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How to grow fringe cultures. Growing Bakhchyev: General Information and Growing Technology

Bakhchy cultures (watermelons, pumpkins and melons) refer to the family of pumpkin and morphological features Very similar to each other. They are grown to obtain juicy fruits with high taste. The fruits of Bakhchyev, especially watermelons and melons, contain a lot of sugar (6-13% or more), vitamins B and, Pz, C, PP, etc. in watermelons many iron and folic acid salts. In addition to use in a fresh form, they are a raw material for the processing industry: the manufacture of watermelon honey (maternity), jumped, pastes, for salting.

Melon is used mainly in the fresh form. For different recipes from the pulp melon makes candies, jams, honey (becmez), compotes, mousses, and dried and dusted fruits.

Pumpkins with yellow and orange flesh rich in the salts of phosphorus and carotene, contain many phytoncides. Pumpkin fruits are used for cooking, salting, marinations, as well as the manufacture of citades, honey and other products. Pumpkin seed oil to taste resembles olive, it is widely used in food in the western regions of Ukraine.

Bacchic crops have a great healing value. They contain essential physiologically active substances that are involved in the important functions of the body, in the regulation of protein and fat exchange processes. The use of fruits of Bakhchyev improves the work of the heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, lungs, increases the overall vitality of the body. For example, folic acid, which is contained in the fruits of watermelon and melon, produces antisclerotic and hematopoietual action. The fruits of watermelons with an elevated content of pectin substances have high radioprotective properties that can derive radionuclides from the body, heavy metals and other toxic substances.

Feed pumpkins and watermelons have high feed qualities: 100 kg of forage watermelons correspond to 9.3, and feed pumpkins - 10.2 food, units. and contain 4.0 and 7.0 kg of digestible protein, respectively. Ripe Fruits Ferry Bakhchyeva can be kept in a fresh form. They are valuable milk grown food.

The fruits of mudflows are widely used for silacies together with corn stems, for the preparation of combined silo, improving the taste of coarse feed.

Bakhchy cultures have a large agrotechnical significance, since they contribute to the purification of fields from weeds and is a valuable predecessor for winter and spring crops.

All melting plants come from sandy and stony deserts of subtropical areas of the globe. Holy Watermelon is Calahari semi-desert (South Africa), pumpkins - South America, and melons are small and medium asia. The first historical information and findings about Bakhchy cultures were recorded in the Egyptian tombs, that is, 4 thousand years ago (parts of plants and drawings). From Africa, watermelons penetrated through India and Iran to Central Asia and Transcaucasia. In the Northern Black Sea region, watermelon and melon penetrated the Volga region, as well as because of the Greek colonies. Pumpkin in Ukraine appeared in the XIX century. and spread as garden culture At the household sections.

The main area of \u200b\u200bcommodity badgery was the southeastern zone of Ukraine, especially the current territory of the Kherson region, where the soil-climatic conditions are most favorable for growing melting crops. Commodity mudflow is developing in Kherson, Nikolaev, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Odessa regions and in Crimea.

Bach cultures grow well on light sandy soils. They love a lot of sun, but poorly growing on heavy loams. Chernozema is suitable for growing melting crops, but in such conditions they require special care. Now find out what belongs to the Bakhchev cultures. Such are: watermelon, melon, zucchini, patisson and pumpkin.

Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus)

  • winter wheat;
  • leguminous crops;

Many people do not know what to plant close to mudflows. Best neighbors will be:
  • corn;
Throws through the soil about the tenth day after disembarking. Next for him need good care. For all the time of the vegetation, the plant needs to be 4-5 times pouring and 9-12 times not very cold water. It is worth noting that if often, it can lead to fungal diseases. With excessive irrigation of the Thavin (the fruit of watermelon) loses its taste and becomes water.
For Bakhchy cultures it is worth picking very carefully. Excessive addition of nitrate fertilizers can badly affect human health. Experts are recommended to add infusion when disembarking seeds, and this will be enough.

