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How to develop a speech: simple exercises. How to learn to speak beautifully

Proper competent speech and good dictation are important not only for public people and professional journalists. Owning a culture of speech and ability to beautifully express their thoughts in our time is one of the collaborations of success in almost any field of activity. Therefore, for many people, the question is important how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully.

In business, service, business and daily communication, in the first minutes of communication, determines the status of a person and the corresponding attitude towards it. Well, if this quality is parents and teachers began to develop from children's years. However, if this is not the case, then if you wish, you can and adult to learn how to properly state your thoughts and views.

How to develop your speech and learn to speak beautifully?

If you have the task of developing diction and speech, then it is necessary to identify the main factors of a beautiful and competent expression. The focus should be given to such aspects:

  • correct construction of proposals;
  • vocabulary and vocabulary;
  • clear dictation.

On these three whales and is based beautiful speech. When solving the question, how to learn to speak beautifully, it is important to pay attention to each of them.

To make the right construction of proposals, it is important to learn how to critically assess and analyze your speech. If you are better perceive information on the rumor, then make a speech on a specific topic and write yourself to the voice recorder. The same experiment can be carried out by writing on their conversations with different interlocutors. This technique will allow to identify the shortcomings of various kinds - errors of building phrases, diction and incorrect strokes in words. For people, freeriting exercises are suitable for people. By writing your own, plans or simply leading a diary, you will gradually learn how to file information correctly.

One of the important nuances in the problem, how to develop your speech and enrich the vocabulary. Classical Russian literature and good translations of foreign books help not only significantly improve the lexical composition of speech, but also serve as a source of knowledge of the right spelling and beautiful construction of phrases. It is possible to expand the vocabulary with the help of a crossword puzzle solution, when they are solved, it is often necessary to contact the reference literature, and this adds knowledge to you, helps in learning and memorizing new words.

For the development of diction, it is useful to repeat the patters, words and phrases with a complex combination of sounds. There are a lot of examples of such words - shattered, platoon, awake, sweat, germ, unwinding, brand, philosophice, etc. Another good exercise to improve speech techniques are the pronunciation of phrases consisting of several shock syllables in a row:

  1. That year was hail.
  2. Grandfather became old.
  3. Waves Splash - splash shine.
  4. One hundred miles hack.
  5. That hour here sang a thrush.

Paying time for speech development Daily, after two or three months you can notice changes for the better. The main thing is not to stop at half the way.

Good diction, clear pronunciation of sounds and pleasant are the key to success in many areas of modern life. Unique speech data is very rarely given to a person from nature. However, this art can be learn at any age if you regularly carry out exercises to improve diction. When you eliminate speech defects, you will stop worrying because of and will be more free to communicate in an informal setting. Perhaps after that will go up and your career. Remember that anywhere and in any profession allocate people who know how to express their thoughts in a beautiful and concise form. In this article we give simple, but effective exercises that will help improve speech diction.

Articulating gymnastics

We often hear about the benefits of physical exercises for human health. However, few people think that the articulation apparatus also needs permanent training. Performing an exercise to improve diction, only 10-15 minutes a day, you can achieve very good results. Start your day with this gymnastics - and already very soon you will notice how the muscular system of the language, lips and cheeks has risen. The articulation apparatus will be movable, and speech - more clear.

  • "Fence" - closer teeth and smile wide. Hold this position for ten seconds and come back to its original position. Make sure that the upper and lower row of teeth is clearly visible. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • "Tube" is not blurring teeth, pull your lips forward. You can pull the sound "U--U-U" ten seconds. Repeat the exercise.
  • "A needle" - open your mouth and pull the sharp tongue as possible. Hold this position for five seconds and relax the muscles. Repeat several times.
  • "Damn" - show your reflection language, putting it on the bottom lip and making as widely as possible. Repeat.
  • "Lick lips" - relax the bottom jaw and try to keep it in the same position. Lick the upper lip, pulling the language as stronger as possible. Repeat the same action with the bottom lip.
  • "Swing" - touch the tongue alternately top and bottom lips. Perform an exercise at a slow pace and try not to move the chin.
  • "Hamster" - commemorate the lips and push the tongue from the inside on the cheek for five seconds. Repeat manipulation and with another cheek.

Proper breathing

Few people pay attention to their posture, the frequency of breaths and exhalations during communication with other people. It's a pity! It is these factors that play an important role for setting a beautiful voice and a clear pronunciation of words. Perform the next exercise daily to improve diction.

Exercises for inhale and exhale

  • Source position: Stand straight, put your hands on the belt, and your legs on the width of the shoulders. Single open lips and make a slow exhalation, as if overcoming resistance. When you start to get, complicate the task. For example, during the exhalation, read any quatrain. Then try to perform this exercise in combination with walking or squats.
  • Return to its original position, make a calm breath, slowly leaning forward. At the same time, pay attention to the back, which should be straight. On the exhale, start climbing and pull the sound "Mmm".

