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Spring work in the garden and garden: what to do, frequent errors. What it is necessary to produce work in the spring in the spring after work in the country

The household plot practically year-round needs: Spring is the time to exit winter hibernation and the preparation of land and plants to the new yield. Summer is the time of departure of plants. Autumn - it is time to collect harvest and the preparation of land and garden to harsh winter. Only in the winter, the avid dacket receives a breather, and at this time the loft needs some supervision.

Spring is the time of the awakening of nature after the cold, the preparation of land and the garden to a new crop. But in the spring the weather is so capricious and unpredictable that before starting work in the garden and on Earth, it is necessary to navigate in the first spring month not by dates, but on weather conditions.

In March, it is most common to start household work interferes with snow and frost. But even at this time you can find a lesson, which will help to improve the type of site, help trees and shrubs, prepare the Earth.

Caring for the garden in March

If the first month of spring is rich in snow, it should be tried to protect the fruit plants from damage by shaking snow from the crown. Due to the alternation of frosts and thaws, the snow becomes heavy and sticky, due to which the fragile branches of trees can break.

Spring is a hard time for hares and small rodents, therefore it is desirable to check the integrity of the cortex in young fruitful trees. If there is a lot of snow next to the trunks, it is advisable to clear it so that the animals do not get to the branches.


In the spring, the sun is pretty bright and sun rays can damage the crowns of coniferous trees, especially if there is snow on the ground, which reflects the light. If young trees are located in open areas, it is advisable to cover their branches from the puzzling ultraviolet. The crown twine struts can be covered with burlap or old bedspreads. For small trees, you can build special shields. When the snow comes down, protection can be removed.

Care of fruit trees

If the trees are not applied to the trunks in the fall or in winter, it needs to be made early in spring. Alternatively, you can wind the trunks with light paper. It will save the bark from sunburn. The whirlwind protects the bark of plants from pests that will necessarily appear with the onset of heat.

So far, the snow should do pruning branches in fruit trees. This will help not only remove unnecessary shoots, but also correctly form the height and shape of the crown.

It is worth knowing !!! Forming the crown you need every few years. The annual cutting of the branches can weaken the tree and lead to a decrease in the crop.

Video - how to trim the crowns of fruit trees

When the air temperature rises above 5-6 degrees, the branches of fruit trees should be made by special insecticides against pests and diseases. It is important to do it until the first leaflets appear.

If a lot of snow has a lot of snow in the garden and in March he began to actively melt, it is impossible to allow water stagnation on Earth. With the help of small dual channels, the water outflow from the site should be ensured in the ground. Otherwise, the roots of the trees on the flooded plot cannot "breathe."

On sunny days, you can start opening the shoots of roses and other thermo-loving colors to prevent condensate accumulation under the film and "harden" plants.

Closer to the end of March, it is possible to free the bulbs of Narcissus and lilies from the observer materials. These colors night frosts are not terrible.

Earth's liberation and garden from snow cover should be noted by capital cleaning. Old leaves and broken branches should be removed from the ground, fastening the garden tracks, clean them from Moss. You can also explore garden furniture, repair or painting benches.

Gardening in March is sowing tomato seeds and peppers for seedlings. Seedlings are grown in special containers of the house, on the windowsill.

Video - How to correct the seedlings of tomatoes at home


This month, great attention is paid to the preparation of the Earth to planting plants, and it is April that is the most time-consuming and rich month for summer residents.

Work on Earth

April - working hours of land. But before proceeding with the neck, agricultural tricks should be known.

What cultures are sowing in April



Sit into open ground, planting in warming film do not need.

Seeds germinate at home. At the end of April, under the condition of warm weather, the seedlings are endured to the street for hardening.

Save to open soil, but the beds should be closed with a film.

If a potato landing is planned, then in early April, the paddling tubers should be sorted by posting them to a well-ventilated and illuminated place for narrowing. It is impossible that direct sun rays fall into potatoes.

If winter garlic and onions were sown for the winter, it should be removed the mulched layer, explode and feed the soil with sowing.

In April, you need to prepare greenhouses for new landings. In addition to jumping and fertilizer, the soil should be displaced. For these purposes, a 3% burglar liquid is used. It is also recommended to wash the glass or plastic in the greenhouse to improve the material light sensor.

April work in the garden

At the beginning of the month you need to feel the roasting system of fruit trees and shrubs.

In April, after snow comes down, you need to remove all the strapping from the trees, remove the protective sailor and the shields from the sun.

If the soil is too wet, you should not get tread near the roots of trees, it will worsen their nutrition and oxygen saturation.

In the middle of the month, you can start updating the garden, while planting seedlings of trees or shrubs in advance prepared and fertilized by the organica and ash well. Saplings need to be tied.

You need to carefully view all trees and shrubs to make sure that pests did not appear on the crust or branches. Also, in preventive purposes, it is necessary to treat plant trunks with a solution of copper sulphate.

With the onset of heat you can do strawberry. You should remove the mulch, explode and fertilize the land around the shoots.


Work in the garden

May is a month of unstable weather: the day is warm, and the freezing. It is the night mayor freezing that can destroy the entire harvest if not to take action. Also in May, all plants and cultures are planted into the greenhouses and in the greenhouses, therefore a month for dacms and gardeners is very tense.

In the last month of spring, you need to try to finally form a bed. Cabbage landed, sorrel, onions, carrots, fragrant herbs and spices sowed.

All shoots of carrots and beets should be switched, to feed. Water sprouts are recommended after 3-4 days. Weed weeds should be taken carefully, as vegetable sprouts are still very weak and easy to damage them.

Standard Strawberry Spring - Photo

Onion cultures thinned, feed the mixture of cowboat, potash salt and phosphate fertilizers. The feeder is best combined with watering. In order for the plants to receive enough oxygen, it is necessary to periodically shrink the land near the rows with bulbs.