May lie by mid-October, in some regions - by the mid-end of September. If the fruit dose, then knocking his palm on it, you will hear clunk. The collected seeds can be maintained in a dark place for about 4-5 years and remain suitable for landing.

Melon (Cucumis Melo)

In the future you need to do everything as well as for watermelon. Loosening and watering are compulsory procedures. As a result, you will get a delicious and sweet fruit.

Zucchini (Cucurbita Pepo Var. Fastigata)

- This is another representative of Bakhchyev. It needs less sunlight and is better to carry more cold air temperature. Muffin plants like zucchini can be planted seedlings 10-20 days before watermelon and melon.

Important!Zucchini saves their own beneficial features For 9-10 months.

After planted seeds trigger and become two-three-fledged, they can be planted under the open sky.
Before this, the soil must be loosen and fertilized. You can use the infusion of a cowboy. During the landing in the ground, it is necessary to pour some water and add. This will protect the plant from different.

Zucchini. it is impossible to plant At that place where he had previously grew, patissons or. It is advisable to annually replace the landing site of this mesh plant and not to plant it there for four years. During the growing season, the plant must be sprayed with various mixtures, in order not to give pests to destroy the zucchini. It is also necessary to regularly water and easily the plant, then the fruits will be as big as possible and pleasant to the taste. In general, the cultivation of such a bulk culture, like a zucchini, has become an integral part of any gardener of our region. Therefore, many know that if the plant is properly careful, then after 35-40 days it will bring the first fruits.

Patsson (Cucurbita Pepo Var. Patisson)

Bahch culture, which is named in Latin Patisson, Very similar to the zucchini in terms of growth. Some even plant these plants together for joint pollination.
In some sources, you can read that the taste resembles a white mushroom and it is sweeter than the zucchini. Each flavor receptors are different, but these plants are almost the same taste.

Did you know?The variety of watermelon with a white flesh was first raised in South Africa.

The same applies to the landing of this plant. If you do everything as well as for zucchini, then you do not lose. That's just there is one nuance: love a little more heatSo plan them for a week later zucchini.
Fruits of patissons are different colors: White, yellow and green. Again, everyone chooses to his taste. Among the gardeners there is an opinion that the fruit yellow color It has the best taste.

One of the yellow color is the name "Sunshine", and the average mass of the fetus reaches 300 g. Patisson green Bingo-Bongo variety brings fruit weighing up to 600 g.

Bakhchy cultures are posted by fruit vegetable crops grown on Bakhche and belong to the pool or cucurbitaceae family. This family includes both cold-resistant and very thermal-loving species.

Features of Bakhchykh culture

The cultivation of messengers has some featuresSince these plants are immigrants from tropical and subtropical countries and high yields can only be obtained when creating optimal temperature regimens and a stable-low humidity level. Such a combination of temperature and moisture allowance can be provided solely in the greenhouse equipped special equipmentBut on the territory of the southern regions of our country, Bakhchyeva grow perfectly and fruit also in conditions open soil.

List of basic bakhchyla Plants Includes such food cultures like melons and watermelons, as well as zucchini and pumpkin. And if growing good harvest Pumpkins and zucchini does not represent difficulties even for beginner vegetables, then get high-quality fruits of thermal-loving watermelon and melon is quite difficult.

The harvest of these crops is used in fresh form, but also used as feed plants and for medical purposes. Despite some botanical features and a similar structure of fruits, in the pulp of Bakhchyev, there is a significant amount of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sulfur, as well as basic vitamins.

A significant part of the melted cultures has a stealing and fairly long stem part, and also characterized large leaves and large yellow flowers. However, there are also widespread in the conditions of native vegetable growing and relatively compact, bush forms of bulk plants. The presence of a powerful root system allows plants to easily carry drought.

How to grow mud (video)

Types of basic cultures

In the conditions of nucleotop vegetable growing, several types of basic crops are most often grown. Agrotechnics of such plants is somewhat different from traditional ways growing other popular vegetable crops.

