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How to learn to clearly formulate your thoughts. When a person communicates incomprehensible words. Presentation: "Cognitive processes and personality abilities"

Oddly enough, problems with communication arise from large number of people. At the same time, the most common complaint is the inability to express their own thoughts. Agree: for effective communication With colleagues, close people, a loved one need some skills. So,

How to learn how to express your thoughts?

The problem with the expression of your own thoughts

Being at a business meeting, official reception, at work or study, you probably have a feeling of some kind of formalness, insincerity and falsehood. What is the matter?

Between the ability to communicate and the ability of a person to clearly express his thoughts, you can quite put the sign of equality. Agree: it is difficult to communicate with those who can not even explain what he needs. Bright example of this behavior - a conversation with a person in a state of the strongest alcoholic intoxication. Although this "conversation" can be called only with a large stretch. A drunk person has a lot of thoughts on a variety of philosophical topics (see), but he cannot express in words. Of course, this example is probably not the most suitable, because a sensible person has at least minimal vocabulary, but nonetheless…

Surely, you have repeatedly met people who experienced obvious difficulties with the expression of their thoughts. They didn't have enough words to express their emotions (see) and accumulated impressions. And how many repeating words and interjections were in their speech! All these "um", "Well, like", "you understand?" ... Perhaps this problem was and you?

If so, then you have a problem - a problem with the expression of your own thoughts. But this is the problem, and not an irresistible obstacle. So let's see how to learn how to express your thoughts.

How to learn how to express your thoughts?

  • To learn how to express your thoughts correctly, you need to read as much as possible (see). Reading enriches vocabulary. Read as much as possible. Books, magazines, newspapers, articles on the Internet, scientific works, if it is interesting to you. While reading in our brain, new words and their synonyms are postponed. If problems arose with the meaning of the word, you can make an excursion in the explanatory dictionary.
  • Whatever enough, but you can learn how to express your thoughts and communicate only if you communicate more. Talking with other people, you draw a lot of usefulness for yourself, learn something new and interesting. Large vocabulary - more help in conversation with others. Nevertheless, it is extremely important to still be able to build words in the proposal and phrases so that it is harmonious and correct. If you have any problems with this, try to do the following exercise: Take the word, any word, and try to explain its value in the form of a connected finished offer. For example, which means smile, breathe, run. Another useful exercise From the series "Svyaznoy Speech": Come on two or three words and make a proposal of them, and better two or ten. In general, you understood: the more offers from these words you will be, the better.

Now let's go to understand how to learn how to express your thoughts, overcoming difficulties in communicating.

How to learn how to express your thoughts: overcome the difficulties in communication

Surely, you got into a situation where a person seems to speak with you one understandable language (cm. ). It can be a professional jargon, scientific terms and even brands. In any case, the problem takes place. Often the reason for the difficulties of communication in this situation is the level of culture and education of your interlocutor or your own level. Here you are practically powerless. If your interlocutor turns unclear words to you in speech, you can either try to feel yours or contact the interlocutor for clarifying words of words.

Before it is properly learning to express your thoughts, you need to learn to select words according to the audience where you are. So, the style and manner of communication on a business meeting and a family dinner will be very different. It is imperative to use relevant and understandable words.

To understand how appropriate what you want to say, put yourself in place of your interlocutor: Is everything clear to you? For each specific situation His expressions and words. Stupid and inappropriate will sound "Respect!" Instead of "welcome" in the circle of business partners.

So now you know how to learn how to express your thoughts. Successes!

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If you think that the ability to clearly, competently and clearly express your thoughts you need only for work and success in matters, then you are very mistaken! Clearly instruct your husband that you need to buy, entrust the son to endure the garbage, take the money from a neighbor, it is clearly answered in school lesson - these are all the examples of the fact that a person can convey his thoughts to others. It is necessary to teach this symbol.

The reasons for the fact that the person does not work clean it clearly

  1. Not enough good possession of the conversation.

    In order not to "swim in the topic", examine the subject in detail, ask additional questions, consult with specialists or colleagues. Do not be afraid to seem like that. Especially if you delve new ones for yourself. After all, if you are allay to clarify important details In advance, the work will not be performed qualitatively from and to.