10 exercises for improving diction and voice timbre

  1. Lower the chin to the chest and start moving to the left and right. Exercise is performed slowly and without sharp movements.
  2. Source position: The back is straight, the head is also lowered down. Slowly push the jaw forward and take the greatest possible as possible.
  3. Fold your hands on the chest and slowly lean forward, pronouncing the sound "U-U-U-y" with a low voice.
  4. Stretch lips in a wide smile and open your teeth. Start led by the language right to left, relaxing the muscles of the face.
  5. Pull out the language and spend them along the outside of the upper and lower teeth. Repeat several times.
  6. Pull the language in such a way that it reminds the bowl. Repeat.
  7. Do not forget about the role of beautiful posture in speech formulation. Always keep track of what position is your spin. So that you understand how difficult it is, put several books on your head and go with them on the room. Try while in this position, read the text or poem.
  8. Read the texts by holding the handle or pencil in your teeth. Try to correct words and separate sounds as possible. Repeat this exercise every day for 15 minutes.
  9. Read in a fast and slow pace, a loud and quiet voice.
  10. Complicate the previous exercise. Read poems when or while walking. Ensure that the breath is not shot down and intonational pauses have withstood.


It is possible to work out the pronunciation of individual sounds using special rhymed phrases or cleaningors. They meet the same consonant in them, and you can easily learn sounds. Daily make these exercises for diction.

Useful tips, how to improve the diction and clarity of speech are shown below. Start work with the pronunciation of cleanbooks at a slow pace. Speak every sound, pay attention to difficult combinations and check the clarity of your pronunciation. To avoid errors, listen to audio recordings of the speakers at the end of each workout, write yourself to the voice recorder, mark errors and achievements.

Tongue Twisters

Familiar to everyone since childhood an exercise to improve diction is a very effective tool to achieve the goal. By pronouncing difficult sounds and their combinations, you learn a clear and clear pronunciation. Read the patter very slowly, try figuratively imagine a picture of which the poem tells. After that, try to increase the pace slightly. Be sure to speak out loud, but if you start to get back, then immediately return to slow proclaiming. After some time, you will notice how naughty sounds will begin to pronounce easily and easily.


You make a big mistake if you think that people perceive only the information that is laid in your speech. In fact, the attention of the listener captures intonation with which he says the speaker. Learn to pronounce phrases expressively, increasing and lowering voice. Only when you make accents and withstand pauses, the interlocutor will fully appreciate your statements.

  • Start with the easiest exercise and gradually complicate them.
  • Use every minute of free time for training. Only in this case you can quickly achieve intended goals.
  • Do regularly without great breaks.
  • Record small performances on the voice recorder or chamber. Survey the rollers, mark positive changes and take into account the moments that you have to work in the future.
  • Read literature on how to improve diction. Exercises should be diverse, otherwise you will quickly lose interest and throw classes.
  • Do not neglect the help of specialists and teachers who can offer you a useful exercise to improve diction and eliminate typical error for beginners.
  • If you have the opportunity to sign up for acting courses, do it immediately. Classes will help you liberate speech, movement and gestures. You also learn expressive declaignation and stop afraid of public speeches.

Many compelling speech are considered to be talent, which is given to the chosen and are necessary only in some areas of activity. In fact, to think about how to develop speech, it is worth everyone. After all, good diction makes listen to the speaker person and trust him more. In addition, such a skill often contributes to career growth, especially if it is often necessary to communicate with people to fulfill official duties.

Main appliances and exercises for speech development

Next, we will give the most effective exercises that allow improved diction. A clear speech and a well-supplied voice is the result of a long and hard work on yourself. Therefore, performing these exercises is necessary regularly, and not from the case of the case, because only so you will achieve progress in the development of your speech.

Workout for the articulation apparatus

Keep yourself to the clarity of pronunciation before performing any exercises aimed at developing diction, short workouts will help. One of its options is to firmly squeeze with a pencil teeth and pronounce a phrase, approximately 10-15 words. After that, remove the pencil and the same phrase pronounce again. To make sure of the text selection each time, you can use any poem when performing this exercise.

It will also help to get started to help start to speak and strengthen the muscles of the organs involved in the speech process will also help exercises aimed at improving their mobility and accuracy. After all, these characteristics are mandatory for the development of diction and high-quality sound pronunciation.

As is known, the most mobile articulation body is a language. Therefore, most of the gymnastics are connected with him. There are many exercises, the regular execution of which will save from the need to think about how to develop speech. For example, you can narrow the tongue and try to reach them at the beginning to the chin, and then to the nose. Or like a brush smooth movement to draw lines from the teeth to the larynx.

Printing phrases with artificially complicated articulation

Species for the development of diction are considered a classic workout option. With their help, it is possible in a relaxed atmosphere to practice clarity of different consonants. To achieve excellent results, it is enough to allocate on occupations at least 5-10 minutes. However, for the development of good diction there is one important rule: each phrase needs to be pronounced in slow, medium and very fast pace.