View Latin Popular varieties and hybrids Features Future description
Watermelon Citrúllus Lanátus. Astrakhansky, "Sponak", "American", "Siberian lights", "fertile", "Siberian Rose", "Climson-Sweet" and "Gift of the North" Annestly thermal-loving herbate plant Fruits have a spherical, oval, flattened or cylindrical shape with white, yellow or dark-green bark and a pattern represented by grid, stripes or spots
Melon Cucumis Melo. Cinderella, "Dessert-5", "Dubovka", "Iroquais", "Golden", "Northern Cantalup" and "Kharkov Early" Annual thermo-loving and light-loving plant, which is resistant to the salinization of the soil and drought Fruits of spherical or cylindrical shape, dark green, yellow, brown or white staining, with the exemplary stripes on the surface
Pumpkin Cucurbita. AKORN, "Smile", "Spaghetti", "Freckles", "Almond", "Altai", "Vote", "Bush Orange" Annual embraced herbal culture from the Pumpkin Family Fruits have a firm outer layer or bark, as well as characterized by the presence of numerous flexible, framed by thick bloody seeds
Zucchini. Cucurbita Pepo Var. Giromontina. "Mushroom-37", "Ball", "Tsukesh", "Iskander-F1", "Roller", "Zebra" and "Aeronaut" Busty variety of pumpkin ordinary in our country Has oblong fruits of green, yellow, black or white color. Long vacations are absent
Squash Pâtisson. "White-13", "Cheburashka", "Disc", "Umbrella", "Rodeo", "Sunny", "Fuete" and "Orel Orange" Annestable cultivated herbaceous plant of a bush or semi-bush Fruits can have different shape And staining. The form may be a bell and a plate, and the surface coloring is white, yellow, green, sometimes with the presence of stains or stripes

Melon and watermelons relate to categories particularly demanding on plant growing conditions, and have a continuous growing period, which makes them popular mainly in the southern regions of the country.

In Central Russia, the creation of early and cold-resistant varieties is carried out, and seedlings are grown. Sowing seeds implies preliminary and mandatory training, as well as the use of film to protect plants from spring, return freezers . The main condition for receipt high yield is an right choice Culture varieties, as well as compliance with the rules of landing and technology of cultivation.

Rules landing

As the long-term practice of amateur vegetables, sowing it is best to exercise two-year or three-year-old seedswhich are able to bloom before and characterize accelerated process Harvesting. Sewing fresh seed material implies a compulsory preliminary three-day drying with temperature mode within 30-35ºС.

Recommended landing seed with a nesting way. Previously, a deep soil resistance must be carried out, the introduction of basic fertilizers, the removal of weed vegetation, as well as the preparation of the landing well, the distance of which is depends on the varietal and botanical features of the sighted mesh culture. Fertilizer in the form of phosphorus-potash complexes, as well as humidiation or compost, can be made directly into the landing wells.

Of particular importance is the right choice of landing and cultivation heat-loving plants The group under consideration. It is best to place landing on some elevation, on sites, as well as possible and warmed up sunny rays, without moisture and cold air masses.

How to plant zucchini (video)

Growing technology

Many compatriots prefer not to acquire vegetable and fruit products on the collapse or market, and grow popular and beneficial melting cultures on their own, in the conditions of nice gardening. In this case, it is possible to hope for not only high, but also a high-quality crop can only with strict observance of agrotechnology:

  • transplantation of seedlings is undesirable, due to the root system too gently, therefore the cultivation of the confined material should be carried out directly in peat seedlings;
  • when leaving the seedliness should provide plants good sunny lighting and regular irrigation events;
  • seedlings can be replanted on permanent place In the last decade of May or in the first days of June, and the landing time varies depending on the cultivation region;

  • to prevent the rotting of the fruits lying on the ground, it is necessary to pour sand plants to the root neck or put under the fruit of the straw;
  • it is very important to timely and competently cut down the extralands, which will not allow the Bakhchi culture to waste strength and direct the main flow of nutrients to aging the crop;
  • at each plant, it is desirable to normalize the number of oblasts and leave, depending on the type and variety, not more than 3-8 barriers.

