They also become sovushki and when repetition of the game, all together fly to hunt.


This is one of the most common and beloved among kids games.

All playing, with the exception of one, hide. When hidden, it turns out with a chopstick. His task is to detect everyone who hid. About his arrival, he informs his sticks on a tree, a bench or another subject, near which it will lie (the place must be known). At the same time, he says: "Crowing wand, our game is ahead, a chopper-corrosive, who is playing - drove!" - And, leaving a stick in place, goes to find out the hidden. Noticing someone, he runs to a stick, hits it and shouts that such that was found, he is there. Then again, putting a wand in place, it goes to find the rest, but myself is afraid to move away from the stick, since each of the exciuses can take away, knock the stick and say: "Wand-cutting, reversing me!" After that, everything (and those who were found) should again hide, and leading - search. Seeing that someone from the players who did not find them runs to a stick, he should try to get him out, run up to a stick and, before she grabbed, hit her and say that such that was found.

Command Games

Manage to take a bowl

Playing line up in two ranks and become face to each other. The distance between them is 10 m. Players of each of the ranks are calculated in order of numbers. Between the ranks (at an equal distance from them) put the kebul. The manager calls any number. Players having this number will run away. Everyone seeks to first grab the kebul. The one who will be able to do this runs away in his rank, and the enemy tries to stain him. If the player with the keglee will return to Shan, not being stained, his team receives two points, and if it is stained - one point. The manager then calls another number, and run other players. The team who scores more points is defeated.

Fish the ball

The players are built in two ranks and become face to each other at a distance of 10-15 m. Both teams are calculated in order of numbers. In front of the socks of playing each rank spend the line. Between the ranks at an equal distance from them they put a chair and put the ball on it. The manager calls a number. Players having this number will run away. They should reach the opposite of the Sherng, step on the line and on the way back to knock the ball from the chair. The team, whose representative it will perform, ahead of the opponent, counts the point. The team who scores more points is defeated.

Running for flags

Players are divided into two equal teams and are built against each other at opposite ends of the site. In parallel with these lines in the middle of the site indicates a strip width of 1.5-2 m, on which flags are folded. According to the leader's signal, players of both teams will quickly run away to the transverse strip and try to collect possible large quantity Checklands, and then with the checkboxes return for their lines and are built in a car. Complete teams are collected and calculated by their players flags. For each check box, the team is given one point. The team that has gained more points wins. Each player can collect any number of flags. You can not take the check boxes, for each violation of this rule the team gets a penalty point. It is impossible to run on the lane with flags.

Treating in a circle

The players are divided into two equal commands and are located one outside, and the other inside the line of the circle face to each other. The task of players in a circle is to inject their rivals in the circle, and players standing outside the circle - pull the opponents outside the circle. The game is carried out in the form of short bouts, lasting in 1-2 minutes. The drawn in the circle and elongated from the circle leave the game. You can pull, only capturing a partner by hands or for the belt. The team wins in which after 4-6 battles will remain more players.


In the middle of the site, conduct a line separating it into two equal parts. 20-30 steps from this line on each side are still drawn by one line - captivity.

Playing are divided into two teams. Each team is freely posted on his field. Head, standing in the middle of the site, throws the ball. The first team comes into the game, on the side of which falls the ball. Begins a shootout. Each team seeks to walked by the ball players of another team. The outstands go beyond the captivity line (on the opponent's side).

Playing do not have the right to switch over the middle line on the enemy field. The player is not considered to be outlined if he caught the ball on the fly, and also if the ball falls into it, bounced off the ground. Run with the ball and delay him in the hands is not allowed. When violating the rules, the ball is transmitted to another team. Captive can be reset. To do this, we must transfer the ball to the prisoner (through the field of the enemy) so that he caught it without moving the prison line. The one who will succeed, is considered freed and returns to his place.

If the ball got behind the prisoner, he was thrown away from there the prisoners in the direction of his team (and if there is no - any participant in the game, which turned out to be nearby).