You can start training with the most simple sentences that teach clearly pronounce one or two sounds. For example, it can be:

  • All Bobras are kind for their baobryat.
  • Skinny, wealthy blasting, dragging a box of vegetables.
  • Buckles Klim in one pancake wedge.
  • The thunderstorm of Grimov, Graza.
  • The harrow rowned the field Neboral.
  • Kosi, Spit, until Rosa, Rosa Down - and we are home.
  • Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass; Do not rub firewood on the grass of the yard.
  • Lie Lisa village, the edges of the forest near the forest.
  • The census rewrited three times the rewritten census results.
  • There are more complex phrases that help to understand how to learn to speak clearly and quickly words in which the pronunciation of two or more sounds is being worked out in difficult combinations:

    • She spoke Govorun Govorunam: "I said, do not say the gathering that Govorun spoke", govorun said the saying tank. She spoke to Govorun, and the throat of Govorun spoke slightly, and then Govorun says finally: "Stop saying Govorun Govalkin."
    • The commander spoke about the Colonel and about the Colonel, about Lieutenant Colonel and about Lieutenantkress, about the lieutenant and about the guarantile, about the companion and about the companion, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the subpenser, and about the subpenser was silent.
    • On the courtyard of firewood, behind the courtyard of the firewood, under the courtyard of the firewood, above the courtyard of firewood, the firewood along the yard, the firewood of the yard, does not accommodate the yard of firewood! Probably throw firewood from your yard back to the woody courtyard.
    • She sews the cap is not in Kolpakovski, the bell will not be pulled out.
    • The horror of the buried. I will not get along with the dupress. From horror, it was already - the horror of the dinner will eat for dinner and says: "Begin first."

    Print spelling

    There are also special patters for the development of diction and eliminate problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds. A good way to figure out what exactly it will be necessary to correct - listen to your own speech from the part. After the problems are identified, you can start working on the development of diction.

    First you need to learn how to prone isolated sound correctly. Then it is necessary to make a distinction in speech similar sounds, for example, "C" and "W" or "P" and "L". An essential assistance is to correct his speech, it can be the pronouncement of special phrases, for example:

    • Lara played on Lira.
    • Forty mice went, they found forty pennies, and two mouses found two pennies.
    • The Ligurian Adjustment regulated in Liguria.
    • Cossack with a checker jumping to Sasha playing checkers.
    • Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying. Brass beavers in random cheeses. Beavers brave, but for the baobry of good.
    • Bull Stupubub, stupid bull, bull Be Bela's lip Tup.
    • There was a Baran blocker, all the rams were secreted.
    • It was Frol, Frolu on Laurel lurved, I will go to Lavra, Lavra on Frol Navru.

    Go to work on the next sound is only after the correct pronunciation of the first sound.

    Reading out loud

    In addition to pronouncing pattering for the development of diction, it is also useful to read out loud. A good stimulus can be recording a voice to the voice recorder. Few, having heard their speech, will not want to improve it. Reading the segments from books and making audio recording can be worked out pronunciation until it becomes almost perfect.

    How to learn to say that you really were nice and interesting to listen? When reading out loud, do not allow monotony, and change intonation. In addition, it is necessary to change the volume and speed of reading, learn how to distinguish the most important moments by pauses. But at the same time control your speech so that such pauses are relevant and not too tightened.

    Also do not lose sight of the fact that the best and confident voice is best perceived. Whether he will be like that, largely depends on the mood and internal state of the person, its ability to control emotions. However, engaging in the development of diction, you can learn to speak calmly and convincingly. For example, why not imagine yourself with a politician and not tell about the state of the economy in the country, sitting in front of the mirror?

    Replenishing the vocabulary

    Another important aspect that needs to be taken into account is the need for constant intellectual development and replenishment of the vocabulary stock. A well-developed person in any situation can support a conversation and find suitable words. To become like this, it is worth reading more, more often to solve crosswords and attend various trainings by.

    If you dare to give daily even a few minutes to work on improving diction, after a few months you will begin to speak well, and the voice itself is transformed to be unrecognizable. In this case, all the efforts undoubtedly will be rewarded with time.

    Diaphragm training

    In the matter of how to put speech, a very important aspect is the ability to control the breath. Without it, the text can be interrupted by pauses and inhams in those places where it violates its meaning or worsens emotionality. As a result, it will be a breakdown, and the meaning of the said is perceived worse.

    Therefore, one of the first exercises for the development of diction should be training to develop proper breathing:

    • Arrange the legs on the width of the shoulders, straighten the spine, put one hand on the chest, and the second on the stomach. Inhaling the nose, put forward the belly forward. After that, calmly exhale air through a small hole in the lips, returning the chest and stomach to its original position.
    • In order to start talking better with time, you can complicate the exercise. To do this, try maintaining proper breathing and at the same time walk, running non-place, imitate the rod of wood or sweeping.
    • Improve the development of dictation can be used with the following exercise. To begin with, breathe calmly, and on exhale as long as possible pull any vowel letter. When you can hold the vowels for more than 25 seconds - try changing the voice tone.

    The main reasons for speech problems

    It is impossible to achieve positive results in the development of diction, if you do not understand the reasons for violations of speech. Only occasionally they are associated with health problems and develop, for example, due to an abnormal structure of the jaw or short bridle of the language.

    Many people have problems with speech provoked by the wrong pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds, as well as the lack of sounds "L" or "P" or a violation of their pronunciation. May be caused and weakened articulation apparatus.