It is important to remember that absolutely all mesh cultures have increased susceptibility to heat and lighting, so their landing and cultivation is carried out exclusively on open spaces without shading.

Diseases and pests of Bakhchykh cultures

It is for this reason that it is necessary to regularly produce landings on the subject to identify damage and lesions, as well as to observe crop rotation and timely struggle with weed vegetation. If necessary, the processing of basic crops in the growing season chemical preparations, among which they have proven themselves such modern meansAs "Inta-Vir", "Aktellik", "Carbofos", as well as "phytoverm" or "topaz".

How to protect the miracles from a meloky fly (video)

Bakhchy cultures - watermelon, melon and pumpkin - are cultivated for the preparation of juicy fruits, characterized by high taste. The fruits of the cutle watermelon and melon contain 6-12% sugar, vitamins B, 3, C, PP, etc. in watermelon many salts of iron and folic acid. In addition to direct eating from these fruits in the canning and confectionery industry, honey (from juice), candle, junction, jungle, pasteil and other products are prepared.

Pumpkin with a yellow pulp is rich in phosphorus and carotine salts, contains a lot of phytoncides.

Fresh fruit usually go to the feed feed varieties Pumpkins and watermelon. They are considered a valuable milk-stern. B100 kg of feed pumpkin contains 10 food. units. and 70 g of digestible protein; In 100 kg of fodder watermelon - 9 feeds. units. and 40 g of digestible protein.

From the seeds of bulk crops, especially pumpkins, extracted food oil.

Yield the best varieties Watermelons on non-speaking lands is 25-30 t / ha, and on irrigated - 40-50 t / ha more. The yield of melons from 16-8 to 50 t / ha and pumpkin from 35 to 70 t / ha more.

Bakhchy cultures belong to the pumpkin family - Cucurbitaceae, which includes the three most important in the culture of the genus: Watermelon (Citrullus), Melo (Melo) and Pumpkin (Cucurbita). Plants of these birthings annuals, very similar among themselves in the structure of vegetative and generative bodies.

Watermelon. It is represented by two species: watermelon table (Citrullus Edulus Pang.) And watermelon Feed, Citrullus Colocynthoides Pang.).

Root cutlery watermelon The rod, highly developed, reaches a depth of 3-5 m and applies to 7 m. Steel, long-line (2-5 m), with 5-10 branches, sowed with rigid hairs. The leaves are strongly dissected on parishes, rigid-handed. Five flowers, yellow, separation; Women's flowers are larger than M ^ lkski (Fig. 22). Pollination cross, with insects. The fruit is a multi-moon false berry (Thaqina) on a long fruit, spherical, oval or oblong, painted in white-greenish or dark greenoften with marble pattern. The crust of the fruit is leathery, fragile, thickness from 0.5 to 2.0 cm. The flesh of various consistency, carmine-red, pink, less often white or yellow paint, sweet or small-fold taste. The pulp contains from 5.7 to 13% sugar. Mass of the fetus from 2 to 20 kg. Watermelon seeds are flat, egg-shaped, length of 0.5-2.0 cm, with a string along the edge and solid leather white, yellow, gray, red and black painting, often with a spotted pattern. Mass 1000 seed 60-150 g

Feed watermelon In terms of its structure, somewhat different from the table. Root system He has more powerful. Leaves with larger shortened slices. Flowers are large, with pale yellow ven-

Fig. 22.