You can play for time. In this case, by the end of the game (after 10-15 minutes), count the number of players in each team. The team wins, in which they will be more.

Race with a ball in a circle

10-12 people play. They become in a circle at the distance of the elongated hands one from the other, and then calculated on the first and second numbers. This crews two teams: one with even, the other with odd numbers.

The head gives volleyball balls to two players standing nearby, i.e. the first and second numbers. In the signal they run in opposite directions, rich circle with outside. Each of this couple, returning to his place, immediately throws the ball to the nearest teammate. This player, catching the ball, now rises a circle, it becomes in his place and hence the ball further after one person, etc.

The team wins the team in which all players run with the ball in a circle faster.

Circle transfer

Two teams are built in the back of each other in two separate circles. Each team chooses the captain. Captains are obtained by a volleyball ball. At the signal, every captain raises the ball over his head, transmits it standing behind, and then the ball passes in a circle of hand in hand. When, bypassing the circle, the ball returns to the captain, he directs it in front of standing (i.e. in the opposite direction). After that, all by team of Captain turn their back to the center of the circle and transmit the ball from the hands to the right, then everyone turns face to the center and transmit the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the captain, he raises him above his head. Wins a team that the ball will return to the captain faster.

The head first holds the game by building everyone into one common circle. When the players digest the rules of the game (how to transfer the ball when and where to turn), he divides playing two teams and conducts a competition between them.

Ball average

Playing form 3-4 circles. They should have an equal number of guys. Inside each circle is driven. He gets the ball and must throw it in turn to each of the players standing in a circle, no one is missing, and catch back. If the ball is not caught, then the one who missed, runs behind him, returns to the place, and the throw is repeated. When the ball returns to leading from the last player, he raises it above his head. The team, previously completing the ball, wins.

Change of places

Two teams of 8-10 people are built by side by face to each other, at the opposite ends of the site, behind the lines of cities (a distance of 10-12 m) and diverge on the width of the elongated hands. According to the leader's signal, they run towards each other, trying to be as soon as possible be behind the feature of the opposite city, to turn face to the center of the site and to be built in the rank. Wins the team that made it faster. When the players are run, so as not to interfere with each other and do not encounter the running towards, must adhere to the right side.

When you repeat the game, you can change ways, movement: move the jumps on two legs, on one leg, jump with a rope and so on.

Play games

Among team games Special place occupied relay. Conducting them does not require large preparation, and the content depending on the age and composition of the players may vary: to simplify and complicate. In the relay, the competitive start is very large and the results are visual, so they always cause great interest in participants, but also in the audience, which, of course, is also very important.

Teams to participate in relay games can be created arbitrarily from among those who want, but they can represent various children's teams: asterisks, groups, classes. In this case, each of the participants is particularly responsible for the team, which he represents, in connection with which its activity, interest in the game and the will to victory is especially increasing.

Two (or 3-4) teams equal to the number of participants are created to participate in the game-relay, and whenever possible. The teams are built into parallel columns one at a distance of 2-3 m one of the other (other constructions are also possible). Each team should have no more than 8-10 people. To observe strict compliance with the rules (not to run out ahead of time, put all items into place and so on.) The head can assign assistants who are attached to teams and follow the actions of the players. Assistants have the right to return the player on the start line to repeat the action if he violated the established rules.

Earlier than starting the competition (especially with younger schoolchildren), it is necessary to hold a rehearsal without testing results, in order for everyone well hesitated what is required of it, and adapted to the game.

We describe the content of the contents of the relay, which can be included in the game program. You can spend a special evening merry relay from preliminary preparation and training of participants, with awarding winners. Such an evening will be remembered for a long time and participants and viewers.

What does the word "relay" mean? Children are undoubtedly interesting to know about it.

In long-standing when there was no railwaysNor cars, no aircraft, letters and other urgent papers delivered relay mail. From one post office to another yamper drove the top of the horses. At the stations of horses they redaked, and the new postage triple rushed further. People said that - "send paper relay," delivered by the baton. "

And even earlier (700-800 years ago) in some countries, the mail was transmitted. They fled from one station to the other. The bell tested to the belt was warned by their ringing about the postman approaching. By replacing each other, the deaths quickly delivered.