    Start learning logic. This will help your thoughts to find some "slim". You will get the skill to express the theses consistently and connected, and the conclusions are briefly and deep. You will transfer thoughts clearly and briefly, without the abundance of small details capable of "drowning" the meaning of your messages.

  2. You prevent you from fear.

    Thousands of students and schoolchildren are preparing for the exams seriously, and at the last moment become tonasky and cannot associate two words. Develop the skill of public speeches in front of loved ones and friends. After all, next to them, you always lose less than with an unfamiliar public.

    Gradually expand the circle of people working out unfamiliar people, including sellers in the store or random travelers. Smoothly go to colleagues and bosses. It is useful for your career and nice for a wallet.

  3. Not enough management of its speech.

    Bad diccia can disorient the interlocutor, even if you are deep in your theme, you cannot confuse and get lost. On YouTube, full exercises on the development of diction. Use materials that are in free access if paid training you can not afford.

    Here for example, one of them:

What exercises will help develop eloquence:

Read fiction, preferably classic. Russian, overseas - no matter. On masterpieces of world literature, you will learn to appreciate the beauty of the language and thoughts of the author. Wriths your vocabulary and become more beautiful

Practice with buddies quotes from books, try talking to the hero's tongue from your favorite book. Highly intelligent phrases of Musketeers and Kings in Duma-Father's novels will help you to gain a reputation as a cultural person. It is clear that in modern life it is not the most popular expressions. But they will give you the level common culture And the gloss of the intellectual.

Now it has become fashionable to have a personal blog or diary online. Replenish it every day with quotes and own arguments. The diary is even more useful - your thoughts surrounding read and discuss. Therefore, it will motivate it to drag your presentation style.

Chat! As much as possible. Everywhere. With neighbors, sellers, teachers, colleagues. Do not be afraid to say what you think. Overcome your shy, learn to defend yourself in the dispute. It is very useful.

All these simple techniques will help you become eloquent and pass the interlocutor with your conversation.

The ability to express his thoughts properly helps us achieve mutual understanding in any situation - in a conversation with a spouse, a guy, in the education of children, in working with customers and employees. For easy communication with girlfriends or chattering in the Spirit " how was your day»Quite simple phrases and human participation.

But if you want the surrounding perceived you seriously and listened to a point of view, you just need to be able to file your thoughts clearly and competently. How to learn this?

How others perceive your words

Did you have a feeling of confusion and bewilderment when your words are not understandable to the interlocutor? It becomes amazing why you can't convey simple, it would seem thoughts.

We say in the same language, we can exchange anything with meaningless phrases without any problems, but as soon as it comes to important messages, between the speaking people as if the Wall grows - what is the reason?

Usually people perceive the speech not just as a set of words, but along with a complex psychological context - here it includes, for example, the attitude towards you personally, willingness to hear the opposite point of view, the general tone of the conversation (calm or irritated), and even the level of education of the interlocutors and then What is the point of each of them puts into sounding words.

Is it really a complicated? Nevertheless, we all often communicate without making special efforts to be understood.

There is an old army joke that everything that may be understood will wrong - it will be understood incorrectly. If the result of the conversation is really important, connect all the skills so that the listener understands you to the last letter. And we will show you in which location of the conversation most often problems arise, why this happens and how to deal with it.

Why sometimes we do not understand us:

  • Too many words - the interlocutor loses the course of thought among endless deviations, details that are not relevant to the fact of the facts, who have been suddenly similar to the story;
  • You said too little. The misfortune for words is also a problem, since another has to think about the missing facts itself (and believe me, he will do it, but hardly in your favor);
  • Poor vocabulary. Children are fortunately, but adults must select more accurate expressions, use different wordsso that they do not have to be explained by the mock, a pitiful "uh ..." or winking, they say, you ourselves understood that I want to say - see the point above, you will be understood, but not as it should;
  • Logic lames - it's just Beach God in a conversation of a woman with a man. We want to express everything and immediately, without missing any important (as it seems to us) the details, passing all the nuances of the mood and having achieved empathy at each minute of our speech. What is the result? Charges in the absence of logic, disadvantage, confusion and stupidity. It's a shame that to say, but the logical connections and the purpose of each phrase should be traced very clearly - it is necessary to learn;
  • Hobbating sarcasm. This is when you're in the curb say the opposite of your thought, hoping that the interlocutor himself hurts absurdity and understands how it is necessary - that is, on the contrary. The minus is that your wit may not be assessed - which means that the send will be useless and incomprehensible.