1 - female flower; 2 - Male flower; 3 - pollen; 4 - Part of escape

chikik. Men's flowers are located on long flowerwomen, female - in short. Fruits of various shapes - spherical or oval-oblong, green or light green painting with dark stripes, marble pattern. The pulp of the fetus pale green, contains 1.2-2.6% sugar. Mass of the fetus from 10-15 to 25-30 kg or more. Seeds of stern watermelon without a row. The mass of 1000 seeds is 120-10 g and more. Watermelon table belongs to the number of thermo-loving, ferry and very drin-resistant plants. In the wet soil, its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 16-17 ° C. Shoots appear on the 8-10th day. Freezing -1 * C for them are devastating. The most favorable temperature for the growth of stalks and leaves is 20-22 ° C, and for the development of fruits 25-30 ° C.

Watermelon Table - a light-chapter plant of a short day. The best soils for him are sandy and sandy. Suglinist and clay soils are unsuitable, as they firmly hold moisture and warmly warm.

Feed watermelon compared to the dining room is less demanding on growing conditions.

The following varieties of cutle watermelon are common: Astrakhan, Borchansky, earthlings, lotus, extraordinary, light, south-east rose, Sinchevsky, chill, Schironinsky.

From the varieties of feed watermelon is most famous for Dishem.

Melon. Represented by many species. We have a melon with a soft pulp: Handalak (Melo Chandalak Pang.), Adana, or Kiliykaya (Melo Adana Pang.), Cassaba (Melo Cassaba

Pang.), And with a dense pulp: Chargouskaya (Melo Zard Pang.), Amera (Melo Ameri Pang.), Cantaloupe (Melo Cantalypa Pang.). These species have great resemblance.

The root system in melon is less powerful than the watermelon, consists of a main root penetrating to a depth of 3-4 m, and superficially located numerous lateral branches. Stelning stem, cylindrical, hollow, severe, hasty. Leaves of the honesty or heart-shaped, on long stuffs. Flowers orange yellow. Fruits are large, diverse shape and color. The flesh is loose or dense, contains 12% sugar. Egg-shaped seeds, flat, white-yellow, from 0.5 to 1.5 cm long, contain 25-30% oil. Mass of 1000 seeds 35-50 g.

According to its biological peculiarities of the melon, the watermelon is approaching, but more heat-loving and less drought resistant, it is easier to put up with loyal soils.

Sorts: Kolmitsa 749/753, Cossack 244, Coy-Bash, Handalak Kokcha 14, Dessert 5, Amerils 696, Tavria, Golden, Livadia, Dream, Golyanka, Inea, Samara, Amber.

Pumpkin. In the culture, there are three types: CuCurbita Rero L.), a stern (Cucurbita Maxima L.) and a nutmeg (Cucurbita Moschata Duch.).

The root system for all types of pumpkin is well developed. Stem pumpkins ordinary creeping. For some of its varieties, a bush form (zucchini) is characteristic. The leaves are five-weddable, with a rough breadth. Men's flowers are assembled several in the sinuses of the leaves, female - single, located on the side branches. The fruit is inversely, spherical or oblong, with a fibrous sweet pulp containing 4-8% sugar. Seeds of medium size and small, oval, with a clear rim, white, cream or darker color, contain 36-52% oil. Mass 1000 seed 200-230

Pumpkin feed Large-door has a cylindrical hollow pinned stem. Catail leaves, weakly gravy, are pubes with rude hairs. Flowers are very large, orange-yellow. Fruits spherical, flattened or elongated, reaching 50-70 cm in the diameter, various color. The pulp of the fruit is loose, juicy, orange, less often white, contains 4-8% sugar. Seeds are large, smooth, with an unclear rim. The content of oil in them is 36-50 %. Mass 1000 seed 240-300 g

Muscata pumpkin It has a flutter branched stem. Catail leaves, heart-shaped or blade, squeezed by thin hairs. Flowers green or reddish-orange. The fruit is elongated, with interception, the pulp of the fetus is dense, contains 8-11% sugar. Seeds of medium size, dirty gray, with a clear rim, contain 30-46% oil. Mass of 1000 seeds 190-220

Pumpkin is less heat-loving and drought-resistant than watermelon and melon. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 12-13 ° C. Shoots are less suffering from frosts. Best pumpkin succeeds on loamy soils.