    Even if a person knows how to speak well, correctly pronouncing all the sounds, in particularly significant situations, his speech can be blurred and fuzzy. After all, when speaking words, the articulation apparatus needs to be very quickly switching from one movement to another. This is achieved only with the active and intensive work of the muscles that must be trained, for example, regulating the spells for diction.

    However, the main reason for the challenge, quiet speech is the shyness of a person and the lack of confidence in their own forces. In such a situation, the development of diction - the problem is secondary. First of all, work is needed on its own character and combating complexes.

    It is becoming harder to find a person with good diction, because few people seek to improve speech. Speech data is rarely given from nature, so exercises should be performed to improve pronunciation. But is it necessary for a clear pronunciation to each person?

    The diccia implies a distinct pronunciation of words and the correct location of the speech bodies. The cause of bad dictation is congenital defects of the speech apparatus. But the reason may be the imitation of the speech of other people in childhood. But even with a bad pronunciation, the improvement is possible if special exercises are used for diction.

    The dickey helps:

    • Achieve understanding. If a person has not been engaged in the development of speech, the information expressed by them will be difficult to perceive by people who see it for the first time and are not accustomed to the peculiarities of pronunciation.
    • Make an impression. Improving diction helps when it is necessary to show itself from the best side. An example is a conversation with an employer who willingly give a person with a clear pronunciation.
    • Attract attention. If a person is constantly developing his pronunciation and voice, any told history will be perceived more eager than with speech defects.

    Pronunciation development in adults

    The development of the diction of an adult is characterized by the fact that the setting of sounds occurs much more difficult. When a person is used to pronounce words in a certain way, he has to change not only pronunciation, but also the perception of his speech. Before improving the diction, it is worth considering the main types of exercise.

    • pronunciation of patter;
    • listening to your voice;
    • breathing training.

    To learn a beautiful speech with a spelling, it is worth choosing several such phrases designed to develop pronunciation of certain sounds and find out which of them are increasing. It is for them that you should concentrate your attention. It is important to pronounce such phrases regularly so that the speech apparatus is used to the correct pronunciation. Work on it implies exercise every day.

    A tool to help learn how to correctly pronounce sounds, are voice recorders. If you listen to your speech on the records, it can be understood that it sounds not at all like when a conversation with the interlocutor. Defining defects and correcting them, you need to constantly record it as long as they disappear.

    A common problem is a shortage of breathing during the pronouncement of long phrases. It becomes noticeable during a public speech. To get rid of such a problem, the diaphragm training method is applied. One of the exercises to the diction is to pull the vowel sound on the exhalation as long as possible. First, it turns out this only for a few seconds, but subsequently the time increases to 25. The breathing training implies and changing the height of the voice. Another way to train balloons becomes inflation.

    With regular exercise, the result is manifested in a few days. But in order to save the effect, you need to do all of the listed constantly. It is worth using books that are intended for speech development.

    Text for Diction Development

    For the development of the correct pronunciation, there are texts that are compiled by the same principle as the patter. Usually they combine several spells for the development of different sounds. This means that for diction correction does not need to look for texts. For training, it is enough to find patters for the production of all sounds, and combine them into a one.

    So that the formation of the correct pronunciation occurred faster, the nuts are put on the mouth of different sizes or clamping a pencil's teeth. After removal of such objects, you can feel that even complex phrases have become easier.

    Develop the diction helps and expressive reading of fiction literature. After writing your pronunciation on the voice recorder, it is easy to determine which sounds are pronounced incorrect.

    The longest patter

    "On Thursday of the 4th, in 4 from the quarter of an hour, the Ligurian Adjustment regulated in Liguria, but the 33 ships were lavored, lavished, but did not heal, and then protocol about the protocol protocolized, as an interviewer interviewed Ligurian Advisor Cleanly, and not Purely reported, yes so I was informed about the heocked weather that in order not to the incident became a contender for the judicial precedent, the Ligurian Adjustment was acclimatized in Unconstitutional Constantinople, where the crumb laughing laughter laughed and shouting the Turk, which is planted by a pipe: do not smoke, Turk, Tube, buy better Kipa Peak, better than peak Kipa buy, and then a scorer from the brassurgurgome - bombs will bombards for the fact that someone's blackwheel, he dug out, pulled out and undermined; But in fact, the Turk was not in the case, and Clara-Kralya, at that time, sank to Lari, while Karl had Clara Klar corals, for which Clara had a clarinet from Clara, and then on the courtyard of the concurrent widow Barbara 2 of these thiefs were stolen; But sin is not laughter - not to put in the nut: About Clara with Karl in the darkness all raks were noisy in a fight, - that's not to the scorer of the thieves, but not before the concurrent widow, and not before the concrete children; But the drizzling widow removed in the barn of firewood: once firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - did not fit all the firewood, and 2 woodcutters, 2 woodwood firing for the factory barbarians expelled the firewood of the courtyard back to the woodwood yard, where the Heron Chashla died; Chicken the same Heron clingly clinging to the chain; Well done against sheep, and against the well done Sheep heard, whom Senya Hayen in Sani, then lucky Sonya Sonka with Sanya on sleds: Sledge - Skok, Senka - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead, everything is in a snowdrift, and from there only a bump hat sob, then on the Sasha's highway went, Sasha found Sasha's highway; Sonya - Sashkina girlfriend walked along the highway and sucked drying, and, moreover, Sonya-pinwheel in the mouth also 3 wathers - accurately in the Honey, but she is not to the honey - Sonya and with the cheesecakes in the mouth of the Mouth of Mouth, hesitated as Bugger, buzzes, yes it snaps: Frol - Frolu in Lavra lurled, will go to Lavra on Frol Lavru Nampo that - Wahmistra with Wahmistrash, Rothmistra with Rothmistrash, Horror, Horror, Herp - Herpache, and he has a high-ranking guest A cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 with half the fighters of the Chetverish of lentils without wormworms, and 1666 Pies with Cottage cheese from the serum from under Prostokvashi, - about everything about that oxo Cola bells broke, yes so that even Konstantin - Salzburg Expecting -Pod of the armored personnel carrier stated: like all the bells do not stroke, do not tolerate, and all the patters do not reconnect, not to revolve; But an attempt is not torture. "