We should not forget about garlic. The beds with this culture must be watered often and carefully, otherwise the garlic begins to be fine without water. In mid-May, it is necessary to carefully remove the arrows, otherwise these sprouts will pull most of the nutrients.

In mid-May, it is possible to carry out the seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants to a greenhouse or an open soil, under the film.

People's Calendar Sowing Plants in Open Soil


You can sow under the film after the blooming of rowan, there will be no strong frosts on the soil.

These cultures can be sung after the peonies dissolve their buds.

It is possible to plant and sow in the open ground, these cultures can be chosen after the daffodils bloom.

These cultures can be sowed after the chestnut bloom.

Can be seen after lilac bloom

Potatoes are planted in May. Early varieties are made to sow at the beginning of the month, late - in the middle or at the end of May.

It's important to know!!! Fragile and gentle sprouts of garden crops need enhanced feeding and watering. Especially do not forget about those plants that are planted in greenhouses. Also should be seeded in a timely seedlings against pests.

May work in the garden

If a lawn is planted on the site, then in May, you should start a haircut of grass. So far, the land is wet, it is not worth a lot of tread on the lawn, otherwise it will appear "propellars." In the course of the haircut, it is important to remove breaking weeds.

During the flowering of fruit trees, the gardeners should be fear of night frosts, because the flowers damaged by frosts do not give scores. To keep the crop, you can try to protect the trees from the exposure of the cold. For these purposes, smoke checkers or small portable brass furnaces are used, in which the fire follows all night.

After the appearance of the kidneys on the fruit trees, you need to take care that the pests do not destroy the future harvest. For the prevention and destruction of apple flowes, ticks, moths, Tly, appleantic media need to prepare the following mixture: 60 grams of carbofos, 80 grams of chlorocyse copper and 40 grams of chlorofos are divorced by 20 liters of water. These substances can be purchased in specialized stores. The crowns and branches of all existing trees and shrubs in the garden are sprayed with the resulting mixture. If the primary processing did not help, you can repeat the procedure before the start of flowering of fruit trees and shrubs.

With the advent of the first leaves on the trees you can see which branches were damaged by winter frosts. Dead branches need to trim, sections of cuts are recommended to smear the usual oil paint.

In early May you need to work with Garden Malnik. The shoots that were thrown into the earth for the winter, it is necessary to straighten and tie to a hat or fence. Damaged branches are recommended to cut down the root, the rest of the shoots should be cut through the first formed kidney. Malina must be filtered, organic fertilizers are suitable for these purposes. The feeder can be combined with watering.

It is important to inspect all the existing bushes of the gooseberry and ferrous currant. These cultures during the flowering and formation of the barriers are the present delicacy for ants. To preserve the crop, moisten a piece of fabric in kerosene and place it from the roots of shrubs. It is impossible to pour kerosene to the ground, it can adversely affect plants.

It's important to know!!! If signs of terrain appeared on the black currant during the flowering period, the bush should immediately emerge, otherwise there is a risk of infecting all plants in the garden. The terrace caused by the tool and the kidging tick is not cured.

So that the garden and the garden pleased with a rich harvest, you need to pay attention to planted plants every day during the garden period.

With the onset of spring, nature wakes up and it starts to work in the cottage sites and in the garden.

Spring coming comes to life

March is the first month of spring and in some regions it can be more frosty for the start of landing work. But it is already possible to start cleaning the garden area and the garden.

Preparation for the season in March

Spring work in the garden starts with cleaning. It is necessary to remove the entire territory from the autumn garbage and accumulated in the winter period of the sera - branches, leaves, herb residues, etc. It is worth responding to this event, since unlocked Burning and other winter litter spoils the impression of the appearance of the site, a favorable environment for various pests is created in a bunch of such garbage. In the process of cleaning the Earth, eliminate all the remaining weeds. Now they are easily pulled together with the root system.

We carry out the cleaning of foliage and herbs, if you did not do it in the fall

Then it is worth thoroughly examine garden buildings and determine the need for repair. The general cleaning of the garden house is not prevented - something needs painting, something in whitewash. In other words, the territory of the garden, and the house itself should be put in order.

Make a revision tool: clean, lubricate, sharpe

Spend a revision of garden tools. Some of them probably need sharpening or repair, and some inventory items can be completely replaced. Pay attention to clothing designed to work in the garden. There is no specific set, it all depends on the local climatic conditions of the region. Make sure that there is clothing in which it would be possible to work in hot weather, and in the rain, and in the windy cool. Do not forget about shoes and gloves.

Work directly on earth

Spring work in the garden should begin with planning what and where it will be planted. Please note that the place of landing of some garden crops must be periodically alternate. Decide with the sunny sides of the garden and with those that are almost all day in the shade. Crossing trees and shrubs surrounding the plot.

We carry out trimming trees and shrubs, if you did not do it in the fall

You should perform feeding of plants. This must be done even with fertile soil. Fertilizing the earth you need a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. They affect the growth of roots and shoots, are responsible for the formation of good inflorescences and fruits. You can make such fertilizers at the time when it is snowing on Earth. With its final melting, nutrients will fall into the soil along with moisture.

It is important to properly prepare the scheduled sections of the seed landing. If necessary - Make the Earth Pumping, crack large pieces on small earthlings, etc.

Plug the earth, if you did not do it in the fall and outline the beds, do not forget about the destroyment

Evaluate the quality of land. In the case when it is heavy, you need to increase the air industry to add small gravel into the soil, coarse sand. In such a soil, the water will not accumulate at the root system and will not cause its rotation process. And, on the contrary, with too crumbly land it is necessary to add some soils to it with clay content for the delay of nutrients and moisture.