Varieties: Bashkir 245, Biryuchkutskaya 27, Hybrid 72, Mushroom Winter, Donskaya Sweet, Dressing, Almond 35, Torn, Trojda, Kherson, Farmanka.

The cultivation techniques. Bach cultures are demanding of the fertility of the soil and the purity of the fields from weeds. They are well succeeded on virgin and landscaped lands, along the reservoir of the perennial herbs and on the floodplains. In field crop rotations good predecessors Bachchy crops are winter grains, corn, annual herbs. For specialized baked farms, crop turns with the following alternation of crops are recommended: 1 - winter rye + herbs; 2 - Grass of the 1st year; 3 - Grass

2 years; 4 - herbs of the 3rd year; 5 - Bakhcheva; 6 - Bakhcheva; 7 - Spring wheat; 8 - Corn on Silo. In such a crop rotation specific gravity Bachch cultures are 25%.

It must be remembered that fields are unsuitable for the placement of melted crops, at which herbicides were used in the crops of previous crops.

The correct use of mineral and organic fertilizers increases yield, accelerates maturation and improves the quality of fruits of mudflows. As an organic fertilizer under watermelon and melon, a manure is made (with deep dusting soil treatment) in the amount of 15-20 t / ha and under the pumpkin - 30-40 t / ha. Higher doses of manure under these cultures can cause retardation of the ripening of fruits and deterioration of their quality.

At the same time with organic fertilizers Minerals contribute. It is recommended to introduce P ^ RTCLL or N 60 p 45 K 50 under the chilly processing of the soil and N IO P 15 k, 0 in rows when crops. Mineral fertilizers We increase the yield of watermelons by 25-30%, and sugar content by 2-3%.

In addition to the main and sideling fertilizer, it is also desirable to feed the plants before flowering - n ^ r ^ k ^.

The soil treatment for basic cultures includes a malicious (plucked by 8-10 cm and plowing with plows with the prejuditions to a depth of 25-30 cm) and spring processing Soils consisting of harrowing and cultivation (at least two) followed by harrowing. In the northern regions of mudflows on highly compacted soils, the first spring cultivation is often replaced by a disparaner. When drying up the top layer of soil, pressing is used.

For sowing take seeds from quite affected healthy fruits. The germination of seeds should be no lower than 90%. Before sowing, seeds are subjected to air-thermal heating in the sun during

3-5 days or heated 4 hours at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, soaked in water room temperature Within 24 hours in 1-2 days before sowing. Seed warming increases watermelon yields by 11 -20%.

The seeds of Bakhchy cultures are treated in advance against diseases 80% S.P.TMTD (4-5 g at I Kgeymen). The seeds of the suspension of the drug - 5-10 liters of water for 1 ta of seeds.

The optimal period of sowing is the establishment of the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 cm for watermelon and melon 12-14 "C, for pumpkin

9-10 ° C. The seeds of watermelons are sown under these conditions give shoots after 9-10 days, melons - after 8-9, pumpkins - after 6-7 days.

When sowing, the seeds of Bakhchykh cultures are insufficiently dried up and give transparent shoots. Loading with sowing also reduces their harvest.

Pokhchyev sowing crops are carried out by messenger seeders. For sowing, corn and cotton seeders are also used in farms.

Power area depends on varieties, climatic conditions, soil fertility. Recommend the following sowing schemes, M: Watermelon -

2.5 x (1.5 ... 1.7); 2.1 x (2,1 ... 1.4); 1.8x1.8; Melon - 2.5 x (0.8 ... 1.0); 2.1 x (0.8 ... 1,2); Pumpkin - 2.5x (1.8 ... 2.0); 2.8x (1.5 ... 1.8).

The seeding rate of watermelon seeds is 1.5-3.0 kg / ha, pumpkin 3-5, melons 2- 4 kg / ha. The depth of seed of seeds of watermelon and pumpkin is 6-8 cm, melons 4-6 cm.