When you pull yourself into eloquence, you yourself will easily find a few more spaces and stick to other underwater stones of the conversation art. The main thing, practice, carefully listen to yourself and others, concentrate on the central thought. And now start with several practical techniques that will immediately improve your communication with anyone.

How to quickly learn how to express thoughts

  • Read. Popular business books and psychology are even better than the old Russian classic. Of the first, you draw more successful speech revolutions, understandable to a modern person than from the works of Dostoevsky and Turgenev. Although the last, undoubtedly, better women's love romance;
  • Come on the proposals from books and magazines, which, in your opinion, have a good sense. You can use dozens of other phrases as templates for your statements, the only one, watch their relevance;
  • Get a diary or blog on the Internet. In writing it is easier to get used to formulate your thoughts correctly, you will quickly get used to discarding too much and concentrate in essence when you re-read and correct written;
  • Avoid sayings and beaten expressions - often their meaning is so ground time that you can surprise you that you understand exactly the opposite;
  • Start keeping notepad " My day in 6 words"- Today it is better not to exist this exercise. It will form a habit to be briefly expressed in a few weeks;
  • Reheaxing speech, look at yourself in the mirror, so you can be carefully cut off extra phrases - the observer effect works wonders;
  • Most fast way - It is a familiar with a laconic and speech tank and take it to be expressed. Nothing to be ashamed - we are all learning each other!

How to express your thoughts in the letter

An email or traditional letter in the envelope suggests that you have well prepared its content.

As a rule, sending a message, we know that it is no longer possible to change its text, so it is very important to write a successful first time. (No matter how much I had to explain in repeated letters, what exactly did you mean, confusing the most confusing addressee.)

To write a clear and beautiful letterUse the reception publisher. Imagine, then you editor you will have to be launched new article, book, etc. Everything will depend on the quality of the text - reviews readers, critics, your reputation and earnings.

Of course, if you just congratulate the aunt Happy New Year, you will be difficult to buy. But on the working questions you can spoil the case on the full program, if you do not bother over the intention.

First of all, determine the purpose of the message. The structure of the letter will depend on it. You can simply list the facts and submit them as information to reflection - then follow the accuracy and accuracy of the facts, do not add your comments and speculations.

If the explanation is required, build text on the classic formula: What should be done? - Why? - What should be the result? Everything! Without emotional details, complaints and threats. And by the way, in the letters, the Hamsky tone is no less harmful than with live communication, do not use coarse expressions, otherwise the result will unpleasantly affect how unambiguously you put it.

Imaging thoughts into the text, re-read it several times out loud (about myself), put yourself in the place of the recipient. Naturally, did it happen? Does each offer follow from the previous logically? Check literacy - and feel free to send, you did everything as it should.

How to communicate by phone or skype

In a remote mode, it is also important to be able to express your thoughts correctly. Prepare for a conversation: calmly think about everything you want to convey to the interlocutor, write down the main thoughts on items - there must be no more than three, there will be one more specific message.

Before exploring, rehearse your words, check if an important part of the information is not missed. Even in casual affairs It sometimes comes to funny: you agreed to meet with the familiar "at the subway", he will wait on the platform, and you are on the surface, in steps.

The ability to speak beautifully will be useful to each person, regardless of the profession. The interlocutors always react positively to the voice good diction, competently constructed phrases and justified intonation. We master the entry into the art of rhetoric.