Now the word "relay" has lost its former value. The relay is called such a game in which each of the participants at the appropriate stage should transmit some kind of subject (relay stick, ball, hoop) or do one after another, trying to get ahead of his opponents from another team at the speed.

Running on bumps

Before each command from the start line to the finish line at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, the circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm (in a straight or winding line). According to the head of the head, the first numbers, jumping out of the circle in the circle, are tried to the final feature, after which it is returned to the next way back and transmit relay sticks to the following players. Handing the relay stick to the next number, each player becomes the end of the column. Wins the team, earlier who finished the game.

Relay with hoops

For the game you need hoops and relay sticks by the number of commands. In 10-15 steps from the start line, each command is made a check box. In the middle of the distance put on the hoop. The first numbers in the commands are obtained by relay sticks.

According to the leader's signal, the first numbers are successful to the hoops lying on Earth and, without letting the sticks, lift the hoops, they are inhauling through them, put them in place (it must be marked) and run on to the flags. Overbounding the checkboxes, they return, they again fly through the hoop and hand over the second numbers, and they themselves become the end of their columns. The second numbers do the same and transmit the ranks of the third, etc., wins the team that earlier finished the game.

Landing vegetables

Two or three teams are built into the columns one by one. Before the teams at the opposite end of the site are drawn by 5 circles. The first players are handed over the bag with objects, conventionally indicating vegetables (garlic, onions, beets, carrots, potatoes). At the signal, children run, lay out all the "vegetables" in their circles and an empty bag transfer to the second numbers. The second numbers are running, collecting "vegetables" and a bag of "vegetables" are transmitted by the third, etc. It wins the team before completing the game.

Running Sorokyojek

Players are divided into two or three teams of 10-12 people. Each team gets a long rope. Players are uniformly located on both sides of the rope, for which they are held according to the right or left hand. According to the team, the team is running to the finish (distance in 30-40 m), holding the rope all the time. The team wins the first to finish the first, provided that none of her participants threw ropes.

This game can be carried out differently. Each command is built into the column one by one. All lift up the right hand and keep on the cord, stretched along the column. At the signal, both teams are sent to the finish line (10-15 m) and returned. The team returns before.


In teams 6-7 people. Each command is built into the column one by one. The signal standing first quickly turns around, after which the second takes it for the belt and they rotate together, then threesome, etc. The game ends as soon as the last member of one of the teams will join his column and all the guys turn around the axis.

Express train

At 6-7 m from each team set flags. On the team "March!" The first players are a rapid step (it is forbidden to run) are sent to their flags, envelop them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second players, and together they again do the same way and so on. Playing keep each other for elbows and Walking time is moving with hands like a locomotive connecting rod. When the locomotive (front player) returns to the place with the full composition, it must susht the beep. Wins the team, the first arrived at the station.

On a new place

Two teams are built into the columns one by one. At a distance of 15-20 m, they are drawn from them. According to the leader's signal, the first and second numbers of each team, holding hands, run for the line. The first numbers remain in a new place, and the second returns, take hands with third players and again run to the line. Then remains the second number, while others returned to team up with the fourth, and so on. D. The winning team, all the players who were the first will be on the other side.

Relay with balls

For the game you need volleyball balls by the number of commands. In 6-7 steps from the start line, a chair is put before each team. The first number, receiving the ball, run to your chairs, get behind them and from there throw balls the second number, and then come back and get to the end of his column. The second and subsequent numbers, catching the ball, do the same. If the ball did not catch the ball, he should run behind him, return to his place and only after that continue the game. The team wins, whose ball, bypassing all the players, will return to the first number.

Transferred - Sadss

The players are divided into several teams of 5-6 people each, choose captains and line up at the line in the columns one by one. Ahead of each column face to her at a distance of 5-6 steps becomes captains. Captains get on the ball. At the signal, each captain throws the ball to the first player in his column. After catching the ball, the player returns him to the captain and sits on the ground (in the gym - on a gymnastic bench). Captains throw the ball second, then the third players, etc. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, sits down. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain raises it up, and all players of his team jump.