Fertilizer fertilizer is better in the fall before plowing. In the spring to make 1/3 of the recommended dose

When the soil is loosened, remember that it is not necessary to pull it out, because Useful substances at the same time go deep into the soil. The soil structure is suffering at the peroxide. If the looping is required, then it should be made to a depth of no more than 10 cm.

Work with seeds

Before planting seeds, they must be prepared for this. Seeds of each plant are prepared in different ways, but there are general rules. It is necessary to go through them and choose large, without signs of lesion and diseases, physical damage. In order to separate the bad seeds from good, you need to warm them on the stove for 2-3 hours. Then in a glass with a solution of 1st Art. Spoon salt and water to lower the heated seeds. The poor quality will pop up, they can be thrown away.

Seed rejection before landing

The rest must be placed in gauze before their germination. Do not forget about hardening seeds. To do this, they must be placed in the refrigerator for several hours. After the seeds are sprouting - they can be planted in advance prepared boxes, a greenhouse or a greenhouse. The main condition that should be observed at the same time - hitting future sprouts as much as possible of sunlight.

By the same principle, the preparation of seeds of annual colors for the future landing of them into the open land is made. By the way, the field of field, designed for the planting of flowers, must also be prepared - to make fertilizers, best in the first month of spring, until the Earth has completely dismissed. This rule is valid for other sections of the garden intended for growing garden and garden crops.

What you need to do in April

This month, spring work in the garden becomes more intensive. If autumn roses or grapes were covered, now the coatings can be removed. If the field of the field has not yet warmed and landing work early, it's time to proceed to breaking greenhouses or greenhouse structures. Before landing seeds, take care that the greenhouse in the garden stood on the ground with a closed film for a while. It is necessary to warm the soil in the greenhouse.

In April, we install greenhouses and greenhouses, plant seedlings

Also worth paying attention to fruit and berry landings. It is necessary to drag dry branches, to break down young shoots, eliminate those branches that grow inside the crown. In order to prevent damage to pest trees, it is necessary to carry out the processing of stem parts by special services. The second month of spring is the optimal time for planting new trees and shrubs.

In April, it's time to plant trees and shrubs

At the same time, strawberry and raspberries are prepared. The raspberry cut the dried stems, if necessary, thin it. On the garden with strawberries cut off the extra mustache and also produce thinning.

Garden work in May

May days the most troublesome and time consuming days in the garden and garden. And in the same month, numerous pests appear and come to life. That is why it is worth checking fruit and berry landings. Inspect the currant for the absence of ticks. Carefully inspect the kidney - their large size indicates that they can be a tick. They must be assembled and burned, you can not just throw away. At the time of blooming the currant, make sure that there was no compliance with a dirty pink shade. When they are detected, you need to dig such a bush and burn it.

In May begins an active plan for a garden

Inspect the seedlings in greenhouses and greenhouses. A sign of its defeat by a spider tick is the twisted leaflets down or the presence of convex intervals on them. When detecting infection with a tick or aphids, it is necessary to process with biological preparations against these pests.

We remove the old leaves of strawberries and cut through the rest of the berry, if you did not do it in the fall, or just leaving the earth

If the seedlings are sluggish, with beginners yellowing with leaves, then it should be completed. In May, depending on the weather conditions and the degree of soil warming, you need to plant seedlings. For what, first prepare the place - they make a hole, pour water into it. It is best to pre-perform the mulching of the soil using peat or dry grass. Pay attention to the thickness of the mulching layer, it must be at least 10 cm so that it does not blown the wind or not washed the rain. The soil mulch is performed to preserve moisture, creating a comfortable cool atmosphere in hot weather. This technology is not applied to the seedlings of eggplant and pepper.

We remove the first weeds

Remove all the weeds. When weeping a plot with perennial plants be careful. In order to remove the weeds along with the root, it is best to pour out your hands. Those areas on which there are no perennial plants can be treated with special means against weeds.

Plant potatoes

The most favorable time for planting potatoes is a period of blossoms of cherry. The soil temperature should be about +12 0 C +15 0 S. Potato needs to be prepared for landing. Remove tubers who did not sprout, puned or have other any drawbacks. Selected potatoes put in a warm place to increase the intensity of germination. The depth of planting potatoes should be half the bayonet of the standard shovel. During the planting of potatoes, you can immediately make fertilizer-ashes or straw.

Cooking trees and shrubs: protect against pests

Fruit-berry trees and shrubs are also treated. Spraying against pests should be performed at the beginning of the flowering period, then after 14 days to spray again.

We instill trees

If the vision of trees was planned, just time to do it. There is a single limitation - you can not be vaccinated with the growing phase of the moon. This is due to the fact that during this period most of the juice is in the branches of trees, and at a decreasing moon - in the root system.

Labor in the garden and garden on this, of course, does not end, but if you do all the main types of work, you can be sure that the fall will get to collect a good harvest.

Spring's arrival in many are associated with warmth, lengthening the light day and the desire to relax on the lap of nature, breathe fresh air. However, if you own a garden or dacha, spring is associated with you with the start of land. Successful spring work at the cottage are the key to a rich harvest and a beautiful garden. Therefore, during the period when the land is getting rid of the boring ice skills, it is not necessary to waste time, because it is now you need to start training a plot to the future harvest season. And the "Dream House" will tell you what works in the spring are the most important.

Spring work at the cottage

Spring begins with cleaning

Even the most well-kept garden at the beginning of spring looks depressingly: the observed material that protects the soil, glanced under the weight of snow and moisture, last year's foliage turned into a bunch of garbage and began to rot, and underwind branches and buried under the trees. Not only does the garbage gathered in the winter looks extremely not aesthetic, it also has a negative effect on the state of the soil. Therefore, the very first work in the country in the spring should be started with general cleaning.

As soon as the first snow comes down, and the temperature stabilizes slightly, assemble the underfloor material, clean it and hide up to the following freezers. Please note that if spring has not yet fully entered into its rights and branches of trees are covered with snowy or ice crust, it should be removed, otherwise, due to unnecessary gravity, the branches can be alleged.