    How to improve diction in a short time

    Sometimes performing exercises for training pronunciation is not possible due to lack of time. In such situations, articulation charging is used. It consists of several simple exercises:

    • Move the jaw back and forth. With such actions, the mouth is in the open position.
    • Printing vowels about, y and s. It is necessary to do it in a tilt position, arms crossed on the chest. In this case, the voice drops, and the sound is pronounced out. After the next sound, you need to rise to the standing position, and then tilt and repeat the action.
    • Movement language. A good exercise for the rapid development of diction is the movement in which the tongue alternately rests in the cheek. It is done with both closed and open mouth.
    • Touching to teeth. This exercise is performed with wide open mouth. We must alternately touch each teuba, following the upper and lower row.

    After performing such exercises to the diction, the clarity of pronounced phrases increases, so they are often used by people advocating the public.

    Is it worth visiting speech development courses

    There are speech development courses intended for speakers. They include not only exercises for proper pronunciation, but also tips to help cope with problems arising during a public speech. Programs of such courses consist of several lessons:

    • articulation rules;
    • study of the basics of proper breathing;
    • the development of the range and the power of the voting;
    • rules for building intonation;
    • study of orthoepia;
    • mastering the basics of gesticulation.

    Courses help learn the right technique of pronunciation and overcome the fear of performances before the audience. Work on it implies long-term classes, so speakers are engaged in this.

    Speech defects arise due to the wrong structure of the speech apparatus or due to improper formation of sounds in childhood. The first type of defects is corrected only with the help of speechways or dentists, if it comes to the improper structure of the teeth.

    You can correct your speech with the normal location of the articulation organs during the conversation. In the absence of deviations in the development of the body, defects are manifested:

    • sonorny sounds;
    • hissing;
    • whistling.

    The emergence of such defects occurs as a result of even a small deviation of the speech organs from their natural location. For proper pronunciation, you need to know how to position the lips, language, soft sky and lower jaw. It is possible to achieve this by trainings, because work on the correction of speech implies constant improvement.

    How to fix a vague speech

    A common speech defect, which manifests itself in people with a normally developed articulation apparatus, is insecurity. It manifests itself in swallowing the overall syllables during the conversation. Such a defect is formed in childhood due to unconscious imitation of others. To get rid of it, you need to perform the following exercises to improve the diction:

    • Chant poems, watching the rhythm. It is necessary to choose the works that are read more difficult. The example of Mayakovsky poem can be brought. Such work on it will help to quickly correct the shortcomings of speech.
    • Often to pronounce words in which the consonants are nearby. For example - counter-revolution. After drawing up such words, they should be pronounced several times a day.

    This will help to correct pronunciation in just a few weeks.

    How to put a voice

    There are 3 exercises that help develop a voice.
    To appear an audible effect, you need to perform exercises for several months. These exercises include:

    • Printing vowels. To perform the first exercise for the formation of diction, you need to alternately utter vowels until the breath is enough. Using "and", "u", "a", "o" and "y", you can make a voice more sound. Work on the voice is done constantly, since during breaks even for several days the effect becomes less noticeable.
    • Activation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and chest. To activate the area of \u200b\u200bbelly and chest, it is necessary to pronounce "M" with a closed mouth. The first pronouncement of sound should be quiet, the second is loud, and for the third time you need to strain voice ligaments as much as possible. If work on pronunciation and voice occurs without performing the exercise data, the effect is reduced.
    • Printing words with the letter "P". Also, the sound "P" is also pronounced for voice, which also improves pronunciation. To do this, first it is necessary to break through the sound "RRRR", and then in a row to pronounce more than a dozen words containing the letter r. During the pronunciation, the letter should be allocated. Such an exercise will help to put a voice and improve diction. Develop a diction help books if read aloud.

    To develop diction and achieve a clear pronunciation, you need to work hard. Only with regular classes and workouts you will achieve tangible changes.