The team wins, the captain of which the first raised the ball, and whose players were first jumped.

If, during the game, any of the players drops the ball, he must raise him and throw the captain, becoming pre-in his place.

Relay with puck

Command participants are built into columns one by one. Before each team at 10-12 m, they put the flag (or in the chair). The 11 errors in the teams are obtained on the key and the washer. In the signal, they should, having a walker with a stick, circle it around the checkbox and return back to the start line. Then the stick is transmitted to the second player, which, in turn, turns the washer around the flag, etc. The team is defeated, the first completed the game.

When you repeat the game, you can put the task not one, but two washers at the same time and both returned to the start line.

Cancer is five back

Teams are built in the columns one by one. Before each team in 10-15 m, they put the flag. According to the signal, the first players turn around the circle and go to the flags back forward, bypass them on the right and exactly the gap - back forward - return to the place. As soon as they proceed the start line, they are sent to the second way, then the third players, etc. Wins the team that completed the competition first.

During the movement, it is not allowed to look around.

Transfer balls

The players are broken into two teams and are built into the ranks one against the other. The first in each rank is given on the ball. According to the leader's signal, they pass the ball with their neighbors, and they transmit it further. When the ball comes to the last player, he must hit the ball about the floor, catch him and return his neighbor. Then the ball is transmitted from hand to hand already in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the first player, he must raise him above his head. That team wins, which earlier finishes the transfer of the ball.

Needle and thread

For the game you need to prepare two butt needles (100-120 cm long) and two tangle of color cord (thin rope).

Players are built in two ranks (10-12 people each) one against the other. The first numbers of each rank is given on the needle, and the last numbers are the tangle of the cord.

By a signal, unwinding the tangle (his player from hands does not release), the end of the cord is transmitted from hand to hand along the rank. When he gets to the first player, he fresses him through the needle's ear and returns the second, which transmits it further along the rank in the opposite direction. When the end of the cord will return to the last player and the cord is threaded through the needle, will be folded in half, all turn to the right (or left), and after the host, holding the thread (as the Russian proverb says: "Where the needle back and thread"), fast A step by step around the perimeter (the boundaries must be designated) and return to the previous place. The team defeats the task earlier (if all the rules were followed exactly).

Competitions - Fights


Playing get up against each other on one leg, keep the second leg bent, the hands are folded on the chest. Jumping on one leg, everyone tries to push the enemy to his shoulder, make him lose the balance and lower the second leg - then the fight won.

You can play and sitting. The belt (braid) is associated with a ring. Playing squat and wear a knee ring so that the legs can not be dispersed. Hands are sucked under the knees. Jumping in such a position on socks, playing trying to push each other shoulder. The one that will not hold equilibrium loses.

The "Cock Fight" game should pass within a small platform, which is impossible to go beyond the boundaries.

Do not lose equilibrium

Playing becomes face to each other at the distance of the elongated hands. The feet of them are closed. Having raised his hands to the chest level, each alternately hits one or both palms along the palms of the enemy. You can shy away from the blow, unexpectedly spreading hands. Who will move from the spot at least one foot - loses.

Who will choose the washer

On Earth, two circles with a diameter of 40-50 cm. The center of one must defend from the center of another by about 80 cm. Behind the circles are becoming two players. Each of them gets on the key. In the center of each circle put on the washer. You need to knock out the puck from the circle of the enemy and save your own.

Present cord

On Earth put a rope, to the ends of which are tied with sand bags. At the ends of the rope back to each other become two players. Before each of them, a check box was delivered in 5-6 steps. At the signal, playing running to their flags and, returning, try to pull the rope in their direction, ahead of the comrade. Wins the one who succeeds to do. Competition is repeated three times.

Duel on rackets

Two people participate in this game. Each player gets along the racket. Rackets can be from table tennis or homemade. On each of them is a cube or a flat toy of a small size.