Work at the country in the spring

Spring cleaning garden

Spring work on the country area

Spring cleaning of vegetable garden, garden and cottages is to fully clean the territory from garbage, last year's leaves and herbs. It is most convenient to do this with a robber and garden brush. However, last year's foliage should not be burned, because it can harm your health and health surrounding. Experienced gardeners use winter trash to create a compost, pouring the remains of foliage into a special capacity or pit.

The first weeds wake up with the arrival of spring. If the shoots of the enemies of the garden crops have already appeared through the soil, remove them right now, otherwise the grass will grow significantly in a week. In addition, in warm and wet places, for example, under stones, containers, etc., moss is often formed, which also adversely affects the plants. The pig is conveniently removed using a brush or a strong jet of water.

The most important works in the spring at the cottage

Spring cleaning in the country

Spring on the country area: prepare the soil

One of the most important stages of spring work on the household plot is soil processing. As soon as the snow completely melts and the earth will stop sticking to the shovel, the soil must be switched to remove the roots of weeds and pests from the soil.

Also in the spring it is necessary to fertilize the soil to provide a good harvest. As subcort, it is recommended to use universal fertilizers, which contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Since in spring time there are sharp fluctuations in temperature regime, the soil around, trees and perennial plants should be mulched. This will protect the root systems of plants from the cold and hide them from the scorching sun. To create a mulch, it is better to use fresh humid or compost.

In addition, pay attention to the strength of the soil. In too heavy the soil there will be stagnation of water roots. To improve the quality of the Earth, in this case it is recommended to add large gravel or fine sand to it. If the soil is too loose, together with fertilizers, make a clay or clay earth into it, otherwise nutrients and moisture will be inserted into the soil.

Prepare the soil, pay attention to the spring work on the lawn. With the first thaw, remove the remains of snow and ice with, providing air access to. Because of the harmless at first glance, the remains of icy crusts, in time there are ugly propellants on the lawn.

Spring work on the garden

Care for trees and shrubs in the spring

If the air temperature is in a row in a row at a mark of 3-4 degrees above zero, it's time to trim the fruit trees and shrubs. Pruning should be started with the largest branches, gradually going down, so that as a result of Kroun, the tree accepted a bowl form. However, any trimming work should be carried out before the commencement of the vegetation.

If you plan to plant young seedlings, you need to do it immediately after convergence of snow. But note that the landing should be done to spend before the kidneys have not formed on seedlings.

In addition, causing behind trees and shrubs, pay attention to the bonded dry leaves. Often such leaves are nests of dangerous pests. To protect the health of plants, collect dried leaves and burn them.

Work in the country of early spring

We prepare seedlings

As a rule, before planting, the seedlings are grown in a room or greenhouses, but if the weather outside the street, young plants can be taken out for several hours for acclimatization. You can only leave the seedlings for the night in the garden only if the frosts are not foreseen, however, to the complete stabilization of the temperature, insulate containers with young plants. If you grow seedlings in the spring for hardening plants, reinforce ventilation. Depending on the variety of plants, the hardening is carried out within 7-10 days before landing into the ground.

Spring work on the nursery

The last winter spells stretch, and the long-awaited beauty of Spring is standing on the threshold - ruddy and perky. Together with the spring, pleasant hassles and care for the garden and the garden come. Exhausted on the work of gardeners and dackets rushes to their sections, get rid of frosts and dealt their shoulders.

At this time, the summer houses have to fond, you need to do everything, because spring work in the country and in the garden lay the foundation of the future harvest, so they are very important for gardeners. These days, it is necessary to carefully remove the territory after the winter, to prepare a plot to plant plant, put in order trees and shrubs.


First of all proceed to cleaning. From the site we endure everything that they protected their landings from the journey. Purchase material is cleaned, launder, dry, if necessary

once again, we clean and remove the place to the next cold for it. In the garden and garden we clean everything from the garbage accumulated for autumn and winter: leaves, herbs, branches and other things. No matter how removed in the fall, the fair amount of garbage is accumulated by the spring. In addition, it is necessary to clean and wash greenhouses and greenhouses, clean the water drains.

Check inventory

And be sure to check your gardening inventory - now he will be constantly needed.

Tempets trees

In early March, all trees need to be blamed. And the young trees to deceive a mixture of clay and a cowboat. It will be a peculiar feeder after a cold winter.

Treatment of shrubs

In order to combat pests, the currant and gooseberry bushes should be pouring boiling water, pre-undermining the cellophan under the bushes. When the air warms up to +5 degrees, you can start spraying. And pests damaged pests should be removed and burned.

In the last days of March, in order to combat pests, plants can be sprayed with a solution of copper sulphate.

Check viability

Next, it is necessary to check how your pets survived the winter. For this, damaged by the type of fabric along the barrel or escape to the base are caught. If the cut is clean, without black, has a light green color, then this means that the wintering plant survived excellent

Fighting weeds

It is no secret that the first weeds will appear with the sun and warmth. They should be rid of them until the soil is wet, and the roots are still weak.

Cleaning Garden

The tracks in the garden and garden need to be cleaned from the old swords and moss. This can be done with a rigid brush and a rather strong jet of water from the hose. Next, we check the integrity of the vases, containers, flower pots and restore it, we clean them from garbage and plant residues and processed their herbicides. I replace the old land on fresh, rhizomes and tubers of plants dry. If there is a greenhouse on your site, then this is just the most favorable time for its repair, if for the winter she suffered like it.