    The mechanism for the formation of speech in a child is launched from the very first day of life. In order for this process to flow quickly and smoothly, to us, adults, it is necessary to become the most active participants. This long-term investment of our forces and emotions will pay off more than three or four years later, when we get an interesting interlocutor with your non-standard thinking and judgments. Speech development in children is the daily work of the baby and parents. Let's consider the stages of speech development in a child.

    Why start? Parents are a speech pattern for a child. That is why it is so important to carefully monitor not only what you say, but and how you say. From the very first days to stimulate the speech of the baby: Speak with the child as much as possible - say the words clearly, slowly, but emotionally. Voop everything you do, while trying not to limit yourself only by a household speech. Read functions, poems - all that rhythmically and well lisches. Together, consider, more precisely, learn the pictures in the baby's loved baby, ask questions. At first it will only show what you ask, and then try to repeat yours. Play with a child in toys, to theater. Let him a sample of building dialogues, situations, and gradually the child will answer you, and then will come up with the conditions of the game.

    Speech is life itself, so do not closure training in the framework of printed products and interactive toys. The world around us, nature will inspire your baby to new verbal discoveries, will open fantasy and break the imagination. For walks, try to pay attention to the details such as a rolled dry leaf, similar to a tube, which can become a pickle pipe or a drop of dew, which may well become the most real sea for ants. In the summer, build castles from sand with winding strokes, run together paper aircraft, lay out pictures from natural material on the sand. In the fall, collect leaf bouquets (at the same time learn the names of the trees, shades of flowers), acorns, seeds of maple, which then go to the crafts. In winter, sculpt the snowmen and paint their paints, bring home icicle - let it melts in a basin. In the spring, let the boats in the streams, show the kid droplets, listen to the tweet of Sparrow. All these actions are placed in the child's regime moments and do not require special costs. But if you miss the time, provide the baby to yourself, then closer to the school will have to crash up with seven-mile steps and the fact that it was naturally laid in childhood, you will have to push in large portions. And from such an informational overeating, you know what happens: fatigue, nervousness, reluctance to learn.

    Unfortunately, not every parent has time and the opportunity to engage with your child systemically. Pedagogov specialists can come to the rescue, including children's speech therapists in children's educational centers. Most often, the program in them is aimed at ensuring that the child develops harmoniously, getting and assimilating information in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

    How to continue learning a child

    What happens next? And then we teach the child to enjoy what he has accumulated, that is, it is correct and folded to express his thoughts - to explain, prove, build the logic of the narration and compose. This is a more complex process that goes beyond household speech and relating to verbal creativity. Here are the origins of future writings.

    Let's start this stage with Azov - skills to make a small story about any live and non-living object or subject. In the future, this kind of information will be useful to your first-grader to prepare reports: After all, it is very often the inability to properly dispose of a large amount of information leads to the fact that the child makes it difficult to start a story, make a story about the picture. This process is comparable to a question from adulthood: "How are you?" When you can talk long and diverse to the proposed topic, but most are limited to the answer: "normal". We use the schemes - these universal cards, which are clear step-by-step instructions and are not allowed to get rid of the right path of the wordness, at the same time, eliminating repeats and notes in speech.

    What is the scheme of the story?
    Who → Which Group includes → Description → Where lives → what feeds → What benefits → Features

    For example, this is what story about the dog can be written in this scheme:

    "The dog is a pet. The appearance of the dog depends on the breed. Dachshunds are small, with a long body stretched by a muzzle and a long tail. Paws are short. These dogs are designed for fox hunting in narrow nora. Boxers have a flapful face, wide The chest, strong paws are a fighter breed. In the villages of the dogs live on the street in Konure. In the cities of dogs they hold in apartments. They feed on meat, special feed. The dog has long been a friend and an indispensable assistant man. She helped him watching the house, sheep's mouth, Hunt to wolves, foxes, birds, saved man and water, and in the mountains. There are special guide dogs for the blind. "

    Such a scheme is valid for non-living items.
    What → What group is → parts → of what is made → for what you need

    After the child learned the description of the descriptions, it is possible to move to the next step - learning the compilation of stories in a series of pictures. Here, the ability to build a logical chain is important: to decompose the pictures in the correct order, because all our actions in ordinary life are committed by some schemes.

    It is important to convey to a child that events that occur on them are not abstract stories, but the fact that the baby surrounds in everyday life. Let the child identify himself with the main hero. It will tell that he would feel, said and did at the site of the character. Let her name and the names of his friends drawn children.

    Let the kid tells the rules of the game of hide and lumps, which needs to be done to brush their teeth, boil the water in the kettle or go down to the first floor.

    It is very important to expand the horizon of the child, talking about everything that surrounds it is to greatly help enrich the vocabulary of your baby and develop a full-fledged competent speech faster. Try to be with your child in different places, try as many different things as possible, play a variety of games. For example, if the baby has never been fishing, he will not be able to compose a story about the fun adventures of fishermen boys on the river, as there are their laws, its own terminology.

    Then we teach the child to draw up stories in the picture. Connect the imagination and turn one picture into a series of three, mentally presenting the beginning, and then the ending of our story.