Playing by taking the racket in left, take her to the side. By a signal, moving freely, they are trying to take a cube from the enemy racket, without dropping their own.

The winner in the duel is the one who will be able to remove a cube from the partner racket three times in a row.

Big game with a small ball

Games with the ball who are interested in people of different ages, very diverse. But in childhood, and especially in the younger age, the most common "school of the ball". The so-called system of exercises with a small ball in the order of increasing complexity.

You can start with the simplest.

- Who knows how to throw high up the ball and catch it with two hands? - asks the teacher in children.

There are many wishing to find a lot, everyone can and. Ready to prove it. Then the leader offers children other, more difficult tasks: to throw the ball and catch it only right handonly left hand; Throw the ball, make a full turn in place and catch it, etc.

These exercises are not every will be able to accomplish. But someone from pre-prepared guys will fulfill them easily and freely. And all the children will understand that training is needed to perform exercises.

Calling the days of the week

Several players using the queue. Novice game lobbed the ball and catches it, calling the sequence of all the days of the week.. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. (one roll is necessary for each day). When all days of the week are named (or in the case of misses), the player transmits the ball to the next player, and he moves to the side. When all participants fulfill this exercise, count, who has many misses. The winners are those who played without misses or who had them less.

The next time, throwing up the ball, you can negotiate not the days of the week, and months: January, February, March, etc. Each cycle in this game is no longer from 7, but from 12 throws.

You can also suggest throwing the ball to all letters of the alphabet in a row. It is very difficult to do it without misses (such a game helps children better assimilate the alphabet).

Do not miss the ball

Two players become near. One of them has a ball. He must hit the ball with his hand, to make him bounce off the floor 10 times, and 11 minutes to transfer (without stopping the game) the second player. He, making 10 strikes, must return the ball first. And so until one of them misses the ball. The damn ball comes out of the game. Instead, another player is appointed, and the competition continues. Wins the one who will hold all the longest in the game.

It is possible to agree that the dribbler, is not standing still, but to treat him any object such as a chair, and when he returned, according to the second.

You can spend the game at the same time with several pairs of playing. The same couple wins, which will be able to retain the ball longer than others in the game.

Jumping jumps

Just like the "ball", exercises with a short and long jump at all times were unchanged childhood satellites. And it is not by chance. They have; Huge importance for the promotion of health and physical development of children and occupy an important place in rolling games.

Jumping with a rope produces and train the quality necessary, as fast, light and elastic movements, endurance and attention, a sense of rhythm. Many well-deserved masters of sports, preparing for competitions in athletics, in boxing, on various sports games, during training, we exercise in jumping with a rope. It helps them better prepare for competitions, make their own movements faster, accurate and confident, legs strong. And what interesting, complex and beautiful exercises With a skipping rope included in rhythmic gymnastics competitions!

All this is worth telling the children to cause them more interest in jumping with a rope.

Jumping with a skipper knows everything (or almost everything) girls of school age, but not all boys, and they are also very important to captivate games with a skipping.

Usually, the exercises with a skipper children perform only the simplest, primitive. The provider must always complicate the task: to jump not just standing on the ground, but also on the run, on the run, on the right, on the left leg, jump time, and jump rope skip under his feet twice, jump together (standing facing each other in the back of the head ), Threesomes with two skumps, etc. Jumping should be soft, spring and run on socks.

A short rope must match the growth of the child. To determine the desired length, each can itself: get up on the middle of the rope, arrange the legs on the width of the shoulders, pull the rope along the body. Ends should go to the belt.

For a long jump, you need a rope with a thickness of 10-12 mm and a length of 5-6 m.

Relay with skumps

Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 15-20 m one from another. The first line builds two or three teams in the head. Players standing in front of the column are kept in the hands of the rope. On the opposite feature, opposite each team, check box. At a signal from the head of the first numbers start running, jumping rope, and, rounding the box come back and pass the rope to the next player. He, without lingering, jumps through the rope and rushes forward. The last participant, reaching the finish, raises his hand with a rope up. Wins the team, the first ending with the relay.