Mulching soil

When everything is cleaned and grounded, you can proceed to the mulching of the soil in the garden, on the flower beds and in the garden. This is necessary, since the thick layer of mulch contributes to the creation of plants of favorable conditions, heats the roots from the cold and protects from the burning sunlight. In addition, thanks to him, moisture is wonderful in the soil, weeds are not growing and harmful insects do not penetrate. In addition, the mulched soil has a beneficial effect on the yield of zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins and strawberries, as well as reduces the likelihood of their rotting. Yes, and the mulched soil looks much more pleasant. For mulching, you can use the leaves, covering fabric, sawdust and other infrid materials.

Calcher of wood bark


Further, necessarily at the beginning of the spring, in March, you need to feed the soil (regardless of its condition). Thus, you will ensure good growth and development of your plants, their high harvest and excellent decorative qualities. The fertilizer must include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are part of the widely known fertilizers "Nitroposk" and "Azophoska". The easiest fertilizer is to scatter on a plot or beds in the amount specified in the annotation.

In addition, on the same days, you can dwell the soil and at the same time make mineral fertilizers and ash in it. At the end of the pumping, the soil should be loosened by robbles. On heavy soils you can make the ridge.

The soil

Under the crops, the Earth needs to be removed well-fertilous, loose, but not acidic. Such land is prepared by mixing humus, peat, fertile land, wood resin and mineral fertilizers.

Planting early cultures

When the soil is prepared, you can begin to plant all sorts of crops. In March, it is possible to plant cabbage seeds (white and colored), tomatoes, onions, beets.

In the southern regions of the country in March, it is possible to sow early vegetables and greens in the open ground.

Trimming trees

In March, when the threat of frosts passes, low plus temperature will be installed, it is necessary to cut fruit trees and shrubs. Cropped crowns of trees ideally have the form of an open bowl, which will provide access to the twig and the necessary lighting. Trimming branches do when the kidneys on the plants are not swollen.

Planting Sazedans

At the same time, immediately after the snow removal, you can land seedlings of trees. At this time, they are still sleeping, so for the landing time is favorable. The landing is made in a manner that is known to many gardeners. They dig up the landing fossa, it is swept away by manure, it is a small layer of fertilized soil. The seedling is put in the prepared hole, we are racing the roots, sprinkle its land and seal it. It is advisable near the seedling for the first time to install a peg-support. So that the land did not save around the roots, the seedlings need to sometimes water.

In the southern regions of the country in March, you can sow early vegetables and greens.


In April Days, the garden will not have the garden, because you need to continue cleaning the top layer of the soil, remove the bark around the kidneys. By this time, garbage on the site will dry well and earth too. It should be collected thoroughly and burn.

Fighting pests

Black Kalinskaya Tlla

If in the past season, your garden has been attacked by tongs, membranes, leaf bolts, troubles, then shrubs and trees in it should be made by nitrophen. Do it you need to dissolve the kidneys. It is necessary with caution, to accurate and break the land around the trees. This will help improve the quality of the soil, and destroy infections and pests.

It is also useful for some time, the priestly circles close to the cellophan so that pests from their winter houses do not rushed on the trees. Cellofan can be safely removed when the butterfly-flame will stop flying.


Spring - the most favorable time for the vaccinations of trees. Moreover, vaccination can be done as a kidney and a stalk. Cherenkov shoots survive better, and the shoots obtained from the graft kidney winter will be very difficult to survive. Cherenk vaccination is better spent in the second half of spring. It makes a sharp knife or a secateur. The underlying condition for success in this case is very close contact of the lead and stock. Mastering this art, you can start any varieties on your site, having several basic trees.

Flowers with perennials

Now turn your attention to the flower beds with perennials. Herbatous perennials are better divided into early spring. The separated roots of phloxes, bells, chrysanthemums grow more active, they bloom longer and lush. Large copies of bushes can be divided by a simple shovel. Dissecting them between the kidneys. Rhizomes of fine plants can be cut with a simple garden knife.

Perennial Floxes


If you have a green lawn, so that he will be happy with his emerald greens all summer, you still need to take care of it. To do this, it is necessary to feed it, make it necessary to hold, aeration and weeping.

Undercaming lawn

The lawns are greatly beneficial to early feeding with nitrogen fertilizers. They need to be made as soon as snow comes down. Even before the appearance of the first grass, a comprehensive fertilizer must be made, containing not only nitrogen, but also potassium, and phosphorus.

Cleaning lawn

When you need to remove the accumulated garbage and vegetable felt, as they interfere with growing herb and worsen lighting. For this use lawn rake. They will collect garbage with felt, and the soil scratch to ensure air access to the roots.


You can still clean the soil to access the air with ordinary forks.

At the end of the spring make a weeding. If weeds are a bit, then the weeding is manual enough, if manually cope is hard, then the herbicides can be applied.

Fighting pests

It is no secret that in the spring, together with plants, insect pests actively begin to behave, who bring huge harm to shrubs and fruit trees in gardens and vegetables.

It is necessary to make a thorough inspection of all twigs and pay special attention to fastened dry leaves, as they can be grooms and the grooms. They are harvested with their hands and destroy (preferably at the fire).

If we discovered weevil beetles, then they should be destroyed in cold weather, when they are numb and will not move. To do this, under the tree you need to spread cellophane, and shake the branches. Insects from the branches are squealing and then they can be burned.

Zhuk weevil

The spiders and the leaflets are destroyed by the infant of the wood ash or mustard, but from the medalers you can get rid of the insight with tobacco. Also, in order to combat pests, the trees are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate, iron mood, carbamide, a borobo mixture, and a solution of the economic soap is successfully used against the threshing.

Among other things, there is a mass of other work, such as the cleaning of water bodies, repair and aligning garden furniture, planting colors.


Landing vegetables

In May, it comes to landing various vegetable and decorative cultures. At this time, in the middle band of Russia, they sow carrots, greens, cucumbers, watermelons and melons, onions, radishes, and everything that is considered necessary, and in the south of Russia, the cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, cabbage are planted in full swing in the south of Russia.