    And the last stage is the most difficult - this is the ability to make a story-description of nature in the picture. At first glance, there is no action, nor heroes, only one forest. But, closing his eyes and step by reality in the very tallest of imaginary forest, you find out that life is hiking here. In order not to get lost in this more often, we will come to the aid, again, the description of the time of the year.

    Day and night → Weather → Plant world → World of birds, animals, insects.

    Here is an example of the story about the autumn, compiled according to this scheme:

    "In the fall, the days are in short, and the nights are longer. At the beginning of the autumn there are docks. This time is called" Indian summer ". But then the sky frowns, tightens the clouds and for all day quicks. Trees are shifted in painted cold winds - Yellow, red, orange, purple. Doonet wind - and sprinkled with trees. Multicolored rain from the leaves. Autumn - it's time for a leaf fall. The birds are going to the flocks and fly into the warm edges. Animals are preparing to fall into the hibernation, thickening fat, make food reserves for the winter. Proteins, hares change their summer fur coats on the winter. "

    And finally - communication with the child

    In preschool age, the natural habitat of a child is a game, so turn your studies into the game. Do, that is, communicate for a walk, on the way to the garden, the store. Do not sit at the table at the table, as at school: Just give the child to Polyte the book, and then the task that will interest it, do together. If your child is motivated to study, then, on the contrary, you can play school with him. In any case, follow the individual features of your child, find an approach to it, and he will answer you interest, susceptibility and understanding.

    Carefully listen to the child, do not interrupt and do not rush it, do not scold and do not compare with others. Do at a time when a child has a good mood when he slept and not hungry.

    Russian language, like any other, requires regularity, so it is better to do every day for 15-20 minutes than once a week on the hour. When our children begin to study a foreign language - we understand that only regular classes can guarantee the result and efficiency, the study of the Russian language and the development of speech is also not an exception and requires a systematic approach.

    Already from the smallest years it is necessary to teach a child not only in the language of life, but to use all the richness of the Russian language in their speech. Communication is one of the main needs of a person, and your baby needs it like no one else. Everyone has the opportunity to create, and we can do it every minute, creating small verbal masterpieces. Language is not only one of the most important means of communication, but also a living material having its color, shape and taste. We have to discover this to children, taking them to create in the framework of certain laws. This is a long way, and from us, adults depends whether it will be a narrow wandering path or a wide road on the way to new knowledge, discoveries and free communication.

    • That Bardyshev, T.A. Chokhelidze "Resets and Stories".
    • TA Tkachenko "Big book of tasks and exercises on the development of a toddle's connected speech."

    Marina Kiseeva Teacher-speech therapist


    U, my daughter is also not quite good with the retelling of texts and so on ... But, the only thing that her memory is simply excellent for memorizing poems, but the retelling, as it does not succeed.

    The child he is like a small copy, he always tries to repeat for you, you parents - you are authority ...
    The article is wonderful everything is told.
    But do not forget that the child listened to fairy tales.
    On the Internet there are many sites with children's audiobooks, try to go and download.
    Then put on the computer or write to the disk and let the child listens.
    Rightly uttered words in the same fairy tale ... They will be able to get used to the right speech. And the native language will like the child. Because songs, fairy tales, stories ... He will be taught to another world ... and the eyes will strain less than when sitting in front of the TV.
    Try. Yes, and ask the kid to tell what he heard ...
    You leave the room for 5 minutes ... And ... let him restore you the course of events until you were ... and compare with what on the disk ... that's work on bugs ...

    I do not know how to explain it, but my eldest child did not know how to talk on the pictures at all, did not understand the sequence .. how much I knew - the result was not ...
    But he was a very developed child, spoke purely from one and a half years, a big vocabulary, easily and quickly learned to read and count and generally thought well, now everything is in perfect order too ...
    In short, my conclusion is that I don't say anything about anything .. Just someone sees these pictures and knows how to fold in history, someone is not. I also admit that it is useful :) But the inability is not fatal :)

    The article is really good.
    But - I will say right away - I - after, not _y_sed. But the speech challenges of their children had to do tight, specifically and uh-e-eff massive.
    Because The eldest is already an adult - and he had a lot of speech diagnoses - and, in fact, everything was straightened and he had shown a completely good result in study and development, I would definitely criticize: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe teaching a small child to schemes is extremely vicious.
    Yes, there is a chance to get in the younger school of excellent. Maybe this honorary title will last to the middle and even to the older school. So what?
    In one of the best Moscow schools (actually, what to hide? - in 2007 * -)) There is a technique aimed at correcting the "schematic", "Skolyar" system of thinking - that is, getting rid of the consequences of the dresser, which we are told about in this article. Unfortunately, in this school there are no primary classes and teach a child to think not by schemes start only in 11 years ... I will say honestly - the technique helps not everyone * - (

    Decent article and in the case that nice

    Comment Article "Little speaker. How to develop a speech of a child?"