Among professions in demand in latelyMost are based on the ability to beautifully and correctly speak. Lawyers, politicians, speakers on numerous television and radio channels, teachers, those who work with customers - in short, representatives a huge number successful people Must say so that they are listening to them, they admired them.

Therefore, work on its speech includes three main directions:

  • training of diction (clear pronunciation);
  • work on the technique and the content of speech;
  • increased your vocabulary and development of speech.

In addition to verbal (verbal), there are non-verbal means of speech:, intonation, mimic, communication, and so on.

The correctness of speech, the clarity of the origin of vowels and consonant sounds, the change of intonation, the vote is allocated - all these characteristics of your speech will help you to influence almost any person, to arrange it to yourself, convince you to continue with you further cooperation.

Dictation training

You need to start training with proper breathing. If it is incorrectly breathing, then this can entail a breakdown of voice, protracted pauses, distortion of the meaning of the phrase. Therefore, during public speeches Speakers are not ordinary breathing, but speech. Conventional breathing may simply not be enough, so it is important to learn to spend the air and restore it on time. In this case, use diaphragm breathing. It develops a whole system of respiratory training, but they require perseverance and plenty of patience.

  • Write your reading of any text on the voice recorder.
  • Listen to the resulting entry.
  • Give it to listen to it.
  • Match your opinion and someone else's.
  • Select the main disadvantages.

Most often occur the following errors Pronunciations:

  • incorrect pronunciation of vowel sounds in weak position (without emphasis);
  • "Evidence" of individual consonants;
  • loss of vowels;
  • improper connection of consonant sounds when they are connected;
  • curply pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds;
  • wrong pronunciation soft sounds etc.

It is advisable to deal with the correction of diction. Now there are many organizations where speech therapists work. Of course, mainly classes are designed for children, but you can take private lessons in order to quickly achieve the right effect.

All classes need to be started with exercises to relax muscles responsible for the correct articulation. It is better to observe a certain sequence of exercise. Starting the exercises are needed from the easiest, gradually moving to more complex. You need to do every day. Go to the workshoot of the next exercise only after complete assimilation of the previous one. Every day you need to put new goals and objectives. The results achieved from time to time you need to maintain the repetition of the main exercises.

Work on the content and technique of your speech

One of frequent errors Speech - too fast. When a person is in a hurry, what is called, taraturt, it is difficult to perceive. You need to learn to control the tempo of your speech. To begin with, it is possible to pronounce at a very slow pace of any speech material that does not require much understanding. It can be a sequence of numbers, for example, up to one hundred, names of months, cities or countries, a list of male or female names.

It is better to write this sequence so that words can be pronounced in direct and reverse order. Over time, remembering this sequence, it is better to play in memory, simultaneously training and memory. Then you need to move to the repetition of the text on the rumor. And it should be recorded in the fast pace, but it will be necessary to repeat at a slow pace.

How to "put" voice

Of course, the term "voice formulation" more relates to musicians, actors and other creative professions. It means that you need to train the voting force, its range and timbre. The voting force can be trained if the texts of various character are loud and clearly pronounced: poems, fables, odes, poems in prose.

The range is quite possible to expand if a variety of text exercises at the highest or lowest colors. At the same time, the voice ideally should become higher or lower, depending on the ultimate goal. The same voice depends on overtones, that is, from an additional tone, sounding as a kind of echo. Oberton appears at the moment of reflecting the sound from the wall of the natural resonator (its own skull, chest cavity, larynx and others).


Unfortunately, modern people More and more becoming tonasky, can not competently express thought, confused in words. This is explained by many reasons.

First, they read little now, as you spend more time at a computer monitor or a TV screen.

Secondly, too little hears samples competent speech. After all, it is no secret that even from the TV screen rarely hear samples correct and beautiful speech. There are no talk about radio stations in general: DJs communicate with radio listeners just as used to communicating with friends, - speaking their speech by fergular words and expressions.

Thirdly, rarely watch theatrical productions. After all, the theater requires a special style of clothing, it is necessary to behave culturally, the most important thing is to understand the content of individual Misaneszen, the complexity of the character of heroes. All this requires from people's excess efforts, so it's much easier to go to the movies, eat popcorn and "scatter".