With the arrival of spring at the gardeners and gardens in the country and other sites, the hot period begins, you need to have time to do all the work and prepare the soil to obtain a good crop of fruits and vegetables. The owners have both "itch" hands, because winter concerns and cold orders fed up, and you want to go into the garden to the garden and in the garden faster, to determine for yourself the front of work and proceed to its implementation. From properly spent spring work in the garden and garden (we will not forget about summer troubles either) will depend on the crop. Therefore, spring is a responsible time for gardeners and vegetables.

Works in the garden and garden in spring (March - April - May)

What work is required in the spring and garden in the spring? It is better to do everything better in advance, taking into account personal experience, plan. All work in the garden and garden are conducted in slower, with compliance with agrotechnical techniques and in accordance with climatic conditions. Only so you can be sure that the work will give a positive result. As soon as the sun priges, the first thing you need to go fruit trees.

Liberation of fruit trees from a snowy cap

In early March, the priority task of the gardener is the liberation of the branches of fruit trees from the ice crust, which occurs when the snow melting. All work should be carried out with garden pods, so as not to harm the young branches.

Experienced gardeners after rich snowfall are carried out "drinking" peat or wood ash trees. In the attractive circles you need to do the same, since the sun's rays will heat the dark snow faster, and it will begin to melt.

Is it good to "accumulate snow"

In connection with unstable spring weather and reduced night temperatures, many dacities want to keep the bloom and flowering trees so that frosts do not affect future harvest. They are practiced to "accumulate snow". After heavy snowfall, gardeners pour under the trees of snow and covered with sawdust. They believe that the accumulated snow will slower to melting, pulling away the awakening of the plants. The growing season is a bit shifting and flowering does not fall under the spring frost. But from a scientific point of view it is impossible to do so, because each plant has its own development cycle and interference in nature can destroy trees.

Spring whitewashes of trees and shrubs

After melting of snow, it is necessary to whiten the trunks of trees and shrubs with a lime solution. This procedure is carried out not for beauty, but to protect plants from pests and scoring sunlight. For the preparation of 10 liters of solution, it is necessary to take a pioneer of a copper mood, diluted in a small amount of hot water, 2.5 kg of chalk or lime and casein glue - 100 gr, and adding more water. All components mix and apply to trunks in 2 layers.

Trimming bushes and trees

Supporting trimming is carried out on adult plants. Its goal is to ensure growth, improving the formation of fruits and saving the crown.

Forming is trimming the crown of young plants in order to give it a beautiful and compact form, stimulating the formation of fruits and facilitating the harvesting work. Held before May.

Adjusting trimming is carried out in conjunction with supporting. It can be controlled by the load on the branches during abundant fruiting.

Rejuvenating trimming is carried out on old trees. Thus, it is possible to stimulate fruiting.

The reducing trimming is carried out on the strongwist trees, on those that have died over the winter or were damaged by rodents and pests.

Gardening Trees In Spring

It happens that the taste qualities of the fruits are not satisfied with the owner. There is a way out: you can make trees with new varieties. Vene necessarily buy a new plant.

Preparation of the lead

For the vaccination of a new grade, cuttings need to cut from young trees: bone cultures must have age not older than 5 years, and seed - 7 years. The best time for the workpiece of cuttings (wire) is the beginning of winter, since annual gains need to be crushed and hardened. For cuttings take annual shoots. Carefully inspect and cut them into segments of 40 - 60 cm and hide in the snow. Also, the cuttings can be prepared early in spring, but provided if the winter was not tough and frosty.

What time do you need to spend vaccination?

April - the most appropriate time for vaccination, as active intake begins in stock. To make the place of the lead with a trip well, it must be necessary to prevent the lead to the actual state, so it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator or under the snow until the very last moment. Can not be allowed to dry the lead. During storage, it should be in a package or it must be wrapped in a wet material.

First of all, you need to vaccinate a cherry, cherry and plum (bone cultures), and then a pear and apple tree (seed crops), since the recent later begins.

Common vaccination methods:

  • in split;
  • behind Corra;
  • in lateral cutting.

First, it is necessary to cut skeletal shoots, leaving the length of the trunk of 40 cm and vaccinated with prepared varieties. The place of combining the lead with a trip is wrapped with a film, and the cutlets are lubricated by the water. Such a procedure will reduce the evaporation and will not allow run to dry. After 3 weeks, the film must be removed.


It is impossible to rewrite the plant for 1 year, the whole process should be stretched for 3 years. During rewriting, most branches are cut off, so 3 years is the optimal period in order to be established between the roots of the tree and the above-ground part of it. It should be frightened "top down". In 1 year, the upper part is vaccinated, in the second - the middle, and the third - the bottom. For bone trees, such a way of vaccinations, as "in splitting", is an ineffective method. Surveillance of cuttings in bone crops - 60%, in seeds - 90%.


Caring for trees and shrubs in spring time involves making fertilizers. You can feed the organic to the mineral feeding.

From organic fertilizers, a chicken litter has proven well. It is necessary to make it in the soil in the rolling collar. Chicken litter feed apple tree, plum, pear, quince, cherry, peach. The organic is necessary for the growth and fruiting apricot, cherry.

For your information!

Fresh chicken litter, not diluted with water, can destroy the roots, so before using it needs to be insisted in water.

Preparation of feeding

  • On 10 liters of water will require 1 kg of dry litter.
  • The organic is placed in a bucket and pour 3 liters of water.
  • Divorced litter must move over 1 - 2 days.
  • Then you need to add bucket with water to the top, mix and fade away plants.

If there are no smokes in the farm and there is no place to take fresh litter, you can buy it in a dry form. It should be remembered that the incorrect storage of the litter leads to the fact that it turns into ammonia, as evidenced by the caustic and sharp smell.