Caring for sowing of Bakhchyvy cultures includes harrowing and loosening rotational moths before the appearance of germs for the destruction of the crust and the destruction of the seedlings of weeds, as well as inter-row treatments at a depth of 12-15 cm at the first and 8-10 cm during subsequent loosenings. When processing the parties, the cutting of the plants should be removed to the side so that the NA is to damage them with the wheels of tractors and the soil-productive guns.

To do this, a pletekerter is installed in one unit with a cultivator, which spreads the screamers from the middle of the aisle to a width of 50-60 cm, sufficient for the passage of the tractor and cultivator wheels.

For inter-row treatments, the soil use KRN-4,2 cultivators, KRN-5,6, and the KNB-5,4 miracle cultivator, for weeding in rows - the oscillatory unit PAU-4.

To prevent the confusion of weekest winds, they are sprinkled with crude soil. This causes the formation of additional roots, which improves the nutrition of plants. Good results gives the tailing (chasing) of the ends of the sword during the flowering of male flowers.

In the fight against peronospose, crops are sprayed with burgundy liquid, 1% solution, on copper cune (600 l / ha), against muced dew Farming with powder with sulfur ground (15-30 kg / ha). The processing of the Bakhchev is stopped 15 days before harvesting.

Of great importance in the cultivation of mudflows in Russia has irrigation. Under the bulk cultures give 3-5 vegetative irrigation with a period of 10-15 days. They begin long before flowering, then temporarily stopped and resumed when the fruits are tied. Irrigation rate 600-800 m 3 / ha.

Cleaning. Bach cultures are ripening undesigned. Therefore, the table watermelon, melon and zucchini are removed in 2-3 receptions (as ripening), and pumpkin and feed watermelon - in one reception, before the onset of frosts. Signs of ripening of watermelon fruits are peeling of the fruit, the root of the crust and the appearance of a clear picture on it. Ripe melons acquire characteristic color and drawing. Pipe pumpkin can also be determined by painting and density of the peel.

For selective cleaning of mudflows, a wide-graffitable TCP-25 conveyor is used. Mature fruits are torn and stacked in the cells of the conveyor belt, which directs and stacked them directly in the body near the coming transport. With the last solid collection of watermelons, one-time cleaning on the seeds and when cleaning the pumpkin, a large economic effect gives a mechanized collection of fruits in the rolls with a vote-forming agent of the control system, soft laying They are in vehicles.

The described cleaning technology reduces labor costs 5-6 times compared with the exhaust technology with the removal of fruits on the side of the field.

During the transportation of mudflows, the container method of transportation should be wider, which reduces manual work on loading and unloading operations, improves product quality and reduces downtime of transport.

For laying for storage, the fruits are selected without damage. Watermelons are stored at a temperature of 2-3 ° C, melons - at 0-2 ° C and optimal humidity Air 75-85%, pumpkin - at 10 ° C and relative humidity 70-75%.

Everyone knows that today to buy vegetables on the market in unknown people are quite risky for many reasons.

But there is a way out: grow vegetables in your site. However, in the middle lane, where the summer is short for ripening and melons, it is quite difficult to do it. But probably!

Do you want an early harvest? Seedlings on the Say window!

Do not everyone know that the Bakhchyeva, which is generally accepted in the middle lane of Russia to plant seeds in the soil at the beginning of June, it is quite possible to start raising in March-month on your window.

Why do people use this way? Yes, just replant the seedlings of cucumbers, melons, watermelons are very difficult - their roots are gentle and quite sensitive to various kinds of injury.
It is for this purpose that Bakhchyev is prepared in special peat pots that planted later directly in them.

And if there are no such, you can make a capacity ... from ordinary paper!
On a bottle, for example, a deodorant with a diameter of 3-4 cm with a sheet of a sheet of 9-10 cm wide so that it remains free from the edge about 4 cm. It will be the bottom of the tank. It must be chipped in such a way that the cup is. Then the tank is neatly removed from the template and fill the earth. There and planted seeds.