However, if you are firmly confident that your speech is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary, abundance of speech mistakes and improper construction of proposals, and you intend to learn how to spend the attention of the audience, then you just need to urgently start working on your own speech.

Learn to speak beautifully

So, here are the advice that will help learn to master the beautiful and competent speech.

1. Build proposals

An illiterate and monotonous speech is given primarily incorrect offers. When a person painfully selects words to continue his thought, makes long pauses, and as a result he gets a "coronal" thought, this suggests that he does not own the technique of properly building proposals.

To study regular construction You need to start with written exercises, recording interesting thoughts, observations, aphorisms in a separate notebook. In the future, immediately before the performance, you need to make text in advance on paper, retelling finished Plan, repeating individual expressions.

You can generally keep a diary (it is fashionable, judging by the TV shows like the "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" and those like him), writing impressions for the day, some kind of observations, reasoning. All this contributes in general to the development of speech, well, and the correct construction of proposals in particular.

2. Increase vocabulary

Poverty of the speech gives a poor vocabulary. If a person expresses his assessments, judgments, comments among the same words, this suggests that it is difficult for him to express his thoughts due to the lack of knowledge. Therefore, this speech produces a repulsive impression, and the person himself will not have authority, especially among those who speak well a speech.

Agree, in our time, let's say, the Kosonasky Director of the School is nonsense. He simply will not be able to speak in front of the teachers, which means that it will not be able to conquer the authority among his colleagues or among the students of his own school. After all, even illiterate students understand that the teachers, and even more the director, should be competent in all senses of this word.

How to diversify your speech? Of course, first of all, work with intellular dictionary. Hearing a new word for myself, you need to find its meaning in the dictionary, write out and remember. And remember the word only in the context, that is, in the sentence. Used without context, the word may be incomprehensible or perceived in distorted meaning.

It is not bad to solve at least crosswords or scandards, because there are also the meaning of words, and sometimes in an allegorical or ironic sense, which helps learn to understand the meaningful words. It is also important to read articles in various magazines - not only in glossy.

For example, reading economic news will help to understand the financial and legal spheres and will significantly enrich your speech by terms from these areas. If you are interested in medicine, even if you look like a "live great" and similar to it, it can be understood in a variety of medical concepts, ranging from elementary injection and ending with narrowly special terms.

Reading articles on psychology, it is possible to expand your vocabulary with a lot of enough modern concepts, After all, we now have almost everyone or a psychologist yourself, or a doctor himself. Ideally, it is better to expand the circle of your communication. After all, supporting relations with lawyers, specialists in the field of IT technologies, doctors, teachers, etc., you will freely or unwittingly hear new words for you, starting gradually to understand in their sense, and then introducing into your own speech.

3. Learn to allocate the main

Attention to the details is good for observation. But, especially public, excessive detailing can lead to a weakening of interest and boredom. Therefore, it is important to learn how to compress any information. Via computer programs Compress the amount of information is quite simple. And how to do it with the text?

You need to learn how to control the tempo of speech so that there was a time to stop before you have time to bloat. Let it be better to be a small pause than "Ecane" and "Beckan". This requires self-discipline, permanent self-control, but the result is definitely worth such victims.

5. Expand spoken practice

Now, in the age of testing and writing offended homework, it is rarely given the opportunity to perform with monologic speech. Therefore, former schoolchildren And students and then come to work in oblivion. Therefore, if you go out to learn how to speak correctly, it is important to use all the possibilities for a public speech at school.

Oral responses in the lessons, speeches at various scientific and practical conferences, speeches before classmates, on stage - all this will help not only become confident, but will make it comes to talking, competently, convincingly.

Of course, it will help reading classic artistic or popular science literature, because you can always give examples from books or modern reality. And nothing is more convincing, as bringing a large number of arguments.

Use gestures that will allow you to feel more comfort, while in front of the audience, and the listeners will cause the right associations. If you first play, peeping into the abstract, then frequent and prolonged performances will soon help you feel confident even during direct communication with the hall or a certain circle of people.