    Development of child's speech 2, 8 years old. Tell me how to develop a child in this direction. Absolutely correctly told you to 4 (or even Elle P. - Development of a child's speech of 2 years. As for the development of speech, then this is not the transition to proposals in the speech sense, but as if in ...


    literally recently read in one book just. Type - It is necessary to learn correctly asking - they are helpful to be able to formulate requests correctly.
    we must correct the child to phrases like: I ask you to give me water or Vasya, give me a pencil

    I want - it is either himself, or some kind of wonderful whale whales performs, they say.

    From the point of view of psychology and logic, it expresses more correctly than you expect from him.
    Probably just different approaches in the upbringing.
    This, of course, can be developed by different techniques. If there is a goal.

    We initiated the development of speech in children was my husband, he considers it very important to achieve and where Mom plans to shove the exercises or courses IMHO, speaking in 14 years, is never an indicator. This is a peak of adolescence when ...


    You need to write 2 types of texts:
    1. Where it will be necessary to clearly express thoughts. History or even natural sciences. It is simpler and given to many. In addition to completely hopeless humanitarians who are unable to think logical.
    2. Where you need to clearly express the thought of artistically. Not everyone is given. But the guanitaries from this is easier to repel.

    12/15/2015 10:47:03, __nevazhno___

    Does not depend on the other completely.

    about medicines "for speech". Doctors, clinic. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting kindergarten and relationship with educators about medication "for speech". We were today at the nervopathologist - as I thought, I wrote a delay in speech development.


    About Logosad - Go to the sending to the Commission, in our area they already go. Yes, and with us, for example, even one garden was transferred to the category of ordinary - there are few people who want to do there, everyone wants to modern gardens with pools, etc., and in our old buildings in our old buildings.
    I have a junior child up to 3 did not speak at all (except for mom, dad, yes) ... when I came to the speech therapist, I was told "and where were you in 1.5 years?" And where were you in 2 years? ". In general, we got the direction in the TLL (the center will restore. Treatment, like a logosade for kids 2-4 years, but with massage and doctors, they obey the Ministry of Health and are essentially a medical institution), now we go, from the fall - in the Logosad.
    It did not give anything to the use of drugs, although I appointed a very competent neurologist with the words that it is about to speak ...
    In fact, it makes sense to make echo ehg (as there with pressure), audiometry (hearing can influence speech), USDG (vessels). Based on these data, the neurologist can prescribe drugs that will help working with the child.
    Believe the mother of three speech therapy children - do not get into the phrases "Wait again, will soon speak", "and here our up to 4 years have not been gnawed, and then how tattherty" ... the speech therapy is where it is better to overgo It hurts high.

    My son did not speak until 2.7. The index finger and the sound "s" were the main assistants in communication. From 2.9 began to engage with the speech therapist. We have the main stoppore that the son did not know how to immortal (repeating sounds, actions for other people). A month later, the process went. Now, after 4 months of classes, still do not know how to build suggestions, but the vocabulary is huge, calls things, actions by their names, began to immigrate (repeats everything as a parrot :). Medicines where we live, doctors, when you delay speech, do not write out.


    Yuri Kaplan.

    Native speech

    Poems about Russian. Poems native speech. As a schoolboy, there is a native speech. Yuri Kaplan.

    From happiness Orobiev
    (Do I have to save?),
    As a schoolboy, a chance
    Spearly native speech

    As a schoolboy in September,
    Pierced novelty.
    Like birds at dawn,
    I agree with me.

    Bizarre the roots path,
    After all, the whirlwind is fed.
    What could be relatives
    Construment root?

    Communion sweet cargo,
    In the wall of the orphanhood shave,
    Plenitive Union

    In the spirals of the hour peak,
    In a circle of random meetings
    As a true student,
    Strong speech:

    - verb cradle,
    Naschaya father's house
    You, one to you, -
    In the decline of anyone.

    My love pledge,
    My guilt is the frontier.
    Passive voice.

    09/20/2011 14:05:10, Ll

    Ivan Bunin

    Silent tombs, mummies and bones, -
    Only the word life is given:
    From the ancient darkness, on the world grade,
    Sound only letters.

    And we have no other tenor!
    Defeat Berecher
    At least to the measure of the forces, in the days of the evil and suffering,
    Our gift is immortal - speech.
    Anna Akhmatova


    We know that now lies on the scales
    And what is done now.
    Hour courage struck on our clock,
    And courage will not leave us.

    Not scary under the bullets are dead to lie down,
    Do not be bitterly stayless,
    And we will keep you, Russian speech,
    Great Russian Word.

    Free and clean you carry you
    And grandchildren give, and from captivity save
    Nikolay Zabolotsky

    Reading poems

    Curious, funny and thin:
    Verse, almost unlike verse.
    Matching Cricket and Child
    Perfected writer comprehected.

    And in nonsense crumpled speech
    The sophistication is known to eat.
    But perhaps the dreams of human
    Sacrificing this fun to bring?

    And is it possible to Russian
    Turn into twitter squirrel
    To make sense to live
    Could not sound through it?

    Not! Poetry puts barriers
    Our inventions, for she
    Not for those who play in charaks
    Putting a sorcerer cap.

    He who lives a real life
    Who is accustomed to poetry from childhood
    Eternally believes in the life-giving,
    Full Rough Russian.

    09/20/2011 14:01:19, Ll