Trees can be picked up by compost or manure. We introduce only overwhelmed manure, which, unlike chicken litter, is not divorced in water, but immediately introduce into the soil. It follows not only coniferous trees: cypressive, spruce, tees, pine, but also apple trees with pears.

Protection of planting fruit trees and shrubs from spring frosts

During the flowering of trees and shrubs and during the tying of berries and fruits, high damage bring low night temperatures. It is very difficult to preserve the harvest, but protect the garden from frosts is the main task of the gardener.

Fruit and berry plants at a temperature of -4 degrees reset the appeared buds. The temperature of the air -1 degrees damages the young, gentle margins, and the temperature -2 degrees is destructive for the blooming flowers.

If the garden is located on the shore of a large water branch, the decrease in temperature will not harm him. But to him, located in the open area, in low places, is needed.

When laying the garden, it is necessary to consider that dry and loose soil is cooled faster than moisturized. Therefore, it is important to choose a place for the future "living" of trees and shrubs.

Reception "Encaying (differently: smoking) trees." Reliable way to protect against low temperatures. To do this, you need to decompose the heaps of garbage all over the garden: old foliage, wet grass, tree branches, weeds. In order to prevent rapid combustion, the heaps of the garbage are sprinkled with the turf, the garden ground weeds or grass. The combustible material will smooth, highlighting a lot of smoke. When the sun goes (after 1.5 hours), it will be possible to complete the smoke.

Smoke bombs. You can buy them in specialized stores. Smoke spreading from chimneys, envelops trees and shrubs with a layer of paraffin. Plants are protected, as the paraffin does not allow the reduced temperature to damage the swollen kidneys, flowers and ovary. Chimneys are effective even at temperatures -4 degrees.

Spraying with cold water trees and abundant soil watering is also considered an effective procedure for protection against reduced temperatures.

Dachnips, who have a lot of experience in the care of the garden behind the shoulders, lie under the trees and near the shrubs of the thais and other tanks, and fill them with water. The procedure is time-consuming, but weighing. It is worth putting a plaque with water once and you can not worry about the fact that fruit trees and shrubs will be damaged.

Protection of the garden from pests

When plants awaken from winter sleep, pests activate their activities. Early spring, when there are no swollen kidneys, handle trees and shrubs can be by any kerdigochy.

Spraying is the most effective method for preventive work and to combat insects.

If last year there was no large invasion of insects, it will be enough to spray the trees by Bordeaux liquid, urea or copper vitrios according to the instructions.

In order to prevent the development of diseases of such as a passage, Kokobomykosis, moniliosis, curls, it is required to treat sleeping kidneys by the Bordeaux liquid (1 - 2%). Conduct only at temperatures above 0 degrees.

With mass damage to shrubs, harmful insects are recommended to carry out treatment with phytodeterm or fufanol (on the water bucket, respectively, 20 and 10 ml of the means). "Phytoverm" - a biopesticide, which is destroyed for 5 days, the validity of fufanol lasts 10 days. During this time, young insects appear from the larvae and continue to destroy the landing, so it is necessary to conduct 3-fold processing of plants. Preparations are dangerous to human health, but to penetrate deep into the plants and destroy the pest, they are unable. For example, that the fight against the currant kidney tick gives positive results, it is required to "catch" the moment when the pest individuals will move from old kidneys into the young.

In the spring, you can see cracks and wounds on the crust, they need to be treated with 3% copper vitriol and smeared by boa. To prevent fungal diseases, trees spray urea (5%).

If the trees and shrubs appeared brownish - red spots with black tubercles, these are signs of cytospose disease. All damaged branches are cleaned up to healthy fabric, thin and weak shoots are completely removed.

How to arrange a drawing belt?

During the blooming of the kidneys, the larvae of the tribes, caterpillars of the leaflerting, moles, spiders and appleantics begin their turbulent. During this period crashes from its shelter apple color.

First, they do not know how to fly, but in search of food they are actively rising by the crust of trees to young kidneys and foliage. This can be prevented if we put glue (casual) belts on the trunk tree. For their manufacture, tightly tight paper or soft thin cardboard and abundantly lubricate with glue.

The belt made of loose wool and attached to the tree, copes well with the fishing of beetles. To protect your wat from the blotch during the weather, you can attach a visor from the film on top above it. Casting wool belts are installed on the upper and middle part of the trunk. If the apple color damaged the kidney, you can see black dots on them, similar to the needle injection.

Caring for lawn

When the air temperature rises above 5 degrees, the grass begins to grow. In the spring it is necessary to remove the territory from the garbage: old leaves, moss, twigs of trees. The mechanical cleaning of the lawn is carried out (or you are just going to put the lawn, here articles about the preparation of the site for it and the landing itself) with the help of fan robbles from the metal.

If there is a heavy soil on the site, it can be improved by scattering the sand on the surface of the lawn. It is filled with irregularities. You need to pour not pure sand, but along with a humus or garden earth. On 2 parts of the sand, 1 part of the leaf slowing or country ground will be required. Run the mound follows the back of the robble.

Basic Spring Works Ogorodnik - Vegetable

April - Hot Month for Dachnips. At this time, spring work on the garden will boil. It is necessary to prepare the ground for planting plants, make a comprehensive fertilizer under the landing of perennial cultures, prepare a greenhouse and plant seedlings.

Soil preparation for landing

In order for the seeds of cold-resistant crops: cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, coarse and salad, the soil should warm up to +8 degrees, and heat-loving cultures, such as pumpkin and cucumbers, the temperature is +12 degrees.

Often winter does not want to give way to spring and soil is not heated for a long time. In this case, it should warm it with artificial means. It is required to calculate the time of sowing and in 2 weeks to cover the beds with black plastic or garden material. Thus, the soil will warm up faster and humidity will continue on the garden. After disembarking seedlings in warm soil, she will faster in growth.