Long-skiff relay

Players are built into two columns one by one of the start line at a distance of 4-5 steps one column from another. Before each team in 5-6 steps, two players with a long skipping player are becoming. At the leader's signal, they begin to uniformly twist the rope towards their teams. On the same signal, the first numbers run forward. Their task is to run under the skipping, not touching it, go back to touch the second players with the hand and stand up at your column. After that, the second numbers will run away, for them are third, etc., the one whom the rope has burned, must return and repeat his attempt.

Wins the team, who completed jumping first.

When repeating the game of those who twist the rope replace others.

Folk Games - These are games that came to us from very long time and built with ethnic features. They are an integral part of the child's life in modern society, giving the opportunity to assimilate universal values. The developing potential of these games is ensured not only by the presence of relevant toys, but also a special creative Aura, which an adult should create.

Folk games as a way to raise children is highly evaluated K. Ushinskiy, E.M.Vodovozova, E.I.Tiheeva, PFLesgaft. Ushinsky emphasized the pronounced pedagogical orientation of the people's games. In his opinion, each folk game contains accessible forms of training, it encourages children to play action, communicating with adults. Characteristic feature Folk games are a training content that is served in a game form.

It is hard to overestimate the huge role played by national games in the physical and moral education of children. Since a long time, the game was not only a form of leisure and entertainment. Thanks to it, such qualities were formed as restraint, attentiveness, perseverance, organization; The strength, dexterity, speed, excerpt and flexibility have developed. The set goal is achieved through a variety of movements: walking, jumping, running, throwing, etc.

The folk game displays the lives of people, their life, national traditions, they contribute to the upbringing of honor, courage, masculinity. ...


  • individual
  • collective,
  • scene
  • household
  • seasonally ritual,
  • theatrical games,
  • games - Fathers,
  • fun games
  • games are attractions.

The specifics of the folk games are their dynamism. In them will be found playing action that encourages the child to the activity of either a simple succession of actions in the text, or to carry out complex actions in the dance.

By its structure, most folk games are simple, single-pointed, completed; In them, the word, movement, song is connected to one.

Gossi-Swan game in the younger group

The participants of the game choose a wolf and owner, the rest - geese swans. On one side of the site drawn the house where the owner lives and geese, on the other - the wolf lives under the mountain. The owner launches geese in the field to take a walk, core green grass. Geese leave home quite far away. After a while the owner calls geese. There is a roll call between the owner and geese:

Gus-Gus! Ga-ga-ha.

Do you want? Yes Yes Yes.

Swan geese! Home!

Gray wolf under the mountain!

What is he doing there?

Rockies pinch.

Well, run home!

Geese run to the house, the wolf is trying to catch them. Caught come out of the game. The game ends when almost all geese caught. The last remaining goose, the most clever and fast, becomes a wolf.

Rules of the game. Geese must "fly" throughout the site. The wolf can only catch them after words: "Well, run home!"

Average age

Russian folk game:

At the bear in Bor

Bear chosen draw, lives in the forest. Children go to the forest for mushrooms, berries and flew a song:At the Bear of the village of Mushrooms, Berry I take! The bear pushed at the ovens!

When the players uttered the last words, the bear, still having dreamed, starts to steal, squeeze and reluctantly coming out of the Berlogs. But the bear unexpectedly runs for playing and trying to catch someone. Caught becomes a bear.

Rules of the game. The bear comes out of the berry only after pronouncing last words Cause. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run into their home, but to sighty his song.

Senior age

Russian folk game:


Children choose a leading count:

I will buy myself a dud "

I'll go to the street!

Louder, shoes, denses,

We play, you are!

Driving closes his eyes and gets face to the wall. The wall next to it is placed chopper-peeling, made of wood (50-60 cm long, with a diameter of 2-3 cm) and brightly painted so that it was clearly visible in green grass.