Care for seedlings normal: sunlightRegular watering. It is only important not to pour the cup with a glass so that it is not splashing right on the window.

In late May - early June, the seedlings can be planted in the ground just right in the cup. During irrigation, it will twist in the ground, and the roots freely penetrate deep into. Especially it is useful because the paper (or peat cup) has been protected from the cold for some time. And the need to penetrate through the walls of the tank is some "charging" for them. So they will become stronger and stronger.

Sproutock will force the Matriot Teklitsa - let him frost are not afraid at all!

You can plant seeds and immediately into the ground. Do it also at the end of May. And so that our shoots do not frozen, they are covered plastic bottles. And here there is one trick.
Cut from the bottom of the liter eggplant is covered with seeds or shoots, slightly with the edge of its edge into the ground. You can dip it the edge of sand. The lid is best removed - it will interfere with watering.

On top of the second shelter will be a larger plastic container for 3 or 5 liters. It is also cut off from below and put on top of a small one. The lid leave twisted. And watering can be produced through the neck of the bottles. Of course, during this procedure, the cover is removed.
When shoots no longer fit under the bottom bottle, it is cleaned, leaving only the top. It can be kept over sediment until mid-June.

Bach cultures are very susceptible to warmth and light - this is not a secret. Therefore, they should only land on the open space where there are no shaders.

Although there are some difficulties here: in severe heat, the plants can burn. Therefore, on such days it is better to cover the bulk from the rays of the leopa leaves, newspapers. If there is an opportunity, then you can even pull the awning over them to create a shadow.

It goes, my watermelon goes out - it will be sweet.

So that Bakhchyev's bushes have not fastened the earth around, they did not interfere with the weeding and watering, they are best to make support - let them crawl up, clinging to your mustache! It is aesthetically, and convenient, and protects shoots from posting.

Watering Fall, but do not shy all the crop!

Another problem for gardeners middle strip Russia is a different fruit, lying on Earth, just trouble! Especially when the occurrence of cool and rainy days.
And in order to prevent this incident, experienced bachcheviks are being added from the root cervix a bunch of sand - a hill such in 2-3 cm. You can use a hay or straw.

And many are put on the fruits of the plank. Others even put on them grids and hang to supports - and bushes are not difficult to keep them, and they do not touch the earth, and the worms do not get to the fruits.

And there are also those who care about the convenience of the storage of the Bakhchyev's crop. After all, round fruits have the ability to ride, which creates some inconvenience. And if the marking is immediately placed in the transparent container with a flat bottom, for example, into a five-liter plastic eggmarket, the fetus will gradually fill it and takes the form of a rectangle. So immediately two hare you can kill with one shot: and from rotting a vegetable to protect, and the original form to give it.

Bakhchchu on the sidelines pour - with abundant we will harvest!

In the northern regions groundwater Frequently locked pretty close to the surface. And the roots of the Bakhchyev are stiguously growing deep. But, reaching the aquifer, they begin to rot.
Clear gardens invented how to fool nature. If we water the plant is not in the roots, but a few on the sidelines, then you can avoid this trouble. In this case, the roots will expand the breadth, feeling moisture.

Just make a grocery grocery - there and lay water during irrigation. But you do not need to forget the next day to loosen and mulite the groove to avoid the formation of an earthen crust. Yes, and watering after the formation of the barriers should be reduced. It is only needed in heat.

Extraly cut off - I do not interfere with the crop!

To get the most delicious fruits already in August, you need to take care of it in advance. To do this, it should be triggered by unnecessary weaves - on them the plant spends its own strength, and it will not be able to dissolve absolutely all the root fruits in the middle strip conditions, this is a proven fact.

Therefore, watermelons need to cut all the sidelands, leaving only the main thing - it is formed on it female flowers. Leave no more than 6 barriers on one bush.
Melon should also remove the main whip over 6 sheet. It is also not worth allowing the plant to "feed" more than 5-6 fruits.