Planting seedlings of flowers and vegetables

Young plants grown at room temperature, before landing in the ground, the bed must get used to lower temperatures, so they should be ordered in advance. When the window is a plus temperature and there will be no wind, drawers with a seedler (read how to grow it correctly) must be taken into the garden. Solar baths will only benefit her. In the evening, the boxes are made to the house, and if night frosts are not foreseen, they are left on the street, but wrapped with a film or spandbon.

When growing seedlings in the greenhouse, it is necessary to strengthen ventilation to harden young plants. Preparing seedlings in a couple of weeks before disembodied in the open soil.

Before planting from abundantly spilled boxes with a seedliness, they remove seedlings along with the land of the earth and land in the prepared deepening on the garden. You need to transplant in the evening or on a cloudy day. During the transplant, part of the main root is removed and the plant is plugged to the first leaves. New landings are watered well and once again compacted the soil near the plants, trying not to damage the young leaflets.

Calendar of the Vegetable - Gardener

Work in Marta

At the beginning of the month, it is necessary to make preparation of nutritional soil for seedlings, disappear and disinfect it. Soak seeds (be sure to check them on the germination) of eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and sow them to seedlings. Celery also requires landing.

It's time to revise the bulbs of flowering plants, remove all patients and fested.

The second decade is suitable for picking and feeding cabbage seedlings.

Groans with perennial plants need to be sprinkled with ash or peat, and cover in any insulation. Such a technique will help plants faster towards growth.

The third decade of the month is suitable for picking peppers and tomatoes. After transplanting, they should be contacted.

You can take preparation of greenhouses for the season, repair them and process with disinfectants, strain the raspberry, naked for the winter to the ground.

Works in April

In the first decade you need to put potatoes for germination.

It's time to sow late varieties of cabbage: color, white and red.

If the seeds of vegetables seeds were held, now it's time to remove the shelter and undermine the soil in the aisle.

Do not forget!

Planting the rhubarb and sorrel is fed by nitrogen fertilizer, spreading 3 tbsp in water bucket. l. Urea and pouring the resulting between rows. Around the rhubarb bush should decompose compost and cover the bucket. The plant will heat up and it is faster in growth, and the cutters will be more tend to taste.

Work in May.

Unpredictable month, the probability of refund of frosts is large enough, so it is not worth a hurry with the planting of heat-loving crops into open soil, despite the warm daytime temperature.

At the beginning of the first decade of May, you can sow parsley, salad, onions - Chernushka, Dill, Redishka, Summer Garlic, Carrot.

Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers can be planted in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. Perennials should be examined, if necessary, spray landing from pests, feed the plants and climb the soil near them.

The middle of the month is suitable for planting potatoes.

When all the work was carried out, the beds should be prepared for cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, patissons, basilica and zucchini.

Features of spring sowing some vegetable crops

To get a high harvest, it is necessary to prepare seeds for landing, high-quality selected, and "dummy" throw away. Much attention should be paid to the right landing.


When sowing seeds, it is impossible to thicken the landing. So that the roots are juicy and large, the distance between plants / rows should be 5 cm and 15 cm. Culture is demanding of moisture, therefore it needs daily watering. With a lack of moisture, radishes becomes tough, the stem is pulled out.


Greeting landing should be changed annually. You can return them to the previous place only after 4 years. If you do not adhere to the crop rotation, the garlic is easier to be disease, the yield decreases and the shelf life is reduced.


It is preferable to grow through seedlings. The soil for sowing seeds should consist of peat, delicate land and sawdust, respectively 1: 1: 2.

Greater for planting cucumbers should be prepared in advance. The culture of thermal lodge, therefore the foundation of the bed should be fresh manure. Then you should pour fertile soil, make the wells and roll the plants, trying not to damage the roots. From manure proceeds heat, which will allow the root system to gain strength and cucumbers will grow faster.

Vegetable culture requires light, warmth and moisture, but watering plants only need warm water.

Western error of vegetable breeding is toagtitude landings. The distance to the row between the plants should be about half a meter, and in a hent of centimeters 60.

Survey is better than fresh seeds, as men's flowers that do not give scores are formed on last year's.


It is impossible to predict what summer waiting for us: roast or cold. But it is possible to experiment with the landing of watermelons. It is only necessary to grow them. Replancing to greenhouse or open soil. When the plant grows up and gives the scourge, they should be shortened, leaving one marking on the plant. Thus, all the necessary substances will come to growing fetus, and you can get a sweet watermelon. Another nuance. The root system of the plant is very vulnerable, so you need to remove weeds carefully, trying not to damage it. Many vegetables advise not to pull out weeds with roots, but only to overtake them. It looks untidy, but the crop turns out good.


Culture loves good illumination, so the beds should be located in a bright place. Soil - loose, soup. For growth, root plans should be enough space, so after germination of seeds you need to break the landing, focusing on the distance between the vegetables of 4 cm, between their ranks - at 15 cm. When they are afraid of root, the roots are obtained by ugly and small.


Culture cold-resistant, so night frosts are not terrible. Seed seeds in good fertilized soil. When watering plants, it is impossible to fall on the leaves, it is necessary to pour under the root. When sowing small seeds, it can be mixed with small sand and burst into the soil for 1 cm. Between the plants there should be a distance of 8 cm, between the rows - at 15 cm. Over time, the leaves are cut and become unsuitable in food, so you need to tear it when They are gentle. Cochan salad varieties are better grown by a seaside.

Beans and peas

Heat-loving culture, planting a bed needed in May. The tall varieties of pea will need a lot of space, so the distance between the rows should be 0.5 m. Before planting legumes of seeds, it is recommended to soak.

Spring work in the garden and garden require patient and hardworking from the gathering. If all work is carried out in a timely manner, you can provide yourself with a margin of vitamins and the joy of contemplation perfect for a whole year.