Drinking the wand, knocks her on the wall and says: "The wand came, did not find anyone. Whom will first find, he will go for a stick. " After these words, he goes to look. Noticing someone from the players, driven loudly calls him by name and runs to a stick, knocking on the wall, shouts: "Found a chopstick ...(Player name)". So leading finds all children. The game is repeated. The first game found when repetitions should drive. But the player who was found can reach the wand-bells earlier than the leading with the words: "Celestial wand, reversing me" - and knock on the wall. Then throw it as far as possible from the wall and, while the wand is looking for leading, hide. Driving again quickly runs the stick and repeats the actions described above.

Rules of the game. You can not spy when children are hiding. The leading should say words slowly so that all the children manage to hide. Looking for children to look around the entire platform, and not stand near the chopsticks. Children can run from one place of shelter to another while the watering is looking for a chopstick and puts it in place.

Option. Children can rescue the player who found. Someone playing quietly coming out of hiding, running fast to the magic wand and saying "lifesaver, helping ...(calls the name of one who helps) "- knocks her wall. Then the wand throws as far as possible. While the leading looking for her, children are hiding.

Preparatory Group

Russian folk game:


Playing choose the KORSHUAN and the zeal, the rest are chickens. Korshun roets a fossa, and the poles with chickens walk around him and the Naraspov says words:I go around the Korshun, I wear three money, on a penny, on a bonor.

Korshun continues to dig the land, he walks around the hole, gets up, waving the wings, squats. The poles with chickens stop, asks the Korshun:

-- Korshun, Korshun, what are you doing?- Päbya.

What do you have a fossa?

I am looking for a penny.

What do you have a penny?

I'll buy a needle.

- Why do you need a needle?
- Sew the bag.

Why pouch?

Pebbles put.

Why do you need pebbles?

In your kids to throw.

For what?

- To me in the garden of the garden!

- You would make a fence above
If you do not know how to catch them.

Korshun tries to catch chickens, the auster protects them, drives Korshun: "Shi, Shi, Villain!"

Caught chicken comes out of the game, and Korsun continues to catch the following. The game ends when a few chickens are caught.

Rules of the game. Chickens should hold each other hard for the belt. The one who could not resist in the chain must try to quickly stand up. Chicken, protecting chickens from Korshun, has no right to push it with his hands.

(Black chopstick)

Children consider the hardest. He runs away from them and gets face to the wall. The wall lies a wand-corrupt. Driving a wand, knocks on the wall and says: "The wand came, did not find anyone. Who will find the first, he will go for a stick. " After these words, he puts a wand at the wall and goes to look. Noticing one of the players, loudly calls him by name, quickly runs up to the wall, takes a wand, knocks her on the wall and shouts: "Found a chopstick ..." (calls by playing). So leading finds all children. When repetition, the game should drive the one who was found first.

If the player who has found, will achieve a wand-cutting age before, he quickly takes a wand and with the words: "Wand, reversing me!" - knocks her on the wall, then throws it as far as possible and, while it is looking for the driving, hiding. The leading wand, returns to the agreed place, knocks her and says loudly: "The stick came, no one did not find who first finds, he will go for a stick!"


1. The leading should not be seen when children are hiding.

2. Drinking says words slowly so that all children can hide.

3. It should be sought over the entire platform, do not stand near the wand-corrosive.

4. Children can run from one seat of the shelter to another while driving looking for chopsticks and puts it in place.


This game is well done on the forest edge. Be sure to limit the playground and show the kids a few places where they can hide (behind the bushes, trees, stumps, in the groove, in the tall grass).

To perform the game you need to make a chopstick cut from a tree 50-60 cm long, paint in bright colorSo that it was clearly visible in green grass.

Complication to the game

You can, help out the player who found leading. If someone from the playing will inconspicuously come out of the shelter, quickly runs to the chopstick, he will knock her on the wall with the words: "Celestial wand, reversing ..." - and calls the name of the recoverable one. The wand throws as far as possible, and while the leading looking for it, children are again hiding.

According to the materials of the collection of Mary Litvinova "Russian folk moving games"